s2nmmzssTFiZ-u psan cpa To IVIOTHER r? RTORIA " AND ttip -rTTRTS OUR HIGIIT iO Tf-.E WE ARE Ab5ii , cthpt i Slow TIi Governor Iiles TSie Exp lJUU-iv- uox. v, " . .. TVAT.V.MK. PITCHER'S C ASTORIA, . - 7 DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, J's ike' originator 'o "PITCHER'S CASTORi ftirffow borne and does now yzT Znrner bear the facsimile signature of iwfler. Original PITCHER'S CASTORIA - to to. ied m fte toes a Mothers of America for over thirty : ypars LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is :L .! -. , 7 ? on the sthe nina vou nave aiwuus vuuy ' n WZ&tf. wrap- nnd has the sianatur of per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. ad-''D-March 8, 1897. ' Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child, by accepting a cheap substitute .which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNA.U-it up Tutt's Mis Cure All 7? S S tyer i &-4 4JO Perfect liealtn. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Fills. They reg- Wheu the I directors of the North Carolina Railroad met hero Tuesday it was learned from one of their number that the board has paid out for law- vers fees, court expenses, etc., about $4,000. As tlie state owns two-thirds interest in this road tne people at iar vxxi , , . jlirft understand tnat tne nae paict - two-thirds of this $4,000. And A VlSTOrOUS DOfly. the end is not yet . ine jov- For sick headache, malaria, du- ernor and his counsel have ex- QnpQC. rnnstWtion and kin- - -it .w www -ww .--- j j. ,1 Unnlc on ft I A P101 lT ' , ' dred diseases, an absolute cure t Columbia Judsre Sinmonton " TU t 1 O L.I V6F FI L,L-rO v c- remanded the lease case to Spec Mayor of the Smallest City ial Master zo on for some Craige. and it will time vet, lhe Cost of Solomon's Temple. Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMC CI..TAUH COMPANY. TT ..OBHAY .THT. WYOM CITY. a 1 XIElI X O- -o IE GREXTEST nd Liver Regulator on Earth. W. F. UTTER, General Agent. Dunn, N. C. WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT : Dunn, N. C, Aug. 3rd, 1897. 1200 people now using Indian Herb.. Why ? Because it ha the desired effect and it is so cheap? 180 doses for $1.00. W. F. UTTER. ' Donn, N. C, Nov. 8, 1897. mot praise Indian Herbs too highly. I was down with my kidnes rs- not able to lift 50 pounds; I tried various remedies withou' of Kidneys 1 con for 1U vears rc,,H Aftr iisinT Indian Herbs a short tme every sign disease had left me; am able to do hard manual labor now, I have not felt any symptoms for two years. There is nothing like Indian Herbs for the kidQejS- - ' ' T. B." Pareish. . Poe's, N. C, Nov. 9, 1897. I was ffiven up to die by the best doctor in the county after lingering fnr a vear Mv disiase was sometning HKe asmnia accumpuuicu wu wug,. and wheezing. Had it not been for your Indian Herbs I in my grave to-day, I firmly believe. 5TAny one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it L. P. Jernigan's store or at my residence. W. F. TITTER AGENTS WANTED Dunn, N. C expense, too, will go on as long as the case does. At the same noted statistician and inves ting the Governor has six law- titrator who has lots of time for vers employed to assist the At- guch work has been doing some tornev General in the prosecu- figuring on the cost of the tion of the case of the Western Temple of Solomon, and says few Union Telegraph Company, and people in these days of palmy a lawyer who is thoroughly la- extravagance and millionaire miliar with this 'litigation esti- display , have an adequate im- mates that it will cost tlie btate pression of the enormous cost $G,000 before it is finished 0f the enormous cost of the great and all iov the benefit of the temple. According to Villilpan- lawyers and the 2 per cent, ol dus, the "talents" ot gold the people who use the tde- silver and brass were equal to graph wires. That is to say, the enormous sum of 6,879,- this 2 per cent, of population, 822,000 pounds of sterling. The will be benefited if the State worth of the Jewels is placed at wins its case; which is doubtful a figure equally as "high: The while the 98 per cent, who nev- vessels of gold, according to er receive nor send a telegram, Josephus, were valued at 140, will foot the bill. It is report- 000 talents, winch reduced to o( that the railroad commission English monev. was equal "to has very little confidence in its 575,296,203 pounds. The vessels case against the telegraph com-of silver, according to the same pany, and there has been a re- authority, were still more nnrt thnt the commission was valuable, being set aown as entertaining a proposition for a worth 646,344,000 pounds large increase in taxation from Priest' vestments and the robes the company in consideration of of singers, 2,010,000 and the the latter's rate being left as it trumpets 200,000 pounds. To is So far as the Observer is this add the expense of . the COUCeJiltJU. it Willi t-tw bco uuilUlllii liiciucLxtii, iauvy, tplpfrranli rate reduced : it is a and some wonderful figures Vei V lilclltUliU UltllLCi w ItJSUlt. 1CU vnwctocnivj. jnix, its " teleffranh bills are very hewing cedars, 60,000 bearer lio.nxrAr. hut if the rates are to be of burdens. 80.000 hewers of vornrpA it does seem as if the Lstone. 3.300 OArerseers, all of the end might be accomplished whom are employed for seven for less than $6,000, and if the years, and upon whom besides loses its suit there their wares. Solomon bestowed will be a clear loss of this much 6,733,976 pounds. If their daily to the tax-payers, with nothing food was worth 50 cents, the whatever to show for it. sum total for all was 63,877,08S Tint linwfivfir the case mav nonnds during the time of ' W ' ' ' J L i' O go, it is an undeniable fact that building. The materials in the would nave DeeD George Gasens. at BUY ADAM'S GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE FENCE. THE CHEAPEST WIRE FENCE ON THE M.VRKhT. MADE IN ANY clZE MESH AN D WIDTH S I RON G A N L Durable, will turn any kfinl of sttd. lien, cow? !(. kn.s. . The ltprt'ttn tation a line mesh. The parallel wires vn:niinj tii..,u;i tin: uwAi form u truss and makes a strong fencH that will not sa-. It is A li6uLU 1 1J 1". V ihe MOS'l DURABLE and CHEAPEST FENCE v r i-ut on the market. Write fur nnce. and terms to J. J. SMITH. JJknson, X. C. Sep-S. Agei.t for lhn i.oa, San. u at d .Jt liii.-t n Counties?. Educate FOR A Situation EsQk-Kesping, Business, PHONOGRAPHY, Type-Writing Telegrapny am WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON, KY., For circular of Lis famous and responsible COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITY Awarded Kedal mt World' Exposition. Refers to thousands of praduatea in positions. Cost of Fall Business Course including Tui tion, Booko and Board in family, about fvO. Shorthand, Type-Writiu?, and Telegraphy, Specialties. JS3J Th Kentucky University Diploma, under seal, awarded praduatc. Literary Course free, if desired. No Taxation. Enter now. Graduates successful. I order lo have vour lettrrt reach tu, addrett cmiyu WILBUR R.SIW1ITH, LEXINGTON, KY. BED SPRINGS TT...... TJ...1 o j.. i -- vmi dcu curi"-s niaue to order by K. L. McLeoil, Duiim, X: C, witl til mv ays Iokm Fjtting. Bkd MODEL SPRING BED shown free of cost and its advantages explained with pieasuie oy Mr. Alex McLeod. It is the CHEAPEST AND BEST cpung lied on ti e market. Even one fully v uiratited for 10 years. Sati faction Guaranteed or no sale. 11. L. McI.eod, Dunn, X. C. Ivead what your neighbors say of tiK'Ui : " Anew geld mine has been located four miles west Dawson vour own cnoice ana - ,,iv-u iwo- vui 9 1,300 of gold m two days. Don't fail to guess at missiiir word. Here is sentence: "Once given the passion for , that one of the precious metals will be most in demand which'is cheap est. -J? ill out the blank: with word of send to this office with $1.50 and we will send you The Union and The Atlanta Consti tution each week for a year. If yoii guess correctly you stand a chance to get a large pre mium in. gold. We want one hundred people" to" take this offer between now and January 1st 1898. I'USX, X. C, Sept. 24, 1897. I am now using two sets of the Ord way Bv,tl Springs sold by Mr. It L. Me- Jeoil. 1 take measure, in savinrthr v these Springs are fur superior to any . ever used by me. In my opinion it is, tlie by f;l,. tjie b,.j.t Spring on the market, the ' 1 eojnmend it to the trade. 1,. J. Best. the St' te of No h Carolina has rough are estimated as having an expensive It xuvy in Govern- bee n worth 2,545,337,000 or Russell. He runs with the oounds. This gives a total, just throttle wide open and with a for this much of the expenses sublime indifference to public the whole cost of 10,719,760,261 exDenses. Charlotte Observer, pounds, or about $o2,117.0d4, 868.4b. rhiladelDma itecorct. - a. i I write this to let you kdow what I would not do without Chamber an's Pain Balm in my house, if it oost fto 00 ber bottle. It does all -w x you recommend it to do and more J'ohn De Sal me bears-the unique distinction of being mayor of the smallest ?itv in the world. Be is the chief executive of Benton, a beautiful little hamlet on the picturesque Merimac river fif teen' miles to the south and west of St. Louis. The fame of Fenton has probably never extended be yond the confines of St. Louis county, and it can not be saia 10 to have created a great mroie in the commercial or manufac turing world, but it is a groat nlace for all that. It is tlie only city of its size, in ail probability, j in the world tiiat 4S incorporau'u and has a mayor and a full quota of city officials. There are lessahan 100 people in Fenton, yet it has been an incorporated city for more than twenty years, and during, that time it lias. crown considerably. When it was 'tirst incorporated mere were less than forty-five inhab itants in the place. j Miss Allie Hughes, Xorfolk, Va., was frigiitfullv burned on the face and mck. Pain was'instantly relieved by D.; W itt's Witch Hazel Salve, winch healed the injury without leaving a jsear. - It U tiie famous pile remedy. JIooil & Gran- thaiu. Gold by tho Gallon A citizen of Connecticut Ir. A. B. Ryan, of 1 Middletown, wKn is described bv the New York Herald as "a hardheaded btisiness man," has asserted that he can extract the gold which sea water is known to contain at a profit and a lordly scale, and has found both be lievers! and backers, if current report be true. . According to Mr, Ryan's story the secret of his process was re vealed to the Rev. Prescott F. Jerni?an. in a vision, while he O ' ' was traveling in Florida for his health last year. He constructed an apparatus in accordance with the dream plans, tested it and found that it would work. He then revealed his secret to Mr. Ryan, who furnished the capital for its "business" development. Friday afternoon an engineer on the Asheville and Spartanburg railroad was shot and seriously injured by a man j named Lam bert who was tr'ing to beat a ride on the train The' engineer whose name is Bumgardner was taken to Asheville a n d it is thought that his wound will not prove fatal. Lambert made his escape . Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was hnally cured by using lie Witt's .-Little Larly Risers, the famous little pills lor all T R. Wallace, Wallacevilb, Ga Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the best household liniment in the world, and u valuable for rheumatism, lame back. nrains and bruises. Be ready foi emergencies bv buvinff a bottle at N B. Hood s drug store. stomach and G Hint ham. liver troubles. Hood Social Sliipwrecl:. X-Iie jarSaiTiy Ware The parent 'who desires his daughter to make a grand match as the first object to be gained by marriage is not grounded in wisdom. The literature of every cries out against such a Cabin, was in io see us Satnr- the most powerful books and day. He said that the McKin- dramas tear it to pieces. If the lev wave oi nrosnerttv was con- coarse or true love seldom runs- j - - i j - . sidernbJy worse on the poople smooth, yet it usually reaches no there than tlie -Cleveland its destination, and the "world - i j- & I i t ' .i t i panic was. ii great-many lam- applauds. . tne napp3T-Beuamg. ilics have sold their only milk Marrying exclusively for wealth cow at reduced prices, leaving or position is a reproach, and . - - . m -m I. I I 1 . 1 their children without milk or is rrenerallv mentioned witn a butter, in order to raise enough prediction that it will not turn money to pay their taxes and out : well. Tlie-list of social keen out of lail. Wilkesboro shiowrecks foundering on that 1 - . . ii. Chronicle. A Tennessee lady, Mrs. J. W Towle. of Philadelobia. J Tenn , has been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for her basv, who is subject to croup, and says of it: find it just as good as you claim it to be Since I've had your Cough Remedy. baby has beeu threatened with croup ever so many lines, but I would gvt him a dose of the Remedy and it n-e .vf nted his having it every tim0. Hundreds of mothers say the 'luii Sold by N..B Hod,' Dunn. N n. rock is a loiig one m the reccol- lection of every one of mature years. St. Louis Globe Dem ocrat. Itide, O.. says mv bov to Mrs. Stark. Pkasan 'After two doctors gave up die. I saved hiui trom eioun uv lining One Minute Goug'a Cure" It is t',i quickest and most .certain remedy for conirlis. cidds and all throat and lung troubles. Hood & Grantham. At NIt Airy Friday a negro was arrested for an assault on a yoang girl at Wytheville, Va., about four months " ago. ti&ile A young man named Cole, while painting the high smoke stack of the Edna Cotton Mills at Reidsville, N. C, last Thurs-i Over 13,000 Ties , J. One of the colored employes at the Southern's freight depot here has broken the record in pie eating. For some time Mr T. R. Garner has noticed" that this one man eats a pie each day day lost Ins balance and fell to for dinner, aM he recently the roof of the boiler room a questioned him !about it. The "1 1 . i i XT 1 distance oi luo.ieet. jso nones were broken and he was not se riously hurt. There is no medicioe in the nrH qual to Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy for the cure of throat and lur.2 diseases. This is a fact that has beta tiroven in numberless case?. Here is a sample of thousands of letters re ceived: "I have tried Chamber lain's Cough Remedy while Fufferin from a severe throat trouble, and found immediate and effective relief I cn unhesitatingly reeommend it " Edgar W. IKhittemork, EJitor Graud R'wrs (K.V Herald. For ' lies ererr K . eale at N B. Bood's diug store old man replied that he had made it n rule to eat one pie each day ever since he was set free, and that a number of times he has eaten three a day. At the lowest calculation this darkey has eaten about thirteen thou sand pies, not counting those he ate before the war .Salisbury Sun. An tTn.eert6.in DUsfi.se. There is no disease more uncertain in iu nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Xo matter how severe, or nmif-r what disguisedyspepsia attacks you Tiiwns Iron Bitters -will cure it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nervr. Browns' Iron Bitters is Bold by all dealers. I A fire in Pensacola, Fla., Thursday morning destroyed about $100,000 worth of prop erty. . When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When jshe had Children, sho gave them Castoria. General Weyler, ex-Governor general o f Cuba, received a warm welcome at his home in Spain on his arrival there lasrt week. An unknown negro was lyn ched by a mob near Blackshear, Georgia, for an assault upon a young white lady of that Community.. f HDD LiiiiU HD RHEUMATIC T TMTTV1 LI1U11. miu TRADE-MARK. Magical Pain Extractor. CURES RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, CATARRH, rv r r f I r . " ST r X rrv I ' i l . v 1 v. S ' Ttie Atlanta constitution Oilers x - - One Tenth the Subscriptions Received from those entering the Contest to name properly the miss ing word in the following sentence: "Orififi niven tH6 passion tor that one or the "precious metals will be most in demand wWcli Is cneapest . . . . . . . it - - Of 8 J. AND ALL KINDS OF Pains and Aches. For nearly three-score years and ten this famous old househofd friend has been curing pains and aches, and has never disappointed the user. It is clean, pure, efficacious, agreeably smelling and quickly acting. IT IS A rich. spicy compound and invaluable for Cuts, Scalds, Sores, Burns, Ulcers, Wounds, Erysipelas, Skin Troubles, etc.. Etc. Price 25 Cents, AT DEALERS AND DRUGGISTS, or sent in quantity of 3 or more packages to Any address on receipt of money, bf . , Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. OtC PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. C. And, in Addition TO THE 10 PER CENTr WE WILL GIVE $100 Gash Extra For the first Six Correct Guesses, as follows: $50 for the First Correct Guess and $10 Each for the Next Five, in their order, provided the same are re ceived in our office on or before December 1st. 6- ! f ; i! Ey THE PERIOD COVERED'- sees By This Contest shows about 16,000 expirations for The Weekly Constitution, and, of course, we want them all to renew and to enter the Contest. THIS MEANS $1,600 For the Missing Word Fund, and every additiQiial sub scriber entering the contest will swell the amount the more. This period also compares with our First Missing Word Contest last year, in which Mr. M. L. Brittain secured the prize $1; 3. 50. As that was our First Contest, there were more han 5, OOD subscribers received during the time, who did enter for prize. It will not be so this time, for the plan 1 idely advertised and we have paid out within the past ; lve months NEARLY $3,000 CASH upon the :ve Missing Word Contests. The. series has been of ex . lordinary interest, and the idea seems to grow in the public's favor. The book containing the sentence is a standard publication and has been sealod up and placed with Mr. W. A. Hemphill, President and Business Manager of The Constitution, who will hold it safely until January I, 1898. . The sentence speaks for itself and submits a very plain proposi tion for you to solve. TU. PMr.rt Dnnrnn Mn wnmhor I I Q Q"7 I lie uUiilrJdi ucgaii iujvgiiiuci i, iuj. 5? The Contest Ends January i, m. This contest lasts two months and the amount to be divided will probably be in the neighborhood of $2,000. There may be one cor rect answer, there may be a dozen, there may be more, but remem ber it costs nothing to supply a word, and you may get it correctly. Whether you do or not, you get TUe Greatest ot flil American WeeKln Newspaper; lor One Year. Keep That in View and Send Your Guess With Your mm"" n Dollar for a Year's Subscription- ' Ten per cent of the Ouef-nern Subscription of to th Fund to be divided. In othr word, If thl Suborlptlon Fund nmoiinf to S'-0.000 for the two month, the Fund to so to the wtirceilul snesser would be 84,000. Following are the conditions or content. WE PROPOSE TO PUT 10 PER CKNT of th amount w recflve for Bubscriptlons, wherein the party subscribini? enters the MUslnjc Worrl Con test Into a fund for distribution imonx those who name corrtctly the mUning word For instance: If only one contestant gets the word rlht, he or she, as the case may be, will have all the money. If more than one strike it. the mm will be equally divided, each correct answer receiving its proportion ate share of the fund. TnE CONDITION PRECEDENT FOR SENDING A .13 U ESS at ihe: Missine Word in that each and every ues muHt be acooqiipanled by a yenr h subscription to THK WEEKLY CONSTITUTION; the guess mut be sent In the identical envelope that brings the money that pays for the subscription; forgetting it, or leaving it out by accident or otherwlne, or not knowing of the guess at the time you subscribed, or any ojher reason will not entitle one to send a guess afterwards. The guess must come with the sulacrlptlon or not at all Should a party send more than one guess, he or she will be entitled to a share of the fund for each correct guess sent; there will be no capital prire every one will get S first prize. Persons may guess as many timas as tbey Bend subscriptions. THE CONTEST BEGAN NOV. 1ST We began then to-keep accurate ac count of the subscriptions received with guesses, and on December 1st we will publish how much Is to the credit of the sutsenbers guessing, and during December we will publish each week how the fund has grown. TIIE CONTEST CLOSES JAN. 1ST At which time we will payout to the successful party or parties the full prize amount that has accrued in the content. Ia Ttlnklnc Yonr Answer You need not write the sentence out in full. Just state simply the Misuing Word for January 1st is I 4 7 ft 9 9 9 The above Is the plaa of The Constitution Contest, which all subscribers to that paper and ours, subscribing under the elnbblsg mlTer announced elsewhere may eater. Address orders tm THE COUNTY UNION, Dunn, N. C. 4 "The child," said the shoo? clerk boarder, father to tho man." i "Oh, not always," said tlie 1 Cheerful Idiot. "'Sometimes it is a iJirl." Indianapolis Jour-, nal. ! J.100 MEN WANTED. Wc want one Jiundi- d subscriber. s to take a guess at Constitution Mis the Atlanta word con- ts you noth-gaod-local weekly pa e South for test. The gues ing and you gi t paper and the l. per published . almost the price ol one. Read the contest on another page and send us your name, guess and $1.50, and we will do the rest. THE UNION, Dunn, N. C. SO YZAR3 EXPER1EKCZ. . i , ., i TRADE MARK8, w'm.m4 DECICN3, tf COPYHICHT8 &o. rtiTl BketLn nd description may SilW T' as - ,nt taken tbrouaii Uann A. Co. tenirm pecial notice in the 9 uw eceiv SCIENTIFIC AF.1ERICAH, ..'UNN-'co't- 301 Breadnar. New l'ork. Do not be deceived by altarlncr adTertiiw'tit and Sunk yon can get the beet made, fioeat Cnieh and M08T POPULAR SEWINQ MACHINE for ameresonir. Buy from reliable mnutiu tnr-ri that havejrainod a repatation by bonert ari'i kj'""J dealintr. Thre is none I a the world that run In mtM haninal ronrt ruction, durability "f w""'r Prtg, DimiM of AnUh. boaatyin rTr'" "r " as tDJuiy improvements as the N C W HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. Tt9 Kew Hona Sewing IfactlEe Co. Okiwot.IUss. Bowtow, Vi. nViofi)r Clucioo, Irj. ht. Von, MO. Daixs, Ttix. is AX iUCl00,CA, ATlAXUtGU ron 8 ALE BV GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. C. mf ANTED Trustworthy anl A';'w' fjentletnen or J.u.iex to travel i"r responsible 'ftablilil liou-f in No11" Carolina. Monthly G5.0i).aml wi-'"" Patitioa steadr. lSeferciu'f. 1'" el! addressed envelope. The D u"n" Company, Dept.W. Chicago, ill. Sep-l-13-V. i