THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, "Uaruett County, N. C. Entered according to postal regula tions at the postoffice t Dunn, N. C, as second class matter. 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Three Months.....! 25 Cents. Six Months.... - 50 Cents. One Year $1.00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, December 8, 1897. DON'T BE MISLED. We learn that notice was given by the county commis sioners at their meeting Mon day that no more county orders, issued-prior to December 1st 1896, would be received and money paid for them by the board until the validity of the ' bond question was settled by ,the courts. If' the holders of outstanding orders had acted promptly and presented their orders as per advertisement of the commissioners they could and would have had the money for them sometime ago. We think that the action of the board is nothing but right but the idea has gone forth that People and Their Movement. Miss Nettie Barnas spent Saturday and Sunday at Ral eigh, returned Monday. Mrs. A. M. Pittman and chil dren are visiting at Rowland this week. Mrs. R. M. Pearsallhas return ed from a visit to relatives at Clinton N. C. Mr J J. D. Barnes is a juror in Federal court now in session at t Raleigh.. Miss Virginia Belle . Culbreth of Falcon, spent Monday night in the city. Messrs. C. E. Pope and 0. M. Johnson spent Sunday in the Little River Academy section. Mr. A. W. Gregory, of Barc laysville, was in town to-day and paid us a pleasant call. Miss Hattie Culbreth of Fal con and Miss Alice Radford of Smithfield. are visiting Mrs. J. W. Lane this week. Mr. N. A. Smith, and M. X COS TI Furn i f u COS.T LEE HARDWARE When w e say cost, we mean Cost. this offer will be in effect, and you should not fail to avail yourself of w m i is .. G- R I .m'm m THIS TIME AT 1 COMPANY'S STUKJi. From November 16th, to December 10th, 1 S. a -m : m a w G- A I Remember we shall absolutely offer our Entire Stock of FURNITURE AT PRIME COST, such as Lounges, Nice Oak buitsitocKin0 ikuis, aim m fact Chairs of almost any kind. We shall also offer our entire Stock of STOVES at Manufacturers' COST, Plus Freight. We Must Make Room for our Cliristmas Stock. C7 We only offer our Furniture and Stoves at Cost. - Conference Changes. , Rev. W. H. Moore, who was presiding Elder of the Fayette ville District this year, was transferred to the Rockingham of Little River Academy spent Mondav nicrht in town and at- mi 7 tended the minstrel. these old orders will not be Mrs. L. F. McKay returned taken in payment ot taxes ana Mondav from Raleigh where if this idea was started by ' the si,fi wi been visiting friends commissioners it is wrong and nnr nttendinrr conference. was started for the sole purpose of trying to make the attack of the bonds by the people unpop ular. A county order is a county debt and the holders of them can force the blierin to accept them for ters not been 'issued . I he State taxes and school must be paid in money, but the county taxes canrbe paid with scrip issued for county expenses. There have been at least four acts passed by the legislature empowering the board of county commissioners to issue bonds to District, and Rev. F. A. Bishop Wilder, of Bradley's Store succeeds rhim in the Fayette- were in town Tuesday and paid ville District this year. us a pleasant call. Rev. W. F. Craven, who has Misses Addie and Halie Byrd been on the Lillington circuit for four years, goes to oiler City and Rev. R. A. Bruton will succeed him at Lillington. Rev. D. B. Parker is visiting his mother here on his way home from conference. He goes to the ', Sampson circuit next year. Rev. E. C. Sell returned Mon day from conference. He. goes to Cumberland circuit next year. Rev. L. M. Chaffin will succeed him as pastor here. Rev. J. A. Campbell took the northbound train here to-day for Oxford to attend a session of the Baptist State Convention which meets there to-morrow. Mr. A. B. Harrell left this county taxes, it mat- morning for Buie's Creek Acad how long thev have pmv to tfiftfih for Mr.: damnhfill Our Sick. Tlioi 'litflo snn rf Mr nnrl while he is the conven- M- HLee hag heen quite Great CI mi sal j COMMENCING THURSDAY, DECEMBER HTH; AND CLOSING DECEMBER MB, "EE cl tion. Mr. John P. Hodges, of Lin- den, returned last week from Richmond where he had been for several weeks visiting his son, Dr. J. Allison Hodges. Mr, A. C. Hales, of Moore pay the county's indebtedness, county, an extensive . lumber but no bonds were ever issued manufacturer, is m town this untilJuly 1897. The first act week the guest of Mr. F.P, was passed in 1879 before the Jones. He will probably locate Lilly debt ' was reduced to a a mill near Dunn. judgment. This act provided Mrs. Edieth Jordan and chil- ior a vote oi tne people to say whether or no the bonds should sick but is improving now. Mr. R. L. Cromartie is still confined to his bed. His con dition is better to-day. Mr. C. L. Wilson, who has been sick for several weeks is much improved and will be out in a few days now. Mr. J. C. Clifford has about recovered from his sickness of last week. I .We are glad to see Mayor dreii who have been visiting Godwin out again alter a pro- re at vfis hfiro for sorrm t itip lOligea. attaCK. OI level . ie issued and a special tax lev- returned to their home in Rockv ied. The election was held and Mrs. E. W. Anderson has Mount Mondn.v. flnrnmnnniprl i , ! i i the vote was largely against the hv Mi.RW. Pen quite sick ior a -weeK out z.,i e i . i j " " 1S vfio.ovftrinpr now I will offer for cash only my entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Silks and Satins, and in many instances, cost will not be considered, and goods will be sold LESS THAN NEW YORK PRICES. If you doubt this statement, bills will be shown you for same. . This is an opportunity of a life time. My m siock is tne largest, newest ana nest seiectea jg? ever shown in Harnett CJouuty. These prices will make maiiy hearts glad and you had bet ter come and make your purchase at once. Choice styles -will of course go Rapidly. The same price to erery customer. No goods will be charged at cost. . HI GOO DS AT TvlRS E. W. ANDERSONS .5 :iLnTTS2in In order to make room, for Xmas goods I will sell WINTER MILLINERY in v 2Ujfil'llllll lot of iem Irt en le in b ei tlie place, G. TAYLOR. issuing oi oonas. Again in 1889, after Lilly had obtained a judgment against the county, the legislature passed an act allowing the commissioners to issue bonds and this act also provided for an election of the people, the election was held and the vote was overwhelm ingly against the issue of bonds. At these two elections . Chair of Mrs. Jordan Mrs. J. S. McRae, of Maxton 'r,ie i"ti: and little grand-daughter Maud Monday night the Combined Fleming McRae stopped- over Concert and Jollity Company, here luesday on their way home composed of Messrs. A. B. Har from conference with Mrs. L. rell, McD. Higgs, D. R. Shaw F. McKav. Thev returned and T. H. McNeill of our town. f J I -7 gave an entertainment at the Town Hall. Quite a good au dience greeted them when, the curtain was raised and for two hours the bovs hishlv enter- tained those present with com ic songs, conundrums, negro farces etc. The performance was meritorious and exhibited home this afternoon Mrs. Herbert Washburn and little daughter of Pollock, Lousi- man Green was supposed to be ana, is visiting Mrs. C. S. Pip against the issuing of bonds Cwe kin mother of Mrs. Washburne do not know how he voted, but on Broad street. Mrs. Wash we are informed that he made burne went to Louisina last no speeches in favor of 'issuing spring and has suffered much - - i . Vinnrl nnrl wnc ivifli fl-ii Wltll illils rvnrl fp.vpr sinnp rV.-.w . vv m. vj vxiu in cv i - --.-.ww. i . "i a r i rni Atrnin in whon Chw. OUarantilie -ira list, VP nw fPVPr ouuu. apputuuite Moults iiu -.1 1 1 1 m nn UrPAn ronroconfnH f was m,lSm. n.nn n.rnxrprJ ipi-p county in the Senate, the legis- Friday, evening sick and tired 1A U & ? , Ynere, tJ Dys LitiirP nnssPfl nn not. omT.nwor. from her lonff ioiirnftv. a aecmea nit ana captured ingthe county commissioners, -- hearts of their . hearers. They n n .ci, Tii., I . jiKHJtiiijijf it-pun lueii.pei- vyn xaxjvu. iiuco, iiai&. fnmin.nrfl lioro r nr nrr flio Too oaps, etc. we can save you holidays Masonic Funeral. The funeral ' of Mr. R C Holmes will be held at his late residence in Sampson on the 3rd Sunday in this month with Masonic ceremonies under the 'auspices of Palmyra Lodge No. 147. Rev. Lunda Lee will peeach the sermon. All Masons in good standing are requested to attend in their own regalia. Buy your Flavoring Extracts, Dates, Gelatine etc. from Lane & Co. with the consent of a majority of the magistrates of the coun A 1 . 1 1 1 1 iy, to issue oonas ana lew a special tax to pay the county's indebtedness. This act didaiot leave the question to a vote of the people as the other two did. For some reason no bonds were issued, and if there had been they would have been and invalid. All our readers know the his tory of the last act under which the commissioners have issued bonds. The Union in behalf of the people will soon start suit illegal was born in Virginia in 1813 and moved to Raleigh in 1836' where he had made his home since. His. '.wife, who is 83 to test their viliditv nH tlro Jears hl, with three children is not the slightest doubt but what the supreme court will de Clare them invalid and declare Ihe Piedmont Bank at Mor that the rights of the Deonle ganton, N. C. closed its doors ii i i -i nisi weeK ana was turnea over Lane & Co. The Telfair Electrical' Process If J 11 I Mr. Albert Johnson died 1 c S ,g0ia' 81 . ana at his home in RnWh 1nU Hf 4PPer out OI Ine earm WltllOUt - iv- I n . ... . urdav in the 84th- vear of his mmmg for it is being extensive age. lie was said to be the tliA first mnn trt rm. n vniiiAori means, oi electricity araws the ly advertised now through out x. i . i . mi . i oldest engineer in America and uie Diare- . 1111S invention Dy earth to the surface. survives him. . II I i 1 ft -i snan ue respectea. vna Here we will take the liberty to ask Chairman Green, who is consid ered the father of the bond is sue, a few questions which the people will be pleased for him to answer through these col umns. Chairman Green, did you or did you not vote to issue bonds to pay the debt at the election held in 1879. Did you or did you not vote to issue bonds to pay this debt at the election held in 1889? Did you or did you not favor the act passed in 1891 while you were in the Senate? You have put yourself on record this year as desiring to settle this matter once for all without consulting the wishes of the tax-payeVs. Have you always been thus? If not, why the change? We will gladly give space for jour answer. p Puny. ii Wldresn i g who would prescribe only tonics and titters for a weak. $ puny child I- Its muscles and $ S nerves are so thoroughly ex- & - IS hausted that thev cannot he. Notes 22,406 . whipped into acthritv. Th 8 65: cash and cash items. $1 - i child nMe irsA . aa K real estate, 6,700 : S making, nervc-strencrthcniniy S due depositors, $40,254.04.,? g and muscle-building food. $ Treasurer Worth asked Judra S - Robinson to aoDoint Gen. A i M fnff'c V mute inn t vv7itr, ui oiaiesviiie, re- i " aHMHBHBaH w OUR GREETING in Christ mas Bargains! They are aany. They are desirable. They are reliable. Our store room has been made much larger to ac commodate our immense line of Christmas Goods. Come in and be pleasantly surprised. Sur prised at the splendid assort ment, nice variety, superior quality, and low prices. Respectfully, Hood & Grantham. ATTENTION, COME Meeting of the Stock-holders and Directors of the Dunn and Lillington Telephone Co. Fri day night, Dec. 10th at 7 p. m. in Hood & Grantham's drug store. . G. K. Grantham, Secretary. HIGHEST CASH prices paid for CHICKENS AND EGGS and all Cotmtry Produce by : S. G. MARKS & CO. Anil we also sell anything in our line at LOWEST CASH PRICES If you have anything to sell, or anything to buy in the way Of Dry Goods, in- Notions, Hats, Shoes, Groceries', Crockery, Tinware, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Hard ware, &c , &c. We will make it to your terest to call on us. Yours truly, S. G. MARKS & CO A' ope: letter. OFFICE OF SarxtQ Claus, Ag-ency For HOLIDAY PRESENTS. at greatly reduced prices. I have received this week a new of stylish sliapes, also another lot of Children's Caps and dies' Capes. Now is the time to get your Xmas hat before rush. I will open hp in the next few days a beautiful line Xnlas goods and I cordially invite the ladies to call and see tl and you will agree with me that they arc a pretty selection. They consist in part of the latest novelties in Art, Art Poetry, fine Stationery, padded back Poems, Select line of books, suit able for Xmas gifts. Dolls', Doll Carriages, Hobby Horses!, Writing Desks, Photo and Autograph Albums, Celtiloid boxes, fancy '.work baskets, work stands, decorated water sets, card re ceivers, select handkerchiefs, and a nice line of other goods suit able for presents for all. While Nrth I personally selected -these goods and bought onhT goods that will bo useful and make nice presents. 1 have also-r ruits ana uontectionenes ot the g raaes ior me jiOJiuiiy ii auu. nue riunai vHiiuy in i iu tons only 25. Respectfully, MRS, E. ANDERSON, JEO-R. G. Taylor's old stand. pu re car- EYE SIGHT is P R E C I O U S, Thenf jre don't fail to buy Glass b as soon as you need them . aid do uot use Rucb as do uot suit your eyes. We cany a well selected Stock of Spectacles, ranging in prices from the cheapest at Ten Cents to the Best with GOLD FRAMES At Six Dollars Per Pair. If jou need a pair please see us before you buy. Wo carry in stock Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Also the best DEWING MACHINES, Improved, which we cell on easy terms. We nuke Specialty of Plain Gold Weddiuj Rings. We can come as near saifyiiig you as ny one can on anything of the above good both in prices atid styles Repairing of all kiads correctly done at reasonable rates. Givp us your patronage and we will do all we can please you iu goods, work and pric. s. ATIS r ACTION G U A R A NT EE D GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, n. c. 18. I ft OTICI; ! Huvluir ni;ilitl. il n v. eontrix of Jlalcoui McX. Wol..- way, tlt'Cfiisi'd. lat" of !lai i)-tt . fouuty, Noith (Jaiolina, this is to notitiy jOInm i-. sons having claims against the otaK' of said l(.(!caed to exhibit lliyiu to tin un leririiel n or brfom tlf 24trh day f OctolHM-, 18fj8. or this noti.;-l will pleiuled in bar of their recovery. All persons .indebted to uil estate will please make immediate payment. 'J'lii '23rd day of Oct. 18y7. nov-.!-(ir. H. F. Hollovvay, Ex'r. NOTICK OF SALE OF LAM). ByviiJuoof a Power of Sale eon tained in a Mortgage Deed exeeiited by Km E. Barefoot tome dated- the J(Jil"i day of .Tidy 18y7 and regUteied in l!ook No. 2, !':rge lfJS of the Records of Har nett county, I will ?e at pnl lic aiietion foreashaf flic Court House iTfor in tb town of Lillington, N. on Dee. lltb 1Sj7 at 1 o'elock l M,.!i eei taii ti;u I of land in Averasboro township, Harnett county, North Carolina, Ixnind.-d a-, follows: Beginning: at a Make in M V Barefoot's line und runs S :J2 W l.' fhains to H Monds line, thenec hi- line N (Hi V 9.78 chains to a Make in said line, thenee N :J2 K .0 chains to :. t ;i U in M V Barefoi.tN line. ;iei e ld lin S 48 E to the beinnin eoutaiidlrj I I 1-" acre situated near M W Ban-foot's reU . Ience. This Nov. lOth 1S;7. W. II. ANDKHSON. PROPERTY "FOR SALE A i i1 I Id AT large stock of Christmas -1 - 1 ! I I AM l O IT are recommenaea Dyj"""". - I Tl -v-r m to the State Bank examiner, who says the bank is insolvent. Saturda- he telegraphed the State Treasurer : "Bank insol vent. On hand : D ceiver for did. . i i . u,e umuk wmcn ne of Cod-Livcf Oills all of this, $ and you still hare a tonic in & News comes Across the Allan- 1 WC, DTPPP ot hmt uuiucilll" UII JCVU1UUUU. AU5-!B xf . iU trial, right in the throes of 1 1? f, J. I and cnmnlitinns mnf M " WM1 ? result in which the whol Europe may be interested. Germanv there is a breaeli J. t xvv u auuvu.upiitauuua maw enU .f -f & f) a! lUUipuuS A and comfort to them. Be sore g iyoti get SCOTTS Emulsion, tween the people and the peror. of In be- Era- X SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Ne York. Our Goods banta Uiaus. HiVerynocly is delighted with our Holiday Display. See it. Hood & Grantham. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES. i j W. B AUSIN Headqu art eTS. If you want a Bicycle or Sundries see Austin, or write to-day for complete catalogue. Box 128, Dunn, N. C. Now is the time to niake your Fruit Cake ; Citron, Cur rants, Raisins &c. at Hood & Grantham's. North Pole, 1897. To All My Friends : This is to certify that I have inspected the beautiful Stock of HOOD & GRANTHAM and recommend it as the best and most desirable ! assortment of j appropriate Gifts 1 have yet seen. Be sure to please your loved ones with se lections from this fine collection of popular and very desirable gifts. Wishing one and all a merry Christmas, I remain, Yours truly, Santa Claus. DUNN MARKET. CORRECTED EVERY WEDNESDAY. 1 B If fffrmfl 111 Dllillli. Sugar . .oi to"Gc. Coffee. . .10 to 20c. Flour, per Bbl . .$5.00 $5.50 Bulk Meat. .7 to $c. N. C Meat . .8 to 10c. Lard to 9c. I am still located at the same old stand and have io stock a choice selection of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES AND Family Supplies. It i.rtoo tedious to mention all the good things I keep bat when yon want anything that in kept in a FiRST-CL ASS GROCERY STORE ca'.l on me, I have what jou want. I nave also connected with Grocery Store an my ;ALOO 'A LOO OYSTE p and can famish Oysters in any style you deeire Your orders will have prompt attention when left at my store. Yours truly D Mc. BROWN, Dunn, N. C No. l.Farm 125 acres, du ell ing and outhouses. No. 2. Farm GO acres, t nant house. v No. 3. Fine Farm 100 a-res, dwelling and outhouses. No. 4. 12 acres tiiyberd l::nd. No. 5. 18 acres timbered land. No. 6. 120 acres fine farm. No. 7. House and lot Dunn N. C. ' No. 8. Ilouscand lot Dunn N. C. , ' No. 9. Vacant lot Dunn N. C. No. 10. Vacant lot Dunn N C Ff)it Kent. , No. 1. House and lot Dunn N. C. No. 2. House and . lot Dunn N. C. If you wish to buy property, have property to sell or rent, "it will pay you to see us. GKAMTHAMit PkaKSAU, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Di,lm x. C. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in Sec. 1783 of the Code, I will, on the 22nd day of Dec. 1897 at 11 o clock A. M.. at mv OF EXECUTORS SALE LAND. On Saturday the 15th of Jan. 1898 at 12 M. at H. L. Price's Store, wo will sell to the highest bidder 30 acres of land belonging to the estate of J. (J. Brown, deceased. This is the No one is so old, no one is so young, but what fitting and ap-j tham's drug store. it ea Corn 55 to 00c lodder to oOcider for cash one Ladies Riovlo propriate gifts in abundance i iu to iJic ! rea enamel, belonging to O. P, can be found at Hood & Gran-, mcKeus izzuc onen, ine same bem tsutter. lo to zoc. in my possession to secure Beeswax 18 to 20c. Hides, dry flint, per lb ..... .7 green " 2i3 siore on land barrrninl in- t- Broad Street in Dunn, N. C. 'to W. B. .Tonp TrL r ...i. offer for sale to the highest bid- jone-half cash. ' balance n,,' V nga. Shingles, per M, $1.50 $1.75 uivut ui ntcuuiiii uue ior re pairs done on the same in May This Dec. 7th, 1897. W. B. Austin. 1897. months time. We sell this land under instructions of the will g retained; and can make good title, and Pf .'iro nni'JmnA I 1 , iblvc liumeuiaie posession. M. J. Senter ) Executors N. T. Johnson, ) of J. G. Brown. December Gth, 1897.

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