-7 52 T H E COUNTY UNION. ; DUNN, llarnett County, N. C. Entered accoi3ing to postal regula tions at the postoffice at Dunn, N. C, as gecoud class matter. J. P. PlTTMAN, Proprietor, A. M.Wood all, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months ......25 Cents. Six Months.! - 50 Cent?. One Year......... $1.00. Sent by Mail! Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, January 5, 1838. BE NOT DISMAYED. Judge Robinson decided the special, tax case against the peo ple, and dissolved the injunction restraining the commissioners from collecting and paying over special taxes to the bond holders-. We could hardly have ex pected otherwise from a Circuit Judge. Our hope has been, and is now, in the learning and integrity of our Supreme Court. They are mostly Republicans but in several recent cases have shown a commendable dispo sition to administer the Con stitution of the State as it is written, and not in the interest of capitalists who rudely tram pie . upon Constitutions and laws, when they interpose themselves between the rights of the people and the inexorable mandates of money. We are satisfied now,"' as we have been from the first, that unless our Supreme Court re verses several of its late de cisions that the people of Har nett will win in their fight for relief against burdensome and unnecessary taxation. - But whether they do or not they will have the satisfaction of know ing that they made a noble de fense against oppression, and if they are made to at last sub mit to wrong, it will be with- out dishonor to themselves. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again, The tternal years of God are hers. While error wounded writhes in pain And dies amidst her votaries," The case is now in the Su preme Court, wdiere it .will be decided and ended. It will cost money to contest this mat ter, and we hope our people will not fail to come forward with their contributions to this cause. See your township com mitteeman and pay him what you can. The .other side is busy trying to break down the people's cause by circulating all sorts of reports, but the people need not heed them. We will not give up the ship whila hope and patriotism remain in the bosom of the people. ! ASTATEMIT. I learn that a report is being circulated bv Chairman John A." Green that I had made af fidavit in the complaint filed before Judge Robinson for an injunction to restrain the sheriff from collecting three 1 fourths of special tax levied for the pay ment oi tne Donas ana to re strain the county commissioners from paying interest on the same, that I had paid my taxes for the year 1897 except three fourths of the special tax, and that such was not the case and : that I had not paid my taxes at all. Such statement is made with intent to do me injury, and for the information of the people of tho county I will make a statement which Chairman j Green and his shouting camp ; followers fail to tell. it is true mat l naci no re- ceipt for my taxes at the time, I but Sheriff Pope owed me an account for printing and,' ad- ; vertising pertaining to his of fice as sheriff in excess of the whole amount of my- taxes. I had failed to balance accounts with the Sheriff before he left on his last round collecting tax es (and since I have been in the county I have paid my taxes each year with printing and ad vertising done for the Sheriff) it was almost impossible to get . a receipt for them when it was necessary to get the affidavit ; so I signed the affidavit believ-! ing and knowing that my taxes j were paid, although I had no j receipt from the Sheriff. After Sheriff Pope came home I went to him andpreseuted my bill, amounting to Ten Dollars, and asked him to date the re ceipt back to the date of the af fidavit but he refused to do 60. 1 got a receipt for the amount of taxes specified in affidavit. In balancing accounts there was a part of an item for ad vertising which he said he had never collected and did not feel willing to pay and I allowed that taken off (although I could have heldVj him personally re sponsible for same) which left me due him twenty-eight cents which I paid in money. This is a statement which Sheriff Pope will not nor can he deny. Ve ask in conclusion what pays a tax, is it the money or is it the receipt? The receipt as everybody knows is only evi dence of payment, and not pay ment itself. Our enemies are hard pressed when they are driven to the desperate and wicked necessity of telling half the truth, which is worse than an untruth out and out. The man or men who try to deceive the people of Harriett county by any such methods, will find that their curses, like chickens, will come home to roost even if it be the old "speckled hen" we have heard so much about. , Now will Chairman Green tell the people the wdiole truth? If he can tell what day or hour my taxes were paid he may confer a favor on Sheriff Pope. With this statement I leave the matter with the peo ple. Yours truly, J. P. PlTTMAN. IMPORT A T NOTICE TO SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN, Poe's, N. C, Jan. 5, '97. To The School Committee men of Harnett Co. : The Board of Education of Har nett county has apportioned $1.00 per capita to the town ship which will give Anderson's Creek township, $393. A verasboro township Barbecue township Black River township Buck Horn township Grove township Hector's Creek township Johnsonville township Lillington township Neills' Creek township $927. $397. $320. $425. At $311. $307. $364. Stewart's Creek township $595. Upper L. River township $778. Meet on Monday, January 10th, and apportion the above amount for the schools in your township so as to equalize the school terms as required by law. We shall now discontinue the use of the old numbers of the districts and number them 1, 2, 3 etc. white or colored, of township. Notify Treasurer Geo. D. Spense, Bradley's Store, N. C , at once of the numbers of your district and how much monev apportioned to each. He can not pay any order until he gets this statement. By all means do not sign any order for more money than is due that district. By to-day's mail Lsend-notice of amount due each district in your township from the old fund. If you do not understand how to keep the accounts in record book provided you, I shall be glad to help you at any time. A In accordance with the law and under the direction of the Board of Education, - I shall now begin visiting the schools. If at any time I can serve you or the interests of the public schools by visiting, by advice or otnerwise, Kindly let me hear from you Yours trulv, J. A. Campbell, Supervisor Public Schools. TSU' Off tl iiCMta can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, in it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with t-t i t.u. t t supply a food not only for the tissues of the body, but for the bones and nerves, and will build tin thfc child when its' ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment Be sure vnu o- crniTc n i-: - . . .. man nd fish are on the wrapper. . All druggists ; 50c and fx.oo. SCOTT & BOWKE, Chemists, New York. wasting ,"Vero liilfed at'Spout Springs. On Thursday evening De cember 23rd, at Britton & Johnson's saw mill near Spout Springs this county, Thomas Dobbin, a young negro- man, struck Hugh Ray, another young negro'man, on the head with a jDiece of scantling and killed him. Thursday; night Coroner J.J. Wilson received a telegram from Britton & Johnson that a mur der had been committed and for him to go and hold an in quest. He left early Friday morning and held the inquest that afternoon. The jury ren dered a verdict that Hu V Ray came to his death irom the blow on the -head inflicted by Thomas Dobbin. The evidence produced before the Coroner's inquest was about as follows : -The two men were at work loading a truck with lumber ; Dobbin began cursing Ray and continued to do so ; Ray protested against the abuse; Ray started to leave the truck when Dobbin followed him cursing; Ray drew his knife and told Dobbin if he came on him he would cut him ; Dob bin picked up a piece of scant ling and advanced on him and struck Ray on the head with it, fracturing the skull ; Ray had his knife in his hand and in falling back the blade stuck in his right leg and severed the main artery; Ray arose walk ed a few steps and fell again and died in about two hours. He never spoke after he was struck. Dobbin was arrested and sent to Fayetteville jail for safe keep ing to await trial at the Feb ruary term of of Harnett Su perior Court. Dobbin is said to be about 18 years of age and the man he killed was about the same age. Two Millions a Ykar. When people buy, trj and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buj-ing Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of :o million boxes a year and it will be .ree million before New Year's. It ans merit provec, that Cascarets are lie most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug gists 10c, 25o, 50c a box, cure guaran teed. . 468 Seed- The Dunn Hardware and Fnrniture Company's prize pumpkin was cut and the seed counted on December 24th and it was found to contain 468 seed. The committee selected to count the seed and examine the guesses was Misses Irene Mc Kav, Marie Setszer and Lela McNeill, and Messrs M. A. Hooks, F. R. Hall, J. P. Pitt man and A. M. Woodall. The committee found that no one, out of 1755 guesses, guess ed the oxact number. Five persons came within one num ber of it two 469 andthree 467. These men were Messrs. E. F. Young, W. C. Jackson, J. W. Thornton, W. S. Strickland and S. C. Neighbors to whom the prize, a $10.00 buggy robe, was awarded. 1 The robe was sold at auction and was jmrchased by Mr. E. F. Young for $7.50 and the amount divided pro rata be tween five most successful This guessing contest was ad vertised in The Union for only about a month, yet during that time parties who read the ad vertisement in the paper bought from the advertisers $1755 worth of goods as each guess repre sented one dollars' sale. Beside those who guessed a large num ber, bought coods that did not guess and those who guessed did not represent only to a small extent the amount of this firm's sales during the time. The moral is : Put vour ad- vertisement in The Union. It brings good returns as the peo ple read it. This firm has a new tad" in tnis issue, iteaci it, tney are hustling alons with the New Year. Beauty is Dlood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beanty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it ;ean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches blackhead, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 2oc, 50c. Xo Care 1 Pay. That is the wav all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL, TOX IC for Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine, in a tas'elesg form. Children love it. i Adults prefer if to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 50c. Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gi an tham. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are mativ mutar.ons. To get the genu ine ask for Grove's Sold and guaran teed by flood & Grartham, Dunn, N. C. CASTOH1A. flgaatue ft The South's Advantage- "Coolidge' the Washington correspondent of the Journal, follows up his openihgletter of yesterday on the Southern cot ton mills by ; another to-day, dated, as the first one was, from Charlotte, N. C, the most im portant centre of Southern man ufacturing.; New England has heard much within the past week or two of these Southern factories. Now it has an opportunity to see them just as they look to a New England observer. It has been p, prevalent and perhaps a nat ural assumption here in the North that the labor in these Southern mill towns was un skilled and inexperienced.; In experienced it was, doubtless, at the first, but it is so no lon ger. In point of skill, the Southern hands, it is insisted by those who know them well, compare favorably with the great bulk of Northern opera tives. This important fact can not be emphasized too strongly the workers in the Southern cotton factories are not'negroes, and as a rule they are not Eu ropean immigrants. They are of the same stock which filled the cotton mills of New England 50 or 60 years ago that is, they are the children of farmers and mechanics of thoroughgo ing, American origin. At the same time. as ."Coolidge" quotes one of these Charlotte manufacturers,-' 'labor here is 25 and 30 per cent, cheaper than" in New England. We have got, the advantage of 10 per cent, longer hours. And we have more intelligent labor. They (the New England manu facturers) , have got to move here or quit." It is plain that these South ern manufacturers realize the advantage which they have over their competitors in New England. It is plain that this advantage is just what our own manufacturers have stated. They must reduce their labor cost or "quit." This is the stern condition which confronts them and confronts their opera tives. Is it not easy to see which way lie the best interests of all concerned ? Boston Journal. A Stf ke Thing fok You. A transaction in which you cannot lose a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas carets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are ty all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c. 25c, 50c Sample and booklet free. Sold by all druggists. The man who after forcing upon his; countymen an ini quitous tax purely for the selfish purpose of filling his own cof fers at the expense of the peo ple for whose dear sake he has crucified himself upon the cross of a fat office, then circulates n false statement intended to dam age the citizen, who dares raise his voice against his tyranny, though his religion may not be of that type calculated to usher in the millennial dawn, yet it must be conceded that he shows a "plentitude of gall of the purest ray serene." Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says, "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cougli Cure." It is the quickest and" most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Uood & Grantham. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. Hood & Gran tham. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by using De Witt's Little Early Risers,Hhe famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. -. Hood & Grantham. To Cure Constipation Forever. Tate Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure drug gists refund the money. : BICYCLES AND SDNDRIET W. B. AUSTIN He adqu ar te"r3. If you want a Bicycle or Sundries see Austin, or write to-day for complete catalogue. Box 128, Dunn, N. C. Valuable to TVcmerj. t Especially valuable to Tromen ia Brcwn.- Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, hiadacLc disappears, strength takes the place oi weakness, and the glow of healtb rttalily comes to the pallid cheek -when this won derful remedy is taken. For sickly children or overworked men it has uo equal. Ko home should be without this famoiiw remedy. Urowns'inm Cittera is sold by ail dealers. ITlic Financial Statement Continued frrm Fir-r rage. Claims Allowed September 181)7. - Duncan Shaw, registrar . J S Mcllae, election returns Jas.G Johnson, election returns - M D McLeod, election returns S J Gardner, election returns 1 J B D up ree, election returns Wm Arnold, election returns B F Harrington, election returns - R M Parker, election returns II H Smith, election returns D E Green, election returns J R Grady, election returns D Darroch, election returns J A Hawley,-registrar R J Patterson, election returns W D Patterson, election returns A R Suggs, election returns J B Alien, election returns- J B F Stewart, registrar County Union, publishing notices J McK Byrd, purchase tax " J McK Byrd, clerk August O J Bradley, bridge M R Morgan, jail fees M E Wade, chairs for courthouse A Hoan & Co, lithographing bonds A M Johnson, shrouding pauper Dr. J H Withers, attention to paupers J-A Bullard,' burial pauper A L Bauglicom, keeping poor Out side poor - Claims Allowed October J McK Byrd, making tax books M R Morgan, jail fees J McK Byrd, clerk September Harrell's Printing House, stationery Joshua McLean j ferryman Joshua McLean, ferryman Josh ua, McLean, ferryman Joshua McLean, ferryman W M Bryan, delivering election boxes Hood & Grantham, stationery A A Waddell, guarding jail M J Senter, letting out bridge , D E Green, letting out bridge R H. Smith, letting out bridge J W Johnson, list taker N McLeod, commissioner H N Bizzell, commissioner Dr. J H Withers, post mortem examination Chelly Giles, -poor support Dr. W M McNeill, attention to pauper A L Baughcom, keeping poor Bill of- Costs September Term State vs Edward Purvis State vs Oker Coats... State vs Fred McLean State vs Robt Rowland. - State vs Thed DeKeyser State vs L A Ferrall. State vs David McLean. . . State vs Isham Smith ............ . State vs Clinton McNeill State vs Tom Allen F Spears State vs Herbert Wilkins. . .......... ...... .! State vs Frank Jones . State vs J A Byrd. . . ... State vs Clem .Smith. . . . ....! State vs NeilJ Spearman State vs SimOn Seberry. ..... ... ..... . . Claims Allowed November 1897. A L Baughcom, keeping poor . Dr. C H Sexton, attention to pauper. ........... A B Godwin, Sr., bridge . . J McK Byrd, clerk October J McK Byrd and B F Shaw, indexing. F M McKay, fees. . Joshua McLean, ferryman N McLeod, commissioner. ..... H N Bizzell," commissioner. . . . . Commissioners Court. J A Green, Chairman, .28 days $2 T$ McLeod, 18 days $2 and 540 miles H N Bizzell. 18 days $2 and 510 miles . . The above is a true statement of the accounts audited and allowed for the -Fiscal year ending December 6th 1897. J. McK. BYRD, Clerk of Board. CD O i i co o CP ' Q O F tH O i I go o oo o O Ci t I OS CO o c: ir es CO GO CO O i I go" t lO GO GO O O t tH o CM CO ft pH O o . 05 CO C3 o , - o . - Ci O CO - ' O GO P CO Ci CO I N' io I '. t r . . . O CO ... Ci ' Ci I ' M tH " ' . CO ' CO - CI CM Tt Tf 1 1 'OH ' " il rH '. '.' ' 1-1 .' . T-i rH OCiiO -HtiOO CM ' m" lOiCI COICGCO Ci Oi (M IC 1 13 d d d CO o CiCC-CO O tH -co CO -1 T cocMtH t- go "t t1 -hi rr CM CM rr r1 CO o o ci CD 9 s x ? o 2 O o O cS r- Ci GO -- g f- CD CS - 2 o Ci Ci . oo CO rH rH Ci GO co D K P5 a cz co -tJ . ci : HH q a '3 C O S i o o bi Q bi o o - ci -)- & CO CJO cz rt O - " 2 I' 1 G8 1 50 . 150 1 1 50 50 1 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 50 50 62 50 50 50 01 50 1 50 . 1 50 1 50 2 59 14 00 C 75 27 45 30 00 10 50 - 7 20 58 00 1 45 9 00 6 31 7 35 80 25 275 00 16 80 35 49 11 GO 15 00 15 00 15 00 18 75 9 10 2 60 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 9 00 10 50 3 70 20 00 2 00 4 25 30 57 163 00 1 05 5 88 4 08 10 00 10 92 6 67 62 55 2'60 5 55 6 60 9 16 10 14 5 54 13 12 9 59 17 80 2 00 42 74 31 55 81 86 42 47 15 00 10 50 .11 10 1897 1897. $ $ 255 02 56 00 63 00 61 50 $ -180 50 CO o 89- CO o o o o o o o o o o o o ChCOO CO CO lO O -f CO rH O CM o o Ci . o o - Ci iO CM -M 1 r-i rH O o o CO CO CO r-( Ci Q CO Ci 4- CM O o Ci iO CM . . . in ; i W : : 2 ; ' a CO Ci oo CO Ci CO 03 dl a Ci CO Ci 2 cc u trH C3 Ci cz co ci o rt rH i f-; -t- v O co Ci CO rHg rH cz .-t O - o co co o S B o t-, rH 3 , 3 a h ci -t-i CO r-t CO io C3 T1 ci n h 2 D 0 CO c3 M T5 C O rH o CO " H CS' t-H tX) tD.5 O s g . jj t-t Ci CO Ci CO rH "A ci i CZ ci i i o w co co 1 a o co CO o a -1-3 C O o r-3 W a o cz NOTICE OF rtALK OP VALUABLE LAN DS, By virtue of a cTccrco of the Superior Court of Harm It county X C. in tlie special iroci (!i jcinlinj in saitl coiirt entiiK'd C, S. B.u bee and others heirs at law of , Clem S, Barbee deceased Kx Parte for partition, j will oiler for pa!o at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in tho town of Lillington, Ilarneit Count v, N. C, on Monday the 7th day of February 18'JS at 12 o'clock M. the following de scribed triets ottand to wit: .st tract. Situated on the Ka.t bank of Neil V Creek in Harnett county said State and known s lot No. 2 in the di iionof the land of C. S. and C. 11. B;trbee recorded in the Superior Court Clerk's olllce of Harnett cmnty and liegigtcred In the ollico of the llegi.-ter of deeds of said ctmnty in hook II. Nc. 1 and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Horn Beam and pointer? on the Lust bank of Ncill's Creek tlie dividing cor ner, between lots No. 1 and 2 and runs as the. line of lot No. I SS, K 134 chains to a ptake and pointers in Wni, John son's liiie thence as hte line N, 2. K 41 chains and 50 links to a stake and point ers Darling Jones deceased corner, thence as the Jones line S. 87 W. 50 chains and 75 links to a stake ami point ers just below the old spring, thence down the various courses of the spring branch 3G chains to a corner thence N. 5. E. 4 chains to a stake and pointer?, thence N. 82 W 31 chains and 03 links to a stake aud pointers, thence N. 8, W. 20 chains an- 50 links to a coi ner on NeilPs Creek, thence down the various courses of said creek to the beginning containing 50.) acres. 2nd tract. Beginning at . a small a-h on the right bank. the third corner of lot No. 3. aud runs a that line N 29. K .3 chains to a stone corner and pointers in the river road the 4th corner of lot No. 3, then as the various courses of said road 23 chains and 50 links to .VeiU's Creek then down tho various courses of said creek to the Cape Fear Hiver, then down the said rivrr 7 chains and 50 links to the beginning containing 73 acres, the same being lot No, 4 in the division of the land of C. S. and C. C. Bar bee aforesaid. E. T. Boyki.v. Commissioner etc. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having duly qualified as the executor of the last will and testament of Win. Byrd deceased, notice Is hereby gives: to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same for payment duly verified, on or before the lOih day of January 1899, or this notice will be. pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make immediate piynieut of the same. ThU Dec. 24th 1SH7. K. M. 1' A UK Kit, Executor. Jones & Stewakt. Attys. LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed bv M, V. Barefoot, K E Barefoot and Zdpha I), Barefoot, dated Jan. 24, 1805 and regis tered in Book 1; No. 2. of the record of Harnett county, L will, on the 7th day Of Feb. 1S9S at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House in Lillingion Harnett county, sell to the higlic-t bidder for cash the following described' tracts of land sitrated in A verasboro township,' Harnett, county and in Black Jiiv r town ship, Cumberland county and bounded as follows, to wit: 1st tract. Beginning. at a stake in the' Duck Pond Branch, and tuns thence S 48, E 13 chains to a stake, in the field; thence S 32, W 16., chains toa stake in the Iiiuton Munds line; theuee with his line N fi3, V 27 ch dns to a black gum in the W V Munds linr ; then.e N 21 chains to a stake in the field: theix-c N 35 E 1 chain to a stake A J. Trt's cor ner; theno? his line S 3- E 8.25 chaias to a deal pine; thence his other line G7, E 13 to a stake, A Tart's corner, thence about S 77, E 2 .25 chains to the beginning, containing 59 acres more or less. 2nd tract. Beginning at a stake in Dilauey Lee's line and runs with said line S S5J E 12.05 chains to a stake ;nd red oak ; thence S 5 W 47,00 to a stake In Mingo Warren's line; thence -with his line CO W 14 50 ch ii:i t a stake in said line; thence N 5 E 40 chains to the beginning, containing 50 acre more or less, This Jan. 4, ls()8. J. G. I.AYTON, Mortgagee. By J. C. Clifford, Atty. Jan-5-4vv. EXECUTOItS SALE OF 'LAND. On Saturday tho loth of Jan. 1898 at 12 M. at II. L. Price's Store, wo will sell to the highest bidder 30 acres of hind belonging to the estate of J. '. Brown, deceased. This is the land bargained by Mr. lirown to V. B, Jones. Terms of sale one-half cash, balance on 12 months time. We sell this land under instructions of the will and can make good title, and give immediate poscssion. M. J. Senter ) Executors N. T. Johnson, $ of J. G. Brown. December Gth, 1897. NoTH-lt ! Having qualified as Kx-c-utors of Flora J. Campbell, deceaM d, late of llarnett County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having' laims against the cttate of said deceived to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or U fore the 14th day of Decen:h. r, i&9$, or this notice will be plead in har of th ir recover'. All persons indebted to -aia estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 13th dav of December, 1. IlECTEB MCI.KAN, Duncan A. C. McLean, -Executors of Flora J. CampUil. Dec u DUNN MARKET, CORRECTED EVERV WEpNESlAV. Sucar. 5-J- toGic. Coiree...: 1 r".c; Flour, per Bbl . . $5.00 6 --;,) -c-.a 7 to he. Il I I L' iii . - N. C Meat .8 to 10c. . . to 9c. . .55 toGOc to 50c 10 to 12 Jc. .. 12 J 620c Lard. Corn. Fodder. Errps. . oo ------ Chickens ' .15 to 2Ucr Butter 1 O r 40f . Beeswax Beeswax AO l" -" Hides, dry flint, per lb .... " 41 ' green " '"'Jri Shingles, per M, $1.50 0 I!-'5