t r '"Prove all things; holdfast that which is good." Vol. 6. DUIVIM, IM. C, JANUARY 12, 1898. No. 52. - ,' -A. -A itA!' J V. " yH tei TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. M'tholiKt Church Key. D, B. Parker Tastor. STvic first Sunday night, and fouriSi Sun day ni'Tiiinjj ami nitfht. Prayornioeting v'ry ' V Ineslay nitfht. f-'uki:iy schcel ; wry f-uiulay morning- at 10 o'clock, G. K. iirantham Superiutt-nilout. Tavist f IiurHi. Kev. h. R. Carroll, paster. S-ivi-.-s :vi-y sec nd Sunday morning and ni-lit. I'raye rnicetiiig every Thursday night Sun-lay Srionl eery Sunday morning, O TayIurS;ii t-riitenleut. I'r'slyti rian Church. ll-v. A." M. Has.sel .nfr. s-f vices evory first and fifth Sunday morning, .md night, Sundar school every Sunday morning, M.L. W ade Superintendent! lisiili Church Rev. S. B. Hood, pas tor. ServiiM'.s every third Sunday morning and nig'it. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School fcvery Sunday e,ening at . o'clock, McD. Iloliiday Supt. Free, Will Baptist Church. Elder J. F Owens, pastor. Services every second Sun day morning and night. 1'rirnit i w Baptist. --Church on Broad street Elder "A. fJ. Turner, Pastor. Regu'ar servi- on tin; third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. TOWN OFFICERS. II. L. Godwin, Mayor. j Commissioner K. F. Young. J. J. Dupree, J. II. Pope and Vv F. Pearson. G. F. Snead, Policeman. County Officers. Shoriir,J. II. Pope. . ' ( leik. F. M. McKay. Register of Deeds, J. McK. Byrd. Treasurer, G. D. Spence. Coroner,.!. J, Wilson. Surveyor, J. A. O'Kelly. "County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Cc n,nns.--ioners : J. A. Green, Chairman II. N. Bizzell and Neill McLeod. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. James II. I'ou. Edward W.'Pou. W. II. Young. POU & POU & YOUNG, Attorneys at Law, LILLIXGTOX, X- C. (Associated in the trial of Civil Cases) in the Superior Courts of Harnett Co. J, C CLIFFORD,, Attorney at Law, J DUXX, x. c. W ill practice i.i all the court:; of the State, where services desired. iTj- BEST. ATTORN EY-aT-LAW, DUNN, N. C. Practice- in County Courts of Harnett and surrounding counties, and ' U. S. Courts. . ecial attention given all collections. il II. MCLEAN Counsellor Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. c. l'riictice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Murchison, JOXESBOKO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Mooie Stud other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20-lv. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEVILLE, U. C. li act ices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. ihis promises to bjan in teresting year in politics. White men and white metal is our motto. One Minute (Jouh Cure cures quick ly. That s what you want ! Hood Grantham. & the Senate uommittee on Library lias reported favorably a bill appropriating $00,000 for a statue of President Lincoln to be erected an the battlefield of Gettysburg. I rosiieritv ctncs quickest to the man "whose liver is in irooil condition. Do- Witt's Little Earlv Risers are faniou little pills for constipation, biliousness. Luliiresl ion and all stomach ind liver troubles. Hood it Grantham. John Neill was . hanged last Friday at Greenfield, Mass., lor the murder ot a woman in liuckland in .January 1896. Mrs. Mary Byrd, Harrisburg, Pa., says. "Mv child is worth millions to me; yet I would have lost her by croup had 1 not invested twenty-rive cents in a bot tle of One Minute. Cough Cure." It 'cuies coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Hood & Grantham. In Oklahoma Territory last Friday a mob of white citizens burned two Seminole half-breed Indians to a stake for the mur der of a white woman. J. A-Perkins, of Antipuity, O., was for thiity years needlessly tortured by physici ins for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using DeWitt's itch Hr.zel Salve the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. Hood te Grantham. In the vicinity of Kearden, Arkansas, four negroes have re cently been lynched; two for murder and two for rape. ' It is easy to catch a cold and just as eaay to get rid of It if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It tires coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to t ike, safe to use and ire to cure. Hood & Grantham STATE NEWS. Items of news gathered ero ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. T t. jl . ;iriisie. irenerai nier cliant of last week. Louisburg, assigned d J. L. King & Co. large tobacf co manufacturers of Greensborf1 made an assignment last weel with liabilities over $20,000. - The rainfall North Carolina for throughout 1897 wa( 17 inches below the average i The county commissioners oi Brunswick county have refused to grant license to sell liquors in that county this year. . j The postoffice at Mooresviile' was kroken into and the safe blown open and robbed by burglars who got $106 in money belonging to the postmaster and about $50 in cash and stamps. At an amateur performance in Asheville last Tuesday night a 14-year-old" boy named Hamp ton was shot in the breast and killed by another boy named Scott, with a pistol that was supposed not to be loaded. The measles are at the Bap tist Orphanage at Thomasville. Last week it was reported that 100 of the orphans were sick with them. No deaths have been reported. A jury at Winston court last week in the suit of T. J. Wil son against the Street. Railway Company awarded -Wilson $4, 000 damages for . the killing of his child two vears ago. The railway company took an ap peal to the Supreme Court. Dr. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College located by the use of the X-ray the position of a liiinDie in tne oroncmai tunes of a six-year-old child last Wednesday. The child is a daughter of Mr. W. E. Harris. il 1 1 ii i i -i . i of Harrisburg, and swallowed the thimble some eight weeks ago and has been unable to swallow since. Jno. C. Davis, who a few years ago created such a sensa tion in Wilmington where he bT forgery and embezzlement ob tained nearly $100,000 which he gave to churches in that city, and was sent to the insane asy lum at Raleigh, is pronounced sane and was dismissed from that institution last Friday. He will go to Washington, D. C, to start life again. Mr. J. W. Cannon has formed a company to erect a big new cotton mill at Albemarle. It will be a $200,000 mill, and will be erected earlv in the spring. A tract of land of Gil acres has been purchased, and the site of the new mill will be on the railroad near the present one. The brick wilj be made on the ground, more than 1, 000,000 being required. The lumber needed also will be se cured near, so that the cost of erection will be reduced to the lowest possible point. The ca pacity of the present mill will also be doubled, making it a $110,000 mill. Albemarle is to be congratulated on its good luck in securing these large in terests, and the erection of these mills will mean jthe permanent prosperity of the town. Mi las Reid was killed in Rowan county last Thursday by Thom as Broadway. It seems to have been a cold-blooded murder. Reid was shot in the head twice. The murdered man left a wife and one child. The murderer is a notoriously bad character. Concord Times. Don't Titgltct Your Liver. Liver troubles quickly result in fori -.;, complication, and the man who i:ctlei- i liver has little recard for health. A of Browns' Iron Bitters taken now feml t : i will keep the liver in ierfeet -rlv. If I disease has developed, Browi -' ir..:i I t: will cure it ptnnnr., ntly. Sft. i-fh vitality will always feT'o.v ij 1 : Browns' Iron Bitters is sold Ly nil tkuivi- At Hahnville court house, Louisiana, last Friday three negro desperadoes were hung for the murder of a Jewish ped- ler. One of the negroes con fessed the crime and told of nine men and one. Ayoman that he had murdered and had al ways managed to elude the law. here this week! ! Miss Laura Lee of Smithfield is-visiting Misses Esther and Venie Bell in Sampson. - Air. Jamie Smith and sister J Miss Ella,. iof Johnston county are in the city visiting relatives Mr. II. II. McKay left yes terday for Ghapel Hill where Ik will take a course in pharmacy. Mr. A. C. Hales, who has a large contract for piling, has returned from his trip to Moore' and is now ready for business. ivir. r . ivi. lucivav, is on fi trip to Oxford, to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge o! Masons. Mr. M. D. Higgs left Mon day for Greenville where he ha? accepted a position with Messrs; Higgs Bros., bankers. ; . Messrs. J. W. Senter, J. II, Wilburn and J. T. Johnson, oi Bradley's Store, were in town Friday and called to see us. ' Mr. A. F. Lillinffton's Jol inson, one of chants, was in town to-day am paid us a pleasant call. . ---.-- - Must be a Populist- At the last election, in a state which I shall not make it dan gerous for me to visit by men tioning in public print, says a writer in Good Stories, I heard a funny kind of explanation at the polls. One of the very greenest country jakes I think I ever saw came up and wanted to vote. It was his first vote, and the judges held him up. "Want to vote?" asked one, in:a pleasing, off-hand manner. "What's that?" said the ap plicant, trying to showT courage. "What ticket?" "I dunno." "Are you a Democrat?" "I dunno." "Are you a Republican?" "I dunno." "How about being a Prohibi tionist?" "What's that 'un?" "One of the cold-water peo ple." "For washin'?" "For drinking." "Gosh to splinters, I ain't that I reckon." "Very well," said the judge, giving it up as a bad( job, "as there isn't anything else, you are a Populist." - A faint gleam of intelligence, as if some familiar name had broken into the young voter's perception, shone on his face. ' I dunno," he replied, hesi tatingly. "Mebbe I am. Pap says I'm the biggest dern fool in four precincts." Toledo Blade. A Clever Trick, It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole svstem, acts as a stimu laut to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and a nerve tonic. ; It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleep lessness and' melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild .lax ative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Elec tric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at' N. B. Hood's drug store. ' A special from Tarboro to the Wil, Messengr on Jan. 4th says: "George T. Williams died here last night. He was buried to-day. He was present at the Big Bethel fight when H. L. Wyatt the first man killed during the late war was shot down. He was by the side of Wyatt carrying the southern flag.j Mr Williams was buried with military honors. His re mains were escorted to the cem etery by the Edgecombe Guards and a few veterans." A fire at North Wilkesbbro last Monday night destroyed $14,000. worth of property. The fae liaile Bljnatnrt 4f ll en y'f t sr eTery m&J&ZZ n j Returning to th 3 Fold- A gentlemen who- lias been a Populist, was in this office the other day and declared that he would never vote that ticket again. He is disgusted with the crowd that is now running the State government. There are plenty of good men all over Norsh Carolina who have left the Populist party for the same reason that this man did. They have been deceived by their leaders who were out for the spoils. A hearty welcome awaits them in the Democratic party. Sanford Express. . - It is this way in every county we hear from. There is a gen eral disposition on the part of the white men to get together again. The Chicago platform affords a good meeting ground in national politics and the ne cessity for good home govern ment in State politics. Though "reformers" are in power, yet there was never a time but once in Itforth Carolina when there was more need for reform. The last Legislature was such a farce that even the Populists in certain counties are holding meetings to denounce it in reso lutions as stinging as can well be put together. If the Popu lists again fuse with the Repub licans they can only suffer like poor dog Try, for the compa ny they keep. Only the men who got office are benefited by the late fusion arrangement. The people have suffered from iniquitous and burdensome laws. The invita tion given out by the Democrat ic State executive committee in viting all who will support Democratic nominees to come into the primaries is therefore timely. Clinton Democrat. A Business Parable- Once a farmer had one thous and eight hundred bushels of wheat, which he sold, not to a single grain merchant, but to one "thousand eight hundred dif ferent dealers, a bushel each. A few of them paid him in cash, but far the greater num ber said it was not convenient then, but wTould pay later. A few months passed, and the man's bank account ran low. "How is this?" he said. "My one thousand eight hundred bushels of grain should have kept me in affluence until another crop is raised, but I have'parted with the grain and have instead only a vast num ber of accounts, so small and scattered that I cannot get around and collect it fast enough to pay expenses." So he posted up a public notice and asked all debtors to pay quickly. But few came. The rest said, "Mine is only a small matter, and I will go and pay one of these days," forgetting that though each account, was very small, when all were .put together they meant a large sum to the man. Things went on thus : the man got to feeling so badly that he fell out of bed and' awoke, and running to his granary found his one thousand eight hundred bushels of wheat still safe there. He had only been dreaming, and hadn't sold his wheat at all. Moral The next day the man went to the publisher of his pa per and said : "Here, sir, is the pay for, your paper ; wIiqii next year1 sf subscription is due you can depend on me to pay it promptly. I stood in the po sition of an editor last night, and I know how it feels to have one's honestly earned money scattered all over the country in small amounts." Everybody Says So. Cabarets Candy Cathartic, the most woncleifal medical discovery of the age, pleasant and ref,-ehing to the taste, act genth and positively on the kidneys, liver and towel, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fe ver, habitual constipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C, C. C, to-day; 10, -25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. A conference of silver men of all parties was held in Wash ington Saturday. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome is a per feet Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu rifier. Removes Biliousness without purging. As plesant as Lemon Syrup. It is as Urge as any Dollar tonic and re- tans ior oue lu get me u cx uir- aiv for urove's x or sale aua guarantee Dy llood&Granthaui, Duna, N.C. lric s lOO Vears As. People talk of the good old days of long ago when times were better and money wasn't tight. How would you like to have a dose of old times as they are indicated in the prices cop ied below from an old account book kept 99 years ago in Bun combe county? Having an opportunity re cently, Rev. R. P. Smith copied some items from such a book in kind remembrance of his home paper. S The old book is now owned by Mr. S. W. Davidson, of Swannanoa . Valley, .Bun combe county. It might have been kept by a blacksmith' who ran a store or by a merchant who also ran a smithy. Here are some items copied under date of March, 1798 nearly 100 years ago : (DEBITS. To 16 pounds sugar $4.00 To 1 bushel salt. ......... 3.00 To 1 gallon whiskey. .... .75 To 1 iron wedge. ........ .50 To laying plow 50 To 1 pair shoe soles ...... .50 To one-half yard muslin . . .37 To 1 pound- powder. '". . . . . 1.00 To 10 pounds hails 2.00 To 1 quire paper .37 To 15 pounds sugar and 6 pounds coffee 6.00 CREDITS. By. 3 days' work . .$1.37 By 1 bushel corn .50 By 79 pounds beef at 3 ct. 2.37 Bv 1 week's work...... ..... 3.00 See that 16 pounds of sugar for $4.00? And a bushel of salt for $3.00? How do you like it? The price, of muslin was out p' sight none, was then manufactured in this country, perhaps all imported. Pow der at a dollar a pound was too high to burn at Christmas. At 20 cents a pound people couldn't afford to hit many nails on the head. And people must have had something im-1 portant to write and wTanted to write it mighty bad when they paid 37 cents a quire for paper. Why, the Gazette would be glad to sell you all you waiit in 20 quire lots at 5 cents a quire and could nearly double its money at that. In other items the contrast with to-day is not so marked, but in the old times when it took a week's work to buy a bushel of salt, the contrast is strong enough to make a body faint. He who in those days could earn the salt that went in his bread ought not to have been counted, a lazy fellow. Gastonia Gazette. Xhe Greatest Oiscovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskil wa, 111., "Chief," says : "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and colds. Experimented with many oth ers, but never got the true rem edy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery: No other rem edy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping cough etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urg ed on you as just iis good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures ahd'besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at N. B. Hood's drug store. Ilea my. Utility and Value Are happily combined in Hood's Sarsapai-illa Coupon Calendars for 1898. The lovely child's head in an embossed gold frame, surrounded by sprays of flowers in mosaic, the harmon ious pad in blue with clear figures, and the Coupons by means of which many valuable books and other articles may be obtained, make up the most de sirable Calendar we have ever seen. The first coupon article is Hood's Practical Cook's Book, a handsome, useful vol ume of 350 pages. Ask your druggist for Hood's Coupon Calendar, or send G cents in stamps for one to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. !i ea Tetter. Salt -Rheum and Eczema. The intense itchinsr and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples. chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 eta. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and venniftiEre. i They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale by N. B. Hood, Drug gist, Dunn, N. C. - j Loaded stick of Wood Explodes- One of the most unusual ac cidents that has ever taken place in Charlotte, occurred on South College street, in the col ored settlement, last night be tween seven and eight o'clock. The family of Ed. Rosebor ough, colored, was seated around the fire. A fresh stick of wood was thrown on, and there was an immediate explosion .tnat shook the whole house like an earthquake, while a broadside of bullets poured from the fire place. The mother and four children were seated around the fire and when the list of the wounded was made up it was found that five were wounded. Roseborough's wife was shot in the neck tand thigh; a seven year -old child was shot in the stomach ; another child was shot in the - eye ; anothor was shot simultaneously in both shoulders ; and the fourth one had his hand almost torn off and was shot in the mouth, they are all seriously wounded and the bullets or slugs have not been located. Roseborough was out of the house at the time. He thinks there must have been as many as thirty-two bullets in the stick of wood. He says he bought the wood at Taylor's wood yard on Ninth street. He does not know who loaded the stick. He is a deserving, hard-working colored man and is employed at Page & Medlin's shop. Char lotte News, 3rd. Ilitcklen'a A nil on. Snlve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheuui, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures jriles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist. New Names for the Same Old Thines. "New names for old things," remarked a gentleman yester day, "are the order of the day. There are from time to time heavy rainfalls in this country, which in the old times were characterized as 'downpours,' or something of that kind. Now, however, we learn of 'cloud bursts' everywhere. Eve'ry time a mill creek overflows or a hay crop gets suddenly spoiled, it is attributed to a 'cloudburst.' People have been dying from stoppage of the heart's action since the beginning of mortali ty, and yet it is . but recently that we began to hear of 'heart failure.' A heated term is now produced by a 'hot wave;' all sickness that the doctors can not understand is attributed to 'Bri ght's disease,' and living cheaply in summer is called 4go ing into the country.' The nom enclature is different, but the old things are the same." New Orleans Time-Democrat. I SSTE IND -TRUE. Ki:cAi,Lr.i. BY UAROARKT J. PRESTOX. I would not call thee buck unles Thou couldst return In Just tlie guUc Tin 11 ever wcaret to my eyes The very form whose nipt cart'M Diew, with the warmth of its embrace. Heart close to heart, and face to face; Thus would I only cull thee back. I would not call thee back with all That radiant luster on thy brow, J That would tut make nic conscious how Immeasurably far above All human bliss all mortal thrall, Thou art not needii g eaithly love That love that aches to call thee buck. Not with the halo round thy hair, Sot with the splendor In thine eye , Tbat dazzle soul in Paradise Not lu the vestment spirits wear, Would I behold thee : uch a ight Would blind my vision with a light That would not let me call thee back It would but only make ine know That farther than the farthest star The mysteries of thy being are From mine, so dashed with mortal woe ; And I might feel, with poignant pain, That we were not one soul, hut twain; And then I could not call thee back. Oh, couldst thou only come, beloved, As when we parted! heart a-thrlll With nil the thousand memories still, By which thy deathless love was proved, How would I were one hour thus given, Lent for my solace out of heaven Dare all, brave all, and call thee back. A Famous Iloe's Feat Mrs. Thomas F. Bayard's famous collio dog Roy Mac- gregor stopped a runaway horso near DeJamoro Place to-day and probably savGd a woman and child from serious injury. The woman was driving a light wagon, when tho horso took fright and plunged rapidly down the road tho occupants of the carriage screaming. As tho horse dashed by Delamoro Placo Rob jumped from the yard and barking loudly, leaped at tho bridle of the horso. This ho caught in his teeth and held on, suspended in tho air. The maddened horso veered to ono aide, and after going a short distance, came to a, standstill, and Rob released his hold 011 the bridle. The woman jumped from tho carriage, patted itoo on tno head as he stood wagging Ins tail and with tongue out. Tho child affectionately kissed tho dog, and then tho woman con tinued her journey, tho horse jogging away peacefully. Tho neighbors who saw the incident did not learn tho woman h name. Wilmington, Del., Dis patch 4th. IlcfleciioiiM of ft Itachelor. Every man knows when a girl is trying to look at him with a dumb question in her eyes. The first thine the snake did after lie had finished with Eden was to lick uupicrs arrow- points. Give a man ropo enough and ie'll hanir himself: nive a worn- and rope enough and she'll lasso man. I have noticed that when di vorced people go through reli gious revivals they don t al ways get married again. When a man first falls inlovo he tears around like a circus tiger tho first time it' has ever seen an umbrella. Ex. The State Guard now num bers 1,794 men, an increase during the year of 153. Troops were called out eight times last year to aid the civil authorities. WOOD'S SEEDS are tvccbMy crown and tflrctrH to tatxi the Deeds and rcquirementi of Southern Growers, Vood's Descriptive Catalogue is mott valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, Qnss and Clover Seeds, Seed - Potatoes. Seed OaU and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Vrite for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. ' T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, . - - RICHMOND, VA. TKE IARCF.ST SUD KC'JSE 11 TEt SC Ji