' L ! ' ' ' : . i ' HABSETT AND JOHNSTON g CUMBERLAND ( Lnd $ SAMPcON as 'I'HUVr, ALU i lupoid; n . . L? r . T ;Aj IVillil !; uOOU.' voi,; vii. DUNN. N. C JANUARY 2(, 1898. NO. 2. ill , ft ". 2 v n 1 rc,. t r.a i. w - , . I ' . : " I I ' I ! ; - . Toltcr.Salt-nhc-.nu and Eczema. Tho intense itching nniUmarting.inci- lenttolhesouiscastE.isinstaiitlyallayea y applying Chamberlain s iyo ana ; havo been permanently cured by it. ' It is equally efficient tor itching piles and a favorite remedy for eore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites nnd chronic core eyes. 23 cts.per box. ir. Cady'-; Condition Powders, aro j inst what a, horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermiin.e. .mey aro not iooa out . tr.edicire and tEc best in use to put a j hor.-e in prime condition. Price 23 cents p:-r prxha3. For Ealo by N N. C. B. Ilood, Dunn, Prof czzion til Cards. XiSiES.H. Pou. Edward W. Toe. W. II. Young. JPOU cC- POU & I OTTNG ' Atiorno5-s at katv, LILLINGTON. N. C. (Associated in tbe trial cf civil ease?) ia the Bnperior courts of llaroett Co. J. C. CLIFFORD, Attorney tit Law. DUNN, N. C. ATill prnctieo in all tho courts of the 6tuto nlitio services desired. Jj. J. JiFST, Attorney at Iaw, DUNN,. N. C. Practice in County Conrti nelt t:?id feurronuclina: counties 'J. Conrta. coileclioLs. Special attention'' given 7, II. 31' LIZ A JY, Counsellor and Attorney ut Larv. DUNN, N. C. PrucacG ia all courts. Collections a specialty. w. f. Jiunciiisoy, J jones fiaiio, n. a. Practices law in Il-irnett, Moore and other couuiks, but not for fan. 3 201y. ISAAC A. JIURCIIISON Fayejteville, N. C. Practices law in Cumberland Har nett and anywhere services are wanted. WILMINGTON & WELD.ON R, R. AND BRANC0ES. AND FLO HENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Sc'iedale Dated Jan. i7th, I53S. Tr;AT:;3 going south. Xcavo Wold en ll 52 am. 9 43 nm. Arrivo U-U y ZL -.u-it 12 55 am", lO SGpm. L' jtv. T-iri-oro 12 12 nm. G 01 p m. Lnvo It. cky 31 u,.. 1 OJ am, 1038 pm, C -15 itm. ,j 4) in'!. 12 47 nm . ' L-nvo Uii-rjv 2 20 urn, 11 1G pm, 7 17 pm, C22 Ji'ii. 2 37 pin. . L'-avu- Hjima 3 15 ani. l.t.tvo F.iy. tieviSie 4 47 am. 1 14 pm. Arnvi- rinri'iie-.t 7 3,5 am, 3 15 pm. Arr.vo (loldshoro CD pm. Lo ive G -id-boro 7 01 ma. 3 0 pm.' L' iiva rd u'nolia 8 0 am. 4 24 pm. Arrivo Vii:ni!gton 9 SO am, 5 50 pa. TRAIN'S GOtN'G XOHTa. LoAveFioronco 0 4 nm. 8 15 pm. Lav3 Fnvt'tteviiif 12 13 am. 1) IS nm. Lcavtj S:l!iia 1 i am. . if Arrivu WilHoii 2 S5 am, 12 00 pm. JL-ave Wilmirmt-iii 7 15 pm. 9 S3 am. H Leave MaiMudia 8 55 pm, 11 02 am. i Leave Guidsl-oro 5 00 am 10 10 im, 12 C3; aro. I L"avo V ion 2 33 pm. 5 33 am, 12 12 am. II 20 t :;!, 12 55 i nu Arri vij 1;-h ky Meant 3 20 pm, 6 15 am, 12 i'j a n. 11 57 pm. 1 40 pm. Arrive T:ir-'. ro C 4 am. L avo '1 arl oro 12 32 j-m. L-avrt li.x-kv M-imt 3 29 rm. 12 40 am. Arr ve Wt-Mon 4 83 pmt 1 42 am. Train mi the Scjitland Noek Branch Tioai loaves Wt'Mi.u 3 53 pm. Halifax 4 30 pm. ar rive Scotland Ntv.k 5 20 pm, Greenville 6 57 pm, KHston 7 55 pra. lietiirnla leaves Kins ton 7 50 am. Greenville 8 52 am, arriving llalifux 11JS ;it, Teldon 11 33 am, daily ex cept Sunday. . , . Trains mi Washington Branch leavo Wa?h-Jntto-i S 20 nm and 2 30 pm, arrive Parmela 9 10 am and -1 00 r-nv returning leave Parmele 9 35 am and C 3D pin. arrive Washington 11 60 arr ind 7 20 pm, daily cs'Of t unday. Tain 1 'ave.- TarDoro, N. C. daily except Punday- 5 30 pm, Sunday 4 15 pin, arrives Plynioiuh 40 pm, 6 10 tm. IMnrniag leaves rymoih da.ly tx.vpt Sunday 7 50 am, San dav 9 UO am, arrives Tarboro 10 05 am aad 1103 am. Tram oiv Mid. and N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro daily except Sunday 7 10 am, ar- Jivinr rniui;i."ia o oU am . lifUl ruing lea veg Smithileld 9 CO am, arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 am. , . Trains on Na?hvill? Branch leave Bocky Mount at 4 3d pm. arrive Navilie 5 05 pm". Spring Hope : 5 SO pm. Returning leave Spring Hone S; 0 am. -Nashville 8 35 am, ar rive at Rocky Mount 9 05 am, daily except Sunday. .Train on ' lmton Branch, leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday. 11 0 a m and 4 15 pm. lturnius l'eaves Ciintoa at Train No. 73 ma !;.'.'? close connection at TVeKiijn for all points North dailv, all rail via Blciiaoai, II. M. EMERSON, Gen '1 Pass. Agent. . J. Pv. KENLY, GenT Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. Sends in His Itcaignation. . Col. Jas. N. Stubbs, of Richmond, Ya., has addressed a letter to Adjutant General Eilett, tendering his resigna tion both as Grand Commander of tho Grand Camp, Confederate Veterans of Vireinia and as a member of tho history committee of that organization. G2 True Bills for Gambling. Tho grand jury at Durham, N. C. , has returned C2 true bills against Dur ham citizens for gambling. Judge Kcbinson fays raffling is garnblinrV Many lading citiz ns were caught and tho excitement ia great. of-IIar- and u. A" ihe'noncy dropped In speculation Xs dropped by men who are trying - to iicii it up. . !nn(innfl ftX HADM Mjulf 1 1 f fflllnfil UllllULllU VI ItlUiliii I1SI : j Gen, Eaton Sees in the Religion 01 Joseph Smith a I MENACE TO OUR INSTITU TiONS. 03,000 Converts Each YcarJaXum- ber Almost Iueredible, lie sldc9lU Nominal Member of 300,000, Tha Philadelphia (Pa.) Times says Gen. : John Eaton, of Washington, D. C delivered a lecture, at jAssocip tion Hall,! under the auspices of the. Evangelical Alliance. He took for his j subject, "The ?Jorraon3 and he Way i to Suppress Them." He said: "The ' Bu'ect fic I have chosen rrUy seem j an unnecessary one, but the dangers it threatens make its consideration most important.; According to thej official accounts from tho Mormon Propaganda it lately received 8.5,000 converts each rear a number almost incredible. It has beside its nominal mombers 30,030 regular communicants. j "lho Mormons, though essentially the same as formerly, do not carry out the old plan of conversion. They now visit the house3 of persons in pairs, and are very similar ia thoir methods to the followers oV Moody,. Ihey present a card on gaining admittance and pro ceed to enumerate the articles of faith, which, as they are written, do not seem so extravagant. They are careful not to give offence, and, having won favor, can obtain a satisfactory hearing. Their hearers, finding no objection to their mild, religious Ktatements be come less5 horrified, of tentimesj becom ing members of the Mormon C lurch in spite of its, atrocities. - "The Mormon faith in itself; is to be dreaded, but the probability 6f its un healthful influence is still worse.- The State of Utah, though admitted Union by premising to abaudo into the n poivg- any, is now governed by ihe followers of iSmith, and as their religion is uni versally adopted the State will make no laws to destroy it. But tho danger does nst cease here. The State of Utah has the right to send tvo Senators o Wash ington. Two Mormons are, therefore, living at the Capital 'with their wives and admitted into our most respectable American society. The danger of this is obvious.' More than onco social in tercourse has resulted in tho ultimate conversion of Christians to Mortnonism. Many who have settled or visied Utah began to worship in these pagan churches because it was stylish to be Mormons in that country, and their ruination soon followed. "Another danger resulting in tho power of Mcrmonisn in Utah is it3 po litical strength. Ev( now nothing could be done in the enate asrain&& it without being strongly oppose 1 by the two Senators lust mentioned, In tbe State itself no one but a Mormon will be received favorably. It is j beyond doubt that Mormonism is spreading. They have rectntly established two headquarters in Mississippi, one in Athens, 'Ala, ; one in Tennessee, and several in New York, New Jersey and other localities near bv-. Even our own State contains many Mormon con verts.. They are now erecting schools, academies and even universities tc spread their infamous doctrine Wife Murderer Hanged. Edward Shannon, the wifo-mur derer, has been sentenced to be hr.,ngetl on February 11th, at Wheaton, III., by Judge' "Willis. Shannon is over 71 years old. He showed little emo'iioo when sentenced. Asked if he had any thing to say, he tremblingly rose and fasbly toid how li6 had saved the life of State's Attorney TVright, when; he was a boy. This was tho only plea he mad e for mercy. License Tax Regulation. The Virginia Senate passed the House bill to make it unlawful for any lawyer, physician, surgeon, dentist, or any other person engaged ia a profes sion or calling, taxed by the laws ol this Stated who has his residence in this State, to practice his profession in anv county or city oi tnis Jjommon- wealth under a license-tax from other State or the District of bia. xsmm Flood In the Ohio. Last week a terrible flood Colum- ragtd in the Ohio river, causing great damage tc property. T. S. Cross, a salesman ol North Vernon, Indiana, was drowned near French Lick, while trying to ford a swollen stream. A farmer! Drnry and his father were J named li'owned while trying to ford the Cumberland river.. The bodies were recovered three miles below ; With a Pistol. Jack Caldwell, a prominent and pop ular young farmer of Mecklenburg countv, N. C, shot and instantly kill ed himself in the room of a friend with whom he had spent the night. His mind had been aflectad for some time. The Strike in New KngTand. The first week of the cotton operatives' trike in New England cotton) centres closes with the strikers and the manu facturers firmly maintaining their re speetive positions. The Pension Koll. Senator Cannon has introduced a bill providing for the publication! of the pension roll by Jan. 1, 1839, ana there after as Congress may direct. Killed by a Bursting Wheel. At Savannah, Ga., J. "W. Lee, a car penter in the car shops of the Central Railroad, was instantly .killed by a bursting pully heel. The wheel was being driven at the rate of 854 revolu tions a minute, which makes the acci dent inexplicable to mechanics. Suicided by Hanging HImslf. 11. J. Daugherty, of Pittsburg, Fa., traveling salesman for the American TeaCompany,?f XanesviUe, 0.. hanged himself in that city "ffliils temporarily doran jad. ! MbV ENGLAND APPREHENSIVE- Arrangements Being Made In Bidder ford for herring Strike Rations. Eoston, (Special). The sum totil of the new features in the programme of the textile troubles is the shutting down of the Cabot Mill at Brunswick, Me., because of the desertion of help in sympathy with the striking weavers, and the announcement that a email mill of the Social Manufacturing Com pany, at Woonsocket, ii. L, wonld be Bhut down for a few days for lack of ordors. j But the mill troubles, evident ly, are not to be confined to mill cities, for the side ispue brought up by labor legislation in the Massachusetts Legis lature. !, 1 1 will be remembered that the Ark wright Club, in recommending a cut in wages, laid stress upon the compe tition of Southern mills. The club further urged the repeal of the re strictive measures in force in Massa chusetts. With the first inkling of an attempt to carry out this recommendation la bor representatives in the House in troduced bills for new legislation, for a 55-hour week, no overtime for women and children, and to investigate the present textile situation. Aiong the line of battio from New Bedford, Mass., to Lewistoh, Me., there was absolute quietude. The State board of arbitra tion has seat Member Barry to the former place to see if tha strikers wouid not abandon the fining isbue, but the outcome of his errand is not known. I In Fall River the discontent, although entirely beneath the surface, is growing and the mill officials know it and are apprehensive. 1 The j evidence of stub bornness of the operatives in defending their position is shown in Biddeford, Me., where arrangements for serving etrike rations of soup and food aro be ing made. There the citizens, even to Chinese laundrymeh, are contributing money and societies -are offering aid. The strike may assume acute conditions there sooner than at any other place, judging from local indications. ; At Biddeford, Me.; an effort will be made by the officials of the Pepperell and Laconia Cloth Mills to start and all textile workers who desire to return to work under the Vj per cent, cut can do so.: The union men are almost positive that not enough will go back to start the mills. i BIG C03IPANY INCORPORATED. It Is to Do Business In Virginia and the Republic of Venezuela. i Mr. Wickham has introduced a bill in the Virginia Legislature to incor- j porate the American Development Compamy of the United States. The act authorizes the company to pur chase, own, sell, rent, lease, etc., any real, personal or mixed property in South America, and more especially to buy, lease, sell, rent, operate and gen erally to own and develop any conces sion, grant. or (franchise; street rail ways, bonded warehouse, cattle-packing, cold-storing, and shipping, rail roads, telegraph and telephone lines; and to establish, operate, own, perpetu ate and generally tp work, or cause to be worked operated, mines, mill?, fac tories, furnaces, electric plants, etc., in the republic of Venezuela. In the State of Virginia and in Venezuela the com pany shall have power to do a general banking business. The capital stock is to be not Jess than Si. 000,000, and may be increased to 25,000,000. It i said the corporators have ample financial backing. . Tho Greatest of Barbecues. The National Stock Growers' Con vention which has been meeting at Denver , Col. , has prepared the most astonishing barbecue on record. The affair wiil come off on the 27th, and the menu will consist of eight beeves, four buffalo, six elk. ten antelone. four bears. forty sheep, ten pigs, two hundred opossum, ten barrels of pickles, half a ton of I cheese, forty barrels of sweet potatoes, three thousand loaves of Thread and four hun'dred kegs of beer. For Federal Coutrol'of Quarantine. Senator Vest, from the committee on quarantine and public , health, has re1 ported a substitute for Senator Caffrey's bill providing regulations for quaran tine. The bill as reported practically places the control cf all matters pertain ing to the quarantine service in the control of the Federal government. Pritchard Will Stay In the Senate, i Senator Pritchard, of North Carolina, will not leave the Senate to accept the judgeship now vacant in his State, says the Washington Post. A dispatch from North Carolina had suggested him as the probable appointee. Killed by Gas Explosion. Forty persons were killed and eighteen injured by an explosion of gas in one of the mines of the Donet zaer Company, in the Togenrog dis trict of Russia. Saxton Must Pay $30,000. ; I The Ohio Supreme Court has decided that George D. Saxton, a brother of Mrs. William McKinley, shall pav Sample Sample C. George $30,000 for alienating.tbe affections of Mrs. George. She procured a divorce in DaSota, and it is charged that Saxton paid the ex penses. ; He owns the Saxton block in Canton, Ohio. j j Fought to Get in a Court Room. j At Chicago the anxiety of many peo ple to hear the closing proceedings in the trial of Adolph X. Luetgert for the murder of his wife resulted in a free fight in and around Judge Gary's court room in which the two bailiffs were badly mauled and several spectators vigorously clubbed. Appointed Harbor 31Istress. Miss Fay Fuller, who has just been appointed harbor mistress of Tacoma, Wash., is the only woman in the world holding such a place. She became prominent in the West a number of years ago by being the ascend Mount Tacoma. first woman to Nevrbold Acquitted. W. Hi Xewbold tho dispensary con stable charged with the murder of an inoffensive old farmer, was tried at Si artanbnrg, S. C. The jury brought , ia a verdict of not guilty. J I IP HE Pill. Full Plans and Specifications Havj Been Prepared. BIDS TO. BE OPENED THE 29TH. It Will Require TSiree Years to Get the Plant in Operation, and Mil lions Will be Required for It. Washington, (Special) Secretary Long, accompanied by Chief Construe tion Hichborn, Chief O'Neill, of the Bui reau cf Ordnance, and Judge Advocate General Lemley, appeared before the Senate committee 6s naval affairs on the 19th. The Secretary piid in response to questions that the Navy Department had prepared full plans and specifica tions calling for an armor plant under the last naval appropriation bill, and that estimates on the cost of land, tools and machinery recessary to equip the plant had -been made. The bids were to be opened on ihe 23th instant, and he thought foveri bids would be made. ' Secretary Long aid also that in vi'gw of the report of th& commitie which he had appointed to consiJer the question of & government armor plant, upon tne great cost and delay it would involve, ne had entered into further negotia tions with private armor, plants, now furnishing armor for other ships, and he believed that he could make a con tract for the supply of armor plate for tha Ill'nois, Alabama and Wisconsin, now under course ot construction, which would be read? whenever the ships were ready to receive it, at the rate of $400 per ton; Ihfe secretary recommended, in view cf the circum stances, that an arrargement to this effect be made. From the Secretary's statement, cor roborated by statements- by Commo dore Hitchborn and Captain O'Neill, it appears that the cost of a government plant, properly equipped, would be from $3, 500, 000 to $i, 500, 000. He said that tliir estimate included all machinery for making armor-plate, guns and pro jectiles, andadded that if the govern ment adopted the policy of providing its own plant no aimor could be expect ed from such plant for about three years. The committee has taken no action upon ihe armor-plate matter, and it is considered probable that the whole question will receive attention in that connection. . 1 A COMMERCIAL CONGRESS. Scheme to Increase an Interchange m Business Between Soutn and WT st. Governor Bloxnam, of Florida, has issued an invitation to the Governors of he Southern and Western States to at tend the fifth annual session of the South and West Commercial Congress, to convene at Tampa, Fla., Feb. 8th, 9th and 10th, 18t)8. The Governors are also requested to appoint delegates to the congress. The principal objects of the congress are to consider the means to increase the interchange of all merchandise and manufactured articles between the South and West, and to promote the movement of grain and all other products of the Western States to South ern distributing markets and through Southern ports for export. All the Gov ernors, commercial organizations, mu nicipal governments and transportation companies of the South and the West have been requested to appoint dele gates to this congress. A great many have already responded and the success of the oongress is assured. BOUND AND GAGGED A FAMILY. Then Ransacked the House for Booty, Cooked Breakfast and Departed. Five masked men entered the resi dence of Mrs. Anna Gratz, two miles east of Beaver Dam, O.j and at tbe point of a revolver, bound and gagged every member of the household, consist ing of Mrs. Gratz, a daughter, three sons, aged from 10 to 18 years, and two farm hands, John Hauenstoin and Adolph Follet. Leav ing one of their number to guard their victims the remaining four looted the house, securing about $10 in money, two gold watches and some jewelry, after which they' repaired to the kitchen and cooked breakfast After eating a hearty, meal they departed, leaving the family still bound. Nominations, by the President. The President has nominated Claude M. Bernard to be attorney of the Uni ted States, Eastern district of North Carolina. Also Tyre Glenn to be post master at Greensboro, N. C, and Wm. H. Chadbcurn, postmaster at Wilming ton, samo State. Killed Herself With Brother's Pistol. A special from Mavsville, Ky,, says: News of the suicide of Miss Harriet Keith Owens, at Crab Orchard farm, the home of her father. Basil D. Ow ens, near Washington,) has reached here. Miss Owens had been in poor health for some time and had to give pp her school last fall on . that account. She read the account of the shooting of ex-Senator J oe Blackburn's daughter, Mrs. Lano, with much interest After reading about the shooting she went ic her brother's room, securec? his pistol, placed it to her temple. and fired. Death was instantaneous.! Actor's Wlfe.Gets Absolute Divorce At New York, Justice Pryor, in th Supreme Court confirmed the report oJ ex-Judge Donahue, as referee, recom mending that a decree of absoluU divorce be granted to Nellie R. Good win wife of Nat C, Goodwin, the actor. Goodwin is ordered to ray to hil divorced wife $75 a week alimony. Three Men Killed In a Wreck. The westbound overland train jumped the track near Colfax, Cal., wrecking the train badly. The engineer, fireman and out bxakejan were JuU&d, H A PARAGRAPH. The South. Atlanta is prcra -ing to co'ebrets on May o and 6 its semi-centennial. 1 he Yirginia Legislature downed the anti-flirting bill. j . f I - 1 Reginald de Koven is seriously ill at Aiken, a. C., having undergone a sur gical operation. j ! The Norfollk, Va., trucking season has been delayed by frost and there is a scarcity of dpinach j At Marion, B. C.,i a negro shot and killed his sweetheart because she s re fused to go to Georgia with him. There is a tuil before ihe Virginia Legislature for the nomination of Fed eral Senators by primaries. C. A. Gammon, a leading merchant of Montgamei-y, A!a., swallowed ;on-a ounce of carbolic acid and died from its effects. j- ,. j . In a Sunday card game at Darling ton, S. C, "Biook Mclver shot and killed Pescr Murray. Both partieayo colored. J Clarence Bartlett, aged 17, has strangely disappeared from the home, in Norfolk, Ya,, of his uncle, a wealthy contractor. ! There is much activity at the Norfolk navy 3-ard and a hundred men have returned to work in the construe lion department. j j Mrs. Anita IcKeo, of Jackfon, Mis , has asked President McKinley to ai .point her Collector of Internal Hsvenue at New Orleans, La. Tho Georgia Legislature has appro priated $10,005 for a textile school ia Atlanta, provided a similar amount be raised by private subscription. j Dr. Tydeman, a distinguished; re tired physician of j Knoxvilie, Tenn., who was well known for his deed of charity and benevolence, died . in Co lumbia, S. Gi j The result of the first ballot in the Tennessee Legislature for a United State Senator resulted as follows: Mc Millan 89, Turley 30, Taylor 19, It re quires 43 to nominate. i The Liberty Woolen Mills, at Bedford City, Va., which has been idle for some time, has been purchased by New York and Philadelphia parties, and it is stated, w'li start it up at once. The total number of smallpox cases in Greenville, so says a statement in the Columbiaj Statej signed by C. C. Jones, chairman board of health, num bers 27: deaths 1. The statement also says there is no danger now, as they have the disease under control. The North. Fire at Chicago, III., destroyed pro perty amounting to half a million. The coming convention of the Reunit ed Ancient Order of Hibernians will be held at Trenton, N. Jk, Juno 27. A mock trial by boys, ending in a hanging, at 'Turner's Falls, Mass., al most cost Harry Jackson his life. - A teacher at Matteawan, N. Y., dis sected a eatj in the schoolroom and the cruelty society may prosecute her. Tho Lorraine, (O. ) chamber of com merce wiil offer the government a free site for an armor plant on blacK river. Although lie has fallen heir to a fortune of $70,000, Policeman Delmar 8. Gardner will remain on the New York force. i Master Cor Builders' and Masier Mechanics' Association of the United btates will couve3 at Saratoga, N. Y., in June next. John Mosher, of Fuhkill, N. Y., drove three hiiles beside a corpse not knowing that his companion had died on the journey. j j An effor will be made by the New York Fenata to find j out what became of h 0 00 , O00 a ppropriated for im p.-oving the Lrie Cr.uad. i Logan Carlisle, son of John G., and former chief plerk in the United. States Treasury department at Washington, during the Cleveland administration, died at the home of his father in New York. Cause, heart failure. Adlai E. ! Stevenson, former Vice Fresident of tho j United States, has accepted the position of Western coun tel of the Noith American Trust Com pany cf New j York,! with a membership in the board of directors. On February 1st 114 looms in j the Manchester (N. H.J) Cotton Mills will be stopped for an indefinite time. ITLe cause assigned is the falling off in the demand for j!rint goods. There willalso be a reduction of about 10 per cent, in wages, affecting about SO per cent, of the employe on January 24th. j Miscellaneous. The London engineers haTe agreed to return to wc rk. j j The reductions of wages in the New England cotton mills' will eilect 123,000 operatives, j ' At Hot Springs, Ark., Jack" Ever hasdt knocked out Eddie Donnelly in the sixth round. j Eight millions in gold dust is Btored at Duwsoa Cjtj-, Alaska. The cutput this jear 13 expected to reacu S50,000, ODO.i General John M. Schofield thinks it under not to annex would be a grave b the Hawaiian! Islands. . i ' 1 . Dick Brandt, the supposed train rob ber and murderer, was among a dozen prisoners who broke jail atBentonville, Ark. ' ' I M The stomachs of Conrad Beck, in St Louis, and Mrs. E. Bestian, in ;Mil waukee, wer4 removed by snrgeons as a result of cancer, j Both patients died. Governor Black, of New York, jwill be present at the American Paper and Publishing Association's annual dinner, in New Yorkicity on February 17. George Draham won a race of thirty five miles against about 200 other Klon dike miners who sought to be first on the grounds! to secure rich claims on French Pete Creek.! At Boston three boys were asphyx iated by gas. j j William Slate, of Leadville, Col., prompted byj jealousy, shot and killed Mrs. Minnie jSmith and killed himself. The District of Columbia appropria tion bill was reported to the Houee on the ISth. It carries S-537,6o7, or over half a million dollars Ies3 than the cur rent year's appropriation. j At Philadelphia Sam Henderson, ID years old, lias been arrested for the murder of Percy Lockgar, 5 years old. "Yeilowback' literature is supposed to be responsible for the deed. TOID 1 1 16 Mi. ! A Discovery That Will Prove a Boon to the Farmer. ANTI - TOXIN E SERUM THE Talisman--The Serum Sava 82.8 Per Cent., and at a Nominal Cost of OdI 10 Cents a Head. The chief of the bureau of animal in dustry, Dr. D.j E. Salmon, at Washing ton, has submitted to Secretary Wilson a report upon the experiments made in the treatment of hogs i for hog cholera with anti-toxihe serum. This serum is made" upon tho same principle as the anti-toxine of diphtheria. Good semm has beea obtained from both horses and cattle, a horse or cow being; treated with the hog I cholera virus in small quantities at first, with large dotes af ter suitable intervals of time. The re sistance of the animal is thus raised to the highest practicable ioint "j The blood of such an animal when injected under the skin of swine has been fouud to possess both a preventive and a cure for cholera. i I This serum was first tested upon small animals in the laboratory and being found efficacious, was last fall tested in Page county, Iowa, on sev t vsl herds of Bwine containing alto gether 278 animals, Leaving out one herd, from which definite returns as to cause of death could not be obtained, only Si) died out of 244 animals of which 80 weie siok. Consequently 82. 8 pr eat of the; animals in those nerds were saved. Of untreated herds kept under observation during the period re ferred to about 80 lr cent -of the ani mals died. Dr. Salmon believes that with experience a better quality of se rum can bo prepared aad he has doubt that this percentage can bo maintained hereafter. ! Referring to this report Secretary Wilson remarked that undoubtedly the results reported by Dr. SalmonVere most encouraging to hog raisers. The cost of the serum now, said the secre tary, is but 0 cents per head of ani mals treated, only one dozen being re quired, and doubtless in course of time this light cost may still be further re duced. "It is my opinion, " paid the secretary "that it is cf the utmost importance that this erum for the next year at least be made by the bureau, under our own supervision, and distributed in large quantities in order to demon strate its "efficiency upon a more ex tended Ecale. It is absolutely essential that during the experimental stage serum of undoubted quantity be used. Unless the hog growers can obtain? it from this department they will be forced to depend upon what "can be ob taiJdd from private sources, and owing to the novelty of this product, not only will disccuragingly exorbitant priceB be charged for it, but in many capes inferior products may be offered. This would preclude the a possibility of mak ing a satisfactory test cn a widely ex tended scale. "I propose to ask congress to provide an appropriation necessary to enable this department to furnish 2,000,000 dozens of serum during the next year, and to loake a considerable portion of tho appropriation immediately availa ble. It seems from Dr. Salmon's re port that it takes three or four months to put a horse or cow in condition to supply the serum; consequently the work upon an extended scale must be undertaken at once. "The losses from hog cholera are so enormous and have weighed so heavily for years upon our farmers that I can not imagine that Congress will for a moment make tbe appropriations ne cessary to carry on this work thor oughly. Indeed apart from the great stake the farmern have in this matter, to refuse to provide for a thorough test of this remedy now wouid be, indeed, pennywise and pound foolish; for the discovery of this serum has involved already many years of work and a very large sum of money. It would be a great mistake,1 now that so gTcat a dis covery seems to have been made, not to finish the work by giving it a thorough and extensive test STONKD BY STRIKERS. Superintendent of a New Bedford Mill Roughly Handled. At New Bedford, Mass., strikers have become disorderly. Superintendent Knowles, of the Asushuet Mill, j was stoned by a crowd of nearly a thousand strikers. He is one of the most! un popular men in New Bedford. He made a speech at tbe Gate Mill and tried to persuade some strikers to return to work, when he was roughly handled by the men. About fifty men, mostly French and Polish, attempted to resume work, but were prevented oy strikers, wno are in C A. .. fl an- angry mood anticipated, j cenous uouoie is Petitioned the Postmaster-General. The South Carolina Presbyterian synod has petitioned the postmaster general remonstrating against the opening of postoffices on Sunday and against Sunday transportation of mails. The grievrncej was submitted through Senator McLaurin. Killed IBmselt, Wife and Children. John Matthews, a retail grocer in New York, murdered his wife aad their two children, a boy 19 years old and a girl 12, by hacking them to death witb a hatchet Matthews then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Relief Expedition Not Abandoned. Acting Secretary Meiklejohn, of the War Department, pronounces to be ab solutely untrue the statement coming from Portland Ore., that the relief ex pedition to the Klocdyka baa been abandoned by tbe Government Cotton for the Orient Keren train loads, amounting to 4,750 bales of Texas cotton hare arrived at Tacoma, Wash,, for shipment to Chin and Japan on the steamers of tho North- exn Pacifio Use. - - I DRADSTREETTS REPORT. Activity In Business and IndnitrU . Lines Generally Reported. Bradstroet's report, for past wesk says: j A Urge meauio of ac tivity in business and industrial lines in some instances.with previous records surpajsed, and very general steadiness la prices of staplo. is perhaps tbo most notable-feature of tbo lrado Mtuat:oa thi wee!:. Quotations of cereals show tbo mofcfc aggre sive strength, while those of some makes of pi? iron betray rather ore decided weakness than tbey did a week ago. Mdd weather is fre-. queutly mentioned as an iufbtence to check retail distribution of seasonable goods, chiefly because of the effect ou country roads. Spring tiadp oreni slowly, as usual at this tmo' cf tho year, but confidence is still unim paired.! I The industrial situation with tho sin gle exception of tbe cotton industry is one of j exceptional strength. As yet tho strikes in this bracci of trade .aro largely confined to Massachusetts. Men's wear woolens are moving fairly well. At the West, distributive tra lo ia slowly improving while at tbe Scuta.' a fair January trade is reported, par-, ticularly in tho Mississippi valley. Good returns from last j e.11 'a Louisi ana sugar crop, find expression iu high prices for sugar lands. Tho good re port fi;om cotton precludes too heavy accumulation at primary point. ia spito tbe crop ! movement Mild weather in the Northwest affects tbo trade to some extoat A point of in terest, however, is tho report that fur goods j manufacturers chuully shut down at tbis season, aro rnnning full time oa Alaskun orders. Business ia activa oa the l'acifia coat; California crop prospects have been improved by the recent rain?, and shin aud boat buildiug is very aotivo a'oag l'ugefe Sound and at Portland. . ; Quite a fchrinkage iu cereal reports are iudicated by reports to Brad street's this week. Tbo totnl hip ments of wheat, fiour included, from.' the United States ami Canada, amounted to only ' 3,0,,030 bushels againft fi.223.0v0 last week; 2,lll,0o0 busbe'.B iu tbis week a veu ago; 8,813, 000 bushels in 181)0, and 2.840,0 J bush els in the third week of Jnuvary, 1$.)5. Indian! corn exports phow a heavy fall ing off, amounting ta oniy ;j,48i,00) buHhels tbis wcek, hgaiiut 4,4J1,00J bushels last week; 3,T20,000 last year and 3, 192, 000 bushels in the correspond ing week of 1 80(5. 1 i A further falling off on tbe number of business failures is reported in tbo United States this week, thetotal being only 2Qd, againat.H23.Iast week; 42 i tbis week a voar ago; 1114 in the week of loJii; 3lS in Jb'.j and 00S in 13 4. Tho fainres in the Dominion of Canada how a further falling off, nmouutmg tais week to only 4(5 against lust week ; 57 in 18J7;52iu 1690, and 48 in 18J1, but slitrhtly exceeding thoso of 183J, which number 23. i REV. DRr TALMAOK 31 ARR HID. Mrs. Klenoro MeCutchcon Collier, of i; Pittsburg, the Bride. ! Rev.rT. DeWitt Talmago, tho noted divine,! at Washington, and Mrs. Elen oro McCutcheon Collier, of Alleghany City, Pa, wero united in maniago on tho 22d, at the McCutcheon residence, No. 47, Irwin 1 avenue. Tbo ceremony was performed, by He v. W. J. Robinson, 1). 1), J pastor of' the Firt United Fre byteiian Church. Tbe weddiuar.whicu came as a great surprise to tbo many friends of the coup'e, was, on account of the recent death in tbe family; aa ex tremely quiet affair; Mrs. 'ialmage is the daughter of tbo late James M. McCutcheon, of the big iron firm of Lindsay tz Mcf'ntcbeon. She was the widow of-CLav W. Collier, onlvtonof .Truism P. IT. Collier, bbo is 4 J years old while her husband ia Ci' xhe present Mrs. 'lahnago in tho rev erend gentleman's third wife, bis sec ond wifo having died several years ago. A Reverend Forger Siiws Out of .!al? Rev. Leslie Cook, who hi been con fined in the Boanoko (Va ) city jail, under an indictment for forgery, ra'-rcJ out and made good Lis e-capc. Tho special case on which ho wai indicted involved a check purporting to havo been signed by T. W. Wood k Son, f Richmond, and which Cook hal cashed duriug tbo meeting of tho J'nptist As sociation in Roanoke some uouths ago. He he'd a pastorate in Roanoke fcr a short time. Cook is wauted ia oilier places on similar charge. Fat ii CollMiMi. Train No. 37, of the Atlantic Coat Line, from New York to Florida, and train No. 52, local, from Charleston. collided 80 miles -wet of rharleson. Two men were killed andannwhor, injured. The collision wa cunc l by a confusion of orders. Since the above was written another of the mjuic l has died, making the to'a! death three, 'lho State Railroad Commi-jon rays no wreck would have occurred if orders had been carried out SHIItary Burial for a Veteran Mule. At Blum, Tex., military ceremoaiei were held at the burial of an old Con federate army mule, which belongel to A. McCnllongb. 'Ihe veteran beast was 42 yearn of age. Its owner used it as a cava!ry mount all through tho war, and in recent years exhibited it many soldiers' reunions. Lived 11 Days Wit 1 a Broken Neck. August Nickerson, a sailer, died at Port Townsead, Wash , with a broken I neck. Nickerson, who wai a tailor on ' the American bark Ciyphcne, vr'.Afo off I Cape Mendocino, cleveu days 1 revicui leu irom the mam yam through a hatch to the hold, a distance cf 43 feet Shot to Death by Ihe Postc. Arthur Jennings, who aieasinated Joe Brinsoa aad wounded Jim Tryor, near Augnsta, Ga , was snrronnded ia a house in tho conntry several miles from the city and while resisting airwfc was shot to death. Mr. ht. John Win Stick. Vice-President St. John's private nco. rotary ienles positively the report tbat Mr. St John will resign In position with the Seaboard Air Line to accept tho sszxi&zsziSatQt Union r&ciHc,