THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, X. C. postal re-ma.' unn,X. c, as Entered according to tions at the postoffice at Dunn second class matter. J. P. PirTMAN, Proprietor, A.M. Wood all, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months 25 Cents. Six Months.. 50 Cents. One Year.......... 81.00. Sent by Mail. liable in advance. Dunn, N. C January 2C, 1838. A FUSION SHERIFF, A sad story comes lrom ram lico county this State. -V. well to-do farmer named Aidridge down there last year was elect ed by the Republicans and Pop ulists, sheriff of the county. This man Aidridge had been a Democrat but joined the Pop ulists and entered into a fusion with the Republicans to be elect ed sheriff. To accomplish his election he took a negro poli tician, who was a tenant on his farm, into his confidence, let him eat at the same table with himself and family and sleep on his beds in his house. This man Aidridge had a beautiful daughter named Bessie who nrotesf'ed against taking the negro into the family on an equality. Her father told her that he must in order to obtain the neirro's influence for him to be elected sheriff. He was elect . ed sheriff and an intimacy grew between the daughter and her father's negro friend and poli tician. ; The girl was ruined by the negro. She gave birth 1 t 1 1 t " . 1 1 1 T!! y tne negro wno naa in duced her to take concentrated lye to produce an abortion and destroy her shame, but the lye onlv ruined her health and left her in a critical condition. Some time last fall she gave birth to. the -child at her father's house disgraced and- ruined forever. It was published in ' the papers last week that the poor girl was dead. She had died of shame and disgrace. This is the fruit of fusion and .shows how mean and contempt ible some men will act for party -office ruin the homes and their loved ones for a small office. No fusionist or Republican in any of the eastern counties, ave one, can be elected to of fice, without the'aid of the ne gro vote and to receive that he has to put himself aiid his fami ly to a great extent on an equal ity with the negro. We wish every Wjhite man in the State could read this story of the .Pamlico, sheriff. If a white man puts himself on an equal ity with the negro, the negro soon thinks he is the superior of the white man and lie is to Ihe white man who does so. ) We would advise the honest Populists of Harnett county who love purity and condemn scandals of like nature of the :ibcfve, to come together and stand for white supremacy lest such things come to our own door. In some of the middle and western counties Mormon preachers are at work trying to establish their church and doc rnt a . house and pretend that they are travelling without money or scrip. They were in this coun ty sometime ago but we think they had poor suqeess. They are generally hale hearty fellows and of fair intelligence. If the Mormon church is strong enough io send these Missionaries here to teach the doctrines of the book of Mormon it should be strong enough to feed them. Christians believe that their -doctrine is base, and false and if ihey persist in preaching it let iiicni nurfc. iur ineir meat ana . bread while they are doing it. J)o not feed or give them shelter r lodging without they pay for at and make them pay in" ad vance. Treat them as you would si foe and an enemy for such are they against the" chris tian religion ; make them pay for what they get to eat and if the don't pay do not let them have it. If everybody would treat them this way our country woultl soon be freed of Mormon elders. The Charlotte Observer has an offer of $50 for the best noem to be read at the unveiling of tlip monument to be erected in ChaiV lotte to the signers of the Meck lenburg Declaration of Inde pendeiice on the 20th day of May next, and has already re ceived two poems for the con test. No doubt some of our best poetical talents will offer .to sing the praise to the memory vi uie jjiiii jois oi 1 to. nearins the the Western horizo n and evening shades were rapidly spreading their protecting wings over our house of health, peace, j comfort and joy , we thanked God for His loving care during another day and .had almost forgotten the troublesxof this life .when-to our sorrow the death angel, borne by the jliand f God, took his flight from the "haven of rest," visitedj our home and called to heaven our dearest friend on earth) our mother, Laura E. Williams, wife of Isaac Williams. Ah ! 'twas sad and more than our hearts could bear, to behold the lifeless form of our mother who only a few moments pre vious had been so busily engag ed in her household duties, and -o much enioved the richest blessings of God's love, was hard to realise her x could we ask her to smile - - - i O, it eath ; once more, the only response would be the echo ot our own voice, our mother was dead. But, "blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." This is our consolation, and while we apply this blessed promise to our stricken hearts we remem ber that ' i Deaths but a path that must lie trod. If man would ever pass to God, And 'twas God that took her, He knew nest, She now has a home in a mansion of rest. But Ah ! that dear old home we call our own. Is never cheered hy her silvery head j Our sweetest songs from her chair has llown. The mother we used to kiss is dead !, She was a Christian wife a kind and loving mother, and a dear sister and friend. Her sweet disposition drew all class es to her, as she was always readv to do good. She was born Dec. 24th 1846, died Jan. 19th, 1898, was con verted at the age of 13 years, lived a pious, christian life, much devoted to ; prayer and peace making. She was a faith ful member of the M. E. church on Newton Grove circuit and was a great worker and believ ed in a full and complete sal vation. She was fully able to claim the promise "the pure in heart shall see God" and talked much of that great cleansing i I God had wrought in her soul She leaves a husband, two brothers, a sister and eight loss. children to mourn their i May. tne sincere prayer or our - r . -i . I n wife, sister and mother ere long fIrnAv n tn hnv linmp nlinrp is our prayer. W. li. A During the past two years, Mrs. J. Wi Alexander, wife of the editor cf the Waynesboro. (Miss ) Tiroes, has, in great many instances, relieved her baby when in the first stages of croup, by giving it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She looks upon this reme dy as a household necessity and be lieves that! no better medicine hae ever been put in bottles. There are many thousands of motherslin this broad land, who are of the same opin ion. It is tne only remedy that can always, be depended upon asJ a pre entive and cure for croup. The 2d and 50 cent bottles are for sale by N. B. Hood, Druersist, Dunn. N. C It is stated that during the four years which Collector F. M. Simmons has had charge of the office of Internal Revenue at Raleigh that in the eastern district there has been over S$0 illicit distilleries destroyed by his deputies. A deplorable fact and oiib that is a great question to settle. It is an evidence tlrat something is radicallv wrong with our revenue laws. I had i he; heuuiat it-m so badly that could not get my hand to my head. I tried the doctor's medicine without the least benefit At last I thought of Chamberlain's Pain Balm ; the first bottle relieved all of the pain, in d one half of the second bottle ef lected a complete cure. W- J IIol land , Holland, Va. Chamberlain' Pain Bald is equally good for sprains, swellings add lameness, as well as bums, cuts and bruises For sale at N. B. Hood's drug store. The Caucasian last week savs that Governor Kus'sell should ask the Hancock: resignation of Robert L president of the At lantic and North Carolina rail road, if the charges of seduction made against him by his wife's true. Now that the Cau casian has said so you may ex pect to learn of the Governor calling on Hancock to resign for S. Otho Wilson ays that the Governor is the tool of Senator Butler. O. W. O. Ilardruan, when sheriff of Tyler ,Co., W. Va., was" at one time, almost prostrated with a cold He used Chamberlain's Cough Kern- dy and was so much pleased with the quicK relief and cire it anorded him, that he gave the following unsolic ited testimonial: "To all who may be interested, I wish to say, that I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and fiod it invaluable for coughs and cold?." For pale by N. B. Hood, Druggist, Dubd, N. C. As thexsun was Xlie lojjtv Colleclorsiliip. Mr. E. C. Duncan, the new ly appointed Collector of In ternal Revenue,' will take charge of his office on February 1st. During j Mr. Cleveland's ad ministration all the officers and deputies under the collector were put under civil service and this fact is giving the Re publicans of the State much concern just now. Under the civil service law as ' it is now Mr. Duncan can appoint only abiout five or six men to places under him,- without the civil service he would have some 1G0 or75 appointments to give his Mentis ; but if the civil service holds these places will still be filled byHhe Democrats that are now holdi them.' From thisxeounty there are two applicantsxfor the appoint ment of Deputy Collector to succeed Mr. J. Wiley Jones of Wake who now holers the place, that we have heard of, there may be others and doubtless are. These two are bothfrom Dunn. One is Mr. J. B, Hoi- three omces unitea btaies Commissioner,- Justice of the Peace and cotton-weigher of the town of Dunn. . The other is Mr. J.J. Wilson, Coroner of the county, the most uncom promising and staunchest Re publican in the county. Both are pretty well backed -by their friends and the contest bids fair to be a "warm number." Each are equally confident of the place and one ( of them will probably get the'l appointment. if civil service obstruction can be removed, unless the fight grows so warm that a dark horse runs in. We learn that the friends of Wilson say that it wont ' do to give Holland all the offices as he now has three, and on the other hand Holland's friends reply that nearly all of Wil son's family relation are pro vided with an office and it will no do to give all the offices to one family ; and so the warfare goes on. Mr. W. S. Jackson, of Dunn, is an applicant for tliQ appoint ment of General Storekeeper and Guager, a place now held by Mr. C. S. Powell, of John ston county. This place is also under the civil service. Mr. ! Duncan has been in Washington tlie time since he received hi appoint ment trying to arrange to avoid this civil service law. - If this can't be done the only way to remove the Democrats that are now in is for cause and in case they should be removed for cause the place can't be filled 1 - ' T T , 1 ( i . by any but those who Jiaye pass-1 ed the civil service examinations I aiid then according to merit. So the crowd of Die-hunters that . -A- . want to get to the table for a few loaves are in a trulv un easy state, but they should re member that their party made this law and are now in power aiid could repeal it if they would. Thev are now drinking the bitter dregs of .then' own cup. What i 9 Emulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form rngf properties It contains Cod Liver Oil - emulsified or partially digested, combined . with the weil known and highly prized Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. Whaiwffl M Bo? . It will arrest loss of flesh, and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of CafeS, Pe sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. jop, an .$i.o, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,1 Kew York. It is reported that the Span ish troops have captured . the town of Esperanza where the government of the Cuban in surgents presided but the in surgents and all their insurgent government officers escaped. This fact the Spanish claim will soon end.the war with Cuba. The insurgents claim that the Spanish soldiers were defeated with great loss and that their capital was not taken. Do not wear impermeable and tight fitting hats that constrict the blood vessels of the scalp Use Hall's fiiir ll newer occasionally, and you will not be bald. I Of making many pills tiere I j Cl I ' 1 T h is no end. Every pill-maker I fj 1 f I M j S3 U j 1 H j j 3f says: "Try my pill, " as if j L I 3!MI 1 1 1 (1 U hewere offering you bonbons! UllcLlliul JUUlllliili . S, . : m-r ("tine a crfwl nill .1 ! . mmi i: X uc v i3c iii. u iw j t x ti i - 5) and sticks to it. Also, the wise j DUNN, - N. C () man wbo has once tried them S j ! !piity 3I:irs?i.l. Surles, of this has been appointed Deputy United States Marshal to, succeed Mr. J. H. Ballance. There were several applicants for the position but only one could be appointed, and we learn j that 'some of the faithful in the G. O. P. do not relish his appointment, for they say it should have been given to a Republican of longer standing than he . Mr . S urles had until a few years ago been a Demo crat and for this fact, some of his competitors for the position do not like his appointment. They believe that the old and trieol should be recognized be fore new converts. Mr. Surles is a clever gen- tlemaii ami a good citizen and will doubtless make a good of ficer. The with their tubs and coriix juice in the woods mav keen axgood watch for the old adage says : new broom sweeps clean. "A A 1 1 new set of officers are in and they have their reputation to make and will more than .prob able make a desperate effprt to produce a record for a larger business than their predecessors. So boys, if you don't wish to get into trouble burn up your stills and turn out your juice and quit the business. -'Obey the laws that be" is the Divine command. r A Sukk Thing fok You. A transaction in which you cannot lose a ! sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue,' fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas carets Candy Cathartic,' the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are hy sdl druggists guaranteed to cuic or money refunded. C. C.-.G. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c. 2iic, r0e. Sam pie' and booklet free. Sold hy all druggists. Claude Bernard of Greenville has been appointed to the, attor neyship of the eastern district of this' State to succeed 0. B. Aycock. He is a Republican but his appointment is said to have been made through Harry Skinner's influence for the pur pose of maintaining fusion in Skinner's district. Our county man Col O. J. Spears was a candidate for the place but the Populists were against him and consequently he was defeated. He has ever been a faithful Re publican but in this day of fus ion the old and s tried Republi cans are back numbers when a fusionist wants a place. The sugar coatinsr, which mak( s Ayer's Pills 30 easy tp take, dissolves immediately oq reaching the stomach, and so pdrmits the full strength and benefit of the medicine to be prompt ly communicated. Ask your drug gist for Ayer's Almanac, just out. Through the kindness of Mr. L. W.' Alderman wp hye re ceived an invitation to be pres eut at the celebration of the sixty third anniversary of the Philomathesian and Euzelian literary societies of Wake For est College on Friday, Febi uary 11 1898. A debate will be one feature ofithp programme and the query : "Should all gov ernmental appointments be sub ject to civil service regulations?' will be of interest just ' at this time. Two Millions a Year. WI1c.11 people buy, try, and luy a'ain. it inean they're satisfied. The people of the U lited .Staler i;ro now Inn ing C'ascan Js Candy Cathartic at tjie iate of two million boxes a year ami if will be three million before . Xcv Year's. It means nieiir pmvei . that ( ascaiets are i the niosr delightful bowel regulator for everyb iy ihe year round. All drug gists lUc. 25c, 3e s box. cure guaran teed. Tie fao- is CB every vra;pez. ft Tested AND TRU, Mi A. F. placej: Mv stock consists of anything found in Store which' I am selling cheaper Prpsnrintifms cnmnoundefl , L all for past favors, and invite straight lesral business. L. Pearsall is with to call and see him. Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, ! mi . 1 ! is J WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT Dunn, N. C Aur. ord, 1897. 2000 people nov; us'mg lo-baii Herbs. Wtxy V effect aud it is so cheap, 180 dosas 10 0 Mvatt's Mill N. C Great American Herb ("o., Washington, D. C. D-ar Sirs: I bave suffered for 15 years with dyspepsia. given me more relief than anything i i t n . years younger tnan wiieu J ursi comfueuceu .usiug your 'h iiui cure wife has been sick and t-uffering for a pains in the side and could not lie on gia and got so weak that &he could not all day and rest, on either fcide at night began taking Judian IJfirbs I knqw it part of the countryj Your unsolicited W Gaston Smith - ! Bpson, IV. C , Janu&r.) 15. 1898 Great American Herb Co, Washington, J). (J. Gentlemen;' I I have been using your Indiau sick 4nd in bed with catrrii in the hi-ad had been troubled for 15 years with more'eood than anythiug we could get I shall always keeD it in my house if and good results will always follow I j SWAny one desiring i purchase a L. P. Jernigah's store dr at my lestdence AGENTS WANTED. Mrs. M. li. 1 fered for eiyht ol d, KuddeH's, 111., suf- years from dyspepsia and chionic const nation and was filially cured by using iJeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills' for all ktomach and liver troubles. Hood & GiantbVun. Russell' ih railroad commis. siuner will liearj the railroads this week aj;ainst a reduction of passenger rates: If the Gov ernor and ins j commissioners can't ride on free passes, they want the fares reduced. rJ'he folly of Dr i udice is frequently shown by people who prefer to sqff.r fnrr.Lhn L an nd vr- tised remedvL The millions wlo hi. uA nn .nnhi m.Mni.s tf.k A vfir's Sarsaparilla for blood-diseases, and are cured. So much for common sense. In education, as in most oth er thfhgs, qualit founts for more than quantity, " . One MinutejC ough Cure cures juh kfc! 1.. 'IM. ..I...I- iff II,.,., I C- ! Grantham. j To Cukh 'onstitation Forevkh. Miss AUie Hughes, Xorfolk, Va., was ; TaTe Cascarets Candy Cathartic, lite frightfully burned on the face and neck, j or 2.-,,.. if ;. c. C. fail to cure drug Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's gists n fund the n:nne--. Witch' ifazel Salye, yhich healed thej" ,.1 . injurv without leaving a scar. It Is the i ri, . , ' , . : , famous p.le remedy, Jlood & Gnm.j rllW 'MlfiY resoUlton winch Uiinii,. : i instructs1 tlio )ayment : of tlie Judge Kobinson has declared that the tax on hotels imposed by tlie last legislature is dis criminative and therefore -unconstitutional. The law taxes all liotels that 4q n. Inisjness of over $1,000 a year aud exeijipis tJiose that do less tlian a $1000, J. A. Perkins, of Antlpultv, O.. was for thirtjT years needless tort tired by physici-ins'for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cored by n.-ing DeWitt's W itch Hazel Salve the falnons healing salve for piles and skin diseases. .Hood Qranthiim. CASTOR I A For Infants imd Children, Tie fas timile ' tees erery llgzi'.uiti Of WOOD'S SEEDS axe specially erown and selected to meet the needs and requirements of Southern Growers, "Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. - VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. "Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, V A. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IX THE SOOTH. H-r n r rr ist. first-class Drug than ever for the cash. with care and accurav. I thank , w you to come and see inc. Ic me and he , invites, all his friends . ! . b. hood: A A A a o- -o iiMomra B m GREATEST BLlJill) PURIFIER And Liver Regulator on Earth- W. F. UTTER. General Agent Punn, N, C. Becaui-e H the desired i V. P UTTER Jiinu-iry, 17, 1898, Your I-idUn Herbs has ten I have been :ibl t ti id. I feel . J . . . J r . I years with a cduiplic ttion of diseases her side; she aUi i'F;:-nl with noural walk fifty yards. fc.i can now walk and feels almost liki a girl since; she is the best renaedy ever sold in thia friend, I Herbs for three mon hs. I had beei and a kidney troiibie AJy wfo also catarrh. Your medicine hs done u from duggists or doctors in the time. I am able. It is a bo n 'o all suffateis its use. Yours rfpf ctfully, F H Thornton. package of Indian IlVi-be can get it at W b TJTTKIt Dunn, N. 0 T,TT . I . 0 iVrr,;,, J, . i,,AI,ET. . 1 1 Ca:id' Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c 25c. If C. C. C. fail, driig- jjist refund money. A new lire iisirancc company wras organised at (ireei)sQvo last week. This nhows well for our State and should be patro- 11 i " mi nizea uy nome peonie. ine amount of money paid to foreign insurance companies by the people is immense and if the in- Knt'iincfi nnn ho pnriMorl liv hnme f -! ? . .,), : J - ' " t v tv 1 the HtltO . Jhe fipSt QI1C Greensboro has lind such suc- CCSS that tllO SOCOlld W1S 21 til i II Z of necessity Stand by home j enterprises should be the watch word of all citizens. Pro-)erity comes nnickest to the man whose liver is in irood eomlitioii. I)c- WitCs Iiti)e Enifj- Jiisers are fainou ifttle j 'iNs for conitijiatjon, bilipiisness. i:idirctiou and - sl stomach and Ijvcr trouble!?.- Hood & (Jiantham, unit'-Mi Mnrcs .Mdos in j;om or silver at the option of the treas urer will come up in the Sen ate for a vote ThurscLiy and will pass that body. . It will probably be pieoned-holed in hp JTousq and never jieard from again. The Senafc as now rontituted would pas a free coinage of silver bill for the friends of silver have a ma jority in that body. Why don't Senator Marion Kutler intro duce an out and out free coin age bill and rush it-through the Senate and agajn put his re publican fusionists 'on record as voting against free silver? It would have the effecEof proeiuc in' fi lot of speech leaking to pass away the time and that is about all congress is now passing away the time and drawing pay. Shirk, Pleasant Ridjre, O., say.8, "AI:cr two do-torss ave ii my boy to di I save!, him frih rronp 'by usii'tf One Minute 'oiigh Cuj," Jt is tlie quickest an.l iuot cMtain remedy for cniirhs, c ami all throat atl 1un t. it 'ties. llol Grantham. RIOTICA ! Ilavi I" Adiniui-tia inir QUiv qaaiiiied as it i ix of F. A. Parker, fleceas 1. i otiee i-' iicreby given to all person- holding claim- against said estate to fne-e-it lb same for piyment. duly wiilied n i i r I efqre 27fb day of anuary '1800 or thi notice will be' plead iii bar of their recoveiy. AB persons n 'ebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment of the cunie. This January I'Oth, 189S M.D. Parkek, Administratrix. Jones it Stewart, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE OF VAT.l'AIJI.E Hy viiHie of ;i I'eciee of the 'Superior Conit. of JlaiiK tt emit3- X in ji. speriiil jtocimmMi! peiidtii in :i'nl CMiirt . eniitled ('. S. H.nhyi" and otInT i, y at law of Clfin S, Hulwe J'x Parle for partition, i will oiler for vile at public outcry to the Iiihetj hiii.l. r for cash at tli" court lioue dooi.jn u. town of I,illinton, Harnett ''o'inty, N. C on Myu1uv the 7th dav of Felu n irv lSIJSat 12 o'clock !. the' follow in- de scribed .tricts of land to wit: ,?t tract.. Situated on he Kat hank of NeiM's Creek in Harnett county fai l State and known a lot Xo. 2 in the iion of the land of V. S. ami c; p,. liarbee recorded in the Supeiior Court oalClcrk's ollice of Harnett -nnt v stud lieistered iif the oMiee of the iJeihier of deeds .of said county in book II. N.. 1 and bounded:; follows; Heufnniiij; at a Horn Beam and ' pointers on. the K.,.t bank of N ill's Crevk the dividi!) e,r ncr between lots No. 1 and 2 ami nui as the line of .lot No. I S Sf. K 1:U clmm. t a stake and pointers in Win. .I..ln,. s(n's line thence as his line X. 2. K II chains' and 50 rinks to a stake aiitT point ers Darling ,)(M)es deceased eorner, thence as the; Jyues line S. 87 W.'.'.i; chains an'd 7i linfis to a stake and poi'fit ers just below the old spring, theiire (low n the various couisrs of the spring branch 3G chains to a cornel thence N. o. L. 4 chains to a htake and pointer- thence X. 82 W, 31 chains and Cl link- to a stake and pointers, thence N. S, v. 20 chains an J ")0 liuk-i to a comer on N fill's Creek, thence down the vaiiou. courses of said creek j to the beiunin; containing 50 acres. 2nd tract. Bcinntn at a small a-h on the riht bank the tliinl corner of lot No. :i, aiijd runs as that line N- 20. i; .., chains to a f tone corner and pointer in the river road tin 4th! corner of lct No. 3, then as the j various of sail road 23 chains j and 50 link to N'.-ill Creek then down thej various coiii-e. of said creek to the Cape Fear Uiver, then down the said river 7 chains and .u links to the bej;innin conlainiu; 7:! acres, the saint? beinjr lot Xo. 4 intlic division ol the land of C. S. and C. C. liarbee aforesaid. j j K.rr. HoYKiN. ' Commissioner etc. EXKCUTOK'S XOTK.'K. Ilaviny: duly! (iialil!el as the executor of the last will anal testament of Win. Bynl decea.edj notice is hereby ive:; to all persons holding elaiins aa'ml aM estate to present the Mini! for payment duly verified, on or before the lnih day of .January 1809, or this notice will In pleaded in bar of llieir recovery. All persons indebted to aid elate arc h ic by nrlilled to make intnediac piyun iit of the same. Thi Dee. 2 jth 16'7. i. il. Tahiskk. Kxi cntor. JoNKs & STKWAUT. AttVt. LAX I) PAMJ, By viitueof a power of sale uon'aiiinl in ;i mortgage 1(hm1 executed bv M, W. IJarefoot, K E Uarefoot and JCilpha I), ltarefoot, dated Jan. 24. 1S!i. and resi le red in Hook ,Xo. 2, of the record.- of Harnett county, I wl, on the "ill day of Fi-'b,"S!lS at J2 io'elo. l; M, at l hit (,'oiirt House in Iillinioii ibunctt county, sell to the j highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land sitiated ill Averasb)i (i tow n-hip, larnett county mid in lllack Kiver town ship, (-'umbeiiand county and hounded as follows, to w it: 1st. tract. I5ginnit)g at a stake in tin Duck J'oi'd Hraixii, find inns .theme S 4S, l.'l chains to a -take in the I'm Id ; thence S 32, W 10 ehaiiis fo a .-lake in the lliiiton .Miiud- line; theiiee w'uli hi-liti- N !:, W 27 chains to a black triiiu in the V y Mlinds ln( ; thenee N ':i chains to a st.;ke in lit: Vlcld : thencj; ;55 K 1 chain to a stake A -I I ail - coi ner; theno'' his line !i .' V4 K 2-1 chain- to a dead pine; thence hi- 'other iiim C7, E 'A to a stake. .1 Tail's corner, thence about S 77, E 2 2 chain- to the beginnui, ccQtaiuing ''.) acres more or less. ' I 2nd tract. Beginning af a -take in Delaney Lev's line and runs, with t-aid line S Si J E I'i.UZ chains to a stak:- ':.ud red oak ; 'bc!)ce S .j V 17.0 ! :j -lake in Mingo' Varren s jincj ijii'i'c wiil his liiut N 0(1 W 1 nOj c iin- a HaU in aid line ; thelice N . E 10 i,,nu to the beginning, eont iiiibi"! n) acre iiioro oriels. This Jan. 4.1 1M:S. J. G. I.AV'loN, Mortgagee. By J. C. Cj.ifi-'okd. Atty. Jau--4w N OTIi li! Ilaviuu iiiialilied as Ecc utors of I'jora Ji C'liWlibeH, deeeaVcdi late of-llaruiftt C'oiinfy, N'orth aroljna, ibis is to notify nil peons ba ingclainu ii'irainst tin e-tale of said deeea-cd 1 -x-hibit tbem to Ihe uinlersigned on or be fore the I4th day of Deecmber. 'SU. or this notice will be pl-nd in bar f their recovery. All pei sons indebted to -aiu e.-tate il ph a-e make imin ui.i'e jra v rnent. This 1 "it li davtpf Decen, l::. !1-;cti Mf:fK.N )p.NrA A. Mr.j-:A EN"tMitor of J'Joia Jt ( 'nuij hi i, Dc''d, mOTICP. Navinsr: qualilied a- Ad-mini.-trator of Keildin Byrd decea-ed late of Harnett county, Xortb Carolina, this is to intify all person- .having claims against the instate of said o 'eased to exhibit tbeui to the uiidei- sigiiefj ot) or before tbe -lib day ot Jan- " 1n,A - . ' l' ' '..I'll t ' 1 , 1 y . I y-iry pwij or ipis iipup; win jHiaoe-i in bar of tliei" ircovetyj AH jifniij indebted to s-iid otute will pb-a.-e m iki. immedliite i.uyini-ot.i This 3rd day of January H'JH. I ! J. MrK. Bvi:i. .Adinini-t rator of Ecddill Byrd, decerned. dunx mAkki-;t. ORBKCTKI) CVKHV v:t;iNi:.'f' . Cotton, .... 'a IVas, m . . . . v.-. Sugar . 1 , Coll'eo .. J . . Flour, per Bbl Bulk Meat. . . Lard Corn Fodder . . fWi: ,, Chickeiit . Gutter Beeswax Lv.r t,r,Ac; .... JO to -nt-'- ;.fr.oo 6 i; to ;k. to in-. .... .-I") to ."Of .!.... T'.V' . . 2j tp ln:-- .... . JrTiu -Jtv . :18 to 2,'. Hides, dry flint, per lb ...... (' " green " 'JCi;i Shingles, per M, $1.60 6 fl.""' Dlieaict of 'ihe Blood and IVfrTfi. li;f pne need suffer with neuralgia. -Tiii disease ia quickly and prniaentjy cun-J by Browns' Iron Bitters. Every disease ( Ihe blood, nerves and stomach, iltretuc o othrwiBe, succumbs to Browns' Iren Bitters. Known and used for nnrlr. a quarter of a century, it stands to-'lay. fore most among our most valued remedici. brown' Iron Bitten is sold by alf dealeri.

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