rinMri J THE COUNTY UNION " WKDNESIkvY, Januaky 20. ls:iS, LOCAL DOTS, ( 'oiion is n i s to-day. The Dunn selling for Hardware and rniture Company can now ho found in their new quarter Mr. II. L. Godwin iias opened .up a grocery store, in the Godwin l)uilding on Lueknow Square. - A bright littl" girl, baby is qiieeu of 'policeman Snead's limine. Hei- reign dates ftom Si-i i id ay afternoon. . --Mr. .J . W. Bain has opened up. a' new grocery store on Broad street and has a choice stock-. The town authorities have had a ' good-, foot-way erected ;icro-s the branch between the town and cemetery. Lane Si Galbraith have the best mules and horses ever brought' to Dunn. Don't buy until you see them. -Mi-.'R. M. Pearsall is erect ing a hahdsome dwelling in the southern part of the town. He has l wo rooms already com pieted . - There will be preaching on next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., at Holmes' School house; by Rev. I). B. Parker. Don't buy a mule or horse 'mi'til you see Lane k. ( Jalbraith 's Tennessee raided mules and -horses. They art; the best on t he market. ' -During the warm weather week before last we learn that a Mr. Warren, who lives over in Sampson a few miles from town, had a large fat hog to die from the eil'ects of the heat. -The city of Wilmington has had only two cases of small pox P 'develop yet, the city coun cil met Monday and. ordered c nbpu'rsory vaccination of all the Inhabitants free of charge. Wr learn that 'Chairman Green has given "the order this week for an iron cell to be put in the county jail. This will save the county, the expense of sending her capital oll'enders to Fayetteville jail. He expects to have it in by court. Mr. C. F. Pope, who has served as '-typo 'on Tin; Union for about three1 years, has accept ed a position oh the Smithlield Herald and left for that place Haturdav, We wish him much success. t The pond back of the Methodist church is thoroughly drained and there is no longer fear of malaria from that source. The town authorities have had a deep ditch cut through it which drains it well, The warm weather in this, month "i.h as brought about a good number of colds and we learn of several cases of pneu monia. Willie, the little son of Mr. R. II. Core, who lives on Broatj street, we learn is cjuite sick with t. Two cases of small pox were reported at Charlotte- Monday. A negro man and a negro girl were found sick with it. A. strict (piaratvtine was made around the houses they are in .tiid eVerv ellort made to stop the spread of the disease, The little folks of the town had a party at the Jackson House last Friday- evening. Quitea number of. the little lads and little -lassies - attended 'and had a jolly good time playing and eating good things prepar ed for the." occasion hv life gal lant Utile lads, i On Friday niiiht, Feb. 4th, our tow n boys will give a musi cal concert and ministrel for the benefit of t lie gymnasium. The boys arc already rehearsing and will give you something good, iVrdbh't'fail to come as it is-for a good objtM.-.t. . --Quite a large crowd attend ed the tjiiarierly conference liere .Saturday and iSundav. Our people are well pleased with Presiding Elder Bishop, - and enjoyed his sermons Sunday morning and night,. which were Weil prepared, and eloquently deliveiviL - Uur genial hoteist, Sr. Ino. A. dates of tin4 Divine, has some strawberry plants on Ins lot in the southern part, of the town and had some of them covered with straw. He was 'xamining his plants the other aay and found Sue pjant with a tlossom and a 5foung berry- on it. He says he is going to pro tect it carefully ' and have , the first berries of the : season this year. People and Their Movement. Mr. J. J. Wilson made a trip to Kaleiirh last week. Mi.-s Cora Parker, of Averas horo. is visiting Mrs. E. L. Parker. Mrs. J. V. Jordan returned from a vist to her -mother in Johnston last Krklay. Mrs. L. H.kee left Saturday j to spend several days with her husband at liowland. Miss Josie Adams, of Four Oaks, came down ' Saturday evening and returned Sunday. Mkscs Lida and Saddie Adams," of Little River Academy spent .Sunday in town with Miss Nettie Barnes. Mr. A. L. Pearsall, the pop- ular clerk in X. I. Hood's dvwT store, left Saturday for Clinton to visit his parents. . Misses Hettie and Ross Har den, of Little River Academy, spent Monday night in town witli Mrs. Brewer. Rev. F. A, .Bishop, Presiding Elder of the Fayetteville Dis trict, came up last Friday and held the first quarterly Terence with the churih Saturday and Sunday. Rev. I. W. Rodgers, who was pastor of the Disciple church here last year, stopped over here Friday night on his way home from a trip to his mother in Missouri. Mr. J. A. Galbraith, of Mos sy Creek, Tennessee, who is en gaged in handling stock here and at Smithlield, came down Friday and remained here until Monday noon. Miss Emma Woodall from near Benson, who visited her sister and neice, Mrs. Effie Harper and daughter, Meta, last week, returned home Mon day. r Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stephen son, of Atfa, Johnston county, attended the quarterly con ference of the Methodist church here Saturday and Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Shell, Dr. II . U. Hill, of Ma.vton, will come up Friday and will preach at the Presbvterian church Friday night at seven o'clock. He will also preach the dedicatory sermon at the church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Hill is one of the ablest Presbyterian divines in the State. The town aldermen held n meeting last week and elected Mr. J. A. Driver night watch man in place of Mr. Tim Norris. Mr. Driver is now on duty each night. He made one of the best policemen the town has ever had and we believe that all our citizens are pleased id his appointment, We would ho glad for you to continue to read The Union but unless something is done by you to show your appreciation in the way of paying Tour subscrip tion we shall be forced to "drop your name from our list. Ve ca n-not afford to send tho paper out for years and years without pay,- and we hope those who are so far behind will pay part if not all. We regret to stop1 your pa per but something must be done. Our boys have organized an Athletic Club, and are prepar ing to . ecjtiip" a gynpiasium. The club lias rented the lower floor of the ( Joodwin and Sexton building and are alread' putting in some of the apparatus. This is a good thing for the boys, and we are glad to see that the are taking an interest in. physical culture. A .'library and yeading room will also be added. Mr. W. J. Melvin, a piuic-. tieal machinist of Fayetteville, has accepted at position with the South Dunn M'fg. Co. It is a fact well pleasing to us that this worthy enterprise is siu ceeding so nicely, and its success is only an evidence that qther enterpris es would be a timmeial success if i our moneyed men would hut in- j vest. We can never hope to ; build ; i town without the aid of; 1 i manufacturing and the sooner I we get about this important step j t lie sooner we are to nave a large ' and nourishing citv. - ! " r.-,- , . : V utifi aaiv in iiju v UV4" j 1U , ' , ' ; i4,",M f , . ' ' enanrjtHi iiaiuis viiiioiaiu?, corns, and all skm eruptions, , and positively cures piles, or no pav required. ' It is guaran- tcctl to give penect satis.acuon or monev refqncled kjw cents per box. lor sale by . B.TIood, Druggist. CASTOHIA. The fae timils slgaatore 6i !i ca G.itlicrod sit i By lVi,;;oiio. Mr. G. M. Spence spent 'Sat urday and .Sunday at home with his parents Store. Mr. W. II. Prof. Woodall in Dunn. near Bradley'; Upchurch and spent Saturday Prof. Cam pbell, accompanied oy.iauet ieasley, spent Satur day in Liilington. Mr. J. R. Harmon's smoke house was entered last Wednes day night by some thief who took a ham "and shoulder of meat. Mr. J. W. Aiken has been elected second lieutenant of the cadet corps. Prof. J. V. DeVennv .will move .his family here from Wake Forest about the first of Feb ruary. : f Mr. Wash Gregory' has bought the stock of goods of Mr. Frank McLeod. Messrs Dexter Blanchard and F. M. Monroe" have been elect ed sargeants of the military com pany. . , Miss Susan Jlodge?, accom panied by Miss Smithie Hamil ton, spent Satin-day at home with her parents near Dunn. Mr. J. L. Hall, of Dunn, spent Sunda- here. The societies of the school are inasplendid condition and each is doing splendid work. Mrs.. William M. Pearson will have a re-union of all her children to-morrow (Thursday) it being her sxty-second anni versary. Misses Hattie Peel and Katie Byrd are on the sick list week, we are regret to note. Prof. DeVenny filled Rev. J. A. Campbell's appointment at Hector's Creek church Satur day and Sunday. Ye localizer was mistaken in the, item of last week in regard tojMr. P.T. Beasley's contem plating goingto Georgia. He has no intention of leaving school. Our already large enrollment list grows each week. A few new students were enrolled last week. St. John. Con .sumption Positively Cured. Mr. It. B. Greeve, merchant of Chilhowie, Va.. certifies tt he had consuniption, was given up to die, sought: all medical treatment" that, money could procure' tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no re lief ; spent many nights sitting up in a chair ; was induced to to try Dr. King's New Discov ery, and was cured by iso .of two bottles. For past'- three years has been attending to bu siness and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest rem edy ever made as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's-New Discovery is guar anteed tqr CongliS, Colds, and Consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at N; B. Hood's Drug Store. UI:ii-ii4!. In Black Tiiver township on Sunday morning the lkd inst., liss Ava Matthews was united a niarriage to Mr. Iltifus Du pree, an industrious and hard working farmer of that town ship. Mr. W, A, Green,..!. P. performed the ceremony. The happ3 occasion took place at the home of the. bride's katker. and was a (juiet " nuptial with only a few friends present. The Union wishes for them 1,.,,.,,. .. . ! 1 V k 11 uu;i Mmmfu, How to Look Good Good looks . arc really more than skin deep, depending en tirely on a healthy condition of all the yital organs. If the liv- er be inactive, yon have a bik ious look ; if your stomach be disordered, you have a dvsnen- " . L tic look; if your kidneys be fected. you have a nkiehed look Secure good health and vou will j surely have good look? "Elec- - trie Bitters" is a ifood Altera I five and Tonic. Acts' directly on tiie stoinacii, aver, and kid- on the stomach,. liver, and kid- jieys. 1 urines the blood cures ' purifies the blood, cures pmipios, motciies and boils, and j Sives a goon complexion. Jvery MHf t If ifinrnitopf of v B Hood's Drug Store. 50 cent per bottle. wl..llWM1,m.),. Mrs. Florence Shaw and Miss T .r , 1 Leolia Crowder are prepared to j do all kinds of sewing and dress j making m the Postotiice build- jng. Gentlemen and children's j clothing a specialty. j I?Ir, .lolii: II. Iturke Iortl. ! Mr. John II. Burke died at his I residenc e on 1 5 road street ,Sun ; day morning jast after 12 I . ' ,. .A. .1 t .. 1 u ciuqiw, ngeu auuut oi years. He had been sick for a little over a week with pneumonia which j developed into a violent form j and all the assistance of physi- icianand friends coukr not re- move the cause of the dreaded i disease. i , . Mr. Burke came to Duiin in la.SU and has carried on business here since that time. He; had been married Uvke. his i first wife king a daughter ofi Mr Archie B. Godwin of near Dunn ; Ins second wife, Miss Alma Las- siier, daughter of Mr. Jnoi W Las..-. iter, of Johnston county . 1 1 . ! . " surwves mm. ins .remains were interred in the cemetery in the burial plot where iieTiU first wife and children, Monday after noon, kv. N. B. Hood conduct ing iiu burial ceremony. A large number were present to pay the hist tribute of respect to their departed friend-and neighbor. His m ,tker, Mrs. Flora Burke of Sunford, and his brother, Mr. J . M. Burke, of Maxton, came last week ; and remained ; "with 'him until the end. His sister, Mrs.O. M. Kelly, of Sanford, and her husband came Sunday. Mr. J. W. Lassiter. father of Mrs. Burke, Avas here to attend the burial. AT"..-. 1 : 1 Tt i ' i-i iay Kuiu i providence mess the bereaved young wife with his richest blessings and help her to bear with humble resigna tion the loss of her husband and protector. To the bereaved fam ily we extend our heartfelt sym pathy. kKACTY is Blood Dkkp. Clean blood means a clean skin. Xo beauty witiiout it. Cacarets Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep il clean by stirring up the lazy' liver and diivin all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that VieVly bilious coinplexiou b- taking Cascarks beauty for ten cents. All druggiyls, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 2-c,' Oo. SevcMy-I-:;ght V'sii-m old niul OnSy ineteeai Etii t Hd:i j s. There is a gentleman living in iiarueiu county wno is seventy-eight years of age and has had only nineteen birthdays, so we are informed by the Sanford Express, whicli"sas : "Mr. A. A." Harrington, of Norval, is seventy-eight j-cars of age, yet he has had only nineteen birthdays.. Ik was korn on the 29th of 'February which cOmes every four years as 'February has 28 days in fine till Leap Year gives her 20' " I I ... . A i , 1 Cascarets Candy Catliai tie, thei mast wondeifnl l'nedical discovery of v't"' age l)leasant. ami ref -exiling to t'he'tasto, act giiii:l and 'positively un the kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing tho entire system, dispel cojdsi, cure headach.e, fe ver, barj'mial eontipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C, C. V. to-day; 10, 50 ce'uts. Sold and guaranteed to cme by all druggists. Mr. Ed. Saiuki-v wiio was stricken' with paralysis Satur day was a week, died last Sat urday morning at the home of l)r, i1. Smith near Little Kiver Academy, where he had gone on a visit. His left side "was completely" paralyzed and pneu monia set in in the r.igh 'king and k.t; was too feeble to stand the e fleets Ymd death came to him peacefully. He was 08 years old last August, mains were interred Kis re Sunda' in the morning at 11 o'clock cemeteiw at Sardis dist church, Key. Mi conducting 'the burial service: Mr. Sanders was born in Johnston county and lived there until feome years alter the war j w-lion lui mrirnel fn Piimlv-inloiifl ' ,u","i lx' wiuumauu where he lived until a few years i lagohecame to live with hk daughter, Mrs. D. S. Williams, , near intnn. lie 'oaves several , children to mourn his demise. lie -was a good man and had a large number of kindred and friends wlio will learn of his death with sorrow, lie had al most redched the allotted three IT score and ten years. One by e.f-!one we finish our work and scmII Or id oiro in MP'nimt nf run- .'1 TP stewardhin T he bereaved family InVve our tenderest vmJ It i oa.-y to f:tch a coM aivl ju?t a? i t,:,-r to irt't OI !t " -vou coninience u dnrt-. oou.s, cni.K bronchin-, rneu-' moma and ail throat and iun- troubles j u i pioasaiit to i ikp. sate to ue a:id ure to cure. V, Hool & Grantham. ! 1 HOG STRAYlvB. A large ; ! ied and hiaek snotfed sow. on- !lniirtl wliieli T lioudit .-ir II. tf.i Foe's sale straved from mv . i 't house about six weeks , ago. I ! will give a liberal reward for her return to me. J. E. Stewart Benson, X. 0. Tutf s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A CLEAR HED; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use ot lutts.Liver Pills. A single dose will, convince you of their wonderful" effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases.' Tutt's Liver Pills l. JIIHIOIBrAlf. 'Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Tur ner, relict of the late Dr. II . M. Turner, departed this life at the home of her grandson Hon. Os car J. Spears in Liilington, this county, on Friday the" 14th of January, 185)8. The death of this aged chris tian woman removes from us another one of the few who are left whose lives link the present, with the be ginning of the present century. Mrs. Turner was born Oct. 27th, 1808, and hence died in the ninetieth year of her age. It is vouchsafed to few to bear e,. j i iur so many years lime s rav aging hand, but her body, like her mind, was cast in the molds of that stern unyelding fibre, peculiar to those born for gen erations in the past. Her life was an eventful one her cares were many and her respon sibility great, but she met ev ery duty with that unfaltering courage born of christian faith and trust, that the clouds of adversity nor the " shadows of some bereavement could never shake. "What her hands found to do, she did with- all her might. Duty was the guid ing star that directed and con- troled her life, and nothimr stayed her hand in its fujl per formance herself, nor did she. excuse its neglect in others. Mrs. Turner was tke daughter of the late Neill- McNeill, a wealthy farmer of the older time, who left two children. Col. A. S. McNeill and kerself, She was married in early life to Dr. II. M, Turner of Anson county who afterward located in Harnett and became one of the most distinguished physi cians, of the upper Cape Fear. Dr. Turner died in 18 . By this niarriage she had three children, one son and two daughters. The son a gallant cavalry officer of the Confed eracy, gave liis young life to his country on the held of battle ; the two daughters Mrs. Col. J. A, Spears and Mrs. Dr. W. M. McNeill, died shortly after the war, leaving a number of chil dren, nearly all of whom live in this county. These children were the objects o.f their grand uiothcrs mo'st tender care and alfection,! and were the com fort and solace of her ; declining years. Surrounded by these loved ones, with the fires of her strong intellect burning with the brightness of mid-day life, witk kerlpillow smothed 'by the magic touch of affections hand, she laid aside the cares and concerns of this life, to put on the robe ;and crown of the new heavenly life, that awaits all those who like herself, are faith- ..1 j. 1. i .1 TT. i :f..i mi 10 nit; enu. now oeauimu lv sublime is the death bed scene oT adyis christian ! How eloquently does it bear testi- rnonv to th; rpnlitv of rmr hiss ed religion.' From such a scene the dark spirit of skepticism flees in confusion of fear: What can rob death of its sting or the grave of its victory, sure the promises of our blessed Saviour, that enables the expiring chris--tian to say with perfect trust, Yea, tho.' I walk through the of dark valleV and shadow death, I will fear no evil, for i Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me." "I honed that to-dnv T would be free" were anions: the last words of our aged friend. ' Her soui seemed to crave to be free ; from that broken . and bruised lipa3"', tnat oore tne scars ot a century's storm, to dwell with the Saviour, she so lorn: had loved and served " The dear ones who t. . are left have the sweet assurance tho' lost to their sight no that now the mysterious depths, of " tlve gravej they have lett the in-; -I heritance of lier prrcious mom-i Ty ill? r j I o- We have bought the entire stock of the LEE HARDWARE COMPANY from Mr. J. C. Clifford, the as signee, and for the next THIRTY DAYS Ave shall give our customers the advantage of the Jiiinnn . liuuu ever known in o- The goods must be sold and we will sell them at the lowest prices for cash. Country merchants can find bargains at our stores. Call at once, and secure them. . We have two stores full of goods. Call on us at the Hrick Stores formerly occupied by the Lee Hardware Company and J. J. Dupree. We have the goods and if you want them bring the cash and the goods are yours. Don't fail to take advantage of this great sale. We must re-' duce this stock at once. Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage amFhoping to continue to be worthy of it, we arc, - YOURS FOIJ liAKUAINS, DUNN HARDWARE & F URN ITU UK COMPANY. IIOLLIDAY & PKIVFTT. J 0 ! It!E Lane Nov. 17, 1807. m 18 Maffll Dry Gills, i Sell Knitting Cotton, all colors, Spun cotton all numbers, Coats' machine thread at Ac , Progress machine thread at 2;") per dozen. Infants all wool shirts at 7t? perpair. Men's K ubbcr Boots at .f2.o0 per pair. ? Dental Snufl 2 ounce tin cans at o4'. Brussels Carpet at dj.V per yard.. Warmer's Corsets at .f 1.00. Working men's water-proof overcoats .$2. o0. All wool undershirts cheap. A full line of men's heavy overshirts almost at your own price. - WE R1AKE A SPECIALTY OF Fine Flour for the best trade, also Sugar, Oolite, Rice, Fresh Water 'Ground Meal, Snufl anil Tobaccos, and the highest grado of white Astral and Red C. Oils. If you have been having a poor light and smoked chineys, just wask out your lamps, put in new wicks and buy our oil from us. A new stock of shoes, every pair warranted, will arrive week. Call aud examine our goods and we promise to do good. - Respectfully, HIE ILl JRT GOODS-" COMPANY." P. T. Massknoill, Manager. ory, that will be to them a benediction, aiid an inspiration to follow her example still, un til Ti nally the fa mi lv circle brok en on earth shall be re-united j in heaven A Fhiknd. K-f . .'I 1 I l"IJ 11.11 I l-IMII, A .f .. li-..kl!il u iti-l h tnillii.i. t A lila i. r ! won! I ii.iv.- !. t ;. r iv :ronp iiajfwill pay pcrpound, cash, for m i.i imp iiiiu n ntsin !i't - ill Cin. It all thrn tt unl tl t,i; :iif-t-l t ciit v-liv ill- of Mm.uo t.'uti; j ;iiie (.'onti, colils ami ItmiJj troubles, liooil raiilliain . CASTOIUA. li ra tr7 U J jliM H -o ll this section. -o W(? have just m i"i fiiil ii'iili L c I I i i i 1111 (I JUiHl of the best 'Ten nessee Horses' and M ii 1 i s e v e r brought to Dunn. If vou want good SOUND, RKLf ABLH stock givo us a call. Sc Galbraith, Dunn, N. C. I thU you I can now be found on RroaI street, next door to S. CJ. Marks ct Co., with full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries &c. When you bring your produce to town see me before you sell, I buy all kinds of produce, hides, feathers fcc., and will ex change merchandise or pay you highest cash price for same. I j III l'ilJ J' j'Wlliiu, vi--i, ja t)1(. laMls brought to market. ; . ..r t ! ' J . W . wltKiiOIC . , 4w-ixl. to i in: a oi.n i oi: inv. Tak? Laxative Hromo QuImIih' 'l ull le t. All iJrutfgist refiiul the money it it fails to enre.