SB83 S2S THE COUNTY-UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entereit nccoidins to postal refill a j t ion's at the postofYice at Dunn, N. C, as J second ciaa? attr- J. P. PirTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. WoodalL.t Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ree Months .25 Cents. Six Month3 50 Cents. One Year......... ...... $1.00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, February 2, 1838. THE BOND QUESTION, We learn that the defendants in the bond suit brought by Tjie Union are circulating the report that the attorneys em ployed to prosecute the suit had let the time for an appeal notice to be served on them pass by and that the case was out of court and the suit at an end. Such, however, is not the case. Our attorneys know their busi ness and have served the prop er notices on the defendants and the case wilf come up in proper shape at the next term of the' Supreme Court the latter part of this month. This report was started: 'by the defendants for the sole pur pose to try to dissatisfy the tax payers of the county who feel that they have been outraged and are helping to prosecute the suit. The defendants know that they have a poor defense and will circulate any report that tends to strengthen, their case and make the prosecution unpopular. This has been their tactics since the suit was com menced ; but this should only make the friends of the prose cution stronger and we believe it will. 1 The briefs are now in the hands of a coifnpetent printer and the -proper number of copies will be printed and the case will go to the Supreme Court of the State in proper shape. Of this the people' may be assured, and our attorneys are confident that the issue of bonds and the levy of a special tax to pay the Lilly judgment and the 011 1 Istanding indebtedness of the county will be declared illegal and void, and that the rights of the people, for which The Un ion is contending, will be vindi cated. " Jf the ruling of Judge Robin hm is held by the Supreme Court to be correct then any board of county commissioners can issue bonds for any amount and the people must quietly submit to a levy of taxes to pay them. We have commenced this fight in the interest of the people and shall continue it un til the higher courts decides the .question. If it be as we con lend the people's rights will be vindicated ; if it be against us, we liave no remedy, but shall bow (in protest ) to the ruling of the court. Awaiting this de cision we ask our friends to stand firm and steadfast, for we believe we have a just cause. The defendants were allowed by Judge Robinson to otter in evidence a transcript of all the records of the Lilly judgment including copies of county or ders made to Lilly and others that he had bought to prove 1 1 . inat it was a necessary expense. This makes the brief very large -and entails a good deal of ex pense in printing. The brief that will be presented to the Supreme Court will be a book of something near an hundred pages, and, under a late ruling of the court, thefennust be fif teen copies printed of all briefs (that is records in the case in the lower courts) presented? to that tribunal for a hearing. This order of the court adds con siderably to the cost of an ap peal. Robkrt Hancock, the pres ident of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, has written a letter to Governor Russell de nying the charges of seduction made against him by his niece ? : iNliss Abbott. Hancok is guiltv aiul-hj's . letter", Tshows; it: ,. tf iries to makejit appear, itlmt i&VvrmUffi&jfrpr. .strong and be is political- frei'seciitvon r-,lhhH does not every sane'man i , tr --, know iii at iiiou ' . . ;JI) II II cietv ttd persecute her iiiiaWnoit' liticaily.' f 'The neohto of n2vtffrf i:n-o,..,..fru".;-;.l... X' i , i beMIIaWock's :hdW,-;beJ- hitn guilty . of , one o f the gKasV!sii & .it Wxtr Ayer's Cherry Pentoral is kDown : by its works That no other pr par tion of the kind stops, coughing and. allays irritation of the throat. And. bronchial tabes so promptly and'enVo" tuallj as this. Deacon'N Christmas SCv III 011. "Dar wuz a rich man, name Degrees, en likewise a po' man, name Latherus. Well, Lathe rus come 'long 'bout Chris' mus, en bein' all stove up wid de rheumatism, en threaten wid de smallpox, he sat down fer ter res himself longside de rich man's gate ; en Latherus, bein' jmngry, holler out : Chris' mus gif !' But tie rich man tell him : 'Go .'way fum heah, man? I ain't got es much as a crumb for you !' En den cle dogs come out en chase em off. But, see de prewention of prov idence ! De rich man overeat himself, en wake up stone dead, en hotter den de sun in August ! En he look 'round en say : 'WharisI?' En de devil an swer : 'My son, you's in de fire department. You j'ined las night !' Den de rich man say : 'I wish you please, suh, tell Kunnel Latherus ter turn on de hose 011 me, kase dis heah's hot stuff. But de devil make an swer : 'Yo' fr'en Latherus is up yonder, spendin' Chris'mus wid Mister Abraham, en he done sen' word dat he ain't got time ter fool wid you. You's my meat now, en I gwine ter br'ile you till you plumb brown!' En all bekase de rich man fail ter come wid de money when Latherus holler : 'Chris' mus gif !' How many sinners heah is gwine ter do like De grees done? How many is nvine ter drive Latherus fum de gate on Chris'mus day? Brer Williams pass de hat en less see!" Morganton Far mers' Friend. ;! Smokers Kcware. -WT 1.1 1 What uncut nave been a se- rious accident had not the fire been discovered when it was, happened to Dr. J. C. Goodwin one evening last week. The Doctor left Dunn in the after noon and drove to Buie's Creek Academy to look after the build ing which he is erecting there for a hotel, and, like a great many other men do, carried his long stemmed pipe along with him, and was smoking it just be fore he left the building for the home of his wife's father, Capt. W. J. Long, some two miles distance. When he got ready to start he put his pipe in the back part of the buggy where hej had some bundles and took Miss Flora Long on his buggy and started to her home. They had gone some distance when they found they had left some thing at the Academy and went back. After leaving the Acad emy the second time each de tected that, they smelt cotton burning and the farther they went the stronger the odor of the burning cotton became, and passing some school children in the road the children detected smoke issuing from the back of his buggy and called his atten tion to it, and as he stopped the flames burst out. He supposes that there was some Qre in the pipe which ignited some cloth and in traveling rapidly as he was the wind soon kindled it to a flame. It had burned some bundles of cloth and his blip-cry storm apron when he found it. The Doctor said he was badly frightened and well he micht be, for had it reached their clothing before discovered both might have been badlv burned; The moral is 1 Do not smoke but many of us do not heed it. . Well CHiildrem that are not very robust need a Warming, building: and fat-forming food something to be used for two or three months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold - j SCOTT'S EnjJMLSffOPJ of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- k""- ui umc tnu ouaa supplies ; exactly what they want. Thev wen aJT tonic! Nearly AU-trfrthOT'bea "trn 1 TWIPf ?(Viy-j VMW JV.iI.mi'-,i f. . . .. l Xlie hiU-.fUtuiM.U it? will. W tin VelWir. - v . TiTnn n i . -t ? p ,v .i - -xx i in ni Tfiruir-iil.ier. t-A '1,17 taan nd fish aKifeXrVttrr?rH :-!nyi':l!tl; u r..i . rw xiiie xr rill r i i-rw xtx...i.: - - p- . . .n , , - j fc - vx."i 1 Lmuibiun. ote nai m i I'll VAiFdrriggSxIY. ihd f, SCOTT & BQWNfc, ChwntsU. Nw Toil J3lllAliies 'art , 1aiVpii. iiprrrn Raleigh, Saturday. WW 11,1 for Corn "The despised corn stalk, which for all these years the farmers have burnt as of no ac count, just as the cotton plan ters used to throw aside the seed of that plant as valueless, at last turns out to be of such worth as to pay handsomely for marketing," said Mr. D. M. Frank, of Kentucky, at the Riggs. "Our farmers are sell ing it readily for $4 a ton, and on an acre producing forty bush els of corn there will be at least two and a half tons of stalks. The use to which the stalk is being put is one of the most ex traordinary agricultural discov eries of this day. At present there are but two factories in the country that are equipped for making cellulose out of this material, one of which is located at Owensboro. Cellulose is the pith of the corn stalk ; its uses are varied and wonderful audit has a market value of $400 a ton. War vessels are lined with it, and whenever a vessel so lined is punctured with shot,' the contact of the water with the cellulose causes that to swell, closing the aperture and preventing the water from en tering between the ship's inner and outer walls. "Besides, the railroads have found it to be far superior to cotton waste for packing jour nals, as it requires less oil and obviates hot boxes. As a cov ering for steam pipes it is the best known substance. For making paper it is found supe rior to wood pulp, and from it kodak films, frescoes, .and all papier ' mache articles can be made. This does not not begin to exhaust the list of its mar velolis possibilities, and from what I have seen and heard I believe that dozens of other use ful articles, as -linoleum, water proof garments, Patent-leather finish, and the like can be produced from this simple ma terial of the fields." Wash ington Post. ! It is not often that i physician rec ommend a patent medenne: when he does, you may know that it is a good one. Dr. J.. P Cleveland, Giascow Va., writer 'fl have used Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy in my practice and it has pro ven to be an excellent remedy, whero a thorough course of mwsnbjne had failed with me. I' recommend it to my patients every time for colic and diarrhofa." Many other progressive physicians recommend and use this remedy, because it alwavs cures aod cures quickly. Get a bottle and you will have an excellent doctor in the house, for all bowel complaints, both for childrens and adults. For sale by N. B. Hood Dunn tf. C. ' In these days of fusion we see and learn of many strange things. Just at present we see the Governor in our State em ploying counsel to prosecute a railroad company. The State has a fusion Attorney General who is paid by the tax payers of the State to prosecute in all cases where tire State is interest- ?u ana protect tne state s in terests. Here -in thjs suit which the Governor has brought through his railroad commis sioners (who dare do only his bidding) the Attorney General is found to be the paid employ of the railroad company ; hence the people are taxed to hire other attornevs to protect the State's interests as the Governor j views them. A spectacle for gods and men ! and yet this is reform ( ?) Will the people sup port such men and such meas ures in the future? We shall see. To our Customers. - Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the b st cough srup we baye ever used ourselves or in bur families. W. H. King, Isaac P. Kin r and ojaDy other in the vicinity, have a'so pronounced it the best. All we want is for pto pie to try it and they will bo con vinced, Upon honor, there is no better that we have ever tri-d. and jve have used many k'uds II A. Blake &, Son, General Meichants, Big Tunnel, Va. Isold by N. B. Hood Dunn, N. C. The Confederate veteran? of North Carolina are ordered by Brigadier General W L T,nn. f PUdA ; l W 1 V ' -- mcuuiu, J 1.1 IT CI 111 It-- 20th tt II II IJIiilJ- IIIL! I I I ( I I I I I 1 1 O 1 1 T Tt . ; . I iiifi..ui i i . t vx- . - w ixy t.t- a ix ni. - t I - .i ; x. .ix., xj .mi xx'''"iuti:uuuii; -IHJJM liyi t wo mil l-n ii bSfi K fe-.vr ami" cntt:j bel ! t n re c l mi uwt le lotnj-' u wj r; 1 4 ft r i t th0 4nM.ithtfitl tirtw gists luc, 25c, 50c I teed. a box. c:ire Four IolIai-)a n Tn - half a Cent g . . , for a baby ! The cost of the. I M f I N 111 fP 11 fl I few drops of Ayer's Cherry g j g E s f j H j 8 i 5 3 I M Pectoral that will cure croup, tj I Jl III j Ij ji jj 1 1 I f3 whooping cough and any other j X MU UxlLlitlX fit cough, if administered in time j q prolong baby's life, ft) i I We Can' Tell. Notice this Jan the 1, 1898. their was A Acidence happen the first dave of the veare their was four Meij that went to cap ther A Bar one Man went with his Gun hit skeared him so Bad that he Run home and he Got four Men to Go with him to catch the Bear they heard him make his nois and thev Rushed on him catched him and he would A waid A Bout 10 or 15 lbs and he was as Black as smut and had heair like A Dog and feet like A Dog and Barked like A Dog But it was not A Dog now Please tell Me what it was they carried it home with them and hit Got A wave the second Daye and their is $100 Reward fore it eny Body will catch it the Man that Run with his Gun was A valant Man was J. W. Jones the other was M. F. Gainev and the other Man was Y. S. Jackson and the other Man was J. B. Barefoot and he was in the Run of Mehgo swamp on A Root Bound Bye Water. The above was handed to us several days ago and we have set it just as it, was written to give our readers some idea of what an editor is .expected to make news of. This is only one of a great many that are worse that we have got. It is not put in in this shape to expose the writing or spelling of the author but to show the idea of fun and sarcasm in it. Editor. To Cure Constipation Forever. Tfike Cnsoaivtrs Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25e. If C. C. C. fail to cui'i driicf gists refund the money. Friday, night in Wilson coun ty a farmer and merchant nam ed Lamm became involved in a difficulty with a man and his son named Eatman, tenants of hisl Eatman shot Lhmm in the bowels with a pistol and then Lamm knocked him down and stamped him to death, andthen knocked young Eatman down and stamped him on the face and head crushing his skull and tearing off one of his ears. A Suke Thing fok You. A transaction in which you cannot lose a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills ure caused by constipation ami sluggish liver. pas carets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant ;i:nl intestinal tonic are ly all druggists guaranteed to cuie or money refunded. C. C. C, are a sure tiling. Try a box to-day; 10c. 25c, oOo. Sample and booklet free. Sold b all druggists. The United States sent the battleship Maine to Havana last week on a friendly mission and now Spain sends one of her warships to the United States to reciprocate the visit. The cruis er Vizcaya has already left Spain for this country. Unlike most proprietary medicines he. formulae of Dr J. C. Ayer's Sar saparilla and other preparations are cheerfully sent to any physician who applies for them. Hence the sptciad favor accorded these well-known standard remedies by the World's Fair commissioners. There are now 211 cotton mills in operation in the State the larVrest number of mills in anv southern state. South Carolina has the largest mills spindles. "' ' ' ' ' and most i When ihe tcalp is atrophied, or shinyba.d no preparation will resstore the hair: in all other Hall's Hair Renewer will start a growth The, oldest newspaper in the world is 1,400. years old. It is published in Tekin, Oliina, and is called the Kin Pad. ESTEB . ..SiANP ;.- t -- . ' - - rRUi DUNN, . - Mv stock consists of anvthing found in a tirst-class Store which I am selling cheaper than ever for the cash. Prescriptions compounded with care and accuracy. I thank all for past favors, and invite you to come and see me..j I do a straight legal business. Mr. A. L. Pearsall is with me and he invites all his friends to call and see him. Yours to please for best goods, and lowest prices, X. B. HOOD. 1 1 Eft WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT Dunn. N. C, , Aur. :rd. 1897 2029 people nov; using Indian Herbs. Why V effect nd it is so cheap, 180 dose fo- 1 00 , Mvatt's Mill. N. 0 Great American ilerb (jo , Washington, D. C. Ddar 8us: J have suffered for 15 years with ilyspepsia. wiven me more relief than anythiug years younger than when I first commenced u-iog your vnudtfut cure. 31 wife has been sick and suffering for 5 years with a comp' ic if.iou of diseases paica in the side and could not lie on her side; she als ) s l with n jural gia and got so weak that she could not walk fifty yards.' 'Sua can now walk all day and rest on either bide at night and feels almost. !tk i a girl since sh began taking Iudian Herbs I know it is the best remedy ever, told in thia part of the country. Your unsolicited friend. W Gaston Smith Benson, N. 0 , Januarj 1. 1898 Great American Herb Co, Washington, D C . Gentlemen: . ' I have been using your Indian Herbs for three mun hs I had beei sick and in bed with catrrn in the head and a kidney trouble My wife als had been troubled for 15 years with catarrh. Your medicine hts done u more good than anything we could get from duggists or d' in the time I shall always keep it ia my house if am able. Ic is a bo;u o all suffdien aud good results1 wills always follow i'S use. Yours recp'orfiilly, F 11 Thornton. it-grAny one'desiring to purchase a package of Iodian Herbs can get it L. P. Jernigan's store or at my iesiderce. . TITTIll ! AGENTS WANTED. Dunn, N. C Near Old Town, Maine, Sat- uiuitv iiiitji iiuuii iiu e.piuss u mil wTas wrrecked by the spreading of the rails, 'two persqns were killed outright and a score or more seriously injured, Mr F. C Heibig, a prominent druggist of Ljnchburg, Va., say.1-: One of our citizens was cured of rheumatism of two years standing, by one bottle of Ohamberlaing's Pain Balm. This liniment is famous for its cures of rheumatism; thousands have been delighted from the prompt relief which it affords. For sale by N. B. Hood' Dunn N C. The Alpha Mining Company of Rockford, Surry count, was incorporated last Saturday by! the Secretary of State. The cap ital stock is $25,000. "Whooping cough is the most distress-, mg maladv: but its duratiao can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known rein ed' for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. IIoo l v G ranthan'i. It is said that the State Uni versitv loses $14,000 by the in validation of the Stanlv and Wilkes county bonds. There arc three little things which do more work than a y other three little things' created they are the ant, the Lee and De Witt's Little Early Risers, the Jast being tho famous lif;te pills . for stomach and Jiyej troubles, IJood & Grantham. A freight train was wrecked at Weldon Friday night which delayed "the Florida special ana tne frui uouna mau .1 j 1. XT . ... T , 1 T ..11 T 1 No persons Were Hurt. A tlirjll pf terror is expeneu.rel when ! a brassV coiigji of croiin sound; through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been. administered. Safe and harmless for children. Hood & Grantham. ' li m erery via;peii WOOD'S SEEDS are ppedally grown and selected to meet the needs and ruSrctrnents of Southern Growers, Vood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful moving cultural directions and vUuablft fornatipn iabotsii3iL ,eeds spectafly adagte t? the Soutlu ,;, .t VEGETABLE afttt FLOEU lSEeOi si f c c t. "Write for Inscriptive Cataloguei MaiUdiree. ( rlw. wood &;sqns,; SEEPSMEN, - ' RICHMOND, VA. ; THE tAfiGSTIDUCSSEIS TZt SpafTfl.- HOOD. t i r I I mm - - - X. C. Drug s mm IXDIJIIM BS, h 4 A k o- -O r And Liver iegulaLor on Earth- W. UTTER, General Agent. Dunn, N. C. B 'cats-e u Lm the desired F U TIE 11 Jur.uary, j?, 1898, Your I idilM t ) ti j1. Herbs I feel ha1 tet I hive bsen abl at j Educatj Youu IIowkm With Cas j Candy . forever. Cathartic, cure constipation 10c 25c. If C. C. C. fail, 'b ug- gist refund money. President Mclvinley was years old iast baturuay. No special observance was" made of his birthday tit the White House save the presentation of a large bunch of cut llowers. "What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation andbilliousness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy, bv using De I Witt's Little Early Ki sers, the famous little pills. Hood Sr.' Grantham. The city of Raleigh has an ordinance prohibiting the keep-, ing of hogs in the city's limits- Afier year? of untold snU'eiing from piles H. V. I'ursell of Knitnersvillc, I'a. was cured by uing a single Jxtx of J)e Witts Witch" Hazel Salve. Skin' disease-, such a eczema, rash, pimples and obsti nate .-ores are readily cured ly this fam ous remedv. lloo 1 A. Grantham. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. lis fas (iails tigaatare cf ' icea rafp. Cm FL Ep LEE, SOLDIER, Ci tizen end Christian -Patriot.4 A GREAT NEW BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE. LIVE AGENTS WANTED Everywhere to slow s.ini it; yuea ami ret tip clubs. : t ' . ; . - Extraordinary Liberal Terins. Money can be inale .rapiitly. and a vast amount of rooiJ done in circulating one of the noble historical works iutJinhe(t duriitr the ast quarter of a century, ' ActiTe Agents are Now Rsapinz a ElcH Reward. Home of our best worjiers are selllngr Over one Hundred . Books a Week. Mr. A . O. Williams, Jackson county. Mo., worked four days and a half arid ecired 51 orders. He sells the book to almost every man he meets. Dr. J. J. Mason, Muscogee county. (a , m.Id IrO copies tle flrxt rive, days lie -canvassed. ll. iV. Shafts, . pinia county. Tex , worked a f-wr liours and sold J4 copies, mostly morocco binding. J. II. Hart-, na. Gaston county, A'. C, made a month's wag-es in thrt e days canvassmtr for tills book. S. u. VVhia1, f'itjlaf nM county, Texas, is sdl ug books at ill- rain ( ll t?vli't 4 wpei. The wcric .ccitsla Elogjapticitl Sfcetcfces of all the Lcd'Hiij M ii-rBls, a vast amount of Historical matit-r. niul & lare number of uftiiijirui, run 1 at'- 11 lustrations. Ji is a rrfc iMLlrtk.i-,ul Ul'ii'-s unl f-n 1 linen who rv-- nil or i';4tl-T til-Mr time to the can jari efto nA'ke ' ftrrmms uins f tT'wlrk w.tii. will be M-iit on nrir,i,iJ, Q X,' The n;aKnilu ent riUri jf tr;iits. alone, ti; tIiV.""'ecfu l.s .rth d'.hld the'y. Wo furnisli ftni iar lei's 'aH f(L?''lJjI IVai,.ufar,,n,r :febYASi .-PUBLISHING- CO':, .f, T . 0i T: ' ' J--!--M-fnost 11th Mam bt. IilClimond, Vil. ! NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS. r.v virtue of a I'ccive f tin' Si: jx ii,,r Co'iitof lLirmtt I'otuif-X '.in t In pe-ial iuoc-'.1i jn-inliin; i" --aid cmrt en! i! i '. S. l .rl)oo :iml tln-r hcii-x. at law ii Cl 'iii , Ii u Itct' iJ.-. ca-tMl . ti ...... 1 1 ... j. .11 n- iii i.u 111 urn. . 1 j 1 own lor :it pnlilic oiittTV l( tin- liiliot lii .1 b-r e:isli iif Ha-ciuii 1 liiiii.o ,lur in the town of Lilliiiion, Hann tt County. N. ('.. on MoimI.iv the 7ti dav of 1'. hiiury IM'STil 1-J o'clock M. the" following,!,'. kt'iImmI t r ict of lam I to w it : .-t tuu t. SiinaN'il on the Ku-t of N'ill 'nek in ll.irtiett nmiiiv .nil State an.. knov:i ;i lot No. 2 in ihe ,H. i-io!Mtf the hmil of C. S. anl ('. l. JJaibee rccorik'il in the Sujuiior ( oint Clerk's ollice Harnett county and lieitt'iel i 11 the olliee of the Ki i.jcr of lctils of said county in Look II. N , 1 ami bounded a folloa: IJc-iiunin at a Horn liea 111 and pointers on the :i.t hank of N( ill's t'n-k the dividing cor-, ncr hetween lots No. 1 and 2 ami r:i:, as tit.' line of lot No. 1 S S. E 1:M clui,,.. to a Make ami pointers in Win. .Join, -ou.4 line theiu-e as his line X. i. K II cha'nis und 5() links to a stake ami point ers I)ai linj; Jones, dee, aed coi ner, thence as the Jones line S. 7 ."; chains and To links, to a stake ami point, ers just helow the old spring, tin in e down the various com ses of the .iin branch 3d chains to a cornel tlicm e N. ". Km 4 chains to :i (-take am pointer., thence N. S;J V. 3 chains and links to a stake and pointers, thence N. s, . 20 cha'ns unl ) IinkV to a eoi m-r on Xcill's Creek, tlienee txjnwti the varioii. courses of said creek to the liciniiiir containing .() acres. 2nd tract. JJcinnin at a sinjill n.h on the riht hank the third corm r of l"i No. :and runs as that line X" 2i. K .VI chains to a stone corner and p inters in I he river road tin 4th coi ner of lot No. 3, then a x the v.irious courses of sai l road 23 chains and i0 liuk to .Will', ('reck then down the various courcs of said cre ek to the Cape Fear liTver, thi n dow n the said rivrr 7 chains and ."u inks to the heinnin containing; 7;! acres, the.sanie l in lot Xo. I in the division of the laud of C. S. and C. C I'arhee aforesaid. ; E. T. IioVKlN. 'oimni.siom-r etc. e x 1: c ut o irs x ( ) r i c 1 : . Having duly 'jualilicd as the executor of the last w ill and testament of Win. Byrd deceased: notice is herchy j;ivey. to all ersons holding claims ai;ain.t said estate to piesent the saine for payment duly veritied. on or before the hliliday of January ISJ)!), or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aid estate are here by m tilled to make immediate pmiicnl f the same. This Dec. 24lli IS'.'T. JI. M. Tajik kk, . ''Ex'e.itor, JoNE-x 4v xS'J'KWAHT. AttJ. la xi) kale. I5y v'ntue of u power of sale eoii-aincd in a mortgage deed executed bv .M, W. Haiefoot, K E l:arefoot, ami Ipha I). Harcfoot, dated Ja'i. 21. ISii." and reN. ten d in IJook I. Xo". 2. of the ieconU of Harnett county, 1 will, on the 7th day Of Feb. S!8 at 12 o'clock M. nl tl.'e Co art House in Lillinion Hanntt county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following descriied tract, of laud sitiated in A vera-d 101 o towii.tiip, Jarnett county and in lyiilk l.'ivi r town ship, Cumberland county and bounded as follows,. to wit: 1st tra t. Beginning at a stakr In ihe Duck 1'obd llranch. and inns tl.hiu 4S, E 13 chains to a stake in the lield thence S 32, W 1 (J chains to a stake in th; Hintnn Muuds line; tiieme w it I. hi. line N 3, W 27 chains' to a hi a k : nni in ilic W V MiiimIx I'm.-: theme "X 21 chains to a stijke iii the field : llieiieeX 3") K 1 chain to a stake A I cor ner; then,!1 his linn S 35 K S.2o hain-s to a dead pine; thence his other line G7, 10 13 fo a stake, A J 1'art' comct, thence about S 77, E 2 2 eh di. in the beiiinlu, e(;ntainin o!J acres more or less, 2nd tract. F'.einninr; at a .lake In Dclanev Lee's line and runs with . aid line S N.".J K 12. (J. chains to a .take red oak ; thence S . V 4 7. 00 to a .( :ke in Minejo Warren's line; thence with his line X no W 1 1 t) ch iiu- to a .take in said line ;. V .110 41) .haiu-lo the he;inni'ii";, cnt ijni'i'z'i'J :b ies it. ore or less. This Man. 4. lxiijf.' J. (i. I.AVTu.N, Mort -ace. P,y J. t;. CMI Koni). Att.V, Jail--4w MIOTIC!: : Havlii'' d'lh- r,u4ilie l vJ Atlmini-ttatrix of F. A. I'arker. deeased. notiee is hereby ieu .t all persons holding claims ii.tiii.t .aid estate to present the same for piyim nt, duly vei itied 0.1 or leforc27ih day of lanuai-y ISfil) or thi. notice will be plead in bar of thejr recoveiy. Al1 person indebted to sail estule are hen 1 noti lied to make jinim-di tp' tiayme1 t of (hu ?aine. Thi..; Jauuuy 2 uh, sm M. I). J'All KM', Administratrix. J'nes -Si Stewart, Atlor:icy-. NOTICE I In villi? qudilied as Ad ministrator of Keddin Uyrd decea-eil. late of Harnett county. North Caroim... this is to notify 'all peisbni haviu"; claims aaiiijt the e.t:i.fe of .aid ,e Ceased (o. exhibit tjiem o the umlci iined oti )) before the Itli day of Jan uary lHO.) or, this notice will be jihaded in bar of their re overy. All per-ou in4bted tojald Ti-tatewill it.:ae make iininediate f paj-mcot. This 3rd day of January 1S'J8. J. McK. HYitn. Administrator of" Keddin Hyrd, tleeea-ed. DUNN MARKET ('(lltHLC'I KJ) KVhliV U l-.ltl.rl V Cotton, . . Pons, Suar Coifee ........ Flour, per Ubl Bulk Meat... y.iv ........ ii-. .....() to f.Oe. . . . . r j t n ...... 10 to 'J(IC. ..$5.00 di .f.".."0 . ... .it fo 0Jr. ..... 'f" l4c .ia io olb', 7.r:. ... 1 1' .i to I it j A f -Jfiji fo to L'llc. IxS to 1'Oc. Fo.lder ........ t'llicK'riir. Iiutter Beeswax 'Hides, dry (lint, per lb i?lijngl(es. pier-Mr- 1 Swk i . mia or iue tiioo nl tJ Ll-L'- .-.i . . . . . , 5 j111 ''x;urcKi. inn Jiaa 1$ quick If )uii pirjupuiVhtfr Curci Uj Browm' Iron Bitters. Kvprf disease of the .hlpoi.,, nerves au0r$t5niil cUronic amon our. . most, vahm remfdiea. Crowns' Iron BiliettU ioli bjIIdfaJerf I ( LL.