' THE COUNTY UNION WKDN hy. FrJiia;AKV -2, isns. 7 ACAI . DOT -rihe road . Supervi.s rs of , son. "visited her si-te A ve!:asi.oro township wiil meetjC. Harper, Sunday. ,-0 town hall Saturday. ' '- Ye-lenlay - was the ejav of Februarv. It cam fir; t in ch-nr and cold. The county Commissioners will. 'meet-in .regular session at LilJiugton next' Mondny. --The criminal court convenes iu F;!yetirviie next Monday, ".fudg" Sutton will presi-de. We re rjjuested to state that 1 . .;e musicalo and minstrel has b "eii postponed .on account i I i, lore extensive programme. -b'liinorhas it that befo:e ie ides of March the marriage lis will rim.4 for two of our be! popular young people. A dwelling house in, Fay- etieville occupied by W. A. Fry and" family was burned yei"rday morning. L ine it Calb.raith have the best mill's and horses ever brought to Dunn. Don't buy u u! il voii -see them. Within the next few days Mr. J. W-tli'egory will move his stock.of goods in the Jackson building next door to W. II. Lane A; Co. , If you want the news read Tin; I'n'ion". It will cost you onlv one dollar per vear. You can't atl'ord to be without your county paper. Don't buv a mule or horse .Mitil yotisee Lane Sc lalbraith's Tennessee raised "mules and horse.s. They 'the market. are the best on Mr. (J. Ureenstoin from Baltimore, has opened a stock of dry, goods, notions, shoes, hats etc. in the building rocent h occupied by M. L. Davis be- t ween W. 1 1 . Lane tfc J. D. I James.. Co., and The who-was little Kennedy girl i bank burned two weeks. ago is living but is in a most pmahie conuinon. i nre Thr lift its of the skyi on its body was burned oil and the healing -process is very' slow. The phy sician in attendance is doubtful oi her reeoverv vet . Mr. II. T. Spears, who was in business here last year with Mr. J. J. Wade, will work life insurance" again this vear. His .fa mil v will remain hero we are glad to note, Mr. Spears will siart on his lirst tri next week. He is a line canvasser and we wish him much success. Mr. E. F. Young is having 'quite a large new ground clear id in the northern portion of the down which adds much to the. appearance of things in that locality. Charles McDonald, the barber, is having the work done and will plant the land in a crop this year. Mr. J. W. Wood, of the Ibune section in Johnston coun ty, was in town yesterday. He says t hat a great many of the farmers in his section are mak ing uivnarations. to plant to- bacco this year. Those of neighbors Who planted it vear made good crops and . his last got k ' A ' good prices. -In the last issue there ap peared some errors in the me moriam of Mrs. Caroline Tur- uei . nioiit r - son It reads "uiih! bereave when it should read bereavement," In anoth- er p ;ice it -reads "ciufuioii of ' and should be "confusion fear" ' of 'fac The proof reader is mortal, like other people and i subject to errors and. mistakes, Messrs. J. J. Wilson and J. iL'Tlolland returned yesterdav tiom Raleigh. Both are can didates for the deputy collector- ship, t oll(H'tor Jumcan conir tnissioiied all the old deputy collectors for thirtv davs and told them that if the civil sory- ice wiin'il nor :illow fhem re mov.x bowmild m.ike the cmn- mission oermanent. j -The dedication services at I ihe Presbyterian , church Sum dav was well attended, not with-: .i.n.lin- the cold and inclement ! vu-v, and Dr. Hill delivered ; i i i i i a verv able and eloquent serin-; h . 1 , . on. Dr. 1 1 i 11 remained over and p.vached Mondav morning and ni.vi.t ..mJ ,-.-t.....K,..-w.;. r . "ii lt.,uAr tl l.Vf ri,,Vnffav'i nee,; train vester.iay, .". All' his ermo., wldl. ho,,, W ! witlr wisdom and wns of reli cr. witlrwisdom and gems of jicr. ! praise awl mirati Wf Mti ;1 hearers. j ous People and Their Movement. Mi.- h Emma Jeifrcys visited frie nd in Scdma last week. i Misses Ora and Sue ! "burn,, of Wake count v. itin the Misses Barnes. Wash are vU- Miss '.Bessie Wood all, f Ben - Mrs. E. Mr. J. business Mondav. I). Barnes made a tiip to Wilmington Hon. D, II. MeL -an left this afternoon- for Fayetteville. on professional business. Mr. 0. X. 'Johnson left for Trinity College Saturday where he will take a special course. Miss Lizzie McKay, of Dick inson, -spent Sunday in town with relatives. Mr. Hunter D. Ellington, of Smithfiold, ' spent a few hours in town Friday, and paid us a pleasant call. X. A. Colvillo, Esq., a. splem did farmer of the Turlington section, paid us a pleasant call to-dav. Mr. and Mrs. O. I), (iodwin, of -Rock' Mount, are on a visit to Mr. Godwin's parents near town. Miss Fannie. Reid McKay, of . Summerville, took the cars here Saturday to return to Peace Institute at Raleigh. Brother Beat', of the Smith lield Herald, spent last night in the city and paid us a pleasant call. Rev. I. W. "Hatcher, of Lib ert', State Lecturer of Grand Lodge of Masons in this State, spent Sunday night in town with liev. X. I. Hood. Mr. J. Ryal Woodall, a pop ular shoe salesman from Char leston, S. C, spoilt several days here last week, with his sister, Mrs. G. K. Grantham. Mr. J. C. Ilines and daughter Miss Janabel, of 4 Faison, and Miss Ida Ashford, of Clin ton, spent SatUrdaj and Sun day here with Mr. and Mrs, Jno. A. Gates. i Mr. G. A. Johnson left for Bennettsville, S. C, where he goes to locate. We regret to loose him from our community .but wish him much success in his new home. Mr. John A. McKay returned home Sunday from an extended tour through Georgia, Tennesse, Alabama, South Carolina and Florida, where he went to sor licit orders for turpentine tools, lie reports a pleasant and profi table trip, Mr. J. L. Hall, the clever and popular salesman who held a position with the Lee Hardware' Company before it assigned, left Saturday for Gallavon, S. C, to accept at a position as book-keeper- with Mr. J. 0. Cqttingham. Mr. Jno. M. Hodges, of Lin den, was here yesterday to meet his wife and Mrs. (too. Elliott who came on the train from Richmond. Mrs. Elliott is much improved in health, we are glad to announce. The 14th pf this month s St. 'Valentine's "Day. Hood & Grantham ha've just received a beautiful line of Valentines, See them. . During this cold spell most of the farmers will finish killing pork foji this season. Xearly all of tk farmers in this section have killed pork enough for their own use and manj have some to sell. -r-O u r hustling )roduce mer chants, Messrs. S, G, Marks & Co., bought and shippedj dur ing last week 1302 dozen eggs for which they paid liftmen cents per dozen which made the nice little sum of $10T).50 paid 'for eggs by one lirm in one week. We are informed that eggs brought two cents more n the-dozen in Dunn than they brought in Fayetteville or Ral eigh, Dunn will not sutler to be" surpassed by other markets. Mr. E. L. Hall, of BeilSOll, was in town to-,lay and drop- lHHl,in to K'e . ite miormea us that two of Bensoirs young merchants were oil to be mar- nea ro-au . ' V- " "j or tliat plaeo and MlssDilsy Bailev were to be married to- 1tlu-v , , e , , i-, ,piv at the home of the bride s Utv ai . ... T, t latiFr' mu - tln eountv, ami mai au.. iy P: ; Smith, was gone to fclnloh church, Johnston county where at eleven o'clock he would lead Miss Myrtle Weeks to hymen miss Myrtle N eeKs to nmei, the uplas.uii long and Unppj life. Local Iots Gal Iirel at (,'n'ek. Mr. M. W. Simons spent urctav in Dunn. Miss Mnftie Ruhrnr-; mid I Miss Xina Yarboro attended the - - ' )- f Ciiion Meeting at Hector's Creek last week. The hotel here will be ready "for guests next Monday. It wilt be open for boys and girls, and not for girls only as has been stated. Rev 1 i j . v . -3puiman 1 1 i ije i - H ' -m - i til us again tins week. We are glad to welcome him back among us. Mr. W. It. lioyall, of Samp son county, has been called home by the serious illness of his father. . ; Mr. Parker, of Sampson, spent a day with us tins .week. Prof. J. V. DeVenny is oil to Wake Forest to prepare for mov ing his family here next week. ! Kevs. A. X. and J. A. Camp bell left Friday for the Union meeting at Hector's Creek and returned Sunday. Miss Katie Byrd spent sev eral days last week at her home iii Barbecue. Miss Sue Barbee has been quite sick for several days and we are glad to note that she is improving. Mrs-. W. F. Pearson spent a few hours here Sunday with Mrs. W. M. Pearson on her wav home i'rom the Union meeting at Hector's1 Creek. i Miss Mary Pearson, of Dunn, is visiting her grand-parents, Mr. and Airs. W. M. Pearson, this week. The re-unioh"of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pearson's family last Thursday was a pleasant oc casion and the family had a good time. An elegant dinner was served. There were pres ent Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Camp bell and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pearson and children, of Dunn, and Mr. J. S. Pearson, of Dunn. The other guest were Ilev. A. X. Campbell and wife, and Messrs. G. M. Spence, M. W. Simons, J. W. Akin, A. F. Shell, R. R. Fleming and C. A. Creech. Mrs. Pearson received many handsome and valuable presents. May she live to see her children gathered around for many birthdays yet. Prof. J. V. DeVenny and Mr. M. W. Simons attended the UnT ion meeting Sunday at Hector's Creek and report a good time. Last Thursday Mr. It. M. Johnson was at work uu on the hotel building when Mr. C. T. Barnes, who seemed to think that his good looks and fine physique sufficient to manage any man on the ground, came up and challenged Mr. Johnson for a 'wrestle. -'Mr. Johnson did not think as Mr. Barnes did and came down oil the building and accepted the challenge. The two giants in strength took hold of each other- and tried for the mastership and in a few moments Mr. . Johnson was declared winner, all the wind having been knocked out of Barnes' sails on the first round. Johnson is a champion. St. John. Wood's Descriptive Seed Catalogue for 1898 is a most valuable help to the busy gard ner and farmer, all through the year, giving just the informa tion he needs about all seeds, time for. planting, best methods of culture, descriptions, and points as to wluit crops it will vy best to grow. It is really a complete manual for the. gar den and farm, and will be .mail ed free upon application to T. W. Wood & Sons, Richmond, Virginia. i ;0 O.; R. StOyOrt SO.id - ill 7 days. A good thing will sell. Dunn Hardware and Furniture Company, HOG STRAY ED. A large red and black spotted sow, un marked which I bought at II. H. Poe's sale strayed from my house about six weeks ago. I will give a liberal reward for her. return to me,. ' - J. E. Stewart, Benson, X, C. FOPv SALE A good work ox for cash or on time. P. T. Masse n sill. . Don't, forget that we are co- ins out the Lee Ilar.dware Co-s. Stuck.' Now is the time to buy ; Harthvare- and lurmture Dunn Hardware & Furn. Co. The MassengiU Co. sell Seed Oat Tie fae siails f Dry Goods! TO THE PUBLIC We beg to announce to the citizen of Harnett, Sampson, Juhn.-ton and umberHind that ; we have bought the stock andj good will of The Lee Hardware i i i . i i i . . : ' 1 on pan wiereo.v uuuoiing our Mock or Hardware an I 1 uriii- ture.. e now oceupv two brick ; stores in I)unn and have on ex-: hibition and. sale the MOST? COMPLETE and EXTENSIVE 1 stock in our special line that can be found in any town in this section of the State. It has been s i gg t ed. by some of :.:ir riifalsio the hardware business that as we have a mo nopoly of the trade that we would take j advantage! of the peop.o and jadvance prices, so that yve would make back what we have lost heretofore- by sell ing goods o"low cost. Now on the contrary we expect to sell gooas cheaper tnan ever berore, 1 ! 1 4 . for as we buy in larger lots we buy for less money and propose to give our customers' the bene fit of; the low prices at which we buv We opened business in Dunn just one year ago, and j by fair dealing we have built up a, trade that an v house in the State might well be proud td claim. We honestly balieve that we have saved money to the people, and in return they have given us their patronage. Xow j for the coming vear, we nromise to do as well or better bv them than ever.1 : Xow to prove wh at we say we make this proposition : That if a man will try the prices of other houses within a radius of fifty miles of Dunn and then come to us we will sell him the same goods at the same prices with a discount of 10. This is a bold proposition, but we make it knowing that we can afford to sell goods cheaper than any other hardware house in this section. Our magnificent stock on hand consists in part oi Boy Dixie Plows at 88 cents. O.K. Cook Stoves, No. 7, $7.00, other sizes and styles at corre sponding prices. Nails, per keg,- $1.70. -5 Panel O. G. Doors $1.00. Windows as cheap as can be found in tlie State. These a re a few leading arti cles! which are usually kept in a hardware and furniture store and: we diaye quoted prices of these ;- Hut oiir whole stock is on sale in proportion to the prices given. We keep mill and machinery furnishings in great variety, and caii suppl' that trade with any piece they may need. Beltings, carpenter's tools, blacksmith's tools, trace chains, plow fixtures, and indeed every thing the people need we keep. Our stock of Crockeiyware is also large. Our lino of Paints and Oils' is complete. What we ask is, that the peo ple come to see and examine our goods, and if the quality and variety and prices do not suit them they noed nev.er come any more. With our best wishes .for a happy and prosperous year. to. you all we are, Respectfully, The Dunn IIakdwauk & Fuhnitukk Company. The Wixrovery Oi'tlie laj'. Aug- d nihilist Bogel, the leading of Slireveport, La., says : "Dr. King's Xew Dis- co very Is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the seller 1 have,'' Ji-F. Campbell merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's Xew Dis covery is all that is claimed for. it ; it. never fails, and is a sure cure foy . Consumption, Oouglis and Colds, I cannot say enough for its merits.' Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consump tion Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to. day stands at the head. It ! neve-r disnnnoints. Free trial I bottles at X. B. Hoods Dntg Store.. 1 can now be found on Broad street, next door to S. G. Marks; & Co., with full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries &c. : W hen you bring your produce ta town see me before you sell, I buy all kinds ov produce, " highest cah price for same. I ;-&- - -v..... v V '.'v j'.. c PWe ior sunt-. wjll nay 6 per pound, cash, for, all the hams brought to market, I X T- ' T 4w-pd. 10,000 lbs Barbed Wire at a cloe price. ! Dunn Hardware tfc Furn. Co I Totf s Pills Cure AH Liver Ills, 2ave Your Atone v. On. Wf i.fV p:ii. n . , , , . manr dollars m doctors bills! They will surely cure all diseases j of the stomach, liver or bowels. I No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation arid bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS Jjillington Gleaning. The site for the new schoo house between district Xo. 40 and Lillington district has been determined upon. It will be built on the Summerville and Fayetteville road about one mile from this place. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Kellv spent Sunday night in the vil lage. ' Rev. Mr. Clark, of Bladen county, spent some time with us last week. Herbert E. Xorris, of Apex, 1-1 1 T T was nere iasu weeK. lie was accoinpanving Mr. . M. A. An- gier, a large lumber dealer, wdio was here investigating' as to the advisability of building a railroad through this county. Mr. Angier says he means to build the road provided the peo ple will sell Inm enough timber to justify him to build the road. Ho says he is ready to pay cash for the timber and we trust that the citizens of the county will rally to his support. The fact that he will pay cash for the timber is an evidence that he means to build the road. Miss Fannie R. McKay left Saturday for Peace Institute. We wish for her a pleasant and successful spring term. Mr. John Colvin,. of Little River Academy, was here .last week visiting friends. Miss Lena Marsh, who is teaching schoolat Barelaysville, spent Saturday and Sunday here with her father. Several o? our village people attended the Union meeting at Hector's Creek Saturday and Sunday. Among the number were Misses Emma Kivett and Daisy Shaw, Mr. J. McKay Bvrd and Mrs. W J Washburn. Ralph Shaw, Esq., who has been home several days on a visit returned to Dunn Satur day. ; D. II. ; McLean, Esq., was here on legal business last week. It is always a pleasure to have Mr. McLean back among his old friends, Mr. McKay Byrd and wife made a. trip to Raleigh last Wednesday. S. A. Salmon, Esq., came in I last 1 rid ay with a ctir loa,d or fine mules and horsey. The young people of Sum merville and Lillington spent last Monday evening veiy pleas antly, at a social gathering at Maj . Shaw's. . W. J. Parker Esq., has open ed up a new store at this place. Y. RoblKHl tin Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia was the subject, is narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trvini; 'Electric Bitters', and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided im provement I continued their ie lor tnree weeKs, and atn now a well man, I know they saved 1 W Hfe, and robbed the grave of another victim. iNo one should fail to try them. . Only 50 cents per bottle at N. B. Hood's Drug Store. A I'nmoiiN Cook's I'riMl AplP j k theia whole . cut into , sprinkle with cinnamon ar and ft littift rare ana core the annies Vernon juice, atana asiue ior fifteen minutes; tlien dip eacn . . ,. . li;,,,(,r. sli(le nuick- : - , . frr j " nnri.fPtr -m Hip other. 7 " Mrs. S. T. Rorer n February Ladies' Home JournaL Tie fas tiBilt dgaatort It ca rtrf TOIE Nov.. 17, ISO 7 Isssii 4 0 Sell Knitting Cotton, all colors, Spun cotton . Coats' machine thread at 4C. Progress machine thread at 25? per dozen. Infants all wool shirts at 7"t' per pair. Men's Rubber Boots at .$2.f( per pair. Dental Snuff "2 ounce tin cans at "'. Brussels Carpet at Go? per yard. Warmer's Corsets at $1.00. Working men's water-proof overcoats $ 2.f0. All wool undershirts cheap. A full line of men's heavy overshirts almost at your own price. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Fine Flour for the best trade, also Sugar, Coffee, Rice, : Fresh Water Ground Meal, Snuff and Tobaccos, and the highest grade of white Astral and Red C. Oils. If you have been having a poor light and smoked eliineys, just wash out your lamps, put in new wicks and buy our oil from us. A new stock of shoes, every pair warranted, will arrive this week. Call and examine our goods and we promise to do you good. Respectfully. HIE MASSENGfLL P. T. Massenuill. Manager. Mins:o Echoes. The South River Baptist Un ion meeting was held with the church at Mt. Elon last Friday, and Saturday. A large atten dance was had and smuch in terest manifested. Miss Claudie Butler, and Miss Lula Vann, of Fayetteville, vis- ited Miss Minnie Butler last week. Several of our young men will leaye next week for dif ferent sections to solicit orders or fruit trees and nursery stock. From the smiles that are seen on our boys' faces we are in clined to believe that the mar riage bells will ring in this com munity before many moons. Success to you boys.. We are pleased to note the success of Union Hill Academy. Prof. Page is a splendid teach- er, ana we arc pieasea to Know that the neonle are jzivinir him their unanimous support. lldcklen'N Arnica Snlv The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, cldlhhdns, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.. Price 25 cents per" box. For sale by X, B. Hood, Druggist.. ;iieer For J)iiiglileiM. In her "Peaceful Valley" ar ticles, in the Ladies' Home Journal, Mrs. Lyman Abbott has undertaken to tell farmers' wives and daughters how their lives 'may be made brighter and broader. Her contributions thus far show lr to be in hear ty sympathy with her subject, and by painting, with her gift ed pen, pictures of an ideal country connnunity, she has gone a long way toward a solu tion of the difficult problem. She is treating every phase of country life, its labors, trials and diversions. showing a bright, attractive side to farm life. IIreryloly Hnym St. Cabarets Candy Catliartie, the most wondei fill medical discovery ot the ae, pleasant and refesldng to the taste, ac t gently and positively on the kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing the entire system, di-pel eolrls. en re headache, fe ver, habitual coittipHtian nnd bHiou--ne. Pl-a-- huv and tr' a box of. C. C. t-!ayj 1 ,-' 3. 30 rent. Sold and trnav iii;e d to tue hy all druggists. Another car load of salt just received at Massengill's. liefore you make arranjie- ments for your Supplies, Fer- tyvoVs A:c. call and get prices' ; from us... The MassengiU Dry r ,..,. Every . ,1; ui;;!.eii.s tlv.btlief of onii neut phjK;um that impure blood is the cause of tl:; majority of our diseases. Twenty-five years au' this theory was uw-d as a basis for the formula of L'rowns' f ron Bitters. Tin- ritany remai kal-lcc'ir. s effectJ by this famous old househoM rt meilj are sufficient to prave that the the-.ry is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. FUBfelG. We have just arrived with a load of the best Ten nessee Horses and M u 1 c s o v or brought to Dunn. If vou want good SOUXD, RKLI ABLK stock give us a call. Lane 5c Galbraith, Dunn, X. 0. Dry Drv Gil is ft., all numbers, ; . DRY GOODS COMPANY. . The Coverninen o Nlop Irlnl in;; i:ureIoIeM.. It is an interesting announce mant to the printers that, as soon as the present contract for j printing envelopes for the Post- ofhee Department expires, tho government will cease the busi- ness of printing return cards on, envelopes. It will also interest them, as well as all business men, to know that, by a recent ruling, letters that cannot be delivered will be held thirty d;iys, unless a shorter time, is. indicated on the envelopes. - . . BKAUTY IS m.O0I IKKI CJciu hlood incaiis :i clean skin.. Xp Ix'uety wiilmcti it. ('ucurWs, Cainiy Cathartic, ( lean your hlurxl ami keep it elean hy stirring up the lay liver and (hiving all inipimliri from the laxly. I$ei;in to-ilay to haulsh piipl-, hoil, lliches, itlackht ail-i, ami that sickly hili jus coniti'Xion ljv taking Cusi-aretH -beauty for ten rents.- All lrui-tsf :iatifaetion j:uaianteeI. 10e. ,2"e, ()e. Hit I en by it .llu'l loz. The News & Observer Sunday contained tin; following para graph from SelnVa : 4A mad dog created quito an excitement in town a few days, ago, He had bitten two girls, one white and one colored. Tho white girl, a Miss Standi, was the worst sufferer. She hasgono to Phila(lelphia for treatment. The girl is thought to be out of danger," The white girl refercd to is Miss Amma Standi the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. Reddick Standi, who lives near Sdma, and a sister of Miss Katlierino Stancil, assistant tead)er in tho Dunn High School here. The girl Ayas bitten on the hand by the dog while on her -way to school last Wednesday. Ac companied by her brother she left Friday morning for the I'as teur Hospital in New York City for treatment. We trust that the treatment she will receive will remove all fear of danger. !on't annoy other- hj' your cotihIn and rik 3-01 ir lift hy le-h-etin eold. One iniiiute Coiil. Jure cure coiih cold-, croiip, iie and nil throat, and lun t rouble, floods Grantham. A race war between the whites .and negroes has teen going on for several days in Lonoke coun ty, Arkansaw. Children and adnru tortureil by burin scald-1, injuries, eczema or k"n disease- may secu.e instant relief by ii-iu De Witt's Witch Hael salve. It is the Treat I'ile remedy. II001I & firauthaai. . The body of United States Consul Ashby at Colon who was drowned in the harbor there re cently has not yet been recov ered. We are anxioii to do a littV gfHxl hi this world and can think f im pl'-aoiii-ter or Ix-ttei way to doi than by reeoin iiiciiding One MiiUkto Couli Cure a-i a preventive of jineumnia, consumption hi 14 1 nthT serious Jung troubles that follow' neiH-ted cold-. Hood tfc (ifaut- -;" Tom Hailey is said to" bo tho Republican who wiU get the Raleigh postollice. Jim Young, has withdrawn from the contest to ; ;iti-: Ax-o i. oi: dav. Take Laxative Broino Qniniiie Tab-, lets. All Druggist refund tle money It it fails to cure. 2.3c.