v fortunes Awaiting Claimants, - By order ct Parliament a report has Jjust been made out and published con icernlng the unclaimed funds In. j the keeping of the various English govern iment departments at the present rao )tcent. The chancery) division of the Su preme Court of Judicature has In Its pos session over $300,000,000, after paying 'during the last two years $85,000,000 jto successful claimants, The Irish Court of Chancery holds somo ?50, jOOO.OOO of unclaimed moneys, "while the unclaimed Government stocks and accumulated dividends retained by the treasury department amount to $23, 00,000. Unclaimed dividends in bankruptcy are figured at $50,000,000. nvnile unclaimed army and navy prize money and accumulations of pay ex ceed $3,000,000. All these funds are used by the British Government until claims thereto have been satisfactorily proved. An endeavor will be made to transfer to the state the custody of un claimed funds in the hands of bankers and others. These funds are known to amount to a colossal eum, far exceed ing the total amount of unclaimed mon ey now in the keeping of the Govera meat, Boston Tjangcript. A lted IlaaJeU 3Iur;lorer. Tetterlne kills the surras of Tetter, Eczema, Salt-Kheum, lUnsrrorm and otter skin diseases. Most of these ere caused by the existence cf Infinitesimal anamalculaa. Tettorine murders them at ence and stops the agonizing itch, then it ooths a:ii honls the 6kln. At drup stores, or ry mail for 50 cents In stamps. J. T. Bhuptrlne, Savannah. Oa. 'Lazymen are dead to the world,but they re main unburied. : To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Rromo Qainino Tablets. Al Druggists refund money if It falls to cure. 25c. Money is useful ns a servant but tyranni cal a3 a master . ' Fits Permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 83 trial bottle and tro fse free Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd..fi31Archat.,Phila., Pa. The hair on a horse's neck 13 his mane pro tection. Mrs. WinsTow's Soothing Syrup forchildren teething:, softens the gums, reducing in&ai. a tion.aliays pain.cures wind colic, 26c. a bottle. AVoman is the fairest creature on earth also the unfalrent. Chw Star Tobacco The Best. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. Yon can't judge a man's character by the high standing of his coLar. Tlso's Cure? for Consumption has saved me many a doctor's bill 1. Hardy, Hopkins Flace, Baltimore. Aid., Dec. SJ, 1891. An easy lesson in bookkeeping don't lend them. I Conservative Investors f Can largely increase their income by placing their ancotints In my hands. Twenty years bf Wall Street experience, InaddUion to relia ble Inside Im'okmAtiox, enab es me to ad vise you most successfully. Write for par ticulars wli eh are interesting to those having tnoney to invest. CHARLES HUGHES, In vestment Broker, C3 Wall Street, New "iork City- , AVhen a wife makes poor coffee her hus band has good grounds for divorce. Salter's Grasses and Clovers Are warranted. Ihey produce! We are the largest mowers in America. Lowest prices. Seed r. tatoes only $1.50 per barreL Big farm seed catalogue with clover and grain ani ides (worth 10.00 to tret a 8tartsent vou tv the John A. Salzor Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis,, upon receipt of 10c. postage. - A. 0. 8 Nomaa would be wilHDg to swear to ev erything ho says during courtship. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, s mercury will" surely destroy the sense of imell and completely derange the whole system when entering it th rough the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you pan possibly derive from them. Hal's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. t henoy & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and' is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's atarrh ure be sure to get the genuine. It is taken internally, an i is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. heney v o. T stlmonials free. tp-Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family l'Tlls are the best. Pain in the Side Could Not Do Hard Work Until Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. "I had a severe pain in my left side and could not do any hard work. My husband got mo a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I began taking it and soon I was able to do my work. I was also troubled with scrofula ROra throat, but TTrmrt'a Rnrannn7-illaV.ua cured this." 31ns. Emma Peiteb, North Hudson, N. Y. Remember MrnA Sarsa- UUy oarilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier Hood's P ills cure sick headache. 25c. CHOLERA I Is a mild type of Asiatic Cholera and Is one of the most painful and weakening: diseases. It sometimes kills before a physician can be summoned. How necessary it is to have a remedy at hand. There is nothing better than i NORMAN'S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL For Cholera Morbus and all Stomach ( Troubles, IT ABSOLUTELY CURES DYSPEPSIA. i V v p mm m m w m A NORMAN'S t A Indian Worm Pellets j Will cure the child as they act on the liver, 4 remove bile and regulate alt the organs. 4 - rrr-s A cm r cvpdvwucdc J:- .11 COLD-BREAKERS WILL CURE YOUR COLO In 8 to 12 hours. 25C. fl BOX at Druggists or THE COLD-BREAKER CO., AIKEN, - - SOUTH CAROLINA. FENCIN For Poultry, half cost of Netting. Also farm. vard. cemetery fences. Freight K. L, HELLABEkQtjR, 47 P. St., Atlanta! Oa. & N. U.-No. 7-'98. If afflicted with sore eyes, uae Thompson Eye Watsr ill . 1 fc Best Cough Syrnp. Tastes Good. Use N To MOTHER WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORI A," AND "PITCHER'S CASTOR! A," AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTOR! A, : the same that has borne and does now SjZS'7- 011 every bear the facsimile signature of C&&ffi&&4Z wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIAV which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought - J2$?--J on e and has the si g nature of (SwvSk wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex- cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is 'March's, 1897. Q Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of I your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE F AC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE CCNTAUR COMMNV. TT MURRAY STREET, NCW YORK CSTY. CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RT. Johs Gill, Eeceiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JNUARf 23RP, 1898, North Bound. No. 2, Daily. Lv. Wilmington 9 00 am Ar. Fayettoville. . 12 10 p m Lv. Fayette viile. . 12 18 p m Lv. Fayetteville Junction .12 25 p m Lv. Sanford -. . . . 1 48 p m Lv. Climax 3 47 p m Ar. Greensboro - 4 20 pm Lv. Greensboro 4 30pm Lv. Stokesdale - 5 17 p ra Lv. Walnut Cove 5 47 pm Lv. llural Hall 6 15 p m Ar. Mt. Airy.... 7 45 p m South Bound. No. 1, Daily. Lv. Mt. Airv 8 43 a m Lv. llural Hall 10 04 am Lv. Waluut Cove 10 33 a m Lt. Stokesdaie. 11 C6 a m Ar. Greensboro sll 55 a m Lv. XJreensboro 12 17 p m Lv. Climax 12 45 p m Lv. Sanford. 2 86 p m Ar. Fayettevillei Junction 3 55 p m Av, FayeUvilie 4 00 p m Lv. Fayettev.llo 4 10pm Ar. Wilmington 7 2J p ra North Bound. No. 4, Daily Lv. Bennettsville 8 00am Ar. Maxton 9 02 a m Lv. Maxton 9 07am Lv. lied Springs 9 35 a m Lv. Hope Mills 10 20 a m Ar. Fayetteville 10 43 a m South Bound. No. 3, Daily. Lv. Fayetteville 4 50 pm Lv. Hope Mills 5 07 pm Lv. Bed Springs 5 43 pm Ar. Maxton 6 11 p ra Lv. Maxton 6 15pm Ar. Bennetts viile 715 pm North" BouiuL No. 16j Lv. llamseur 6 40 a m Lv. Climax 8 30 a m Ar. Greensboro 9 17 ft tn Lv. Greensboro 9 35 am Lv. Stokesdalo 11 ( 7 p m Ar Madi-on II 55 p m South Bound. No. 15j Lv. Madison .12 3,r p m Lv. Stokesdaie 125pm Ar. Greensboro 2 45 p m Lv. Greensboro S 15 p m, Lv. Climax 4 '25 p in Ar. Eamseur.. G 10 p m fMeals. liMixed, daily exctpt Sunday CONNECTIONS. At Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Central llailroad, at lied Springs.with the Red Springs and Bow moro Kadroad at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Liue. at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern Railway, at Walnut Cove with Nor folk A "Western Railway. J. W. Fbt. W. E. Kyle, Gen. Mgr.- Gen. Pass. Agt. ' How Bhe became Noted. As every one knows, "Lady Audley's Secret" was the novel which lifted Miss Braddon into fame. It may not be so generally known that the author had fo .little confidence in her work as to bring it out in an obscure serial, Robin Goodfellow. The story of the story is a romance in itself. Mr. Maxwell had started, in more or less rivalry to Dickens' first periodical, the magazine called Robin Goodfellow. Dr. Mackeywas its ed itor and Lascelles Wraxafl was bis sec ond in command. There had been some difficulty in regard to the opening nov el, in consequence of which the new lM?riodical was on the eve of postpone ment, a serious contretemps in the face of its extensively advertised date of publication. The day before a decision was necessary Miss Braddon heard of the difficulty and offered to write the story. . "But even if you were strong enough fc fill the position," was the publisher's reply, "there is no tfme." i "How long could you give me?" ask ed the aspiring authoress. "Until to-morrow morning." "At what time to-morrow morning?" "If the first installment were on my breakfast table to-morrow morning," lie replied, indicating by his tone' and manner the utter impossibility of the thing,("it would be in time." The next morning the publisher found upon his breakfast table the opening chapters of "Lady Audley's Secret." Robin Goodfellow did not hit the pub lic. It did not live to finish "Lady Audley," which, indeed, would have re mained "forgotten, buried, de;Td," had Miss Braddon not been able to prevail upon a publisher to bring it out In three volume form. It then sprang into an instantaneous popularity. The success ef the novel was amazing, and proba-' bly the critics did no harm to the sale by describing the, work as "sensation al." More than 1,000,000 copies have been sqld. J A man. In Utah, says he saw a bat which looked as large as an eagle the other day. The safest plan Is to es chtw such "bats" as that. Otherwise they usually pgn into snakes. LETTER ,. Do not he dcreircd by aihirir. Bf!rert)?ftr.rnfe a"d . tmnfc you can get the best raaUo, finest tUiish aad MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHiHg for amcro soner. Eny from rclinblo niannfarturora tuat Lave pained a reputation by hor.pst nnd Fquara denliiif:. fhere is none in tho w ti nt ran foual in. mechanical construction, d-.irAbiMty of v.r!rku)i-r-irty, fineness of fmisii. bf-aiityiu Rnpcarnnfe.cr haa as ruany unprovetnfnts as the WW HOSvT WRITE FOR GIRCULASS, The New Home Sewfi MacMce Go. Obaxoe.Mass. Bosreff.XtAss. eg U.-.-mv iT- 37 j CiHC.'oo, It -,. St, Lot; is, Mo. bALix'JriL, ' ' ron r. nv Gainey & Jordan, Dunn, N. C. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE. 'rtfl'i COPYRIGHTS &.O. Anyone sending' a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest apency for securing patents to America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly, terms $3.C0 a year; tLoOsix months. Specimen copies and Hand tooK on Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broad way. New York, NEW OCCUPATION FOR WOMEN. The Breeding of Angora Cats Presentj Financial Possibilities. Forrest Crissey, in discussing "Th Breeding of Angora Cats . as a Voca tion," in the Woman's Home Compan ion says: "It is the general opinion of these cat fanciers that the culture of Angoras is an occupation which any young woman with a fondness for pets and a little of the commercial instinct, maj pursue with profit as well as pleasure It is an occupation in which success does not depend upon a special talent One cannot, succeed In literature, mus ic, the arts, or in teaching, without z course of training and an inborn adap tability, but the rearing of cats calls for no mental preparation, or for anj rare power in any particular direction Capital, however, is necessary. An gora cats bring a good price, and i will cost something to establish a ken nel. The amount will depend upon th magnitude of the beginning. One maj expend a hundred dollars and secure perhaps, three choice thoroughbred adults, or at an outlay of tweaty-fiv dollar?, thereabouts, one may pur chase a male and a female kitten and rear them herself. The fitting up of s suitable kennel need not cost 'much but there are important points in tht construction and care of the kenne! which should not be neglected, and which any owner of Angora cats is-always ready to explain. The essentiali for a successful Angora kennel -are nol elaborate. Most important is an am ple outdoor runway, made of woven wire, with a roof of the same material. This should connect v.rith a cosy housa or dormitory.1 Both apartments should be provided with elevated shelves, as the cats like to sleep aa far from the ground as possible. They also enjoy the exercise of jumping up to and down from their elevatd perches. Fresh gras3 and pure r&tlk are absolute necessities. The Angora has been a much slandered animal. The general public believes it to be delicate in physique and surly and treacherous in disposition. TUis is as far from the truth as is possible. They are almost uniformly amiabia and affectionate in disposition, an3 possess hardy and vigorous constit tions. They are full of interesting p centricities, however." 1 1 sei mil Government Officer Visits Raleigh to Investigate for Federal Prison, BIG THING FOR CAPITAL CITY. He Called On the Governor and Supt. Mebane and Later Visits the Peni- teatiary. The Post of the 11th says: Mr. ft Y. ja Don, a special representative of the government in "Washington, D., C, irived in the city yesterifly for the Itirpose of ascertaining the propriety aid advisability of establishing a Uni ted States prison at the penitentiary here. Mr. La Don called at the Governor's office yesterday and made' known the object of the trip. Later he saw the superintendent of the prison j Mr. f. M. Mewborne, and visited the; peni tentiary. Chairman Dpekery, of the Peniten tiary Executive Committee, has just been to Washington, where be saw the Attorney-General and urged the desig nation of the North Carolina peniten tiarp as a prison for United States con victs from the Southern Stated The Department sends Mr. La Dou here to investigate the matter, and if there is sufficient work to keep them constantly at work the prison will be made a Federal penitentiary also. ' Federal prisoners are now sent to Al bany, N. , Y. , and Columbus, Ohio, to serve sentences. The establishment of a Federal prison here for convicts from the Southern States, in conjunction with the State penitentiary would be a big thing for Raleigh. Received a Large Check. State Treasurer "Worth received a few days since a check for $105,007, the largest individual check he has received since he has been in office The amount of the check was for payment of the 3 per cent, semi-annul interest on the State's investment in the North Carolina Railroad. Tho check was signed by E. S. Walton, secretary of the North Car olina Railroad, and was made payable to W. H. Worth, State Treasurer. The check was given on theNational Bank of Wilmington, and is No. 9727. Treasur er Worth has received sums of money sd large as thiB on former occasions, "btit never a single check for so large an amount. . Building Cotton Mills. Several cotton factories are soon to be built at Vaughan's, a little station on the S. A. . Railroad, about 12 mile3 north of Warrenton. A large colony of Pennsylvania people have bought land in that section and some of them are already there at work. Pros pects are bright for the Vaughan sec tion. Raleigh Post. : Impostors at Work. The grand secretary of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows gives notice that there are some impostors at work in this State securing money from mem bers of the order by getting their en dorsements on notes and drafts. None of these have struck Charlotte yet, but the members of the order here are on the lookout for them. Charlotte News. Audited Expense Account. V. S. Lusk and J. A. Smith, last week, as a committee of the directors of the North Carolina Railway, audited the expense account in connection with the suit to annul the lease of that road to the Southern. They say they find the expense of attorneys' fees to be about $2,500; other expenses $885.74. Worth Company Chartered. x The State grants a charter to the Worth Company, of Wilmington, com posed of members of the family of that name, with $100,000 paid-in capital and power to increase it to $500,000. The aompany will do a general merchandise business and also lease, buy and sell lands and property of all kinds. Concord's Water Impure. The State Board of Health is making good progress with its analysis of the water supply of the various cities and towns in this State, It finds the water at Concord impure and gives warning about it. Wilmington Messenger. Te Be Invited to the State. Supt. Mebane is making an effort to have the next annual meeting of the Department of Superintendance of the National Educational Associations to meet in North Carolina. He Thought Life a Failure. B. W. Weston, who committed sui cide at a mine near Morganton, left a letter for his brother saying he did the deed because he had come to the con clusion that life was a failure. A Very Horrible Thing. Moonshiners in Rockingham county did a very horrible thing. A lot of them swore that a white man named Bowles had outraged a white girl. The man was actually on trial for his life when his lawver exposed the scheme. Ex. , Number of Odd Fellows and Masons. From a record in the hands of Captain James M. McGowen we ascertain that there are at present in the United States and Canada ?960,094 Odd Fel lows, and 837,395. -Wilmington Mes senger. ; Making Elaborate Preparations. ; Charlotte is making elaborate prep arations for the 20th of May celebration this year. Penciled Paragraphs. It seems that under the act of. 1887 there can be no local option elections this year.' In eastern North Carolina the acreage jn tobacco is to be almost if not quite loubled this year. The State charters the Either Lum jer Company, of Either, Montgomery jounty, capital $5,000. Wake county Alliance has subscribed M.000 for the establishment of a deposi lory for the Hillsboro shoe factory in Raleigh. j . - The Supreme Court decides very sen sibly that there shall be in future writ ten andi not oral examinations of appli cants for attorney's license. There is a new turn in the Hancock scandal at Nwbern. Mrs. Abbot sues Hancock for $10,000 damages for ruin ing her daughter, Annie. Nearly all the railroads ask the rail road commission to modify its late or der reducing. freight rates on car-load lots-of fertilizers one-sixth. They wi 1 hare a hear in cr on the 7th inst. j It is said the estate of the late Mr. j Wiliiani H. Willard, cf Raleigh, ap i vrosiniaies $123, 90J. and that it will j Lo divided Finoug his nine grand children. ' A Beantlful Girl's Affliction." J'wm (fie R3puVioin, Ver32iUe3, lit Tie Tuckers ot Versailles, lad., liks all tond parents, are completely wrapped up to their children. Their daajj'ater Lucy, ia particular, has given thsza. nxnah. concern. She is fifteen, and from a strong, healthy j rirl, three years ago, ha i become wealc and i aaere skeleton. She seemed to hare no life It all. Her blood became Impnrs and QnaPy ihe became the viotim of nervous prostra tion. Doctors did net help her. Most or mo time she was conflned'ta bed, was very aervoas and irritable, and seemed cn the rcrge ol Bt. Vitus' danoe. "One morning," said Mrs. Tucker, "the Soetot- told usto sriveherDr. Williams Pink Piils for Palo People, which be brought with j him. He said he was treating a similar case j with these pills and they were curing the i patient. We begaa giving tha pills and the" j next aay couia sea a cnange ior laa pence. Discussed Their Daughter's Case for Hours. The doctor came and was surprised to Bee Buch an improvement. He told us to keep giving her the medicine. We gave her one pill after each meal until eight boxes had bean used when she was well. She Ms not been sick since, and we have no fear of the old trouble returning. We think the cure almost, miraculous.' ' FeA-k Tcckeb, Mns. FfiASK TtJCKEB. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of April, 1897. Hugh Johnson, Justice of the Peace. These pills are wonderfully effective in the treatment of all diseases arising from impure blood, or shattered nerve force. They aro adapted to young or old, and may be had at any drug store. Flowers Answered Both Turposes. A certain young widow of Indianap olis who had Just changed her weeds for brighter hues gave a dinner party not long ago. The rooms were decor ated with a great profusion of flow ers. Roses in masses were on the man tels and the dinner table fairly blos somedin fact, the abundance of flow ers was unusual. One of the guests could restrain her curiosity no longer, and when the dessert was- brought in said: "Well, Mrs. Blank, you're rather spreading on the flowers to-night." "Yes," replied the fair widow brightly) "but to-morrow I am going to take ,them out to Crown Hill and put thenl on poor Tom's grave." ; , 1, L. Autumn Festivals. Autumn festivals are on the Increase in America. This year has produced km unusual number of "prosperity fes ithals," "pageants" and "carnivals." Some of these, as the "Festival of the Veiled Prophet" in St. Louis; and the !"Parde of the Priests of Pallas" In iKansas City, with their gorgeously cos itumed "Kings" and "Queens" and "Maids of Honor," are time-honored in stitutions, whose popularity with enor jmous numbers of plain people shows that a democracy cannot, or at least jdoes not, eradicate the average man's jlove of glitter, pomp and ceremonial, lit is easy to sneer at such festivals as ichildish and unmeaning. In a meas ure the same thing could be said of ev ery ceremonial, whether civic, military ;or religious, that appeals so powerfully to the human imagination, and through jwhich the race is raised to the loftiest (heights of patriotism, valor and inoral 4ty. Unless we are to become a nation jof plodders and money getters we must ilearn to play as well as work, and it is Iwell to encourage this side of the Amer 'lean character. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figgis taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FHAKCSCO, CAL LDUmiLLE. M. NEW YORK, H.X. :i -JaK .7E HAVE H9 AGENTS but hare told dirset to tie eom nmer for 23 jecrt mt whole sale prices, taring kia tha dealer profit. wserv for azamicauoa. XerTthiBf warranted. 113 style of Vehicles, Top Snrries. M r EnrreTt. tWto 8125. n, 1 5o. TT. Surrey Saraeas. Prtee. $18.09. wagons, ina lor As good a aetis for f& Catalogs ol ail mat 'ges, jikviooa, a rape, najrun. ettes, Epricg-Eoad tad Mil ' 4" SiUB'. Horn Sounds a Warnlojr Rot' to the Unredeemed. DOING our best U all God asks. The' pruned limb Is seldom the on that dies. . A wise man's mistakes are tho capital of his ex perience. The greatest deeds are done by those who are the least conscious that they are great. If our eyes were brighter, the Btars would be brighter. : Disposition is the mint that coins our comforts or their counterfeits. 1 "To err Is human." That is sound doctrine; nor is lt hard" to live up to. i Some people are baptized simply to hear the world say, "O.-how pious;" ; The man who will do good as he has iopportunlty- will be busy every day. , The man who knows nothing except what he has learned from books, Is poorly educated. Itam's Horn. Microbe Cansea Baldnes Baldness is caused by a microbe, ac cording to Dr. E. Sabanard, the famous French dermatologist. The eminent physician has for many years held his present theory on the subject of bald- Tins CAUSES BALDNESS. ness, and for the past three years h has been engaged In making culturei of the microbes and In performing e berlments with them. He now say that If a destroyer is found for the mi crobe no one need be. bald. When a man's love grows cold h should put his arm around her and warm her UP. Tobacco will cure well, have a bright, rich color and flavor, with good burning properties, if liberally supplied with a fertilizer con taining at least 10 actual Potash; in the form of sulphate. The quality of tobacco is im proved by that form of Potash. Our books will tell you just what to use. They are free. Send for them. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York ' has demonstrated ten thousand times that, it ia almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, Irregularities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing, strengthen ing and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures "whites" and falling of the womb. It stops flooding ana relieves sup pressed and painfnl menstruation. For Change of Life it is the best medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It Inviirorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute . with certain relief within reach t s . Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 per bottle at your drug store. For advice, in cattt rtquirinq special dlrte tions, addresM, giving tympVymM, the "Ladies' Advisory Deportment," The Chattanooga Med icine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH, Camden, S. C, yi: "My wife used Wine of Cardui at home for falling of. the womb and It entirely cured her." OPIUM, MORPHINE, WHISKEY. CO r!n. Tobacco and Snuff-Dipping II a bit prrrn!ntiT cured by IIAIIMLES9 HOME TREATMK.Vf?. My book, cntJnl' w fnM infor mation, nailed fre. DB. J. V. IIOFFM A.. Room 4 Isabella Building. Chicago, III. Mi HOW To Oirow 5-cont Cotton at a Profit PIotv the land deep with a CHATTANOOCA CHILLED PLOW, which will give a new soil and prepare it to store up mo"6tut9 against next reason's drouth. If the turner is fol lowed with a CflflTTrlNOOGfl SUBSOIL PLOW, so much the better. Enquire of your dealer or write for catalogue and inf onnation FR EE. CHATTANOOGA PLOW CU31PASY, Chattanooga, - - - - - - - - Tennessee. 5HZH5S 2a3?5Z!2El2KSHE5E2i6 Ship aay- to 7. Carria. w izrfe, tree V. 60G Samr. Fries, vitk nruim Ium. m. styles. tAe. epron ana leaders, SM. sgoadestelUferStt. a; i e to (is Do You Knov; , What It Does? It reliern a per.r of all rleslrJ fS? strong drink or Jrni reetorea his nervous system to Its nornm condition, and n'r. ptates a mau to h iiome ana business. For full particTilar fcdores . . THE . . EKlETBSIiiaiE. GREENSBORO, N.c S TOO OITK THCM BELT. Ton cannot do this nle you on1rti t them and know how to cater to thMr requirement; sal ron cannot spenil years au l JoHara learninn i er lorloncc, so tou must buy tb knowing arioireJ ty ethe.-s. tva ofltdr tan to 70U for oiy cmm YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEI" OWN WAY. Ten If rou maroly keep thw as a tfrrlon. Ia n tier to hawlto rwli Ju4i"Ulr. y" something atX)Ut tliSTrt. mci this want aj aeUlns a boo Blrln thxjr.eMoe Q-l- OR. f a praotioul poultry raiser for" WL. twenty-flro jers. It was written by atnaa who put VI bis mln-t. mni timw, ani nony msklog a tuo eeuol OtaloWoo ralslag not as a pasllmr tat a a business an'l If you will rrollt by his twenty nT rears' work, you can sare many Ohl! annuaiir, and roast your rowls earn rtollart for you. Tbs point Is, that you roust be abla to detct trwihle la tba Poultry Vard as soon as It appears, anJ kuow how tomne-ly It. ThU book will teaeU you. ltyils how to detaot and euro disease; to feel rr eggs ant also for raltentngt which fowls tosarfe breeding puries; ami eTerylhllu, lade.t, y Sboultt kaowOBtfcl subject to make It profltAtl t DoetDaid tor iweuir-un m "ti Hook Publishing Houso v ( S07VIETHING NEiflZ. KEEPING abreast with the inventions of this age, we, by modern ma chinery, compress our powdered Dr. M. A. Sim mons' Liver Medicine into tablets and sugar coat them. ' Consumers can cither swallow the tablets. whole or chew them up and swal low with water. The candy sugar coating ex cludes the air, protects the purified medicine from microbic influences, pre vents the possibility of deterioration from atmos pheric changes, insuring perfect purity and full strength when taken, anJ makes it pleasant to take as candy. Tablets contain only the powdered Liver Medicine, same as sold in packages , by Dr. M. A. Simmons and we his successors, since 1840. Frice 25 Ctnfg prr Pickig. C. F. Simmons Medicine Go,, PROPRIETOR 8, ST. Louis, Mo. FARM Salwr's Sefdj an Warrantta to rroancf. . ...ml ZS ten.. I .R.r.tlll.. Pa.. siioBWhea the worm . , J c.i - I Hw.iAft rT growing aj uo.uei. l 1 .- . . Eandalla. Kwa, b. itrow'ns 1! bu.h. r4 ri w praere. If yoa 4-uiit. write them. WswUhjegua 150,000 new coitomrrt, heoee will wi oa Ull 10 D0LLAR8 WORTH FOR iwc. 11 pkir ef rare frm seeds. Hog Pes, Seal Ts'sh j(m iri...t ' sham It.ne. Jeru.alem Cote, ete.. ia- elndlne our ranmniotli Heed 'atsloue, Ulllei sll s'iut the WO roia prises inr oe n""' new mtrreloue cor a ani eats, rrwi"i also sample of same, all nisliea 7 spn " saav I' w ' aris "-m, wctrta siiw. to m siiwr-. iv. wv aJ llaiaM all 3U1 DfTla -V i.Vva i-arllMl -si ST K LA bill Cstslnf end this aloas. t ad, along. a c. & Q Z j S N. U. No. 7.-8?. OSBORNE'8 tssaita. 11m. Actual bTisinea. booki. tiuort time. Cheap board- Bead for caiaiow PHARLOTTE COMMERCIAL UOLLEGEf cHftRioTTf, n. c. Ko Vacations roeltlons Guaranteed -Catalog'ie fr" Ve want a bustling azent in erery cowff to eell our latest improvt d PIowb. a 11 !. direct from tha factory to the farmer. 01 r.ght around your home Baby Ccltivatob Compant, blrminghanx. Ala. 9 1 (4 rermanent lanent position. 140 per month ndailrv ZlZQ-iu. h COv 49 Locust BU rtuds WHAT "BOB TAYLOR," GOV. OF TENN., SAiS Marble City Drug Mf. Co.. KnoxTUle. Tana. Gentlernen:-Iu reply to your JJA mcentrl&te. wl kat that I aid r -cei'" t k.ndfl frnm T TTi-n nu r'r.llflrh CUTe. f w ' r. . v. tTtw Tip 1 Mb Ml ! 'EARN. HOW M Liver in mm 11)1116 Best on Earlli. pr sv ' - sjpt as 'sm Woteit aV consider it the best remedy, for couans a colds I have ever used. Yours tryjy. Roasat L. i AlrVl rot lt by ftil druwlti t t?o.. ELKHART mn act mtmi erg, co.tf.n- rmVr irtn&ggtSS) Eft

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