THE COUNTY UNION DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered accoiding to postal regula sions. at the po.stoiBce at Dunn, N. C, as tecond class matter. J. P. PlTTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood all, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months 25 Cents. Six Months 50 Cents. One Year 1. : $1-00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, February 23, 1 In another column will be found a letter from Alex Sprunt & Sons, of Wilmington, prob ably the largest exporters of cot ton in the South, addressed to Mr. S. J. Hooks who buys cot ton here for them. The letter explains itself and is of interest to every cotton farmer in. the South. Should the cylindrical bale people succeed in getting the round bale adopted as the standard bale every farmer in the South would be forced to have his cotton baled that way. And it is said that the compa ny that is" trying to put this method' of baling on the farmers proposes to put in plants all tli rough the South for ginning and packing the cotton and that they will force the farmers, to sell them their cotton in the seed for no one but the trust could operate a ginnery and baler. This trust is one of the most gigantic corpotations ever form ed and their idea is to control the whole of the cotton crop in eluding the seed. The Sprunts say that unless .'there yis more uniformity in bal ing the square bale will have to go and then if will be to late ior the farmers and miners to kick The trust would pay more for cotton in the round bale than in the square bale men to the wall. The recommendation of Messrs Sprunt & Son that all Dresses be made uniform next x season is a good one and the of fer they make should encourage th-e farmers to demand of rhe ginners to arrange tlieir presses accordingly. Farmers, read the letter care fully and talk with your neigh bors and organize to defeat this greatest of enemies for if it should succeed you may have to buv vour seed to plant from this trust at an enormous price as their obiect is to force the farmers to sell their cotton in the" seed. This trust will own and operate all the gins and you would be left entirely at the mercy of the trust. A doctor in Greenville, S. C . . i says tnat mere lias been no small-pox in that town. He says that it is aggravated form of the chicken-pox and that it is confined entirely to the negros H e. are inclined to the opinion that all the small-pox scare in in the country has been un founded. This writer when quite a youth was vaccinated because lie had been exposed to a person that developed a severe case of chicken-pox which was adjudged by the physcian to be small-pox. It seems there is a movement on for a union of all the silver forces under one banner for the next national campaign, which will try to be brought into our State campaign this year. For us we frankly say that we take no fusion in ours. A straight fight on the Chicpgo platform and -.white supremacy is our plan. The Democratic part will be weakened by any talk of fusion. Senator Butler and the Hon. Wm. J. Bryan were at the Pop ulist state convention in Min nesota last week. Both these distinguished gentlemen favor fusion of the silver forces. If Bryan would stay in Nebraska and keep his mouth closed, he would be the strongest candi date of the Democratic party in 1900.hut he will probably talk himself to apolitical death. The Governor's Commissioners held a Railroad meeting Monday and reduced passenger rates on all the railroads in the State except the Atlantic road from Goldsboro to Morehead City. The new rate is to go into effect March 23rd. It re duces the fares to 2 cents per mile for first class and to 2 cents for second class. Vlt fao Umild 1i ea tretf vrajpeii - OF INTEREST TO FARMERS AND COTTON GINNERS. i '"A great trust is being formed by Northern capitalists to get control of the cotton produced in the United States by the meth od of forcing the cotton plan ters to have tlieir cotton baled in the cylindrical bale that is talked so much about just now through the press.. If the cot ton exchanges should adopt the cylindrical bale as the proper method of baling cotton, every press now used hy the ginners would be wo tLlcss and an en tire loss to the owners. Unde our present system of baling cotton there are many defect that could be easily remedied and the system much, improved by the use of uniform presses that is all of one size. To this end the cotton exporters are in terested as well as the farmers and Messrs Alex Sprunt & son of Wilmington, N. C, among the largest exporters of cotton in this country, are taking steps to have uniform presses put in at the gins for the next season and thereby defeat the cylindri cal baling trust, llns nrm is sending circulars to ginners and planters throughout their terri tory making propositions to bring about the uniform baling process. ' They are alsoinstruc ting their agents to use their efforts with their pat rons, as will be seen from the following letter addressed to Mr. S. J Hooks who buys cotton here for them, which wTe take pleasure in publishing. The letter is as follows : - Wilmington N. C; " January 4th, 1898 S. J. Hooks, Mr. Dunn, N. C. Dear Sir : We wrote you re cently about the desirability o a uniform or standard planta tion baling box of the dimen- sions, fifty-eight inches long by twenty-eight inches wide, and we are most anxious that you use every means of getting your ginners to adopt these dimen sions for the following rea sons : A Northern Trust Company clearly inimical to the planters interest has, it is said, a con trolling interest in the new f an gled cylindrical cotton baling process which they are trying to force upon our cotton spinners as a remedy for the present ir regular baling on the planta tions. Under the present irreg ular method the long bales are broken by the vessel's steve dores to fit in the cargo spaces with -shorter ones, and if we had a uniform bale this diffi culty would be overcome. More over, the uniform bale weigh ing 500 to 525 pounds would be just as easily Iiandled and the same expense as a bale at of 450 pounds, thereby charges to the planter us saving and to Six yards to seven yards of new bagging and six iron ties is sufficient covering. Any thing more causes difficulty bugar sacks, and side strips are especially objected to. In order to show our willingness to help the planter to meet the necessary cost of alterations we will allow nexts eason a sufficient royalty on the first hundred bales for which the baling box was changed, sufficient to cover tne cost not exceeding $t, pro vided wre are given the refusal of the product of the gin at equal prices with competitors, and provided also that the bales shall be covered in accordance with the requirements stated We ar& informed bv our agents abroad and by mill owners at home, that if there is not a rad- ical change in the manner of baling at the plantations next season, tne receivers or cotton actopi; tne rouna oaie ana to re I , M 'I "I t 1 -I, fuse the square bale altogether The loss to the planter in this case would be very severely felt and all the benefits go to the pockets of a gigantic Trust Com pany. We suggest that you secure the co-operation of your newspapers for the proposed standard box and that you send us the ad dress of all your ginners in or der that we may communicate . with them also. Alex Sprunt & Sons. There is no late development in regard to the disaster to the Maine in tha harbor at Havan- a, an account of which will be found on first page.. The ex aminations made so far lead to show that the ship was blown up by Spanish treachery. There are at least a hundred of the bodies in the ship that had not been recovered Monday night. The President will be fortunate if he is not forced to declares war against Spain. Lillington Gleaning. By Telephone. Court convened here Monday, Judge Timberlake presiding and Solicitor Pou representing the State. Mr. J. M. Davis is fore man of the grand jury. The attorneys in attendance beside our county lawyers are H. McD. Robinson, of Favetteville, and W. E. Murchison, of Jones- boro. There is quite a large attend ance of citizens of the County here this week.; The oyster supper given by the 3-oung ladies last night for the benefit of the Baptist Sunday School was a decided success. The proceeds amount ed to $20. Tom Adkins and Harry Dob bin ; were arraigned in open court Tuesday morning each for murder the grand jury ha ve ing ; found true bills. Each though their attorneys plead not guilty. Tom's trial was set for to-day and the Judge or dered the Sheriff to summon a special venire of one hundred men. Harry Dobbin has submitted to a verdict of manslaughter and will be sentenced for that of fence. An $1800r Whale Killed- Beaufort, N. C, Feb. 14. Capt. John Lewis, of Capt. Tyree Moore's whaling crew on Shackelford's Banks killed to day at twelve o'clock, near the bar,; the largest whale captured here in many years, measuring sixty feet long, bone seven and a half feet, will make sixty five barrels of oil, and estimate val ue of eighteen hundred dollars. They towed the whale inside the harbor and landed it at Mullet Pond, where they will commence tryirig it out to-morrow. News & Observer. "Jnnst as Good as Scott's anJ we sell ft much cheaper," is a statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott's Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard EtitnituiS&ioBd of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites or Lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the standard" because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prepa ration. The substitution of something said to be "just as good" for a stand ard preparation twenty five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser Be sure vou eet SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that tne man and fish are on the wrapper i 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Yerk. Blind fer Caught On last Thursday Mr. W. H 'enning 01 tins town, was ar raigned , before United States Commissioner J. B. Holland, charged wTith retailing liquors without license. The evidence was direct against him and he was required to give bond in the sum or $ luu tor ms appearance at the next term of the Federal court. He made the bond and was released. To our Customers. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the st eough sjrup wc have ever used W. ti. King, Isaac P. Kins snd many other in tne vicinity, have'also nronounced it the best. All we want is for teo - - r pie to try it and they will be con- vuicea. upou nonor, tnere is no TT 1 .1 better that we have ever tried, and we Lave used many k-cds R. A. Blake & Sun, General Merchants. Big Tunnel, Va. - Sold by N B Hood Puun, N. C. "American chivalry may le all right, but it is American shovelry that digs our canals and grades our railroads." Mr F. C Helbig, a prominent druggist of Lynchburg, Va., 83ys: One of our citizens was cured of rheumatism of two years standing, by one bottle of Chamberlaing's Pain Balm. This liniment is famous for ts cures of rheumatism; thousand? have been delighted from the prompt relief which it affords. For 6ale bv N. B Hood' Dunn N. G. Diseases of tixe Blood and 3ferri No one need suffer with neuralgia. This isease is quickly and permanently cured by Browns' Iron Bitters. Every disease of he blood, nerves and stomach, chronic otherwise, succumbs to Browns' Iron Bitters. Known and csed for nearl a quarter of a century, it stands to-day fore most anions' our most valued rpimriioB j-Bro was' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealer. I Ths Medal Medicine ; I I Is the Model Medicine, v ) Hie only medal awarded to $ A sarsaparilla at the World's Fair, 1S93, at Chicago, -was awarded to 7 I Ayer's J ISarsaparilla. I . , . : . A Suit to Annul a Marriage ' Sometime in the summer of 1896, Walter Lee, a young man who lives a few miles from town was married to Miss Sinie B. Denning, of Raleigh, who was visiting Mrs. Siisie ; Lee, her aunt in his community. They were both young and tlieir mar riage relations must not have been very pleasant for after the expiration of eight days of mar riage bliss Mrs. Lee returned to her mother in Raleigh and wrote Walter that she was no going to live witn mm any more and he, taking the matter quietly, did not insist on her re turning. Marriage was evi dentlv a failure with these young peojrie. Walter has re mained at home with his father andSinie has remained at home in Raleigh with her mother since. Wednesday's News &Observer stated that Mrs. Martha Den ning mother of Mrs. Lee, had instituted suit in the Wake Su perior Court to have the mar riage of her daughter Sinie B Denning, to Walter Lee, o Harnett County annulled, claiming that the girl wras un der fourteen 5"ears of age at the time of the marriage. Lee was onlv about seventeen. It is understood that he will not op .1 "it1 n . -1 pose tne annulling 01 tne mar- riage. Such was the act of two chil dren. They probably are to be more pittied than blamed, and the act of youthful indiscretion should be annulled by the court and let the two start life again unfettered by the foolish act of youthful folly. It is not often that 1 physician reo mmeud a patent medeine: when he ioes, you may know that it is a good one. Dr. J P Cleveland, Glaecow Va., writei-: "I have ustd Chamber main's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy in my practice and it has pro ven to be an excellent remedy, where a thorough course of medicine had tailed with me. 1 recommend it to my patients every time for colic thd diarrhoea." Many other progressivt physicians recommend and use this r medy, because it always cures and cures quickly. Get a bottle and you will have an excellent doctor, in the house, for all bowel complaints, botl for childrens and adults. For sale bj N. B. Hood Donu N. 0. Gov. Russell Sued A complaint against Daniel L. Russell was filed with the clerk of : New Hanover Superior Court yesterday afternoon, in which Mr. Allan Rutherford, a well known attorney formerly of this city, but now of Wash ington D. C, institutes a suit ior 5fr,yo which ne claims is due him for' professional, servi ces. The Sheriff served the no tice on Governor Russell verier day afternoon, he being here for a few days at his farm, near the city. I In the complain, Mr. Ruther ford charges that in December, 1895, he was retained as an at torney by Governor Russell who was counsel in. the contest be tween Hon. James A . Lockhart and Hon. C. II. 'Martin for a seat in the House of Representa tives from the Sixth District of North Carolina. He says that Russell as colm- sel for contestant C. H. Martin and with the latter's knowledge and consent, employed the com plainant, and that he conducted quite an extensive correspon dence . and attended to very much other business connected with the contest case a service a very reasonadle fee for which would be $2,000, and thai the pitiful sum of $25 had been paid him. Mr. Rutherford therefore in stitutes suit for $1,975 and in terest from March 4, 1896. The case will probably be tried at the next term of the Superior Court. Wilmington Star. A Sure Thing for You. A transaction i in which you cannot lose st sure thing. Biliousness sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles md a thousand other ills are caused bv constipation and sluggish liver. Cas- caret Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are t y all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c., 25c, 50c. Sam pie and booklet free. Sold by all druggists.!.' Burnet On Tuesday of last week a forest fire swept over a large portion of Johnsonville town ship thjs county doing a great deal of damage to fences and timber. The residence together with barn, stables and all farm buildings of Mr. A; McDairmid known as , "Scotch Archie" which were in the wake of the fire were destroyed . It is stated that Mr. McDairmid had ten head of cattle so badly burned that they will die. Household Gods. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. " They were worshipped as household gods in every home. The house hold god of to-day is Dr. King's New Discovery, For consump tion, coughs, colds, and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs it is invaluable. It lias been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure- or money returned. No household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at N. B. Hood's Drug Stare. . Kicked by his Horse. Mr. J. J. Wilson has been nursing a sore shin this week. Sunday afternoon he and Mr. A. C. Hales were out riding and when near Mr. J. H. Bal lance's some of the li a r n e s s broke and the buggy ran on the horse which frightened him and he began to kick. Mr. Wilson was struck on the right leg three times by the hoof of the horse, and was right painfully but not seriously hurt. Mr. Hales escaped unhurt. After the harness was repaired the horse drove off very quietly. Little damage was done to the buggy. A Ohver Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it wTho has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters, lhis medicine tones up the whole system, acts as stimulate to the Liver and Kid neys, is a blood Durifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mlid laxative, ana restores tne sys tem to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran teioV Only 50c a bottle at N B. Hood's Drug Store. Burned to death in Forest Fire. A special to the Wilmington Star of Sunday from Abbotts- burg, Bladen County says : . Your correspondent learns, with deep regret, of the horrible death of the 13-year old son of Mr. Dennis Lennoii, near Blad- enboro, last Tuesday, Mr. Lennon had sent his son to a neighbor's house about a mile t n . 1 away, to warn mm 01 tne ap Xiroaching fire. It S3ems the boy came near the fire and be ing stifled by the smoke went into the fire and it is supposed died in a few minutes. "His dead body was not found until the next morning, when it Avas found some distance in the woods near a branch." A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassj cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Courb Cure has been administered. Safe and harmless Grantham. for children. Hood & "Did the cow that .1 . jumped "milky over tne moon so the way?" There are th ee little things which do more work man ary other three little things created thej' are the ant, tiiebec md De Witt . Little Early Kistrs. the ast being the famous little pills for stomach and livei troubles. Hood & Grantham. "The sermons of many min in terminal isters are lacking acilities." Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, t means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now burins: Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the 1 ate of two million boxes a j-ear and it will be three million before New Year.. It means merit provet, that Ca?carets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug gists 10c. 25e, 50c a box, cure guaran t ecu". Dwelling TED AND TRW PJ. B. HOOD, Tie uiiil stall DUNN, - My stock consists of anything found in a first-class Drug Store which I am selling cheaper than ever for the cash. Prescriptions compounded with care and accura?y. I thank all for past favors, and invite you to come and see me. I do a straight legal business. r Mr. A. L. Pearsall is with me and he invites all his friends to call and see him. ' Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, N. B HOOD. ft WHAT YCUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT : f Dunn, N. C, Ajig. 3rd, 1897. 2098 persons nov? using Indian Herbs. Why ? Because it hai the desired effect and it is so cheap, 180 dosea for $1 00. W. F UTTER. ' - Gift, N. C, February, 4:h , 1898, Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs: " For the bentSt of others I add a testimonial of praise i f cur medicine, ;or if used it will cure others as it has cured us. Your Indian Hcibs ia a ure cure for cbilta and fever, headache etc My wile had epiaiicd her kijce ind could walk much better alter using jour medicine a short time. U f re he commeuccd usini? it hhe was low in health and is now much ui roved. We can not sj eak too highly of it and are tuns it is making an e vu lasting fjame in this Thankfully jours, I . - Amos Dunn. Dunn, N C , January 25th, 1898 Great American Herb Co, AVafehingtou, DC Gentlemen: I wish to express my giatitude for the benefit nceived from the iho of your Indian Herbs. It is the btt touicf Ihave ever used. 1 have ben miI f'ering for years with heart trouble and" jour medicine is all that ras h me. I think another box will cure me. It ia a valuable tnciicino fur c1oh md 9 11 blood diseases. Yours truly, L. II Kennkdy it3ir"Any one desiring to purchase a package of Iudian Herbs can ye' it at L. P. Jernigan's store or at my lesidencc. W F. UT I Ell ' Dumj. N. (; Whooping cough is the most'- distress ing malady: but its duratiuo can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known rem edy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Hood & Grantham. "The egotist suffers from an affection of the I, which no oc ulist can cure." After years of untold - sullering from piles B. W. Pnrsell of Knitm-rsville, la. was cured by using a single box of De Witts Wilch Hazel Salye. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obsti nate sore.- are roauily cured by this fam ous remedy. Uoo I iV: Granth.'tm. "As courting is called "spark ing," of course the real fire comes after marriage." What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and bilMousnc..? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by nsiii lie Witt's Little Karly Risers, the famous little pills. Hood tt Grantham. "If you're not pretty when you re young tins consolation hold that in some fifty years or so you will be pretty old. Educate Your Bowels With Cas- .cakets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, drug- gisf refund' money. PWhy are great men so mel ancholy?" asks an exchange. Because there are so few of us de&t brother, so very few of us. 1 To Cure Constipation Forever. lake Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure drug gists refund the monej. "A true friend is a living treasure, a comfort in solitude and a sanctuary in distress." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tb fae Haile tlgutort 1 fa" vrsfptb WOOD'S SEEDS arc specially grown and selected to meet the needs and requirements of Southern Growers, Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. j Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, VA. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. I! - - - N. C. o- -o 1LJT lET T3 A A A i AV B S THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER And Liver Regulator on Earth- W. F. UTTER, General Agent. Dunn, N. C. J ) fllOTlUK ! Havii-gd dv o,unliii. -I as iJ A 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 -1 1 at rix of V. A. 1"; rr, deceased, notice is hereby given t all persons holding Haim - ay;iiut said estate to present the same fr payment, duty veniied o.i r lefore2th n;iy 01 January ISDOor this liottee will be plead in bar of their reeoveiy. AP per.-ons indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate pigment of tin; i-ame. Tin.- January 20ih, I.nOS M.D. 1'akkkk, Administratrix. Jones & Stewart, Attorneys. SALE OF VALUAHLK LAND.' By virtue of authority contain d in a mortgage deed executed lo me by M. W. Barefoot and wife on the 2 id day of Sep tember, 1S1).. and recorded in the I: gU- ter's otlice of Harnett County, in nook I J No. 2. page o7, I wMl : 11 at public . audio- , for c:ih, at tin Court, lloiie door in the town of Lllli.ig ton, at 12 o'clock M., on the 4th. day of March, 1808, the tiact of land lying in the Coun ty of Ilarnet and jlescrlded in said mort gage , as follows : Beginning at a stake near the fence, and runs S. 85 K 14.75 chains to a stake, thence S. 5 W. 40 cln to a stake in Mingo Warren's line, thence with his line N. (;r; W. 1C..0 chains to a stake in said line, thence X 5 K. 'M- eh to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less. This the second day of February', 1898. IIv A. IIoifIIS, Mortgagee. 'Simmons-, jl'oti & Ward, Att's 2-9-4wks. DUNN MARKET. CORRECTED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Cotton, .............. o c. Peas, - 40 to 00c. Sugar. 5i to Gc. C of lee 10 to 20c. Flour, per Bbl . ..$5.00 .5..r0 Bulk Meat 0 to Ojc Lard to 9c. Corn... 45 to 50c Fodder 75c. Eggs 12 to 13c. Chickens. 126 20c Butter 15 to 20c. Beeswax. . 18 to 20c. Hides, dry flint, per lb If " green " 263? Shingles, per M. $1.50 $1.75 ejapsap q mos n anjjig uojj ,suaoj' . gauq swjua.iJS qj" SuiAuap inoip:!6!1! ajjBI ub. pipD jo naioj',UBUi j-jqjwii aVf." I 'mCdt poojo sjuaawp Anx m u'0nghs' oj euias ij 'sjajjjji uojr 49UMOJii ''trulr. pioipsnoq po auifjjB jbi1 iiwip) aim TaTWi aoj ajoca paqsridui030B Aq jbiji aHje&t&i0 'aapipata uj sauaAoosrp