TH E COUNTY UNION WEDNESD AY, March , 18: 8. DUNN, N. C. LOCAL. DOTS. Cotton is sellinfr for -") to r: tents to-day. -One-sixth of the year lias passed. . : March came in quiet I at cold, - Our items from Gile.-' Mill were-unavoidably crowd d out this week. tJ,,r (lin clii ii(( in tlin n A - . V t , IJi' t 1HUI Alt UJlj tlVl vei-ii-enu nt of Mr. M.T. Young in tins isue. lie offers great bargains at his store. - The public school in this -district closed last Friday. , A 'fair attendance was had at the session j list closed . We ' re g reft to note that Mrs. .Inn. A. Oates is quite sick with an attack of the grip, which has weeks, f Mr.' (J. W. Hunt desires us to say that his postofiice is now J'mc, and not Westville. Those writing to him will please ad dress him at Poe in the future. Lane it Galbraith are now (losing out their last lot, of Ten nessee mules and horses. Jf you 'want- one cheap ' see them juick. The new steel cell placed in the jail at Lillington, we learn, is 'very satisfactory and our commissioners think perfectly safe. - . Don't buy. a mule or horse until vnu see Lane Sc Galbraith's Tennessee raised 'mules' and horses. They are the best on the market. The first shad of the season were put' on the market here last Thursday by Mr. J. S. Ben son, who has a trap in the river near Kyle's Landing. They brought fancy: prices. The interest in the war with Spain has somewhat abat ed, but all arc eager for the pa peis to get the news. The war clouds seem to be passing away. The Dunn Hardware and -Furniture Company are to the front this week with a large "ad." They are liberal with their customers and the trading public are becoming more con vinced of the fact. Mr. J. J. Wilson has been confined to his room since last Thursday from the effects of be inir kicked bv his horse while out driving on Sunday before, lie is much better to-day, we learn. v Sheriff Pope and Deputy Sheriff 15. F. Smith took Tom Adkins and Harry Dobbin to the penitentiaiy last Thursday. Tom was jubilant and in good spirits ; -Harry seemed to be solemn and cast down. The. mail pouch, has been left here on the rack bv the mail agent on the train twice in the last week. This carelessness "should be looked after by the postal authorities. It is an noying to our people and the postmaster- here. Several new subscribers were added to our 'list at court last week. Our list now reaches nearly one thousand. The .people are learning to appreci ate their county paper. You can show your appreciation in no better way than subscribing. Who will be the next? In the summer of 189b Mr. Calvin Sorrell shot Mr. S. Smith, a tenant on his place. Sorrell was convicted of the as sault and sentenced to four months in jail and to pay the costs ; he served the sentence in jail and was released without paying the costs. Sorrell then indibted Smith for embezzle ment and he- was convicted at the September term of 1897 and sentenced to four months im prisonment and to pay the costs. The sentence was not to go in to effect until the November term of the court. At that term Smith was unable to attend on account of an operation perform ed in search of the ball in his body and his sentence Continu ed until this last term. Judge Timberlake imposed the, sen tence but allowed Smith to go with him to see Governor Rus sell and ask to be pardoned. The Governor pardoned him last Friday upon conditions that he pay the costs, which we learn, he has paid. Sorrell was put in jail for costs vhicli a mounted to something over $80. He was out yesterday and in town here trying to arrange the the costs. . r People and Their Movement. Mr. J. McKay Byrd, of Lill ington, was on our streets Saturday-. Mrs. J. H. Pope left this week for Baltimore to purchase her Spring stock of millinery. 1 . j. Jones, Esq., left terday for. Wilmington wi fessional business. Mr. L. A. Ferrell, of was in town Monday and us a pleasant call. Misses Jennie Belle and tie Culbre'th, of Falcon, yes-pro- Poe, paid TIt X I clt- spent oaturuav m town. Prof, A. B. Hill, the efficient principal of Dunn High School, spent Saturday in Raleigh. Mr.O. K . G ra n 1 1 i a m we n t t o Fayetteviile yeteiAjay afternoon on business, and returned to day. Mr. D. II. McLean and Mr. J. C. Clifford, left Monday for Raleigh to attend. the Supreme Court now in session. Mr. C. K. Pope, formerly a typo on The Union, but now on the Smithfield Herald, came home Sunday evening on a vis ite to his parents. Dr. W. L. Hudson returned yesterday from Mount Olive where he was called last Fri day to sec his sister -who very sick. He says she much better when he left: Mr. William Mallett, of was was Bre- nan, Texas, was a visitor in our town lasfFriday. lie left Cum berland county 43 years ago and this is his first visit back. He is now in his seventies but is hale and robust. ' He has made- considerable money in Texas. He will probaTjly spend the- summer with relatives in Cumberland. He is now visit ing Mr. AY. J. Smith al God win. . ' Evangelist Leavitt is hold ing a tent meeting at Fayette viile. It is announced that a convention of Sanetificationists will be hekHn Fayetteviile on March 22nd, and 23rd, and that A. B. Simpson and Stephen Merritt, of New York, will be present. Miss Perry, of South Carolina, has .the matter in hand. '. . ;' uur town needs some tection against, fire. On Friday afternoon the lire rang and the cause was pro last bell the fire In fire wood-pile and fence on back of the Jackson House, a few more minutes the would have been to the house and if the building had gotten on fire good, the whole business part of the town would have been at the mercy of the flames. Our town authorities should see that the truck we have is kept in good condition and the lad ders, axes andbuckets are kept on it . It would also be a good idea to form a hook and ladder company. A street- light should be placed just in front of the truck house and in case of fire at night it would be no trouble to get things in readiness. When there is no lire is the time to prepare against one. When fire comes it will be too late for much preparation. Died in lier Youth. Our community has been sad dened by the death, on the 19th of February, of Miss Nettie A rnold, one of our most popular young girls, the daughter of the aged Mrs. A, S. Arnold, of this place, which occured from a lingering disease. Her remains were buried in the family ceme tery, a large number of loving and sympatheticJfriends present to witness the last tribute of re spect to a departed' friend and loved one. Rev. S. W. Old ham conducted the burial service. Miss Nettie was a favorite in the community ; a member of Christian Light church and we feel that one of its most faith ful members has gone to live with Jesus. The bereaved fam ily have the sympathy of our entire community. L. M. J. May, N. C., Feb". 21, 1898. ijkuclilen's Arnit'si Salrc. i c The best Salve in the wprld for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever -sores', tefter,! chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and -positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 " cents per'box. For sale by B. Hood, Druggist. Clothing, all styles at Young's Do you need a sewing ma chine? See M. T. Young. Children's Shoes at Young's. Lillington GleamDga. By Telephone. Among the visitors who at tended the oyester supper here Tuesday night of last week, were Mr. and Mrs. E.F.Young and Miss Mary McKay, of Dunn ; Dr. Judd and Miss Nelie Spence, of Chalk Level, and the Misses Matthews, of Hec tor's Creek. ! Miss Lizzie jMcKay, of Dick inson, spent af day and night here last week, the guest of Miss Daisy Shaw. Mr. Albert Johnson has mov ed into our village. We are ghKVto welcome him. Mr. Hector Green has return ed home from the A. & M. Col lege at Raleigh. He will not return until the fall session. Miss Mattie Stephenson spent several days here hist week with Miss Lena Marsh . Mr. L. B. Chapin, who is seeking the appointment of deputy collector, went up to Raleigh yesterpay. Miss Lizzie Bradley, of Brad ley's Store, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Johnson. Mr. J. McK. Byrd and wife spent Saturday in Dunn. ' Mr. F. M. McKay spent Sun day -with his mother. .$ The people of Harnett will be pleased to learn that Hon. O. J. Spears has been appointed As sistant District Attorney. His appointment went in eifect yes terday. Miss Emma Kiyett, who has been quite ill, has so far recov ered as to be able to resume teaching. The new drug store is being pushed to completion. The stock of drugs is expected to ar rive every day. The criminal docket was nearly cleared last week. The citizens of the county are for tunate in haying such men as Judge Timberlake and Solicitor Pou to dispatch justice, as they push business through rapidly. Quite a large civil docket will be on hand for the September term of the court. There have been 125 cases docketed already. Several of our people attend ed the mock trial at Buie's Creek Academy Friday night and report a splendid entertain ment. Miss Evelyn Bryan, of Sum merville, is visiting Miss Mag gie Spears. We regret to note a case of measles in bur village. Our Register of Deeds, Mr. J. McKay Byrd, issued during the month of February sixteen marriage license. -13 white and 3 colored. Y. March 2nd, 1898. Xlie Mui'priNc of All . Mi. James Jones, of the drug firm: of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's Npw Discovery, says that ,last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed; to develop into Hasty Consump tion. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from first dose and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bot tles at N. B. Hood's Drug Store. Pant Goods, all kinds at Young's, Spring Heel Shoes for chil dren at Young's. The New Home Sewing Ma chine is still leading the mar ket. You can get them on easy terms See M. P. Gainey. SeeGainey & Jordan when in need of Bicycle Sundries. Remember you can get To bacco Bed Cloth at M. T. Young's. It will pay you to try some tobacco. Trunks, Bags and Valises at Young's. Gainey & Jordan will sell you an 8-day Clock for $2.00. Five hundred pair of odd pants at Young's. Look for E. Lee's Harness Shop, next door to S. G. Marks & Co. E. Lee has a few wore buggy Robes left that he ' Avill sell at cost. The Old Reliable Seth Thom as Clock at Gainey & Jordan's Best-Seed Potatoes at lowest pricei. S. G, Marks & Co. , 7IARRIGD. At the home of Mr.1 -Gilliam Parker, two miles from Lilling ton, on last Wednesday evening at seven o'clock, his daughter, Miss -Lei a, was happily married to Mr. Charles Parker, of Kin- ston, N. C, John W.' Pipkir, Esq., officiating. Oniv a lew invited guest were present to witness the nuptial vows. After the ceremony an elegant repast was served in the dining room. Thursday morning the wedding nartv came to Dunn and the gn: ijva an't nn. rook the "1 :0o train romr for the home in Kiuston. The Union extends groom s congrat- illations with best1' wishes to the happy couple. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King-. New Life Pills. , A trial will convince 3011 of their mer its. These pills are easy in ac tion and a. re particularly effec tive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache.; jFor Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegeta ble. The- do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stonach and bowels greatly inyigorajte the system. Regu lar size S5c. per box. Sold by N.B. Hood, Druggist. School Closed. The school taught by Miss Alda Green at Miley's 'Academy in Neill's Creek township, this count-, closed last Thursday. The patrons and friends gath ered in the morning to witness the exercises by the students which consisted of speeches, recitations, dialogues etc., in terspersed with music. The students all did admirably, re flecting credit on their teacher and honor on themselves. Rev. J. A. Campbell delivered an address in the afternoon. The day was enjoyed by the children and the visitors were pleasant ly entertained. Evoryioily Sjijs So. C:iscarets Candy Cathartic, the most vvoniJeiful medical discovery of the age, plea pant and refreshing to the taste, act gentlj and positively on the kidneys, liver and towel, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fe ver, habitual constipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, i)0 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cine by all druggists. NOTICE! All persons in debted to the Lee Hardware Co., are notified that the books may be found at Lee's ' Harness Shop 611 East Broad Street, next door to S. G. Marks & Co., where settlement may be made either with' -'Mr. E. Lee, or the undersigned. It is earnestly requested that all accounts be settled at once as the law will compel the trustee to sell all unpaid accounts at auction for the benefit of our creditors. 1 J. C. Clifford, Trustee of Lee Hard. Co. Fleischman's Yeast always on hand at Lane & Co's. Latest style Dress Hats for men and boys at Lane's. We are'anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pj. asan ter or better way to do it than byirecdm mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other "serious lung .troubles that follow neglected colds. Hood & Grant ham. For a pair of good shoes go to Lane & Co. Lane & Co. have the choicest selection of seed potatoes. Will make earlier than the ordinary. Towels from 5 to 5G' at Young's. :" ) . Children's and Misses' Spring Heel Shoes at Young's. I Fresh garden seeds at Lane's. Lee's Harness Shop keeps a cheap, nice line of mule collars always on hand. Children and adults tortured by burns scalds, injuries, eczema or stfn diseases may seem e instant relief b' using De Witt Witch Hazel salve. It U'the great Pile remedy. Hood & Grmitham. M. T. Young is selling his en tire line of Dress Goods at cost. You can buy your Hats for Ladies7 and Children at cost. M.T. Young. We carry a full line of gro- ceries, M. T You no;. Curatena Soap, 9 at Youngs. Laces and Hamburgs at M. T. Young's. , Lace curtains at Young's. XO (!LRt: A CO L ID I3f O.TiE DAY. Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab lets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. , Tutf s Pills Cure AH Liver Ills, A Strong Fortification. j Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The F!yWheeI of Life" Dr. Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life.-1 shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I fee) as if I had a new lease of life T. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills Died in Texas. The home and family of Dr. V. M. McNeill was thrown in to saddness snd gloom by the news, on Feb. 28th, of the death of their son and brother, Wra. M. McNeill, Jr., which occured Saturday, Feb. 19th, at his home near Gray Bill, Collins county, Texas, at 32 years, 3 months and 17 days of age: He was sick only about ten days when the death angel came and summoned him to his final home, which we trust was a home of peace and rest. He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, having joined the church at Summer ville when a boy. He moved to Texas in 1889, where he married. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn their irreparable loss. Dickinson, N. C. M. Don't annoy others by your coughing and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One; minute Cough Cure cures coughs colds, croup, grippe and all throat and ung troubles. Hood & Grantham. TAX NOTICE. " By order of the Commission ers of the town of Dunn, I shall proceed to collect by law all taxes, not paid by March 15th, 1898. , G. F. Snead, Tax Collector. Ribbons and Laces, see Young If you want Boots, see Young Go to S . G. Marks & Co . f or Seed Oats. All Dress Goods at cost at Young's. After years of untold sutlering from piles B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville, I'a. was cured by using a single box of )e Witts Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obsti nate sores are readily cured by this fam ous remedy. Hoo l & Grantham. ; ; 50 acres timbered land in Upper Little River Township for sale cheap. Apply to Grantham & Pearsall, Real Estate Agents, fe-lG-lm. ' Dunn, N. C. Large stock of tinware, glass ware, crockery, table and pock et cutlery at lowest prices. .S. G. Marks & Co. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady: but its duratiao can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known rem edy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Hood & Grantham. "If common sense wasielling at nothing a pound, some peo ple wouldn't buy half an ounce." Select stock of home grown collard seed for sale by S. G. Marks & Co. . Nice line of hats just receiv ed at S. G. Marks & Co. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and'billiounes? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, "the famous little pills. Hood & Grantham. Just in a nice line of Hats, - " M. T. Young. For sewing machines see M. T. Young. Farming tools, and farmers' supplies generally, constantly on hand at S. G. Marks & Co. , Beadtv is Blood Deep, j . Clean blood means a clean "skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean yonr blood and keep it clean Uy stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Befrin to-dav to 'banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking i.ascareis beaut v for ten cents. All druggists, s:tisf:ir-tioii jruaranteed. 10c. 2oC, i0c. n Dnn't buvvour shoes until you have examined our stock and obtained our prices. S. G, Marks & Co. Men's Rubbers at 25? a , pair at Young's. . . . Ladies' Rubbers,, 25 at Young's. Tie fao timila eUgmivn St 01 SBC UillJfll In order to make. room for our i Spriiig Stock we will reduce the price on all goods for the next 1.1 days. IDRESS 3C3-00IDS. We have sold a great many but still there is moro than we want, so they will go at Cost for 15 days. If you need any thing in that line it will pay you to examine our stock. SHOES. We have a large and well selected stock of Shoes for old and young, little and big. We can fit you in price as well as shoes. CLOTHINGI ClotHin g ! ! Clotliing ! ! ! Do you need Clothing? We have lots of it and tho price is way down, the quality way up, and we can suit you. Hamburgs Sc Laces. Hamburgs and Laces for the Spring. Our Stock is com plete in this line. We invite the o- Gri'ooeries. Remember, we keep the Largest Stock of Groceries in town at the LOWEST PRICE. We will pay the highest market price for country produce. 7-WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machines for sale. Yours very truly, (VI. T. YOUNG, Feb-lG-tf. DUNN, N. C. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS HI that are being offered at the TWIN Hardware and Furniture Store, are too numerous to mention. A look through our Mammoth Stock of Furniture will coiir vince you that for Quality, Style and Prices, we lead any house in the State. Just a look at the Celebrated O. K. Cook Stoves and Ranges will convince you that one is needed in your kitch en to make your home a place of love and happiness. When you come into our Shelf Department you find first the most complete line of Crockery, Glass and "Tinware, where you can buy anything you need from a Dish Pan to a nice China Dinner Set, and the price will always suit your purse. Our stock of Builder's Hardware is complete and we buy in such quantities that we can always interest tho closest buyers. We make a specialty of Carriage Material and always keep a good stock and never fail to make prices right. Last, we will take you through our AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT where we never fail to interest those who till the eartli and make a living for all. Here we make special low prices for we feel that if any people, under the sun needs help, it is tho farmer who makes hf cotton, so we have placed such goods as lie needs at, the lowest possible price, and we feel proud that we can say that in the short time we have been in business we have reduced the price about 50 and if the Sampson and Johnston will stand together and help us in this fight, we will be an instrument in their hands to place such goods as they need at prices that Always give us a call when money. 1 ours ior ousiness, DUN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. SPRING , GOODS 11 Otnnlr n? 1 olIM 1)1 a,ie coming an. o- We have an elegant line of C Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, which we are offering low down give us. undoubted securiety we Call on us and see what we can P. T. Massengill, Manager. LOTHING Fertilizers m -o ladies to come and see it., farmers of Harnett, Cumberland, will suit them. in need and you will save A r 1 .. . Ouniiifr IS oVIM u -0 Groceries, ' SUPPLIES AND for cash, and when parties can will furnish goods on Fall time. do. r Respectfully, mm