a,ri.-., 23 THE COUNTY UNION DUNK , NV a OCAL DOTS. Cotton is selling , for to oi cents to-day. The town aldermen have bad several new streets -owned recentJy. Cotton went up to six cents a pound last week for tin- pest grades, There is a good ileal, on the farms vet to he sold. - Don't buy a mule or horse Until you see Lane' sl Galbraith's Tennessee ' raised muh'S and h'Vr-.' -. Tiny are the best on the market. f LThe' personal property of tlie late Frasmus Lee was sold, at public sale .'yesterday at his .residenee. three miles from i town. -i Don't fear ! If war with Spain is declared, you will not have to go unless you wish to go. ; If our oilicrs would keep an eye open they might capture another "blind tiger." Do your i . . The contract for the build ing of IS miles of Mills' railroad . has .been given out to Mr. N. G. Wade, of lingham, S.C. Con vict labor will be employed. --See the advertisement of the White Sewing Machine in this issue. Mr. E. II. 'Woodall, .of Benson, sells them and will be 'pleased to show his machine. Hall's Hardware House, of le'nson , has some business locals in this issue. It is putting man extensive stock and is a reliable 11 rm . -1 Lane & Galbraith are now closing out their last lot of Ten nessee mules and horses. If you want one cheap see . them ejiiick. -The rains of last week rais ed the waters in the rivers and the timber men took advantage to get, oil' to Wilmington with large rafts. Saturday was a big day with the guano dealers. A large crowd of farmers ivcre in town and nearly all came after guano. Don't fail to read the new advertisement and business lo cals m this issue or Messrs. Hood A". (!r:i!itl):)in. Thev al ways keep a full stock of drugs. Xew: dwellings are being 'built in several portions of the town just now and there is a demand for more an evidence that our town is-steadily grow ing. - This evening at 8 :30 o'clock at the -Baptist church, Miss Lela McNeill and Mr. M. II. Privett, two of Dunn's popular "young people, will be joined in mar riage, an account, of which wilj appear in our next issue. -It is thought that war with, Spain is inevitable and that the President will call for troops in a few we-eks. The war spirit is growing with bur people - and there will be volunteers by the score in this county. - It is reported that the counties of the State and there an1 cases of the disease in 'more than luilf the counties. There 'are a good many persons sick with them in this county at present. ..- A" programme of the ex ercises of the Sunday School In stitute to be held by Kev. B. W. Spill man at Friendship church, near Bunnslevel, on the 18, 19th and 20 ih of this month, is un avoidably crowded out of this is sue. We will say that ttn inter- .?:, .... .. i-.. i ranged which will' be of much help to Sunday school workers. : .-. The trustee of the Lee Hardware Company, Mr. J. C. iblilVord, has mailed to all the creditors of the company a statement as. assets and liabil ities of the firm as follows: Assets, stock of iroods and other property .$r2o4.2S ; Book ac counts $1,354,157 ; total $4.G0S, 9").' Liabilities : Preferred cred itors $2,000 ; other indebtedness $4,oi3. 21 ; total G, 573.21. In making up our local items last wee we failed to men tion the Missionary exercise giv en 'by the children at the .Meth odist church on Sunday night. The exercises were very good . and the children did admirablv well. The exercises were under the supervision of Mrs. L. F. ArV i . f , , . - r- jmiu , president oi rne Mis sionary Society, and to her is due the honor for sucll a splendid nnd delightful entertainment. j On Saturday evening the ; horse of Mr. J. A. Culbreth ran- away and threw him and Mr. ; Needham Warren out. Mr. War ren was thrown head-foremost against a stump and. so badly in jured that -he was unconscious ! for several hours. Mr. Culbreth escaped slightly hurt. We learn that this county has no organized board of health j and that we have- no count' j superintendent of health. Just ! at- present we need one (and we should liave one anyway) lor we don't know what day a case of small pox might be 'Drought in to our midst. We don't think there is-any danger but it is well enough always to be pre pared for an emergency, and at the next meeting of our county commissioners, we would suggest that they elect a county Superintendent of II e a I t h, whose duty it is to attend the sick at the county Home and in the jail and look after contagious and infectious diseases if any should occur in our county. Monday evTening at six o'clock the ''Fa?t of Esther" be gan and lasted for twenty-four hours when it was succeeded by the "Feast of Purim." This fast and feast is regarded by the Jews with strict observance in memory of Queen Esther, whose entreaties with the King saved MordecaiJ from the gal lows which Hainan had prepar ed for him, and the Jews from destruction. The fast is strictly observed by them and on the feast day the rich Jews have banquets that probably rival the one given by Queen Esther at which Hainan was a guest just before he was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. A yellow negro man struck this town last week and claim ed to be a doctor. Saturday he went to the house of John Mc Lendon, colored, and told his wife, who had been sick for some time, that she was con jured and that he could remove the spell from olf her if she would give him some money. She gave him three dollars and he found the article which, the conjurer had used to bring on the spell under her pillow and left. He skipped town before John went home and found that he had fooled his wife out of the money. ' He is probably working the same trick on some other poor negroes at other towns. lie aught to be in the chain gang. Quite a number of fat beef cattle have recently been bought here by Mr. J. A. Galbraith who ships them to Richmond. He bin's them by the pound,, gross weight, and pays from a cent and three quarters to three cents a pound, according to the quality of the beef, for them. It seems to us that there would be more money in raising cat tle at these prices than there is in cotton at five , cents. There are a good man' oxen in this section which if fattened well would weigh from 1000 to 1250 pounds gross, and $25 or $30 is no bad price for an ox now. We can raise cattle cheap here and it behooves every farmer to im prove his stock and raise all he can. There is always a good market for fat cattle. Latest ,War News. Spain has decided not to de mand the recall of Consul Gen- eral Lee from Havana. The court of inquiry has not finished its work on the cause of the blow ing up of tlie Maine. It is re ported that it was evidently blown up from a submarine mine. Congress has appro priated fifty million dollars for war preparations and also pro vided for two more regiments of artillery. Agents have been sent to'. England to buy war ships. The situation is threat n ing but it is hoped that war will be averted. The Montgomery left Key West yesterday after noon for Havana and will anchor there near the wreck of the Maine to-day. KStickleir Arnicii Salve. The best Salve in the for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, : world ulcers, tetter, chapped hands, - chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per, box. For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist, " Pant Goods, all kinds at Young's. Spring Heel Shoes for chil dren at Young's. Select stock of home crown collard seed for sale by S. G. Marks & Co. People aad Their Movement. y Mf. Polie Gardner, of Smith I field, spent Friday night in town. Mrs. J. L. Hooks, of Mat thews, N. C, is visiting her son, Mr. S. J. Hooks. Miss Hattie Privett, of Spring Hope, is in the; city to attend the marriage of her broth er this evening. Mr. W. H. Harrison, 'soliciting agent for the Wilmington Star,' is in town, to be present at the marriage this evening. Mr. I). McX. McKay, who has b.en in Edenton ' for the past year in a drugstore, is here on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cowell Spent Sunday and Monday here With Messrs. A. D. and W. H. Newberry, brothers of Mrs. Cowell. . Misses Ora and Sue AVash burn, who have been visiting relatives and friends here for some time, left yesterday for their home in Wake county. Mr. O. J. Carroll, represent ing the Raleigh Morning Post, one among the best daily pa pers in the State, spent Mon day night in town. Miss Gertrude Downing left for her home near Fayetteville Saturday. Miss Gertrude made many warm friends while here who will always gladly welcome her to our town. Prof. A. C. Holloway came in Monday from Joford, Duplin county, where he has just clos ed a very prosperous session of a school, and spent a few hours in town on his way to his hoie near Winslow, this county. Mrs. E. W. Anderson return ed, one day last week; from the Northern markets where she bought her spring stock of mil linery goods. She bought a very select stock and -will be able 'to please you in the latest novelties and styles. Her "ad" will appear" soon. TO , UiSS: A 01,E I3f :K WAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All Dnirits refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. Projeetoseope , Entertainment On Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, March 14th, and loth; at the Academy Prof. Arthur L. Butt will give exhibitions with the Projeeto seope, Edison's wonderful elec tric machine that gives'Iife size living pictures, acting as if real living creatures. The enter tainment will be given for the benefit of the Ladies Aid So ciety, of3 Dunn, and it ; is hoped that a good attendance will be had. Tiie Projeetoseope is one of the most Wonderful inventions of the age. You see men, horses, birds and numerous other life size objects moving and act ing as if they were real living creatures. Prof. Butt is well known to our people and his name guarantees a splendid ex hibition. All our people remem ber his panarama of fine paint ings and the Projeetoseope is superior to that. Popular prices. Don't fail to see it. Thankful words written, by Mrs. Ada E.Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs ; cough set in and finally termi nated into Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short rime. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds I gave it a trial, took in air eight bottles. It has cured mer and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman. Trial bottles free at N. B. Hood's Drug Store. When in Benson see E. L. Hall for Traces, Plow-lines, Back-bands, Single-trees, Bolts, Castings and all other .farmers supplies. - ' ' What pleasure i there in life with a headache, constipation anil billions ne." Thousand? experience them who could become perfectly healthy by usin? De Witt's Little Early Hirers, " the famous little pills. Hood & Grantham. I have bought Mr. E. II. YVoodall's entire stock of Hard ware and will sell many articles at reduced prices to make room for my new stock which is ar riving daily. E. L. Hall, Benson, N. C. When you need Doors, Win dows, Buggy and Cart material co to Hall's Hardware House, Benson, N. C. BUSINESS h(DALS. Large stock of tinware, glass ware, crockery! table and pock et cutlery at lowest prices. S. G. Marks & Co. Ribbons and Laces, see Young i If you want Boots, see Young! See Gainey & Jordan when in need, of Bicycle Sundries. Remember you- can get To bacco Bed Cloth at. M. T. Young's. It will pay you to try .some tobacco. Trunk, Bacr- and Valises at I Young's. j Gainey oc Jordan will sell you an 8-day Clock for .$2.00. Five hundred pair of odd pants at Young's. Look for E. L?e's Harness Shop, next door to S. G. Marks '& Co. E. Lee has a few more buggy Robes left that he will sell' at cos. The Old Reliable Seth Thom as Clock at Gainey & Jordan's Best Seed Potatoes at lowest prices. S G. Marks & Co. Clothing, all styles at Young's Do you need a sewing ma chine? See M. T. Young. Children's Shoes at Young's. 59' acres timbered land in Upper Little River Township for sale cheap. 12 miles from Sanford. Apply to. Grantham & Pearsall, Real Estate Agents, fe-lG-lm. Dunn, N. C. The New Home Sewing Ma chine is still leading the mar ket. You can get them on easy terms See M.I F. Gainey. Fleischman's Yeast always on hand at Lane & Co's. Latest style Dress Hats for men and boys at Lane's. Nice line of hats just receiv ed at S. G. Marks & Co. For a pair of good shoes go to Lane & Co. Lane & Co. have the choicest selection of seed potatoes. Will make earlier than the ordinary. Towels from 5 to oOf at Young's. Children's and Misses' Spring Heel Shoes at Young's. Fresh garden seeds at Lane's. Lee's Harness Shop keeps a cheap, nice line of mule collars always on hand. M. T. Young is selling his en tire line of Dress Goods at cost. You can buy your Hats for Ladies' and Children at cost. M. T. Young. Are carry a full line of gro ceries, M. T. Young. Curatena Soap, 9 at Youngs. Laces and Hamburgs at MT. Young's. Lace curtains at Young's. Go to S. G. Marks & Co. for Seed Oats. All Dress Goods at cost at Young's. Just in a nice line of Hats, M. T. Young. For sewing machines see M. T. Young. Farming tools, and farmers' supplies generally, 1 constantly on hand at S. G. Marks & Co. A few nice Lamps left' over from Xmas will sell at a sacra fice. Only a few of them . See us quick. Hood & Grantham. Garden seeds by weight at Hood & Grantham's. Don't buy your shoes until you have examined our- stock and obtained our prices. S. G. Marks & Co. Men's Rubbers at lo? a pair at Young's. Ladies' Rubbers, 25 at Young's. ' Candies fresh and pure at Hood c Grantham s. Powdered Borax at Hood & Grantham's. I Tuberose Bulbs at 'Hood &, Grantham's. Onion Sets at Hood & Gran tham's, j Second-handed school books bought and sold at Hood & Grantham's. White Navy Beans at per quart at S G Marks & Co. Call at S G Marks & Co's, for your dried apples. Lowest prices guaranteed. 7 .' Do you need a Cook or Heat ing Stove? If so, see E. ,'L. Hall, Benson. v All kinds of stove fixtures and repairs at Hall's Hardware House, Benson, N. C. Tutfs. Pills' Cure All Liver Ills, Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS J"ieviHy-Nv'ii Wed Iliglitocn. Mr. John W. Lucas of Mc Daniels and Miss Emma Hall were married in Clinton on Sat urday, the 2(jth. In the mar riage license the age of the groom was stated to be 77 and that of the bride 18. The cere mony was preformed by Justice II. B. Giddens. According to the figures given this groom is 59 years older than his bride. Sampson Democrat. The Sure I..n. Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only, rem edy that will give you prompt and sure' relief. They act di rectly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you ieel like a new being. They are guaran teed to cure or price refunded. For Sale at N. B. Hood's Drug Store, only 50 cents per bottle. NOTICE ! All persons in debted to the . Lee Hardware Co., are notified that the books may be found at Lee's Harness Shop on East Broad Street, next door to S. G. Marks & Co., where settlement may be made either with Mr. E. Lee, or the undersigned. It is earnestly requested that all accounts be settled at once as the law will compel the trustee to sell all unpaid accounts at auction for the benefit of our creditors. J. C. Clifford, Trustee of Lee Hard. Co. Casr-arets Candy Cathartic, the most, wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to tlie taste, act rentlj and positively on tlie kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fe ver, habituapconstipation and bilious ness. Please, buy and try a box of C, C. C, to-day; 10, 25, 50 tents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. TobaccoHenry Co. Va. "Fig" and Baily Bro's. "Old Bob" at Hood & Grantham's.'! After years of untold sull'ering from piles B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville, I'a. was cured by using a single box of De Witts Wildi Hazel Salye. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obsti nate sores are readily cured by this fam ous remedy. Hood & Grantham. Chocolates, Bon-bons, Vanila Cream, Peanut Brittle, Marsh Mallows and other fine candies just received at Hood & Gran tham's. We are anxion- to do a this world and can think ter or bettei wav to do it little good in of no ph asan- than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as? a preventive of pneumonia and other Tserious lung , consumption troubles that follow neghcted colds, ham. Hood & Grant- Truckers and gardeners can get their seed Beans, Feas &c. of us at lowest prices. Hood & Grantham. Whooping cough is tlie most distress ing maladv: but its duratiao can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known rem. edy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Hood & Grantham. England is now consuming large quantities of American slate. Beauty is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No bear.ty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean your hlood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and diiving" all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Ca.-ear"ts beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 25c, 50c. There are 1,425 characters in the twenty-four books Dickens wrote. rin'f inn- rtlifrs hv VOIIT COIlIfhinif and rik your life by nrglecting a cold. One minute Cough Cure cures cough colds, croup, grippe snd all throat and ! ung troubles, tiood & Grantham. ' Russia's standing army which comprises 800,000 men, is the 1 largest in Europe, Children and adult tortured by burns sc;ilds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases mav secine instant relief by uing De Witt's Witch Hazel ?alve. It i the great Tile remedy. Hood & Grantham. Tie fis isila eigzi'.vn n ft o- In order to make room for Spring- we will reduce the price on DRESS . i We Iwive sold a great many but still there is more than we want, so they will go at Cost for 15 days. If you need any thing in that line it will pay you to examine our stoclv. 1 SHOES. We have .a large and well selected stock of Shoes for old and young, little and big. We can fit you in price as well as shoes. : CLOTHirS!GI Clothing!! Clotliingj!!! Do you need Clothing? We have lots of it and the price is way down, the quality way up, and we can suit you. ELa;iTil3XTPgs fe Laces. Hamburgs and Laces for the Spring. Our Stock is com plete in this line. We invite the ladies to come and see it. o- Gri'oceries, Remember, we keep the Largest Stock of Groceries in town at the LOWEST PRICE. We will pay tliQ highest market price for country produce. fiWHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machines for sale. Yours very truly, SVi. T. YOUNG, Feb-lG-tf. BARGAINS!. BARGAINS !! BARGAINS!!! that are being offered at TWIN" Hardware and Furniture Store, are too numerous to mention. A look through our Mammoth Stock of Furniture will con vince you that for Quality, Style in the State. Just a, look at the and Ranges will convince you en to make your home a placd of tT Jt J l uiiivj iiibu t i i the most complete line of Crockery, Glass and Tinware, where you can buy anything you need Dinner Set, and the price will Our stock of Builder's Hardware is complete and we buy in such quantities that we can always interest the closest buyers. We make a specialty of Carriage good stock and never fail to make take you through our AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT where we never fail to interest those who till the earth and make a living for all: Here we make special low prices for we feel, .' t iT Til a J ' m 111 ill 11 -lJ iCUUC LillVii. Lll OUil nf -i r i-r r-vAAT- 1 1inl Alt t hO C1111 who makes 5 cotton, so we have at the lowest possible price, and we feel proud that we can say that in the short time we have been in business we have reduced the(price about 50 and if the farmers of Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson and Johnston will stand together and help us in this flsiht, we will bo an instrument in their hands to place such goods as they need at prices, that will suit them. Always give us a call when in "need and you will save T " 1" 1 money., i ours ior ousiness, DUNN HARDWARE & ' FURNITURE COMPANY. HOLLIDAY' & PRIVETT. s RRirSKJ Ou Stock are coming m. o- We have an elegant line of e I . i i Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, FARRIERS' which we are offering low down give us undoubted securiety we Call on us and see what we can r TIIU 'ill 1IL illiWdLlI Y. T. Massengill, Manager. Fertilizers ICE SALE. o our Stock all goods for the next 15 davs. G- -o v DUNN, N. C. the ' . and Prices, we lead any house Celebrated O. K. Cook Stoves that one is needed in your kitch love and happiness. - y.' m. m. i'v ijuiii j vn ii nil iiiV from a Dish Pan to a nice China always suit your purse. Material and always keep a prices right. Last, we will 1 AAlL1 If 1L! T I 1 f f M t t V f f lJV4.-3 Itx'l'y Al 10 lilV 1(11 J11VL placed such goods as he needs 3 -o e i i i -t Groceries, SUPPLIES AND for cash, and when parti6s can will furnish goods on Fall time. do. Respectfully, GOODS i sun GOODS COMPANY