I 1 " - PYfng Stones of Grass. Paving blocks made of meadow grass tare now manufactured. Their Inventor kvas a clergyman, and the meadow grass, impregnated with oil, tar and lresin, Is pressed Into blocks and finally bound with Iron straps.1 The advant ages claimed for these blocks are that they are noiseless and elastic, resist fend wear .well and are impervious to Jheat and cold. f j Keep on Scratching. Dig clear Into th bono and tho Tetter will only be thowirso. There's only one way to treat nn Irritated, leased skin. Soothe It. Kill tho germs that causo the trouble and heal It up. sound and stroruc. Only one thing In the world will do this Tettri!ie. It's 50 cents a box at drug stores or postpnld for 50 cents In stamps by J. T. Siiuptrlno, Suvaunah, Ga. 1 v . ' Senator Meson's eagerness for war with Bpain U proof that the Spanish army is not composed of hotel clerks. ' The proposition to make Captain Anson a Chicago alderman is silly. Anson never stole anything but baos. !...' To Cure a Cold in One Day. .Take Laxative Brora.-) Quinine Tablets. All I)ruggist3 refund monry if it fails to cure. 23c. r The torpedo theory is likely to explode also. ; Oh, What Splendid Coftee. Mr. Goodman, Williams Co.. 111., writes: "From ono package Salzer's German Coffee Berry, cotln' 15c . I grew 5P9 lbs. of better ooffee than I can buv in stores at 30 cents a lb." " A. c. 8 A packaeo of this coffee and big seed and plant, cfttalotruo is pent you by John A, Balzor See l Co..' La Cross, Wis., npoa re ceipt of 15 cents stamps and this notiee. The Spanish wavf-hip Vizcaya made a very brief visit durinj: whii-h f-he encountered no torpedo. .She wasn't even blown up in the newspaper.". There is more Catarrh in tnis section of the icountry than all otlir-rdieeas.es put together, ind tint il the lat few years was supposed to he Sncurai-lc. For a great many years doctors pronounced italocnl disaase.and prescribed local remedies, ai;i by constantly failing to cure with local tr-.-.-Unu nt,; .pronounced it in cura1. Science has pro-t'tn catarrh to be a constitutional di?ense and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .T. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onlv constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ful.' It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for Circulars and testi monials. Address F.J. Chesey& Co.,Tolcdo4 O. Sold bv DruL-trists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. Should it develop that the Maine cxplosi as due to aocjjent, some of tho Amt losion was due to accident, some of tho Ameri can papers . will have lots of explaining to uo. , J,nud and a Living i Arc best and cheapest in tho New Ftrath. Land S3 to $5 per aero. Easy Terras. 'Good schools and churches. No blizzards. No co'd waves. New illustrated paper, "Land and a Living," 3 months, for 10 cents, in tt imps. V. C. Ti I " k a r. s o .v, G. P. A., Queen ft Credent Route. Cincinnati. 1 man's wife's int l'e:t is usually guaaged by the number of buttons missing. ; Chow Star Tobacco The Bet. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. The pictures of the Maine are very inter esting. No two nro alike. . Mr?. Wlnslow't Soothirift Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reducing inftma tion.allays pain, cures wind colic, ".5c. a hot tie.. ' Marriage is usually a genuine introduction tf two lover;. ' Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great; Kerve Restorer. ?' trial bottle and treatise free Dr. II. II. Kline, Lt l..9LilArchSt., Phila., Pa. ' The pen has killed more office seekers than the s word. " Don't TRY to keep houe without Blue Jlibhon Baking Powder. At all Grocers, 13. li. B. 1. Company, Richmond, Virginia. riso's Cur is the mediei - e to break up rhildrci's Coughs an I C'o'ds. --Mrs. M. G. BLOCNT, Sprague, Wash., March 8, 1891. od Humor Spring is the Cleansing Season t Don't Neglect Your Health (You Need to Take Hood's Sarsa p?.ri!lr How ! Bpring i3 the season for cleansing and (renewing. Everywhere accumulations of fwaste arc being removed and preparations ifor the new lifos of another season aro being Vnade. This is the time for cleansing your Jblood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Vv'intcr .has left the blood impure. Spring jilumors, Boils, pimples, eruptions, and jjthat tired !'jeling aro the results. Hood's iBarsaparilla expels all impurities from, tho jblood and makes it rich and nourishing. It builds up the nervous system, creates an appetite, gives sweet, refreshing sleep and .renewed energy and vigor. It cures all jBpring humors, bolls, pimples, eruptions. b parilia Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for $5, Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. iHnnrrc PiS'o the only Pills to take nUUU b r II lO with Hood's SarsaDarilla. C9 ySi YewiMog!nl50,000newcas- t tti lS'W'i 1 men?, ana hence oiler u Fl'Jt-t-riS- ' aTl7 !pruje Turn. Pi J(!o i 1 L .! pjl AV-.OTelO pkgs. worth $1 V0, weTfill r$ j fvi7 l"5t 7'va true, torfthcr with onr im v.pr.n receipt of thi notice and Mc i roatge. We invite yonr trude and W know whftn xon nr.A trv Sl-or' tS3 tJi nee;U you will n-w get alone with- J I i1.! nnt Ih.m l..t. t. C( ". VI J 0 JOHN A . SKXU CO., Ik fROJSF. q CABBAGE PLANTS F??5ftW' cabbajro plant', of followin varieties: n.-nderson's I.arco Type AVakfleld. the earliest cahhage; Henderson's Farlv Sprue, the earliest Hat cabbage; Henderson's Suc cession, a second early cabbage- Abwc 'rlants c-iown in the open air and verv hard v. jXhey will withstand seve r cold weather wit ,out injury. Prices, l.iVO to .tx.X) per if&Sii' r,' 10 mm -?1-'-'3 r thousand; 30,000 and o er 1 per thousand. Send allor oers to Geraly &Towlc?, Young's Island, S. C. fMT' Ladies Wanted. TO TT? AVl'.Lfor ela established house. mianen? y osiiion. per month and all expenses P.W.ZIKGLKH & CO.. 2b Locust br., thiladelphia. CharlotteIohmercial m OLLEGE, CfiflRLOTTE, H. C. No Vacations rosltlons Guaranteed Catalosue'Frca & R, l ,and liquor Habit cured In bJio to SO days. No pay till cured. Dr. J. I. Stephens, Dept. A, Lebanon, Ohio. 10. '93. Best t ough 8yru p. Tastes Good. VS g t'mo. Poia by druggists. Ifi I f m k ii m m una He Says Luna Means the Moon, and Most People Are Lunatics. BLACKSTONE, GREAT JURIST) . Defines a Lunatic to be One Who Is In sane at Times, But Has Lucid Inter vals During Certain Change. It is a beautiful new moon not ex actly new, but since Tuesday night, vhen we first saw it. I never saw a larger one nor a brighter one nor one that balanced itself so proudly in the western heavens. Not a drop of water would it spill and some say that means we will have a dry month and some say we will have a wet one. To my un learned mind the moon is the most complicated and wonderful piece of machinery in the realms of space. It makes my head swim to study its ellip tic orbit, its lunar time and sidereal time, its librations of latitude and Ion gitudeand diurnal libration; its ascend ing and descending nodes and their retrograde motion which takes eighteen years and 219 days to complete; its apogee and perigee, the two points of which are movable and move along the circumference of the ellipse from west to east and complete the circuit in eight years and 300 days. Sometimes it comes along a circle in the heavens that is near the zenith and sometimes its course is low down in the southern eky. Its sneed is not uniform as it moves around the earth, for sometimes it gets ahead and sometimes it lags be hind. Its axis is inclined to its orbit and seems to nod backwards and for wards for three degrees. Then there are the ecliuse3, which add to the won derful complications,, and yet every phase and every motion obey a law and are intelligible to men of science. It is the regularity of irregularities. But men of science, like Otis Ashmore, un derstand it all and can make an alma nac and fortell eclipses for a thousand years. I have unbounded respect for these men for Greer and Ashmore and Dr. Means, all of our own State, and for the lamented Professor Mitchell, who was the greatest 'of modern as tronomers. But this beautiful rew moon provoked another lice of thought. I saw it-over my right shoulder and in a clear' sky and was satisfied, and yet I am not su perstitious about it. I had just a little rather see it that way and bo had the majority of civilized people. Luna means the moon, and most people are lunatics. Even Blackstone, the great jurist, defines a lunatic to be one who is insane at times but has lucid inter vals during certain changes of the moon. And although the medical world has long since exploded the supersti tious theory of the moon's influence on the mind, the name of lunatic still ob tains and is applied to all insane per sons. After South Carolina had seceded a man asked Mr. Pettigrew which wa3 the road to the lunatic asylum. "Any road all the roads," he said, "the whole State is one vast lunatic asylum. " Almost everybody ha3 some supersti tion about the moon'ti influence on veg etation. My good neighbor, Mrs. Fields, told me last week that she had been busy all day planting her potatoes, 'for" said she, "you know it is the dark of the moon now." She is the best gar dener in tho town and always succeeds, but she does herself injustice when she gives the moon any credit for her suc cess. Many years ago I made a fair test of the moon theory, for I planted four rows in my garden in the dark of the moon and. then four more right be side them two weeks later and gave all the samo culture, and I found no differ ence in the yield. The best time to plant potatoes' is when the ground is ready, and it may be very unready if we wait for the dark of the moon. But I have found that good farmers differ about how many days are included in tho dark of the moon. Some say one, some say two or three, aud others say all the days of the moon's wane, which would be about thirteen. But, if there is anything in the moon theory, why confine it to Irish potatoes, peas;and beans? Whynot apply it to bweet potatoes and ground peas and corn and wheat? ' But there are other superstitions that even the most sersible and well edu cated people cannot shake off. The roasted chicken on our table today was garnished with parsley and we ha,ve none in our garden. I asked my wife where it came from, "from Mrs. Pcstell's, she said. "I will get some from her, " said I "and plant it. I sowed the seed last spring, but it did not come un." ".No," said my wife, "you won't gei it from Mrs. Postell, unless you go iu the night and steal it. She believes that it is a gift that carries death with the giving, and she wouldent give 3r.ou a plant for the world. -Why, she declares that it always causes a death in the family, and only three years ago a neignoor puuea up Borne by.the roots against her protest and took it home and planted it, and the woman died within a week. " Well, now Mrs. Postell is a very smart, cultured and well-balanced wo man, but she is a lunatic on that sub ject, and I fear that my wife is showing symptoms of the same mady. Cer tain it ia she will not hear to my getting parsley plants from anybody as a gift, and certain it is that lam not going out at night to steal any. Well, maybe that if a person has faith in such things what they believe will happen, for faith will remove mountains, and if there isa faith cure there may be a faith kill. These superstitions are deep-rootedj for: they come down to us through the ages. Thero is a plant called rue and another called rosemary, and both were used in the days of witchcraft to drive away evil spirits. They wero called "herbs cf grace," and were imbued with saving qualities, while parsley is of evil omen and dangerous, unless it is stolen by night. Bat my wifo insists that a little reas onable superstition is a "fcpod thing to Lave, for it proves that we are not over confident in onr own merits and feel the need of fortifjisg our welfare. Shesavs that it indicates a belief in the super natural and that if we were all like In geroll and didn't believe in anything, we would have no f-uperstitions. But now about these charms these amulets and opals and these rabbit feet? T- fay that Colonel Candler carries a rab bit foot and has faith in it. Maybo he Las too much faith in it. I have known men who carried them to have very bad luck, and men who didn't come out ahead. And suppose that Atkinson and Berner and S&in Jcnes ehculd eairy them, wouldn't they neutralize Cana ler'u and leave things about even' I tell yon, my brethren, from the way this campaign has sirri;ed out one rab bit foot won't win tho race unless it comes from a Texas mule-eared rabbit, fur they told me that those rahbils al ways run on three feet from a con xnoa dog, but when a greyhound got after one tho rabbit had to put down the cthw.foot. ftp4taf?T e"- tijpiCMiriMiHtiwfimMiiW'itit'miliwiMmHiiiiiiti'iiiiw-w St A k4 3.J tt li Vegetable Preparation for As -similating fceFocJanclRcguta ting the Stomachs and Bowels of ii jft n if Promotes Digcstion,Cheerful tiess andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Eeape ofOUIfrSLtftUELPIIUlER 31. 5? a Pumpkin flx.Senna Itocktirc Salts -ArJst Seect Peppermint -Di Carbonate Soda, f.im Sccd - ' Clarified Jagar . YJaUerarecn Flavor. aw If"-: A perfect Remedy forConsifpa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions Jeverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. by hound. When Governor Hogg was runninsr for governor of Tesas he se cretin carried the left hind foot of a mule"-eared rabbit and said "Goodby Clark" you see, it is the left hind foot that is held in reverence, and that is tbe one to carry. I've an idea of send ing out there for one for Colonel Candler as soon as tho greyhouds get sf:er him. He doesn't need it yet. This is a four-mile heat, and no jockey will urge his horse to do his best- until the last quarter. And no good jockey will handicap his horse with excessive weight. My opinion is that some of the candidates are overloaded with platform and will break down before they reach the last quarter. But the prospect is good for a fair race and lots of fun, and my hope is that the specta tors will keep calm and serene. Bill Arp in Atlanta (Ga. ) Constitution. THE 31 ARRETS. NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. New York. --Cotton dull. Middling upland, 6 5-16; Middling Gulf, 6 9-16. Futures closed steady. Opening. Closing. March 6 11 6 07 April G 13 i 0 10 May 6 18 6 13 June 6 20 G 17 Julv 6 26 6 19 August 6 27 6 22 September 6 23 6 20 October , G 21 6 18 November .... 6 21 6 20 December .... January...... 6 26 6 24 February. .... .... OTHER COTTON MARKETS. Charleston. Cotton steadv; middling Wilmington. Cotton firm; mid dling Oj. Savannah. Cotton quiet; middling 5f . Xorf oik. Cotton firm; middling 5 15-16. v, Memphis. Cotton firm; middling Augusta. Cotton firm; middling 6. Baltimore. Cotton nominal; mid ling 6. . New Orleans Cotton quiet; mid dling 5 1116. Columbia Market quiet; goood mid dling 6. Charlotte Market firm; good mid dling 5 3-lf BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Baltimore. Flour dull; Western, superfine, $2.803.25; do extra &3.45 3. 50; do family $4. 404. 70 jwinter wheat patent $4.855.10; spring do $5.80 5.40; spring wheat straigh 3 $o.00 5.15. Wheat Strong. Spot, month and March 100100; April, 101 asked; May. 100100; steamer No. 2 red, 9396; Southern wheat, by sample, 98101; do on grade 9?gl01 . Corn Dull. Spot. mouth and March 3333; April 3334; steamer mixed, 3333; Southern vhite and yellow corn, 3334. Oats Steady; No. 2 white western, 34S5; No. 2 red mixed, western, 3535. NAVAIi STORES. New York Bosin firm. Turpentine firm. Charleston Turpentine firm at 32$ bid. Rosin firm; quotations un changed. Savannah. Turpentine firm at 34 k. Rosin firm; A, B and C 1.20; D 1.23; EandF 1.30; G 1.40; H 1.60; 1 1.65; K 1.75; M 1.80; N 1.90; window glass 1.95; water white 2. 15. Wilmington. Rosin firm at 1.20 1.25. Turpentine firm at 3334. Crude turpentine quiet at 1.502.00. Tar steady at 95. COTTOX SEED OIL. New York Cotton seed oil was somewhat in buyers' favor with demand slow; prime crude 2021; f. o. b. mills 1616i; prime summer yellow 23 asked; off summer yellow 22i. A Government Law Void. At Kansas City, Mo., the entire sys tem of government inspection of meat, which has been established in the pack ing houfies of the United States, was declared to be unconstitutional, ineffec tive and void, in an opinion handed down in the United States Circuit Court by 3 udge John Rodgers. Federal judge at Fort Smith, Ark. , who is sit ting for Judge Phillips. Railroad Receiver Appointed. C. B. Wilburn, president of tb Chattanooga, Rome and Southern Railroad, has been appoiuted re ceiver for the Rome and Carrol ton Road ; Raggs "Say, do you believe that jstory of the goose laying the golden jegg?" Jaggs "Well, it would-be just lUke a' gen- m such a foolish thing." NEW YORK. IB) ill mt The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fao-simile Signature of m THE WRAPPER OF EVERY OTTLE ' THE KIND jatt unriJ ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY R'Y- John Gill, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. EFFECT JNUAR 23RD, 1898. IN North Bound. No. 2, Dady. Lv. Wilmington 9 00 am. Ar. Fayetteville - ... 12 10 p m Lv. Fayetteville. ..,1 12 18 p m Lv. Favettevilki Junction 12 25 p m Lv. Sanford... 1 43 p m Lv. Climax .3 47 p m Ar. Greensboro 4 20 p m Lv. Greensboro. 4 30 p m Lv. SStokesdale ... 5 17 p m Lv. Walnut Cove 5 47 p m Lv. Rural Hall 6 15 p ra Ar. Mt. Airy 7 45 p m South Bound. No. 1, Daily. Lv. Mt. Airv 8 4'3 a m Lv. Rural Hall i 10 04 a m Lv.- Walnut Cove 10 33 a in Lv. Stokesdale ;. 1116 am r. Greensboro 11 5 a m Lv. Greensboro 12 17 p m Lv. Climax... 12 45 p m Lv. Sanford 2 36 p rn Ar. Fayetteville Junction . 3 55 p m Ar. Fayettviile 4 00 p m Lv. Fayetteville ' .... 410pm Ar. Wilmington.. 7 2J p rn NorthJ3ound. Mo. 4, Daily Lv. Bennettsville 8 00am Ar. Maxton.. 9 02 am Lv. Maxton 9 07 a m Lv. Red Springs 9 35 a m Lv. Hope Mills 10 20 a m Ar. Fayetteville 10 4 a m South Bound"! No. 3, Daily. Lv. Fayettevilie. 4 60 p rn Lv. Hope Mills 507 pm Lv. Red Springs. 5 43 p tn Ar. Maxton 6 11 p ra Lv. Maxtou . : '. 6 15pm Ar. Bennettsville 7 15pm North Bound. No. lGj Lv. Eamseur 6 40 u m Lv. Climax. 8 30 am Ar. Greensboro J' 9 17 a m Lv. Greensboro 9 35 am Lv. Stokesdale 11 17 p m Ar Madison 11 55 pm South Bound. No. 15 Lv. Madison 12 35 p m Lv. Stokesdale.-. 1 25 p m Ar. Greensboro 2 45 p m Lv. Greensboro.. .. 3 15pm Lv. Climax... 4 25 pm Ar. Ramseur 6 10pm tfe-13- liMixed, daily exctpt Sunday ! CONNECTIONS. At Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at I Maxton whh Carolina Central Railroad, at I Red Sftrings with the Red Spring and Bow ruore Railroad at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with I Southern Railway, at Walnut Cove with Nor 1 rolk& Weslfetn Railway. ; J. W. Fey. W. E. Kile, ! Gen. Mgr. Gen. Pass. At i . . . : . . TV ti. .1 1 I 1 , .. . . tmak you caa get the beet made, finest urish auu MOST POPULAR SEWIrCC MACHINE for a mero eonjr. Eay from reliable sw.mu factored that have trained a reputation honrst and f-qnovn o.-aiin-j-. There is none in tho -w orld tfrr.t -sn ronal r; u.?bameal oonstraotion. durability of v.orkin r irtM, fineness of finish, fcr-puty in appearance, or Laa aj ruauy improvements ustnefcfcW HC5SE. VRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing MacalnD Co. Oa.(wr,'!Af?, Boptok.Kass. 23 tTKot; Sr4?u:. K.Y. t':i!C":o,Ti.. f.T. Loos, Slo. Tel . a- "jji:j?co. Cai Atlanta, Gj ")"! r r.v Gaiuey i Jordan, Dunn, N.C 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, fefcfffl lis A "9111 COPYRICHT8 &C Anyone sending sketch end description may Quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest afrency forsecuring patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Mnnn A Co. receive special notice ia the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifoliy illustrated, largest circulation of rny scientific journal, week-y, terms 3.C0 a year; 1)9 six months, bpeclmea copies and HA'D Eock ojj eeut free. Ad(2res ' MUNN & CO., 961 Droadwar, Xtir ttfUt - SNAP SHOTS ATI HE NEWS. Tbe South. Judge John Newton Hendren, the last Treasurer of the Southern Confed eracy, died at his home near Staunton, Va., on the 5th. At Salisbury, N. C, Mrs. Fannie E. Howard was awarded 5,000 against the W. X. C. B. E. for the killing of her husband at the Old Fort wreck. She feued for 25,000. To stop burglaries at Padncah, Ky. , a curfew law has been adopted, and suspicious characters ate being driven out of town by a Vigilance Committee. Jeff Suter was shot and killed near Monroeville, Ala., while resisting ar rest for passing counterfeits. At Fountain Inn, a small town in Greenvilie county, S. C , 1,800 bales of cotton were destroyed by fire. The conflagration was undoubtedly incen diary. Gov. Tyler, of Virginia, has approved the bill passed by the Virginia Legisla ture providing for a labor bureau. Judge Emory Speerj in an address to the grand jury in the United States Court at Savannah, Ga., contrasted American justice with that of France as shown at the Zola trial. In event of war WTest Virginia could at once put two well-drilled regiments in the field. Heavy shipments of Tennessee mar ble are being shipped to the City of Mexico from Knoxville. At Spartanburg, S. CM T. J. Trim mier was 6hot and killed in his store by Dentist S. J. Bivings. William Campbell McGowan, a prom inent South Carolinian, died at Abbe ville of pneumonia. Aged 40. Canadian grave robbers were discov ered at work in a cemetery near King ston, N. C, but they escaped. The lower House of the Kentucky Legislature has passed a bill prohibit ing the sale or use of cigarettes. Col. Matthew, C. Galloway, founder of the Memphis Avalanche, and after wards editor of the Appeal, is dead. During a quarrel at Paduch, Ky., Auctioneer Samuel Clark fatally shot Steven ,B. Carney, a leading business man. 1 Mayor Collier, of Atlanta, has decid ed to issue a call for the quarantine convention, arranged to be held in At lanta, on April 12th. At Welch. W. Va., two men' held up George Bay, knocked him down and beat his head to a pulp with a piece of railroad iron. Three young men of good families have been arrested for at tempted robery. The Virginia State Senate, after ctit ting down the appropriation from $150, 000 to $100,000 ordered to its engross ment the bill providing for enlarging the cell accommodations of the peni tentiary. The money is to come out of future earnings of the prison. The Norm. At Chicago, two policemen were murdered by a crazy butcher. He was turned over to the police. Captain G. E. D. Dimond, 102 years old, is about to start from San Fran cisco, Cal. , to walk to New York. Miss LydiaE. Parker, of Meriden, Conn., left her $30,000 estate to the town clerk, cutting off all her relatives. Fifteen hundred operatives have ac cepted a 10 per cent, reduction in wages at the Boston Company's cotton mills in Waltham, Mass. A bill is pending in tho New York Senate providing that the Stars and Stripes shall be displayed over a"l pub lic school houses. Fifteen hundred: operatives have ac cepted a 10 pel cent, reduction in wasres at the Boston Company's cotton mills in Waltham, Mass. Mrs. Isabella A. Marsh and William C. Buzzell, convicted at Montpelier, Vt., of murdering Mrs. Marsh's hus band by poison, will be hanged Febru ary 3, 1899. Win. H. Heath, manager of the Cen tral Electric Express Company, of St. Louis, Mo., was found dying in Forest Park, from a bullet wound in the head. It was evidently a case of suicide. The young man was taken to the city hos pital, where he died. He is a relative of Perry S. Heath. Assistant Post master General. miscellaneous. The National baseball season opens April 15th and will close Oct 15th. Rainfalls have ended the apprehen sions of serious crop damage on the Pacifio coast. Two hundred thousand dollars worth of cotton has been burned on the docks at Kobe, Japan. The German Reichstag has increased the mail ship subsidy for a far Eastern service $357, 000 a year. Frederick Tennyson, the poet, eldest brother of the late poet laureate, Lord Alfred Tennyson, is dead. Senator Louis Poloy Barnabe, Span ish minister to the United States, sue cessor of De Lome, has sailed for New York, i Scores of tramps are working their way to Norfolk, Washington, Boston, New York and elsewhere to enlist in the navy. The fiftieth anniversary of Califor nia's Statehood, in 1901, will be cele brated by another midwinter fair at San Francisco. N. Wright Cuney, colored of Galves ton, ex-national Republican committee man from Texas, for years the leader of the Republican party, is dead. Hon. W. J. Bryan made two ad dresses at West Point, Miss., to im mense audiences under the auspices of the Southern Female College. His subject was "Money. " Floods and avalanches haye partially destroyed the mining town of Monte Cristo, in the Cascade Mountains.' Henry Eumelen, at San Diego, Cal., is said to have a commission from Rome to establish a home in California for Catholio priests, to cost $3,000,000. The French bark, President Felix Faure, arrived at port and reports that during a gale on February 2nd, her eecond.mate and fifteen sailors were swept overboard. It is thought $1,000,000 will be ap propriated for smokeless powder in the Naval Appropriation bill. Washington Jottings. The public debt was i decreased $1, 597,122 during February. An increase of $10,000 in the allow ance for naval militia will be put in the Naval appropriation bill.- Proposals for stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers and adhesive post age stamps for four years have just been invited. Representative Babcock, chairman of the Republican congressional commit tee, says the campaign this year will be fought on the line3 of the St. Louis platform. 1 Rev. Dr. Barrows, who was Presi dent of the World's Congres of Re ligions, has resigned tho pastorate of Kenwood Presbytorian Chur?'-, Chi- RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warniiiff Notes Colling tho Wicked to Repentance. THE sweetest flower of the gos tv1 le rmr!t"V Some guns kick; revenge , Is one of them. "No man can help his belief." Unless he has brains. A poor picture Is not helped by being put in fi. good light, man has in him some It is sin. The dullest thing original. The man is usually in the right who owns himself in the wrong. In religious controversy ferocity Is not the only sign of fidelity. For a certain class of minds, infidel ity Is the hall-mark of genius. The waters of Lethe drown the past: the blood of Jesus cleanses It. He who casts stones at others, makes bf himself a target for their return. For an epitaph: "lie believed In a Tree gospel: It never cost him a cent." "Christianity is all very well, but a man must live." Yes, to all eternity. The confess ion. of past folly may be bnly the profession of present wisdom. The thing that makes pessimism Is failure to find In men what angels pos sess. . " ' Take care of Number One, Wt take care it is the right onethe soul, not the body. Who would refuse the offer of eter nal life, if he could put a mortgage on it? Encyclopaedias have to be re-wrltten every ten years; the old Bible is still up to date. T temple to Venus was erected on Calvary: It was the best the devil could do. He who always complains of the clouds receives little of life's sunshine and deserves less. Tbe mind, like the lens, may be con cave and scatter brain power or con vex and concentrate it, The Seaboard Air Line Scores Another Po!nt. The Seaboard Air Line hfs, for a long time, contended that as it couhjr not get its sleepers south of Atlanta and north or Washington, while other lines were allowed this privileere. it should, there ore, be a'lowed a differential rate. This matter was taken up recently with the Southeastern Passenger Association, the Trunk Line Association and the A-eociation of Virginia and the Carolina, and the Sea board Air Line's claim for differentials was allowed. ; The tariffs just published by the above asso ciations 6how Btandard rates by all ines be tween the North and South, aa well as the differentia rnte via the Seaboard Air Line, which r.Ue is $3 less than-that shown by other line. The standard rate between New York and At'antats the differential rate via the Seaboard Air Line is $ -'l; the rate between Washington and Atlanta is $17.50. the differ ential rate via the Seaboard Air Line is $14.t0. This differential applies between all impor tantcities in the Southeastern Passenger As sociation's territory, the Trunk Association territory. The fc'e board Air Line now has the matter up with the New England Passenger Associa tion, looking to the publishing of these differ ent! I rates in their tariffs. As soon as this is granted it ia understood thatthe Seaboard Air will then go to the Mississippi Ps-enger As sociation with a request that they pub ish like rates from their territory. When this is done the s-eabonrd Air Line will have a differentia on all busi 0;s which it is competitor for, eat of the -v ississipi river. Portsmouth Star. Rust 99 the dread of the cotton grower, can be prevented. Trials at Experiment 4Stations and the experience of leading growers prove positively that Katait is the only remedy. We will be glad to send, free of charge, Interesting and useful pamphlets which treat of the matter in detail. r GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. ) 0O0400O04O0O000 Don't Neglect Your Stomach. No matter how slight they may seem to you, but Diarrhoea, PIux, and appar ently insignificant Stomach Pains often lead to Gastritis, Nervous Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Typhoid Fever, Appendi citis, and other fatal Diseases of the Digestive and Intestinal Canal, if ne- 9 Avert all danger T O by promptly using NORMAN'S i Nrtr ali7?ncr ? Q UVUVIUIIIlIU o I CORDIAL, The only safe Remedy, containing O neither Opium, Morphine, Laudanum O or Chloroform. It is the sovereign spe- O cific for DYSPEPSIA and all Stomach O Troubles. At all druggists and dealers. 25 and 50 cents. Q The Norman Cordial Co., Proprietors, X Charleston, S. C. V Norman's Indian Worm Pellets 1 For Worms and the Liver. g q io and 25 cents. q HIGH GRADE prU'rltefof l'i Ices and Clrenlars., THE 5-Cent Plow the land CHILLED and prepare it son's drouth. 4d& SAWMILLS. If you need a saw mill, .ny size. writ9 me before buying elserherej i nat the most complete line of mills of aoy dealer or manufacturer in the South GORN MILLS. Very highest grada Stones, at nntuunl. ly low price?. WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY, Planers, Moulders, Edger, Re-Sa-rj Rand Saw?, Lath?, cto. ENGINES MID BOILERS, ! Talbott aud Ltddell. Eflgloborg Rice Iluller, la stock, quiet delivery, low prices, V. C. BADHAM, No. 1320 Main St., Columbia, S. C. ATTEND THE r P.OMMFRfilAl Srhn,! illLllUL 6PART.VXDUKG.SC ' COMMERCIAL School, eiiuiLESTox. e. r. Largest. Best Equipped and onljr p-to.dt Uuslnets College in the frtate of (. I". Write for Catalogue. rr too oitc tiii nxir. Ton cannot d thin unlet you uhdrUart fliena and know how to cater to thnir requirement: an) you cannot nueii i years an-l rtoUars learning br ex perience, to vo j inut buy iho knowledge aeqtrl ty others. We oftr tuu W you tor only to mbu. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY TiiE! OWW WAY. even If you merely keep them a a dWerelon. In or der to handle Kowls iudleiuu!r, yn miuc knew sonieiutug atwut them. To meet thU want we are selling a book alrUu the ext-erlenoe ( flnlu JRq or a praotloai poultry raleer lorlUIHJ twenty-lire year, li wa written by aman wbopw allbU mlu.1, an t time, aut money t making a u cess of Calo'ceu ralMz not at a pastime, but m bunlnesa and li you will proflt bylUs twenty-nre. years' work, you can eare many OuloiM aanuaiiy, and maJte your Fowls oarn dollarj tor you. The point la. that you must be able to detect trouble is tbe Poultry Yard ai eoou as it appears, and know how to remedy it. This iooi will teaeh you. It tells how to dUct and euro Jesje; to feed ret eggs and also for fattntng wlilou fowls to bit, ft breeding i.urioe;: and eeryiolng, - lnaet, y ahould know on t'.. subject to maK. It ,-onUble keut postpal i for twonty-rie oeota in suj Beak Publishing House N 13 t 1osbo ST & Y, Pay, THE FRAUD ENJOINED.' Report of Decree Tlio Famoni (30, 4H0 Trade-murk Case lecilol-t'. F. Wimmons Medicine Company, ht, I.onts, Defeats J. II. Zeilin fc Co, l'hllodelpnlA. I (From SU Louis Republic, July 4, 1S?3.J The Supreme Court ot Tonnossne oa Jute M de cided the most Impormnt trado-morlt caso tfcf.t l et everbe-n tried ia that b;ato and one of lh lar;e:i ever tried in the Union, aflirniing and enlarging tbe opinion of tho court beK w. Tho court he d ; , 1. That Dr. M. A. Cmmon, tho rre.ieoenor of complainant, by extensive advertising tt lit c torated remedy known as "Elrnuions Llrff Jlou tino," made it a standard remedy for !!rcr dif Ion? pri t to tho acquititioa by J. II. Zeilia & Co. ot any rights. 5?. Tim tho aeulgnor of 3. If. ZMIIa & Co.. thron??i whom thej claimed the right to make the fmndu.er.t paclcagss enjoined, nerer derived any Uilc from A.Q bimmons to make tho mcdiciuo nor to ute hi j ma.e or picture, and that such uso by Zcilia & Co. Is fraal upon the public, and is therefore erjoinod. C. That Zeilin & Co. prtrpoeelr, fraudulently la beled their medicine in imitation of conj lalnanfn medicine to unfairly appropriate ttu trade rf Ce Simmons Medicine Company, and tbe execution ot this fraudulent purpose and uct is enjoined. 4. Enjoined Zoilii & C. from using etr com petitor's trade-namo, trade-narks, cr $y bib. or Imitations thereof, to d:flvo the pubho and unfairly appropriate to themselves the trade ol the 0. ' Bimmona Medicino Co. i 6. Enjoined Zoilia & Co., from deceblnif -! practicing a frau I upon tbo public by labelm their trJ- marks of the complalnaut. 6, Enjoined Zeilin & Co. from the manufacture and sale ot tho medi ine under tho name of "Sim mons Liver Medicine." or "Dr. Biicmons Lir Medicine," Or " Liver Medicine by A. Q. Simmons, ' and from using tho picture of A. Q. Simmons in connection tbe-eiviih. J vr 7. Enjoined Zeilin & Co.. their esuhtcees. t?nt end employes from 6eceviuK and pracU' in a fra d upon the publio by the sale of packages thus falsi 1 IqKi.Ia.1 .itha, itTtAM AHorl nr .fillK fftP thA rfniiiD9 Simmons Liver Medicine" of cooplalcoot, or fft snv tiitrfirra f hit f'icf r I n t rvl. 8. Tho court pt.ated that it was the purpose of the eourt to entirely desirey tho fraudulently labe'tl from tbe market, and ordered Zeilia & Co. to d Iter . to the clerk to bo destroyed, oil cuts, di, electro types, engravings an 1 other paraphernalia uM la Impressintc either of the above names or tho plctur Of A. Q. Simmons. , 9. Decreed that Zeilin & Co. par all the damare which have accrued to complainant by the s ilo of these fraudulently labeled paokaecs. The dimi."1' Claimed by complainant wrere $.V),U 0. 10. Decreed that Zeilin & Co. rar all the ent, which amount to several thousand dollars, -.he re-orJ bologooeot the largest ever filed ia tho Supreme Court. " .J Cheap Medicine. As arule, "cheap medicine" is inert, worthies, of dangerous. In Zeilia&Oo.'ianswortoour bill thr aid the packages enjoined were designed as tl.tup nepro medicine for tho negroes of tho Mmsiss PP Valley." Now, osZciliafc Co.'s advertisements ay. and tbelr manager swore, that all the livf-r medirlr.e which they make is mado by the same formula. Is t Is not conclusive evidencs from their sworn testimony and advertisement, that all the liver modicineerr.nn etlngfrom them is "Cheap Negro Medicine?" Ques tion t Do the EKli Of America dc3ire "Cheap ,(;fo Medicine?" Lot the afflicted anwer bl their future purchases. Dr. M. A. Simmons' LK?r Jfeticlce, eswblishcd in 110, Is not -cheap rredl eio.'' It is -no cure all." aid IS on'y lerom mn led for tho;o iaiisposiii ons caused by ioacUvity I the Uver. WHAT "BOB TAYLOR," (JOV. OK TENN., SAYS. Garble City Drug Mfg. Co., Knoxrille, Tenn. Gentlemen: In reply to your letter -t recent date, will say that I did r ceive Krft benefits from "Dr. FrauK Cough Cur-.' 1 consider it the befit remcdjj for coutjhs ana colds I have ever used. Yours truK. Rohebx L. TAtLon. For eale by all druggists at 2.::., or sent dirort. OSBORNE'S Allsnnfn.. ?. Artnal hnilrm Knltrl Z booki. Biicrrtuoe. Cheap bciid- Send for oatal'fa r. A. U. No. 10 '03. ami urno Cileifl lllifjIiiS ' ' 1 " 11 s ijlBfSHlil- ' torWr. lit jt 03 LUBBISATING OILS AND UREASES, Rpr Roofln? and other Paints. "A'aba&tlne" Cold'atf r taint, Grady's bcourec. Wattles Dressine. Boiler Scale SoKi " GEO. H. HISS Oil, CO.. Charlotte, . ' Colton 'at a Profit j deep with a CH ATTANOOGA PLOW, which will give a new soil J to store up moisture against next sea- If the Tu rtier is followed "with a 5 Chattanooga Sabsoll PlOVT, so much the better. 5 i Enquire efyonr dealer or write for Catalogue and laformatloa free. O w CnATTAxnnn tt rw rn r-i,r.r,o-. Tunn.