THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered according to postal regula sions at the postoflice at Dunn, N. C, as tecond class matter. J. P. PirTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood all, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months 25 Cents. Six Months 50 Cents. One Year .$1.00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, March 23, 1838. The Populists had a meeting in Raleigh last Wednesday night to consult about the future of the Populist party. Not a very large number was present but all factions of the party were represented and they took each other in and united in one grand love feast to "fuse or co operate with any thing or any party that was. for "the good of the country (?)" It was the sense of the meeting to have an early convention. Senator But ler nor any of the Populist con gressman were present, but it is said that it is Senator Butler's plan to have their State conven tion called to meet in Raleigh on the same day (May 20), as the Democratic State convention is called to meet there, and there and-then try to eifect a fusion with the Democrats in the congressional districts. It is said that his plan for fusion on Congressmen is for the Pop ulists to have three (Strowd, Fowler and Shuford) and give the Democrats the candidates in the other six districts. If such an oiler should. be made to our convention, or any other proposition for fusion, we trust that it will have respect and decency enough to ignore it en tirely. Butler fused with the .Republicans in the last two .-campaigns when the principles of the two parties were antag onistic and now that he ' sees that the - management of the States' alliairs under his fusion arrangement has been so re pulsive to the people of the State, that they will never give their aid to such methods again, he is wanting to fuse with Dem ocrats. If the Democratic par ty should fuse with the Pop ulists this year and the fusion ticket be elected, it would have to buy the Populists politicians with offices at the next election to keep them with it or they would join with the Re'publi cans. The history of the Pop ulist leaders for the past four years is conclusive evidence to us that they are in it for office and will fuse with anything to reach it. They have thrown principle aside and are in for party pelf and plunder, and we think that the honest populists in the party see it too, and we believe that they will come back and vote i with the party that has given', and will ffive North Carolina a trovernment by white North Carolinians r- J Any oiler to dicker witli the Populists should be opposed hy every Democrat. !A straight light on the Chicago platform and for a wli i te man ' s f govern ment in North Carolina and we will wini for the spirit of 1870 is growing among our people. Ix these days there is a ten dency toward the, greatest use of the pardoning powers by the chief executives of States, so much so that in many eases the chief executives are critisized by the public for their acts. Recently Governor Bob Taylor of Tennessee granted a 'pardon which drew a storm of criti cisms among which was one from the Rev. Sam Jones, made in the pulpit to a large congre gation and which was published in the newspapers. Some one showed the criticism to Gover nor Taylor and his only! com ment was in his own ' happy style : "If it had not been for the pardoning power Sam Jones would have been in hell years ago." We count this one on your "IJncle Jones." . K The Fayetteville Daily Ob serve recently began giving its readers the Associated Press dispatches and is noV servino them with the latest news ser vice to be had, beside giving them a splendid local service which goes to make it one of the mort attractive and newsv evening papers published in the State. We extend our congrat ulations to the Observer and trust that its enterprise will re ceive a hearty support. . To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail . to cure drug gists refund the money. Lillington Gleanings. By Telephone. Mr. Sam Asbury after spend ing several days here with friends returned to his home in Raleigh last Thursday. Mr. J. McKay Byrd spent two days in, Raleigh last week. Mrs. Josephine McKay, of Leaflet, spent a day in the vil lage last week. A. D. Hunter. Esci.. of Apex, was here on business last Fri day. .' Rev. .A. N. Campbell, of Bine's Creek Academy, spent Friday night with friends ih the village. Mrs. James Johnson, of Bar claysville, spent Monday here with relatives. The little son of Mr. J. Mc Kay Byrd was right badly bit ten by his dog yesterday. He is not suffering very much from the wound and we hope no bad effects will result. Mr. Byrd had the dog killed at once. The epidemic of measles is still with us. Six new cases have been reported since Satur day. Rev. Mr. Holleman, of Apex, pastor of the Baptist church here, spent Sunday night here. The ferryman at the river had the misfortune to: lose the Hat one day last week. It was re covered fcix miles down the riv er. Rev. B. W. Spillman preach ed an excellent sermon at the Baptist church here Sunday night. We "are pained to noee the illness of Miss Mary Green and hope she will soon be well. Several of our people attend ed the Sunday School Institute at Friendship church Saturday and Sunday. Glad to see Miss Marine Spears out again after several days indoors with an attack of measles. . Miss Suie Rosebrugh, of Lit tle River Academy, was a call er in the village Saturday. Mr. Anthony, of Sanford, was in our village last week. March 23rd. "Y." A. Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole" system, acts as a stimulate to Liver and Kid neys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the sys tem to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinc ed that they are a miracle work er. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at N. B. Hood's Drugstore. The Railroad commission re fused to re-insstate the old.pas senger rates on the railroads5 and the new rate would go into ef fect to-day if the railroad com panies would abide by the de cission but they will take the matter to the United States court and try to prevent the commission from enforcing the new law. w e are ot the 1 ITT A.i opin ion that the new rate (2 and 2 cents) is low enough and that, the railroads would receive as much in fares at this rate as at the old rate for there, would evi dently be more travel at. the new rate, but we think the commis sion made a mistake in not mak ing the rate apply to all the roads. We can't see why the people along the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad should pay more to ride on that road than on the o t h e r roads. This road b e 1 o n g s to the State and is operated by it and this reduction in rates does not apply to this State road: If the State cannot operate a railroad as cheaply as private corporations it should sell out its road and quit the business ; if it can, or cannot, that is no reason for charging a citizen of the State more for riding on the State's road than on the road of a private corporation. . m m . "I can say one thing for Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and that is that it excels any proprietary medicine I have seen on the market, and I have been in the practice of medicine and drug business for the past forty yaars" writes J M. Jackson M D., Bronson, Fla. Phy sicians like Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy because it is a scientific preparation, end because it always gives quick relief. Get a bottle at N. B. Hood's drag store? Local DotN CSalliei-etl sit ISiiie Creelt. By Telepnone. Capt. C; H. Wellons return ed last Wednesday accompani ed by his sister, Miss Carrie. Prof. Campbell hopes to have the Tabernacle building ready by the commencement., The people of Dunn and Benson have contributed very liberally to the funds for this building and their help is highly ap preciated by the faculty and students. Rev. Jno. E White, of Cary, will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon at the commencement here on May 15th. , The Philologian Society has elected one more orator and de claimer for the commencement exercises. Orator : J. L. Wood all, of Benson ; declaimer ; Seth Parrish, .of Turlington. Miss Lillie Parrish, of Benson, is here this week, the guest of Miss Ada Spence. Miss Cora Parker, of Averas boro, is visiting friends here. Cadet M. W. Simons spent Sunday with friends at Dickin son. Register of Deeds Byrd, of Lillington, was here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kivett, of Lil lington, ..were visitors here Mon day. ( Cadets Parrish, Upchurch, and Stanly aiid Profs. Wood all and Peele went to Dunn Sat urday on their wheels and made the trip in one hour. This is the shortest time ever made from the Academy to Dunn. - Rev. B. W. Spillman gave the students a lecture at the Academy last Thursday night. His subject was "ghosts" and the students expected something .comical, but it proved to deal with "King Saul and his lost opportunities." Rev. B. W. Hatcher, Grand Lecturer of the Masonic Order ,iu North Carolina, is here this week lecturing before the mem bers of the Lodge. Mcsdames W. F. Pearson and J. J. Wade, of Dunn, visited friends here last Thursday and Frida". Several of our people attend ed the Sunday School Institute held at Friendship church near Bunnlevel last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. March 23rd. St. John. From all over the" country come words of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Here is a sample letter from Mrs C Shep, of Little Rock, Ark : "I was suffering from a very severe cold, when I read of the cures that had been effected by. Cham berlaiu's Cough Remedy" I conclud ed to give it a trial and accordingly procured a bottle. It gave me prompt relief, and I have the best reason for recommending it very highly, which 1 do with pleasure." For sale by N B. Hood, Dunn, N. C. To Whom it May Concern, A competitive examination is hereby ordered to be held at Clinton, Sampson court tT, N. C, on Friday, the 29th day of April, 1898, for the purpose of selecting one Cadet :and one Alternate who shall be ap pointees to the U. S. Military Academy at .West Point. Said examination shall be open to any and all bona-fide residents of the 3rd Congressional Dis trict of N. C, who are possessed of' the required legal qualifica tions. These appointees shall report at West Point, June 14th, 1898. Jxo. E. Fowler, M. C. 3rd, District of N. C. Work Begins Work becrins to-da on the railroad from Raleigh to Lilling ton. A special train with one hundred and nine convicts un der the care of Capt. W. J. Bradshaw passed here Tuesday morning. Twenty were going to the Castle Hayne farm near Wilmington and the others were going to llaleigh to work on the railroad from Raleigh to Lillington. Mr. N. G. Wade who has the contract to build the road was on the train with convicts and said lie would com mence grading the road to-day. The convicts were looking happy and had the appearance of being well fed and well kept . There were four guards with breech loading, double-barreled guns to each car. The convicts were from El rod in Robeson county where the had been grading a road for the Coast Line. A thrill ofjterror is experienced when a bra ss cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But 1 ho terror soon changes to relief after One 'Minute Cougl- Cure lias been administered. Safe and harmless for children. Hood & Gr.iutliam. Get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "Get it honest if you can, but get it." cures all coughs and colds. Dickinson S:trl. Caught over the Telephone. - Mrs. S. H. Washburn, of Dunn, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Nettie Pipkin", this week. Mr. J. M. McNeill, of Lilling ton, spent Friday night in this community with his brother, Dr. McNeill. - : Miss Jennie Pipkin, one of Dunn's charming young ladies, was a visitor in this community last week. Master Herbert McKay en tered school at Buie's Creek Academv this week. There was a large eagle seen on the river near McNeill's fer ry last Saturday. Aunt Nancy, wife of Harvey McKay, colored, died at her home near here Sunday night. She was a good old woman and will be badly missed in this community. Sliadare plentiful on the riv er now and are selling fron 40 to GO cents per pair. "Clement Ansil," March 22-'98. For some time, I have suffered with rheumatism and tried every imagina ble remedy, without effect. Mr. F. G. Sj Wells advised me to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, telling me that it had cured many cases of long stand ing like mine. I have used four bot tles and feel sure that one more bottle will make my cure complete. A. P. Kontz, Claremore, Ark, Sold by N. 15. Hood, Dunn, N. C. The sense of touch is on the back. dullest Educate Your Bowels With Cas carets. Cr.ndy Cathartic, cure constipation fore ver. 10c. Hoc. If C. C. C. fail, drug gist, refund money. The lower Hmbs contain thir ty bones each. "Success is the reward of merit" not of assumption. Popular apprecia tiou is what tells in the long run. For fifty years, people have been us ing Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and to-day it is the blood purifier most in favor with the public. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures. The globe of the eye is moved by six muscles. The base of Ayer's Hir Vigor is a refined and delicate fluid, which does not soil or become rancid by exposure to the air, and which is ap perfect a substitute for the oil supplied by nat ure in youth, and health, as modern chemistry can produce. U jp-T O-D ATE GROCERY : STORE. J. L. BENTON. T desire to inform the public that my store can now be found on Broad street next door to J, D. -Barnes. I keep at all times a well selected stock of Drv Goods and Notions, and sell at Hard Time Priceg. o o . G R O CERIES: You can always find at my store a choice stock of Ileavy andi Fancy Groceries. Tliank ing 3'ou for past fayors and inviting you to call and see me in my new quarters, I remain, Yours truly, J. L. BENTON. pirn urns p Quarters ON PLEASURE OR ON BUSINESS you always like to drive good stock and have good VEHICKLES, You can secure both by calling oh LANE t GALBRAITH, Dunn's up-to-date- Liverymen. fCafe.i Ii:iomille. NEW SPRING 111 ! o- -o My elegant stock of kU HANDSOME SPRING ftllLLlftERY has been bought and is now arriving. o- -o I have as usual, the TPft in every department, and it is always my aim to please my patrons. My prices are very reason able, and as low as any. While it mav seem a little early in the season to talk millinery, I wish to say in advance that I have spared neither money nor labor in making my display this season the grandest I have ever shown. Very respectfully, Mrs. J. II. Pope. THE WHITE I S KIING- F a" It has been tried and proven to be the best. Do you need a Sewing Machine? If so vou want the White with all the lat est improvments. Get prices on the White before you buy. Sold on easy terms and guaran teed to give satisfaction by E. II, Wood all, 3-9-lm. Benson, N. C. TIIE HE L AT EST A TEST PIIIXG X 'KING llffiTi MS. L l ANDERSON is now prepared t0 show a most beautiful line of Spring and Summer Millinery, selected from the Northern Markets in person. Also a nice assortment of Silks for Shirt waists. In Chiffons and Laces, I have all the Novelties and latest ttyhs. Dress Trimmings and sash Rib bons in great variety. I have taken great pains in selecting a suitable line of Headwear "of every becoming style for chil dren and I think all the little ones can be suited with a stylish Cap. . I will keep this season on hand, and order as the demands require, a nice line of ready made Skirts, both Silk and Brilliantines at prices to suit all, and have now some real values in these goods. For school commencements I have a nice line of Dress Goods suitable for the occasions in Lawns,- Organdies, India Linens and other Spring and Summer fabrics. Call early and see the New Spring styles. I hope to serve you as satisfactorilly this seas on as last. With many. thanks for past favors, I am, Respectfully, MRS. E. W. ANDERSON, Dunn, N. C. Mar. 23-'98-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Having duly qualified a. the admini.stra 1 i)i-of C. L). Iivnl. deceased, notice U hereby given to all persons holding c-laitn? again ?tlsaid estate to present the same for payment, duly verified, on or before the 3rd day of . arch, 181)9. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All' persons indebted lo said es tate are hereby notified to make immedi ate payment of the same. This Febrn ary 25th. ISf.S. Dr. O. E. Denning. Admr. Jones & Stewart. Attys. Meti-2-Gt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! The undersigned, having this dAy rjiial- Hied as Adi'dnistrator of the estate of wise Alexander Cameron, deceased, hereby notifies all oersoni having claims against said estate to present the same to him at Swann's Station, N. C, within the time, limited by law. or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. This Feb ruary 21st.. J SOS. AV. F. MURCHISOX, r. II. SlKES, Meh-2-Cuv Att'y. Administrator. INL'B- HOOD, Tie Oil! b DUNN, - My stock consists of anything found in a first-class l)ru,r Store which I am selling cheaper than ever for the cash. Prescriptions' compounded with care and accura?y. I thank all for past favors, and invite you to come and see mc I (( straight legal business. . i Mr. A. L. Pearsall is with me and he invites all his fri,.n,s to call and see him. Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, . N. B. IIOOI) o- HOOD & GRANIrlAM, THE LARGEST DEALERS IN DRUGS, GISTS' SUNDRIES, Seeds, School Books, &c, in the county, are still fighting high prices and offering Pure Goods at the lowest prices. They are always glad to see you whether you buy or not. Plenty of chairs and a hot stove. 7-"Mail orders have prompt attention. II. Hood. Dunn, War Oolarci I The trip Avill be made on one of the latest improved, 1808, Bicycles sold by GAJNEY & JORDAN. We make a specialty of Bicycles, and Bicycle Sundries, w- alt.' repair broken parts. Remember we keep constantly on hamU complete line of Jewleiy. Watch and Clock repairing a specialty. TIIE And lbi prrsoDS now us-Dg Indian IJorbs. Why I Jiecauee it has tbc (' -irca effceth tid it is so chrap, 180 uote for $1 00. W. F UTTKIi. ) Aycra.-boro. N. C, Mirth 18;li, Ifc'J's. .' Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. 0. ; Dear: Sirs: ' I It islwiih pleasure tt at I attest the merits of Indian Herbs. I lia used it ;n' iuy family now for nearly a year and have not paid a dollar, for doctcrs or other ajedicii e in the time, when before my doctor's bill averaged, 20 a year. It cured my. wife of heart trouble and indigestion. My chil dren, wtie puny and sickly and it has made thtm well and ttrong. -When your agent, Mr Utter, firtt came arcund with such a money saving medicice for Lnefir of mankind, I was in a low state of health from general- debility and have found great relief from its use Hoping that yen may contijuo to furnihh this country in to valuable a medicine, I remain. Yours truly, J. V. Llcas. Averasboro. N. C., March 18th, IhOS Great American Herb Co, Washington, D-. C Gentlemen: ' I firmly believe Indian Herbs saved my wife's life, for I had tried doc tors who could do her no good suffering as she waa with a complication ff diseases of the liver and heart. , After u&ing Indiau Herbs two month'- t-e; was so much improved that one could hardly believe there was ho iijik-Ii viri tue in 1 00 worth of medicine, and I find my neighbors praisit g Indian Herbs. It is all the medicine, a family needs during the Spring and Sum mer and I advise all to try a box and be convinced. i . , Very Respectfully. J. K. Jkkm an. Z"Any one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it lt; L. P. Jernigan's store or at my lesidence. W F. UTTKIl , Dunn, N- V' I COMMISSION Eli'S SALE OF LAND; By virtue of a decree of t he Superior Courf in in case of .1. C. Up-lMre!i vf. Callie Upclmn-li and other.-:, I nill on Monday. April 4tli, 18)8, at tfie Court IIou.-e in Lillington, N. C, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract ot Ivinjf on Black river. r begitnung at a stake in Bai ze's line, Mattliews' corneji". and runs east 2: clis: then . 0 L. ti..-P chanis; then west 3 chains; then N. 11 J W. 37.0 chains in Black river: then up said river 6.70 chains to Barbee's line: then south 21.50 chains: then south 13 W. 24.S0 chains to the lx' ginning. Containing 57J acres tnore 01 les. This February 2Sth, I89S. B F. Shaw, 3-2-lw. Commissioner. LeiMlra SI - - - N..G. nnVn A 1 J (I. MM li Ull ft c s 4-5 ti -o DRUG- G. K. Grantham N. C, vOii-OiiHi KiflxU&jijU iHIwiMN )jj&&2jij!j Wtf cOio U ;1he time has come uinf John must, bill his devoted ' companion good-bye and to the field of battle, and now; v v j 1 1 1 p liiv tu i'ji .vvii. i He has by his side tin ' time-piice that he puirli.-i-1 ed years ago from (iaim v . ct Jordan, which lie im poses to carry with liim. o- -o GREATEST BLOOD I'UIIHL Liver .Regulator on Earth- W. FLUTTER, 'General A-i,t. Dunn, N. ('. IJunn, N. C.,.Mar. Utii, lh'J. I MOIITGAOK SALK. By virtue of power coiiffired ly III'!I'J gage executed to ine bv .J:ui s ''. Leodand William 1. M'cLeod, I ' l at. public auction, to the hig!ie-t ( for cash, at the Qourt Ilou.-e ',,r I lfngton. N. C, on Saturday, April-'" 18J8, at 12 o'clock, M., a certain tr.i- t land in Black River towiishi'. H" or less, adjoining the lauds of Mi-- Ui Stewart and others. For a nioie ci ". niete uescr s..8... m. ! 111:11 (' ( Book II No 2, page 477, Rert4'r , union reiciein:c ,1 - i Deeds office, Uaruett county, wliei; mortgage is recorded. This J'"!f'- 28th., 1898. 3-2-4t. J. C. Ballektini , Mortgage . f V