THE COUNTY UNION WEDXKSDA.Y, Makch- 23. isns. DUNN, N. C. OGAL DOTS, Cotton is selling for or ceins to-day. Shad and horse fish are ph-ntiful and cheap enough. Some very line ones are brought in from tlio river everyday. Lane & Gnlbraith are now closing out "tlieir last lot of Ten nessee mill s and horses.'. If von- want one cheap sec them if i nick. t A revival :.servi- is being coiidJicHMi ai me .Mcuiodist cluiir this week by the pastor, ' Kev. I). 1. Parker. Services morning and night . -It is only a little -over a month now until the town elec tion. The candidates for of i i . i i ices are oeginning to leei around. Regular monthly services were ";held at the Primitive church. here Saturday and Sun day. Elder Strickland, of Samp son canity, preached 'Sunday morning. , -If you are. thinking of hav ing your -house painted see A. I). Newberry, and let him make you ligures. Paint not only adds to the looks of your house but also protects it . Monday was the iirst day of Spring and the day and the .night, were equal in length t welve hours each . "The equi noctal storms have missed us so far. The indications are that this will be an early Spring. Many fruit trees are already in bloom ;tnd strawberry vines are oinssonnntx and some nave young berries on them. -The-Coast Line has put on an extra express train that runs as section two of No. 78, the north-bound mail, to carry the express which is large now on account of early vegetables. - Mr. J. L. Benton has mo ed his stock of oods into the '.store-next door to Mr. J. 1). Barnes. J Iis.'"ad" . appears in this1 issue, lie carries a choice line of fancy groceries and will treat you right. (Jive him a call. Mrs. Vj. W. Anderson has a handsome display of spring and summer millinery goods. Her "ad" appears in this issujp and she will be pleased to have you call and examine her stock. Mr, J. J. Cook, one of R. . G. faylor's popular salesmen, was thrown from his wheel while out riding one evening last week and received a painful injury to his left hand. f 1 I n f A 1 1 1 1 II 1 t AH 1 1 cars here Monday afternoon for Fayetteville, to ' attend a con ference of Sanctilicationists. Several of the leaders of that doctrine are present. i The school taught by Rev. (I. B. McNeill, colored, closed last Wednesday night. lie gave an exhibition, and those who attended "were well pleased with the progress of the chil dren, which was evidenced by their splendid exercises. Dr. O. L. Denning returned yesterday from' Newton drove where he has been for a week attending Ml L. T. Brift who Jias been suffering with a severe : ,r,;. ..r K i....i The Doctor says Mr. Britt is slowly improving and he thinks will recover without losing his hand. Recently a large lot of juni per poles have been stripped of their bark and the bark left on the ground., we suppose,to de ejay on Lucknow Square in front of Hotel Divine. The poles-were hauled there with the bark on them and after be ing stripped of the bark, the poles were shipped away. It seems to us that the railroad company should be required to keep their freight yards in bet ter condition. It is evidently an eye-sore beside being un healthy, to the town to have that bark there. It should be mov ed or burned. ' That we xlo business in Dunn is evidenced bv the amount of freight received here. The side-track here is full of cars most of the time loaded with guano and merchandise and when you remember that the track will hold seventy-five cars you have some idea of the business done TConrl thp rnl- umns of The Union and you will find what inducements our Jive, energetic, up-to-date mer chants have, to otter you to trade rtnem. Mrs. Francis Wade, wife of : Mr. S. A. Wade, who lives over I j in Cumberland a few miles from i town, was taken to the insane asylum at Raleigh last Friday by Deputy Sheriff J. C. Pope I for treatment. ! j Dr. 0. L. Denning has a sup ! ply of fresh vaccine points. As j these points are never guaraii j teed for more than 30 days after ! being dipped it would be well j for those wishing to be vaccina ; ted to see him. Lane & Galbraith are now closing out their sale stock and if yoiiiiieed a ''number one horse or mule it will pav vou to see them.j They are putting in new buggies and will run a general livery business in the future. They are prepared to furnish fat, gentle hores and new bug gies at reasonable rates. , ? We learn that our farmers are well advanced with their preparations for planting- and some of them will begin plant ing corn this week. A good many farmers still stick to thje old rule to commence planting corn on the 2oth of March, and it is not often that it is serious-! lv injured by frost when plant ed so early. Ed. Wilkins and Jim Mc Bryde, two colored boys, got in to a little scrap on the street! Sunday afternoon and Jim used a stick on Ed and "Ed figured with his knife. No d image was done. The Mayor heard the case Monday morning and bound them over to the Superior court. Jim is a professor of sanctifiea tion and was shedding tears copiously after' his trial. The town Aldermen held a special session Monday evening and amott other things passed an order prohibiting building of any blacksmith shops with in a hundred feet of Broad street and those already erected must be moved back dis tance by January first 1899. This action of the aldermen is commendable. Property own ers do not want shops of this nature so near their buildings. W. C. T. IL-.Memorial Service. As was announced in these columns last week the W. C. T. U. held v memorial service in the Disciple church Sunday morning in memory of their late departed president Miss Frances Willard, who died re cently in New York City at the age of 52 years, having made her life work one for temperance and reform among the women of the world and especially in America. M A large congregation greeted them at the church Sundav morning at 11 o'clock. The exercises consisted of a song and prayer service, a recitation by Mrs. E.F. Young and an address by Mr. J. C. Clifford. The altar was artistically draped in mourning and as the members marched in, each bear ing a mourning wreath and a pure white ribbon, the emblem of the order, it made quite a sad and impressive picture, and carried the mind to the mourn ful sceptre of the white winged angel that visits the human body but once and returns it to the dust from whence it came, but frees the immortal spirit from its tenement of clay and carries it to "a house not built with hands, eternal in the heav ens" to bask in the Saviour's love and to reap the reward of all the faithful. The recitation by Mrs. Young was beautiful and impressively rendered and was highly com plimented by the congregation, while the address of Mr. Clif ford .was a gem of brilliancy, clothed with eloquence, which' won the admiration of his hear ers. f ri Ylillioii CnitCn Awny. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all di seases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on N. E. Hood Druggist, and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size oOcts. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price re funded. TO IIICI A COLl I 0.E DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Qui'ajne Tab lets. All Druggists refund the money if People and Their Movement. Miss Foy Barnes, of Bute's Creek, was in town Saturday. Miss Jennie Belle Culbreth', of Falcon was in town Saturda-. Mrs. D. II. Hood and chil- jdren returned from a visit to relatives at Littleton Saturday. Mr. A. S. Johnson, of Lillin" ton, spent Sunday night in town, and called Monday and subscribed for The Union. ' Mr. J. A. Culbreth, a highly esteemed merchant of Falcon, was on our streets Sat urday. Mr. A. L. Newberry, the popular anil eliicient book keeper for the South Dunn Manufacturing Company, spent Fridav night in Favetteville. Mr. M. T. Young left Friday for northern markets to 'pur chase his spring and summer stock of goods. Watch The Union and see what bargains he will offer on his return. . - Mr. E. F. Young is now in.the market with a car load of the best farm, wagons. lie of fers them on any kinds of terms you may wish, and if you need a good substantial T 1 . - wagon give him a call. See his locals in this issue. i Rev. C. W. jByrd, pastor of the Central M. E. church at, Asheville, passed through town Tuesdav evening en route to Buie's Creek, to visit his par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Byrd. He will preach at the Methodist church in this place Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Everv body is cordially invited to at tend the service. Mr. John W. Hays, - of Wash ington and Petersburg, Va., is in the city in the interests of the Hydrographic Division of the Geological Survey. Mr. Hays is taking notes along the Cape Fear river and these will appeanalong with a great mass of similar information from other places in one of the special bulletins now under preparation by this department. ': The "Little Builders at Work" Held an interesting Mis sionary service at the Disciple church Sunday evening. The little folks. were all dressed in white and their bright eyes and floating curls won the admira tion of the entire audience which was delightfully entertained for an hour with songs and reci tations by them. Each of the j little girls and boys acted their part well and merited the praise of the audience. Mrs. McD. Hollidav had charge of tlieir training and that she did her work well was fully attested by the success of the . entertain ment. IBtickleu' Aiiii-ii ftsilvc. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures pites, 0r no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. Hood, Druggist. N. Mad Iloirs Die. 1 We are informed by a re sponsible party that there is a "mad hog scare" in this town ship, (Averasboro) about four miles from town, northwest. It is stated that some three weeks ago amad dog went through that section and bit thirty-two hogs, twelve of that number having gone 'mad and died since, and others are sick. Our in formant says that the dogs in that section are being killed and asked us to notify the peo ple of the penalty of allowing a dog that has been bitten by a mad dog to run at large. The Code of North Carolina makes it a penalty of $50 fine or imprisonment for 30 days for any person or persons to allow a dog that has been bitten by a mad dog to run at large, and we suppose the same law ap plying to dogs would apply to cattle, hogs or other animals. Anvwav it is the duty ol ot ev ery man, if his hog, dog or cow has been bitten by a mad dog, and he has knowledge of the fact, to shut the same up and keep it from other stock or an imals until it has had sufficient time for the disease to have de veloped and taken its course ; and if it should be a dog kill him at once for they are worth less and unprofitable animals. Just received, car load Ten nessee and Old Hickory Wag ons, for sale clieap for cash or on time. E.F. Young. IbKSIXESS LOXSALS. 10,000 Shingles wanted vithin the next 10 days. Don 't bring anything but good shingles. LANE & CO. Large stock of tinware, glass ware, crockery, table and pock et cutlery at lowest prices. S. G. Marks fe Co. Ribbons and Laces, see Young If vou want Boots, see Young Remember vou can get To bacco Bed Cloth at-"M. T. Young's. It will pay you to try some tobacco. Trunks, Bags and Valises at Young.- Five hundred nair of odd pants at Young's. Clothing, ;ill styles at Young's Do vou need a sewing ma- ehim See M. T. Young. Childr'n's Shoes at Young's Latest style Dress Hats for men -and hnvs at Lane's. Nice-line of hats just receiv ed it S. G. Marks & Co. For a pair of good shoes go to Lane & Co. Towels from Young's. 5 to 5CK at Children's and Misses' Spring Heel Shoes at Young's. M. T. Young is selling his en tire line of Dress Goods at cost. You can buy your Hats for Ladies' and Children at cost. M. T. Young. We carry a full line of gro ceries, M. T. Young. Curatena Soap, 9 at Youngs. Laces and Hamburgs at . M. T. Young's. Lace curtains at Young's. " All Dress Goods at cost at Young's. Just in a nice line of Hats, - M. T. Young. For sewing machines see T. Young. Farming tools, and farmers' supplies ' generally, constantly on hand at S. G. Marks & Co. Garden seeds by weight at Hood & Grantham's. K . Don't bu your shoes until you have examined our stock and obtained our prices. S. G. Marks &, Co. Men's Rubbers at 25 a pair at Young's. Ladies' Rubbers, 25 at Young's. Candies fresh and pure at Hood & Grantham's. Powdered Borax at Hood & Grantham's. Tuberose Bulbs at Hood &i Grantham's. Onion Sets at Hood & Gran tham's. Call at S G Marks & Co's, for your dried apples. Lowest prices guaranteed. Spring Heel Shoes for chil dren at Young's. Eyerjbody Says So. Ca?carets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful tnedical "discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act geutlj and positively on the kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fe ver, habitual constipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C, C. C. to-day; 10, '25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. After years of untold sutf'ering from piles B. v. Pursell of Knitnersville, Pa. was cured by using a single box of De Witts Wit eh Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obsti nate sores are readdy cured by this fam ous remedy. Hood & Grantham. Chocolates, Bon-bons, Vanila Cream, Peanut Brittle, Marsh Mallows and other fine candies just received at Hood & Gran tham's. Whooping cough is the roost distress ing malady: but its duratiao can be; cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known rem. edj- for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Hoo l & Grantham. Pant Goods, all kinds at Young's. Beauty' is Blood Deep. Clean 'brood means? a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cacarels, Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the laz- liver and driving all impurities trom tne oouy. Beiu to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10e; 25c, ;50c. Call at S G Marks & Co's. for your Cutlery and Hardware. We have what you need in the hardware line. ' WAR CLOUDS INCREASING. To-days papers contain news that the President and Congress are taking active steps to end the Cuban war. The President will probably declare Cuba free this week and this will lead to war with Spain. The report of the Court of Enquiry on the Maine will reach the President to-night or to-morrow and it is said it will state that the ship was blown. up by external agen cies. The report that- the Maine was destroyed by Spanish tor pedoes and intervention in .be- nan oi tne uuuians will inev itable bring war with Spain. our government is making ac tive preparation for the crisis and our navy is in readiness to sail at once. The forts along the coast have all been manned by soldiers. No call for troops has been made jet except for two thousand naval soldiers. The war is as good as commenc ed and will be fully on within 15 days, unless Spain backs down and that is hardly probable. There is no cause for alarm among our citizens for none will have to go to the war that do not wish to go. Come and see our Wagons, E. F. Young, i 50 dozen cotton hoes just re ceived. Prices Down. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co. From now until April 10th we will wTill sell our calicoes at cost, best goods 3i to 4 cents per yard at Lane's. Buy the Smith Harper Hoe. It is the best cotton hoe made. Dunn Hardware & Fur. Co. One horse wagons, two horse wagons of all kinds. For sale clieap, E. F. Young. 10 bags of the best Coffee that has ever been offered by any one for 10 per pound at Lane & Co's. Flower seed a nice assort ment at Hood & Grantham's. Revival No. 2, shaped note, flexible cover, 25 each at Hood & Grantham's. Will sell you any kind of wagon for cash, barter or on time. E. F. Young. Go to Lane & Co's. to buy the best Table Oil Cloth, 49 inches wide at 14 per yard. 56 Cotton King Cultivators just received. Get one .while they are cheap. Dunn Hard ware & Furniture Co. 5 Sabororso, Moss Rose, Tourist and Sweet Violet are the lead- ing of cigars. f "Ulcl Va. Lord Baltimore and "Key West" are the jCberoots at Hood & Grantham's. We will you the highest market price for meat, corn and peas. See us before you sell. Dunn Hardware & Fur. Co. We want at once 50,000 lbs. Ham ; 30,000 lbs. Sides ; 20,000 lbs. Shoulders. See us before you sell your meat. Dunn Hard ware & -Ejuniture Co. "Xk Honest John Eru8S.v Best ever made. Last a life time. Single or double. Price $5.00. Try one. For sale by N. B. Hood, Dunn, N. C. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and billiousness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De Witt's Little Early. Risers, the famous little pills. IIoo J & Grantham. I have bought the entire stock of Harness and Harness Hard ware from Mr. J J Wilson at a discount, and will give now the very lowest prices that ean be had anywhere in this part of the country on Harness, Collars, Bridles, Saddles &c. Repairing done at short notice. We 'can be found next door to S G Marks & Co. Yours truly, E. LEE, We are anxiou- to do a little good in this world and can think of no plt-asan-ter or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other 'serious luug troubles that follow neglected colds. Hood & Grant ham. Truckers and gardeners can get their seed Beans, Peas &c. of us at lowest &, Grantham. prices. Hood Don't annoy others by your coughing and ri.-k our life by neglecting a cold. One minute Cough Cure cures coughs colds, croup, griupe and all throat and ung trouble. Hood & Grantham. Children and adults tortured by burns scalds, injuries, eczema or pk'n diseases may secuie instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel salve. It is the great Pile remedy. Hood & Granlhaai. ; J ( r - k a n o In order to make room for our Spi'ixig Stools 1 .we will reduce the price on all goods for the next 15 davs. IDRESS Q00IDS. We have sold a great many but still there is more "than we want, so they will go at Cost for 15 days. If yoiij need any thing in that line it will pay you to examine our stock. SHOES. We have a large and well selected stock of Shoes for old and voung, little and big. We can fit vou in price as well as shoes. CL-OTHIIGI Clotliixig ! ! Clothing ! ! ! Do you need Clothing? We have lots of it and the price is way down, the quality way up, and we can suit you. HLaiTilDTi e:s "& Laces. Hamburgs and Laces for the Spring. Our Stock is com plete in this line. We invite the ladies to come and see it. o- , Grooeries. 1 I ' 1 iV. T j.Cil- "I i lvumemoer, we Keep me jjargesi oiock oi moceries in town at the LOWEST PRICE. We will pay the highest market price for country produce. C5""WIIEELER & WILSON ; Sewing Machines for sale. Yours very truly, M. T. YOUNG, Feb-10-tf. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS III that are being ottered at the TWIN Hardware and Furniture Store, are too numerous to mention. A look through our Mammoth' Stock of Furniture will con vince you that for Quality, Style in the State. Just a look it the and Ranges will convince you en to make your home a place of When you come into our Shelf Department you find first the most complete line of Crockery, Glass and Tinware, where) you can buy anything you need Dinner Set, and the price will Our stock, of Builder's Hardware is complete and we buy in such quantities that we can always interest the closest buyers. We make a specialty of Carriage Material and always keep a good stock and never fail to make take you through our - AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT where we never fail to interest those who till the earth and make a living for all. Here we make special low prices for we feel that if any people under the sun who makes 5 cotton, so we have placed such goods as lie needs at the lowest possible price, and we feel proud that, we can say that in the short time we have been in business we have reduced the price about 50 and if the farmers of Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson and Johnston will stand fight, we will be an instrument in their hands to place such goods its they need at prices that will suit them. ' Always give us a call when money. . i ours ior misiness, DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. HOLLIDAY & PKIVETT. S.RR1TJG c M Hi are commg in. o- We have an elegant line of CLOTHINGS, Staple Drv Goods, Hats, Shoes, Groceries, FARMERS' SUPPLIES AND Fertilizers which we are offering low down give us undoubted securiety we Call on us and see what we can OIL P. T. Massengill, Manager. mxm vim ilimillUJJ VLYUU -o DUNN, N. C. ' and Prices, Ave lead any house Celebrated 0. K. Cook Stoves that one is needed in your kitch love and happiness. from a Dish Pan to a nice China always suit your purse. prices right. Last, we will needs help, it is the farmer together and help us in this in need and you will save Spin u -o for cash, and when parties can will furnish goods on Fall time. do. Respectfully, GOODS I V. it fails to cure. 2ic.

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