LOYELL DIAMONDS STAND THE TEST. Board of Experts So Decide. Remarkabla Invsstifation Fram Which the Lovell Diamond Bicycla Gams Out Ahead of All Competitors. Where therw ar so many makes of bi cycles on the market, all of which at first teight eeem.to be on an equal footing to the casual observer, and still the fact is well known that thro is no article In common iiso whre it i3 so endy for the manufactur er to c?ovf'r up the imperfections as in the Meyclvboth ia matcriaL" and workman Hp, and which cannot bo detected until th'i machlno has been given a test on tiie road, such ah Investigation an bas just been cornnleted by the best experts ia the ooiintry, uri-ier the supervision of tho Western li'iview of Commerce, ia likely to bo of great value to the riding public. The honor of producing tho best wheel among the thirty-seven well-known makes that wers; tested fell to the old established house of John l. Lovell Arms Co. of Boston, Mass., manufacturers of the celebrated Lovell Diamond. The Investigation- was made in a thorough manner "by competent ex perts in tho construction, of wheels, and before them were placed thirty-seven of the ?2 mm ' 4 Sri COLONEL BENJAMIN B. LOVELL. rreslJut of the John P. Lovell Arms Co. leailing makes. The- , machines were all raarvelB t,f the most recent ideas of me chanical Construction, and wore brought together without the slightest intimation or knowledge to tho manufacturers that such a tr'i-t Was to take place. The practical experis composing the in vextigatlng board f. -Kdua!ly wocuod the machines down to a small num ber, and, after several days of careful test ing of tho relative 'merits of tho ma chines, they Wero unanimous in their verdict that tho Lovell Diamond was un doubtedly tho best wheel mado and so rn riorled to tho papor, the president of wiikh immediately wrote tho J. I'. Lovell Arms company informing tho latter of tha iuvesti gatf on made and tho decision reached, and this was the iirst intimation that the Lovell company had of the matter. The statement that tho Lovoll Diamond is the bett bieyclo built is basod upon the fact that every part of the machine is made at their own factory. Treviods to and includ.-" lug 181)0 tho machine bearing the name of the Lovell Diamond was manufactured for the Juhn 1', Lovell Arms Co. by out side parties, but beginning with tho season of 197, every, part of every machine bearing their name date has been constructed at the factory of the John V. Lovoll Arras Co. at South Portland, Maine. This fact easily i accounts for tho proven supremacy of the "Lovell Diamond" over all other leading makes of the world. The Lovell Arms Com-, pauy have threw stores in Boston, Washing ton street, Broad street and Massachusetts . av-m.i' and branch stores in Worcester, Mass.; Providence, It. I.,' Pawtucket, B. l. Portland and Bangor, Mo., besides having agents in nearly every city and town throughout tho country. Their new cata logue, "I'-amous Diamonds of tho World" ireo on application. ' Japan rises to call attention to tho fact that she didn't thrash China solely for tho Bono lit of Germany, Russia and England. S reatestf Piedicine Greatest, Because in cases of Dyspepsia it lias a touch like magic, which just hits the spot, brings relief to tho sufferer, and gives tono and strength to tho stomach as no other medicine doos. Dyspepsia and Livor Trouble "For many years I suffered almost con flantly with dyspepsia complicated with liver complaint. I tried first ono thing and then another5 and sometimes resorted to regular medjejil treatment, but derived no substantial benefit. I read about Hood's Farsaparilla and Tills and concluded to (Tivc them a trial, and they effected ft per manent cure. " P. CaoATE3, illl W. Boule vard, New York, N. Y. Remember J 5 Sarsa- parilla Is America's (ircatest Medicine. $1; six for $5. Sold by all druggists. Get only Hood's. HfiOfJ PillQ aro tbe bost after-dinner nOUU & rillb pills, aid digestio will cure well, have a brieht, rich color and flavor, with good burning properties, if liberally supplied with a fertilizer con taining at least 10 actual in the form of sulphate. The quality of tobacco is im proved by that form of Potash. Our books will tell you just what to use. They are free. Send for them. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau St., New York N. U. No. 12 '93. KfcS WHLKc ALL RSi FAILS. PSf Uj Beet Cuufe'h Syrup. Tastes Good, f. i J III Timo Snrt hviit,n .1 r-.'A-UU t J Tobacco Potasfio I 1 i III Addressed "to the -White Men of North Carolina." THE DATE SET IS MAY 26. A Warm "Welcome and Full Fellow ship Extended to All in Securing Just Laws and Good Government. : To the Democratic Voters of North Carolina: Pursuant to a resolution of the State executive committee adopted at its meeting held February 22nd, I hereby give notice that the Democratic State Convention will be held in the city of Raleigh at 12 o'clock noon, on Thurs day, May 20th, 1SD8. The plan of organization, recently re printed, is now in the hands of the county executive committees, showing the regulations governing primaries and county conventions. The convention will consider the nomination of the judges for the several districts wherein the term of the pres ent incumbent expires January let, IS')!); will announce the principles and policy of the party, and take such ac tion a3 it may see proper. Judicial conventions should be held prior to tho dato fixed for the State convention ia ths folllowing districts:: First, second, filth, sixth, seventh and eleventh. The following resolution amending the plan of organization, was. adopted at the meeting of the committee held in December, 1807: - "I'esolved that all white electors who intend to vote with us in the next eleo tion, and who desire the re-establishment of Anglo-Saxon supremacy and honest government in North Caro lina, are cord iwWy invited to partic ipate in all our primaries and conven tions." In the adoption of such a resolution the Democratic party expresses no un kind feeling for the colored people of North Carolina. The record of charity aud kindness, public and private, of the white people of this State to the colored race, while tho Democratic party was in full power, refutes such a suggestion. 3iut the negro voter, with rare exception, cannot be consid ered one, whom tho great principles of government, the wisdom of economic policy, or tho qualifications of public: servants in their responsible offices, guide or control in his choice of a bal-j lot. His allegiauce to the Republican party or it3 allies, cannot be disturbed by the corrupt and disgraceful conduct ol those for whom he votes. Thus, in this day, when the State is fast seek ing dishonor and shame under the hands of a fusion administration,, 'vhich regards neither the right3 of person or property, nor the good name and honor of the State, tho call to duty is addressed to the white men of North Carolina. . Iu national matters no more vital principles can all'oct the people and their welfare? than those which mark tho present lino of conflict Avhere the plain people of the country have thrown down the gage of battle to the inonev powers and trusts. The increasing control it: the necessaries of life in the few by opeu violations of the law, and the enhancement of the purchasing power of money, Avith the ever deereas-i ing value of property, mark the exi gency of the hour. Oi the: affairs in our beloved Stale no words should be needed to awaken the patriotism of her sons. A political! campaign is jm ahead of us in which I the. wager of the contest is the good name arid prosperity 'of North Carolina. We should begin work at once, prescribing no test oath to our fellow citizens, but extending a warm welcome and full fellowship to all who want to join us in securing just laws and good government. An early con vention is fixed, where differences, if any exist, will be adjusted; the plan of ngnt mapped out, and then a united Democracy will triumph. 1 respectfully suggest that the county conventions should be held as soon as convenient for the election of delegates. The nomination of county officers and members of the General Assembly may be postponed until later, as each county convention may think advsable. CliEMENT aTaLly, Chairman State Dem. Ex. Com. Winston, N. C, March 18, 1898. SPLINTERS. A Young Men's Christian Association Is, to bo organized at Spencer. The Supremo Court decides that oys tor claimants must ask relief from the Legislature. . The State charters the Co-operative Building and Loan Association of Wil mington, capital $100,000. The Winston Journal wants to cele brate the fiftieth anniversary of For syth county next November. 4 Increased demand for the product of the Salisbury hosiery mills necessitates tiie employment of a night force. Superintendent Mebane has written to the different counties asking which of them wish to hold county institutes this year. The Governor pardons W. S. Miller, convicted of manslaughter in Iredell five 3'ears aero, and sentenced to ten years in the State prison. Mayor Rus's, of Raleigh, bound over Teter Railey in a hundred-dollar bond to appear in the Superior Court on the charge of defacing the Confederate monument. At Charlotte, Mr. Zebulon Vance Duckworth was run over by one of the city mules, on West Trade street, and received injuries from which he died in less than two hours time. Chairman Doekery of the peniten tiary committee, is very anxious to sell the penitentiary to the government. He thinks the farms ought not to be re-leased that as the leases expire the farms should be given up. The penitentiary directors endorse the contract made by ex-Superinten-" dent Leazar, for sinking an artesian well at each of the two Caledonia farms on the Roanoke river, and awarded the contract to. Henry E. Knox, Jr., of Charlotte. At Davidson county superior court last week four physic'ans and one den tist plead guilty to the charge of prac ticing without the payment of the State license tax. Judgment was sus pended in each case on the payment of the costs and the tax. A floating news item says that "in spite of tit deadly nature of the fold lug bod ih;;t p;tw.e Gf furniture is more popular' than, over." The fellow who niak.-s the folding bed certainly ought to be right in it, then. Prayer of the Pedestrian. Keep me this day unharmed, I pray, ! F rom wheelmen scorching up and down never look nor care, not they. They bowl one o'er and ride away, And who tbey are there's none can say, And you with broken ribs and crown. From reckless driving, I implore, Guard me this daj I fear the boy Who drives for some small, petty store, ifEach year their numbers grow the more), They dash along with wild uproar And accidents fill them with joy. But if it be ordained that I Must meet to-day with happ'ning dire, That 'spite of how I strive and try, In spite of rate and warning cry, Am struck, run o'er and senseless lie, Grant me the favor I require. ' Let me, while yet I sigh and groan, Rut have atJeast the luck or chance. That that which breaks my collar bone, Re. carriage some rich man shall own, Whose name and number will be known, Ere I am in the ambulance. Let me be bruised by cable cars, Street railroads are the best to sue; Or some great brewer's wagon jars Re .what shall make me first see stars And leave me with the jury- scars bears tell with twelve good men and true. Keep me, I pray, unharmed this day As I go forth where danger lies; But if'with harm or hurt I meet, Let it be done, I pray, entreat, By those responsible complete For damages and compromise! St. Louis Star. I strange Things Pneumatic. This Is the age of things pneumatic. A St. 'Louis man has invented a rubber cloak which can be transformed into a mattress by blowing it up. Everything is blown up nowadays. A patent hag been granted for a kind of cap which, being blown up, may be made to serve as a pillow at night or as a life pre server in case of shipwreck. This is a most convenient thing to travel with on the ocean. There is also a life pre server corset. Better than any of these, however, is a peculiar buoyant fabric devised by a German. It is interwoven with the quills of geese or other birds and Is intended for wearing apparel or for linings. So light Is it that a "person on a voyage, If clad In a suit or dress of it, may be sure of floating In case of disaster or falling overboard. i . ; Don't TRY to keep houce without Blue Kihben Baking Powdor. At all Grocers. Bl li. B. P. Company, Richmond. Virginia. It is .caid that the French eat snails, and yet they are accused of living fast. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous nebs after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $'4 trial bottle and treatise f rea Dr. K. II. Kli.ve, Ltd.. 931 Arch St., Phila.. Pa. Women should remember that as a per suader a kiss always discounts a rolliDg pin. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brorm Quininj Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2-c. We know hundreds of bachelors who never spoke asiagle cross word to their wives. Chew Star Tobacco-The Beifc. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. No matter bow little we may love our neigh bors we can see no reason why they shouldn't have a kindly feeling for us. $400 for New Names! Tho Sa'.zer Seed Co. want suitable names for their 17-iuch long corn and White Oat prodigy. You can win this $400 easily, t atalogue tells all about it. Seed potatoes only $150 a barrel. Send This Notice and 10 Gents in Stamps to John A. SalzerSe.od Co., La Crosse, Wis., and get their great seed catalogue and 11 new farm seed samples, including above corn and oats, positively worth 810.00 to . 4- 1 O ,1 t A i- An.. l - t . Q H.UWHII1 LMMWBJ In reply to numerous private in quiries from its tremen dous clien t a g e the -Western Review of Commerce'" the scien tific publica tion having the largest circulation in the west caused to be made a most thor ough com parison be tween all the better class of cy cles avail able in open market. As a re sult of the expert and the criti j'ti?ikT-l- II j IllWlf III tsruLtxn it 9x r. tortu. Dictated by cal exami- rZZZS nation of 37 i different m nlroc ond S n without any m prej udice, this publica tion unhesi- i; tatingly an nounces in favor of the U LOYELL DIAMOND overall com petitors. Get Woman's Fate. From the Record, BushneTX, ItL No woman is better able to speak to other9 regarding "woman's fate" than Mrs. Jacob Weaver, of Bushnell, 111., wlf3 of ex-City Marshal Wearer. She had entirely re covered from the Illness which, kept her bedfast much of the time for five or six years past, and says her recovery U due to that well-known remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. . Mrs. Weaver. is fifty-six years old, end has lived in Bushnell nearly thirty years. She is of unquestionable veracity and un blemished reputation. The story of her re covery is interesting. She says: "I suffered for five or six years with the trouble that comes to women at this time of my life. I was much weakened, was un able much of the time to do my own work, and suffered bes'ond my power to describe. I was downhearted and melancholy. "I took many different medicines, in fact, I took medicine all the time, but nothing seemed to do me any goal. "I read about Dr. Williams' rink Pills for Pale People, and some of my friends recommended them highly. I made up my mind to try them. I bought tho first box in March, 1837, and was benefited from the start. "A box and a half cured me com pletely, and I' am now rugged and strong. I have not been bothered with my troubles since I began takiDg the pills. MrL Jacob Weaver, "I have recommended the pills to many women who are suffering as I suffered. They are the only thing that helped me in the trial that comes to so many women at my nge." Mas. J. H. Weaves. , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of October, A. D. 1897. O. G. Hicks, Notary Public. When woman is passing beyond the ago of motherhood, it is a crisis in her lire. Then, if ever, proper attention to hygiene should be "exercised. The attendant suffer ings will disappear and buoyant health will follow if Dr. Williams' Pink:rill3 aire used. These pills exert a powerful influence in restoring the system to its proper condi-, tion. They contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and , richness to the blood. A Virtue ntl a Vice. Vanity and a proper regard for the feelings of ethers should both urge ' you .to get ridfTiif "that ilfsgusting skin disease. Whether it be i simfUo abrasion, a chap or a burn, or whether it is a chronic case of Eczema, Tetter or Kingworm. Tetterine will positively, infallibly cure it. Curt it so it will stay cured, too. 50 cents a box a? drug stores, or by mail for 50 cents in cash or stamps from J. 1 . bhuptrlno. Savannah, Ga. The mac who shovels snow never en croaches on bis neighbor's premises. DYSPEPSIA, Imjigfbtion and all Stomach troubles cured by Tab' rV Pepsin Crrntiound. Sample bott'e mailed free- Write Dr. TaberMfg- Co., Savannah, Ga. The divorce judge, like the poor marks man, makes a good many misses. We have not been wilhout Piso's Cure for Consumption tor 20 years Lizzie FekreTj, Camp St. Howard, Wis., May 4, 1891. The wise young man always laughs at tho aneientjokes of his tailor. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens tho gums, reducing inflama tion, allays paan,cures wind colio, 25c. a bottl,. If the man who make two b ades of grass grow where onlv one grew before is cllcd a philanthropist, what should be saidof Adolph African Limbless Cotton Co. '. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectlv honorable in all business transactions and financially able to c-.irry out any obliga tion made by their firm. , rT1 West & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, Ohio. , , Waldino, Kixnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of4tsvstem- Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. pr bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 6 6 ov 1 Kyle, who lias maae iz possi oie to grow tnf, r.ALES of cotton on an acre of ground which j heretofore ra rely, if ever, produced one bale? j See advertisement in this paper of Jackson's i Takes Precedence Over All rutitrj-JWn P. 107U COMPAJHrSvit fQrtlvti. . fx. Wml m9 Sap .VflSHWSTOMIST. ft 151 Gecri4 (?. Carter j Pfes, , , : Boston, February 189a' The Wei tern Review of Cotmnerce, ii Chicago, Uf. Cear Birt Your letter of February 7 received In reply will, ''eay that we want to tharJc you for same and would also cay that this Is the first time we ever knew of a paper of your class having the , courage to come right out and state a fact,:' and we want to say right here that we tion" t think you have made any mistake, for the goods will back you cp in the statement, T?e are willing to ctake our business reputation of over 57 years that the Lovell ? Pianor.d is the best bicycle built, not only in" this country but in any other. -f -4 - " Just as soon as you issue the papers? wj th this article in, which you sent us unsolicited and unknown to us, ahd in your letter were kind enough to say that it would be pr ned and that you asked ro advertisement, 4H anything of 'the kind,-Me should be pleased to have you send us a few copies by mai. , Again thanking ycu for y"our kind letter and ajyays wishing you 'the very best of sujscess, we reasain iYoure reectfulfy, B. S. L. JohhiP. Lovell Ams'Co., M'fr's, BOSTON STORES; & 147 Washington Street. 131 Broad Street. 121 Massachusetts Avenue. cor Cataiepe " Famous Diamonds of the World " of our nearest Outwitted th JjifffL ' " In the absence of a family, "says Spare Moments, the private grounds of a certain Scottish lord were often used by the natives of the two neighboring tillages, as thereby a saving of fully a mile was effected. j ' Occasionally, too, when his lordship tvas at home, attempts were made to "run the blockade," for, whenever any trespasser was caught by his lordship he had to obey the command to '0 back the way he had come." A local hawker,- when 7 cautiously wheeling his barrow along the forbld 3en path one day, happened to see his lordship before the latter saw him, and coolly turning the barrow round sat tlown with his back 'to the dreaded laird, who, coming up, gave him a ee- rere reprimand and then ordered him to "wheel about and go back by the road by which he had come." The wily hawker did as he was bid den, thereby turning his barrow in the direction in which he wished to go, and po effectually outwitting the unsus pecting laird. f The clergyman who, a few Sundays ngo, whipped out a cheese knife from behind his pulpit and brandished it be fore his throat, and another who during his sermon weighted a balloon with a whisky bottle, may have convinced their congregations that drink is both guicidal and debasing, but they seem to have forgotten the rule of rhetoric that such similes burlesque both the subject and the object. Eccentric and "yellow" methods, whether in speech, or journal ism, or social life, may enforce atten tion and excite comment, but are mere tricious in character and of doubtful "utility. ' POSITIVELY !NE SEED OF TIIE CELEBRATED JACKSON AFRICAN .:. .:. LIMBLESS COTTON IS OWNED BY THIS COMPANY- PLANTERS ARB WARNED NOT to purchase cf others offering seed claiming it to be of this wonderfully prolific variety, as no seed not in our possession, or sold without our trade mark, as registered in U. S. Patent Cffics, can be authenticated as pure and genuine. Trade Mark. Ssnd for our Great Offer to Cotton Planters. AGENTS WANTED. JACKSON AFRICAN .:. .:. LIMBLESS COTTON CO., 9 1-2 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. 1 m , L Lartest ClratlatloB at anyratoriiar PublWatloa la U Wot. F. BStADBURY. Trata. C. E. FO0TE, Ste'f.r 6&0AP.3T; Bonon mm, ATTENTION! DIAMOND BOSTON, flASS., U. r I Agents wanted in every city and town. If none in yours, write to us today. A New Swindling Scheme. The new villain poses as an author. He writes to the typewriter, saying that he has a great deal of manuscript to be copied, but it is of incalculable value, and he requires a deposi jof $5 security for its safety before It can b forwarded. Once the trusting young woman has forwarded the deposit, the correspondence with the .author ends. Bobby's View. "I don't want to quarrel, mamma, . But it's this way don't you seeTf I can't agree with sister, And she won't agree with me." Bevjraref QpIJIVl J I ever give a remedy containing i )pium to your children. A rYefuse to accept strong, poisonous V edicines that are not Alone nauseating but dangerous. NoRMAN'S Ncntralhln? Cordial 5 aves children from premature death. yarries health and a new lease life to numbers of sufferers. Rosy cheelts, good appetite, restored igestion, are results of its use. 1 1 is the sovereign remedy for All affections of the stomach and Lower bowels. Absolutely cures " ' DYSPEPSIA. 2s and ;oc. at druggists and dealers. THE NORMAN CORDIAL CO., Prop's, g Charleston, S. C. 2 NORMAN'S INDIAN WORM PELLETS g Dnvr Wnrmt. The Best Liver PilSs. to and 2;c. Jl FOR 14 CEfJTSg W wish to rainUO.OOO naw cus tomsrs, and nance oner 1 vkr (aniT RiHinh. 1 Pkg. Early Sprin Turnipj Bismarck Oacnmber, Oaeen Victoria Lettuce, ldo A MO 0 Jnmbo Giant Onion, Brilliant Flower Seed, s TTorth $1.00, for 14 eenti. ATnvA 10 nlr. wrtVi HI 110. ota will A mail you free, together with our a great Plant And Seed Catalorn upon receipt of this notice and 14c. X poetage. We invite your trade and V know when yon once try Salter's G I til.jeedyon will never Ret alone with- f) liUUj' ont them. Potatoes a.t S 1.60 rift 4.Kiiki! a Bbl. Catalog alone 6c. o. Ac8S ' 10HX A. 81LZXR SEED CO., LA CROSSE, WIS. Q SEND FOR A BICYCLE Ulxh Grade 9S Models, 414 to 940. ... GREAT CLEARING SALB of '97 and ii models, best makes, 40.75 to $18. Sent on approvat ni7iOut a cent jxiyment. H'ree nee of wkeel to our agents. Write for our new pnn "tto-v to earn lcyc'e. ana make isrraae -wv moaeis sugntiy enopwornj, io.i eacn. " anacrtngs Awheel," a sourenir book of art, KKLh for Etnmp while they last. K. F. MEAD C'YCXE COJIPANV, ClilcaBo. ' r- ak. . . w u.a,..., - ,-m . ,-. rm 21 iMr-wlrilWn it I JMJ 9 2 10n V Joe O 10a 2 wm l : rial JBt ii"miT.l Other Wheels. wESTABUSHED ,88l... WESTERN REVIEW of COMMERCE pwMb, i. Bradhury Publishing Co., 22:225 DEARBORN STREET. 060. C. CARTER, Prae, Chicago. Febj 15th, (John f.z Lovell Arms Co. Boston, VatB .Gentlemen: Your esteemed favor of the' lltb intt. to hand and content . . . -i noted We thank you for your kind words of appreciation. We mean juat what we say, that for careful and scientific construe- tion and real practical value the Lovell Diamond is undoubtedly the best wheel made. In our investigation we examined 37 leading makes, and we were satisfied after most thorough tests that we. were Juetif led in giving the Palm to the 'Diamond.' Considering we were not influenced in any way by financial coo? - . " slderations, not even in the form of advertising patronage, you Bay rest assured that the decision was unprejudiced.. Wishing youfjccess in the coming season, we.are Yourf very.truly. CCMHttCE 5. A. BRANCH STORES; Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Bangor, Me. Portland, agent or sent by us on application. $1.00 F03 Y0U3 -PHiS PROPOSITION 1. SQUAW VINE TVIXE CERTiriCAxr, Write us 1st How Ion you hRVW sold Dr. Simmons Squaw Yinr yin"(Jor . State Diseases It cured. 3d t.ivo r, 1 ! those it cured. 4th State u,e (i ,T 'of between its Btrength and notion u1 strength and action of McElref v' fc 'Cardui. On receipt of letter r:lcwVne ' centlv taken Photoeraph we win Spri' i H.00 Bottle Squaw Vine Wine U hliy5'1 PROPOSITION 2. I "LIVER MEDICINE CEHtificatej I Write ns 1st now long you hav lo used or sold Dr. M. A. Simmons I h:,. ? ?? ' cine. 2nd State Diseases it cun-j ' names of those cured 4th Stu:o tho , v ence between its strength .mi a 1 "Oil M Stems ms of Herbs, andihuve fo!,I a; aw t ts per package, anVl should wt rc. r' nrcr iDrpntslf consumers nr.-. t .... 1 '"m upon, while Dr. M. A. JSircmoiw Liver cine, made from tho purest, ,K'y i the Bulbs of tho Roots nr. 1 ,v, ff Vat thmvn (nor MTITint lif KoM rt I cents, rne reason or uoauicnv.ci. i.. On June 30th, 18J3. tho Mi: ;,r- lC q'- enjoined J. H. Zeilin it Co. froi i 1-,l-...'l' uring and selling medicine i;n-i. r t; o "r ' Of "Dr. Simmons' Liver J!e lk i! . ' 9 ) Apain, tho United States cVurt, in jv. ' Zeilin cape atKnoxvIlle,Tcnn.,c:ij' ;n (lt-' ? old proprietors of tho articio i...v,- tr.'ltd "Black Draught" from ixri trat::ur frisul ' by using the words constituting t.. r t-a'e ' t name, and "Black Draught' wus m: I.owt i till after 1S76; yet tbey falsrly r-lv -Tf.- thu't f it was established in 15-10, End 'i'rli n. r t-,,)9 i by allowing thelrcustomcrs to unt:i f ,j' reprcscntitastheFflmctisourci.r.;.i: ..hr.j. cle, they giving color of truth tv t .o do- i ception by publishing the jlcti:ro r f a I)r Simmons on their wrapper, tlu-n 1 v sko. ciating their article with our Dr. M. A. Mm. mons' Liver Medicine, which ho tMblL-,!) '' in 1840, and every package of which u ! borne his picture nince I80O. On receipt cf letter enclosing a r rr';; t taken Photogrsph we will mnil yo 1 1 Jico ' Package Liver Medicine (F1IKK). S St, Lofi-,.Mo, Interesting Mexican itutn. An American who has recently visit ed the ancient desortcd City of I xiual, Mexico, says the Governor's ia!ac( is th? most Interesting ruin in AiinTi. It rises on a broad triple terra i and embraces court uikmi cotirt, l i.vs o( mighty pillars, and Ions stn;. Ils of empty halls. One of the pyr.ii -.Ids is surmountel by a temple, and hu-hIutIs 300 feet long, 200 feet wide and 7" U-t ;high, with a platform 7." feet y.:;v:v oa top. The -"hole city is pronouti-eJi 'maiestlc picture of desolation. .OSBORNE'S Anaimra, C.a. Actual buineft. buoi '. unuib viiuv. v. utiuii uuaru- etvu 1 lor r. i i OEM AND WOMEN WANTED d JTO TItAVl'I, for A rstiiLlis!,.-.! i n... ivf. lnanonf iHfitioti. 40 r.T Hi' Wli ainl :!i n. CHARLOTTE COMMERCIAL M OLLEGE, CHnRLOTTE, N. C. No Vacations Positions Guaranteed-Cm rt t f -h Km" and Iinor Iahit '''lrv) In lO to SO days. No i'ny till bi cured. ir. .1. i..M'hrn, t? U I"it. A, I.e!:ui(ii. Ohio. WHAT IJOK TAYiOIf," f OOV. OF Ti:XN., SAVS. t , Garble City Drug 3Ifg. Co.. Knoxvlllc, Trim. ! (ientleraen: In rely to our h t ' r of recent date, Will say tuat I did r.n ivi' :wt lieuents from "Dr. Frank's ('mr;li dir ." I consider it the best remedy for i-oncln ml ' colds 1 have ever used. Vours 1 n, . , Honou r I.. T,u i.'ik. For sale by all dru-ggists at2o., or 'nt lin ct . S N. U. No. 12. -"OH. T,lKy fc". Among ot'ier complimentary remarks the "Westers Re view of Com merce" says In its i..ucof Feb. III 25th, 1898 : 'Our repve Etntatives have therefore given close and criti cal attention U the claims c: all the leading makes of cy cles as found in their cata logues,, ami as presented by K agents and in terested wheel men. As a re sult of thor ough and prac tical tests and examinations, the unanimous verdict of our experts in favor of the Lovell Dia mond,' manu factured by the John P. Lov ell Arms Co., Boston, Massa chusetts, and was based up on general and symmetrical excellency i very part A bicycle, co pied with cor rect and scien the Birengin ana acuon or J. i 7" & Co. 's "Liver Keguhitor'" and thVo . ' nooga Medicine Co. 'a "mack Drav.iiht "i"4' ' Zeilin s answer to our t in fi;k), v V nnv; cine was designed as "chcrri 1 . ,r t cine for the negroes of th' 2::; . L ley." And Zeiliu's mnnfitcr u ! V, . case, and ZeiJin'sadvertieneit:., , I't. f all the Liver Medicinethey iin:W i.; 1 t the same formula." Whnt iui.ro . : . 'l evidence could there be thst fill C... rr uXe. !. Medicine is "che:ip necro ecu'c !:., mum YLa3al Advlra atvaa to ar tutoacrlbcra traaaf ckarxa. l6S8a A W 1 ' 1 IF. 1 . I. Me. tific design." 3lortg:?lt'

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