THE COUNTY UNION- DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered according to postal regula glons at the postoffice at Dunn, N. C, as tecond class matter. J. P. Pittman, Proprietor, A.M. Wood all, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months Six Months .25 Cents. .50 Cents. ......$1.00. One Year Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. iDunn, N. C, March 30, 1898. D EMOCRA TIC MASS MEETING The State Executive Commit tee of the Democratic party has called a Convention of the party to convene at Raleigh on Thurs day, the 2Gth of May next for the purpose of nominating Judges of the Superior Court, the adoption of a party platform and such other business as may come before it . For the purpose of appointing delegates to this Convention I hereby call amass meeting of the Democratic party of Harnett County to assemble at Lillington on Thursday the 28th day of April next. No Township Primaries will be held, but every person who may attend this mass meeting will be recognized as a delegate. Each township will be entitled to cast its vote according to its relative Democratic strength. Every white man in the Coun ty who is in favor of keeping the' management of the colored schools in the hands of the col ored people, and the -white schools in the hands of the whi.te people ; who is opposed to mix ing school committees among the two races ; who is in favor of the free and unlimited coin age of silver, and for a clean economical and patriotic, ad ministration of our State gov ernment free from scandal and jobbery, is invited to participate in this grand coming together of the people. Let everybody come out and hear the issues of the next campaign disscussed, and discuss them themselves. North Carolina must be redeem ed from the hands that now are stripping her of all her prestige, honor and glory, and she looks to every loyal son to help in this great undertaking. No questions of former party associations will be asked of anyone, only this qualifying question, are you in favor of re storing your native State to the hands and keeping of that proud Anglo-Saxon race to which you belong yourself and which has made North Carolina in the past one of the brightest stars in the galaxv of states that makes the American Un ion. ! With a reconciled and re-united Democracy the stains of the present will be effaced from our State's escutcheon, and the star that represents North Carolina on the American' flag will have restored to it its pristen lustre. D. H. McLean, Chairman Democratic executive Committe of Harnett County. . March 26th 1898. As we said last week war is close at hand. The papers to day (Wednesday) state that much excitement prevailed yes terday in both houses of Con gress and the general idea of the congressmen was that the United States should intervene in behalf of the Cubans at once. Several resolutions were intro duced in the Senate declaring for intervetioii and one went so far as to declare war against Spain. President McKinley is anxious for peace and has made a proposition to Spain to de clare an armistice of the war in Cuba until October arid settle the Cuban lira peaceful manner.r and try question The money power of the country wants no war with Spain and are with the Presi dent while the people are anx ious to help the starving Cu dans. If there is to be anv war Congress will have to declare it the president seems to be con trolled entirely by the money interest. Much excitement pre vails and there may be a serious - breach between Congress and ' the President. The matter will reach a crisis in the next few days and we are still of jthe opinion that it will be war. A stimulant is often needed to nourish and strengthen the roots and 1 iL. 1. . 1 . l iu Keep me uair a natural coior. Wall's FT air Renewer is the heat, tnnin tfor the hair. To Cuke Constipation Forever. a ase vascarets janay v;asnarirc. iuc or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure gists refund the money. Otus- Lillington Gleanings. By Telephone. Mr F. .R. Hall, spent Wednesday of Benson and Thurs- day here. Mrs. A. - F Johnson returned Saturday from a visit to friends at Poe's. Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Rod gers, of Buie's Creek, spent a day here last .week with friends. There was a colored wedding in town last Thursday. The parson failed to put in his ap pearance and the groom called on B. F. Shaw, Esq., who tied the nuptine knot. Mr. Jno. A. Rodgers spent Saturday in Dunn. Mrs. Albert Johnson has opened a millinery store here. We trust that she will receive a splendid patronage. Mr. D.McN. McKay, of Dunn, is in the village. Mr. T. W. Lawrason, of Fay etteville, was here yesterday. Rev. B. W. Hatcher, Grand Lecturer of the Masons, is de livering a series of lecturer in the Lodge here this week. Rev. A N Campbell, of Buie's Creek Academy, was visiting friends here yesterday. A genteel looking man, claim ing to be from- Georgia, and looking work on the , Court House, stopped at one of our hotels Monday night. Tuesday morning he skipped without paying his board bill. The pro prietor got on his wTheel and overtook him eight miles above here and got one-third of his bill for his pains. Beware of tramps. Dr. J. F. McKay, of Dickin son, was here Monday. - Several of our people attend ed church at Buie's Creek Sun day, j We are glad to note that Miss Alma Green, who has been quite sick, is convalescent. Miss Mary McKay, of Sura merville, spent Saturday here, with friends. The new drug store is now open for business and is pre pared to dispense medicines in good style and with accuracy. The store is very pretty and is quite attractive. We bespeak for the clever and accomodating proprietors much success. W. E. Murchison, Esq., of Jonesboro, is here on legal bus iness. Our wheelmen are practicing every day for the expected tour nament. March 30th "Y" A CARD. Editor Union : I beg leave to make a correc tion totthe statement which ap peared in your paper March 16th headed "A serious cutting affray," which was true only in part. The following is a true statement of the whole affair as it occurred : When we reached my home, Lee was drunk and using profand language and my wife ordered him to leave and he told her he ) would when he pleased with an oath to it, after which I ordered him to leave and he told me the same thing he told my wife. Then Lee struck me and jerked my feet from under me and got on me and began to choke me and told me he had me where he had wanted me for sometime. I turned him off and we both got up and I told Lee I did not want to fight him. He then pushed me against the fence and began to choke me again, and in a few moments the row ended and Lee left for his home. A.s to me whipping my wife I want everybody to know is whol ly untrue. J.C.Phillips. March 22,1898. Mr Phillips brought the above statement to us last Wed nesday and requested ys to pub lish it and we do so. The pub lic now have the statement of both parties to the affray. Lee's statement was made under oath when he did not know but what it would be his dying tes timony and is entitled more cre dence than Phillips'. Phillips was relating the cause and cir cumstances to us and we noticed that his throat anc neck was somewhat in nnH Via rld rr.rir - ri us unit it was uie resmt oi lee svii i.i-c i,; j ii . the s v,uuh.uiug niui, imu we couia not blame a man for using desper ate means to! rid himself of such and antagonist and told him so-; but we are reliably . inform ed that the jnflaraatjjQn I on his throat and neck was cause by a burn which he received some time previous to the fight with Lee. We learn that Lee is far from recovery from the wound and his condition is critical Btill. Editor. fLocnl Dots Gathered at lluie's Creel. By Telepnone. Rev. C W. Byrd, ' ville, visited his parents Ash here last week. " Cadets R. E. Lee and M. W. Simons spent Saturday and Sun day at Dunn. Mr. John Rodgers, of Lilling ton, spent Sunday here with friendsr Rev. B V Hatcher filled Rev. J. A. Campbell's pulpit at ,Buie's Creek c h u r c h Sunday morning and in the evening-preached to the students at .'the Academy. Monday night he delivered a lecture on Masonry to the Cadets. Rev. A. N. Campbell, filled his monthly appointment at Antioch church Saturday "and Sunday. Miss Lilly Parrish has re turned to her home in Benson much to the regret of her friends here. ' Clem Bryan, Esq., a former student, spent Sunday here with friends. W. G. Hall, our former catch er on the baseball team, is with us again. V Cadet R. E. Lee has purchas ed a new bicycle. Cadets Downing, Strickland, Hall, Spears and Biggs spent Saturday in Dunn. 1 Mrs. K. Byrd, of Barclays ville, spejit Friday night here with friends. Dr. J. C. Goodwin spent sev-, eral days here this week with his family. ; The Eutrophian Society has selected the following orators and declaimers to represent at at commencement : Orators : WGHall, of Falcon;, W A Stancil, of Garner ; W T Hurst, of Morrisville. Declaimers : J W Autry, of Cumberland ; Sam McLamb, of Johnston, and Floyd Taylor of Harnett. Mch. 30th. St. John. From all over the country come words of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Here is a sample letter from Mrs. G. Sbep, of Little Rock, Ark : "I was suffering from a very severe cold, when I read of the cures that bad been effected by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy I conclud ed to give it a trial and accordingly procured a bottle. It gave me prompt relief, and I have the best reason for recommending it very highly, which 1 do with pleasure." For sale by N. B. Hood, Dunn, N. C. The wrist contains eight bones tlie palm, the fingers have four teen. "I can say one thiDg for Chamber Iain's Colic, Gholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and that issthat it excels any proprietary medicine I have seen on the market, and I have r been in the practice of medicine and drug business for the past forty yaars" writes J. M. Jackson M. D.., Bronson, Fla Phy sicians like Chamberlain's Uolic, Chol era and, Diarrhoea Remedy because it is' a scientific preparation, ar;d because it always gives quick relief. Get a bottle at N. B. Hood's drug store. The normal weight of the liv er is between three and four pounds. It is a great leap fiom the old fashion ed doses of blue-mass and nauseous 'phy sics to the pleasant little pills known as DoWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure constipation, sick headache and bil iousness, llood & Grantham. Hair is very strong; a single hair will bear a weight of 1,150 grains. A torpid liver robs yon. of ambition and nuns your health, lie Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and iver trou bles. Hood & Grantham. The human skeleton, u- sive of teeth, consists of bones. 208 Thirty-Ave years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of anesyille, O., sutured from piles. lie was emcci by using three boxes of De VittV Witch' Uu4 .Salve. Hood & Grantham. I Julia Magruder's New Novelette.: "A Heaven-Kissing Hill" is the na.m,e of Julia Magruder's new novelette which is begun in the April Ladies' Home Journal. It is said to be by all odds the best thing tjiat has come from the penof the 'author of "A Beautiful Alien," "The Clirftl Amy," "The Princess Soma," and half a score other quite as strong and interesting atones Miss Magruder lays scene of her storv in New York, and far her heroine takes a reigning belio of thV' most "ex clusive social circle of (Jothartf . The next important personage -..young painter. The story isorateedingly ingen ious, and is dramatically and forcibly told. , Educate Yojjb Bowei With Cas- C A RETs". f ' ; ' Candy Cathartic, eyre constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, lrug gin refund money. , . u Ayer's Sarsaparilla is GOOD , for r.: diseases that have their 'orilii in impure blood. It is than other sarsaparillas, bet ter made, of better ingredients and by better methods. Its record of cures proclaims it the Dickinson Sparks. Caught over the Telephone. Mrs.Z.T. Kivett, of Lilling ton, spent Thursday night with Mrs. Dr. McNeill. A. L. Byrd, Esq., the marve lous whistler, was a visitor to this community last Thursday. Mrs. L. D. Parker, of Linden, visited Mrs. Dr. McNeill last week: Mr. N. G. Myatt, Jr., has purchased a bicycle and is learn ing to ride. Mr. D. McN. McKay is at Lillington this week assisting j. F. McKay & Co., in opening their drugstore. Miss Lizzie McKay gave our young people a pleasant enter tainment with a game of "old maids" at her home last Fri day evening, which was very highly enjoyed by all present. "Clement Axsil" MarcirSOth. For some time, I have suffered with rheumatism and tried every imagina ble remedy, without effect. Mr. F. G. S. Wells advised me to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, telling me that it had cured many cases of long stand ing like mine. I have used four bot tles and feel sure that one more bottle will make my cure complete. A. P. Kontz, Claremore, Ark. Sold by N. B. Hood, Dunn, N. C. ACETYLENE GAS. The Light Of The Future Why not be independent and 9vn your own little gas plant which will give four times more light than ordinary gas or5 elec tric lights at one half the cost? Applicable for use in churches, stores, factories, hotels, resi dences and country homes ; sa fer than ordinary gas or kero sene lamps. " Approved by all the Boards of Underwriters throughout the United States. We want a first class agent in every town. Write for catalogue and prices. The Acetylene Gas Machine Co., Akron, Ohio. N m UP-TO-DATE GROCERY STORE. J. L. BINT0N. I desire to inform the public that my store can now be found on Broad street next door to J, D. Barnes. I keep at all times a well selected stock . of Drv Goods and Notions, and sell at Hard Time Prices. o o Or R 0;C ERIES: Youcan always find at my store a choice stock of Heavy q-nd Fancy .Groceries. Thank ing you for past . favors and inviting you to call and see me in my new quarters, . I remain, Yours truly, J. L. BENTON. OfV PLEASURE tU AM BUSINESS you always like t,o drive stock and liaye goo4 good VEHICKLES, You can secure both by calling on LANE & GALBRAITH, Dunn's up-to-date- Liverymen. Rales ItenHonable. EXECUTOR' SNTOTICE. IIavtijoruaJifie.J Executor to the last will and testament of' Henry' Wat son, deceased, late of Harnett Coihtr, X. C, this is to notify all persors having claims against the est ite of said deceased to f xhibit them to the nndersinfd on or before 20th day of March, 1809, or this notice will be plead in bar of them recover-. All person? indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meut. 'Vpte the 19th day of March 1S9?3. J, D. Wear hers. Mch-30-6t " Executor. mm A NEW SPRING Wot ! o- -o My elegant stock of AKD HANDSOME MILLINERY has been bought and is now arriving, o o I have as usual, the I it in every department, and it is always my aim to please my patrons. My prices i are very reason able, and as low as any. While it raav seem a little early in the season to talk millinery, I wish to say in advance that I have spared neither money nor labor in making my display this season the grandest : I have ever shown. Very respectfully, Mrs. J. H. Pope. THE WHITE 2" a1 It has been tried and proven to be the best. Do vou need a a Sewing Machine? If so you want the White with all the lat est improvments. Get prices on the White before you buy. Sold on easy terms and guaran teed to give satisfaction by E. H. Woodall, 3-9-lm. Benson, N. C. THE I ATE ST IN SPRIXG THING I HE ATE ST IX I E. W. Jul is now prepared to show a most beautiful line of Spring and Summer Millinery, selected from the Northern Markets in person. Also a nice assortment of Silks for Shirt waists. In Chiffons and Laces, I have all the Novelties and latest styles. Dress Trimmings and sash Rib bons in great variety. I have taken great pains in selecting a suitable line of Headwear "of every becoming style for chil dren and I think all the little ones can be suited with a stvlish Cap. I will keep this season on hand, and order as the demands require, a nice line of ready made Skirts, both Silk and Brilliantines at prices to suit all, and have now some real values in these goods. : For school commencements I have a nice line of; Dress Goods suitable for the occasions in Lawns, Organdies, India Linens and other Spring and Summer fabrics. Gall early an4 ee the New Spring styles. I hope to serve you as satisfactorilly this seas on as last. With many thanks for past favors, I am, 1 Respectfully, MRS. E. W; ANDERSON, i Dunn, N. C. Mar. 23-'98-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Having duly qualified as the administra tor of p. D. Byrd, deceased, notice is hereby given to all person? holding claims agafnsfXeaid estate to present the same for payment, duly verified, on or before the 3rd day of ' .v arch, I!0, or tins notice plead in bar of their re covery.' All persons indebted to said es tate are hereby nojiflejj to niake immedi ate payment of the same. Tijis Kerjru ary 25th. ISp8, - Db. O, L. Dexnino, Adm'r. Jones & Stewart. Attys. Mcn-2-6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Tlie undersigned, having this dav oual- iffed as Adi-jhiiitrafo): pf the estate of Alexander Cameron, deceased, hereby notifies all person having claims against said estate to present the same to him at Swann's Station, N. C, within the time limited by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. This Feb ruary 21st.. 1S98. W. K. Mcbchisox, W. n. SlKES, McJi-2-6w, Att'y. Administrator. wm MIl'li XNL HOOD, Tie uiil DUNN, My stock consists of anything found in a first-class Drug Store which Tam selling cheaper than ever for the cash.- Prescriptions compounded with care and accuracy. I thank all for past favors, and invite you to come and see me. I do a straight legal business. Mr. A. L. Pearsall is with me and he invites all his friends to call and see him. I. - r Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, , N. B. HOOD. Spiii O- HOOD & GrRAKI3TI?IAM, V THE LARGEST DEALERS IN DRUGS, DRUG GISTS' SUNDRIES, Seeds, School Books, &c, in the county, arc still fighting high prices and offering Pure Goods at the lowest prices. ' Tli ey are always glad to see you whether ou buy or not. Plenty of chairs and a hot, stove. 7Mail orders have prompt attention. D. II. Hoon. Dunn, War Declared I .V 1 Viirf' ! I . - 9 The trip-will be made on one of the latest improved, 1898, Bicycles sold by GASNEY & JORDAN. We make a specialty of Bicycles, and Bicycle Sundries, we also repair broken parts. Remember we keep constantly on hand a complete line of Jewlery. Watch and Clock repairing a specialty.' M WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABQTjT IT ; Dusar, N. C., Mar. 30, 189 2284 persons now using Indian Herbs. - Why ? Because it bao the d-nircd effcets tLd it is so cbcap, 180 doses for 01 00 W. V V'H Kit. Hensoi-, C, March 10th, J8'JS. Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. C Dear Sirs: . I suffered greatlyj with a ek''n disease called roseolia; my appetite was very poor. It is good now and your Indian Herbs cured the ekin disease and I cheerfully recommend your medicine with the wish that it may be known to all sufferers Thanking you for my cure, I am Yours gratefully, ' i. Y' 'Johnson. . Picfcinson. N. C., Ifarch 2st, lSljS' Great American Herb Co, Washington, j. (j Gentlemen? I feel extremely grateful to you for the great good your Jodian Ihrba has done me. I suffered from a seyere attaok of rheumatism and it cured me. ijy limbs were swollen and for pometime I poqld not work- I recom mend Indian Herbs to my friends since it has done o nuoh for uie. With grateful feelings, I am, Sincerely yours, 13 W. Barber. 3" Any one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it at L. P. Jernian's store or at my lesidence. W F. UTTER. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Jiv virtue of a decree at the KurriVju - i, 1 ' - : r w i' twi ,u,-1" l!i p? J-- c UwH'Jrch vs. I Ml IIP I i nr-liiirf-h anri Atlmn'n r ' r " -. j-u uiiu f "Sill on Monday. April 4th, I898, at the Court House in Lillington, N. C, sell tq the Highest bitlJer, for cash, the following described tract-of yinir 0n JJlack river, beginning at a stake in Barbae' Jine, Matthews' coi ner, and run ent 91 .ia . then N. 6 E. 6.f0 chains; then wet' 3 chains; then N. 11 W. 37.J)0 chains in Black river: then unuin riv.t-? rn :..;. f v, v. j viiani 1 to Barbee's line: then south 21.50 chains: j uien soutb 13 W. 24:80 chains to the be-l ffinninsr. Containinsr si7i :iers nuro rr ' - - O 4 f 71 i-'eDriiary yjjtii, ibgs. ---4w. Commisslnnei rFpea leal in - - - N. C. nq ill -O n r m n G. K. Grantham. N. C. 323 The time has come when John must bid his devoted companion good-bye and go to the field of battle, and now conies the parting scene. He has by his side the time-piece that he purchas ed years ago from Gaiin v & Jordan, which he pin poses to carry with him. s o- -0 EDS THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER And Liver Regulator on Eartji W. F. UTTER, Geiieial'Agf'iu Dunn, N. C. MORTGAGE SA.E. By virtue of power conferred by mort gage executed to me by ' Jmih'-j Al Mr f.ppdah( Wtjlinm'p. McLeod, I vfl sell at publip auch'pn, tp tie fighVft bjddei'. for cash, at the Cpurt Jloii-e dcvr lil lington, N. O., on Satin).y, Api Uth 18'Jrif at 1? o'clock, M,, a certain tract tt land in Black Jtiver roH'nshjp, ifr'tf c unty, N. C, oontajnjiis: nurv inoic or less, adjoining the land of MNs Mary Stewart and others. For a more com plete description reference is made to Hook II No. 2, pa-je 477, Register of Deeds office, Harnett county, where said mortgage is recorded. This February 28th., 1293. ' " " C. ArETfK., 3-2-4t. Mortgage!, 4 4 L 4J

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