"What Is Tetterlne? It Is a fraerant, ncctnous ointment of Rreit eoolingand healint? power. Itisgoort fur Tet ter, Hiiiuworru, Eczema and aJl roughness of the t-kin. Jt stop pain and itching at once, jind it property uted will poitivelv cure even the worst of l:hro.fc cases. .7) cents at a drusf tore or bymail for 50 rents in stamps. J. T. tbuptrine,Srwannah. Ga. A sort of opium Id obtained from the corn iron lettuce. ' B. B. B., Never Fails to Cure All manner of J5lood Trouble-;, Syphilitic and Mercurial Rheitrn&tism. 11.00 per large bottle. for t;2.50, at tiriijjri(istfl, or sent for price, ex press paid, by 5iiood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ua. rBooks oi'kouderful cures sent free. t i Mosjo'w has a hospital largo enough to hold 7,000, persons. . - Don't TRY to keep house without Blue T?ibbon Kakin? Powder. At all (irocera. H. 1'. 14. P. Company, Richmond, Virginia. In Hamburg the authorities tax a dog ac cording to its size. I-yon Sr t'o'ft "Pick Leaf" fM-.tokiux Tohacxo Istha "best of the best."' 2 ounces and clar- irj Tjoot lor i'J cents, i ry it. The cathedral of Rouen boasts a "which has kept time for 500 years. Don't Tobacto Spit and Smoke lour Life Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be tnag retic. full or Me, nerve and vigor, take No-To-liac. the wtfnder-woiker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or f I. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Thellriest shops in a Chinese city arc those devoted to the sale of coffla3. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Broino Qulnina Tablet v - Ail XJrugglsts refund money if it fails t; 25;. ' The wise father always tries to bring up tils children In the way ho should have gone. Fits permanently cured. No fl's or hervou J nes niter first day's ue of Dr. Kline (ireat ervo Restorer, atrial bottle and t! cutis; free Dn. R. II. Klink, Ltd., Arch St., Plain, Pa A cow may have many' good qualities, but fcheis too modest to blow her own Lorn, No-To-Hac for Fifty Centa. Guaranteed tobacco habit eure, make weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, il. AH druggists. Railway engines are not allowed to blow their whistles within the city limits of Berlin. Anew kind of cloth is mai.3 in Lyons, France, from the down of hens. 'ducks and geese. M. Tj.. Thompson & Co., Drujfcist. Coudt rs port, ill., say Hall's Catarrh Cure is the best nd only sure cure for catarrh tlu-v ever sold. DniRKists sell it. 75c. ' No mnohino has yet laken the place of na ture's teaslu in finishing various grades of woolen cloths. Edoeate Yonr "Bowels With CascaretB. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. The republic of Uruguay has more newspa pers in proportion to Its population thauauv country in the world. ' . r Mrx. Winalow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reducing inilam-i-tion, allays paiu.cures wind colic, tiV. a bottle. Clouds more generally form in the upper regions of the atmosphere because it is nor mally colder in the higher regions. To Car Constipation Forever. Take Cascaiets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. It is said that Chinese cannot be telegraph ed, but that figures have to bo used which correspond with certain words. There may hr wars and rumors of war. but our darling little babies imv s'eken and dia unless we give DR. .MOKFKTT'S I ekthinx t I'KETIIIKtr POWDERS). 'Ir.ETiiix.v AUU Digestion, Regulates the How. Is -and makes teething easy. A woman can get a shiftless husband in noout live minutes, but it sometimes takes a 'lifetime to get rid ef him. ST. VITUV DANCE. SPASMS and all uer yousdiseases permanentlv cured by the use of l?,rV.Yine,s ;-eat Nerve Restorer. Send for I RKL 1.(10 trial bottle and treatise to Dr. R. il. Kline, Ltd.,l Arch Street, Phila., Pa "When people throw an elocutionary note into their voices, it will not do to bank on their sincerity. a Younger sister (sentimentally) '"They say love is blind." Elder sister -And dumb, too, 1 think." Bazar. experience And Not Experiments, Should be Your Aim In Buying PJledicine.. Let others experiment; you should be guided by experience. Expo-iments are uncertain in result; experience is sure. Ex periments may do you harm; experience proves that Hood's Sarsaparilla will do you ' wonderful good. Thousands gladly tell what Hood's has dono for them. 'They want you to know and they urge you to try it. That is what is meant by the vast number of testimonials written in behalf of Hood's Snrsaparilla. They give the re sults of experience ami prove that OOCTS Dma Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. (let only Hood's. H 7 Hnnrl'i Pills aro eentl, miid, eirec- nUUU b rlllb uVe. All druggists. 25c. . . w b.awa m n . w v m a. . ft mild and effective laxative they are simply won derful. My daughter and 1 were bothered with siek stomach and our breath was very bad. After taking; a few doses of Cascarets we Lave improved wonderfully. They nro a (treat help lathe family." WlT.TffcT.IHIVi Kicri 1137 ttittennouse St., Cincinnati, Ohio. rieasant. Pahitable. Potent. Taste Good. I)o Good, Never Sicken. W eaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c, 50c. CURE CONSTIPATION. Btril Rfmfd? CowpT, fhlre, otrrml. Krw Vork. M5 NO.Tn.Qin Sf,,dln piaranteed by all drojt-RU-I U-3AW gists to CUUE Tobacco HabltT pilARLOTTE COMMERCIAL UOLLEGE, CflftRLOTTE, H. C. Ko Vacatlona Positions Qaaranteed Catalogue Fre and Llqaor Habit cured In 10 to 20 days. No pay till cured. Ir. . I. L. Stephens, Dept. A, Lebanon, Ohio. TUAC'lIEBS WANTED. -8000 vacancies. 103 teachers needed now to contract for next term. Offices in 10 cities. Un'on Tea"h ers' Agencies of America, Pittsburg, Pa , , , AlVew and itulck Methed for making your own mattress, try it. Box 300. Franklin lrov?, HI. If afflieted with V Thompson's Eye Water aore eyes yon fon't see what you want, look again, snd Undtnz It ' vott nw It here. : o. 19 WIH8 WrtBE ALL ELSE FAILS. KAvgn fcyrup. Tastes Good. in lime. Ko nv nrnairimt- SAP Os iM WL CAN DY TJ CATHARTIC , MOf MARK RtsrvrtRCO IF IBest IB K FROM RALEIGH. The Negro Troops Will Be En camped at Fort Macon, k FIRST AND SECOND REGIMENTS The War Department Reduces the Number of Men In Koch Company From Eighty-Four to Eighty. The companies of the First Eogimeut, North Carolina Volunteers, ere lettered si follows: A, Charlotte, captain Thomas R. Robertson;. Ii,; Goldsboro, T.: H. Eain; C, Winston, J. C. Eersent; D, lieidsviilo, A. J. Ellington; E, .Statesville, R. L. Flannagan; F, Ashe ville, T. W. Bookhart; G, "Shelby, J. T. Uardner; H, Waynesville, AV. J. Haunah; I, Duiharn, J. C. Michie; K," Raleigh, A. J. Crawford; L, Concord, Eumond Hill; M, Charlotte, H. Kchad wick. The four surgeons examined the men. The physique of the latter is good and comparatively fev' were re jected. The following companies compose the Second Regiment: Capt. I'orcyGray, Greensboro; James II. Holt, Burlington; Robert L. Dur ham, GastouiaJ ivy For wan, Washing ton; John W. Cotten, Tarboro; J. T. Smith, Greenville; H. L. Skinner, Ox ford; W. T. R. Bell, Rutherfordton; S. J. Cobb, Lumber Bridge; Donald Mc Rae, Wilmington; B. O. Gladstone, Reideville; Ji Vr. Cooper, Murphy. It has been settled that each" of the two regiments are to have three battalions. The following scraps of war news is taken from the Charlotte Observer, un der date of the 0th: While the President called for 2,CG7 men from this State, the allotment by the Secretary of War is only for 2,20; in other words, for two regiments of in fantry and a heavy battery. There will be three companies of ne-. gro troops and this battalion will, as already stated, be encamped at Fort Macon. Jim Young, of Raleigh, it is said is-to 'be promised the command, with rank of major. Tho Adjutant-General says the pay of tho volunteers dates from April 27fh, the date of the order of mobiliza-, lion. The Adjutant-General says Acting Quartermaster R. C. Marshall, U.S.A., leceived a telegram from the War De partment ordering all arms and equip ment in tbe possession of the 2sorth Carolina National Guard to be sent to Raleigh and directing him to receipt to the State for the same. The Adjutant General has telegraphed the Secretary of War that eighteen companios volun teered while only twelve failed to vol teer, and that the latter are needed as a police power for the State. He request ed that the arms held b3T them be not ordered in. He expects a favorable re ply. It is probable that all these rifles are being called in to be sent to Cuba for use in arming the insurgents, as 10,000 havo been called in fromthemil itavy schools for the same purpose. An order was received from the War Department reducing the number of enlisted men in each company from eighty-four to eighty, and there was a dropping of forty-eight men. Quite a large number of these "left-overs" are here ready to joiu other companies if they are needed. ' The followiug is the formation of the batallions of the First Regiment: First companies. A, C, D and B; second companies, E, G, II and F; third companies, T, L, M and K. Reports come hero that the test of the eight-inch disappearing guns at Fort Caswell were extremely satisfac tory. -People who came here from Wil mington say that city is safe from at tack. , Comment is yet made on the large r umber of officers and men of the Vol unteers who passed the phj-sical exami nations at CampGrimes. "Capt. H. R. Cowle?, adjutant, who failed to pass by reason of defective ej'esight, feared he would fail. On his return to States ville he will organize a home guard compauy. liieutonaat Richmond P. Davis, of the United States Army will be made lieutenant colonel of the First Regi ment. There will be three majors to each regiment The War Department 'urges that this State put two companies of infantry at Fort Caswell as a support to the battery there. All of the companies that have been ordered to Raleigh have been examined and mustered into the United States Army. The number of men being re jected by the examining physicians were very few, which goes to show that North Carolina's quota of volunteers are men physically able to stand the hard ships 6f army life. -- . Ex-State Printers' Answer. Stewart Brothers, of WTnston, former State printers, have filed an answer to the complaint filed some time ago by State Treasurer Worth, and in said answer they deny specifically the charges contained in the complaint of the State Treasurer, and setup in detail a long counter claim, in which they allege that the State owes them the sum of $18,000 or more. Appointed a Referee. Samuel P. Mordecai, of Raleigh, is made a referee in the case of the State Treasurer against Stewart Brothers, ex-public printers. It will be remem bered that the Treasurer got judgement against the Stewarts for something like $20,000. Kingston Leaf Tobacco Sales. The sales of leaf tobacco on the Kin ston market the past season aggregated about 8,000,000 pounds. The outlook for next season is that a very much higher quantity will be sold. Kinston has a very able and substantial lot of business men connected with its ware houses, and our corps qf buyers is as strong as has eastern market. Kinston Free Press. Turpentine Drippings. Work has begun on the railroad from Apex to a point in Harnett conntv, near Lillington. The depot of the S. A. L. at Frank linton has been burned, with all its contents, and the telecraph office. Goldsboro trucking season is now on Rnd immense shipments of berries, peas and other truck are being made daily. Ernest Kelly, who is .charged with the killing of his brother near Old Fort in McDowell county, was arrest ed in Asheville. Robert Hayes, a white man charged with the murder of Joseph Dement, in Vance county, in August, 1892, has been -arrested in Nashville, N. C, and committed to jail at Henderson. FIFTY.FIFTII CONGRESS. The War Deficiency BUI as Passed Carries $35,720,945. The war deficiency bill, passed by Congress carries an appropriation of $35,720,943. The bill makes all of th items available nntil January 1st) 1899. For the transportation of the army and its supplies $6,000,000 is appro priated. The fortification . feature of the bill, including cannon, ammunition, machinery, etc, carries 32,886,800. A signffican feature is an, appropria tion of $150,03-1 for the expeditionary force to Cuba. With it is a foot-note from Major General .Miles, urging that the fuud is required with the least pos sible delay. The largest item under any head is $10,000,000 for clothing, camp and garrison equippage. THE SENATE. May -2d. The Senate passed " the emergency war deficiency bill, carry- ing3o,720,943. Hawley, chairman of the military affairs committee, secured the passage of a bill providing for the enlistment of a volunteer brigade of engineers, and of 10,000 men in the" South who are immune to yellow fever, these- enlistments to be in addition td those provided for in the President' call for 125,000 volunteers. The toeri will enlist "for the war." Two other war measures were passed, one sus pending for the duration of the war the restrictions placed by existing laws upon' the quartermaster's department of the army, in order that supplies may be purchased without the present form alities, and providing that owners of mining claims shall not forfeit them for not performing assessment work upon them, provided they enlist for the war. The resolution presented by Butler, of North Carolina, declaring there is no necessity existing for issuing Jbonds to provide funds for the war, and in favor of the levying of an income tax, was laid before the Senate, and after a short statement by Butler in support of it, was referred to the finance committee. At 1 p. m. the Senate went into execu: tive session. At 2:35 p. m. the doors were opened and a recess was taken until 3 to await the arrival of the emer gency: war appropriation bill from the; HonseL It was given immediate con- aidexation and passed. The Senate then at 4 o'clock adjourned until the 4th. Max' 4th. In the Senate the confer ence report on the fortification appro-; priation bill was presented and agreed to. Stewart, of Navada, offered an amendment as a substitute for the loan and bond sections of the war revenue" bill which provided for the issuance of 8300, 000, 000 of Treasury notes. The following resolution to the con stitution, relating to the succes sion of the Presidency, was adopted: "In all cases not provided for by arti cle second, clause fifth, of the Consti tution, where there is no person entitled, to discharge the duties of the office of the President, the same shall devolve upon the Vice-President. The Con gress may by law provide for the case where there is no person entitled to hold the office bf President or Vice President, declaring what officer shall act as President and such officer shall act accordingly until the disability shall be removed or a President shall be elected. " Mills, of Texas, proposed an amendment in the shape of a new section intended to authorize Congress to lay a tax on incomes in such a form as to meet . the requirements of the de cision of the Supremo Court, but it was defeated by a vote of 32 to 29. J ; May 5th. The Senate had under consideration the postoffice appropria tion bill. The measure carries $99, 221, 300 being very mach the heaviest of all the appropriation bills. The most important action taken upon the measure was the adoption of an amend ment offered by Tillman, of South Carolina, reducing the number of de liveries of mail in all cities to a num ber not exceeding four each day. The amendment waa sharply antagonized as a blow to business interests in the large cities, but the feeling of the Senate wss such, that, despite the vigorous opposition, it pre vailed by a decisive majority. The appropriation of $300, 000 for rural mail delivery was stricken out. Just before adjournment the Senate passed an important war measure authorizing the President and officers of the army to supply the Cuban insurgents with arms and munitions of war, and em powering officers of the army serving in Cuba to supply the needy inhabi tants of the island with medicines and subsistence. f. THE HOUSE. May : 2d. The passage of the emer gency war appropriation bill was the feature of the day in the House. The naval appropriation bill, with the Sen ate amendment approving the payment of officers of the naVy for the use of their inventions by the government stricken out, was reported from con ference and passed. It now goes to the President. A number of bills bf minor importance were passed, and the Alaska land bill conference report was reject ed. Dingley, of Maine, in advocating the war emergency appropriation, called attention to the probable expense ol the war and the necessity for extraor dinary revenue. He said the $50, 000,000 appropriated for defence had been exhausted; that the present emergency bill carried .3t, 000,000 and the expenditures made necessary by reason of the war would probably amount very soon to $100,000,000. be cause of the fortification appropriation. The bill was then passed without di vision The bill to increase the num ber of surgeons in the army was passed. It provides for an increase of fifteen assistant surgeons, with the rank of first lieutenant to be appointed after examination by an army medical board. It also authorizes the Surgeon General with the approval of the Secretary ol Wav, to appoint in emergency as many contract surgeons as may be necearv. May 3r. In the House the bill to pay the Richmond Locomotive Works a claim for $u0,5c0 damages forr losses incurred by the claimant by reason o1 governmental delay in preparing the battleship Texas for reception of ma chinery, furnished by the company, was passed. At the night session twenty-two pension bills and a number of acts correcting millitary records of and removing charges of desertion standing against soldiera, weie rassed. May 4th. The House has adopted the conference report upon the fortifi cations bill. The remainder of tbe ses sion was consumed with the considera tion of the Alaskan land bill, and e resolution for the passage of an act pro hibiting the passage of importations io bond through the territory of the Uni ted State? intj the 'Tree Zore" ci Mexico. The latter was passed, "but the Alaskan measure went over. May 5th. The House disposed ol two important measures. The Alaskan land bill extending the homestead laws to,' and providing for, land railway rights of way, as amended by the Sen ate and agreed upon in conference, was passed. The labor arbitration meas ure, providing for the arbitration ol labor disputes between employes and certain common carriers, a bill which had received very wide endorsement by labor organizations throughout the country, received the approval of the House. A number of minor bills were also passed. The House adjourned until the 9th.. FIEE'S BUGLE The Gillies Cenotaph Unveiled at Guilford Battleground. SEVERAL PATRIOTIC SPEECHES, It Was Erected by the Oak RIdgt Students In Ilonor of the Brave Revolutionary Lad. A Special to the Charlotte Observer from Greensboro, of the 6th, says: The Gillies monument was unveiled to-day at Guilford Battleground. Gillies (firs name not recorded in any history) was killed by Tarleton's dragoons near Oak Ridge on the morning of Feb. 12th, 1781, during Green's famous retreat to the north side of Dan river. He was with a scouting party, buthad just been dismounted and made to exchange horses with the guide and had been or dered to the rear, with information for the colonel. The guide and others, who .,. ft . . ffrv , l:at: II! r 1 had gone forward, had met the enemy, and being outnumbered, dashed down the road. The dragoons overtoolOho bugler, who was left in the race owing to the countryman's inferior horse, and killed him with their sabers. The Americans, now re-enforced, rushed to his rescue, but too late to save him. They killed eighteen of the dragoons in the fight and captured the captain. The literary societies of Oak Ridge Institute have erected this cenotaph to the memory of the bugler. It cost them about $250. - The bronze is very beautiful. At the top is the figure of the bugler in uni form of Lee's, Legion, superbly mount ed. The following is the inscription: GILLIES. Light Horse Harry Lee's Bugler, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. Erected by the Literary Societies and Alumni of Oak Ridge Institute, May Gtb, 1898, tothn memory of tho callaht Gillies, who fell under the swords of Tarleton's dragoons, near Oak Ridere, N. C. Febrbary 12th, 1781: a noble sacrifice to bis own generosity and for his country's freedom. The following programme of theun veiling ceremonies was carried out: Prayer by Rev. T. M. Johnson, Greens boro. N. C. , ; music by High Point Cor net Band; presentation of tho cento graph to the Guilford Battle Ground Company by R. T. Barnhill, Philoma thean Society, Oak Ridge Institute; speech of acceptance on behalf of the company by Z. V. Taylor, Esq. , Greensboro, "N. 0. ; music: "The Part of the Young Men in the Revolution. " W. L. Cridlebaugh, Athenian So ciety, Oak Ridge Institute; "The Bugler Boy, "' a poem by Mrs. ; M. D. Hundley, of Greensboro, N. C, read by Prof. J. A. Holt, Oak Ridge Insti tute; music; remarks representing the alumni, Hon. John R. Webster, Reids ville, N. C. ; remarks by distinguished visitors; patriotic songs by .young ladies of the State Normal College; un veiling; cenotaph by Miss Capel, Greensboro Female College; Miss Holt, Salem Female Academy; Miss McGe hee, State Normal and Industrial College; Miss Holt, Oak Ridge Insti tute. Prof. M. ,H. Holt was master of cere monies. A Snow Blizzartl In 31 ay. A- special to the Chaalotte (N. C.) Observer from Micayr Mitchell county, of the 7tb, says it seems almost incred ible, but nevertheless it is snowing hard here this morning. It is a regular blizzard. New Pensions to North Carolinians. Pensions have been granted to North Carolina as follows: Hiram N. Wheeler, Pensacola, $G; Robert West, Munford, increase, S6 to $10; Alex. Smith, Scot land Neck, $G; Larhin Smith, Ply mouth, $6. Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn. W. H. S. Burgwyn has been made colonel of the Second Regiment of Volunteers. Cyclone atKlkin. A special to the Charlotte (N. C. ) Ob server from Elkin says a small cyclone struck Elkin on the afternoon of the 6th, a few minutes be fore 4 o'clock, blowing down houses, barns, trees, etc., and severely injuring two people, it seems that two clouds came together in the western part of town, the velocity of the wind being more than, sixty miles an hour. The most seriouS damage occurred at the residence of Mr. J. O. Chatham, on Franklin Heights. The wall of his house, which is built of brick, were blown in, brick and timber falling on his wife and daughter, 3Iiss Lula, ser iously injuring them. Other damage was done throughout the town. mm v . In Johnson county Miss Mary Ivey committed suicide. She had been in the insane asylum at Raleigh and last November she was discharged as cured. The long-delayed Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad case has at last been decided by the United States cir cuit court of appeals. The opinion is a very long one and was written by Judge Goff, Judge Parneli dissenting. There are two points decided in the opinion; 1. That the past due interest coupons are to be paid before the prin cipal of the bonds. 2. That the road shall be sold as an entirety. Great Picture-buyer (to hostess)--"What do you think of an artist whQ painted cobwebs on the ceiling o truti fully that the servant wore herself into an attack of nervous pros? rata ion try ing to sweep them down?" Hostess (a woman, of" experience) "There may have' been such an artist, but there never was such" a-servant." Tit-Bits, The bows of the North American In dians were usually made from a species 0 0 -v A Cheerful TTomn. . - From, Vie Democrat, JtrazU, Ind. Every woman cannot be beautiful, but a cheerful face Often supplies the deficiency; But nrt one can be cheerful and bring Joy to ethers unless they Jiave perfect health. Fortunately, science has placedthis 'price less boon within the reach of every woman 03 tho following iacideat proves: Mrs. Amanda Robinson; wif e" of William Robinson, " farmer . and ' gtockman.near Howesvillo, CUv Couaty, Ind. is thirty two year j old and had f or f several years been in declining health and despondent. For threa months she was not only unable to attend to her domestic duties but to6 feeble to be up and about To-day she Is in good health and able to attend to her household affairs. - She relates her ex perience as follows: . - . ' "I was aSlcted with female troubles and wa3 in a delicate state of health I lost my appetite, grew thin and was greatly depressed. After taking various remedies without beinf? benefited I was induced by a friend to try Dr. Williams' nnt ruis. .K ariv in the -summer of 1397 I pro cured five boxes of them and before fin ishin g the second box began to im prove and by the time I bad taken the five boxes I wa9 n 1 i in c n about my A Priceless Boon. usual work and stopped tftktnth pills. "Our daughter Anna, twelve years-old, was also aniteted with decline and debility. She lost flesh, seemed to bo? bloodless and had no ambition. She took two boxes of tho pill3 and they restored Jier appetite, aided digestion and brought color to her cheek.?. She ia now in the best -'of. health. I think Dr. Williams' Pink rills-for Tale People the best medicine wo ever had in our family and recommend them to all needing a remedy for toning up and re building a s'aattered system. No discovery of modern times has proved such able35ing to women as Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pala People. They restore strength and health to exhausted women when every effort of the physician proves unavailing. " These vegetable pills are -sj very sphere recognized as. a specific for diseases of tho biooa ana nerves. No Highways In China. Cyclists In China lead an un tram meled existence. There is no system of road regulations outside the towns whatever, for the simple reason that the roads are undefined, being neither bounded by fence nor hedge. While tbe farmer has the right to plough up any road passing through his land, drivers of vehicles have an equal right, and tliey exercise It, too, of traversing any portion of the country at large. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 23e,50c. Politeness of the Swedes. In Sweden, If you address tbe poorest person in the street, you must lift your hat. The same courtesy is insisted up on if you pass a lady on the stairway. To enter a reading room or a bank with one's hat on is regarded as impolite. I could not get alonsc without Piso's Cure for Consumption. It always cures. rs. E. C Moultox, Needharn, Mass., October 23, 189L Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Kigs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable BubEteiices, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it: Do not accept any Bubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, K. Y. 0F13 responds readily to proper fer tilization. Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use .of fertilizers containing at least j actual Potash Our books are free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. S300. IX CASH FSB THT 4 9 UiVtt vi i-tfo- fxSfnt FPR NAMES OF IS SEEO5 our seeds cie a K.r liollr.r Prlie by retu maU. name of the seed, will tUs edn,.itJai? f-M 0,Xer tokiow whether yem know KoodTwnen YcfnB.f 51,Se-Jd3 that C rOW nd mak fend 25 cents Jralverorinoney oitlerand wewiU rSSncTa b wtira rJ0 enter the eontert THE WHAT ITJ10ES ? Ife relieves apersofl at a nil drink or drugs, restores cfim to C w tiia Tier'-'13 ,tt. i ! fi r its formal . condition, 1 1 1 1 rnd reinstates ft man to UilL his home and business. Wllal tVU hilars address either of the following : " The REKLEV IXSTlTtTK. reenboro. a.C 1 he nc.r. ir. v.. Weslunstoii. I. 31aJiofl r Avenu Ualtinwre, Ml. " PPOPLE ALL OVER NORTH CAROLINA have I YOU orTS THKM H&LF. You ca.ct do tbb . unle? you "."JSS YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWM WAY mprplv keeD them as a dlrerslon. in or- aulTlsminjfand lime. ad njonej u rnakmg cess of CUlekenraisins-notas a H1." twenty-Aye business-audit you will Pro4 anuuallr. " .... work you can save many Case anuuni.. ?nlk2 Tom Fowls earn dollars for you. U he SfntltUyuinurt be able to detect trouble in 9 Poultry Yard as soon as "ffPff"; ;nJ know how to remedy it. This book will teach y ou. hl7 Wto bow o detect and cure dUease, to feed for egg nd also for fainiug; which toys it to tureedlT)"- mtr poses; aud everytliinjr, i"a?,a' ,wu ?houtd kUoPw oPu this subject to make it W Bent postpail lor twenty-lire cents in stamps. Book Publishing House 134 Leoxabd STm N. T. City. THE H09TH CAROLINA FHGE CO. Builds Osasro Orange Dwarfed and Wire Fences Alio "'rlvef and Ornamental Fences for city aud uburban homes. Th" old wojdeu fencn must ftp. It eats th heart out of farming Cheapest tence in tne world and the best is the Osa;re Orange under ; our treatment. Lib-.-al commission i,iveu county agents. Send for circulars. Ad.iress ! THE NORTH CAROLINA FENCE COMPANY, Nat. Bank Building- Greensboro, N. C. MISSISSIPPI GIRLS NOT AFRAID. Crape, Miss., says: I hav8 used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine 13 year9. It is the best of all Liver Regulators. It cures Sick Headache, and is a great deal more popular than "Black Draught" or any other liver medicina in this country. Menstrual Non-Appearance. " Absence of the fiowraay arise from soma organic defects or from abnormal condition of the blood or nervous system. As the time approaches there are many symptoms that should be apparent to an intelligent mother. When they are tardy, tho attempt to estab lish this function ia attended with pain in tho head, loins and back, chilliness, nausea and bloating of the abdomen. The treat ment necessary is moderate out-door excr cise. the use of Dr. PJC. A. Simmons Liver Sledicine to correct the action of the diges. tive organs and a dose twice a day for some weeks of that great uterine stimulant, JJr. Simmona Squaw Vine 7ine. rostmaster.Merchant and First Assistant Principal Hebron Normal High School, Fuller, Miss., writes: I am 25 years old, and my Father, who died when he was 75 years old, had been using and selling Or, M. A. Simmons Liyer Aledicine ever since I could remember. It does all that in claimed. for it, and is as staple as Sugar, Flour and Bacon. I consider it much Superior to "Zeilin's Medicine," which I don't uso at any price. Girls Approaching Puberty Frequently suffer from irritability, restless ness, smothering sensations, palpitation of - heart, depression of spirits, nansea, consti pation and Gometimca fainting spells. Dr. Simmons Squaw Vino Wine, taken with the original Dr. SI. A.. Simmons Liver Medicine, quickly relieves these and other distressing symptoms and assists nature in performing its natural functions at tha proper time. look Out. Dont let the preparation called "Black Draught" come into yonr house on the fraudulent pretension of being "just the same" as M. A. S. L. M.' ,It ia "not" the same. If the component" parts were the same there is as much difference between them as between day and night Beware of all imitations. We delight to do an early friend good turn. Tbe woking pail EXCHANGED ROLLER C, xephyr-run. everlasting, power- doubling, UP-TO-DATE '08 RSOTOR,3 FT. POfl $6; 12 ft. fcri2: 16 ft. for t-M. luey run like a bicycle, and ere made like a watch, every movabie pari oil rollers. loubte geared mill power, 'ihe Aeriiiotur ran when ail other mill etood still, and made the steel windmill business. THE N EW BEATS THE OLD AS THE OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL, On receipt amount, revised motor (but not wheel 1 Lf-r4 e win ne eentio replace old one tocn to be Kva returned. CEer mb;ctt to racce.lalion at any time it your old wheel is r.ot an Aermotor, write for ms of swap new lor old to po on old tower. Ten can put it on. Aermotor Co Chicago. ONTRACTOOS' AND BUILDERS' ANDjiPfiILL SUPPLIES. Cartings, Steel Beams, Columns and Chan, sfi wf' . "iKhta, Tanks, Towers, "eLlrea?d-yai'"JPe. "listing Enginei Roje llS. a,k8' Denleks' Crab8' ln anl t3T Cast Every Day. Make Quik Delivery. LOMBARD IRON W0RK8S SUPPLY CO " AUGUSTA. OA. fTcf1'ri'' 1 "ver from 187 must 1 ivi ..:L new ---- - uwn. new Illxh rade, eOl irtylee. rrr-T-Weed. S9.7S (n ti7.nn -1 T' ,1 i i. "TY1 If mtc in AM AmvA.M f -ut t. Srvit i a r j wanted. Learn how to Earn a, Jiloy tie and make nSner. K. F. JlEAU CYCLE COMPANY, Chica,.! OSBORNE'S Short time. Cheap board- Kotext f oead for cataiocn. G3 SK. M al SO BLTSRllte. I tr m ry-r- .. JONES Or BINGHAMTON N. Y. Tp vou don't we wLct yon want. look -gain- -L an 9 flndinz it iiv vam t. . n. i.n uurrc, rsv.air . " """" a fm ev s 1 ts otc. R 1 L .1 rl J--wVt . -.I 1? M tM-a BEARIN ' fi W&f&JT ahst, ever-going. U 11 Li -. M 3 a 1! CAPE FEAR '& YADKIN TALLET RT JOHS Unx, lieceiyer. COKDKKSED SCHKDTTIiE. IN EFFECT APRIL IOTH, 1898. North Bound. No. 2, Dally. Jjv Wilminjzton , 9 00 am Ar.' Fayettevllle. . ...1210pm Lt. Fayettevilla. . .12 18 j. m 1.T FayetteTllle Junction 12 25 pm Ir!sanford 1 8 p m Lv. Climax ?o!pm jr. Greensboro ...... ,, ' "l i Lt. Greensboro 4 3i) m JjT Stokesdale 517pm Lv". Walnut Cove 5 47 p m Lt. Rural Hall U p m Ar. ML Airy 7 4a j. m " South Bound. No.l, Daily. Lt. Mt. Airy ifH!ami Lv. Rural Hall.... J 01 a ,n,. Lv. Walnut Cove 10 j a m Lv. Stokesdale 11 r9 a ni Ar. Greensboro . ; "2. 1' In Lv. Greensboro 1. p m Lv. Climax. : i2 4j p m Lv. Sanf ord ........ i i- in Ly. Fayetteville Junction 3 So p ra Ar. Fayettville. 1 OJ p m Lt. Fayetteville 4 10 p m Ar. Wilmington 7 - Mnn Nortb Bound -No. 4, Daily. Lv. Bennettsville 8 00 nm Ar. Maxton. 902 a ra Lv. Maxton ,ri'Jai Lv. Red Springs J oj a il Lv. Hope Mills 10 20 a m Ar. Fayetteville 10 4 ) a m South Bound. No. 3, Daily. Lv. Fayetteville 4 50 p ra Lv. Hope Mills 5 07 pm Lv. Red Springs 5 4:J p m Ar. Maxtsn CH p ra Lv. Maxton 6 15pm Ar. Bennettsville 7J5 pjn North Bound. No. 10;- Lv. Ramseur C 40 a 13 Lv. Climax 8 $0 a ni Ar. Greensboro 9 17 a m Lv. Greensboro 9 3.) am Lv. Stoke3dale 11 07 r ni Ar Madison.. 115 m South Bound. Np. 15 j Lv. Madison , , 12 30 p m Lv. Stokesdale 115 pro Ar. Greensboro 2 30 pm Lv. Greensboro 2 43 p c Lv. Climax.. 3 M 1 n Ar. Ramseur 5 3Jpm tIeals' Mixed, dally except Sunday CONXECTIO'8. At Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Lino, nt Maxton with Carolina Centrnl Ruilroail. ai Red Springs with the Red Sprinprs and Low more Railroad at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro witb Southern Railway, at Walnut Cove with Nor folk & Western Railway. J. W. Fbt. W. P.. Kyle, Gen. M!?r. Gen. Pass. Ai;L WILMIHGtbll & WELDOH R.R. AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Schedule Dated April 12, 18H TRAINS GOING SOUTH, j Leave Weld on 12 00 pm, 9 43 pm . Arrive llocky Mount 1 11 pm, 10 30 pin. Lave Tarboro 12 88 pm, C 00 p mJ Leave Rocky Mount 1 15 pm, 10 30 pm, C 45 pm, 5 40 am, 1 10 pm. Leave Wilson 2 15 pm, 11 16 5m, 7 13 pm, 6 22 am, 2 87 pm. Leave Selma 3 15 pm, 11 59 pm. Leave Fayetteville 4 45 pm. 1 07 pm. Arrive Florence 7 35 pm, 3 15 pm. - Arrive Goldsboro 8 00 pm. Leave Goldsboro 7 01 am, 3 20 pm. Leave Magnolia 8 05 am, 4 24 pm. Arrive Wilmington 9 80 am, 5 50 pm. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence 9 43 am, 8 15 pm. Leave Fayetteville 12 18 nro, 10 19 pm. Leave Selma 1 47 am,' 11 30 pm. . Arrive Wilson 2 85 am, 12 09 pm. Leave WilmiDgton 7 15 pin, 9 00 am. Leave Magnolia 8 55 pm, 10 46 am. Leave Goldsboro 5 00 am 10 10 pm, 12 05 am, Leave Wilson 2 35 pm, 5 38 am, 1212 mn. 11 20 pm, 12 55 rm. Arrive Rocky Mount 3 29 pm, 6 15 ."-in, 12 47 am, 11 57 pm, 17 pm. Arrive Tarboro 6 45 am. Leave Tarboro 12 38 pm. Leave Rocky Mount 3 29 pm. 12 47 am. Arrive Weldon 4 33 pm, 1 42 am. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Iloal leaves Weldon 3 55 pm, Halifax 4 30 pm, ar rives Scotland Neck 520 pm, Greenville 0 57 pm, Kinston 7 55 pm. Returning leaves Kins ton 7 50 am, Greenville 8 52 am, arriving Halifax 11 18 am, Weldon 11 33 am, daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wasb ingtou 8 20 am and 2 30 pm, arrive Parnx.'lu 9 10 am and 4 00 pm, returning leave Parmcle 9 35 am and 6 30 pm, arrive Washington 11 00 arr and 7 20 pm, daily except Hunday. Train lpaves Tarboro, N. C, daily except Sunday 5 80 pm, Sunday 4 15 pm, arrives Tlymouth 7 40 pm, 6 10 pm. Returning loaves Plymouth daily except Sunday 7 50 am, Sun day 9 00 am, arrives Tarboro 10 05 am and 11 00 am. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro, dally except Sunday, 7 10 am, ar riving Smithfleld 8 80am. Returning leaves Smithfleld 9 00 nm, arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 am. . - Trains on Nashville Branch leavo Rocky Mount at 4 30 pm, arrive Nashville 5 05 pm. Bpring Hope 5 30 pm. Returning leave Spring Hope 8 CO am. Nashville 8 35 am, ar rive at Rocky Mount 9 05 am, daily e veept Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wnrsa v for Clinton daily, except Sunday. 8 10 a m and 4 15 jW Returning leaves Clintou at 7 00 am and 10 00 a m. Train No. 78 makes close connection ' Weldon for all pointe North dally, all rail via Richmond. n. M. EMERSON, GMi'l Pass. Agent. J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. lop?t fee AecctviA br tJInrinq; or-rrt'-rrif nl' Jf'-i caa get IU bc. ade, fii.cirt flnit a twl J.OGT POPULr,FI EZYiniQ MHCHSK2 tty l rt,-(n relUWo manufirtnri' r ,i - T.hf' Inorin tto vcrld Itxit mn f..i.:4 MS'SSSL'J?."!?. tiBKWiity of aj nwii-y Improvements as the 'new HOfuE. ... - nun WRITE POD r?-nin n T&o New Home Sewfcj IfacilsV ?J- UAZCl fro, Cal Art.Al,Ii, Cx. , Gainey & J ordan,DanD, N. C' Old Cairo is changing visibly. The electric tramway to the pyramids is an accomplished fact, and the eight-mi!? trip before bo expensive is now pos sible for a few pence. Ismail's great causeway will in no way be spoiled, as the rails have been laid right along the Bide of the avenue, and, indeed, ae scarcely noticeable. . An agricultural journal publishes a long article on "How to Utilize Spare Time on a Farm." Every farmer boy knows that there never Is any spare time a farm. $mA mm U 7