THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, Junk 1. ls'8. . DUNN, N. C. LOCAL DOTS. Cotton i its to-uVv. is selling for G Hurrah! for the Cape F ; wards. They drill again !iorrov night. : ar to There is quite a demand j.r farm hands now in this- sec tion. . Kvery imtn can get work wh) wants it. r Mr. 10. T. Spence informs il- mat . ne nas young cante s on liis vines and exnoets ' x to have ripe ones soon. The Cape Fear Guards will nit ct again Thursday night for (h i 11. Kvery member is request ed to be present. To-day is the first day of Jane. There is an old saying that if it rains on the first day of June' it will rain every day for forty days. The returns from the first -liipmont of .-Leans made from in -re are satisfactory, best ,sdl . jug for $'2.r0 per box. From 7" to 100 crates are being ship ped every morning now. The huckleberrh .; are fret- iing ripe and the pickers will ''"Hi be happy. Our merchants will handle a, good many of lliein this sea.-on. Don't forget' to attend the ( f the military com pany to-morrow (Thursday) night: The Captain requests every member to be present. Oik.' Populist boasted that the Populist convention was not "a .white man's convention , and was' proud that they had two 'negro delegates. '-; Butler's hole that he had '"prepared for the Democrats was not filled in at the State conven tion. -'He probably still has that hole to let, or is occupying it himself. A good mare belonging to Mr; I). Mc Brown died Sunday afternoon! from nephritic colic, of whieh-she had been sick for several hours. She was a splendid animal and is quite a 3os to Mr. Brown who is farm ing some Itliis year. - Pey. I. II. Melton, pastor f the Christian church at Wil son, will preach in the Christian church here next Tuesday night. Uev. F. F. Dawson is expected to IVe here also. Everybody is .cordially invited to come and hear him, Mr. J. V. Hayes is making a survey on tho Cape Fear to day at Smiley's Falls. Some valuable developments may be given out soon, which will add materially to Harnett's indus t ries. i I Mr. James R. Woodall, of Benson, and Miss Mollie Bailey, of this countv, were married Sunday afternoon -at the home f A. L Bailey, Esq., father of the bride, in Grove township, Flder J. T. Coats, of the Prim itive church, officiating. A Populist remarked to us the other day that they, Rep J'ops still had the coon. That is the trouble. Self-respecting Populists will not allien them selves with the "coon" this year. - Quite a number young, people went to pond yesterdav for a brigade of our Rhodes' pic-nic. Some young people from Ben son joined them iu the afternoon. The jolly crowd of pic-nic-ers re turned late in the evening" and report a pleasant outing. The formation of the bat talion of colored troops is being made this week at Fort Macon. James II. Young of Raleigh will -be Major of the colored troops.- One Pa lei eh, one and one from taken to Fort company from from Charlotte Wilmington were Macon Monday. that two Har We learn nett county boys have enlisted in the" war, both sons of , Mr. Jackson Byrd . of Poe's. J. F. joined the first regiment and is now at Jacksonville, Fla., Walter joined the Fayetteville company and is now in the sec ond regiment at , Raleigh. We trust they may J return home safe and with honors. The war has not diminish ed the number of travelling salesmen to any perceptible ex tent and for this fact we do not think that it has affected busi ness to much extent. It has had a tendency so far to ad vance the, price of everything the farnier has to sell, also all that he has to buy.' So honors are about even. Cool beverages are selling rapidly these hot days. We have been unable to get any items this week. The 'phone line is out of order. The Populists are begin- ning to howl that the Demo - cratic convention held in Ral eigli last week was dominated 1 . i r i oy me tooutnern Railroad. They nope oy tins to sow seeds of dis com in our ranks. A drowning man will catch at straws. rn, , .i x iiu convention tnat nomi narea uoJ. J. 11. Dockery for congress in the sixth district mci a, jjegro cmurman, anc negro secretaries. In fact it was run by negroes, yet it refused to pass resolutions endorsing the administration ot Governor Rus sell. How is this lican convention? for a Repub Buck Kitchin has returned to' the Democratic fold. He gave some pretty lively denunciations ot the negro rule in his section ot the State, at the State con vention. Many Populists will toilow him this year. The meeting at the Meth odist 'church closed Sunday night.' Our people highly en joyed the excellent sermons preached by Mr. Puckett, and while little interest was shown by the ungodly, it is hoped that some good seed has been sown that may yield its fruit in due season, under his preaching christians were comforted and strengthened. This is the way the latest song goes according to the Roanoke World : We don't want to buy at your place : we don't trade there any more. You'll be sorry when you see us going to some other store. You can't sell us any stale goods ; we have opened wide our eyes ; we don't want to trade at your store, cause you dp not-K a-d v-e-r-t-i-s-e. Mr. j . w . -Liane received a fine blooded dark bay stallion from Tennessee last week which his partner, Mr. Galbraith pur chased for him. He is a fine horse and is of the Denmark and Hambletonian strains of blood which produce some of the fast est and best horses. He is of fine size and a perfectly shaped horse and can be seen at Lane & Gal braith 's stables. r - 1 The Union has now reach ed the point where it pays well to advertise in its columns. J.t now makes its weekly visit to about one thousand" homes and is read each week by about five thousand men, women and children. The merchant who fails to tell the people of his bargains and invite the trading public to see him. is in his own light. If every customer who sees your "ad" in the paper would mention the fact when he goes to trade you would be astonished, and would be con vinced that advertising pays. Hail storms have been quite frequent this spring and few sections have escaped them. A severe one passed west and south of here last Thursday afternoon which did consider able damage to crops, in some places. We learn that the cot ton crop on Mr. W. C. Jack son's farm in Sampson county was so badly injured that he ploughed up and, planted again. The hail stones were not very large ones but the ground was covered completely with them and Mr. Jackson gathered two wagon loads of them in a few minutes after the storm had passed. The storm began ! in Harnett some ten miles from here and reached on into Samp son doing much damage to crops in its path. Iliiclilen's Arnioa. Salve. The best Salve in the for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, world ulcers, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist. NEW BARBER SHOP. I wish to inform the people that I have just equipped barber shop with a new reclin ing patent chair, and will in the future serve the white citizens only. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop next door to the County Union office. T. B. Smith. Best Bean Baskets ouly 10. Kindly send cash with order anct save trouble and mistakes. W. B. Austin. Farming tools, and farmers' supplies generally, constantly on hand at i$. G. Marts k oo. People and Their Movement. Mr. Jno. A. Rogers, of Lil lington, was in town to-day. Mr. A. L. Pearsall returned Saturday from a visit to his parents in Clinton. Miss Kattie Peacock, of Rome, Johnston county, is vis iting Mrs. E. Lee. " : Mr. W. J. Washburn, of Kan sas City, who is visiting his fam ily at Lillington, spent Monday night here with friends. Miss Nellie Parrish and Miss Cofield and Mr. Will Boon, of Benson, spent a few hours last evening in the city with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Austin are gone up in Johnston to-day to be present at a family reunion at Mr. Austin's grand-mother's. Misses Ada Spence and Mayme Byrd,of Poe's, visited Miss Laura Pope during com mencement. Mr. and Mrs. A: D. Newber ry returned this morning from a visit to relatives in Fayetteville. Prof. Judson Peele, formely a teacher at Buie's Creek, is spending several days in town this week with friends, y Rev. W. H. Puckett left Monday morning for Smithfield where he fisitedTriends before going to his home at Bjmum. Misses Jennie Belle and Hat tie Culbreth, of Falcon, an"d Miss Mary Autry, of Clement, visited friends here last week. Misses Fannie and Mary Mc Lean, of Fayetteville, who have been visiting Miss Mayme Biz zll, returned ho me Mondav afternoon. Mr. S. J. Hooks, one of our popular cotton men, left Sun day to join his family at his lather s atMatthews,' and will be gone several weeks. Miss Fannie Reed McKay passed through here Saturday afternoon going to her home in Summerville from Peace In stitute, Raleigh. Miss Mattie Chambers, of Duplin, and Miss Bessie Wil liams, of Mt. Olive, are visiting Miss Annie Pearsall On Divine street. Miss Lillie Benton, of Smith- field, visited Miss Mayme Oates at Hotel Divine from Thursday until Monday, when she took tlje afternoon train for Laurin- 3iirg where she will spend some time with an aunt. Miss Sarah K. Stancil, who las been assisting Prof. Hill in the school here, left Monda7 or her home near belma. Miss Stancil is a most estimable young lady and efficient teach er' and her large circle of friends and patrons, and all her pupils wish her a pleasant vacation and want her to return and each again for them." The Sure La Grippe Cure There is no use suffering rom tins ctreaaiui maiaay, n you will only get the right emedy. i ou are having pain all through your body your liver iver is out of order, have no appetite, no lite or ambition, lave a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure elief . They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kid neys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new dng. They are guaranteed to i 1 1 cure or price reiunaecu r or sale at N. B. Hood's drug store, onl3r 50 cents per bottle. A Severe Wind Storm. Monday evening about . half )ast five o'clock one of the se verest wind storms in years massed through this town and surrounding country, accom panied by a heavy tain and hail. It blew down much timber and fence. Here in town it blew oft' the front gable of Mr. L. H. Kennedy's store, damaging the building twenty dollars or more. The tops of several stove flues and chimneys blew off. After the cloud had passed the light ning struck the telegraph wires and ran into the office at the depot, tore up the telegraph in struments, knocked the win dow panes out and set the office on fire. The operator was out of the office at the time but was near by and the fire was soon extinguished. The damage to thft telegraph office is some thirty-five or forty dollars. Sev eral telegraph poles were blown down in town and both tele phone lines were broken. S. C P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes: 'I have used DeWitt's Little Early Risers ever since they were introduced nere and must say 1 have never used any pills in my family during forty years of house keeping that gave such satisfactorj- result? as a laxative or ca thartic." flood & GraatliamJ Money Saved is Money Made. Nice line of Organdies, Cham brays, white and figured Lawns just received. Call early ; they are marked low arid must go. Lane & Co. We have just received some big bargains in Ladies' Slippers and Shoes. Lane & Co. Our 5 and 10 cent tinware are sellers and you should supply yourself with what you need at once as it is going fast. Lane &Co. MendlesonVs Lve at 7 box. Lane fc 'Jo. per Knitting Cotton, Spun Cotton Spool Cotton and Ball Cotton, cheap for cash at Lane's. We are still selling the best 1G0 test Kerosene Oil at 12 cents per gallon. Lane & Co. Baking Powders of all kinds cut to 4? and 8? per can. Lane &, Co. . Coilee at old prices, the best in' town, 'for 10c'. Lane & Co .Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches and Apples, fresh stock, for 9 cents per can at Lane's. We have just received 5,000 fresh corned herrings,. GO cents per hundred. Lane & Co. Arbuckles and Levering's Coffee 12 per pound at Lane's. Bran and Oats at Lane's. Shirts are cheap at Lane's. 1000 pounds candy just re ceived must go at jobbers prices, Lane & Co. 1 able oil cloth 14? per vard at Lane's. Our calicoes and cheap lawns are up to date in styles and low in prices, Lane & Co, orae to see us ana compare our prices with those you have been paying and we are sure of a large share of your cash trade. Lane & Co. BBSINESS L(SALS. Large stock of tinware, glass ware, crockery, table and pock et cutlery at lowest prices. S. G. Marks & Co. New Oxford Ties, just receiv ed at M. T.Young's. We sell the Wheeler & Wil son No. 9, M. T. Young, We keep York State Cream ery Butter, M. T. Young. OurGrocery stock is complete, M. T. Young. Have you bought your Spring Hat? See Young. Mattings just received at Young's. Look at our line of Per cales, M. T. Young. Our Spring Suits are the cheapest, Young. We invite the ladies to in spect our new line of Crockery, M. T. Young. - . We keep Groceries M the best line T. Young. of Look at -our line of Neckwear, M. T. Young. Have you seen our Hats? M. T. Young. White Counterpanes S t r a w at low prices, M. T. Young. G-4 Sheeting, Brown and Bleached, at Young's. See our New Hats, M. T. Young. Sewing Machines, M. T. Young Mattings, all kinds, M. T. Young." Remember we want your trade, M. T. Young. Remember there is no trouble to show goods, M. T. Young. Beauty is Blood Deep. Clean hlood means a clean skin. No hear.ty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean your hlood ad keep it clean hy stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets be:iutv for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 25c, -50c. Hood & Grantham asks, you to trv their cold beverages. They are Soda-lightful. Tano-lefoot Flv Paper at A Hood & Grantham's. Cold Drinks the latest at Hood & Grantham's Fountain Paris Green to kill potato bugs for sale by Hood & Gran tham. T wo Millions a Year. When Dednle buy, try, and buy again ti means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate o two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Year's. It means merit provec, that. Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All urug gists 10r. 25c, 50c a box, cure guaran teed. The best countrv Syrup for - twentv five cents per gallon at J. W. Gregorv's. A nice line of Ladies' Slip pers just received at J. W Gregorv's. Ten boxes of number one bacco for twentv cents pound at J. W. Gregory's. to per i If you wish to exchange coun try produce for cash or mer chandise,' see J. W. Gregory. Union Hill Commencement. The closing exercises of Union Hill Academy, Sampson coun- ty, were held last Thursdav. and were witnessed by a large num- V ' m t oer oi people, all ot wliom were highly pleased with the splendid exercises. me programme consisted of recitations, decla mations, dialogues, etc, which were rendered in such a man ner as to reneer rrpr nr, nnnn both, pupil and teacher. Some of the selections are worthy of special mention, but space for 1 v ' oias. Only one failure occured dur- ing the day, and that one was a disappointment to all present, the speaker for the oc- ucision, iev. j . j. uougiass, oi Clinton, ianea to arrive, and consequently there was no ad dress, but as the programme was rather lengthy, the crowd was entertained all the while by the school. This closes one of the most prosperous sessions of the school, and is the last session Prof. Page will teach there: He has done a good work in that community, and the patrons of the school are highly pleased with him as a teacher, and re gret veiy much to give him up. The people of the community -! 1 , ' ,1 are wiue-awate to tne impor tance of a good school, and are liberal supporters of -the cause, and wim sucn ana interest as this we may hope even greater results for Union Hill Academy. If all our people throughout the country took the same interest in education that the good peo ple of Union Hill are taking, our people would soon be an en lightened and educated people. May Union Hill Academy ever live and continue the great work it has started and grow in power and popularity each year. Prof. A. J. Rosser, of Moore county, who has just completed the course at Trinity College, will succeed Prof. Page. He comes to the people of Union Hill highly recommended by Dr. Kilgo, and patrons from lifferent sections of the country. Let the people give him their learty support. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S, D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs ; ugh set in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not "stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was ad- vised to get Dr. y King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at N. B. Hood s drug store. Regular size oOc and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. The co-operation movement was nipped in the bud by the convention at Raleigh last week. The Democrats gave the would be traders the "marble leart." S. Tj, Parker, Sharon, Wis., writes:- "T ti-i,.l nnW tt'c V tf 1 H:17Pl Salve for itching piles and it always K II1,, A ' Vl.l'.3 ....... ston. them in two minutes. I consider DeWitt s itch Hazel silve the great cr, vrile cure on the market." Hood &. Grantham. A straight fight for the prin ciples of Democracy and i white man's government for North Carolina is the watch word for the coming campaign. Late to lied and earl v to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Rises, the pil that makes life longer and tetter and wiser. Hood & Grantham. John 'Jruss.' Best ever made. Last a life time. Single or double. Price- $5.00. Try one- For sale by N. B. Hood, Dunn, N. C. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c. or 25c. If C. C. C fail to cure drug gists refund the money, i SPRING r 7 The weather has been bad riSht alonS in Dress Goods, Hats until thev are picked over. e Goods as cheap as you want them. Otap tilliiiepy is complete: You can buy your you have been paying for them. n -i i -i KJ 1 O 17 Our Clothing Department is Quality, Style and PriceT Come gujt You need not buy if the li o We lead, others follow, in Shoes cheaper than the cheapest. think as we do. ewiiisr IVIcLcliiiies. We keep the best Wheeler vou to come. Yours Feb-lG-tf. pinlipr bill Jul 01 AIMD l COOK nsr ' a.1 UVei ZUU OI V?- w'J Ktf- . - I Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson, Bladen and Johnston counties will testify that are the And our prices are so that the have FURNITURE. Our Stock of Furniture is complete. market in North Carolina. D T7 2t:lt TJ IfcT IfcT F HOLLIDAY & PR1VETT. Don't buy your shoes vmi have examined our until stock and obtained our prices. S. G. Marks & Co. One minute is not long, yet rel.f is obtained in half that time by the use of Oiw Minute Cough Cure. It prevents consumption and rpiickly cure colds, crou.i, bronchitis, pneumonia, I.a Grippe and all throat and lung trouble. Hood & Grantham. Grape Juice, pure and unfer mented, for the Sacrament at Hood & Grantham's. GOODS but we are selling Spring Goods and Trimmings.' Don't wait can sell vou bummer Dress X)epjiatirient Spring Hats at just half what 11 i ii r . running over with good things in and let us prico your Sprin cr fc price is not right. e s . Style, Fit IIIVI J. look rice. We ofier you will Come and & Wilson, No. 9. We invito very truly, M. T. YOUNG, DUNN, N. 0. i j THE 1, 4- -fU,CKc UUl lUIIllllP m the O. K. Stoves Poor as well as the Rich can xme. Prices below any li Ml Respectfully, 13 ZD TTT" jix: c o. T7B1TITXTBE Nice line of hats just receiv ed at S. G. "Marks & Co. New Goods at Young's. Dress Goods, Spring - Styles at Young's. . Come, go through our millin erv Department, M. T. Young. Shoes at your own price, M. T.Young. Call at S G Marks & Co's. for your Cutlery and Hardware. We have what you neeu ui uu hardware line.

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