Alaska Gold Fields. This much seems to fro pretty well es tabllshed, that the Alaskan gold fields, from the very nature of their location are destined to exact a terrible tMcuie of suffering, sickness and "death from the multitudes of expectant mortals that are Hocking so eagerly and unad visedly to them, and that men not en dowed with 'great endurance, nor bless ed with the health and vigor of young manhood, are running a Tearful risk In staking their hcjxs and their future prospects on 'Striking it rich la the .' Adclina i'atti's Bravery. ''When quite a little girl Madame Adeliha Patl.i once saved a compan ion's life. She was living In New York at the time, and when out on a country t'xeursion with some youDg friends, one of the party, slipping On the edge of a river, fell into a deep pool. The future jueen of song at once sprang In after ker, succeeded in reaching the drown ing girl and clung with her to a float ing log. Buoyed up In this way, the two girls floated down stream, and were saved.. ! "Reservoirs on th Nile. Heservolrs upon the Nile, for the stor age and control of the waters of that river, upon which the prosperity of ICgypt largely depends, are to be se cured by the construction of great dams at Assuan and Assiut. The Khedive 3ias made a contract with engineers, who agree to have the entire work done within five years, at a cost of about tflM.OOO.OOO. The principal dam will be ;.) 0 fr'-t long, and the reservoir which St creates will held more than 1,400,000, O00 cubic yards of water. This system of storage is expected to provide .si gainst seasons of low Nile floods, to mitigate the violence of exceptional floods, and to exte-nd greatly the area of cultivable 'and. A Strange Czar. From all jccdunts Czar Nicholas IT. is a-eally very fond of his wif,much to the Dowager Czarina's Ji3gust, as she finds ?dio is not the power behind the throne iliut she expected to be. The easy .'ei emony of the Russian court gives Si eat -displeasure to sticklers for time wifru forms. Their imperial majesties actually exchange endearing phrases in public, a thing previously tnheard of in Russia, i Thai F.Vorlastlng Irritating Itch. ' k- rib'M Tetter, Eozemx and other f-kin lie isc.-. U c"nt9 will cure them stop itch at oiic. 5) outs pays tor a box of 'I ft tor. ne Ht (In? storos or postpaid for 50 -nU in h taut pa Irom J. T. bhub: rine, Savan iau Ua-. Two llnvnna cigar factories are running. H. Ii. J. Cures .Mercurial Rheumatism . Scrofula,- Syphilitic Rheumatism, in its worst I'M in. Try ii. $l.0 per large bottle, 3 for $2.50, at -(tru.Crt'iits, or sent on receipt of price, ex jncis iiaul, by L!oI Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. " S "Iljulvs of wonderful cures seut free. If riclu's didn't have wings they would be uuaU" to roost so high. -o. linbt. ' Flourney writcst "I can with confi Cv.iuu: rccomiuend 1H. MOFFETT'S TeEth ina TEKTIIIN POWDERS) fs the best jintl surest medicine I ever used for Teethinz Tho swal!'st cows in the world are to be found in tho Samoan islands. To Curo a Cold in One Day. 'Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All D-rmrgists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. At Now Orleans. La., the Alden Knitting Co. is running day and niht with tvTO sets of ein phyes. S. K. (Vhlirn, Mtrr. Clarie Fcott, write?: "I find Hsu's Catarrh Cure a valuabls remedy." JJj-Ujfi:-ts ?ell it, 75 ceut- .After -physicians had pivan me up, I was s-ivwl by Pico's Cure. HALI'H EltlEO, Wil Jianjspor , prt., yov. 2;, 1893. FitT p 'Mii lnontlv rureil. No fits or nervon. vs--:.1lor first day's use of Dr. Kline's Gra U .Norvo Kt-t:.iTM t rial bottle and treatise Tree Dk. K. 11. Ki.iNK, Ltd., 931 Arch 8t., Phila, Pa. , Mr. WiuslowV toothing Syrup forchildren tvrti'inj;. sottvns the gums, reducing lnflama iin.allayH pain, cures wind colic. 3fo. abottle. ssease Had Five Running Sores Could W-t Walk Without Crutches. ! "I .suffered from hip disease and had Ave running sores on one of my hips. I co:ld not' walk without crutches. I was con llne,! to my bed for weeks at a time. I be'an taking Hood's Sarsaparilla uud it lias accomplished a perfect cure. I am now well nnd have no trouble from Impure blood." Annie Robert, 49 Fourth Street, Fall River, Mass. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for 5 Hood's Pllis cure biliousness, indigestion. l;- 'dliave uod your valuable CASCA ISRTS and tind them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time tor indigest ion andbiliousness and am now com Metcly cured.- liecommend them, to every one Unco tihni, vou will never be without them in the family." Euw. A. Marx, Albany, N. Y. I-P!Vl;'lnt- Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do ucuu, rcver Sicuen, Weaken, or Gripe. 10e; 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION, ... Kittling- I'rnird? tpy, Sonlrral. Sw York. 321 rlQ-Tfi-Hin SPld K'jaranteed by alldrmj-lU-UHb jjlststo CIK Tobacco Habit: Aew and Quick IcJi"d for making your own mattivRB. try it. Ho x 3UO. Franklin Orove. III. EDUCATIONAL. OSBORNE'S Atliritaf a. tf J s inal m . T b .k.. buortmua. Cheap board. Band for catalog miARLOTTE COMMERCIAL m U0LLE6E, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No Vacations-Positions Guaranteed Catalogue Fra , BB! lriiti o , itfsVo CANDY aJ C ATH ARTI C i"(w. TRADE MARK REQiSTtftCD Z-f & j Hit 51 Alt riUKMAL AUD INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE, 9 c?eJ ,he women of the State thorough professional, literarv. classical. T ,Vliv iY i earc,auon- Annual Expenses $90 to $130. Faculty of 30 i.iemben' More than 40J regular student-. Has matriculated r.bmic L500 student?. I 9 r.f S e verT co"nty in tQe ltat srept two. Practice and Observation School g Ol -about Mi mini U T baii-i lnn. i .1 . . - . . . . J jl , , - " uuriiiiiurics, mi 1 rrri uit lull tip 9 SV,frininm!!!J -Ve "A blfore August 1. Correspondence invited from those 4 desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT H'lVER, - - - - - GREENSBORO, H. C. A Heavy Rainfall. The greatest, rainfall ever known in this e?ntfcn fell a few milea' below Scot Uild Neck on the lGth. A man at Pal myra said that he is 58 years old and has never Been each a rain before. Messrs. R. J. Modry and M. ttbflman started from & foihtA mile below Pal myra in a bdegy, at 7 o'clock, and il took them fonr hours.andahalf togetto Scotland Neck, a distance of seven miles. In places on the level road water ran into the bnggy, and sever al places tho water in the road was 15 inches deep. 'They were thrown from the bujr gy once or twice And hurt quite badly. New tlflicers Fleeted. Tb Association of Academies in North Carolina held its .annual meet ing for the election of officers in thQ assembly hall on Thursday, June 16th. The committee on academic- courses of study reported progress and promised a full report at the Christmas meeting. The committe on school ethics was con tinued. The election of officers result as follows: Presideut, j Allan Holt, Oak Bidge Institute; vice president, Holland Thompson, Concord High Kchool Secretary and treasurer, W. T. WJiitsett, Whitsett Institute. Spain's Sorry Plight. William B. Cfcr Us telegraphs to the Chicago Record from Washington that tho ambassadors there do not expect that Spain will seek peace on her own account, but are agreed that her cred itors will not permit the war to con tinua much longer, because it would destroy the value of her assets and make her bonds worthless. Aft France is the principal creditor and Austria the only other country which has a di rect interest in the result the two na tions are expected to take the initiative and tell the Spanish government when it is time to quit. If Spain refuses to accept their advice they will seek the intercession of the Pope and the other sovereigns to bring her to her senses. Will Be Disappointed. According to a special dispatch from Shanghai, Admiral You Diedrichs, it is semi-ofiiciftlly asserted, left N&am eakiv Japan, for Manilla, oh receipt of instructions from Perlin, to prevent Dewey from bombarding the city, and also be'eatise Captain-General Augusti "offered the German consul the Caroline Islands as a coaling station, in such operations as should be undertaken against Manila. A Bonded Warehouse. Articles of incorporation have been been iiled by the Morchanta, Manu facturers and Farmers' Bonded Ware house Company, organized in Char lotte some weeks ago. It ie propsed under the aforesaid corporate name to carry on the business of storing cotto fertilize cotton seed manufac tures machinery and any 'and all kinds of goods and wares and of building and erecting houses and other struct ures for the purpose of conducting and carrying on the storage business and of renting compartments of storage space to other persons and generally to prose cute and carry oh a general storage or warehouse business with tho right to do any and all things necessary or in cident to the successful operation of the same. Ills Parents Were North Carolinians. "There are plenty of men, " says The Nashville American, "with Hobson's physical courage men who would dare go to the cannon's mouth if called upon, but where do we find one man possess ing the calmness, the'mastery of all his faculties under such coDditionsas Hob son did at Santiago? Amid a hail ol shell and schrapnel he took the Merri mac through a tortuous channel to the exact spot decided upon, swung hei crosswise, anchored her, touched off his torpedoes and then jumped overboard. To have produced such a man as Rich mond Pearson Hobson is honorable to the whole American people.' The American people," however did Hot produce Hobson. He was produced by his parents and their parents, and his teachers aud himself. Keep the record straight. ii ff A Trunk Story. -Several weeks ago Bennie Neal and Walter Waters, young men, went tc Asheville, carrying with them a small photographic outfit. It is said that a considerable portion of - the returns from their light labor went to Neal. At all events the young men took a room at the Hotel Pisgah. The room renl was not paid, it is said, end when the amount was demanded, Neal did not have it. In the stilly watches of th night he tied a rope about the trunk that oontained his earthly possessions and let it down from the seoond story window into the hands of a nighl watchman. Neal was arrested, but was discharged. The trunk was retained by the laudlady. Later the photographer gained admission to his former room, took h'.s camera fixtures from the old trunk and put them into a new one. The new trunk was sent to the depot and the men went to Newport, Tenn. Subsequently they telegraphed to the baggage master and asked him to send the trunk to their address. In the meantime officers had placed the prop erty in the sheriffs office. The Cotton Acreage. Upon reports from 2,483 correspond ents, Messrs. Latham, Alexander & Co. , of New York, estimated on June 2d, that the total decrease in cotton acreage in the United Slates for 1898 is per cent., or 1,333,000 acres less than last year, and the average plant ing of the crop is about the same as last year, when planting was late. The re duction in acreage has been brought about by the low prices of cotton, re luctance of commission merchants to make liberal advances to the planters as last year, in the face of war, and the increase in acreage in tobacco, wheat and corn, on account of the high pricss of these commsdities. The comparison uy states iouows: Acreage. State. Alabnma . Arkansas , Florida , Georgia Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina. South Carolina. Tennesseo Texas Various.. Totals 1S97. 1893. . 2.913.000 ., 1,735.000 . 252,000 . 3,601.000 . 1.254.000 . 2,816.003 . 1,260,000 . . 2,114,000 . . 876.000 . 6.57S.000 . 669,000 2.796,000 1,594,000 239,000 3,388.000 1,216,000 2.732,000 1.172,000 2,003.000 806.030 6,183,00G 602,000 .24,071.000 22,736,000 ' NORTH CAROLINA PENCILINGS. TWO MEN BURIED ALIVE. Ths!r Miraculous Esdarje Front ltoi rible Dftath in a Land Slide. A serious accident caaurrod in East street, Asli3Viile-, hich came Very near being a fatal one. Street Superinten dent J. F. Bostic, vrith a squad of hands, was engaged in laying a line of sewerage pipes along the streetcar track and had just compFeted the ditch which is eleven feet in depth, when a landslide from the top, estimated at from three to fonr tons fell on the work men beneath. Plumbers Gua Gerfcchard and Bud Patton' received th fall force of the avalanche. Patton was coni fjletely buried under the dirt to the depth of at least tw o feet over his head. Fortunately there was a small crevice in the bulit near the wall of the ditch which gave him a little air. Those who stood on the bank lost no time in tho work of extracting the unfortunate man, were least the whose smothered cries for help distinctly heard. It was at fifteen minutes before victim's head could be reached and the face protruded from the dirt. His right foot was wedged between -H'o large rocks, which' had fallen in with the dirt and it was fully a half an hour before he was brought out. He was badly bruised and suffer ing considerably. His injuries while painful are not very serious. Both men were in standing position when the elide came down upon them. Mr.Gers chard was pressed to the wall by tho heavy weight but was quickly rescued by Superintendent Bostic, who grasped his hand and pulled him to the top. Drs. ; Beynolds and Starnes were promptly on hand and after an exami nation ordered a litter upon which Gerschard was taken to his home oa Woodfin street, where he is now rest ing quietly. Patton was able to walk home. To "Scrap" With the Spaniards. Three fifteen-year-old adventurers, well known in Asheville and who have long desired & chance to do battle, started out by boat for Cuba by way of the French Broad river. They were all aware of the fact that to accomplish such a lengthy journey would require funds, so the young man whose mother was the possessor of $30 in ready cash seized upon the ehango and pocketed it. The party purchased a boat from parties near the depot and began their crafty journey down the liver, expect ing to make a short stay at Chicka mauga to pay their respects to the sol diers encamped there. Discouraged by their slow progress and by the chilly reception they received upon fall ing into the - stream, decided to pitch Camp at Gannon's Bridge about five miles below the eity. The little Judas, after the baptism, repented of his sins and tried to come home. The others heeded and home ward plod their weary way. Meantime a parent of one of the young insurgents had heard of their departure, and fear-' iug they should suffer the fate of two of a party of three, who, several years ago, were drowned in attempting to Cross the rupids between here and Alex andria, hurrid along the riysr, but found neither the boat nor the boys. A telegram from his wife 'announcing that the lost were found put. him in .his right mind. : .Lightning's Work. During the progress of a storm lightning struck the waste house of the Ada Manufacturing Company, at Charlotte, setting it on fire and de stroying it entirely. The prompt efforts of the employes saved the bulk of the contents. Mrs. J. W. Vaughn, of Atherton, had a norrow escape. Dur ing the storm lightning struck the house, entering at the top and running down tho walls in three rooms, tearing the window sash, and knocking plas tering some distance. Mrs.. Vaughn was iu the sitting room- reading. The room was struck, but was the least damaged of any of the three rooms. Mrs. Vaughn was badly stunned but not seriously hurt. Mr. H. B. Alex ander's wind-mill, at Groveton, was struck by lightning during the storm. Part of it was thrown twenty yards awav. Two Dangerous Criminals. Two dangerous criminals have been taken to Charlotte for safe keeping from Gaston county. They will be kept in Mecklenburg county jail until the time for their trial at the next term of tho Superior Court at Dallas. Both are in for the same crime, assault with intent to commit rape. Both are bad looking negroos. j Lodger Turns Thief, Luther Williams, a young white man, about IS or 20 jrears old, was arrested at Charlotte by Sergeant Jetton for stealing two rings from a Mr. Huntley, who boards at Mr. J. L. Wray's. Wil liams spent Wednesday night at Mr Wray's. He entered Mr. Huntley's room during the night aud stole the rings. He wrapped them up in a fan, which he carried in his hand. The ofiicer found them in the fan. Wil liams then confessed. The Adjutant and Gen. Lee. The Adjutant General in speaking about the mobilization of the negro im mune regiment at Charlotte, saidr "General Lee said I discouraged him from mobilizing them at Baleigh. I shoulder the responsibility. I am look ing out for the safety of both the reg iments. I did not fear ' the sensible soldiers of either race, but resolved to have no repetition of tho scenes ut Tampa, where irresponsible soldiers of both races met in deadly conflict. Sen timental idea3 do not change the na ture of people and we canuot ignore natural conditions. I think I acted wisely and if Colonel Lee understood the peculiar circumstances as well as I do, he would mtke no criticismj" : Long-Lived Family. Mr. Josiah Boyte, of Memphis, Tenn., recently visited his relatives Mrs. M. E. Rountree and Mr. H. C. Gibson, of Charlotte. He was accompanied by his granddaughter, Miss Mabel Sim mons. Mr. Boyte met his four broth ers there whom, he had not seen in fifty-three years. Their names and ages are as follows: William W. Bovte, of Charlotte, aged 84; Albert IL; MackF., of Monroe, aged respectivelv 73 and 61; J. C. Boyte, of Charlotte, 00. Mr. Boyte himself is 81. Stanly Ilond Case. Argument in the Stanly bond case has been concluded. Judgo Siroonton announced that his decision would not be rendered at this term, as he desired to study the question involved, in the ligjit of the authorities cited by the counsel of both sides. The judge said the case had been thoroughly and ably argued, and that his mind was not made up. William R. Foster, brought from Europe for stealing 200,000 from the New York Produce Exchange,? has forfeited his $20,000 bail and disappeared. EXPENSES OP THE WAU. Appropriation Made by Congress Run Into the Millions. The appropriations made during this feessioh of Cbngress to supply deficien cies aggregate $115i356,156, making in all for deficiency, 339; 383, 480. Of this amount $321,183,453 is distinctively for war expenses and is independent of amounts carried in the naval and forti-, ficatioD aets and in the naval auxiliary act which appropriates $3,000,000. Under the head of naval establishments the bill carries $10,00), 000 for an emer gency naval fund; and a maximum of 500,000 of the sum appropriated for the creation of an auxiliary naval force is issued to be expended for the repair and equipment of the Vessels fid pur chased. The following Appropriations are in cluded under the head of military es tablishment: Pay of volunteers under act appropriated April 22, 1898, and subsequent acts for six months, begin ning Julr 1, $25,027,256; also toIuu teer's pay under that act and subse quent acts, mustered into service uude'r the President's call of May 25, to be available from June 1 to December 31, 1898, in all $14,099,881; subsistence de partment for next six months, $15,367, 112; regular quartermaster's supplies for the present year and next six months,- $12,500,000; incidental ex penses, $J, 250,000: horses for cav alry and .artillery. $4,000,000; barracks and quarters, $2,450,000; trans portation df the army and its supplies, $53,000,000; clothing, camp and garrison equipage, $26,000,000; manufacture of metallio ammunition for small arms, and ammunition for reloading car tridges, etc., $4,240,000; ammunition for infantrv, cavalry, field and (siege artillery, $1,110,000; infantry, cavalry and artillary equipments aud horse equipments, and miscellaneous mater ials, $2,742,625; construction of gun aud mortar batteries, to be immediately and continuously available, $2,560,000. Total for War Department and military establishment war expenses, $178,317, 876. A JUDGE OF HUMAN NATURE. A Hotel Chambermaid Who Could SIzo Up the Guests. "I have been on the road for more years than two-thirds of the world's people live," remarked the veteran drummer to a Washington reporter, "and I have seen a good many things, but not until this morning have I seen a chambermaid In a hotel who guessed what my accomplishments were by the room 1 had. For the sake pf: a wie economy prevailing all over the land at present, 1 had an apartment on the top floori and it Tras pretty high up. When I came out for breakfast i no ticed that a button was off my over coat, and as the maid was sweeping in the ball I told-her that I would pay her if she would get a .needle and thread for me and sew it on. ; "I think you can do that, sir, better than I can,' she responded with a knowing smile. - " 'Why; do I look like a tailor?' I in quired. " 'Not so good looking as one I know and she -blushed; 'but it wasn't that, sir, I was meaning.' " 'And what was it?' "It's this, sir. I have, been a cham bermaid for twelve years, and I have seen a good many men in my time, and I never, saw one' yet that took, a top floor room that Couldn't sew a button on as well. as any woman in the place. They a,re thrifty, that kind are, sir, and they know how to take care of themselves. It's the doods on the low er floor, sir, that have to be Availed on like babies, and can't do a blessed thing for themselves, sir. "It was a compliment, and It wasn't' concluded the veteran, "but seeing mat I was not classed with the dudes i took it as a preponderance In my favor. Just the same, the chambermaid was calling the turn on 75 per cent, of the top-floor contingent." - ' A Fatality Avoided. From the Democrat, Goshen, Ind. When neuralgia is accompanied by a dull, heavy pain near the heart, frequently be coming intense, it generally terminates fatally. Mrs. Nancy Flynn, who lives near Goshen, Indiana, survived such an attack and her advice is worth heeding. 1 "In the fall of '92," she said, "I began to have trouble with my heart. ; There was a sharp pain in my breast which became rapidly worse. The doctor was puzzled and put me under the influence of opiates.. These sharp attacks followed one another at intervals and I became weak and had a haggard loolc. I was constantly in pain, seldom slept and had no appetite. "At the end of two years I was confined to my couch most of the time and the doc tors agreed that my death was only a mat ter of a short time. "One day I noticed in a newspaper an item about ,a woman hav 1 n g been cured of neuralgia of the heart by Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills for Pale People and 1 con eluded t o A Serious Time. try them. "When I had finishadone box I noticed an improvement in my condition, and when I had taken twelve boxes I was completely cured. 'Those pills have done for you what we could not do,' said one of my physicrans, 'they have saved your life.' "That was two years ago and my heart has not troubled me since. I believe I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale Teople, and I take pleasure in telling oth ers about them." r Among the many forms of neuralgia are headache, nervousness, paralysis, apoplexy and locomotor ataxia. Some of these were considered incurable until , Dr. Williams' Tink Pills for Pal People were formu lated. To-day thousands testify to having been cured of such diseases by these pill3. : Doctors frequentiy prescribe them and all druggists sell them. ' : Plot to Assassinate the Czar. Advices from St. Petersburg tell of a plot to assassinate the Czar, at his con secration in the Church of Tzarskoc JSeloe by undermining the spot where he was expected to stand. It is believed to be the work of secret police and is thought to havo been prepared for a scare in view of the abolition of the lu crative posts in the secret department of the eovernuient. Doat Tekarco Spit and Smoke Tonr life Iwaj. To-quit tobacco easily and forever, be na retic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-B.ic. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All drngjrists, SOc or fl. Curenaraa tecd. Booklet and . samnle free. Address Sterling Kemeay Ca, Chicago or New York. If it wasnYfor the weather some people would be eoaverationles. I Ed a ca to Tonr Bowel With Cas carets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c If C. C. C. fail druggists refund money. For the askiDg we mii irmi our 1,1 tho- graphed Carpet Cata- logue; BQuwiuKgw-" In Hthocraoued colore. --rr- r Forsamples.send eight , IrVflK cems. ALL C A KP hTS IsiV.c SEWED FUBB.AND I'liBIiiHT PAlfl TO YOUii STATION. 83.95 I1ht8 this (exact) .V lid O ik Refriger ator. Our 112-rape Catal pueof Furni ture. Draper fee. Crockery. Baby rlages. St oves. Lamps. 'Bedding. Mirrors. Pictures, &c., is mailed to all who ask for it. 'I n 1 1. . r ! ki is; ir i is $7.45 Buvsa Made-to-your-Measii re A 1 1-wnol Cheviot Suit. EX PRESS PAID TO YOU It S TATION. Catalogue . and (exactly as below.) ) Dept. 310. BALTM0RE, MD. UJ Spain Ldke an Ostrich. Whatever sympathy European na tions have to spare is certainly going out to America. As far as the press is concerned the change is complete. All tho principal papers of Paris favor America. A few journals that do not are hedging. The Matin has some sen sible remarks on the war. . They are tho more noteworthy, as the Matin is a serious paper. ''There are two things in the Spanish-American war hard to understand. What advantage is it to the Spaniards to spread abroad news of victory every time they are beaten? They have done nothing else since the outbreak of hostilities. Then, again, why do they forbid the sending of tele grams from Madrid when they contain nothing of value to the enemy? , "This is really the worn-out policy of the silly ostrich, which, thinks because its head is buried in the sand no one can see its body sticking in the air. This action is absurd, seeing that the suppressed news comes from some other quarter at the same time. " Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the'lazy liver and driving all im- f)Urities from the body. Begin to-day to ahish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, I0cf 2uc, 50c. 'io Card Constipation t"oreVeri Talce Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23d, If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists ref uud money. A North Carolina man named Ace has just been presented b'his wife with four sons at one birth, and the joker on poker is of course hard at work. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed-tcbacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blooQ pure. 60c, iL All druggists. The Government paid f75,000 for tho se cret and right of manufacture of the White head torpedo. - Lyon ACo's "Pick Leaf " gmoklns Tobacco is ihe "best of the best." 2 ounces and cigar ette book for 10 cents. Try it. Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, president of Brown University, is said to have been ofiered the superiutendency of the Chicago public schools. WW! TSB EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP. OF HQS is due not only to the orig-inality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fig Svrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasinp; the true and original remedy. As the g-enuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given' to millions of families, makes the name of the Companyva guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . SAN FRANCISCO, CaL LOriSVILLE. Kj. XEW YOKE, Jf.Y. Mules Never Get Seasick. "Do government mules get seasick?'' This was the interesting and somewhat novel question propounded by Lieutenant-Colonel G. C. Smith, the head of the quartermaster's department, says the St. Louis Republic, upon the re ceipt of a telegraphic order fromAYash iugton to immediately ship 120 mules to San Francisco to go with the rein forcements to be sent to Rear Admiral Dewey. The trip across the Pa cific Ocean will take the mules nearly half-way around the world, the ocean voyage alone being 7,00i miles in a straight line from San Fran cisco. Though the Quartermaster's Department has been handling mules for many years, there was but one man in the place who could throw any light on the matter. He had it from a ho'rse aad mule trader that mules never be came seasick, but horses do. THE FREIGHT. BEST SCALES, LEAST MeNEY. JONES OF SINGH AMTO N.N. Y r-i I Best Cough Syrup. Taei GoL Use V J bunra mntur tn nvt tine ri '"e. Moid by droggirta. : DO YOU KNOW TH :WKAI IT DOES? ML 9 KEELEY e drin relieved a person of rlps'ra for Sironjf .inir rtrilrn-fa. restores his nervous pysteni to IfilRF It normal conaiimn, and reinstates a man to HT For particulars address i either of the Ml iwiu-z : ! The KEELEY IXKTITrTreensboro..VC. 5 K M....tV..Wlinat.i.U.r. . ; 14.1H Madison Avenu:. Ualt Jiiore. Ml ! YOU CAN KEEP your boys at ho,7e.wif.hhf," Organ or Piano from John 1J. Wrwhts , Mufic House, Greensboro. N. C nnd tuei will thank you for the difference. 1 1 y it. : MACHINERY. Engines Boilers, ! Gin Elevator Systems Saw Mills, lulleys. Shaftings Wood Planers, : ; Gin Machinery A Specialty Just Now. Write LIDDELL COMPANY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. mlilsiOocTol By J. Hamilton Aycrs, A. M., M.D. This U a most Valuable Hook for (he Household, teachiiisr as it does the casily-di.stinguiKhed Symptoms or dillerent I seases, i ho f'niiuA: ami Mpnria of l're- i venting tuch L'i-Cases, ami the ' Simplest Kenu-dies hloh wilt al leviate or cure. E93 Pa;cs, Profusely Illustrated. The liooic is Written iu plaiu fVery-day Knllsh. anil is free from the technical terms which rev.dcr most Doctor Books bo valueless t the tre'ncrality of reaiiers. 'I'lils KooU is in ICIliiCit In lirl M-rvics ill Hie Family,-; ncl is o worded as to Oe iv&iiily understood by all ON LY ii'J cis. POSTPAID. Postage Stamps'Taken. Not only does this liooU con tain j much Information Rela tive to Disease, but very irouer- 1 ly gives a Complete Analysis of everytlim ertaimnpr to Oon; t Bhip, Marriage and the Produc tion ai t iteiirins of fieaithy Pam'die.sto0reilier v.-lth Valuable Recipes and Prescription. Kx lrlnnntinof ltotmiffnl t-'i'.ictfpiv k Correct tiseoTOrdinary ileibs.xc OMPI.r.TE JMDEX. HOOK 1TII. IHHJiSK, 131 Leonard Hi; N. . City oney in Chickens l"6rti-c. i btampj wo sou I i 1 1'AUK b'JOK glvin,; the cxixrieuf. ut a practical I'oulir iial.sor an aiuatfur, t ui u mail workni, (or loilar.-i an I i-cuu iiuiinj 4 .years, it teafhei r.i tn uetoi l.iik! Cure Uiscuse.t; lo.l inr.ijf. also lor Kutteitin: wnk'.i Kuwlsc fcave lor l.iei'din; t very I liiu i r (jUSslio for I'l jiiiaUle I'ou.ii y rjL U.K. liOOli IM CO, tlH l.eowai'.i .lrtt. Svw Vur.c. TASTELEI IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE OOctS. . . OlLAtiA, Ills., Not. 16,1593. Paris Mediclno Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We old lust year, C00 bottlee of GKOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL. TONIC and fcave bought thrco (tross already this year. In all or ex perience of H years, ia the drug business, bare never sold an article thatave such universal eatl taction as your Toulc lours truly, ARS5V. CAR3 Jt CO. 1 wnM.1!1 Thompson's Eya Wafer REPAIRS SAWS. RIBS. BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT. &c, FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for aayie. Shafting, Pollers Belting, Injectors. Pipes, Valves and ratings' LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO., , AUGUSTA. GA. ITS ordering soods or mahinc enquiries of ad. v. risers it will be;lo your a ! vantage to men tion tuu paper. Ho 25 igtfg Chain less JQicycies MAKE H!LL CLIMBING EASY. Columbia Chain Wheels, $75 M OC Hartfords, . . SO rOlZfl. veaettes, $40 & 35 VgTi POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. ;1 -l -V - 1 fw CAfSK 71a IT 4fJj fll j rQ lLa iru II ILjIL, mmit j.iijjitMw.3w-y mi CAPE FEAR i IA1IN VALLEY RT. Jons Giix, Deceiver. CONDENSED SCHTDULE. IN EFFECT MAY 20TH, 1898. North Bound. Lt. Wllmineton ........ Ar. fayotteville. Lv. Fayetteville JjV. Fayettevilld Junction Lv. Sanford Lt. CHmax.N.. Ar. Greensbofo...-. ...... Lv. Greensboro Lv. Stokesdale ,- - Lv7 Walnut Cove Lv. Itural Hall Ar. Mt. Airy South Bound. Lv. Mt. Airv Lv. Kural Hall Lv. Walnut Cove Lv. Stokesdalo Ar. Greeiisbpro Lv. Greensboro Lv. Climax Lv. Sanford . Lv. Fayetteville Junction . Ar. Fayettville . Lv. Fayetteville.... Ar. Wilmington....... No. 2. Daily. 7 45 a ra -.10 55 a nj . .11 0b t ra . 11 12 u at .12 32 p ra .. 2 23 p m . 3 00 p m . . 3 10 p m' . . 3 53 p. tn . 4 '29 p'n, . . 4 57 p ra - 6 25 p in . . 8 40 a m .10 04am .10 33 a ra .11 (6 a ra , .11 5 a tn ,.1213 pro ..12 43 pm . 2 35 p m . 3 50 p rn . . 3 53 p ni . 4 00 p m .. 7 13 pm i No. North Bound Lv. Bennettsville. Ar. Muxton. Lv. Mnxton....... Lv. Ked Spring... Lv. Hope Mills... Ar. Fayetteville. No. 4, Diulv. .. 8 00 a ra . . 9 03 a ra . . 9 07 a in ... 9 35 a m ..10 23a ra . . 13 4 a m South Bound. Lv. Fayetteville.. Lv. Hope Mills... Lv. Bed Springs. Ar. Maxtou....... Lv. Maitou Ar. Bennetts viUe. North Bound. Lv. Bamseur.i... Lv. Climax Ar. G reensboro . . Lv. Greensboro .. Lv. Stokesdalo... Ar Madison No. 3, DnUv. 4 3 3 rn 4 52 p ra 5 35 ii in C OH j ra 6 15 i' ra 7 15 i m No. lfij . . 6 40 :i iq .. 8 30 .i in .. 9 17 -i m . . 9 35 :i ra . . 1 1 I 7 a ra , ..11 C5 ara NoTiair ..12 30 p in . 115pm . . 2 30 p ra .. 3 00 p m .. 3 50 p m . . 5 33 p n South Bound. Madison ....... Stokehdole. . . . Greensboro. Greensboro.. ., Climax Hamseur ,Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Ar. y Mixed Daily except Sunday. CONNECTIONS. At Fayetteville withiAtlantio Coast Line, at Maxtou with Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Spring with the Bed Springs and Bow more ltailroad at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, .at Gulf with tho Durham and Charlotte Bailroad, at Greensboro witn Bouthern Railway, at Walnut Cove with Nor folk & W!.stfcru Railway. J. W. Fkv. W. E. Exle, Gen. Mgr. Gen. Pass. AL' W1LMIHGT0II & WELDdJI R.iS. AND BRANCHES AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Schedule Dated May 15, 1S93. TEAINS OOINO SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11 50 pm, 9 43 pm. Arrive Bocky Mount 12 55 pro, 10 3Cpra. Leave Tarboro 12 29 pm, C 00 p rn. Leavo Rocky Mount 1 1)0 pm, 10 36 pm, 6 45 pm, 5 40 am, 12 57 jJm. Leave Wilson 1 53 pm, 11 13 19 pm, 6 22 am, 2 20 pm. Leave Selraa 2 50 pm, 11 58 pm. Leave Fayetteville 25 pm, 1 07 pm. Arrive Florence 7 25 pm, 3 15 pm. Arrive Golaaboro 8 00 pm. Leave Goldsboro 7 01 am', 8 05 pm. Leave Magnolia 8 05 am, i 12 pm. Arrive Wilmington 9 SO am, 6 40 pm. TBAIN9 GOINO KOBTH. Leave Florenje 8 45 am. 8 85 pm. Leave Fayetteville 11 10 am, 10 35 pm. . Leave Seltna 12 35 am, 11 44 pm. i Arrive Wilson 1 17 am, 12 19 pro. Leave Wilmington 7 J5 pm; 9 85 am. Leftve Magnolia 8 55 prrf, 11 01 am. Leave Goldsboro 5 00 am," 10 10 pm, 12 0$ am, " ' Leave Wilson 117 pm, 6 33 am, 1219 am, 11 15 pm, 12 49 pm. j Arrive Rocky Mount 2 12 pm, 6 15 am 12 57 am, 11 57 pm, 1 82 pm. Arrive Tarboro 6 45 am. ; Leave Tarboro 12 29 pm. Leave Rocky Moilnt 2 12 pm, 12 57 am. Arrive Weldon 3 25 pm, 1 48 am, Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves "Weldon 4 15 pm, Halifax 4 30 pm, ar rives Scotland Neck 5 20 pm, Greenville 6 57j pm, Klnston7 55 pm. Returning l6avea Kins ton 7 50 am. Greenville 8 52 am, arriving; Halifax 11 18 am, Weldon 11 33 am, daily ex cept Sunday. , ! Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8 20 am and 2 30 pm, arrive Farmele 9 10 am and 4 00 pm, returning leave Pamela 9 85 am and 6 80 pm, arrive Washington 11 00 arr and 7 20 pm, dally except Sunday. Train, leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily except Bunday 5 SO pm, Sunday 4 15 m, arrives Plymouth 7 40 pm, 6 10pm. Returning1 lea ves( Plymouth daily except Sunday 7 50 am, Sun day 9 00 am, arrives Tarboro 10 05 am und 11 00 am. Trafu on Midland N. 0. Branch leaves Goldsboro, daily excepj Sunday, 7 10 am, ar riving Smlthfleld 8 30 am. Returning leaves Smithfleld 9 00 am, arrives at Goldsboro 10 25 a,ni. . Trains on Nashville Branch leave RockVj Mount at 4 30 pm, arrive Nashvle 5 05 pm. Spring Hope 5 30 pm. Returning leuve! Spring Hope 8 CO am. Nashville 8 35 am, ar-j rive at Rocky Mount 9 05. am, daily except Sunday. ! Train on Clinton Branch' leaves Warsaw, for Clinton dail, except SuZd.ay, 8 10 a m1 and 4 15 p.m. Returning leaves Clinton at' ? 00 am and 10 00 a nl. : ' - t Train N6. 78 makes close connection att Weldon for all points North dally, ail rail v! Richmond. ' H. M. EMERSON, GenI VHi gent. J. R. KENLY, Oen'l Mauager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, ainic yon can get the bet made, finest toibh aa- M08V POPULAR SEWINO MACHIKS thHtZl0 Buy trorn Wliablo mano'Mfrnrf RLni I8 ta none In the world tut ran J many improveinenta aa tho MEW HOMc. WKTE FOR CIRCULAnS Tbe New Home. Sewing Macliine fti. Gaioey & Jordan.Dunn. N. C. In Virginia. "I reck'n yo' all ain't frit no gootl-slz'd small hams, Is yo?" asked Uncle Rastus. "How do yo'J Jinow ts-e ain't?" asked the grocery jc-lerk. "I didn't say yo' ain't," said Un cle Rastus, "I done axed 'Is yo?' CLU 'cago News. Advantages of a College Education. -She (who has just "come out") Wljt does "Quo Yadis" mean? He (fnw'i halfback, '7) "What are you giving us?" or something like that. Broo lyn Life.

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