TH E COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAYS' July 6. ISOo. DUNN, N. C. T ii ' OCAL DOTS, Canteloupes are ntit'ul now. ripe and A train of twelve cars load , :l with amunition passed here hiniday afternoon going south. -Mr. Thomas M. Hall has moved from the postofnce build ing to the Culbreth dwelling on road street. See the call of Chairman McLean for a meeting of tli4 ex t'cutive committee in another The storks visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sutton on . the rourth and left a bright boy bat) j. The regular north bound passenger train this morning had a' car attached carrying the 1 ayetteville volunteers, colored, to rort Macon. Several of our citizens went to Rhodes' pond yesterday to iish. They returned in the after noon' with some nice strings of chubs and perch. Postmaster Wilson has made some changes at the post oflice which is a decided im provement and main s it much more comfortable fur the clerks Ihe first watermelons of the season were on the market Saturday. Mr. A. M. Smith, of Benson, raised them. He lirotight another load Monday. - From the number of trains loaded with melons passing each day, we infer that the mel on crop has been good this sea son. Some of our tobacco farm ers will commence curing to bacco in a few days. The plants through this section are well is grown and have fine large leaves. The cotton plants have grown rapidly for the last two weeks. On most farms the weed is small 'but is fruiting rapidly. Much damage to the plant by lice has been reported in some sections. -The threshing of wheat is nearly finished for this year through' this section. The Hour mills are grinding and are kept busy.-. The wheat grown u in this section will affect the sale of Hour here to a considerable extent. Deputy Marshal,' J. B. Du pree brought in two blockaders from Johnston county yesterday for a hearing before U. S. Com missioner Holland, but he had resigned and could not hear the case. Deputy Dupree took themj to Raleigh to-day to the U. S. Commissioner there. - Chickens and eggs bring good prices on this market and the trade from them amounts to a large sum each year. Some one has figured out that the poultry industry in the United States exceeds that of any other by several million dollars each year. A splendid rain fell through this section last night, which the 'farmers were glad to see, the earth was beginning to get too dry and crops were, suffering some from the intense heat of the past teiidays. We learn that a few miles west of us the rain was very heavy and accompani ed by a thunder storm. - The train kills a hog nearly every day here in town, and still you can't miss them. The railroad company pays quite a sum during a year for hogs kill ed in the town. We would ad vise our people to diminish their stock of hogs for they must go out of town sooner or later, and the sooner the better for the health of the town.. The town aldermen at their regular session Monday evening palsed ordinances prohibiting the riding of bicycles on the si down Iks in aiiv nart of the town and to prohibit the leav ing of any boards with nails in them or broken glass etc., the streets, sidewalks and . on gut- iers of the town. These or dinances are necessary and will PTifnwwf Parties who ride bicycles should take notice. The fourth was pretty quiet here. Quite a crowd of colored people were in town and Prof. J. W. Byrd, of Smithfield, made them a speech at the town hall in the afternoon. He took morals for his subject and made a very, good talk, giving his race some good advice.: He made a lecture at the colored Methodist church last night on the five senses. . v sum regiment of the Illinois volunteer troops passed -here this afternnon on -tW special trains. They go direct to Santiago to re-finfnWO cn. ' he tmns stFped here au.u L"e ys all seemed in liigh spirts They fired seven; blank cartridges while here. . The excursion to; Norfolk to-day did not go and a - lare number of our people were dfs appointed as well as the man agers, who received a telegram from Superintendent ! H M Emmerson of the Coast Line yesterday afternoon stating that he could not furnish the train as the government had called for trains to move troops : to-day The managers have been to con siderable expense in advertising and we think it 'nothing' but just that the railroad company should reimburse them. Ed Wilkins, a young col ored boy, was yesterday taken before Mayor Phillips for dis obeying the ordinance about boarding trains and l-iding a few yards and jumping off as the train was pulling out. He had been repeatedly warned to stop it by the policeman and he was given the maximum penalty $5.00 and costs. This law should be rigidly 'enforced and this passing through the trains by boys and persons who have no business should be stopped also. A crowd of men and boys are usually at the- depot when the train arrives who have no business and some of them are frequently in the way of pass engers getting off and on the train. Ihese boys and men should be made to stand aside. Deaths. Mrs, Mary A. Owen died in tiie utii year ot lier age at the home of her daughter, near town, on Monday morning at 1 o'clock. Deceased was the moth er of Elder J. F. Owen of this placed She had been a sufferer with paralysis for a number of years. ler remains were taken to the family graveyard at Jackson's X roads in- Sampson and interred yesterday after noon, Elder R. C. Jackson con ducting the funeral ceremonies. Mrs. Lottie Byrd died at her home in the Bunnlevel section Monday evening. Sire was moth er of Mrs. J. W. Baine, of-Dunn, and Mr. A. L. Byrd. joiin ii. iviesser, jsq., an en r t t r jt nr-t ergetic farmer, died at his home in Averasboro township Monday morning. . Negro Shot at Lillington. Late Monday evening; at Lil ngton a negro man known as George Moses, who is a noted rowdy of the place, got drunk and began to curse everything and everybody that came along. He was remonstrated to stop but to no avail and became ex tremely insulting and abusive to some of the best citizens of the place who had endeavored "to quiet him, and he rushed on one young man and struck . him and then a general row ensued in which the negro was shot several times. A riot was al most iminent. The negro was finally taken out of town. We learn that he is not seriously hurt. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadel phia, was the subject, is nar rated by him as follows : "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes suuken, tongue j coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend ad vised trying "Electric Bitters ;" and to my great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I con tinued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim. No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per N.-'B. Hood's store. drug Poor Richard's Almanac. TliR snfiech of Father Abra ham in the last number of Poor Richard's Almanac, published by Benjamin Franklin : in loi, "Contains the wisdom of many aces and nations assembled and fvmrl into ntifi connected dis course." When first publish ed it attracted world wide at tention and was copied in all the newspapers an America and England and . 'translated into foreign languages. Would you not like to read it? free of charge at N drug store- Get a copy B; Hood's People and Their Movement. Mr. P. J. Jeffrey went to Wil mington Monday. Mr. W. J. Washburn and yi jL.iiiingion, were, m town yesterday. Mrs. A. M. Pittmau and children left Monday to visit relatives at Warreuton. Dr. R. E. L. Skinner, a drug gist from Enfield, spent last night and to-day in the city . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Co well, of Raleigh, spent the -.Fourth here with relatives. Mr. Claud Pope, who has been canvassing for the Chicago Por trait company, is home for a few days. Mr. J. D. Gunter, of Sanford, was in town this week. If you are out of job write him, en closing a stamp. Miss Georgia Williford, of Giles' Mill, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. Alderman, in the citv. H. T. Spears, Esq., returned home Sunday morning. He and his family are visiting in Lill ington this week. J. H. Ballance, Esq., went up to Smithfield Monday to hear Aycock and Jarvis. He says the old town was running over with Democrats. Mi J. L. Thompson: and lit tle sons, William and Wesley, went to Goldsboro Saturday to visit relatives, returning Mon day. William will remain there with his orandnarents until school opens. r j Messrs Holliday and Privett, our : hustling 1 hardware men, returned from their tour to the western cities, where they in form us, they bought a mam moth stock of hardware, and had a delightful trip. Mr. Enoch L. Lee, one of our bright young men who lives near town, went to Raleigh last week and enlisted for the war in Company 'A. (Fayetteville com pany) of the second regiment. He is the first from here to en list and writes that a soldiers life is not so hard as he thought. , Capt., W. L. Williams, of Cumberland, was in town to dav. He has a son, Second Lieutenant Alexander Williams of the second regiment regulars at Santiago. Capt. Williams received a letter yesterday from his son which was written the day before the battle began. We hope he has escaped un hurt. , Mr. W. B. Austin has just received another large lot of Canteloupe crates. They hold 1 bushels and cost only 12i, The neatest and most durable crate we have seen. He sells berry crates at 35. Give him your orders. Ministers Meeting at Dunn. There will be a Ministers' Meeting of the ministers of the Cape Fear Free Will Baptist Conference, held with the church at this place Saturday before the 5th Sunday in July. Evangelist T. H. Leavitt and Miss Mattie Perry will be pres ent. H. W. Jernigan. J. B. Holland Deputy Collector. Islv. J. B. Holland was ap pointed Deputy Collector for Harnett, CJumberland, Moore and Bladen counties last Sat urday by Collector Duncan. He went to Raleigh Sunday to get his commision and be sworn in. He has resigned the office of United States Commissioner which he has filled for several years in a creditable manner. We .suppose he will also resign Nhis position as cotton-weigher for this town also. This leaves two good places open for some others. He takes the place of W. C, Troy, Esq., of Cumber land, who" had to walk the plank. He will make a officer. - ' good Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plain field. 111., makes the statement, flint slip mu rdit cold, which iiiui " 5 ' settled on her lungs ; she was i.ontPrl for a month bv Her VlbU VVV family physician , but grew He told her she was a tW.w'v ' s honeless victim of consumption nnrl th nt no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sug gested Dr. King's New Disco v ovr fnr r n n s u m i)'t i o ii ; she bought a bottle and to her de Ho-ht found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its ue and. after taking six bot tlo fniinrl herself sound ana well ; now does her own, house work, and is as well as she ev er was. Free trial bottles o this Great Discovery at.N. B TTnod's drug store. Large bot ties 50 cents and $1.00. t A Religious Craze. Our town has just passed through another two week's ordeal of "holiness, sanctifica tion and fire" by two 'of the holiness preachers, Page and Avant, of South Carolina. They preach fire and divine healing, and on Saturday evening pro ceeded to perform their mirac ulus miracales of!healing bv anointing with oil. Some claim ed to have been healed, and now say they will never again be guilty of taking medicine. The people of this community have seen this same thing tryed be fore and it did not hold out and it is just a matter of time when our people will learn not to trust too much in every "faith doctor" that comes along. If these things be true, then it is a pity the medical science, . and physicians of the land have not long ago found out that they were practicing a fraud on the people. We hope the day is not far distant wlifen such a craze as this may be known in our community no more, and that people will not be deluded by every fellow who comes along with a tent claiming to have peculiar power with Gpd. Let us pay more attention ' to our pastors the men of God who are among us and, whom we know. We often neglect our pastors both in sympathy and financially because some evangelist comes along preach ing that the church members, preachers and all are on . the downward road, and in many cases raising discord which ends in destruction to the church. Give us a rest from these goody-goody fellows who are going around turning the country up-side down, seeking coffers for their own support. FLOUR MILL. The mill, known as the Car roll Avera mill, has been over hauled and refitted for grind ing wheat.. New bolting cloths and the latest improvements for making first-class flour. I in vite your patronage. 0. P. Shell, Lessee, S. M. Gen it, Pierson, Minn., wiites: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is cur ing more piles here to-day thaw all oth er remedies combined. It cures eczema and all other skin diseases." Hood & Grantham, " I have made; and on hand now the best line of hand-made harness ever offered on the mar ket in Dunn. Bring your old harness and have that repaired. Remember the old adage, "a stitch in time saves nine." . E. Lee. Eyerjbody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gentlj and positive on the kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing the entire sj-stem, dispel colds, cure headache, fe ver, habitual constipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C, to-day; 10, 25, 50 tents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. liiiclleii,M Ai'iiiea. Salve. The best Salve in the world or cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist. Look now for E. Lee's Har ness Shop. Moved back to old stand next door to Gerald's new stables. War Map of Cuba. The world and West Indies, just what you need to locate West, Canary Islands, Key Cape Porto Verde Islands, Cuba, Rico, Phillippines &c. Qnly 10c. Hood & Grantham. To Cure Constipation Forever Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c- nr 2oc. If C. C. C. fail to cure dru?. gists refund the monej. j We all like it- Lime Juice and Pepsin at Hood & Gran tham's Fountain. Healthy, re freshing and So-da-lightful. oc. S. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writes: "T lmvo triffi T)e itt's Witch iiazei Salve for itchins: piles And it always ctnns them in two minures. i ronsiucr - - , -r " 1 Hp Witt's Witch nazet suve me creai- - n . A- pCf vUf pure nn the market." Hood & x-M.- Grantham. Attention Ladies - Just re ceived a fresh lot of Schlesin- ger's Candies, Chocolates, Bon Bons and one pound mixtures at 50c. Try it. Everybody likes it endless joy and sweet ness. f.dttcate Your Bowels With Cast CARETS. C&mlr Cathartic, cure constipation or fever. 10c 25c. If C. C. C fail, drug gist refund money. Mail orders appreciated and attended to promptly. Hood & Grantham. o Bean the Eignatore of ; o i1 n. i - Tha Kind Yoa Haro Always Bcupt si Money Saved is Money Made. Nice line of Organdies, Cham brays, white and figured Lawns just received. Call early j they are marked low and must go Lane & Co. We have just received some big bargains in Ladies' Slippers and Shoes. Lane & Co. Our 5 and 10 cent tinware are sellers and you should supply yourself with what you need at once as it is going fast. Lane & Co. Mendleson s Lye at if per box. Lane & Co. i Knitting Cottoit, Spun Cotton Spool Cotton and Ball Cotton, cheap for cash at Lane's. AVe are still selling the. best 160 test Kerosene Oil at 12 cents per gallon. Lane & Co. Baking Powders of all kinds cut to 4? and 8 per can. Lane &Co. Coffee at old prices, the best in town, for 10. Lane & Co. Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches and Apples, fresh stock, for 9 cents per can at Lane's. We have just received 5,000 fresh corned herrings, 60 cents per hundred. Lane & Co. Arbuckles and Levering' s Coffee 12 per pound at Lane's. Bran and Oats at Lane's. Shirts are cheap at Lane's. 1000 pounds candy just re ceived must go at jobbers prices, Lane & Co. Table oil cloth 14 .per yard at Lane s. Our calicoes and cheap lawns are up to date in styles and low in prices, Lane & Co, uome to see us ana compare our prices with those you have been paying and we are sure of a large share of your cash trade Lane & Co. BHSINESS L06ALS. New Oxford Ties, just receiv ed at M. T, Young's. We sell the Wheeler & Wil- son No. .9, M. T. Young. We keep York State Cream ery Butter, M. T. Young. OurGrocery stock is complete, M. T. Young. Have you bought your Spring Hat? See Young. Mattings just received at Young's. Look at our 7i line of Per cales, M. T. Young. Our Spring Suits are the cheapest, Young. We invite the ladies to in spect our new line of Crockery, M.;T. Young. We keep the best line of Groceries M. T. Young. . Look at our line of Neckwear, M. T. Young. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a ma,n for bis home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Rises, the pill that makes life longer and tetter and wiser. Hood & Grantham. Have you seen our Straw Hats? M. T. Young. White. Counterpanes at low prices, M. T. Young. G-4 Sheeting, Brown and Bleached, at Young's. See our New Hats, M. T. Young. . Sewing Machines, M. T. Young. Mattings, all kinds, M. ,T. Young. Remember we want your trade, M. T. Young. itememoer tnere is notrouoie to show goods, M. T. Ypung. Beauty is Blood Deep. Clean hlood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean vour blood and keen elean bv stirrinr no the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beautv for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 25c, 50e. John 'Eruss.1 Best ever made. Last a life time Single or double Price $5.00. Try one. For sale by N. B. Hood, Dunn, N. C Two Millions a Yeab. When people bur, try, and buy again. ti means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate oi two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New ears. it meaifs merit provec , that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator, ior everybody the year round. All drug gists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaran teed. " PRII GOOD J. Young's. The weather has been bad but we are selling Spring Goods right along in Dress Goods, Hats and Trimmings. Don't wait until they are picked "over. We can sell you Summer Dress Goods as cheap as you want them. Ooii? VTillixiery I)epartiTieiit is complete. You can buy your Spring Hats at just half what you have been paying for them. Clot li i n g . Our Clothing Department is running over with good things in Quality, Style ancj Price. Como and let us prico your Spring Suit. You need not buy if the price is not right. li o e s. We lead, others follow, in Style, , Fit Shoes cheaper than the cheapest. Come think as we do. ewine: Caoliiiies. We keep the best Wheeler & Wilson, No. 9. Wo invito you to come. ' Yours very truly, M. T. YOUNG, Feb-16-tf. liita AIMD 01 c Over 200 of the Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson, Bladen and Johnston counties will testify, that the O. K. Stoves are the BEST And our prices are so that the have FURNITURE. Our Stock of Furniture is complete. Prices below any market in North Carolina. Respectfully, T t Tl 3D "7" TZ 23 D JL X It ID 2T3D .2T1D F HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. One minute is not I0113. 3'et relief is obiainod in half that time by the ue of Oim Minute Cough Cure. It prevents consumption and quickly cures colds, bronchitis. pneumonia, La Grippe and all throat and lung trouble Hood & Grantham. BOUND FOR CUBA ! "Remember the Maine," is the war cry. Ours is "Bound" to do business and the "Main" question with us is how to do the most of it. PRICES TALK. Call and see us. Hood & Grantham, Druggists. - i j and Price, look and Wo offer you will DUNN. N. C. 1 li p j THE STOVE. - best families in Poor as well as the Rich can one. "W -A- C o. o-o- New Goods at Young's; Dress Goods, Spring Styles at Young's. Come, go through our millin ery Department, M. T. Young. Shoos at your own price, M. T. Young. S. C P. Jones, Milesburg, PaM writes: "I have u?ed De Witt's ',-Llttle Early Risers ever since they were introduced nere and must sav I have never used any pills in ray famUy during forty years of house keeping that , gave such satisfactory results as a laxative or ca thartic." - "Hood & Grantham.

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