THE COUNTY UNION DUNN, Harnett County, N, C. Entered accoiding to postal regula glons at the potoftlce at Dunn, X. C, as tecond class matter. J. I Piitman, Proprietor, A. M.Wood all., Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Throe. Months '25 Cents. Six Months 50 Cents. One Year $1.00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, Jti.v 27, 1838. OUR CANDIDATES For Congress : Charles R Thomas For Solicitor : Edward W Pou To the Democratic Party of Harnett County. Tour Executive Committee met at Lillington the 15th of the present montli, and called a County convention to convene at the Court House on Monday the 15th of August at 11 o'clock a. m. The Township Primaries meet on the Saturday before (the 13th) at 2 o'clock p. m. We are just entering upon the great campaign of 1898, which will go down in history as the most memorable in our annals. In this campaign the mijihtv issue is to be tried, and decided, as to who shall rule in North Carolina, the Anglo Saxon, or the African. This issue swallows up all other is sues, because in comparison to this all other questions pale into nothingness. North Caro lina to-day presents to the world a spectacle to be found no where else under the canopy of heav en, for here alone, you see the black man dominating the white man; There is not a single man in ofHce to-day in our State who was elected by fusion, but who holds his office by the tenure of negro votes, or who could have been elected without them. No wonder then do their orators all over the State insist that the rule of the colored man is supreme. Wheth er this state of things is to con tinue, and grow worse from year to year as the black man grows more and more aggres sive, depends upon the result of te next election. The Republican party is in power in the State in all three branches of our State govern ment, and we are having re enacted all the shameless, par tisan and corrupt administra tion of our State affairs that made the administration of Holden, Kirke and Bergen a dark and damning blot of shame upon the pages of our Stated history. We all know that from 1876 to 1894 North Caro lina had the cleanest and most economical State government of any State in the Union. Taxes Averc lower than in any other State, and yet life and property were held in perfect tranquility and security. How is it now? Taxes have been enormously in creased, public offices have been multiplied, salaries "have been raised and the demon of partizanship, prejudice and hate reigns supreme. Our penal and charitable institutions have been turned over to incompetent and corrupt officials, whose sole aim is to get as much out of the job as possible. Party, not the people, '-Pie" not principle is their battle cry. We have seen the Institute for the white deaf and dumb pass. under. the control of a ne gro politician; we have seen our State Penitentiary go into the hands of men who spend thousands of the people's mon ey, and yet refuse upon demand made upon them, to show the tax payers of the State an item ized statement of their dis bursements. We have seen'one of the most important bureaus of the agricultural department pass into the hands of a city negro politician, who knows as much) and cares no more about the needs of tbn fn A Cj lilllU a Kangaroo knows about the j)lan of salvation. We have seen our school committees for the control and management of the white boys and girls of our State- made up of J black and white men, thereby violating the spirit, if not the letter, of our Constitution, which de- Clares that the schools of the two races shall be kept forever separate. These are only some of the fruits of that unholy al liance between a few office seek ers made with the negroes, by which their thirst for office is to be assuaged. .The best element of the white race in North Carolina, men and women, has determined that this reign of mis-rule and .ter ror must stop. The issue has been made, the line has been drawn, and now the white men of our beloved State, men who in the years gone by have never spared even their blood when the safety of their State demanded it, as well as the youth who in recent years put on the panoply of citizenship, all of them are required as did the children of Israel on Mount Carmel to choose this day which side of that fateful line will they take i. , : r.t-L ,1 nn,l -ittIiiIi finer lllt'll MtUlU, U U lie: J. will they March, whether it be the black flag of Negro domina tion and radical ruin, or the spotless white banner of Anglo Saxon supremacy, and the rule of truth, honor and patriotism. White men of Harnett County, can there be a doubt about your choice? In our county there are a" few white men who are ; willing to see the republican party continued in .power, it thereby they themselves can be allowed to enjoy the rewards of office, tut surely j this number must be small. ! Congressman White the negro member of Congress from the first district, said in his speech before the state republican con vention last week that the negro welcomed the race issue as upon it they would win the fight, as the'populists of the State hacl shown by their votes two years ago that they considered a negro as good as a white man. Now this we say was a slander upon the best element of the popu list party, far we , know that hundrds of former democrats joined that organization from pure an patriotic motives and could the veil of the future have been lifted up, and they permitted to see, the direful calamities, in store for North Carolina through the agency of that party, they would have died rather than join it, for it has brought greater harm to North Carolina than did the armies' of Grant and Sherman whose victorious legions left ruin and desolation in their wake, but left the people united and invincible, whereas now the ambition and intrigue of a few disapointed office seekers, have divided our people and left them exposed to the crush ing weight of a domestic oli garchy more to be dreaded than the. march of armies hich unite the people they despoil. A white man who will ally himself with an inferior race against his own color, against his own flesh and blood for the sake of an office is an enemy to God, a traitor to his country. Let us not put our children to the blush, to have them read in after years that in North Caro lina's dire distress their fathers turned a deaf ear t6 her call for deliverance. There are two things that are essential to success in this cam paign. A good county ticket and perfect o ionization. The personnel of the ticket must be made up of clean and true men, in whose faithfulness to princi ple and fidelity to the cause of good government, the people have confidence. No aggrega tion of forces can ever be effec tual either in civil or military life without perfect organiza tion. Let white supremacy clubs be organized in every vot ing precinct at once, let every body join, invite all white men who are not sorry that they are white to become members, and complete and glorious success will crown our efforts. The ladies of the county are with their own hands preparing a banner to be given to the most faithful club. Upon its silken folds will be written, "Woman's tribute to valor and patriotism." With such incen tives to action, with a ticket and a righteous good heaven will vouch safe victory to us if we are but true to our selves. ! In this campaign North Caro lina expects every true son to do his duty. When the roll is called, let every patriot son answer, "present on the field of glory." Let us keep our watch tires burning. Let no eye lid grow heavy until the sons of Japhet are restored to their birth right. Verv respectfully,1 "D. H. McLean. Chairman Ex. Cora. J. C. Clifford, Secretary. "1 have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedj io my family for years and always with good rfsulfp," says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio. Cal. '-For fruiall children .we find it especially cctive." For sale by N. B. Hood, druggist, Duiid, N.'C. . Latest From the. War. Spain has made overtures for peace, through the French Am bassador at Washington, who interviewed President McKinley yesterday. The plans for peace presented have not been given to the public. It is probable that the war will be ended soon. The Porto Rico campaign is under way. General Miles with 3,000 troops made a landing on the island Monday at a little village called Guanico, about ninety miles south of San Juan. The Spaniards were surprised and little resistance was offered ; four Spaniards; were killed, no Americans were hurt. At Santiago jthe soldiers are suffering greatly with fever. General Shafter reports 2000 cases. Only a few j have died, and he says tlie condition of the troops is improving. All the Spanish solders there have laid down their arms and the work of moving them to Spain will begin soon. There will be about 25,000 of them -to carry to Spain. The Chief Burgess of lilesburg. Pa., says DeWitt's Little Karly Risers are the best pills he ever used in his family during forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liyer troubles. Small in size but great ; in results. Hood & Grantham. The great theme of the Re publican conventions this year has been more representation for tlie negro. This fact the negro should demand from his party. He does the voting to put his party in power, and is entitled to the lion's share of the offices. The negro in this county is the major part of the Republican party and his party is now in the saddle and he has not been allowed to ride yet. He is entitled, to representation on the county ticket and if he will get his forces out on con vention day and contend for his rights he can get it. He will not always ride the white bos ses into office without even a blade of fodder!. ! Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cuie produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. Hood & Grantham.1 The Democratic ; party in North Carolinajhas always been disposed to treat the negro fairly and justly but it does not be lieve in giving him office only where he can perform the func tions of the office over his own race. It made the laws which taxes the property of the white men for the negro schools. It gave him ' the money and the power to run his own schools, ft builded him j homes for his poor and insane, and institu tions of learning for his unfor tunate deaf, dumb and blind. It did not and . never will give him the power to hold office in preference to white men. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly; awl cures ec zema and all skin diseases It gives im mediate relief. Hood & Grantham. The "White Supremacy Club" idea is a good one. Let a club be raisedjat every school house in the county. Demo crats, take your wivesanddaugh ters out to the meetings of these clubs and let them join, and become members of the club They can't vote at the ballot box, but their influence will cast many a vote for White Su premacy. The ladies of the state are alright, they are all for white supremacy. It is the men who are wrong. ; Perhaps you have made up your mind to take this summer. Then look for this picture on the wrapper, a man with a big nsnon his back. Do not let anyone talk to you j of something " just as good.' j When you want cod liver oil and the hypo phosphites you want the very best. You will find them in only one place, Scott's Emulsion. There is no other emul sion like it; none other does the same work ; and no other has the same record of cures. All Druggists, 50c. and $1. Scott & Bowke, Chemists, N. Y. News comes from all sections of the State that the prospects for a victory for the white men in November are brightening as tlte days go by. The white men of the State are awakening to the fact that the party in power is dominated by the ne gro, and to keep that party in power will make negro domina tion greater each year, and to prevent this they will rise up in their might and stamp; the Re publican party from power in North Carolina forever. White Supremacy is the battle slogan. Our baby has been continually troubled with colic and cholera infan tum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. (Since giv ing that remedy he has not been trou bled We want to gi"e you this tea timonial as an evidence of our grati tude, not that you need it to adver tise your meritorious remedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by N. B. Hood, druggist, Dunn, N. C Would the white Republicans and Populists in Harnett coun ty vote for a negro, if one was nominated cm the county ticket? is a question asked by the ne gro. We can't tell how they would vote in Harnett county, but we know how they voted in Wake county two years ago. There they voted for and elected James H. Young, (now Colonel of the negro regiment) a ! negro law yer, to the legislature in pref erence to one of the best white citizens Hon. N. B. Broughton in the, countv. The war has taken nearly all interest out of everything else, but the stories of gold being brought back from the Klondike is again getting to bo of some interest. It is estimated that between 15 and 20 millions dol lars in gold will be ; gathered from the mines in the Klondike this summer. One prospector returned recently with $100,000 but he left both his feet in that region. He got them frost bit ten and they had to be ampu tated, i Now that the yellow fever has found its way into the American army at Santiago it is the duty of the government to take all precautions against its spread, and as few troops should be kept there I as pos sible. If it gets into our soldiers much it will take more lives than the Spanish bullets. It is sincerely hoped that it will not spread among them to much extent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. j The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A twelve inch armor pierceng shell weighing one thousand pounds is on exhibition at the State Museum at Raleigh ; this with the gun from one of the Spanish ships destroyed by Ad miral Dewey which the cruiser Raleigh will give to the city of Raleigh, will make attractive and interesting mementoes of the war with Spain. ; o Bears the Signature of r The Kind You Have Always Bought When a negro in a Republica- tiou convention states tnat the issue isi one of race and he in vites the issue ; that the white Republicans and Populists believe that the negro is as good as a white' man, is it not time for white men to get to gether and vote together for white supremacy in North Car olina. ASTOXIZA. j Kind You Have Alwiys Bought Berath Signature of NOTICE THIS. You can get your le gal blanks by calling at The Union Office. We keep : Warantee Deeds, Mortgage Deeds Chattels, Lien Bonds, Claim and Delivery blanks. State Warrants Summons, Transcripts, Judgments &c. &c. Valuable to Women. Especially valuable to women is Browns Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes; hwuluche disappears, strength takes the place of weakness, and the glow of health ita.lilj comes to the pallid cheek when this won derful remedy is taken. For sickly children or overworked men it has no equal. No home should be without this famous remy. HrowW Iron Bitters is sold hj all dealers 7 White men, you who live in North Carolina, read what con gressman White, the only negro congressman in the United States, says to you. He made utterance of the following para graph in the Republican con vention in Raleigh last week : "I am not the only negro who holds office. There are others. There are plenty" more being made to order to hold offices. We are the most modest people in the world and don't hold as many offices as we will. I vite the issue." The editor of the Evans City. Penn , Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remediies failed." It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles. Hood & Grantham. President Mckinley is repor ted as saying that he would call for no more troops ; that the troops already mustered in were sufficient to prosecute the war to a final culmination. "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the finest preparation ot the market fcr the piles." So writes John C. Dunn of Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and you will think the same. It also cures ecze ma and all skin diseases. Hood & Grantham. - Eat and be Filled ! Buy Good Beef at McLeod's Meat Market- He will sell you good beef cheap, and will pay a good price for Beef Cattle. He wants your trade and will guaran tee to please you. Come one, come all, and see for your selves. Yours to please, R. L.McLEOD, Dunn, N. C. HAVING qualified as Administrator of John T, Mt-sser, deceased, late of Harnett county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit tjiem to the undersigned on or before the Is day of August, I890, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of July, 1898. V. Ii. Sorrell, Administrator. A DMINIS 1 KATOR'S NOTICE ! Having qualified as Administrator of J. J. Kosser, deceased, late of Harnett Count', North Carolina, this is to noti f y all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of June, 181)9, or this notice will be plea' led in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th day of June, 1898. James R. Rosser, Jul-13-6w.. Administrator. NOTICE ! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Harnett county, at November term 1S97, in the case of W. H. Sikes against Emory Harrington and wife, Same Ilainngton, I will sell for cash, at the Court House door in Lillington, N. C, 011 Saturday Julv the 30th, 1898 at 12 o'clock M., Forty Acres of land lying in Upper Little River township. Harnett county, N. C, and more fully describeo in a Mortgage Deed executed by the defend ants, Emory, and Sallie Harrington to W. H. Sikes, on the 11th day of February A. D., 1893, duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett county, North Caroiina, in book "F.".No. 2, page 569. This June 2Sth, 1898. Oscar J. Spears, Commissioner. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY STORE. J. L. BENTON. I desire to inform the public that my store can now'be found on Broad street next door to J, D. Barnes. I keep at all times a well selected stock of Pry Goods and Notions, and sell at Hard Time Prices. o- GRGCERIES: You can always find at my store a choice stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Thank ing you for past fayors and inviting you to call and see me in ray new quarters, I remain, Yours truly, J. L. BENTON. NEW SHOP. I have just opened a repair shop in the Johnson Shop Building, and am prepared to do Cart and Wagon Repairing. , Horse and Mule Shoeing and other work at fehort notice, and will be pleased to have your work. All work guaranteed to be first-class and good workmanship. Refrigerators- Have a refrigerator made to keen afresh meat. butter, etc, in. I am prepared to make them chean. Give me ah and I think I can please you. Yours truly, M. L-JACKSON. mill fl UARTERS ill Elf MUARTERS ju-8-Im. Dunn. N. C. 1NL B. HOOD Tin fliil sLuaflii DUNN, - - - - N. C. My stock consists of anything found in a first-class Drug Store which I am selling cheaper Prescriptions compounded all for past favors, and invite straight legal business. Mr. Alfred Taylor is with me and he invites all his friend to call and see him . Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, . - N. B. HOOD ri hr It SpeakirxQ at Hood & Grantham's Drug Store Every day Until Havana Surrenders. Ndw is the time to buy your Drugs Cheap for cash, School Book's, Soaps, Drug Sundries, Colognes, Toilet Goods, Chill Tonics, all endorsed by all parties. We can-furnish this entire section with New Crop Turnip Seed and Cool Drinks and now is the season for both while the days are long and hot . No contests from any county or township in the district. Tlie only credentials we call for, is CASH. Our goods have the war stamps on them but wo are holding the same old prices. Respectfully, HOOD & GRANTHAM, D. H. Hoon. Dunn, N. C. G. K. Grantham. A - Main We carry any quality you desire. Styles and fashion tlie latest. Assortment complete. Prices O. K. A selection from our Spring Styles makes your appearance faultless. We guarantee to please or money refunded. A beautiful line of Shirts, both white and colored. Latest style Collars and Ties. They have just come in and a look at them is all we ask. lioes I Slioes!! We've got'em to burn. Black, and Tan, Gaiters, Bals, Ox fords etc., etc., prices the lowest. Our ladies' Shoes are made to n t, 01 ine oesc material, very siiapely and will stay so. Dress Goods. Our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods is complete in every particular. All kinds of thin things such as Lawns, Or gandies, Dotted Swiss, etc. We have also Black, White, and Blue Duck, Crush suitings, Linen goods of all kinds, guaranteed Irish Manufactured stiffening for collars. Any kind .of lin ings, Trimmings, Laces and Ribbons, all colors. Can "'match most anything. You just ought to see our Straw Hats for men and boys, latest styles and honest prices guaranteed. Also a nice lot of Children's Sailors. -We carry the nicest and largest selection of Umbrellas in Town, prices from 48ct to $2.50. ' ' ' , , The largest line of Trunks, Valises, Satchels, travelling Bags, and gentlemen's Dressing Cases ever shown in Dunn is now on exibition at our store, a look is all that is necessary. We also have a few BUGGY WHIPS and LAP ROBES, which we are selling at about i cost. Very few left, call at once. . We are still selling Coats' Cotton at 4, knitting cotton at lojP. Remember that we keep what you want. When vou can't find the goods you need at any other store in town "try Massengill's for they keep them constantly on hand, andf will sell when urged. Respect fully, ! HIE MEW P. T. Massengill, Manager. 4 A. J. IMIQi Rosser, A. B., Principal. (Trinity College.) Giles' Mill, N. C, OPENS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1898. For Boys EXPENSES : Tuition, $1, piece for Latin, Greek, or German. Board, $5 to $G per month. Mr. T. R. Williams. ft In reply t0 y,ur letter of recent date, I wish to say 1 know no vounfr man of (rrpntnr 1 ,r T. J Tf " 0 , . , o. Ai )uu can secure mm for your young man. Yours than ever for the cash. Vj with care and accura?y . I th; you to come and see me. I'mt Canipip ! t-Li Q J. DRY GOODS COMPANY. - and Qirls. $1.50 and $2 nr mnnti. r.n n Giles' Mill r rv pciouuai worm man iur. itosser. school. VOll Will SPPIiro n refr flnn trulv. v - "01 Jl J , iVllitlU, Durham, N 'C.