THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harriett County, N. C. Entered accoiding to postal regula tions at he postoffice at Dunn, ST. C, as tecond class matter. J. P. PlTTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood all, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Three Months : 25 Cents. phones" cost $99 the last six months : for the next six months $200 is appropriated. Printing and paper cost ; is appropriated. , There is a special appropriation ot $iu,- 000 ; of this amount $o,uuu is for the experiment station work and $300 for the museum, the balance of $4,700 is for labor, fuel, repairs and such special annrnnrintions as maV DC I-' v I' " Six Months. One Year 50 Cents. ,.;:..$i.oo. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, August 3, T-SD8. v. OUR CANDIDATES For Congress : Charles R Thomas For Solicitor : Edward W Pou Editor Bailey Resigns. The Outlook Hopeful. For vears the outlook for Harnett has not been so flatter ing as at this time,- and hardly a fear or a doubt is expressed by any one of the success and com plete triumph of democracy in the approaching election. We hear directly from some, sec tion of the county nearly every or" day, and men who have hereto- We herewith produce a letter J written by Mr. J. W. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder, resigning his office as a member of the board of directors of the Agricultural Department and giving his reasons therefor. Editor Bailey believes that the Governor is using the Depart ment for political ends and lit will not be a party to such dis-' graceful methods. Every cit izen in the State should read this letter. It shows how the the administration is going. Raleigh, N.C. July 28th 1898 To His Excellency, Governor D L. Russell, Raleigh. N. C. My Dear Sir: I hereby resign my commission as a member oi the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture of North Carolina. It is due you, our people and myself that 1 make known my reasons fortius action. When you tendered me the position I accepted it aginst my personal desire and interest with the single motive of serve ing our commonwealth, Ex perience has relentlessly im pressed it upon me that this is impossible on the present board under the present administra tion. By your will Mr John R. gmith was made Commissionei of Agriculture in my absence r rpm this city ,On mj- retwn J you inormed mrtliat you had tp do it in order to get Mr Smith put of the office of superinten dent of the State prison, as un der his administration of that office our State was suffering the disgrace of personal scandal and financial loss by corruption, dered. You see it will be very , : voted the - Populist and easy to carry out this under- f usion ticket, are declaring that standing if it exists. they will no!longer affiliate with This is my, first reason ior tiie p lists, and are showing resigning ana my couciusi c tneir colors and loyalty by get reason for making this resignan.. Hft t vote a "wnite tion public. " 1 man's ticket" at tlie approach Again 1 would not tan to ing eiectlon. Theyi were honest mention that the, disposition of anci joined the Populist party some of the members ot tne hoping for reform, but the- of board to hold sessions of three fice seekers 0f tie j party have or four, day's duration being formed an unholv union with paid by the day several times the Republicans and their a year to perform duties which . ig being use(i as a t0ol by would require scarcely iou i the Republicans in order to put Hours nas aisgusieu me ""negroes in office; that the reform and again. . '. , : has come but it is not the kind Finally it is my opinion mat -f wb;tp innn. The the Department of Agriculture honest men in the p0pulist party is the slieerest example do not relish "negro rule have of paternalism run to seed ; Q in office, , that is to say tnat, paternaiihuc , , tl 1ATnftnll ood to rise in conception it has grown into . , eB sn nml nn Pwtion an institution for the rewarding d t wiU ghow their loye for of political workers, with little the negro by casting their vote purpose of public good. ; for white supremacy unspotted. T . .-.,4- ,1 1, a nffino until trft I I ... . liiureuLcu mcum .iul&w Harriot wi r n hor nart, in will toward you, reasoning that the fi ht time and when the without regard, to prejudices n . u the 8th day of was my duty to help you as. tne November she will ! answer, p not efirvfint ol our neome. J " -J ' A X have done the best I could, only necrro rule ana and many o to discover that ray efforts are rlofo.i.tpfl. Tlie best service 1 can now render, all concerned, is to resign and make known my reasons, the necessity for which I regret more than I would endeavor to have you believe. Sincerely, J. W. Bailey "a white man's country, and a white man's government, for and by white men 'I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and always with good results, says Mr. VB. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small children we find it especially effective." For sale by N. B. Hood, diuggist, Dunn, N. C - The Women are Interested. From nearly every section of the county we hear encourag- The good women of Harnett countv, with their own hands, in$? news ior ine uemocranc uavc liici u jiuuuoviv . o . . ,1 ,"1,1 111 v X i- 1, ,. ,r T 1Q Pnmi etc whrt h art W11C11 tlieV Will UreSBUl LU LIJC ijU;i i y i lib jl uiij io iiv ii - -, x. ,mnP nfT with nnrfi motives and township m tlie county m wnicn . T L J. C J-l, with honest convictions are tne iargest jjercenuigt; ui tuc coming back and aligning them- white vote is cast for-the party selves with the nartv that has of the white man. This is a neer betrayed their interests, good sign and ougnt to sum- .. . i T I I Thev have seen that the leaders ulate patriotic women in an thev Were following were cor- sections of the State to emula- j o rupt and were using them The Democratic Banner. The Democratic ladies of the town held a meeting at Hotel Divine Monday and organized or the purpore of raising funds for the purchase of a banner which the ladies of the county will present to the township White Supremacy club whicn casts the largest percentage - of the registered voters for the Democratic party. Mrs Jno A. Oates was made President, Mrs J. R. Fleming, Vice Presi dent, Mrs E. Lee, Treasurer and Miss Mayjne Oates, Secretary, of the meeting. ( Mrs L. J. Best, Mrs Jno C. Cox, Mrs J. D. Thompson, Mrs J. R. Fleming, and Miss Nettie Barnes were appointed a committee to solicit contributions. These ladies invite all the Democratic ladies in the county to join ' them in this work and will appreciate their efforts to help them get a nice banner. They want each township to be represented and have an interest in the banner. They propose to have the banner ahout 30 by 50 inches in size, made' of red and blue silk with erilt cord and frinse. On either side will be appropriate inscriptions in gold letters. Already quite a neat sum has been contributed and the banner will be ordered this week. Any contributions will be gratefully received. What is done must be done quick as they want the banner ready on the 15th to be presented to the party on that day, and they ask the ladies who are interested with them to send contributions as soon as possible to Mrs E. Lee, Dunn, N. C, who will be pleased to re ceipt for same. Surely a banner like this will oe, presented by the ladies who are very much interested in the welfare of our state and county, will stimulate every Democrat to work. Averasboro is going to try and get the banner. Let everv one of us work for that end. HOOD, ft DiM 4BalPPL DUNN, - - N. C. Prug Will Carry Harnett. Mr. Neil A. Smith, of Harnett ex-Representatvie from that county, was in Raleigh yester-dav. "Going to carry Harnett he was asked. . - "Yes, and by an old time majority. I know what I am talking about when I say that already enough Populists are so disgusted with present conei tions that they are with us, and there will be more every day. . - ;rA n to come and see me. I do a We are all right in Harnett." an iorF-. News and Observer Friday, straight legal business, . - Mr. Alfred Taylor is with me and he invites all his friends to call and see him. Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, l N. B. HOOD. My stock consists of anything found, in a flrstclass Store which I am selling cheaper than ever fohe cash. 4 Prescriptions compounded with care and accurary. I thank Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute -Cough Cuie produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. LHood & Grantham. Farmers' Pic-Nic. The annual Farmers' pic-nic will take place in Hector s L Creek township at Betts' Min- eral Springs on August lUth. Great preparation has oeeu made to make it a success, and an! entertaining programme has been arranged. Prominent sneakers are expected to he present and address the people. Everybody invited to attend, and let those who can carry a basket. We are authorized, to say Jihat the people of Dunn are invited to be present. Our baby has been continually troubled witb colic and cholera mfao turn since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giv ing that remedy hi has not been trou I H i Cauii I Speaking at Hood & Grantham's Drug Store Every day Until Havana Surrenders. mil Now is the time to buy your Drugs Cheap for cash, School Book's, Soaps, Drug Sundries, Colognes, Toilet Goods, Chill Tonics, all endorsed by all parties. We can furnish this entire section with New Crop Turnip Seed and CooFDrinks and now is the season for both, while the oStuSnSS Hazd days are long and hot. No contests from any county or township Salve, it heals promptly and cures ec- in the district. Tlie only credentials we can ior, 13 ivon . Our goods have the war stamps on them but we are holding the same old prices. Respectfully, HOOD & GRANTHAM, zetna and all skin disojises. It gives im mediate relief. Hood & Grantham. The indications from to-day's papers are that Spain will ac cept the terms of the United States and that a peace agree ment will be effected by Aug. 15th. D. H. Hood. Dunn, N. C. G. K. Grantham. "I think De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the finest preparation on the market fcr the piles." So writes Jonn j. JJunn of Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and you will think the same. It also cures ecze ma and all skin diseases. Hood & Grantham. Eat and be Filled Buy Good Beef at McLeod's Meat Market- tT, T;n c.11 tmi rft .r i Vorf -V oi r onl will mv a srood price for Beef Cattle. We carry any, quality you desire. He wants vour trade and will guaran- Assortment complete. Prices O. SPE1 A- u Ml - L p J.: Styles and fashion the latest. K. A selection from our We Dunn, N. O. I .w KpntnV Tnmo anL K r xt t. rr i . ' LJ AVliNU Olialineil as A mii.isfrntar XJ S 1 n r li WMfl. Mn.nfr I 1 I 1 I X - " " " ' - . XI . llvvll . UlUliHIOl. iUUU. . j . 1 11. Ml " i o A t, ijiesser. ueceaseu, late of Harnett county, N. C. this is to Cane Fear AnH NnrthPnn . notify all persons having claims against to tion. futhertheirdishonoahlae - vx,,moo iTSrtutisucuiinuaie wcivs. lu ieut v aiice I iuae, doc mat you need it to adver were using them to put incom- because they recognized then dse your meritorious remedy. G. M petent and corrupt negros in that it was a question of civ high places of trust over white ilization rather' than of politics men. .They have seen the fruits that confronted the; State. They of Russellism and fusion and were working for the protection are Heartily tired of it and of their daughters.! The same are now coming oacK. To all evils tnat caused them then to of C 1 1 nil txa nvf nn A 1 -v -.. -1 4- I x , 1 , . i I ociwi uv, cahcuu tiic J liillt-llilllU CllUUlUtliit? IfUB JIlCll lO DattJe ' IPTP wnc n mcaf nn ana tnac you, Having tailed to oi reiiowsiup clieertully and lor Anglo-Saxon f supremacy directors df the Cape Fear and I Please ,llake immediate payment. This irui ill III OUl OI tnat OHlCe IIV dl- WeiCOllie tiiem laclr. Hnrnpft, lmnfi them ncrnin tn ho. i. Tw1,,.D-ji uay ui omy, iovo " . . i " vv "J- IXUiUIClU XVitlI-VJLV VOIIlD.'LllV Jl.L vnnt. mnncnvni! l-i o m - -. . i- 1 ttti I I n unc. 4-nn --l t- T : l,;x 1 j.1 1 it I J J -v.v.v .oxo, iiuviui: ciciieii icwicu w ine jyemo- wjuic uromers ana liei?nDOrs ( nrprpctpiv nv nt w , M, c. ,.nm, i to tJlP nfinriGf hoJ M?rnrc: t nc iron? Hir t j lt ;v... ,11M,(u7 nmui i uu imuui -umeieuTO, auu ganization ot the management n i n i e ui tee to ph?ase vou. opnng otyies your appearance lauiiiess. Come one, come all, and see for your- to please or money refunded. , selves. . - I , . - , rii.?, i .ii. i . i i i 1Y ueauuiui iine oi oniris, uoin wniie anu coioreu. tsvjio V7uunr-aucr lies. uiey nave just come in and a them is all we,-ask. guarantee Latest look at the estate of said deceased to exhibit The Raleigh Post of Tuesday thein to the undersigned on or before iast w eeK sam . - tice will be pltJld iu bar of theh. recoverv of the All persons indebted to said estate will V. Ii. SorrelTj, Administrator, lioe s ! Having qualified as Administrator of v ins lcsinanuu as president or county, iortn uarolina, this is to noti- sui leu 10 ine pian 01 exenaner- oeneves, tnat tne Ancrio-Saxon to make it once am n snfp fnr Lfti,fl rnoi wnni,j n ing the olhce of Comissioner for should rule. an unprotected woman to visit "Mr G. B Alford tendered that of superintendent, because : . : her neighbor without "fear nf l,ia TOCmnoti n,,.;. e .1 . i 1 o - r J ivjinuuun cio 1 j j. uoiuciiii ui in tne aepartment of Agricul- . n ' molestation. The records show the road and Mr R. N Dnkp nf fy persons having claims a-ainst the ture there was little opportuni- y"nwn uounzy convention, that it has not been safe since Durham was elected to succeed of said deceased to exhibit then, tv to do ahvrhinov rnn,1 aJi rpUn r M. . Ti.... . Li o.i. TnuK .1- i1ulJld'1"; eie ctj ea to succeea to the undersigned on or before the Cth j j-ii jj- v i 11. 1 jni iim ri. s ill .1(1111 viiii i iu hij. v t; 1 1 1, 111 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-.m. i 1 ri M 1 in r-r i -r. 1 1 lj 1 i . nn in ionn n . . .... T inn'.,i ,1 -e I , , , ' x.wevT niin. xTii. xj . xj . nuit lesijiieu. Urtj ul tJiiun, iojv or tins notice will be vi.u 1 m4uiicu u jou were un- county held their county con- ve Have had a saturnalia of in- as secfetarv and Mr J E Stan- l),ea Ied 111 biir of iheir recovery, au der Obligation to keen Mr Smith vention Tlmav Units n.nd asaanlr . l.ovo- w n,. ofe Persons indebted to said estate will ,1 4i e m ""vcj uu iiuiu- " - vv cto cieuicu lu Hie i Ullice. 111 tne othce of Commissioner inated candidates for tho Ipc. converted wompn's lim int.n . "i f., i, j , . , 'b I i I u vv 0,0 auuuuutCU til til Lllf 101 tlie lull term ; and if vou lature and countv offWs Th fear. The tnin mmiinf StaipL.f.,in f a Vj I -J -Ii Al l- i-x J -"v I w . I Lx O I. i. Li. w Iivy 11 UI L11C iUctU WUUiU Avouia Help me to have him re- Democrats were out Pn mnP will relieve their f ears hv re. h0n - j inr.,TA i i. 4.1 , . , , -v.j - j - ut-xi lYiiiiuuu ciciay, aiiu. as an moved at the next meeting of and harmony prevailed. Thev storing the white man's party evidence of this the contract for tne ooard. l ou declared that nominated a strong ticket and to power. News & Observer. the constrution of the railroad you were under no obligations Johnston will roll up a larger I was let at'the meeting M.. please make immediate navment. utn aay 01 June, lays. James B. Rossek. Jul-13-6v. Administrator. This and Spring Hill Club. Several of the Democrats Averasboro township, No. Bid Your TTsiHio Ott9S whatever tn Afr Smili o,l L::i 1 to . xxxxvix nuti yuu mil univ mail ever nerove in gave me to believe that vou November. Th ese rrpntlomnn 11 -. , m I ' J.VI1I.1VIUVI1 v oum oe glad to lend me your composed the ticket ;.xi ... r 1 iiiuuence 111 opposition to him. Elder J A T Tnn00 f. With this understanding I kept ator ; D. G." Johnson and Flovd m h i uiinn t 1 n tr t 1 1 v -v 1 . - r 1 1 r tt m 1 -1 v, xxxixi vuv lewuitc Drown rnr nnnf nt Konrouon: m size d t ffreat iu uuiuj; .jiiemuei 01 a board tatives ; J. T. Ellincton for 1 ..uuiuau uume party to a bheritl ; W . S. Stevens for Clerk oargain whereby the Depart- Superior Court : J. W. StftnliPn n-.nn4- e :..u . . " - . 1'- incut ui nuuuuure was putm- son tor Kegister of Deeds J. to tne nanus ot a man publielv w. Fntrell for TWnCnr0,. j 1 1 1 I " iVHWUlVl. uiiargeu witn oeing unht for the public trust of superintendent of the State s prison, until the board met in the month of June lb'Jb. lhen I moved atrainst tne commissioner Smith. But T 1 1 . t . . - i ianea to realize the weight of your influence' with which I miuK i would liave been easilv suucessiui in my ellort to re move the reproach from, the De partment of Agriculture. I have been informed, and I gn e you tne information for what it may be worth since I was let at the meeting. Messrs r iX. j r i . -r Tlie Chief BuiffesS tf iMiiPShn,(r p;, vjiu&uu. auu carpenter rros. says DeWitt's Little Kailv Risers are et the contract and thev are to the best pills he ever used m his family begin work on Wednesday, July d u nn ; forty years of house keeping. orfi, ' tt n o J ' m, J ri.ey cure constipation, j sick headache 2th' at Olly Springs. The tomach and liver -troubles. Small road Will be pushed to COmnle Ii.. T"t i n . A "The road will extend from Raleigh to Fayetteville, passing tnrougn line timber lands in the of counties of Wake. Harnett, and . ' . i j .- hfl vnpa z, vuinuciiaiiu. xi is .me ultimate met at Spring Hill School object of the promoters of the House Monday evening at 4 railroad, after completeing it to o clock and organized a strong fayetteville, to extend it to Democratic club. U"pon each Wilmington, N. C. countenance could ;be seen a " The promoters of the road beam of hope, and a determina- intend to open up a fine timber tion to supress the negro rule section, which is' also rich in in our glorious State, the home agricultural and other products. of the brave. "1 he Kaleism and Cane Fear ... . ---- o - - ihe following officers were Railroad which Mr. J. A. Mills WE fi CARTERS E NUARTERS UP-TO-DATE GROCERY ; STORE. - J. L. BENTON. lioes!! We ve got em to burn. Black, and Tan, Gaiters, Rals, Oxu fords etc., etc., prices the lowest. Our ladies' Shoes are made to fit, of the best material. Very shanelv and will stav'sn x - " " J ss Groocls. Our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods is complete in every particular. All kinds of thin things such as Lawns Or gandies, Dotted Swiss, etc. We have also Black, White,' and Blue Duck, Crush suitings, Linen goods of all kinds, guaranteed Irish Manufactured stiffening for collars. Any kind of lin ings, Trimmings, Laces and Ribbons, all colors. Can match most anything. . ' You just ought to see our Straw Hats for men and boys, latest styles and honest prices guaranteed. Also a nice lot of Children's Sailors. We carry the nicest and largest selection of Umbrellas in Town, prices from 48ct to $2.50. . The largest line of Trunks, Valises, Satchels, travelling Bags, and gentlemen's Dressing Cases ever shown in Dunn is now on exibition at -our stofe, a look is all that is necessary. . We also have a few BUGGY WHIPS and LAP T?nnv which we are selling at about cost. Very ' few left call at once. We are still selling Coats' Cotton at 4, knitting cotton at n'tfinTen ep what you want. When vou can t nnd the coods vou need sit ttnv ntho o : I desire to inform tl,n UVn MassenailPs " 1, TZr V owt " ww" ir iju ijiii i j- - - - . mi, y ivcc j Li i ti 1 1 1 i-nnsrnnr w nn hnr.,1 1 1 1 1,- ,V , on j " -.vjr jiauu, aim win on Broad street next door to J. I keep at all times , Respectfully, a well selected stock of " Drv vjuuushiiu iNotions, ancl sell at Hard Time Prices. THE MASSENGiLL DRY GOODS rOMPANY" P. T. Massengill, Manager. - o- -o through the winter? If so, we are surp it nniftH xmi- nn..u healed the rawness in vour elected: H. V. Moulton, Pres-ps pushing to completion, will throat, increased vour weight ment ; John D. Phillips, Vice- soon be in operation. Mr. Mills gave you more color, and made I resident; l. u. bowler, JSec-pvin duuu ins road through to you feel better in every way. h'etary. Lillington first. V will no longer hp !- "J Pclap5 your cougn nas . ine ciub was organized under around was broken for this watch, tha? while .The nf Mffiare the itution and by-laws for road at Holly Springs last Wed- g,;u . . , : w GROCERIES: You can "always find at mvi store a choice stock of Heavv 1 T -. . ana fancy liroceries.- .Thank ing you for past fayors and inviting you to call and see me in my new quarters, I remain, i ours truly, J. Ij. BENTON. mQ A Mr. Smith as superintendent of the State's prison was $2,500, whereas it is now as commis sioner only $1,800, there exists an understanding that he shall illegally and immorally get $2, 500 per annum from the board of agriculture ; that Mr. Smith would not agree upon the ex change until this understanding was reached. The padding of some items of the budget at the June meeting of the board to which I called the attention of tlie board at the time may throw some light upon the mat ter. "Gas, water and tele- Tt, i 7 m gauiiuuuu ocui uut uy me saw WW MM W MM I M M I llll I I I I I W III r I W. 1 same heir,?,,! rA " -" ou ie w,aiimau- aua promise thmuuhfhcmmpro LU ue a strong ana induential remedy right ofiO T. :ii j you as much good as when the cllb' .t every white man join weather is cold. and give his influence to the Its persistent use will certainlv I-cause of wljite supremacy. give you a better aooetite and a Thcnext meeting of the club stronger digestion. a will be Tuesday evening, ii win cure vour . . . . weas tnroat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. Don't be persuaded to take something they say is just as good. . All Druggists, 50c. and $1. SCOTT & Bowve, Cheausts, N. Y. AUT. 9th, at 4 o'clock, at which time the club will' be addressed bv Messrs. F. P. Jones and J. C. Clifford. Let everv ! one turn out, and carry the women and child ren. Let the white men of North Carolina make one united effort and our State will be lib erated from the negro rule that ! ? . j 1 nesday at noon. Miss Alford, daughter of Mr G. B. Alford of! Holly Springs, moving the first; shovel of dirt. Twenty miles f an1 am prepared ot the road has been let to con tractors for grading. The Ral eigh and Cape Fear road has V-.-!.-. 1 1 " -1 wcu gJiiueu six miies in Harnett. J. Rosser, A. B., Principal. (Trinity College.) Giles' Mm, N. C, f? Buildln OPENS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1898. H'or Boys and G-ii-ls. EXPENSES :-Tuition, 1, $1.50 and 2 ner month. r,nr :l WEW SHOP. I have just opened a repair shop in the Johnson Cart and Wagon Horse and Mule Shoeinff Repairing- The editor of the Evans City. Penn , Globe, writes: "One Slimite Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured mv children after all other remedites failed." It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and h ng troubles. Hood & Grantham. Bean the O! a i ThfcKind Yoa Haw Always Bought and other work at short notice, and will ce pleased to have vour work- ah rriom work guaranteed to be first-rl.m i . vneeK,or Uerman. i ... .... I? .J a." ftw-wurKuiau.-nip. i jjuui u, jjo to $ o per month. Refrigerators. Have a refrigerator made to keep fresh am prepared meat. butter, etc, in. I uj make niem ciieap. Give me a Trial and I think I can please you. Yours truly, M. L-JACKSON, ju-8-Ina. Dunn, N. C. Mr. T. R. Williams, Giles' Mill, N. C. ;ar bir : In tpt.1v I know nn ,;" V ler 0-recent date, 1 wish to say If you can bC? ?( Sreater Personal worth than Mr. llosser. j ucu jura tor vour sehnnl Yonr ; w " "r"lZ "IrVA L"MW " "J, JOHN KJ. lVILiU. ... Durham, N.C .4- is upon us. 1 j

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