:D0 YOU KNOW ir i ; Doat Tehacco Spit tad Smoke Toar life Awsy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mae Uetlc. lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Cureguaran teed. Booklet and sample, free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York; Stockings were first used in the eleventh ceutury. So. 31. liev. II. I. Cr?oti. Scotland, Dak., says: "1 wo bottles of Hall's Catarrh Cure complete ly cured my little girL" .-old by Druggists, ,o. We have not been without Pieo's Cure for Consumption for 20 yours. Lizzie Ikkkek, Camp irt, Harrisburg, Pa., May 4, 189. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. If. Kline, Ld.. 931 rch St , Phila. i'a. Weak Stomach Sensitive to every little indiscretion In eating, even to exposure to draughts and to. ovur-perspiration tliis condition is pleasantly, psitve.'y am permanently ovTomo bv the magic tonic touch of Hood's., Harsaparilla, K-hlch literally "makes weak stomachs strong." , It also creates an appetite makes you feel real hungry, nn'l drives away all symptoms of dyspepsia. Le sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. All druggi-ts. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 2o cents. AVhat For? ' One of the most curious branches of ascertain London theatrical Avig-mak-r's business is. the painting and. erasing of black eyes. Just as many hundreds of discolored eyes have been hidden by iiis art as those made for stage pur poses. "A short time ago," said the wig-maker to an interviewer, "a man rushed into my office and said he want ed me to paint him a fine black eye one that would not be distinguishable from h genuine one. I was surprised and m used. 'Whatever do you want that for?' I asked. 'Well,' he said hesitating ly, 'it's like this, you see. Before I left this morning I had a tiff with my wife, and she actually went so far as to strike me in the face. I know she repented it Immediately afterwards; but I want to jteaoh her a lesson. Ho Just make me np as good a black eye as possible, "please, and .when I get home, I will how her what her temper was respon sible for.' " REGAINED HEALTH. Gratifying Letters to Mrs. Pink ham From Happy Women. "I Owe You My Life." Mrs. E. Woolhisku, JNIills, Neb., writes: "Dear JIrr. Pixkham : I owe myi life to your Vegetable Compound. The doctors said I had consumption and nothing- could be done for me. My menstruation had stopped and they said my blood was. turning to water. I had several doctors. They all said I could not live. I began the use of Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound, and it helped me right away; menses returned and I have gained in weight. 1 have better health than I have had for years. 1 1 is wonderful what your Com pound has done for me." "I Feel Uke a New Person. Mrs. Geo. Leach, 1609 Belle St., Alton, 111., writes: ' ".Before I began to take your Vege table Compound I was a great sufferer from womb trouble. Menses would ap pear two and three times in a month, causing me to be so weak I could not stand. J could neither sleep nor eat, and looked so badly my friends hardly knew me. - " I took doctor's medicine but did not derive much benefit froih it. My drug gist gave me one of j our little books, and after reading it I decided to try Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com pound. I feel like a new person. I would not give your Compound for all the doctors' medicine in the world. I tan not praise it enough." EDUCATIONAL. Y!IU;il IU KITES' COLLEGE. Commercial, shortlinntl. Typewriting, Knitllsh. 5i tuition udmtts t all department for session of forty two Kecks. Open to lioth sexes. Graduates tu-Msted to iMjsitions. Eleventh session begins Sep tember C-th. catalogue free. H. A. DAVIS.-JK., l'lesltieiit. Buxk, liiriuiioni. Va. Aetna! bruin .a. Snlnil IJ book Short tune. Cheap board- Bod for ciulorn. CHARLOTTE COMMERCIAL OLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. C o VacRtious l'osition Guaranteed Catalogue Free Semi '& cents in stamps for pocket calculator. rTvsnsvitis wn.iT mm WILL RE-O 'EN SEPT. 7, 1898. Thoroughly prepares boys for best colleges, Vest l'oint and Annapolis. Beautiful loca tion and. t xceptlonally healthful climate. ?2U0 a year. For illustrated cata o.ua address Dr. Snm'l. XV. Murphy, A. Princi pal, Favelteville, N. C. PATAWBA-COLLEGE, U NEWTON, N. C. NEXT SESSIOX BEGINS AUGUST 9, 1893. Full Academic, Business anil CoUegtate Course t, with. Music ami Art. T- n accomplished Inrniitors, U1 liullrttngs. Apparatus, Libraries, etc.. Thorough work and inti.ler.ite expenses. .Pure water and mountain air. Worthy persons helped. Catalogue Fref. bVr part eulan address, ItKV. J. V t l.APP, D. D., PRKSt GEORGIA FEMALE SEMINARY, CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Thorough courses; handsomest music hall In the South; largo pipe organ and 25 new pianos re cently purchased; large campus and gymna sium. 1500 feet above sea level, natural mineral .. waters. A 4150 Everett piano to be given beet music pupil. Several s:h darshtps. A. W. .' VanHoone, H. J. Pearee, Asaxdate Presi dents. Loci-box 3, GAINESVILLE liA. TRINITY COLLEGE I Offers full courses In English Xanuaste and Lit erature, Ancient aud Modern Languages, hlstwv. Sociology, Mathematics. Phtfctsophr, Bible. Law aiid Commerce. Women admitted toall courses of stud v. The largest endowed institution of learning in the State. Board from g6.50 to gli.00 per month Tuition OO a r. Next session opens SutemrerT. 18W. ForCatalogue address JOH. cTKILGO. Durham. X. V. DAVIDSON college, DAVIDSON, N. C. SIXTY SECOND YEAR BEGINS SEPT. 8, 1893. Eleven Professors and Instructors. Three Courses for Degrees. Ample Ctinets and Labor.vt r!e. Location Healthful and Beautiful. Gymnasium Complet3. - - " 'Terms Reasonable. SEX1 FOB A CATALOG J. ft,' SHEARER, - PRESIDENT. TAR HEEL NOTES. A NOVEL POSTOFFICE. The Postmaster at Busbee Met With Many Obstacles. The oddest little postefflce handling Uncle Sam's mails is to be found at Busbee, seven miles south of Asheville. For over thirty years the Murray s have had charge of "Busbee's mail. Both were Democrats. Recently to the sur prise of everybody in Busbee, Murray was ousted to give place to J. B. Sum ner, a Republican. Mr. Sumner tried to rent a place in . Mr. J. C. Murray's store ttvruu the office, but his offer was scornfully refused. He then put up a tent on a vacant lot for the postoffice, but was ordered off the premises by the owner. As a' last resort Sumner de cided to metamorphose his wagon into a temporary postoffice. He then drew fip his four-wheeled postoffice at the 4ide of th.6 road and is there discharg ing the duties of his office. Iient on Destruction. Much damage has been done to plate glass fronts in store buildings at Fay etteville by an insane nero. The splendid plate glass front in the Thorn ton Dry Goods Co. building, valued at $400 or $.500, was destroyed by him. He then successively plied his work of destruction on the beautiful window of the jewelry store of Messrs. Warren, Prior & Son,-the Rosenthal buildiog, T. F. Moore's, Miss Mary Smith's, H. R. Home's, the Racket Store, Tiding hart's crockery store, finally being checked in his literally "mad career" by a blow from a shovel in the hands of Mr. Benjamin Black. The negro then became frightened and ran down An derson street, being finally captured. Klizabetu's New Voeal Teacher. Elizabeth College, Charlotte, has se cured the services of Miss Maude Olive Weston, of New York City, in the De partment of Music. Miss Weston is by training, natural talent, and character well fitted to impart vocal instruction in a high grade music conservatory like that established in Elizabeth Col lege. She has spent six years at the best conservatories in Europe; is a graduate of the National Conservatory of Music in New York City, and has won distinction as one of the most promis ing pupils of Madame Katherine Evans von: Klennor, the authorized repre sentative of the celebrated Viadot Garcia method in America. ; ' : Ills Politics.- Lost An old negro attempted to cross a creek near a mill dam in Sharon town ship, Mecklenburg couuty. Tho cur rent Avas too strong and soon the mule and buggy was bounding in the billows over logs just below the ford. The old negro managed' to float out and some good Democrats, who had advised him not to drive in, rushed to his assistance and saved the mule's life by cutting it loose from tho bugery and allowing it to swim out. All the old negro lost in the creek was a $1.50 hat and his poli tics. Before going in he was a strong Republican, but now he says "I I'm a good Democrat. " ' Ordered to Their Stations. The remaining companies of the Second Regiment have received orders to go to stations. Companies B, H, K and L go to St. Simon's Island, near Brunswick, Ga. ; Company G, of Gas tonia; goes to Port Royal; Company E, of Greenville, to Tybe'e, Ga. Major B. F. Dixon goes to Port, Royal; Colonel Burgwyn, Lieutenant Colonel Cowles, and Lieutenant MacRae, the non-commissioned staft and the band, go to St. Simons, which is regimental headquar ters. Colonel Cowles will remain in Raleigh two weeks on leave to attend o business as Adjutant General. - 4 . Story of a Watch. Ellis Johnston and Fred Walt, col ored, were arrested at Charlotte for stealing a watch from Heury Hill. When Hill missed his watch here marked that he would givo$o for its re turn, and was approached by one of the burglars to make the dicker. Hill noti fied the chief of police who, with sev eral officers, secreted himself near the trysting place, and when the exchange was about to bo made stepped out and arrested the two darkeys. Crop Percentages. ; The Agricultural Department at Ral eigh has completed its crop report for July, giving the following percentages of conditions: Cotton 86, corn peanuts 81h, rice 93, tobacco 84, sweet potatoes 90, Irish potatoes 82, apples 76, peaches 74, grapes 84, gardens 82;. Predicts Another "Quake." An old negro woman at Charlotte who sails nnder the cognomen of Aunt Sallie, predicts as a consequence of the heavy winds of the past few months, another heavy earthquake, similar to the one of 1886. Aunt Sallie claims that preceding the earthquake that did so much damage in Charleston, where she was living at that time, heavy winds were of daily occurrence for sev eral months. " Too Much for His Valor. B. R. Houston and Henry Jones, who live on the Chapel Hill road, near Durham, had a dispute about a cow which belonged to Jones and which was olaimod to have trespassed on Houston's property. Words and fists having failed to settle the disrute, Jones drew a knife and slashed Hous ton, inflioting a slight wound in the breast Houston then drew a knife and Jones ran. Murderers Unknown. The coroner's jury in the inquest over the body of Joe Williams, the ne gro who met death at the hands of a mob near Scotland Neck recently, re turned a verdict that the deceased came to his death by a pistol wound inthe hands of a person or persons unknown. l'olsoning Dogs at Raleigh. Some very valuable dogs have been poisoned in the capital square at Ral eigh. It is said that two of the officials put the poison in the square.! The mat ter will be investigated and if it is proved they did the work something will drop. Attacked by a Bull. A bull attacked a son of T-Kri M. W. Page, at Mooresville, and came 1. ; 1 1 ; l: rrv . n . uobi .jiiiug mm. iae Dun was taken to Raleigh and killed. i Uncle Sam Opens His Purse. The State has received from its Uncle Samuel a check for $24,000, under the provisions of the Hatch bill for agricultural and mechanical col leges. This is $1,000 more than the amount allowed in 1897. The division is made' upon the basis of population, the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege here for whites receiving $15,585. 60, and that cf Greensboro, for ne groes, $8,414.40. Auditor Ayer will ask the Legisla ture to provide for the. gathering by tax listers of statistics as to crops. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. The South. iieut. Hobson will shortly -wsit his mother, who is at Lithia Springs, near Atlanta, It Is said that about 10,000 sheep will, perish as a result of severe drought in California. ". '.' j It is estimated that the watermelon crop around Lake CityFla.', this sea son will aggregate between $25,000 or $35,000. Mrs. Pearl Johnson, of Baltimore, tried to take her life by drinking laud anum. It was her third attempt at self-destruction. Edward Kennedy, of St. Louis, Mo. , was passing a saloon and stopped on tho sidewalk a moment. A colored waiter ordered him to move on. Ken nedy started slowly, which enraged the colored man, who drew a revolver aud shot Kennedy through , the forehead. As he fell the waiter ran. The North. Three people perished in ar burning house at Seneca Falls, N. Y. Levi Z. Leiter, who recently sold a large amount of Chicago real estate, had to buy $2,100 worth of internal revenue stamps to make the deal legal. Mrs. Carolina Croft, formerly Caro line Abigail Brewer, of Boston, has left $100,000 to two prominent physicians of that city for investigations to find, some way of curing cancer, consump-. tion and other diseases now regarded as incurable. Miscellaneous. . The new 3 per cent, government bonds are now worth $103f, but holders are not disposed to sell at that price. The Southern Express Company has reduced "the; rates one-fourth of the usual 'rates on corpses of sailors and soldiers. j Since 1853 the JJnited States govern ment has expended in the distribution of seeds and in the promulgation of statistics concerning them $3,470,802. The United States Court has rendered a decision declaring that the act of the New York Legislature of 1895 tp regu late biirbering on Sunday is constitu tional. The President has issued 'a proclama tion restoring the lands known as the eastern, middle and western Saline re serves, in the! Cherokee outlett, to the public domain. The disappointment of the Fifth Illi nois in being turned back after it had marched to Bossville, has so disheart ened. many that they have no further ambition for militaryjife. Admiral Cervera has fowarded to the Spanish government through the French ambassey his report of the naval engagement which resulted in the annihilation of the Spanish fleet. The report is very elaborate. Mulhall, the noted English statisti cian, figures the wealth of the people of the United States at the stupendous total of $81,750,000,000. Greai Britain follows far off with $59,030,000,000, and France third,! with $47,950,000,000. Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy and Spain followjin the order named, the latter being credited with but $11,800, 000,000. A very interesting discovery is an nounced from Baden, near Zurich, Switzerald. The learned have been discussing for ages whether anything in the way of hospitals were known to the ancients, jnow one has actually been discovered at Baden, containing "fourteen rooms, supplied with many kinds of medical, pharmaceutical and surgical apparatus, probes, .tubes, pincers, cauterizing instruments, and even a collection of safety pins for bandaging wounds. There are also medicine spoons in bone and silver, measuring vessels, jars and pots for ointment, some still containing traces of the ointment used. " Foreign. The cathedral of Rouen boasts a clock which has kept time for COO years. The first of the four games of the tie chess match between Pillsbury and Tarrasch was; won by Tarrasch at Vienna. j The Canadian gold commissioner has issued a proclamation opening the Do minion Hill creek and bench claims for location by all holding free miners' 1 cense. In less than one hour after the proclamatyu was issued the greatest stampede in the history of tho Klondike had started for Dominion creek, 7U mile3 away, xver hills and marshes. Many women joined tUe procession. Commenting upon the American dis patches El Imparcial says: "All Span iards are delighted to see the hour of expiation fast approaching for the Cu ban rebels. The Americans must in evitably awaken to their utter worth lessuess." Earthquakes continue to alarm the inhabitants of the coast towns of Ecu ador. The volcano of Manavi, after years of inaction, has again become active, to which are attributed the shocks. j . The British steamhip Adula, cap tured off Guantanamo Bay by the Mar blehead, has been declared a lawful prize of war. j . A Loudon jury investigating the deaths of three men, killed by an ex plosion on the steamer Manitoba, res cently bought! by tho United State government, condemned the Winches ter Rifle Company and port authorities. Tho Earl of ; Albemarle, Baron Gre ville and Baron Saville deny that they received a penny from Mr. Hooley, the promotor.'for becoming directors in his companies. The Earl of Albemarle adds that Mr. Hooley, some time after he (the Earl) became director, voluntarily sent him a check for 9,000 ($45,000), which the Earl understood "was the result of a deal done for me on Mr. Hooley's responsibility in another un dertaking. " The Egyptian Exploration Fund has just published the first part of a work called "The Oxyrhynchus Papyri," bv Messrs. Bernard" P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt, two trentlemen who have been exploring some ancient rubbish-heaps about the city of Oryrhvn chus. Their labors were rewarded by finding some interesting papyri, which are dealt with in their work. Some of these throw interesting side-lights on the domestic life and religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. Miam, Fla.. has been abandoned as a camp for the United States troops. Got It in the Neck. At a convocation of Charlotte's best colored gambling talent on the out skirts of the city recently, as the game proceeded, two of the negroes, Ellis and Byers, got into a dispute, and Byers was about to get the best of it, when Ellis drew his pistol and fired twice at B3ers. Byers dodged and one of the balls hit anegro named Jenkins, taking effect in his neck. . The party scattered instant! v. i The new base-ball rules allovr a spec tator to fully discuss the umpire, or, at WAR NEWS EPIT0311ZED Briefly Told for the flurried ' ' Reader Monday. "Gn. Miles arrived at the place of debarkation on the south coast of Porto Bico, near Ponce. All oi tne troops in the surrendered territory of Santiago have laid down tneir arms. CaDt. William C. Bucklv, of the supply ship Port Victor, reports that an at tempt was made to blow up tne snip, a box containing thirty pounds of gun cotton and dynamite, with a clock-like mechanism, was discovered on , the main deck and thrown overboard. Large Bodies of soldiers gatnenng at Newport News, va., lor me rono Rican invasion. Russian men-of-war ordered to the Philippines. Ttn58DAT. Spain made a direct ap peal to President McKinley for peace. Gen. Miles landed at the port of Uu" anica, Island of Porto Rico, after a com- Dleterout of the Spanish forces. Ad miral Sampson's report of the destruc tion of the Spanish fleet made public, also the supplemental report of Com modore Schley. Gen. Shafter cabled the Adjutant General tne sanitary con dition, of Santiago for July. A great ovation tendered Col. W. JK Bypan at the Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville. J Wednesday. Spain will protest against an attack on Porto Rico. The Wanderer expedition a failure. All the Cuban troops at Camp Calla were transferred to Caimanero. Honoluju went wild with joy on receipt of news that the United States Senate had passed the Hawaiian resolution. The Spanish forces at Porto Rico are con centrating at San Juan. Japanese press generally favor the retention of the Philippine islands by the United States. Gen. Shafter reports 3.770 sick soldiers. Admiral Miller sailed for Honolulu. Thursday. Terms of peace being reduced to form. Fever report from Santiago, now cases ; 822, total 4, 122, death from fover 2. Wood's immune regiment sailed for ! Santiago The' authorities at Fort Monr.oe refused to let the steamship Concho with sick soldiers from Santiago touch at that port. The third regiment of Pennsyl vania and the third disvision hospital corps arrived at Fer nandina. State Department replies to Spain's charge of bad faith. W recking expedition otf for Santiago. Captain Cook s (of the Brooklyn) report on tne destKUction of Cevera fleet made public. ;.. Friday. Port of Ponce, Jr'orto itico, surrendered. President McKinley and i his cabinet were in session for five hours discussing tho forms of peace that' would be acceptable to the United States. British subjects and natives of the Philippine Islands in London cabled to President McKinley praying him not to abandon the Philippine Is land for the sake of peace. Ihrouga Spanish sources it is reported that Manila has surrendered. Another transport sailed for Manila with the First Dakota Regiment. Saturday. Peace negotiations re ceived a great impetus at the Cabinet meeting, when M. Cambon ap'peared in the capacity of plenipotentiary for Spain. News of Gen. Merritt's ar rival at Manila reached the War De partment. An ovation to Gen. Miles at Ponce. ' Sunday. Gen. Wade ordered to Porto lico. The battleshin Te'xas ar rived at the New York harbor and was , given' a grViat welcome. Dispatches re ceived in London say the Madrid gov ernment considers the , peace terms as being very hard. Spain becoming de spondent about the Philippine Islands. A military club formed in Santiago by the American militarv officers. WAR TOTES. Capt. Catchings, son of Congressman Catching?, of Mississippi, on duty in Gen. Lee's command, died at Jackson ville, Fla., aged 27. '! Captain-General Macias, of Porto Rico, has ordered his 18,000 men, now scattered over the island, to defend themselves as best they can, and as a last resort to retire to San Juan. The London Daily Mail understands that the British transport . Jolunga, carrying grenadiers to Gibralter, was stopped in the Bay of Biscay by an American cruiser. Tha fever situation at Santiago as reported July 30 was, total sick 4,279; fever cases, 3,40(3; new cases of fever, G9G; cases of fever restored to duty, 590; deaths, l;case, asthenia, follow ing malarial fever. The Spanish two-masted schooner Gibara, loaded with firewood and char coal, and with 500 wpundod Spanish soldiers, was captured by the Nashville on the 27th of July while trying to en ter the port of Gibara. Letters received from Cavite,, under date of July 20, state that the insur gents have done nothing since their second repulse at Malate, when the American troops were held under arms through fear of an attack, by the Span iards. A dispatch from Madrid' says that King Alfonso is convalescent fom the attack of measles. The same dispatch says that it is quite apparent that everybody in Madrid is resigned to the acceptance of the American terms of peace. The only matter that is rais ing any difficulty is the Cuban debt. An interesting feature of the military government at Santiago is the constant stream of native residents who are pre senting claims against the U. S. gov ernment for losses sustained at the hands of Cuban troops in the last three years. These claims are prompt ly returned with an expression of re gret. . , . S$nor Enrique Trujillo, the editor of The Porvenir,of New York, the organ of the Cuban insurgents, who recently ar rived in Santiago, applied to General Wood for a license to establish a Cuban paper there. The character of the pro posed publication was not considered desirable by the general at present, and permission to publish it was absolutely refused. - Li-Lap-Yan, leader of the rebellion in the Province of Kwang-Si, China, ht.3 paoclaimed a now dynasty, styled , "vast progress. Aid Wanted at Malate. The governor general of Malate, tele graphing to the Madrid government, under date of July 25, says that aid is indispensable to resist the imminent attack of the American forces under Goneral Merritt. The foreign war ships in the bay, the dispatch says, answered the salute in honor of the Queen's saint day, and the American veseels displayed the American flag. The town of- Pugwash, N. S., 1,200 inhabitants, a deal shipping port of considerable importance on the Btraits of North Umberland, was wiped out bv fire, 200 dwellings,- 5 churches, 20 stores, 3 hotels and several mills being destroyed. . Gen. Miles was given a great ovation by the citizens of Ponce, Porto Rico, and the keys of the town turned over to him in great style. United States Consul 11 an ua, who is a personal friend of Captain General Macias, telegraphed to the latter ursiner him tn wira ilia Madrid government to surrender in the name oi numanity as the Americans art ceriamoi success,' Audibility of TCuader. While lightnin"! may be seen and its illuminating of clouds and Aist may d? feiognized wnen it is eteft ?00 miles distant, thunder is rarely audible more than ten miles.' The thunder frc-ni very distant storms, therefore, seldom reaches the ear. The reason of this great Uncertainty in th audibility 01 thunder U not difficult to understand. It depends, not merely on the initial intensity of the crash, but quiet as fnuch on the surroundings of t6 ob "server, even as in the Quiet country one will observe feeble sounds thates cape the ear in a noisy city. Perhaps the most curious and important con dition of audibility is that, the thunder wave of sound ehali not be refracted or reflected by the layers of Warm and cold air between the observer and the" lightning or by the layers of velnd, swift above and slow below, so as en tirely to pass over and around the ob server. Sound, in its wave-like "pro gress obliquely through layers of "air of different densities, is subject to re fraction, and this refraction may occur at any time and place. Thus, observers at tne topmast of a shin frequently hear fog whistles that are inaudible at sea level; those on hill-tops hear thunder that cannot be heard in the valley; those in front of an obstacle hear sounds Inaudible to those behind it. -The rolling of thunder, like that of a distant cannonade, may be largely due to special reflections cf sound. Aeain. the greater velocity of air at considerable altitude above the ground distorts the sound-wave and shortens tho limit of audibility to the leeward, while increasing it to the windward. Industries and Iron. Range-Finders tor Warships. The surprising certainty with which shots from modern rifled cannon reach targets several miles distant depends upon an accurate knowledge of the range. -In a combat with hostile ships the range must be continually chang ing, and one of the means for Its quick ascertainment is the range-finder in vented by Lieutenant Fiske of our navy. Two telescopes are fixed on the deck of a ship at a known distance part. An observer at each telescope keeps it directed upon the enemy's ship. The telescopes are electrically connected, 'and a Wheatstone bridge and galvanometers are included in the circuit. As long as the telescopes are perfectly parallel in direction, the Wlieatstone bridge remains in equilib rium, but when they are converged up on a single object,-the equilibrium is destroyed, and the needle of the galva nometer swings over a distance corres ponding to the angular displacement of the telescopes. , A properly graduated disk behind the needle shows at a glance the distance of the object at which the telescopes are aimed. Youth's Companion. ' Beauty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by 6tirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples,boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. The highest masts of sailing vessels are from 160 to 180 feet high, and spread from 60,003 to 100,000 square feet of canvas. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablet. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. -25c. Th opinion is attributed to Sienor Tal- mieri that the recent eruption of Vesuvius will prove to be the volcano's dying effort. What Are You Going to do With That Boy The ca'aloerue of Oak Ridee Institute helns to cn-.wer this questionln the most satisfac tory manner. Professors Holt discuss the question at length, in the light of their 'Zi years experience. Addreis, Profs. Holt. Oak Kidge. N. O. Dustless roads are made possible by a new aiaterial charged with heavy oil. THE EXCELENCE OF SYRUP OF FICS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is nanufaetured by scientific processes known to the Califorxia Fig Svbup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As, the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of ' that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction wbich the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty, of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them",' and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKAJiCISCO, C.L LOUISVILLE, Ky. KEff YOKE, N. T. 1A ATFIH1 M I have been natne CASCARETS mad a s mild and effectire laxative they are simply won derful. My daaghter and I were bothered with sick stomach and oar breath was very bad. After taking a few doses of Cascarets we hare Improved wonderfully. They are a great help in the family." WlLHKLMIXA N'AOEL. 1137 Rlucn house St., Cincinnati, Ohio. CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. " Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 20c. iOc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Btwfto Redy C iyay, Ckjeay. H.trrl. tw Tt. 515 IIO-TQ-PAC WSEtete- p B BUWF THE MAKER. $339 Buys this (exact) 8 drawer polished solid oak -Chiffonier, 32ln.lonp, 65 (n.hlflh, 18 in. deep. Retail prlco $8.00. PS - . Arr far tour If you are paying rcw v , -w will sell you direct from our factor, cand ive you the middleman's profit. Our mammoth general catalogue yours for ' ibe a.kln?. for U today. , Carpet v-aiaioguc i.'", r ..,. n .w is Isir mailed free. ThU month m 0 sew rafnata and furnish wadded lining free, STOWS Ton $9 carpet purchase, and 0r. Bartples of carpets or mailings m-iilf-i for 8c. - , For f.S5 we will make td 1 your measure a regular fo Black , or Blue Serge Suit, express paid. ' to your station. Catalogue and i Samples Free. Address exactly as below. JULIUS HINES& SOU Dept. 310 BALTIMORE, MO. II i New Religion. We do not need a new religion as -much asjwe do an applica tion of the principles' of the old to every strata of the social, business and politi cal orld. Rev. T. E. Cramblet, Chris tian, Pittsburg, Pa. JCo-To-Bac for. Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weali men strong, blood pure. oOctt AU druggist A pedestrian succeeded in setting foot, in the course of five hours and forty minutes, in seven German States. -. Lyon A Co' "Pick Ledf" Smoking Tobarro is the "bett of the be'st," 2 ounces and cigar ette book for 10 coots. Try it. There is now building in England a caMe carrying steamer, with carrying capacity -f 6,000 tons of cable. . To Cure Constipation Forever. Tabo Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo or 25a If C. C. C. fall to euro, druggists refund money. About 180,000,000 bunches of bananas are consumed annually in tbo United Btates. Scrofula. With the following symptoms: Inflammation of the no-trlls and eyelids, rotteu jgums, poor teeth, swelling of. the glands of the neoJt. caus ing scrofulous ulcere, sometimes called Lupus. All cured by B. B. B. A powerful vegetable blood remedy. Large battle At drug gists. Send for book, free. Llood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. The Durham (N.C.) Cotton Manufacturing Company will put in 5,CO0 spiudics and C01 looms. . . Etfaeate Tonr Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lOo, 25c, If C. C. C. fail, druggists ref und money. In the Bank of England there are many silver ingots which Lave lain untouched for nearly 200 years. DR. MOFFETT'S Tef.thina (TEETHING POWDERS) is the preparation that has gained to much retmtati n in all ur large cities in wiving the lives of I eething Children and so diminished their morta itv, and no Mother should fail to xise them If she dt tires to preserve the life of her little oni. 'J eeth ixa Aids Digr t-tion Regulates the Iiowels and makes teething easy. Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothlng Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reducing inflam- tion,allay8 pain.cures wind colic, 2jc. a botlls Spain. The nation that, in the days of her greatness, would hire the assas sin to kill such a man as William tho Prince of Orange would be none too good to place a mine under the Maine in the davs of her weakness. Rev. J. R. Henry, Presbyterian, Shadyside, Pa. WE WANT TO BURN TUe words, "ROCK HII.I.," inio jour m-tnory no tou will never forg t th' ni. TIit (land for "Bucgi"" liest buggies uot c!ap-irapf" "riff-raff" stuff but buggirs that 3T1NO If, last long, and are warranted.-"A Little lliKler in rice, iiu' " so liuie it don't pay to run the risk. Don't pay big profits on cheap work. See our agent in your town or write us. ROCK HILL Bl'CCY CO., Rock Hill, S. C. fj WANTED Case of bad bealih that R I P-A-X S will not benefit Send fi eta to Itipms4"!hemical l;o., ewlom, lor 1 wtinjles atiu hkki iwimonian. ,a& TASTELESS fn2 ru IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60cts. Galatta, Ills., Not. 16, 1203. ' Paris Medicine Co., 6t. Louis. Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, COO bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC nixl have bought three cross already this year. In all oar ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have never oold an nrticle that gave such universal satio taction aa your Tciitc Yours t ml t. Ab.n v.Cab a Co. THE COLUMBIA QIAINLESS MAIZES HILL CLIMBING m. EASY Of COLUMBUS A.1IJ2 STAHD!RD FOR GH&ll MiGHIHES. HARTF0R0S Next Best thr MoleLi at LoPxicet. laULugue Free, SIANDARD OF THE WORLD POPE MFQ 00. HARTFORacONW AKI UUAUJUUt Or COLUMBIA BICYCLES BY Wn. TOANY ADDRESS FOR ONE TWO CENT STAMP. 13 ft . 'I ' F3 ft . a a inn n TO Ml IS 9 i riE WHAT IT DOES ? KEELEY- f It relieves a person of all desire for Btron; drink or drugs, rest? CURE his nervous ryetem ti its normal condition, and reinstates a mi n t htshome and bnrino3. - . m m Z r particular aidreS, either of the following The KEELEY lASTITlTK. reenhoro. X, 1419 Madison Arenac. Baltimore, M. T HE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE Or flORICULTURB AND MECHANIC ARTS c at 1 1Q with imtir.iv a eompment In every department. Tw-niy ir Snced upeclallsts In Faculty. Full cour- Arlcultulre; sVlenee. Civil. Mecnanical an.l F!,0 trlcal EDglneerlng. Expenses very niol-rate. ForCatalogue Address Pres. A. Q. IIollaMaty, Raleigh, . c. . A Dry Niagara. A few miles southeast of Syracuse, N. Y., in a cavity whose bottom is -jl-.j feet below the surface of the adjacrnt upland, lies Jamesville lake, a body of water 500 feet in diameter and sixty feet in depth. Eastward from the lake extends a gorge through-whieh flows Butternut creek. Professor Quercan of Syracuse says that in former times a river flowed here and that Jamesville lake is the pool that was formed under a great waterfall. Steep cliffs rise around it on three sides, and "all the features of a dry Niagara are here dis closed in great detail." Why live without an Organ or Piano in tha house when a small outlay will make you thn happy owner of tho BEST THERE 1ST Addrog John B. Wright, Greensboro, N. C. BICYCLIST FRIEND iii Bicyclists Have You Seen It? PISTOL TVJATER, aai nfirir H UULUUUsC) OR OTHER CO o to LIQUID. It is a weapon which protects bicyclists against vicious doK and foot-pals; trarelers ag'1'" r ' 1 ers aad toughs; homes avaioit thlve and tra'nj's, and is aaaptl to many ofber situations. It does not kill or injure; It is perfectly nafr f handle; makes no noise or smoke; breaks no law a t I creates no lasting regrets, as does the bull int'"I. It simply and amply protects, by compilliiM ' foe to gire undivided attention to hnusclt f 'f awhile insteal of to the Intended victim. It is the only real weapon which protects and al makes fun, Janghter and lots of It; 1'. ?hoots, n t once, but many times without reloading: ari l will protect by its appearance in time of dancer, al though loaded only with liquid. It does not "'it of order; Is durable, handsome, and niokfl pl it' l. 8ent boxed and post-paid by mail with full direc tions how to use for In 2c. Foa'aga Stamps. Post-office Money Ord. r.ot Express Money Order. As to onr reliability, refer to It. Ci. Iuu s of Bradstreet's merraatili agencies. "NEW YOKK UNION SUPPLY .. 135 Leonard Street, New ork tl'.y. nwmnwnitiiniiuiiiiiiwiininniminintiiMtniiiiJiiiHn" AW 1YOU M A aV aT m &9k IWSk in si' 'WhvBnlniuthheiitmarrliriprr X. andsavetimsandetrerjr'tli.Tbo ; E-tiectnc - ccma i rv RAWS enable on nf.n In rlothawork rtn ronhi do In 3 e tho old way. Oar ,LIcctrir Circular Nnw 2 g Battle suunrii.rrru 1' I i& M ' ' ' 3 are by f"x the beet -iirrl 3 i , . . purpose i-arm baws ever jiiBQe.tenl lor iJ' H'-rM'- 3 UveCntalof ueami i.r.-' 3 No. i z- iiioi'?inniivy' fSnws, J-JiihIJ q dee ;uller, 3 m.mS Feed .Mill. 3 Torn Khrll-rf, 3 ltoot Cutters and H erne Powrn. 5 8MALLEY MFQ. CO., Manitowoc. Wis. 5 t..Mr.npi,tfnf,Mfy,Hi.u.......im...,,,i..m,j.iiitiilimrt gEED WHEAT TOR SALE! From the greatest crop eter grown in tli'j South. bree varletiee: Fulcaster, a bear'l"l wheat; Red May and White ( lauseD, b 'tfi smooth or beardlefi. Wheat is now verv t from cockle fei-d and bnkni strain Mdk fa' superior t(theu?ual run of need whei . will, howfver, reclean the wheat when '!" ired, takinKoutalmoBteverTockles-eecl ul pieces of t:roken prraiu a well as any Interior rfr.in T li ff. m -, v lkrt In If Wh.if na it. rmv ij price $1.25 per bushel, recleaned wheut S' per bushel. There prices are both on rare :t Charlot'e, Including tack. Kach hack "f " tain two bnshel. cnd in your onleri onceif you w shtopecure the bent seerl wji'-a on the market. Terms: Cat.h with order. Charlotte Oil & Fertilizer Co., or Fred Oliver, CII AIM TTK, N. OUR VICTORY ! ' The American people are noted for t J f r Ingenuity. 1 his accounts In a great nwa-urj for our eay victory In o ir naval IntM ". This Mme ingenuity in enabling our p- I' ' lessen their work and tet greiter r ! nt from whatever they may engage in. ' ' ; the latent inventions is a Doitibl- ii.'.ii fence by Young and Cable. I hi fern ' r' quires no post.", cannot be blown dow i Ik easily taken nn.iit an 1 tmt uo. i-1 in ; the farmer to pasture any odd rornt r i. IU cultivation. It is safe t- tay thi- h -; ' "n will be worth thousands of dollars ' tl . ' r' mera of the South. They rnt im.t ; practical farmers to pHI the rieht i 1 ' -thixfence. T 4 VY.TTYi'1 lT' '' Write to J. A. lUUiU, t Tlie I'aniotiM Greensboro Herd H S lrtterel I'olanl C'liliiu IIon at GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA' rgnm REPAIRS V I U LJJ SAWS. RIB?. BRISTLE T WINE, BABBIT, . FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for a-une. Shaftlnp. !'ni;'!' Belting, Injectors, Fipee, Valves auJ 1 ittl.'fc LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPl'LY lO, AUGUSTA. iA. If afflicted with sors eyes, use Thompson's Eye Watff i . nrdrrina: aronda or matlni nn!jlrn" ' 1 Xr- rtl.ers it will be to t our a ivaniasf 111 ,i T'liLLO IaZ'l t-C ill r i t r C . II c , uunto nncne all LLOC thu-o. Best Cough Uyrup. Tastes Good. In time. Knlrt hr rlmrrlptS. Lieu o 01$. v Vs. tar (SJ ssMsMl ml fact ii rMr m S.. -.iMar na ft i S

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