T HE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Z : Entered accoiding to postal regula gions at the postoffice at Dunn, N. C, as fecond class matter. J. P. Pittman, Proprietor, A. II. WoODALLa Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months.... 25 Cents. Six Months ..... 50 Cents. One Year $1.00. Sent .by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, August 10 1838. OUR CANDIDATES For Congress : Charges' II Thomas For Solicitor : Edward W Pou Go To The Convention. On next Monday the Demo- crats of the county will meet in Lillington to select candidates for county officers and a mem ber of the legislature. Every Democrat in the county is earn estly urged to go to Lillington on that day and give one day't work for the interest of the Democratic party, and above al for the interests of the county In this convention, we under stand, every Democrat wh goes will be allowed to cast i vote. For instance, if on township should have 15 vote. in the convention and the then are sixty De nocrats presem from that township each man h entitled to cast one-sixtieth o 15, or i of a vote for the can didate of his choice. Undei this plan the majority can no prevent the minority from rep resentation and it is almost im possible for the friends ' of on candidate to take advantage oi the friends of another candidate This convention a!nd its ac tion are of vital importance ti the party and the interests of county. The people pay Un taxes, and as the largest pari of the taxes of the county i paid by men who vote the Dem ocratic ticket, we feel that the Democrats are the ones to sav how and by whom these taxes should be levied and collected and who should make the laws to govern our county. To d this we must put forth, from our convention next Monday, for candidates, men of unimpeach able character, politically or otherwise, and so divide the candidates throughout the county that, as nearly as pos sible, every section will be rep resented. We must put forth men who are competent for the places we want them to fill. W must&etiuen that can make a can vass, fearless and who will ex pose the rottenness and corrupt rule now upon us in Norti Carolina. Harnett is expected to do her part to redeem th State and with the candidates we name next Mondav We feel sure that when the votes ar ji j . t .t counted on tne evening or tno 8th of November, she will be found standing on the side of Anglo-Saxon Supremacy for North Carolina. Let not there be any bicker- ings or heart burnings after the convention next Monday be cause you failed to get the can didate of your choice, but leave the convention with the de termination that each candidate shall be elected and that Har nett shall again be added to the white roll of the Democratic party, the party of white men and which believes that white men should rule North Caro lina. The negro proballj' thinks that because the Democratic party has made White Supre macy its party slogan, that it is an enemy to him. Such, however, is not - the case. It has his interest at heart and will ever protect him and his property and wants him to be come a better citizen. Its rec ord in the past is proof of these facts. It believes that he, as a race, is inferior to the Anglo Saxon, and that this country must be governed by the white. men. lhe negro lived more in peace with us under Democratic rule than under negro rule that we are having. His life and property were safer and his crimes anp misdemeanors were less. We feel kindly to the. ne gro and wish him to improve in circumstances every way, but we will never believe that it is right for him to Nkold office whose functions are to'be exer- cised.over white men. Be&nth Signature The Kind You Hare Always ffsufijrt - 1 Who Is The Munchausen? "The Democratic Executive Committee of Harnett county has issued a manifesto to the ? voters of that county which proves that Baron Munchausen is a back number. Josephus Daniels in the prime of his young manhood cannot hold the Harnett county committee a light. They say that the in stitute for the white deaf and dumb has passed under the con trol of a negro politician. The institute for the white deaf and dumb is located at Morganton, in Burke1 county. Its Princi pal is Prof. E. McK. Goodwin, a Wake county man, a white man and a Democrat. There is not a single negro connected in any wTay with the institution. This committee says that 'we have seen our penal and chari table institutions turned over to incompetent and corrupt pol iticians. This may be true, but our charitable institutions in the main are still under the control of Democrats, the ones the pre sent State administration found in charge when they came into power. This committee takes up two columns in the County Union with just such falsehoods as the two mentioned' And yet one of the men who signs this - tj so called address professes to be a Christian teacher, the official head of a great religious denom ination in this section. The above paragraph is clip ped from the Progressive Farmer of this week. In refering to it the News & Observer of yester dav under the Captian o "Should cry and not laugh says : "The Democratic Executive Committee of Harnett county in enumerating the institutions that are under the control o the netrro in this regime name the D. D. and B. Institution at Raleigh. Because the .white deaf and dumb have been moved to Morganton, the Pro gressive Farmer thinks it has discovered a mare's nest. The name of the institution has no been changed and it is the Har nett Democrats who are righ and not the Progressive Farmer It is a fact that practically the negro Jim Young is at the head of the directors of this institu tion in which the blind white children are educated, it is a shame and a disgrace, and if the Progressive Farmer had not 1.1 T "k IT joined tne itepuoiican party m order to get two salaries it would be indignant instead of making sport. " It is no laughing matter to have your unfortunate child compelled to attend a school the destinies of which are in the hands of a negro politician From the country school to the State institution for the D. D 1 T" i 1 1 . T 1 1 ana 13. tne wnite- cnnaren are placed under negro directors As to the statements made by t -i , .J our cnairman ana secretary m their address they are too true for any man who has any regard for truth and honesty to attempt to deny. The editor of the Farmer attempts to cast a slui "c T i i nr t , i on iur. j. kj. Vyiinord, tne sec retary, we suppose. He is. an humble layman in the Baptist church, and not the "official head of a great religious denom :. 1.1 1 ... 1. 1 .. i n -r-r inuuoii ui ins section. ne is ha young lawyer of ability and his conduct and walk in'-- life since he has been living in this community have been in accord with his religious professions. OW are the chil dren this summer? Are they doing well ? Do thev get all the benefit they should from their food? Are their cheeks and lips of good color? And are they hearty and robust in everyway? If not, then give them Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil with hypo phosphites. It never fails to build up delicate boys and girls. It gives them more flesh and better blood. It is just so with the baby also. A little Scott's Emulsion, three or four times a day, will make the thin baby plump and prosperous. It furnishes the 'young body with just the material necessary for growing bones and nerves. . ) uraggiszs, soc. ana 91. SCOTT & Bowne, Chemists, N. Y. . It TN - - C3 Bean the Signature of Thfl Kind You Hare Always Bought j Editor J. W. Bailey, of the Biblical .Recorder, has spoken out against Governor x Rus: sell and the State Board?of Ag riculture, and! has thereby in- curred the wrath of nearly all the Republicans in the state. Since his expose of the Agri cultural trade one of the Stew arts, State Printers, has made some insinuations 4 against Bailey and he replies in a letter to Stewart accusing him and his brother ' of fraudulently changing the law regulating the price oi tne state printing ana thereby getting a larger price for the wrork than the legislature intended. It will also be re membered that there is a suit pending brought by the State Treasurer against the State Printers to get money back which they obtained, Bailey says fraudulently. This is Re publicanism in North Carolina mat party has always had an unsavory record and modern Republicanism has changed little since 18G8. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel salve. It heals i promptly and cures ec zeina and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. Hood & Grantham. When you hear a white publican say; that "White premacy" has solidified the Re Su ne groes, ast mm 11 any more ne groes in North Carolina voted the Democratic ticket in 189G 1 1 than in 1C76. In 1876 the is sue in North Carolina was White Supremacy. To-day there are more negroes holding office in North Carolina than then. The negro rule of to-day is worse than it was then. It had been been on us for several years then and every count7 and the .state too was bankrupt or nearly so. It has just been thrust upon us again and from the records made in three years and a half, it will take it only a short time to squander what we have saved in twenty years and leave us bankrupt and in debt again. North Carolina is in a bad way .when unprincipled white men and negroes rule. Now is the time to strike to pre vent disaster and every true white North Carolinian will join the party of Vance and rout the "enemies of good gov ernment from office. Our baby has been continually roubled with colic and cholera infaD fuin since bis birtb, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we rried Chamberlain's Oolic. Cholera md Diarrhoea, Remedy. Since giv lig that remedy bd has not been trou oled We want to gi"e you this tes timonial as an evidence of our grati ?ude, not that you need it to adver rise your meritorious remedy G. M Law, Keokuk; Iowa. For sale by N. B Hood, druggist, Dunn, N. C "Out of the 7,500 applicants for 15o vacancies for the posi tion of lieutenant in the United State Army, three men from Bingham were successful. No other military institution enter ed successfully more than one," boasts the Asheville Gazette, and we sympathize with its gratifi cation. Our NorthCarolinians are taking high rank wherever their work is put to a test. Let the people rally to their schools and colleges, rher'e are enough boys and. girls for many more institutions than we have, who ought to be' at one or the other of our own institutions. As our schools, colleges and church es flourish, so will our citizen ship. Raleigh Post. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy in my family for years and always with good results," says Mr VV. 13. Cooper of El Rio. Cal. "For small children: we find it especially effective." For sale by N. B Hood, druggist, Duiin, N. C There are certain Kepuplj- cans who are trying to fix up a slate by which Maj. John W. Graham, of Hillsboro, is to be the fusion nominee for judge 111 the J?ifth district. There are three reasons why this deal will not materalize :1. Major Graham will not lend his honorable name to the; gang now despoil ing his state ; 2. If the Repub licans think! they have a chance they will name another Nor wood or Robinson of their own party ; 3. The Populists would not support Major Graham be cause he is an avowed and con sistent advocate of . the gold standard. News & Observer. The editor of the Evans Citv. Penn . Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured mv children liter all , other remedhes failed." It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and rng troubles. Hood & Grantham. ; "I think De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve s the finest preparation on the market or the piles." fco writes John C. Dunn of Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and vou will think the same. It also cures ecze- hia and all skin diseases. Hood fe Grantham. I Funny Isn 'tm It. The County Union published at Dunn in Harnett County is a funny paper. In its issue of July. 27th it advises the negro of Harnett County, to demand recognition. It says they are entitled to part of the county ticket and in the same issue and same column it calls upon the people of the county to organi ze what it terms. "White Su-- premacy Clubs." Wants one in every school house in the County. Is consistency a jewT el? We clip this from this week's issue of the Progresssive Far mer. If consistency had been applied all through the Repub lican and Populist fusion two years ago some negro would probably be presiding as Secre tary of Agricu' are instead of Editor Ramsey of the Progress ive Farmer. He owes his elec tion to the neerroes of North Carolina for they are the large majority of the Republican party and if they would demand consistency in distributing the offices very few white men would be put on the Republi can ticket. We think our course consis tent. As a white citizen of North Carolina we believe that white men, should rule North Carolina, but we do not think it consistent with the negro who does the lion's share of the voting to give the lion's share of the offices to a few white men who vote with the negro because they can, or ex pect to get ari office. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Ctue produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. Hood & Grantham. Senator Butler advises the Populists in the first congress ional district not to vote foi Hany Skinner for a re-nomina tion for congressman. Butler calls bkinner a traitor and says that he (Skiriher) wroukl not be allowed to enter a caucus of Pop ulist congressmen and Senators in Washington. But Skinnei has bought the leaders of the Populist; party in his district with federal patronage arid he will be re-nominated, not with standing the Senator urges a- gainst it. . . . i , The Chief Burgess of Milesburg,' Pa says DeWi'tt's Little Karly Kisers are the best puis he ever used 111 his family during forty years of house keeping They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and uyer troubles.' Smal in size but great in results. Hood & Grantham. 7 - The Democratic admistra tion leased the Anson farm o r A i a' - -4 j- z,4uu acres tor jpi.iu per acre per annum. Besides the arable land and there is none better 1 there is a large quantity of woodland, and with the" lease is the privilege to cut and sell this wood. The Democrats only had this farm one year, and the- wood cut that year amounted to $4,000, we are informed. This besides excellent crops of cotton and other products. Mr. Leazar says the farm paid its expenses including, of course, the convicts. What the Russell administration has done with it in 1897 and this year it onlv knows. The Governor will not let the people know anything about it. Raleigh Post. SCHOOL BOOKS AT Half Price. O- -O All kinds of Books bought, sold and exchanged. SCHOOL ANk j LAW BOOKS A SPECIALTY. New books at at Publisher's prices. Send for catalogues. 1 - . Southern Book Exchange, 127-129 Eayetteville St, aleigh, N. C. 'Phones 253R & 225C. Eat and be Filled ! Buy Good Beef at McLeod's Meat Market- ne will sell you good beef cheap, and will pay a good price for Beef Cattle. He wants your trade and will guaran tee to please you. Come one, come all, and see for 3-our- selves. " Yours to please, R. L. McLEOD, Dunn, N. C. TV0 FOR ONE. By Special Arrangement we offer Home & Farm in connection with our paper for OIME DOLLAR, Being the price of our paper alone. This .is, for all new or old subscribers renewing - and paying in advance, we send . HME FARM HOME & FARM has for many years been the leading agricul tural journal of the south and southwest, made by farmers for farmers, and is a 16 page paper. Its Home Department conduct ed bv Aunt Jane, its Children's Department, and its Dairy De partment are brighter than ever . C7Renew and get this great journal for home and" the farm free! 500 New Subscribers. The great campaign is on and we' want 500 new subcribers and in order to get them we wTill send The County Union from Aug. 10th, '98 to Jan. 1st, '99, FOR 25 CENTS, CASH. This is the opportunity of youi life and no one should let it pass. Address, THE COUNTY UNION, THE UNIVERSITY. Largest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Faculty 38 ; students 508 ; Academic Courses. 3 Profes sional Schools, in Law, Medi cine and-Pharmacy. Advance classes open to wo men. Tuition $60. a year Board $8. a month. Ample op portunities for self-help. Schol arships and loans for the needy. Summer School for Teachers 24 Instructors, 185 Students. Total enrollment, 670 For Catalogue, address, President Alderman, ' Chapel Hill, N. C. U AVING qualified as Administrator of John 1 , Sit-sser. deceased late of EJarnett county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of August, I899, or this no tice will be plead m bar 'of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate wil plcast make immediate payment. This 22nd day of July, 1898. W. K. SokkelTj, Administrator A DM1NIS 1 RATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator o J. J. Kosser, deceased, late of Harnett County, North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Gih day of June, 18!9, or this notice will be plea' led in 'bar of 1 heir recovery, a' persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate payment. Tim Uth clay of June, 1898. James R. Rossek, Jul-13-Gw. Administrator. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY STORE. J. L. BENTON. I desire to inform the public that my store can now be found on Broad street next door to J. D. Barnes. I keep at all times a well selected stock of Dry Goods and Notions, and sell at Hard Time Prices. -o G- R O CE RIES: You can always find at my store a choice stock of -Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Thank ing you for past fayo'rs and inviting you to call and see me in my new quarters, I remain, Yours truly, J.L.BENTON. NEW SHOP. I have just opened a repair shop in the Johnson Shop Building, and ain prepared to do Cart and Wagon Repairing. Hoi se and Mnle Shoeing and other work at short notice, and will be pleased to have your work. All work guaranteed to be .first-class and good workmanship. Refrigerators- lave a refrigerator made to keep fresh meat. butter, etc, in. I am prepared to make them cheap. Give me a trial and I think I can please vou. Yours truly, M. L- JACKSON, ju-8-fm. Dunn. K. C. Ipf fl DARTERS P U DARTERS N. B. HOOD m it (Mial Mm DUNN, - - - - - N. C. My stock consists of anything found in a first-class Drug Store which I am selling cheaper than ever for the cash. - Prescriptions compounded with care and accuracy. I thank all for past favors, and invite ydu to come 'and see me. I do a straight legal business. Mr. Alfred Taylor is with me' and he invites all his friends to call and see him. Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, 1 N. B. HOOD. rrali i i Speaking at Hood & Grantham's Drug Store Every day Until Havana Surrenders. ' - j Now is the time to buy your Drugs Cheap for cash, School j Book's, Soaps, Drug Sundries, Colognes, Toilet Goods, Chilli, Tonics, all endorsed by all parties. We can furnish this entire section with New- Crop Turnip Seed and Cool Drinks and now is the season for both while the days are long and hot. No contests from any county or township in the district. The only credentials we call for, is CASH. Our goods haye the war stamps on them but we are holding the same old., prices. Respectfully, HOOD & GRANTHAM, D. H. Hood. Dunn, THE GREAT CLEARAK COIVIIVIEIMCED WEDNESDAY August lOtli, AT THE MASSENGILL P. T. Marsengill, Manager. MASSENGILL A. J. Rosser, A. B., Principal. ' (Trinity College.) . , Giles'. Mill, N. C, OPENS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1898. Iox- Boys EXPENSES : Tuition, $1, piece for Latin, Greek, or German. Board, $5 to $G per month. Mr. T R. Williams, Giles' Mill. N f! Dear Sir : In reply to vour letter I know no young man of greater personal worth than Mr. Rosser. If you can secure him for your school, you will onr f,n young man. - i Yours ' f - MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained n a certain mortpucp pvpnntori k. i Henry McLean and wife, to W. p Hockady, recorded in Hook O. v o page 77, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Lillington, on Monday, Sep tember 5th, 1SU8. at 12 o'clock M.. all J. Henry McLean's interest in 9S a.a of land known as the Billy McLean tract wear Lillington, adjoining Mrs. Sal mon's and J. S. Beckers land. This August 8th, 189S. W. F. Hockaday, Mortgagee. Valuable to Women. Especially valuable tnxr,.,. ; , v - - " "-vi. JO 1I V us iron liitiera. Backache v&nUdoc i. disappears, -strength takes the ' place r.f weakness, and t ie plnw ,.r .....ta. sssa ijiit .e.. ti.iv1 ;x .U1 ..uicu, ,s mKPn. f or sic ; v'J.iMrcn shonld U without this fa.olls rowi'iron Uittcra ia sold by all dealer-" 111 1111111! ! n N. C. G. K. Grantham. CUT PRICE PT1 Uil DRY GOODS CO, Wash Goods that sold for W, 18, 20 and are now offered at 8 Dei- yard. " o o Slippers that sold for $1.50 and $2.00, are oflVr-! ed at 72 to $1.00, and onj all goods we will give you from 25 to 50 on the1 dollar. o o j We have about 2")' Boxes of Tobacco which; we are closing out at old prices. o o j This great ' slaughter in prices will continue for! 15 Days. Call early ami: securq the best bargains.' Respectf ully M GOODS COMPANY. Liad G-ii-ls. $1.50 and $2 ner month KM f t t. truly. jftlfW n Durham, N.fc0. EXECUTION SALE, By virtue of an execution issued out of the Superior court of Harnett Countv iu case of A. J. Blalock against J. A. John son, I will sell to the highest bidder f i" cash at the Court House door iu Lillin? tonon Monday Sept, 6th 1898 the lif estate and title of J A. Johnson in tin following described lands. First tract 188 acres in Grove Township, adjoining the lands of Wash James. James Barne" and others. Second tract S7 acres in Black P.iver Township known as the I. Smith lnd adjoining the lands of D H. Matthews, Thos Matthews and other--Third tract 48 acres in Neills Creek Township adjoining tie lands of W. H Wade,. Jacob Matthews and other?. This August 2nd 1808. J. II Pope,SherilV. Per W. M. Bryan, D- S. m t ib tm bm v r The Kind You Hats Always Bougr.i SA. j.j Bean tha St 1

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