: DO YOU KNOW Renancratlve Chimney Sweeplnf. A new tenant, designing to nre n;3 Ichimney and save the expense of a Bvreep, hoisted a bundle of burning f traw at the end of a pole. A moment fcater he vras startled by a golden jtinkling, and glancing down, saw that the old-fashioned hearth was literally jcovered with gold pieces. Further (examination revealed the charred fragments, of a leathern bag suspend ed by a hook in the chimney, while khe windfall itself totalled up to ftearlv $1,500. Tit-Bits. Beauty la BIooA Dep Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Coscarets, Candy Catbarv tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, llegin to-day to Danish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guarantee 10c, 25c, 50c. ' The first order for railway postal cars for South America has Just been placed with a manufacturing firm at Snringfleld. Mass. " So. 82 To Cure a Cold In One Day. ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet). All Druggists refund money if it falls tocure. 25c. In the cottonpef J industry last year not less than 4,000,000 toDS of cottonseed were uonenmed, the total value of tbo resultant j-roductg . SgjjregaUng 120,0O0,0JJ. Io-To-Bao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak Den wrong, blood pure. 60c, (L All druggists, Or the 16,000 citizens of the United States now In Germany, 2,000 are matriculated Etu dexits. Xyon&f o' "Pick Leaf "KmcklnaToharco loes not make every mouth as sweet as a roe, but comes "mighty nigh"-does give every lie a most delightful smoke. Trv It. The Danish flag is the oldest flag in ex istence, doilcg back to 1219 or thereabouts. More'rabies lives have been Favd by PR. WOFr'K'l 'J s 'j eetiiina CJ EE! HINO POW JJEKS) than by all other remedies c ombined. TekYhina Aids Ingestion,- Kegulatcs the Uowels and makes teething eaey. In France there are 2,2.r,0,000 mik-h cows, Vhich rroducounnually 1,716,003,000 gallons Of milk. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or II. , Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York IVjlicojywrrt statistics show that Cornwall Is th"1jcst behaved county in England. Mrp. Window's Soothing Syrup forchildrea teething, softens the gums, reducing incarna tion, allays pain. cures wind coliciiCa bott . When Hot Don't sweat and fret, but ko -p cool and take Hood's Sarsaparllla. This is good advice, as you will And if you follow it. Hood's Snrsaparilla is a first-class sum mer medicine, because it is so good for the stomach, so cooling to the blood, e?6 helpful to tho whole body. Make no mistake, but get only 9 Sarsa- parilla America's Greatest Med cine. Hnnrl'3 Pi lk cur,J Liver easy 11UUM O I 1 1 15 take, easy to operate. to A Wonderful Clock. In one of the town halls In a Japan ese treaty port there is a remarkable time-piece It is contained In a hand some frame, three feet wide and five feet long, it represents a noonday landscape, very cieverly carried out. In the foregrouna plum and cherry trees appear in bloom, while in the rear a hill is. to be seen, from which flows a pretty cascade, imitated in crjstal. From this cascade flows a tiny stream, which wends its way between rocks and islands and flnaly loses itself In a stretch of woodland. In a minia ture sky a golden sun turns on a silver wire, striking the hours on a silver gong as it passes. Each hour Is marked by a creeping tortoise. A bird of rich plumage warbles at the c'.ose of the hour, and, as the warbling ceases, a mouse suddenly makes its appearance, and, scampering oyer the hill to the garden, is soon lot to view Altogether It is certainly a wonderful piece of mechanism. San Francisco Chronicle. MBS. PINKIIAM'S ADVICE. What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say About It. Dear Mrs. Tinkham: When I wrote to you I had not been well for five years; Jirid doctored all the time but got no better. I had womb trouble verj bad. My womb pressed backward, causing pilcs. I was in such misery I could" scarcely .walk across the floor. Men struation was irregular and too pro fuse, was also troubled with leucorrhoea. I had given up all' hopes of getting1 well; everybody thought I had consumption. After takinsr five bottles of Lydia E. rink ham's Vegeta ble Compound, felt very much. better and was able to do nearly all pay own work. I continued the use of your medi cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to you. I can not t b ank you enough for your advice and your wonderful medicine. Any one doubting my statement may write to me and I wO gladly answet all inquiries. Mrs. Nell IIcrst, Deep water, Mo. Letters like the foregoing, con stantly being received, contribute not a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs. rinkham that her medicine and counsel are assisting women to bear their heavy burdens. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass All suffering women are invited to write to her for advice, which will be given without charge. It is an ex perienced woman's advice to women New Religion. We do not need a new religion as much as we do an applica tion of the principles of the old to every strata of the social, business and politi cal world. Rev. T. E Cramblet, Chris tian, FittSburx, Pa. DON'T BJ? FOOLED Toto buying "elp-frp," "mske-nhifi" bueT.nn which bin profit, are made. Try a '-ROCK HILL," "A Lll-I. Higher In Prlc, Bui . " o little higher yon can't afford to ran the rk. See tor mi-nt in your town. He ulil sell y.u at lowmt flrarea. If not write ui. We'll arc that tou are treated rigb . in.s.c. U ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock K Hood v - I ii HE B8SESSMENIS REDUCED But the 2 1-2 and 2 Cent Passen ger Rate Maintained. . ONE HUNDRETH BIRTHDAY Celebrated. The Hero of the Merrintat Given a Great Ovation in Statesville. The 0. R. & C. Railroad Sold. The railroad commission has reduced the assessment of the Pullman Car Com. pny from $230,000, which it recently named, to $90,000. The company's at torneys plainly informed the commis sion that while it had no right to As sess the company's cars passing through the State, it could only lega'ly assess the car which rues between Wil mington and Weldon, yet the company would make no contest on $98,000 val nation, but would pay this, as it had before done. The commission gives the express company, at the Iatter'a re quest, three weeks to prepare its case and show cause why it should not pay for war revenue tax stamps onreceiptsk The railroad commission, July 1st, assessed the Western Union Telegraph Company at $1,000,000. It has reduced the assessment to $751,000, which the Western Union accepts. It had assess ed the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road at $777,000, but has reduced this to $551,000, which was last year's as sessment. It reduced the Postal Tele graph Company's assessment to $50, 000. It overruled the exceptions pnd decided to maintain the 2j and 2 cents per mile passenger rates it recently ordered on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. It has not yet decided as to whether it will or will not reduce pas senger rates on the Ka'eigh and Gas ton Railroad. It orders the mainten ance of an up-town ticket office at Mt. Airy and of an up-town express office at Lexington. . : Cheered at Statesville. Quite a crowd of hero-worshippers gathered' at the Southern depot to see the hero of the Merrimac, who recently visited relatives in Statesville. Lieu tenant Hobson was quickly recognized, and the large crowd which had gathered at Hotel Iredell, broke into cheers as Lieutenant Hobson drove by. Feeling that Statesville and that section of the State have a special interest in Lieu tenant Hobson, the Old North State Band, in a transfer, decorated with flags and streamers bearing the signifi cant legend: "Remember the Merri mac, " accompanied by a convoy of old nd young people, went out to Mt. Stir ling and serenaded the hero of the Mer rimac. The demonstration wasa pon taneous and notable one. Celebrated Her One Hundredth Birthday. Aunt Sally Hendren, of Alexander county, celebrated her 100th birthday Julty 25th. Rev. J. O. Shelley, of Statesville, was present. Mr. Shelley saw the Bible iu which the aged lady's birth is recorded and there is no doubt as to her age. She was born on July 25, 1798. The Bible in which the record is kept is 183 3'ears old, having been published in 1715. Statesville Landmark. The O.R. & C. Railway Sold. A new company composed of the bondholders of tho Finance Company, of Pennsylvania, bought the Ohio River & Charleston Railroad, at Ma rion, for $89,010. The purchasing com mittee was composed of Messrs. Sam Hunt, of Cincinnati, O. ; Simon A. Stern and John G. Collier, of Phila delphia. From good authority it is cid tho road will be finished to the Tennessee line, as soon as possible. . v August Weather. An examination of weather bureau Stords shows that the temperature hta reached 100 degrees on two occa Ei'ons; in 1831 aud again in 1888. The lowest temperature in August, 53 de grees, was recorded in 1887. The aver age tempeacture for the month is 77 degrees. An average of 11 rainy days it on record, and of clear days there are eleven; partly cloudy, twelve; cloudy, eight. Tho average rainfall is 4.62 inches; the greatest amount during any month, 10.57 inches, in 18J0; the least, 1.05 inches, in 1880. The winds have blown equally from northeast and southwest. Large attendance on the institute. Thers was an attendance of 3,000 at the Elders' and Deacons' Institute at Red Springs ou Sunday, July 81st The strvices were very impressive, and the scope of the subjects discussed very wide. Wh . . Capt. Sparnell Shot. Capt Dick Sparnell, yard conductor at Salisbury, was shot and badly wounded by Bob Moore, a flagman. : 4ff Shot and Killed by a Bar Keeper. A negro Earned Herrican Blalock was shot aud killed by Will Ware, a bar keeper, at King'8 Mountain. The ball took effect in the back of the ' negro's head. He died almost instantly. Hunting Counterfeiters. Detective Shaw, of Charlotte, with four men, has gone to a point in western North Carolina to round up a gang of counterfeiters who have been putting out a large quantity of spurious coin. A New Charter Granted. The State charters the North Caro lina Coal and Coko Company, of Chat ham county. Stockholders: Samuel P. Langdon and others; capital $100, 000. 3G0 Tons a Day Output. The output N of coal at the Cumr nock mine is 300 toas a day. By the end of the year it will be 500 tons a day. All this coal will be sold in North Carolina. None will be sold commercially outside this State. A New Kind of Purse. A young man was arrested in a Char lotte store recently, charged with steal ing money. Ho had a good pocket book in his mouth. He was made to cough up several silver pieces and a dollar in greenback. Found Dead. Mr. David W. Campbell, of Mt Hol ly, was found dead in his room. He was subject to epileptic fits, and pasted away iu one. When found he was lying across the bed with his head hanging over the railing. Gored by an Ox. Mr. Elias Stancil, an aged citizen of Unicja,was out in the field when he was attaaked by an ox that belonged to Mr. Frank Hannah, a neighbor. Ttia nni- mal gored him in the stomach and j head, HistecQYery is doubtfuL TAR HEEL NOTES. FATAL RUNAWAY AT CHARLOTTE. 61r. Saunders Thrown from the Bugfy, Re ceivinj Injuries Which Resulted in His Death. Mr. Saunders and Miss Cochrane, i lady friend, were out for a buggy ride in Charlotte recently, and -jast as the horse was turning a corner a negro rid1 lag a wheel ran into the horse. The horse made a lunge forward and began to run at a terrific speed. Mr. Saun ders pulled on the reins and turned the horse toward the sidewalk when he lost the reins and he and Miss Cochrane were left powerless.. The buggy struck the curbing and Mr. Saunders was thrown violently against a stone steri bn tho curbing. He was thrown with suiih force that when his head struck the stone he bounded back the full length of his body, and when picked up hi3 head was laying in the opposite direction from the sidewalk. His feet were lying against the curbing. Ex amination showed that his skull was fractured from ear to ear. The unfor tunate man never spoke after his head struck the curbing. Miss Cochracs was thrown from the buggy, but we3 not seriously hurt. She received sev eral pcratches about the neck and face and was terribly frightened. After be ing carried' home she was told of the serious condition of Mr. Saunders, and was almost prostrated with grief. Carolina Central Railroad. A plan for the readjustment of the debt of the Carolina Central Railroad, in which Baltimore capitalists are in terested, has been recommended by a special committee named for the pur pose and approved by a largo majority of the bondholders. The plan pro vides for an is3uo of $2,000,000 of 4 per cent, fifty-year first mortgage gold bonds, $500,000 of preferred stock and $1,500,000 of common stock. Princi pal and interest of the new mortgage is guaranteed by the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company and the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad Company. Elizabeth College Improvements. Elizabeth College, Charlotte, has se cured the services of a trained nurse from Philadelphia as matron, a skilled housekceper.and German women who will act as house maids, and cooks. A now pipe organ has been added to the "college chapel, also a lai-ge reference librar3r. The college authorities : are sparing no efforts to make Elizabeth College one of tho foremost institu tions in the country. . Improvements at Brevard. There is a large force of hands at work on the new Brevard Toxaway turnpike. Many mile3 of the road have been built toward Brevard from Toxaway, and it will be pushed rapidly to completion. A telephone line has recently been completed from Brevard, via Cedar Mountain to Caesar's Head; also a line from Brevard to Davidson's river and Grange via Shuford's bridge. Was His Own Horse. A novel sight was seen on the streets of Ellijay recently. It was a mau who said he was ,from Asheville and was moving hiriself, his wife, and three children to j Marietta. The man ' was working himself to a cartr, pulling one of the children and what seemed to be their luggage. Tho woman aud other children were walking. He had pulled his cart all the way from Asheville. The Bicycle Assessment. The Railroad Commission has decid ed to make the minimum assessment of bicycles $10. 00. In the reports from the counties there is a wide range of difference in the valuation of bicycle?. Some counties report an average of $10. 00 and others an average of $18.00. The Commission was of the opinion that'a bicycle wa3 worth $10.00 if any thin" Pearson Re-nominated. The Ninth District Republican con vention,, which recently met in Ashe ville, re-nominated Richmond Pearson by acclamation. The resolutions adopt ed eudorse the administration, Pritch ard and Pearson, and insist that the civil service be changed so as to "con form to the laws of common sense and common justice. " Horse Dies With Rabbies. A horse belonging to Mr. C. A. Black, of Charlotte died recently from the effects of hydrophobia. A few days before its death it would chase any one that came inside the lot aud would foam at the mouth just as a dog with tho rabbies. Bond Issue Defeated. The proposition to issue bonds by tho city of Durham was defeated by thir teen votes. Pension Applications Numerous. A great number of applications for pensions are being received at the Au ditor's office. Tho first-class pension ers only get about $60 a year from the State. Despite the strict regulations governing the granting of State pen sions an occasional fraudulent pension er gets on the rolls. Twenty-Five Per Cent. Dividend. Crowder s Mountain cotton mill at King's Mountain paid a dividend of 25 per cent last year. Tho capital of the mill is $35,000. . A Large Consignment of Tobacco. Tho American Tobacco Company re cently shipped 1.0G0.C0O pounds of to bacco from Danville to Durham. Opening Sale a Success. The opening sale at the tobacco warehouse at Lumberton was quite a success. There was about 80,000 pounds sold and brought very satis factory prices. There was a number of buyers representing the largest tobacco institutions in the world. Store and Stock Destroyed by Fire. The storehouse and stork nf Mr w E. Collins, of Marshville. -was rl fl P1-4T7Q? by fire recently. The loss amounts to ,wv 10 5-i,ouv. insurance $2,000. Stunned by Lightning. During a severe storm which visited Lincointon and surrounding country recently, lightning struck the home of Mr. Thorn berg, entering the room in which the family were sitting. There were some pictures in the room hung " : Ti .n ji . , witu ire. iue liguimug iouowea me wire and finally dug a hole in the walL Mr. Thornberg and the child were bad ly stunned. July Mortuary Report of Charlotte. The morlnary report of Charlotte foi July shows the following death rate: White, 26; colored, 27. Total, 53. Bits! i .run Rough Riders and Gen. Shatter's Cavalry Will Leave Santiago. CAR LI ST UPRISING IN SPAIN. The Feref Situation at Santiago-Gen. Wade's Division-The NebraskaTkket The Texas in Dry Dock. A DISPATCH from Ponce says: Nine additional cities have vielded to General Miles' ad- rance besides Juan Diaz. They ineltfde Arrovo. Patillas. Yabucoa, Cael Sali nas, Santa Isabel, Adjuntas, PenuelaS, Guayabal and Guanyama. Spanish troops were captured in most o the cit ies. AH the cities were taken without fighting, the American troops being enthusiastically welcomed by the citi zens, i The Texas Democrats. The Democratic State Convention, which recently met in, Galveston, en dorsed the Chicago platforrh, affirmed its allegiance to W. J. Bryan, de nounced the war revenue bill, favored the construction and control of the Nic arauga canal by the United States, fa- rored the independence of Cuba; but in the event that'the people of that island should hereafter desire to be an nexed to this country and the terms of the annexation be satisfactorily ar ranged between the two governments, favored the annexation of Cuba as a part of the territory of the United States, favored the acquisition of Porto Rico and all the Spanish possessions in the Western Hemisphere.- . The Nebraska Ticket. The following is the ticket nominated by the fusion conventions which re cently mot in Lincoln: W. A. Poynter, Populist, for Governor; E. A. Gilbert, silver Republican, for Lieutenant Gov ernor; John F. Cornell, Populist, for Auditor; W. F. Porter, Populist; for Secretary of State; C. J, Smythe, Democrat, for Attorney General: Jacob Wolfe, Populist, for Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings; W. R. Jackson, Populist, for Superintendent of Public Instruction. All excepting Poynter and Cornell are the present in cumbents. Ordered Away From Santiago. All the troops of cavalry with Shat ter and the eight companies of Roose. yelt's rough Riders, have been ordered to proceed to Montauk Point, L. I. General Shafter has been directed to use all the transport facilities he can command, and to send the troops north as rapidly as possible. The regular cavalry with Shafter comprises eight companies each of the First, Third, Sixth, Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, all dismounted, aDd four mounted troops of the Second Cavalry. General Wade's Division. The following regiments have been designated to constitute General Wade's provisional division for service in Porto Rico. First Rhode Island, Fir3t North Carolina, First NewHampshire, First New Jersey, Second Texas, First Maine, FourthMissouri, First Alabama, First Vermont, First West Virginia, First Kentucky, Third Tennessee, Twenty-second New York, First Ar kansas, Fifty-second Iowa, Third Vir ginia, First Delaware and First Mary land. Attack on Precisco Plantation. It is announced from the palace at Havana that the plantation of Precisco, Matanzas, was attacked by a force of infantry and cavalry under the Ameri can flag. It is added that a squadron of Spanish cavalry, from the plantation of Dos Rosa, "assisted in routing the Americans," who are. said to have left ten men killed on the field. The Span iards, according to the report, had two men badly wounded. A Carlist Uprising. A special dispatch from Barcelona says a formidable rising of Carlists has taken place near Lorida, Catalonia. No Extra Session of Congress. There will be no extra session of Congiess, though the Senate will have to be called together for the prompt ratification of the treaty of peace, if the present plans of the President pre vail. It is stated at the White House, that unless there should be some ex traordinary development, the House will not meet until it convenes in regu lar session next December. The Texas in the Dry Dock. The battleship Texas has been placed in dry dock at the navy j-ard. An examination of her shows that except for a slight dent in her keel made by striking a coral reef off Dry Tortugas, ehe is invery fair condition. Military Governor of Santiago. The Columbia State says that Gen eral Fitzhugh Lee has been made mili tary governor of Havana. Just when this was done ia not known, but that it is a fact remains a doubt no longer, as the information comes from a source the reliability of which is beyond question. Cyclone and Flood in Spain. ' Tho village of Medina has been wrecked by a cyclone which killed many persons. , Several houses at Uorhillos have been engulfed by the floods and a number of the. people have perished. May be Added to Our Navy. A special to the San Francisco Chronicle from Cavite, says: "It is probable that two of the vessels sunk by Dewey's fleet may yet be raised and rendered serviceable. " A Queer Railroad la Japan. The simplest public railroad now operated is thought to be one between Atami and Odawara, in. Japan. It is a narrow-gauge road, and is run by man power. Every car has seats for four persons, who sit back to back. A train consists of two or three cars, and is drawn uphill by half a dozen coolies; at the top of the incline the coolies jump on the platforms, and the train runs down the terminus by gravity, with the speed of an express. It is said that there has never been an accident on this road. if ( ( 9 ( Some persons say they are never influenced by an advertisement. It is not expected that any one will buy Ivory Soap solely because it is suggested by an advertisement. If you have never used Ivory Soap, you may be induced to ask some friend about it; should you find--as you probably will that she is enthusiastic in its praise, then you-may try it. Millions of people use Ivory Soap ; they use it because they like it. You too will like it. There is a difference in soaps. Coprrijbt, 189. kj Tb Tntta MEDALS FOR DEWEY'S MEN. Honorable Decoration Which Means a Whole Iot to the Wearer. The medals of honor which Congress voted to give to the officers and men who fought under Dewey at Manila are not especially artistici The medal itself 14 not a thing of beauty, but it means a lot to the man who has the right to wear it. The medal is a five pointed star, each point ending In a trefoil. On the 6tar is a circle "of thirty-four - stars (there were only thirty-four States When, In 1SG2, the medal was design medal of noKoR. ed) within which a representation of America "habited as Minerva," her left hand on the fas ces, her right hand holding a shield and repelling discord. A trophy of two cannons, one sword, several cannon balls and an eagle fastens the star to a ribbon resembling the flag, which Joins It to the clasp. This medal of honor corresponds to the English Victoriaross and the Iron Cross of Germany and Prussia, but It is a fact that either of the latter Is bet ter known to Americans than the em blem with which our own country rec ognizee valor. Perhaps one reason for this is that we are not In the habit of paying much attention to medals and decorations i in this country. Another may be thai we have sometimes ques tioned the manner iu which these uied' als have been awarded In times past. Occasionally there has been a suspicion of the presence of a political pull In these awards. Yet In spite of the drawbacks' to Its reputation which the delay in award ing it and the way in which some of iti wearers have acquired It cause tie medal of honor is' an honorable decora tion and has been won honorably by most of those who have it. Most of .them won It for such feats as capturing battleflags, though one soldier got It because ke was on the guard of honof over Lincoln's cofiln. The Twenty-sev enth Maine Regiment received the rued al as a whole. Its time was up, and it, volunteered to remain and take par In the battle of Gettysburg. For thiJ and its bravery at the fight every sur vivor received the medal. Modern Longevity. Iu the seventeenth century the aver age duration of life was only thirteen jears; in the eighteenth, twenty; In the present century it is thirty-six. This great increase in the average length of human life Is not, however, an in dication of an increase In the vigor and vitality of the race, but it is rath er due to the fact that cholera, the black plague and other - devastating scourges which formerly overspread whole countries at frequent intervals, sometimes several times during a cen tury, haye been brought more and more under control by improved pub lic sanitation and quarantine. The x-eal test of the vitality of the race is not the average length of human life, but the proportion of centenarians The proportion of persons who have attained great age Is without doubt at the present time yiuch less than ever before In the a history of the world. To Core Constipation Forever. Take Caacarets Candy Cathartic 10c or5& Ii C C C fail to cure, druggists refund money. The school children in Germany are largely using imitation India rubber slates. I cm re'cmmend Piso's Cure for Consump tion to t-uffere rs from-As'bm. K. u. lows send. Ft. Howard, AY If., May 4, IH-JL Aberdeen terriers are driving out all other fiishiocabie et docs in London. Bdceate Tour Bowels Tf 1th Caaeareto. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 19c, Sc. It C C C. fail, druggists re'und money. There is now building in England a cable carrying tteamer, with carrying capacity f 6.000 tous of cable. . 3 How's This? AVe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ra- e ot Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Cat ;rrh Cure. F. J. criESET & Co., Prop?.. Toledo, O. Ae. the undersigned, have Known F J Chenev t-r i he last IS year, and belie e him" perfectly honorable in all business tnnsac-ti- n and Lnancally able to carry out any obligation made bv the:r lirm. West V 1'huax, Wholesale Dr.iggistF To ledo. Ohio. AYAvtiNO Kitsan & Martix. Who-eaale lruirg:st-. If l-do, Ohio. 1 n. 11'.- Catarrh Cure is tvken internally a t?ng directly upon the blotd ana mucous i-nrfat-es of the s stem. Price 7c. per botfe Sold by ail tirujzzist?. Testimonial- free Hall's Family PiUs are the bc.t. ) ) ) ) 3 ) k GtaMc C.t CindnMU. Prnr.f Krollclt. Mrs. Blouser (after some years) I suppose you don't love me. Mr. Blouser Don't love you! Don't I live in the same house with you? Bos ton TranseriDt. Baptist Sunday School Chautauqua, Shell) J , N. C, AnKust 23, 1898. On account of this occasion, tho Seaboard i- T ine will call tickets to Sbelbv. N. C. and return, at rate of one fare for the round trip. Xicifeis on snie aukusi uu iu 24th (and from points within a radius of 103 rr.aa Khelhv 1 Ancust 27th and 28th. good to return until September 5th. For rates and schedule see streamers or call on ticket agents. T. 3. Anderson, Oen'l Pas senger Agent, rorismouin, la n Ml "Iliavo been uslnsr i'ASCAHKTS for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets have given mo more re iter than any otner reme dy I bavc ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom mend them to my frienda as Veing all they nre represented." Thos. Cillabd, Eijcin, 11L Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste GoykI. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Orlpe. 10c. 25c, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling tlmedj Com piny, Dilcafr. Hontml. Sew Trb. SIS Hn.Tn.RKP Sold and imai-anteed by all dnnr-tiU-IUDAlf eiststo C VU R Tobacco Habit. THE COLUMBIA GlAINlfSS MAKES HILL CLIMBING EASY STANDARD FOR CHAIN HARTF0RDS Next Best. Other Moieli at Low Prices. Catalogue Free. S1ANDARD OF THE WORLD POPE MFQ 00. HARTfORaCONW ART CATALOGUE Or COLUMBIA. BICYCLES BY MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ONE TWO CENT STAMP. STOPPED FREE ' ' Mti BrmEnntiv v.arem V Insanity Prevented b t-M OR. HUME'S GREAT U V tjCRVF P.FSTflRFR wf and at. VittM ban. fco lnor NtrrotufM.a furemdar-cfjM. Treatise and $1 trial bottle Ire to Fitpatteatc, tfcej jiug ti prcn cbfugr.fal vtaen rrcrirrd. broil to Dr. Klinf, l.fl, IUIUttuj Iiiitittte of Nrdiriac, 911 Arch bu. rbt'.adelobl. P. gEED WHEAT FOR SALE ! routh. ' hrcc varieties: Fulcaefer, a bearded wneat.; ued .May and VNhitc Clausen, both 8mx)th or beardle-e. Wheat Is now very free from cockle Feed and brokf-n grain, being far suparior to 2ae usual run of seed vnca We will, how-ver, reclean tbo wheat when dc fclrcd, taking out almost every cockle eed and pieces of broken prain as well as nny inferior grain there may be lu it. -AVheat as it now is price fl.ua per bushel, recleaned wheat $1.15 per bushel. Theo prices are both on cars at Charlot e, including tack. Each sack con tain" two bnMuIs. t-crA in your orders at once if you w sh to secure the best sfeed wheat on the market. Terms r Cabh with order. Charlotte Oil & Fertilizer Co., or Fred Oliver, CI1 ARLOTTIS, N. C. A TTftCtal Novelty. A very useful and, by far, the most novel thing of its kind ia the Laundry List. Rotten out by the Seaboard Air Une. Tho UDner pviiiuu 15 an uxticii'j Kern, ueauiiiuiiv execu I ted, having attached" a number of" blank one for each week, containing a list of all the , articles of the wash, and padded in the form ui n ttticuuar. inwo.may to procured, by enclosing five cents la stamps to cover poet age, from any of the representatives of th Seaboard Air Line, or from T. J. Anderson, General Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. TTTANTEp-Cafie cf bad tealta- that R I P-A X S 1 will not benefit Send cts. to Eipsns Chemical ' eyork. for la ,a:r.ploi and loop testimonials. j T- ordering eooda or maLins enquiries (fad. Xr-rU-era it will he to tour a . " lion Ihia paper. So 3 i I'll 51 Q U..JC,. 1 nninc 1 Meat Uough Syrnp, B jffi CANDY tHAOf MARK RfOITffO fag-- Srf nf- ijjy Pi m i; Kjy I k." Jill. L t " ' " 11. : J ! - TastOood. Yk 1 by drrcclFts. lj jVHAT IT DOES 7 relieves a person of desire for etron drink or drugs, restoros his nervous system to ii ...mil linnUl.. and reinstotes a man to The lilftMtdlion Arrant. Baltimore. MJ. THE IIORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE I OP flGRIGULTURB rl?D MBCflflNIC ARTS fjrnt nwn. September 1. 1W. with lmprovP( Jninmrai In every deportmenL Twenty thr. Inrtd Vpeclallis in Vacuity. Full courier, lu EffwTwrV! lictencSClvU. Jlechanlcal and E!t0. trlca? Engineering. Expenses very moderate. For Catalogue Address -pres. A. Q.JIolIaday, Italelsh, N. c. .n.iii n tirIPHT - TIIK Largest Patr.-.r.. asre and full'. ;: tquipmont in its History. qa. if.iAim. .V; th'ee Actdemlc Coxir'i LacuIlVJ? r Cotirie- three Profeaslonai Schools m three "Vhm nTfbarmaey. Advanced claw Uw'.!?wm Tnitton. S'.0J a year; Doarrt. $s tpen to opportoof tl for ac'lf .help, fccboii, r ALDEKMA.V Chapel 1111 1. .C &5 3 CD .WEST L , f pn m o -a O (Si JT TOO GIVE THRU BELT. -Yon cannot do thla unless yon unrteMCfftvltb"" and know bow to cater to their rerulromeni'. you cannot spend years and dollars learning if ex perience, o you must buy tiro knowlodee acqtftw- by others. We offer this to you for only 25 cent. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY even If you merely keep them aa a diversion. In rr der to handle i'owls judiciously, you must knew something about tftem. To meet this want we ur fcclllnz aboolcKlvlngtheexperleneennJv 25f. of a tiractioal poultry raliter rorUHIJ ftwwi iwenty-nre years, it was written by amn tw I " :i bli mlurt, and time, and mouey to making a t-uo-ccbs of Chicken raising not as a pastime, tmi n ' tuslnesa aud If you will proOt bv his tweuly fl jcars' work, you can save many Chicks annually, and make jour FowU earn dollars for you. IolDt In. that you must be able to delect trouble hi the Poultry Yard as soon as It appear, and know bow to remedy 1C This book will teach you. It tells how to detect and cure disease; to feed egg and also for rattenlug; which fowls to sa'o lot breeding purposes; and everything, Indeed, iIJ should know on this subject to make it profltni-ie. fcent postpaid for twenty-flve ccuU la sUtmija. Dook Publishing Houso 131 Leosas St- N. Y. Clty.- EDUCATIOXAL. VIRCIMA M'KIXKS COtAA'AiK. rommerclal. Kborlhand, 'f ypewrltlna. KukIWh. t Ti tuition admits tt all oopartmenn for ocf"ii forty-two weeks. Opfn to both m-xcs. trnrfuM'" asslstfMl to portions. K'evcnth spiln beplns Setv teniberCth. tataloguf free. R A. PA V IS. J li., 1'ickldent, ltoxK, Hlrl.iMon.1, a- 84 j UNIVERSITY College cf Miy., Page RICHMOND, VA. o Medicine; Dentistry; Pharni.vy. taiaiOg. ( &U Instructor; aI Students'. Mugnlfic lit I.ibrnrr, I jiIkm ntorlfs ami " eral Equipment, hx penses inKlrrne '' tluenl. For ! p: catalogue. ad'trt-HH V. II. IIVLAM. mum '.ol'.e;--, Richmond, Ya. A n ft-nut a. C2a. Aetaal bnsinoa. ICotest 1 buoa. btiort time. Cheap board- kend for ctm!r.(-na. flHARLOTTE COMMERCIAL mg UOLLEGE, cnnRioiTt, N. c 5yf$? No Vtk-atlona Positions Guaranteed -"atnlopuf Kr- Send as cents In stamps for pocket ralulaV r. Massey's Ttlrminsfaam, Ala. Colombo. Montcomery, Ala. Jacksonville, rln. We poy arudent s railroad fare, and ruaraDte situations. Write at one for catalogue No. (J TRIIIITY COLLEGE I Offers full conrscs In English Ianuaie an-l 1 lt erature. Ancient and Modern In?uiuf-s. HI-' ,rT; 8jClology, Mathematics. Philosophy. Illble. 1 Commerce. Women admitted to all curwM fif ,',,, T" The largest endowed institution of icarnlnx in tiif Stae. Hoard from $6. AO to t?0.00 per month Tuition fOll.OO a Veir. Kext session openSeptemtKsr7.1'tiJ. i'or Cof1' ' address JOII.X V. HlhiiO. Durham. ' SON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, SIXTT SECOND YEAR BEGINS SEPT. 8, 1893- Eleven Professors and Instructors. Three Courses for Dcsrees. Ample Cabinets and Laborat riefc Location Healthful and Beautiful. Gymnasium Complete. Terms Reasonable. SE.D FOIl A CATALOG!' I?.' J. B. SHEARER, - - PRESIDENT. (SH 7 REPAIRS U UVJ .SAWS. RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &c, TOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for same. Shafting. Pu'l'"7'. Belting-, Injectors, Pipes, VaUes and UttliiK LOMBARD IRON IRKS & SUPPLY CO, AUGUSTA. QA. CURE r IHF I V ii arv Vfonufactwed v l ijfilSlbLS,Mllllu) wKloin DAVID