HE COUNTY UNION VEDXESDVY, AUGUST 17 1808. DUNN, N. C. ISST'AII lofal advertisements run in this lolutnn will be charged strictly 10 cents per line. Other local advertisements cents per line for each insertion. .OCAL DOTS. Quite a good delegation of Democrats, from Dunn attended he convention Monday - Reraera ber tl i at be 1 1 e r road s ,iv oi much importance to the prosperity of Dunn. ilo. lor the sea-shore on the '! I of September. Bovs, get ; tlio money and your girl and ticket and take the trip in. 1 lie rains ol Friday and Saturday created a large freshet in Black river and there was a considerable rise in Cape Fear Monday. The farmers have V oejmn pulling. lodder nl earnest, . but the recent rains have retarded their work to a considerable ex tent ami some has been injured to some extent. Rev. L. T. liigntsell, of Kinston, will preach at the Disciple ehurch here Sunday morning and nignt. A cordial invitation is extended to all our communit' to attend. A White Government Union h-is been orgnnized in Neill's Creek township with Capt W. J. Long, president and a large membership. . It will do some valuable work in the campaign. You will have' an oppor tunity to visit Wilmington and the sea-shore on September 2nd. The last . excursion run from Dunn by Hatch Bros, is pleas nntly remembered. This is a trip well-worth the price, $2.00. The- banner which the ladies have presented to the Democratic party is a beauty. The people of this section will have an opportunity to take a look at it here in Dunn, where we. want to keep it, before many weeks at a big Democratic rally. Mr. M. T. Young has made a cement walk in front of his store which adds much to the looks of his front. Cement walks do not cost very much and if each owner of a store on Broad street, would lay one in frontfit would bo a decided im provements to the business por tion of the town. When you Come to town come into The Union Office and give the news from your neighborhood. We are anxious to make The Union of interest to all our readers and would be uiad to get items" of interest from all sections contiguous to Dunn and in Harnett county, j , The Populist executive committee met at Lillington Monday and called their county convention to meet at that place on Monday August 20th. We learn that the Republicans will also meet at the same time and of course there will be fusion to beat the Democrats and get in of lice. We added several new sub scribers to our list while at the convention Monday. There are others yet and we are anxious that you should read The Un ion during the campaign. Can't every one of our subscribers send us the name of one or more new subscribers. Read our offer of the Home and Farm in another column, September loth is set apart for the greatest day in the his tory of Dunn. Free barbecue, good.music,.Hag raising, pret ty women and good speaking will be the attractions of the day. Read the announcement elsewhere, and let every white man who is a friend to white supremacy come and bring his family. Why not talk something about better roads along with war and politics? They are of some importance ajsp. One of our merchants says he will give ten dollars toward putting the road from Mingo through Dunn to Cape Fear River at Averas boro in better condition. If each merchant, here that does over $5,000 worth of business in n vn.nr will rnntribnte that - v J Vlil J- A - amount and those who do less as much in proportion, this road which needs work most, can be put in fair condition. Don't all speak at once, but, let's come together and arrange for this road to be put in better condi tion. It will cause a good deal of cotton to come here that goes to other markets. the meeting of the Aver asboro White Government U mon Friday night several new names were addid to the roll of membcrsnip. Messrs Jho A. Oates, E. Lee, and H. B. Ander son were appointed a committee to obtain speakers for the Union for each Friday ni?ht. The Union cordially invites the ladies to attend the meetings. Perfect order will be maintained and nothing will be said but what a lady may hear with pro priety. Come out Friday night to the town hall and bring your wife and daughters with you. Look out for Hatch Broth ers big annual and 19th excur sion. From Dunn to Wilming ton and Ocean View Beach September 2nd, 1898, and re turning the same day. Re member Hatch Bros, are the old reliable excursion managers and are the orriginators and only strictly white excursion man- agers in the State. They also have the reputation of carrying down the largest crowd ever taken to Wilmington on any excursion train, having taken down 1100 on one trip last seas on. They expect 700 people on this trip and will run 10 cars if necessary. They ' can acom modate one and all, so get ready and go with Hatch Bros., the noted excursion managers. Re member they carry white peo ple only. Train leaves Dunn at 6 o'clock sharp, " fare round trip from Dunn $2.00. Cheaper than ever before. See posters. Public Speaking. The Supremacy Union of Averasboro township will meet at Town Hall Friday night at which time eloquent speeches on the issues of the day will be delivered. The ladies are cor dially invited to attend and every white man in Averasboro township is earnestly requested to be present. "At this meeting a committee of arrangement consisting of 15 ladies and 15 gentlemen will be selected to ar range for a grand rally and Democratic pic-nic "to be held in Dunn September loth. Let every one from the country and the town who can, be present next Friday night. Don't for get that the ladies are specially requested to be present. Primaries Largely Attended. We were informed at Lilling ton Monday that the primaries throughout the county 'were all well attended, the largest num ber present for years. Averasboro primary was one among the best ever known in the township, more than thirty new names being added to the white Supremacy Union. The proceedings in part were as follows : For constable, Averasboro township, T. G. Fowler. For Magistrates, J. D. Phil lips, Jonas Reaves, J. G. John son and D. F, Hodges. For Township Executive Committee, W. A. Stewart, T. R. Parker, H. V. Moulton, A. W. Tart and B.. A. Hodges. In a beautiful speech Mr. D. H. McLean, made a motion that the white Supremacy Unions of Averasboro township set apart a day for a grand Democratic Rally in Dunn. The motion was carried and the 15th of September named as the day. An invitation was extended to all white Supremacy Unions to Ljoin and make it a gand success. A committee of 30, composed of 15 ladies and 15 gentlemen to solicit aid for the occasion. Help Them to Return. The signs of the times show much encouragement for the Democrats in this county this year. While at Lillington Mon day we were informed that in Buckhorn township where only SO votes -were cast at the last election for the Democrats tick et, that the white government Union had a membership of 85 already. The Buckhorn, Demo crats are wide awake and hust lingfor the ';White man and the white metal." From Upper Little River the word comes that in Precinct No 2, the Union has enlisted the names of five Populists on its roll of membership. Mr. D. C. Mc Rae one of the sjaunchest Democrats of that township, and none stronger to be found anywhere, informed us that the party would make considerable gains this year in his -section. Good news like this reached us from nearly every township. The white men of the . county will get together and thrust off the yoke of negro domination and radical rule that t. is now upon us. Enlist your selves Democrats, far the fray. It will be hot but the enemy will The Farmers ' Pic-Nic. Bayus Cade Puis Honest Pop ulists to the Blush. Two thousand feople assem- bled at Bett's Mineral Springs in Hector's Creek township last w tuuesuay to enjoy tne iarmer,s pic-nic find hear the discussion between Rev. BaTus Cade, Russell's private secyetary and Hon. D. H. McLean on the po litical issues of the day. Mr. Cade led the debate, by a discussion o'f the position. of the K ! w -J I , 1 i opuhsts party with reference to national banks, free silver and other questions of finally cial reforms which the masses of his party desire and he and the rest of his pie-eaters profess to favor. But on the question of the all absorbing interest to North Carolinians to-day Who shall rule our. state the Anglo Saxon or the African? He re mained as mute and silent as the tomb until forced to face the question by his opponent, when in his second speech he came out squarely on the side of the negro, declaring for politiral and social equality ; that intel-. lect and not color should deter mine the right to hold office ; that he doubted the ability of a man to escape Hell who is will ing to impose upon the negro the duties of citizenship and de ny him its reward. He told how he -had, completely anihila- ted a lady who was criticizeing a northern lady for kissing a ne gro child, by telling her that her race was too closely related to the negro race for her to be harping on the social equality of the two races. And what must have been galling to the honest Populists of his audience who had entered the party be lieveing it to be founded on the purest of political principles, he declared that policy and not principles lay at the bottom of his and all other political par ties.. It is impossible to describe the terrible punishment visited upon the Rev. Secretary and grand mogul of Russellism and negro rule, by the burning blis tering eloquence of the champ ion of White Supremacy. Mr. Mc Lean never had a bet ter opportunity and no man ever used his opportunity to bet ter effect. For matchless ora tory and invincible logic, " his speech has not been surpass ed in Harnett in recent years. Many Populifts declared at the close of the discusssion that if Mr. Cade was a true exponent of the principles of their party then they .were mistaken and had voted their last time with that organization. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue .coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters ;' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life,, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 ctsper bottle, at N. B. Hood's drug store. Marriage in High Colored Cir cles at Lillington. Last Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Mr. Wm. Lamb, of Wilmington, was, happily unit ed in marriage to Miss Pheby Furghison at the residence- of her mother, Rev. R. Loften officiating: B. E. Bailey serv ed as bride's maid and Mr. E. S.'A. Pipkin groom's best man. The bride's costum was white satin, trimed with white . satin ribbon and white chiffon. The bride's maids costume was white cassimere, trimming white, plush silk, lace and. white satin ridbon. The groom's best man was dressed in regular black. xVfter the ceremony supper was served at 11 o'clock, cake and wine was served by the happy couples best friends. Friday they left for their future home , at Wilmington. May their lives be lives of happiness and sunshine. Bettie E. Bailey. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville. Texas, writes that one box of De Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve was wortn $50.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores Hood & Grautham. People and Their Movement. Miss Florence Register, from near Cliuton, is visiting Miss Lula Jackson. Mr. - Hedgepeth, of Fay- j etteville spent Sunday in the city. Miss Bella McKay returned Saturday from a visit to rel atives at Rolesville. Mr. R. M. Pearsall and wife spent a' few" days in Clinton last week. m,. u t r;n.-K,.,, fw, -nt Satnvdnv mid Sihh1.iv town with friends. Miss Mary Midleton, of Rockey Mount, is visiting Miss Annie Pearsall. Mr. and Mrs J. D. Under wood, of Smith field spent fewr days in town this week visiting relatives. Mrs. E. Lee, and son. Master Eugene T. Lee, are visitins relatives in Nash County. Mrs.R. T. Herring and daughter Miss Estelle, of Clin ton, are visiting Mr", and Mrs. John A. Oates at Hotel Divine. Mr. R. M. Midleton," of Greensboro, spent Sunday in town with his sister, Mrs. R. J. Pearsall ', Misses Belle and Nannie Fleming, of Raleigh, are visit ing relatives in the city. Miss Nannie left yesterday to attend the marriage of Miss Suddie Faison, of Elliott. Misses Mattie Carr, of Mount Olive and Sarah Stanciljof Sel ma, assistant teachers in Dunn High: school came Satusday and entered upon their duties Monday. Mr. D. N. Stewast, of Raleigh a popular salesman forSherwood Higgs & Co., arrived here yes terday afternoon on a visit to relatives and friends in the country. Mr. A. M. Woodall, editor of The Union, and Miss Effie C. Harper, were called to Benson this morning by a telephone message announcing that Mr. J. L. Creech, a .brother-in-law, of that place, was in a dying condition from typhoid fever. Miss Delia Johnson, of be tween the rivers, who has been sick for several weeks with ty phoid' fever at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. H. Johnson, at Four Oaks, has so far recov ered as to be able to come home. She came here on the train yes terday afternoon and spent the night with Mrs C. S. Pipkin. Mrs Johnson and her little daughter have also been sick with fever for some time, are now convalescing, we but are glad to learn. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs.' Michael Curtrin. Plain field, 111., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her fam ily physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for con. sumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefiitted from first dose. She continued its use and afer tak ing six bottles, found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discevery at N. B. Hood's drug store. Large bottles 50 cents and. $1.00. COW STRAYED. In April I had -a dark, red briridle cow to go off, about 13 years old, medium size. Ear mark :aCrop and split in each ear. Bought the cow from a man named West in Sampson county. Any information to her whereabouts will be thank fully received and rewarded. E. LEE; Dunn, N.C. Rucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cornsi and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or moiipv refunded. Price 25 cents ner box. For sale by N. IT " B. Hood, Druggist. To Cuke Cokstipatiox Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure drug. gists refund the monej. School books and school sup plies at N. B. Hood's. Educate Your Bowels With Cast CARETS. '. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation or fever. 10c 25c. If C. C. C. fail, drug gist refund money. The way to Make Money is to Save Money. or tne next lew davs our . 1 . r goods will be sold at a great re duction in prices to make room for our fall stock, 'Best Calicoes 4i cents. -Nice hsrured Lowns 4 cents. Nice Organdies reduced from 12r to 0. at Lane fe Co's. We have just received some big bargains in Ladies' Slippers and bhoe. Lane te Co. vyui uaimiuceui uiiware are n . 1 1 a i. j.: j sellers and you should supply yourself wjth what you need at once as it is going fast. Lane & Co. Mendlesou's Lye at 7 per box. Lane & Co. Knitting Cotton, Spun Cotton Spool Cotton and Ball Cotton, cheap forcash at Lane's. We are still selling the best 160 test Kerosene Oil at 12 cents per gallon. Lane & Co. Baking Powders of all kinds cut to 4 and 8 per can. Lane &Co. Coffee at old prices, the best in town, for 10. Lane & Co. Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches and Apples, fresh stock, for 9 cents per can at Lane's. Arbuckles and Levering' s Coffee 12iper pound at Lane's. Bran and Oats at Lane's. Shirts are cheap at Lane's. 1000 pounds candy just re ceived must go at jobbers prices, Lane & Co. Table oil cloth 14 per yard at Lane's. Come to see us and compare our prices with those you have been paying and we are sure of a large share of your cash trade. Lane & Co. Beauty is Blood Deep. Clean blool means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 25c, 50c. Joljn 'Cruss.'' Best ever made. Last a life time. Single or double. Price $5.00. Try one. For sale by N. B. Hood, Dunn, N. C. War Map of Cuba. The world and West Indies, just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Cuba, Porto Rico, Phillippines &c. Only 10c. Hood & Grantham. A Sure Thing for You. A transaction in which you cannot lose u sure thing. Bilfbusnes!: sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused bv constipation and sluggish liver. Cas carets Candy Cathartic, tne wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are 1 v all druggists guaranteed to cure or monev refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c, 25c, 50c. Sample and booklet free. Sold by all druggists. BOUND FOR CUBA ! ''Remember the Maine," is the war cry. Ours is "Bound" to do business and the "Main" question with us is how to do the most of it. PRICES TALK. Call and see us. Hood &' Grantham, Druggists. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again. ti means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Year's. It means merit pro vet, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug gists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaran teed. ' We all like it Lime Juice and Pepsin at Hood & Gran tham's Fountain. Healthy, re freshing and So-da-lightful. 5c. Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wondeiful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act genth and positively on the kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache fe ver, habitual constipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Mail orders appreciated and attended to promptly. Hood & Grantham: Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says th:ir lor constipation he has lounci ue Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them lor stom ach and liver troubles. Hood & Gran tham. New crop Turnip Seed just received at N. B. Hood's.- Sick headache, biliousness, constipa tion and liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known at DeWitt's Little Ear ly Risers. Thy are pleasant to take and never gripe. IIoodfc Graatham, w I SIM and to get this we expect to SLAUGHTER HIGH PRICES AND . sell our goods cheaper than any and monev wo must have. HEAD: 125 Bed Steads, 55 inches high, . $l.oO. 150 Bed Steads, GO inches high, 110 Bed Steads, G4 inches high, 25 Bed Steads, 72 & 74 in. high, o- Now is the time to get a good Bed Stead cheap for wo olfer this lot for less than Factory Cost. Come beforo they aro gone. Yours for Furniture, D "CTITIT H L. ID z-TlJD TZ TD F HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. The Pic-Nic. The intense heat and clouds of dust did not prevent a vast crowd .attending the pic-nic, Wednesday, Aug, 10, at the mineral spring near Hector's Creek. Early in the morning might be seen on every road, buggies and carriages from Raleigh. Dunn, Benson and Apex loaded with- beautiful maidens and their fond lovers, all making their way to this famous spring. At eleven o'clock Mr. Cade, of Raleigh came forward tmd ad dressed the people upholding the principles of the Populist party. He was ably reified to by Hon. D. H. Mc Lean, who won much comment from his hearers for his masterly style of oratory and eloquence. His speech will cause many a voter to consider the matter before they vote against white supre macy. Dinner being announc ed, trunks and boxes of every discription were brought upon the scene and unloaded of their edibles which would tempt the most fastidious appetite. Hardly had the people time to do these delicasies justice, when the rain came and inter rupted all futher exercises of the day. v Despite the rain in the after noon, the pic-nic was a grand success and we can speak for all the participants in saying) they all went away rejoicing over the pleasant events of the day. W. M. P. Attention Ladies I Just re ceived a fresh lot of Schlesin ger's Candies, Chocolates, Bon Bons and one pound mixtures at 50c. Try it. Everybody likes it endless joy and sweet ness. Hood & Grantham. NOTICE ! . There will be a sale of ton lots and plots of land, belong ing to the county of Harnett, in the town of Lillington, N. C, on Monday at 12 o'clock M., September 5tli, 1898. There will be prepared a map of the town of Lillington, showing the lots and plots of land to be sold, and such map can be seen at my office on or before the day of sale. Terms of sale cash. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. This August 1st, 1898. J. McK. Byrd, Clerk of Board. T E D! Ii Dry Cfl, one else, for money wo need complete with Roller & Slats at complete with Rollers it Slats at 1.7o. cornpleto with Rollers & Slats at 82.00. complete with Rollers it Slats at 82.50. . -o "W -A. Tl 33 TZ HZ W 2i TZ TJBITITTTRB TJTTTrr-O'TlTZ TJ Tl 2T X I "CJ Tl 22 C o. Russellism At Home. (Wilmington Messenger.) So far as this town is concer ned there is hardly any appear ance of government. Robber ies occur both in the day "and in the night. In the broad day time residences are enter ed and pillaged, and no one gets hurt. A few killings, or hang ings would have a salutary ef fect. There is a general' senso of uneasiness, and people aro in creasing supplies in the homo arsenal for seige or sally. In the years immediately succeed ing the great war the conditions were such here that a company of minute men was organized and the soldiers were armed with sixteen repeating Spencer rifles. The late General McRao was at the head of it, but tho captain is' still living in the city. If lawlessness continues to reign an organization for defence of some kind will have to be formed it should be strong, . composed of at least 500 men ofnerve. NOTICE THIS. You can get your le gal blanks by calling at The Union Office. We keep : Warantee Deeds, Mortgage Deeds Chattels, Lien Bonds, Claim and Delivery blanks, State Warrants Summons, Transcripts, Judgments &c. &c. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experience of Mr. W. M. Bash, cUrk of Hotel Dorrance. Providence, It. I. He says: "For several years I have been almost a constant sufferer from diar rhoea, the frequent attacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years' ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me i small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprite and delight its effects were immediate. WThenevef I felt symp toms of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result baa been very satisfactory and almost complete relief from the afflic tion " For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist, Dunn, N C. Am Old IiU. Evary 2y strength! ti e belief ef emi tat phytician that impure blood is the - mum of the majority of oar dbeaaes. Twenty-five year mro thU theory wu Dud m a basis for the formal of ltrowns' Iron Bitter. The many remarkable cares effected by this fkmoas old household remedy are tmfidtnt to prove that the theory is correct, grown' Iron Bitten is sold by all dealers. j be muted. '

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