THE COUNTY UNION DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered according to postal regain gions at the postoffice ;it Dunn, X. C, as tecond class matter. J. P. PlTTMAX, Proprietor, A. M. Woodall, Editor. TERRS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months. Six Months One Year ........ .2") Cents. .50 Cent.. ei.oo. Sent. by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, Octokkk 5. 1838. Republicans Endorse Fowler. The Republican convention for the 3rd congressional dis trict convened in Fayette ville last Thursday. A negro was made chairman and a ne gro secretary. In fact the con vention was run by negroes very few white men being in attendance.' A. II. Slocomb, Esq., of Fayetteville, and S. H. Buchanan, of Jonesboro were aspirants for a nomination from this negro convention. The majority of the delegates favored making a nomination, and put ting out a straight . Republican candidate, but the edict had gone forth from Raleigh that Fowler, the Populist nominee, m list be endorsed. Abe Mid dleton, the negro leader who carries the Republican party of the 3rd district in his pocket, and his white aide, Seymour Hancock, were on hand and snid that the will of the chiefs at Raleigh must be obeyed. ' Oscar J. Spears,-of Harnett, and S. H. Buchanan and some other lesser lights rebelled against the dictation of the ciiiefs and declared for a nomi nation and so did the conven tion , but Abe and Seymour were too much for them. These two gentlemen had seen Mr. Fow ler and had gone to the conven tion "loaded." Abe addressed the convention in a great harrangue for an hour or more while Seymour takes the negro delegates out of the hall and "sees" them. This goes on for some time until enough negro delegates have been bought to endorse Fowler and when the convention was called on it endorsed Fowler with a whoop, while the white contingent gave , vent to mutterings and curses. It is openly charged by the Republicans that John G. Fow ler gave Abe Middleton a thou sand dollars to make the deal, and that Abe and Hancock bought the negro delegates out right. It is said that Buchanan irave a negro preacher ten dol- lars to go to the convention and work for him and that the ne gro sold out to Hancock and voted to endorse Fowler. Buc hanan made the negro disgorge the ten dollars he had given him. This convention is said to have been one of the most dis gusting ever held in any civil ized country. Iu fact it was so 'corrupt that Mr. Slocumb with- drew from it. And Fowler is a candidate of this negro convention and bought its endorsement. Can honest white men vote for him ? We learn that some of the white Republicans favor the formation of a white Republi can party. The Republicans are disgusted with the way the negroes run their party. In fact the proper name is the ne gro party, for all the Republi can conventions held this year have been largely controlled by the negroes and most of them have been presided over by ne gro officers. We don't wonder at white men wanting a white party. The white Republicans in North Carolina, especially in ;the eastern part of the State, would make a lonesome crowd. McKinley's war tax and 4 cent cotton, is not very enticing fo the farmer just now. Every thing the farmer; has to sell has decreased in price while nearly everything he has to bujT has increased, in price. Ask the Republican that claimed that if McKinley was elected cotton would go to 10 cents a pound, if he has seen any change for the better. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any Salve in . the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for De Witts Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure. Hood & Grantham, Truth wears well- People have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regulat ing the bowels, curing constipation and pick headache They don't gripe j JJoou & tiniiituaiu. I J a;-r. i ; 3?6? With Fusion. ;. . &f ; I I ; : - I k To Tin White People of IIaKETT; The information lias come to me that the enemies of White Supremacy in Harnett county in their great anxiety to defeat my election ' and thereby the more firmly "fix negro rule upon the State are indusuiously cir culating the report hat in the legislature of 187G that I voted for negro magistrates. I take this method to denounce that report as a campaign lie. This report was first put afloat by Dr. Cy Thompson m nis Can ton speech some time ago and has since been repeated by every little fusion pie hunter in the county. I think it due to the people who sent me to the legislature to tell them who I had appointed to administer justice in their county. The following is the list as taken from the office of Secretary of State : joiiuoi.iv uie luwusxnp . x. j Buie, Duncan Morrison, Robt. C Belden. ! Barbecue township : .las Cameron, Sr, Nivin Ray, Jno Harrington. Upper River township : Jas S Harrington, Daniel C Mc Lean, Neil Clarke. . Lillington township : T I) Watson, II C McNeill, Wm H Bethune, S D Pipkin. Averasboro township : Archie B Godwin, Jno G Hodges, Neil S Stewart. Grove township : J N Grego- T T v T "fc 1 AT m "1 ry, J u nyais, A J lurnngton. Neill's Creek township : W J Long, . Thomas Matthews, Wm , Pier sou. ; Hector Creek township : Benj Gardner, b E Green, C II Cof field. Buck Horn township : Jesse Morgan, Eli Carter, Geo W Pegram . Stewart's Creek township : Hugh M. McDonald, Jno W Howard, Duncan J Parker. The above list is made up of as good men as ever lived in Harnett or any other county. Fourteen of these men have gone to that reward that awaits all good and patriotic men, and others of them are standing very near the brink of the chilly waters that separates them from those who have already passed over the river, but they enjoyed the confidence of their fellow citizens then, and their memo ry is cherished now. They were all democrats except Mr. J. S. Harrington, but while he was a republican he was es teemed by all our people with out regard to party. Those who may deny the statements in this letter I refer to page 81G of the Journal of the House. I am not an enemy of the ne gro, as they very well know;, for they give me their law prac tice. I will always protect them in enjoyment of all their constitutional rights at the bal lot box, and at the bar of jus tice, but I : will never, never vote for them to hold offices over white people. The campaign liars are busy in the land, let honest on their guard. The white people are in mo tion and victory is assured. Xcry Respectfully, D. II. McLean. Populists Returning in Samp son. Mr. II. L. Lewis", of McDan iels township, Sampson county, was here a few days this week, the guest of F. P. Jones, Esq., Democratic nominee for State Senator. Mr. Lewis is a repre sentative citizen of his commu nity and was a Populist for re form but seeing that the lead ers of that part- were trying to lead him into the Republican party, he returned to the Dem ocratic part- to stay. He says the Populists in Sampson are returning in large numbers and that Sampson will give a Dem ocratic majority in November despite the Rep-Pop fusion. He states his position in a card in the last issue of the Sampson Democrat in which he says : "Editor Democrat : " Some of my friends appear to be in doubt as to what my future po litical affiliations will be. I wish to remove this! doubt by stating that henceforth I am a Democrat. I feel it my duty to! pursue this course for the best interest of North Carolina which should now and for all time be governed by its white popula tion. The fruits qf fusion do not warrant its continuance and white men should wash their hands of it." "Robert L. Lewis.' Mr. J. A. Hawlev Returns to the Democratic Party. To the people; of Harnett County : I write j you this let ter to tell voti that I am no Ion ger a Populist . Four years ago I joined the Populist party hon estly beli eving that great good would QOme of the formation of a new political organization in the interest of reform and pure and economical government., I find now that to remain in the Populist party and vote the fu sion ticket I will !be giving my voice and vote inj endorsement of the present administration of offices in North Carolina, which I think no self respecting white man can do. Instead of econo my and reform fusion with the Republicans has: brought ex travagance and corruption upon our people, and more than that has brought about negro rule in the State which puts all those ! whom we hold dear in jeopardy every hour. In justice to my self and in justice to my chil dren and grand children I can not afford to cast my vote for a party or a combination ot par ties that has brought this state of things about, i I call upon all my fellow citi zens who joined the people's party as I did in good faith, to turn their backs upon fusion and the friends of fusion, and help redeem our native State from the power of the negro, and the rule of" those who are willing that corruption, scan dal and-extravagance shall pre vail just so that they can enjoy the luxury of official life, while the people are crushed with tax es and the rule of the African over the Anglo-Saxon. Our wives and daughters cle mand protection at our hands, and we as true; men have no right to refuse them that pro tection which the rule of the white man will secure to them. There are many: other former populists in my section of the county who endorse the senti ments of this letter, and I hope that there are thousands of oth ers in the State who feel just as we do. ' Very Respectfully, J. A., J. P. j Legal, N: C. How to Prevent Croup. We have two children who are subject to attacks of croup. When ever an attack is coming on my wife gies them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the atUck. It is a household necefsity in this couuty ' and no matter what else we run out of,' it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy.f More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines combined ' J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros , merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by N B. Hood, Dunn, N. 0. If Democrats voted for ne groes to be magistrates in 1877 the most of them were fooled into it by Republicans who rec ommeuded them; for appoint ment and did not state that they were negroes. This is what the Hon. Marmadube S. Robins, 'of Randolph, who was in the Senate that year, says. He denies that he voted for the negro magistrates, and says that the Democrats in that leg islature allowed; the Republi cans to name one-third of the magistrates in the counties that were represented by them. These Republicans recommend ed the negro magistrates" and are responsible for their ap pointment, not stating that they were negroes. Cumberland's Ticket. The Democracy of Cumber land county met in Fayetteville last Thursday and put out a a countv ticket that will win in November. The largest attend ance in years was present and among them many former Pop ulists. The Democrats have taken on new life and the enthu siasm will carry them to victo ry. The convention named the strongest men possible. The candidates are : . j ' Senator, Wm, L. Williams; Representatives,: II. L. Hall and David J. Ray; Sheriff, Geo. A. Burns; Clerk of Court, A. A. McKethan ; Register of Deeds, J. T. Bynum ; Treas urer, J. B. Troy; Surveyor, Hector Smith ; Coroner. Dr. JV j j - E. Caviness ; Countv Commis sioners, A. B. Williams, W . . H Downing .and D. G, Blue. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especial ly piles theie is one reliable remedv. De Witt's Witch t Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept coun terfeits or frauds. You will not be dis appointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Hood &, Grantham. mmMm W. L Douglas S3 Shoe. '"vPth. durable, terft-ct Frdorsed by over v earers. V. L. Doy2!as 53.50, .10 and $5.00 Slioes axe tae production of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2.50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $ J .75 Boys We use onl v the best Calf, Russia Calf, French Patent Calf, French Enamel. Vici Kid, etc., graded to correspond with prices of the shoes. If dealer cannot supply yon, write Catalog free. W. L.DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SOLD BY The Massengill Dry Goods Co. Dunn, N. C. iOCent T If the farmers could get 10 cents n pound for their cotton this season ever--body would have a smiling face and every home would' be a 'place of happi ness. But the present price drives, smiles away surd happiness is only found when the people lind the merchant who is -willing to share his comfort and hap piness with the producer. Now there is no use in mourning over what can't be helped, and ' L P- JERNIGAN is willing to do Jiis part in restoring smiling faces and hap piness to the oppressed people by selling GROCERIES CHEAP. 1 sell the U. 3. Celebrated Cakes ami Crackers, wholesale and retail. Canned Goods of everj kind. Tinware, Crockery ware, Snuff and Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Molasses, and in fact everything found in an up-to-date grocery stoje. Call and see me and 1 will treat you -right. Yours truly. L P- JERNIG-AN, . Dunn, N". C. Give me your attention for a moment. If you are thinking of pur chasing a new Buggy this fall, you should not do so until you call at my shops and examine my home-made Buggies. I use the best material and employ skilled workmen in all my de partments and guarantee my Buggies to be equal to any sold in North Carolina. Small Profits. I don't expect any big profit at the present low prices of farm products, and if you will get my prices you will not go elsewhere to purchase your BUGGY. All kind of repair work done at my shop at moderate prices. Horse-Shoeing. For the best Horse-Shoeing in town, call at my shops. Give me a call and I will treat you right. W- D- THORNTON, Carts, Manufacturer of WagOXlS, Buggies. 1 OTICE ! By viitue of a decree of : " the Superioi Court of Harnett county, at November term 1897, in the case of W. II, Sikes against Emory Harrington and wife, Sallie Harrington, I will sell for cash, at the Court House door in Lillington, N. C, on Monday November 7th, 1893 at 12 o'clock M., Forty Acres of land lying in Upper Little River township, Harnett ccmnt3r, N. C, and more fully described in a Mortgage Deed executed by the defend ants, Emory' and Sallie Harrington to W. II. Sikes. on the 1 1th day of Februa ry A. D., 1S93. duly probated ana re corded in the oflice of the Register of Deeds of Harnett county. North Caro lina, in book 'F." No. 2, page 5rJ9. j Tins Sep. 24, 1S98. Oscar J. Spears, - Commissioner. 1 Cotton RIDES I NOTICE II I I will attend at the following times and places for the pur pose of collecting taxes for the year 1S98, and such as are in arrears ; Stewart's Creek, Westville, Johnson ville, Barbecue, Benton McNeill's, Turner's Cross Roads, Buckhorn, Hector's Creek, Black River, Neill's Creek, Grove, Dunn, Lillington, At which times and places the A. nffipp will Ko nroconf onrl ioci This Sept. 30th, 1898. it Winter MILLINERY ATTRACTIONS AT MRS. E. W. ANDERSON'S. Exquisite designs in all the latest Xovel-tl-s. Emphatically all the Newest Fads, personally selected from fas'hio'iable openings North. ..It will pay you to call' and see the pretty variety, of Hats, Caps, Silks, Velvets, Dress X'atterns. Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces, etc., now ready ;for inspection. Beautiful Feather Capes, (some thing new), Stylish Plush and Cloth Capes, Children's Jackets, and Infant's Silk Headwearin all the latest styles. I am prepared to get up a lady's outfit consisting of Dress, Hat, Cape and Gloves, all to match, and will take i - pleasure in inform ing my custom-! ers how to make and trim the dress and just what it will take to make the diess sty - lish and becoming. New "Goods arriving every week. Will order any article not in stock that my patrons may desire. Mrs. E- W. ANDERSON, , Broad Street, Dunn. N. C. YOUR EAR ! 0 J We come to you with a message of relief and every one suffering with weak or affected eyes will hail the messige with joy. m mi OF SPECTACLES. We have just received a new and com plete line of HYIi SIf.4SSKS and can suit glasses to all eyes, young or old. Call and examine for yourself. JEWELRY. Our line of .Jewelry this fall is com plete, and prices marked down to suit the times. ATONES AND LOCKS. Don't buy a Watch or Clock until you have seen our styles, and secured our prices'. "We make.Renai ring a Specialty', and guarantee satisfaction. Yours to please, GAINED & aORDAlsl. 6 Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries a specialty. -GO TO- fronting cotton yard at A. T. Lee's cor nr, for your BEEF and SAUSAGE, where you will be treated right and get good choice beef at the lowest prices. Best cash prices paid for beef cattle. See me before you sell. All I ask is a trial; try me and T shall make every effort to please you. Thanking my friends and patrons for past lavors, l am Yours for good beef. R. L, McLEOD, Dunn, N. C. Monday, October 24. Tuesday, October 25. Wednesday, October 2G. Thursday, October 27. Friday, October 28. Saturday, October 29. Monday, October 31. Tuesday, November 1. Wednesday, November 2. Thursday, November 3. i Friday, November 4. Saturday, November o. Monday, November 7. candidates for the county f li r follow Uvonc J.H.POPE, Sheriff. g fill Mi B. HOOD, TUB Biil DUNN, , - My stock consists of anything found .in a first-class Drug Store which I am selling cheaper than ever for the cash. Prescriptions compounded with care and accura?y. I thank all for past favors, and invite you to come and 'see me. I do a straight legal business. Mr. Alfred Taylor is with me and he invites all his friends to call and see him.. Yours to please for best goods and lowest prices, - N. B. HOOD. FOR BARGAINS GO TO m ID ulli) O. P. SHELL, Manager. These goods were bought for Cash and bought to sell cheap, with an eye to 4 cent cotton. Give us a call and you will be satisfied. It is a pleasure to show goods. Can save, you from 10 to 25 per cent on e very dollar. Below we quote a few articles Men's Socks, Ladies' Hose, A A Sheeting, Extra Heavy Sheeting, Riverside Plaids and Checks, Extra Heavy Plaids and Checks, Towels, Extra Good Towels, Suspenders, Full Elastic, The Best Made Suspenders Boys' Suspenders, Boys' Caps, Men's Caps, Men's Hats, Good Hat Men's Fine Hats Best Spool Cotton, 3; Spools,. Best Outing, Nice Cashmeret Nice Fancy All, Wool Dress Goods, Dress Patterns, 1Q yards each, Good Suit of Clothes, Good Coffee,. Box Lye, Mend leson's. 1 Pound Can Baking Powder, 5 Can Baking. Powder, Good Candy, Good Syrup,. Good Molasses,. Good Vinegar Good Shoes, Good Womans Shoe, Gents' Extra" Fine Hand Made The Best fthoo on earth, Good Lamp Oil, Will soon have the cheapest line of Ladies' Capes ever brought to Dunn, from . ' 09 to .t-U'J. Good Chewing Tobacco, 25 cents. IN FACT ALL GtMJQS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Come to see us. Yours for Bargains, The Dunn Cash Racket Store. NEW FA uu o- 5 i i. jj REGARDLESS OF PRICE. Owing to the low price of cotton we are going to mark tlifs goods down and sell them. You can buy goods to-dav just about half what you could when cotton was 8 cents. WE HAVE IN STOuK WILL SELL 4,000 yards Standard Gray Calicoes at 3 cents. 5.000 yards yard- id.i lirowii Domestic 'at '.il cents, 1,000 yards Shirtin prints, :j cents. 1,000 yards 7 cent Outing, we oiler at 5 cents 1,000 yards Fleece Back Flanneletts, worth 12J cents, at S cents. . btandard Gmgliam? at 5 cents. All wool Paius Goods worth 40 cents at 28 cents An elegant line of Jeans at IS cents. A nice line of Cotton Pant Goods, we offer at 10 cents. SHOES. Shoes, we can suit them all, old and young, little and hi We can sell you sho.-s from 25 cents up. We don't offer shoddy tock. See our English Tie at OS cent. See, our English Tie at $1.38, See our Ladies Dongohi Button and Lace at 08 cent bee our war. anted shoe, Button and Lace at $1.38. CLOTHINa ! -WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW.- Our prices on clothi , , : to -iv " v mu wu are prepan ' to sell you your clothing at just one half of what the aven.g" man will charge. Our stock was bought by an experienced Ouver who was on tLo f1rn i ,i i wX - ii . 1 W e can sell you Suits for men artts Front NOW ONE WORD GROCERIES ABOUT WE OFFER YOU GROCERIES AT THE FOLLOWING Granulated Susrar. G cents nor r.i.n.i Brown Su-jar, 5 cents per pound. Very best Cream Cheese, 10 cents per s jjjc, u ceiiis prr DOX. Our sto ck is comnleto . . . our prices before vou bur. - , , " present price of cotton; prices leal 1 - - - N. C. PD 4 to 23 cents. 5 to 21 cents. 4 cents. f cents. 4i cents. iH cents. 5 cents. ' 23 cents. 9 cents. 49 cents. f cents. 10 cents. 15 cents. 39 cents. 49, 74, i;41. 11 cents, 5 to 8 cents. 7 to 11 cents. 23 to 35 cents. 50 cents.. $2.(;l 10 cents. (H cents, 7 A cents.. 4 cents.. 9 cents. 29 cents.. 29 cents. 21 cents. 99 cents, 75 cents. $2.-lU. $1.2:',. Hi cent.. Tans,. S.. . j.L -o BltStl I WORTH OF NEW GOODS THAT WILL BE SOLD luvumage 01 an oargaiu-. from $2J)0 to $3.00. 10c to $7.50 AND I AM THROUGH. pound. Axle Grease, 4 cents per hox. Flour, $4 00 to $5.00 per barrel- Tobacco, 20 cents per pound. ajKiyuu lu uome 111 turn i; " ' i i lu "vc iuu many goous anu ui are the only way to move them. rr x ours truly, IVI. TV YOUNG, Dunn, N- C