Beavty I Blood Deep. Clean blood means a 'clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar lie clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- E unties from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boila, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c Only a man of push can propel a wheel barrow. '' - So. 40 Lyon A fo'a "Pick Leaf" Kmcktag Tobacco does not make every mouth as sweet as a rose, but comes "mighty nigh" docs give every one a most delightful smoke. Try it. The apparel of tho small boy is always a euit for damage. Bdaest Ton - Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever tOo, SBc. II C V, C. fall, druggists refund money. Seven days make one week but it often takes more to make one strong. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money If it fails toeure. 2oc. No man ever has to feel ashamed of the company ho keeps out of. Dost Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour i.2fe Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be magnetic-, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-T Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or (I. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Eemedy Co.. Chicago cr New York, Many a stage-struck person blames it all on the omnibus driver. "Spare my child! Fparo my child::" cries the mother when too lute One box of DR. MOFFETT'S TEETH IN A CI eethino Powders)-would have saved her darling, and costs only 25 cents. Dr. Moflett Is daily receiving the thanks of parents whose children have been saved by Teethina (Teething Powders). Protect l our Idea ily E.ettcr Patent. The firm of Vowles & Burns, Patent Attor ney, Ko. 237 Hroadway, N. Y.. whose adver vertisemont will appear in our next issue, pro cure patents either on cavli or easy install ments. Writo for terms. Sales negotiated. Every Action And every thought requires an expenditure of vitality whih must bo restored by means of tho blood flowing to the brain and othor organs. This blood must be pure, rich and nourishing. It is made so by Hood's Barsaparilla which is thus the great strong h-glvicg medicine, the cure for weak nerves, that tired feeling and all diseasos caused by poor, impure blood. Hood's Sarsapariila Is America's Greatest Medicino. $1; six for $5. Hood's Pills cure-indigestion. ' 23 cents. Washing Milk Vessels. All through the warm weather, par ticular cai'e is needed to cleanse ves sels that have contained milk, if any particle of milk is left in tbx crevices or corners of vessels, it will sour and affect any milk that is afterward add ed. Many people in cleaning milk from vessels wash them first witU scalding hot water. This is a mistake. The hot water only coagulates the albumen, causing it to stick more closely to the skies of the vessel. If It be of tin, the souring of the milk soon eats through the coating of tin, and causes rust on the Iron beneath it. What we call tin Is merely iron with a very thin tin coat ing. No such vessel is fit for long use, Its the tin will wear through, and all Ihe more quickly if the coagulated al bumen, made by hot water and milk, requires hard rubbing to remove it. The right way to clean milk vessels is lo rinse them well with cold water, lind then scald them, to destroy any kerms that the coid water: may have left THE ILLS OF WOMET nd How Mr3. Pinkham Helps Overcome Them. Mrs. Mary Bollinger, 11 01 Marianna St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkham: "I have been troubled for the past two years with falling of the womb, leucorrhoca, pains over my bodj', sick headaches, backache, nervousness and weakness. I tried doctors and various remedies withqjit relief. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com pound, the relief I obtained was truly wonderful. I have now taken, several more bottles of your famous medicine, and can say that I am entirely cured." Mrs. IIexbyDokk, Ko. SOGFindleySt., Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham: "For a long time I suffered with chronic inflammati on of the womb, pain in abdomen and bearing-down feeling'. Was very nervous at times, and so weak I was hardly able todo any thing. Was subject to headaches, also troubled with leucorrhcea. After doc toring for many months with different physicians, and getting no relief, I had given up all hope of being well again when I read of tho great good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was doing. I decided immedi ately to give it a trial. The result was simply past belief. After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three packages of Sanative Wash I can say I feel like a new woman. I deem it my duty to announce the fact to thy fellow sufferers that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedies have entirely cured me of all my pains and suffering. I have her alone to thank for my recovery, for which I am grate , ful. May heaven bless her for the good work ehe is doing for our sex." The Great Cities. The government f cities Is truly a present-da y question. They will continue to Increase. The Irlft of the multitude Is toward them i drift greatly to be deplored Rev. II. 0. Swentzel, Episcopalian, lirooklyu. N Y. . DO YOU PAY BIG PROFITS ?h Ys, you do when tou bay "cbcnpjohn," '-clap-trap, 5 "riff-ratf," "make-shift" article when tou can a caih e get Um best at Ter tllpht ndvanre. t make tinrfrirVS fooa DDggle lie! tmgie NOTHIXG BIT Bl'tiOIkH taousaofls or them ynr, and iher are sold nearly s cheap aa thOM THROWS TOGKTHKK. Si nur agebt ii. your town or write. Yon ehal! be treaud right. ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Reck Kill, S. C. SZZSiir rail" 1 at" ""rTi-Vr WANTED-Case of bad health that R T P-A N S Will not benefit Bond ft eta to Itipans Chemical Co.. Kewlork, for 10 samples and loop testimonial 'D R O PS VWEWDIBCCVEEY. 7 oj . V qnicls reuof an c-e8 worst Iraatment Free. Dr. H H. GREEK '8 108 Atlanta Q The Best BOOK rV W HbjSiOTS nously illustrated! price $2 , free to anybody tending two annual subscriptions at 1 each to the t-veriand Monthly. SAN FRANCISCO. Sample Overland, 6c w i w II 1 1 a. I ft a- i ELSE FAILS. nest Cough Syrup. Taa gA, mi j f mi a tTfjrt5ijjfe 2 JO pg; R1H1I FORESF II". Much Damage Has Been Done in Wisconsin and Colorado. DAUGHTER OF CONFEDERACY. Peace Commissioners Getting Ready for Work The Governors May be Reim bursed Secretary Hay takes the Oath. The forest fires, which have Jjeen burning in various places throughout western Wisconson .for the past few days, were fanned into furious storms of flame by Friday's winds and did great damage throughout Chippewa, Barro, Dunn, St. Croix and Polk counties. The villages of Clayton, Alamena and Poskin have been wholly or partly de stroyed; Cumberland has suffered heave v losses and Glen wood, Barron, Prentice; Phillips and Turtle Lake were saved only by great efforts. Re ports of loss of life "are coming jn, but have not been verified except in one in stance. Fires have been checked in places by rains and the subsidence of the winds. A rough estimate places the aggregate loss at from g3, 000, 000 to $5,000,000. The Colorado Forest Fires. Reports from the western portion of Colorado continue to tell of the ravages of the forest fires, which bid fair to devastate the greater part of the forests of the State. Reforms in Santiago. Gen. Wood has inaugurated many reforms since accepting the governor ship of Santiago. He has 170 men con stantly at work. The garbage is taken outside the city and : burned, and the unhealthy parts of the city drained. The police force in the city and the light house system in the harbor have been re-established. The courts are not in operation yet, but General Wood himself sits each day as a police judge. The sick are given careful medical at tention and the worthy poor are fed, 15,000 rations being distributed every day. Since the Americana took the city the, receipts have been $100,000. The present expenses attending the work of operating the city, which are to some extent extraordinary, are about go, 000 a week. By the effective meas ures adopted by General Wood, a gen eral epidemic of yellow fever has beet averted. The general hopes soon t start the schools and thus get thf children off the streets. Daughter of the Confederacy. General John B. Gordon was shewn tho Associated Press dispatch from Chicago in which Miss Lucy Lee Hill claims to have had the title "Daughter of the Confederacy" conferred upon her by her Southern friends. The general was asked if the title could be thus transferred and replied with great ear nestness: Emphatically 'no.' Miss Winnie was the only daughter of Presi dent Davis born in tho Confederate 'White House' during the life of the Confederacy. As Jefferson Davis was tho only President of tho Confederate government, no daughter of any official could truly represent the Confederacy. Getting Ready for Work. A special from Paris says: The United States peace commission has taken possession of its working quarters, a suite of seven rooms on the ground floor of the Hotel Continental, at the corner of the Hue de Kivoli and the liue Koyal, commanding the Tuil eries gardens and formerly used by the ex-Empress Eugenie. American dags drape the entrance of the peace commission's apartments. The clerical force of the commission has been sys tematized and is now working busily. Th2 Governors May be Re imbursed. L. P. Mitchell, Acting Comptroller of the Treasury, has rendered a decision on the question of the reimbursement of Governors of Htates and Territories for co3t8 and expenses which thev may have incurred in aiding the iJnited States to raise a volunteer army, Ha holds that the Governors may be re imbursed for reasonable costs incurred before the acceptance of the troops into the service of the United States. Secretary of State Uay Takes Ihe Oath. Col. John Hay was sworn into office as Secretary of State, at 11 o'clock Friday morning. Tho ceremony took place in the President's room at the White ; House, and the oath wt.s ad ministered by Justice Harlan, of the Supreme Court. Mr. Hay immediately joined his colleagues in the regular Friday cabinet session. Later in the day he entered upon his now duties. Mounted Policy for Santiago. Arrangements have been completed for the formation of a force of Cuban mounted police, for the province of Santiago. It consists of a commandant with the rank of major, three captains, sx lieutenants, ten sergeants, and 24 enlisted men. The rates of pay of th enlisted men are the same as ia the United States army, while tho officers get two-thirds. General Castillo has charge of the preliminaries of the ap pointments, j Dreyfus Reported Trariferred. It is rumored in Paris thai Dreyfus has already been tranf erred from l6le de Diablo to Cayenne, where he awaits a steamer to bring him to a French or Algerian port, The Sirdar to Resign.!! The correspondent of The London Daily Telegrauh says: "The Sirdar will become the first governor general of the Soudan, and may hold that post for a time, but he will resign the eidar ship. Major Matchand was in straits when th9 Sirdar arrived, and was glad to receive supplies from the latter without which he would have been compelled to quit Fashoda. Major Marchand was unable to show any au thority from the French government for ho'dinff the place." i The Man Wtwi worss. wuui .m we do for the man who works? What can he do for himself? It Is only when he Is doing the best he can for himself that other people can effectively help him. Even the gods can not help him who will' not help himself. Life means work, struggle, conflict, patience, per sistence; It means standing on your own feet and working out! your own salvatloh; when It ceases to mean all this, It Trill not be worth living. Dr. GladddB, Congregational!:, Columbus, O&lo, RAILROAD Y. M.C. A- FOR SPENCER. The National Executive! Committee Has j ; Plans Under Consideration. The national executive committee of ; the Y. M. C. A. is considering plans s for the construction of a fine new ; building at Spencer, hear Salisbury, j for the particular comfort of railroad j men. The plana calll for a reading ! room, bath rooms and such other con- veniences as are to be found in a building of this nature. It is stated that Sam- uel Spencer, president of the Southern, , has generously contributed $1,000 to--wards the building. , , , Weldon's New Knitting Mill. The stockholders of Weldon's new knitting mill met and organized by electing tho following board "of direc tors: W. E. Daniel, W. B. Smith, W. ; T. Shaw, J. T. Gooch, W. A. Pierce and K Clark. A charter will be ap plied for at once and work on the mill will begin in 80 days. The capital stock paid in will be 2o,000, with privilege ; of increasing to $5C,C00. i The mill will be a modern brick structure with the latest improved machinery, and will work 125 hands to begin with. It is to be completed by January 1st. ! Chamber of Commerce Interested. The chamber of commerce of Win ston is manifesting r.n interest in tho proposed Southern extension of the Norfolk & Western P.ailroad. The presi pent of the chamber has appointed a committee to take up the question of building long distance telephone lines. Mr. Patterson says that j the proposed railroad line from Keidsville to Ker nersville could be completed at a cost of $10,000 per mile. j i Building Boom in Durham. New buildings are going up. all over Durham and in the suburbs. Some twenty-five or thirty new residences have "just been completed for various parties in North Durham. The brick work on the large addition to the Dur ham Cotton Manufacturing Company's mill at East Durham is rapidly going up; also the brick work i on the new Markham block, on Main street. r The Mecklenburg Case Settled. The suit growing out of the appoints ment of the Mecklenburg; registrars of election has been settled by Judge Fur-: ches, removing eleven and appointing; in their stead those persons recom-. mended by the Populists! and Republi cans; with the appointment of seven; objected to he does not interfere. :' A Big Fish from Long Creek. Fishing in Long Creek recently, Mr. . B. W. Sperrv, of the 'Central Hotel,; Charlotte, pulled out a trout which; weighed live pounds. It was a beauty. The trout, always a game fish, gave? him a good fight, but was landed withj the ordinary hook and line. j -i ' To Establish a Hospital. ; Dr. J, P. Munroe, of the North Caro-j Una Medical College, at Davidson, is to open a hospital in connection withj the medical college, i He was in. Charlotte recently to purchase sup-; plies, and to visit the city hospitals. - j 8 . fr. -J c I Fourth-Class Postmasters Appointed. j The following fourth-class po3tmas-! ters have been appointed for North Carolina: Benjamin O. Blalock Jona than; Abram T. Banner, Sugar Grove;' Frank T. Yopp, Verona; Marion Miller, Weasel; LelaJ. Lisk, Wibmot. ! j Bitten by a Mad Dog. China Grove, Mecklenburg county,, had a great mad-dog scare recently. Mrs. Leazar and a 12-year-old son of Mr. J. SJ Long were bitten. Mrs. Lea zar wont to Charlotte to have the stono applied, j Mr. Long took his son to Bal-! timore for treatmeni. i Good Cotton Picking. i Black and his two sisters, 1 Melton who work for Mr. J. W. Worsham, of: Bamah, Mecklenburg county, picked 1,000 pounds of cotton in One day. Mil ton picked 402 pounds and his sisters 398. j ; j I Cotton Mill Notes. , The Sterling Cotton Mills, Franklin-! ton. is adding 4,000 spindles; the Pee; Dee Manufacturing Co. , Rockingham, 6,000 spindles, 300 looms and dye house; the Dnrham Cotton Manufact uring Co.1, Durham, is adding 5,400 spindles and 100 looms. , ; t - . ; Tarheel Nubbins'; Work was recently begun on the new water works plant at Statesville. i Fire in Mt. Oliye, Craven county,! recently destroyed considerable prop-; erty. j i Lieutenant Colonel Andrew D. Cowles has instituted suit against the Raleigh Street Railway for $20,000 damages as a result of a fracture of his leg last June. j A Soldier's Escape. " From the IDcmocrat-Mfssagej Mt. Sterling, 1 III. : j When Richmond had fallen and the great commanders had met beneath the historic applo tree at Appomattox, the S3d Pennsylvania Volunteers, j prematurely aged, jelad in tat ters and rags, brok en in! bodv hut of claiDtle?9 spirit, swung; into line for the Lijit "grand re view" I and then quietly marched away to begin life's fray anew amid the hills .-ind valleys of the Keystone State. Among tho number Asa lipbinson came back ; to the old home in -Mt. 8ter liug, 111., back to the fireside that he bad left at the call to arms four years previous. He went , L , away a happy, The Sober s JRrturn. heaithy farmer boy ia the first flush of vigorous; manhood: he came back a ghost of the i self tiiat'an swered to President Lincoln's call for "300,000 more." To-day he is an alert, active man and tells the story of his recovery as follows: "I was a great sufferer j from sciatic rheumatism almost from 'the time of my discharge! from tt:e armyj Most of tho time I was unfitted for manual labor of any kind; and my sufferings were at ail times intense. At times I; was bent al most double, and got nroiind only with the greatest difficulty. ?fotLiirig s'eemed to give uie permanent reHff until three years ago, when my attention was called to some of the wonderful cures effected by Dr. Williams' rink Fills ! for Fale Peo ple. I had not taktn more than half a box when I noticed an improvement in my condition, and I kept oa improving stead ily. I took three boxes ofi the pills, aad nt the end of that time was; in better con dition than at any time since the close of my army service. Since then I have never "been bothered with! rheumatism. Dr. Williams' Pink. Pilte for Pale People U tha only remedy that fevir did tad uay good, itad to thcai I owe icy restoration to aomp&rative LeaUUi Ta aro a gnnl r Mn - f it ! ' ' , , - The many uses to; which Ivory Soap is applicable, make it an economical as well on clothing are. quickly j and easily removed by an appli cation of the foamy lather of Ivory Soap with a dampened cloth and a brisk rubbing. Ivory Soap cuts the grease and leaves the surface rubbed perfectly clean. Be sure you use Ivory Soap, or the grease spot. the IVORY SOAP IS 99 &, CopjTlgtt, 1898, by The MRS. PINKHAM TALKB puzzled, Jessie Edneh, Dear Mrs. of the me. x sunereu vjS ; ?1iCA"Jr she is ner loivnsrw against ill h JvrrjH daughter, an Pi: '-ir know. ; now in good health. I will always! give your medicine the highest praise." Asi Mrs, Pinfciam's Advice A Woman test Understands a Woman's Ills BOOKS; FOR SOLDIERS. Wisconsin Set a Good Examplfi in Providing a Traveling Library,! The good example set . by Wisconsin in providing her soldiers with a travel ing library liasi been Imitated .by Buffa lo. Tlie plan adopted by the latter pity is mucn tne same as tnat la-vogue in ! "Wisconsin. ! ; Each company is to be given a library of from fifteen1 to eighteen volumes j in cased in a weather-proof, box, and the companies will exchange libraries peri- odically. Tho work is to be done at KEADIXG MATTER PASSED ALOSO the library, but the reading matter Is to be f urrLlsfied by the people, as also the money needed for eases, transportation, etc. In addition to the bound volumes, it is hoped to snd large quantities 01 paper-bound volumes, magazines and il lustrated newspapers, to be distributed without the requirement of returning them to the company libraries. A Nation s Character. A nation! is Duly for the purpose of developing character. The nations of the earth ire calling to each other and saying, "Show us your typical character." Slav, Latin and Saxon are answering the question, j As was recently said, "some nations are dying and fmejare growing strong;" but below the super ficial signs it is a question of charac ter which each nation develops that determines life or death. This is all a lesson In patriotism. Rev. L,. M. Clarke, Tresbyterian, Brooklyn, N. Y. I cannot speak too hiehly of Pieo'a Curs rY.r Cr.ERUmpUun,- Mrs. Fjunk Mosej. ffiS W. St AfW VOi-k, Oct. J0? Ay m ft fr fa r3 as a valuable soap. Spots remedy may be worse than PER CENT. PURE. Procter Qunble Co., CiaoirtaxiL TO THE FUTUIiE WOMAN. Will tlie New Generation of Women be More Beautiful or Less So? Miss Jessie Ebner's Experience. A plcasingr face and graceful figure ! These are equipments that iden the sphere of woman's useful ness. How can a woman have grace of movement -when she is suffering from some disorder that gives her those awful bearin?-down sensations? How can she retain her beautiful face when cous an d racked with pain ? omen, think of your future and provide ;alth. Mothei-s, think of your growing d prevent in her as well as in yourself r suspension of nature's duties. don"t trust your" own judgment. Mrs. Pinkham will cliarg-e you nothing for her advice; write to her at Lynn, Mass., and she wrill tell you how to make yourself healthy and strong. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound strength ens the female organs and regulates the menses as nothing else will. Following is a letter from Miss 1712 West Jefferson St., Sandusky, Ohio. Pixkham: I feel it my duty to let von great benefit your remedies have been to ior over a year witti innammaxion ci the ovaries. I had doctored, but no medicine did me any good. Was at a sanatarium for two weeks. The doctor thought an operation necessary, but I made up my mind to give your medicine a trial before submit ting to that. I was also troubled with n i j. j leucorrncca, painiui mensxruauon, uiz- ziness, nervousness, and was so weak that I was unable to stand or walk. I have taken in all several bot tles of Lj-dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and am (ieorga 3ieret2itli. George Meredith sometimes rewrites a chapter several times before he is satisfied with it, and then occasionally decides to use the first draft. It's a poor snake-charmer that the snakes hiss off the stage. Ko-To-Bgo fo Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes vreafc men strong, blood pure. 60c. fl. All drugista Some men jump their bail in order to eab time they would otherwise have to serve Mr?. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teetingr, softens the gums, reducing inilima tion,alays pain,curc-s vviud colic. Zlc. a bottlie Tb Car Cooot!pat!on Forever. TakejCascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo or 25a It C. C; C. fall to cure, druggi&ts refund money. , , Its one thing to have an idea and another to carry it out. Humor says that tho oil trains in this country are run on Standard time. How's Xlils! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that eanuot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. e, tue undersigned, have known F.. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him pcr lectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their Arm. V "st & Truax, W holesale Druggists, Tole do, Ohio. Walihxg, Kixsan & Makvi.v, Wholesale Diuggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallv ant. ir,K directly upon the blood and mucous sur- iaccsoituo system, testimonials sent freo. rnce jj. par noiue. t?OKl DV all Druggists Hall's Family pills are the best. There Are Millions in These. Here are two of the best-known pro ducts of Cuba. Millions of dollars have been made out of them and other mill- TOBACCO PLANT. COFFEE PLAST. ions are to be made. The illustration shows the way the coffee and tobacco fortunes look In the fields before the trusts begin to gather "them in. Bow and Arrow In China. Among the backwoodsmen of China, so to speak, the bow and arrow stiil do duty in removing objectionable persons from the earth. The Chinese bow and arrow are not trifling little affairs meant for pretty archery contests, either. Tlie bow is an enormous thin?, much higher than the niau who uses n. anu the arrows ai-a p:-cportIciiately The Keeley Institute, For tho cure of the Liquor, Opium, Cocaine ad other drug addictions, Nerve Exhaustion and the Tobacco Habit. The most attractive and beautifully located Keeley Institute irj the country Write for their illustrated hand-book "The New Ian-" Address, The Keeley Institute, 6REEKSB0R0, I10RTII CflROLIH. It Might Have Been Better. Miss Rockingham Did papa give you any encouragement when you asked him for me to-day? Mr. Hopeleigh Well, perhaps he calls it encouragement. lie tdld me to prove that I am a man by going to the war, and added that if I get back alive he'll think about it. GREENSBORO.N.C. fIAMR5AN THE GOUPER MARBLE WORKS. Established 50 Years. 159 163 Bank St., - NORFOLK, VA. largest Stock in the South! Low prices quoted on Monuments, Gravestones, Etc., in Marble ox Grauito, delivered at any Southera point. Write for Illustrated Catalog. No. 12, it is free: and save money. every m m own doctor. By J. Hamilton Aycrs, A. M., M.D. A X his is a most vaiuaoio own aj for tlie Household, teaching as it 1 does the easily-distinguished -f Symptoms of diflerent Diuoases, I g ventiuif ueh Diseases, and the Simplest Remedies which will al leviate or cure. 5'J3 Pages, Profusely Illustrated. The Book is written -in plain everyday English, and is free; from the technical terms which render most Doctor Hooks so valueless tb the generality of readers. This Hook is in tended to be ot Service in the Fninil;., i-iid ia so worded as to be readily understood by all OXliY 0 cts. POSTPAID. Postasre Stamp3 Taken. Not only does this Book con- fflin ut ninpli lnfnrmiitinn. Rfilfl- tive lo Disease, fcut verv orooer- V" ly gives a Complete Analysis of . i . 1 . i i 1 1 j f 1 - tton aud Rearing of Healthy Families,together with Valuable Kecipes ana Prescriptions, i-x-planatiousof Botanical Practice, Correct useot Ordinary Herbs,&o COMPtETE I.VOEX. fc BOOK PUB. HOUSE, ; 134 Keouard St., N. Y.City CAUSE AKD EFFECT. MONEY IN CHICKENS IP YOU GIVE TOEM BSLT. You cannot do this unless you understand them and know how to eater to their requirements; and you canuot speud years and dollars learning by ex perience, so you must buy the knowledge acquired by ottiera. We offer this to you for only 25 cents. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY eren if you merely keep them as a diversion. In or' der to handle Fowls jurticiously, you must know something about them. To meet this want we are selling a book givins the'experlence flnlu OC ot a practical poultry raiser rorlvilij W twenty-live years. It was written by a man who put all his mind, and time, and money to making a suo cess of Chicken raising not aa a pastime, but as a business and If you will profit by his twenty-five years' work, you eah save many Chicks annually, and make your Fowls earn dollars for you. Tha point is, that you must be able to detect trouble In the Poultry Yard as soon as it appears, and know how to remedy it. This book will teach you. It tells how to detect and cure disease; to feed for eggs and also for fattening; which fowls to save fo breeding purposes; and everything, Indeed, yott should know on this subject to make It profitable. Sent postpaid toY twenty-Aye cents in stamps. Cook Publishing House 131 Lkosabd St N. V. City. QEED WHEAT FOR SALE! V 69v6 From the greatest crop ever grown in the South. T hree varieties: Fulcaster, a beardod wheat; Red May and White Clausen, both smooth or beardless. Wheat is now verv free from cockleFeed and broken grain, being far superior to tho usual run of seed whear. Wo Will, howerer, reclean tho wheat when do sired, taking out almost everv cockle seed and pieces of broken grain aa well as any inferior grain there may be in it. Wheat as it now Is price $1.00 per bushel, recleaned wheat $1.15 per bushel. The?o prices aro both on cars at Charlotte, including sacks. Each sack con tains two bushels, fend in your orders at once if you wish to secure tho best seed wheat on the market. Terms : Cash with order. Charlotte Oil & Fertilizer Co,, or Fred Oliver, CII ARLOTTIS, N. C I Most Perfect On 1 1 pnFFFnTI?' And Tery LOW PRICES. Large stock. Also PJPK..VAI.VE8 ai.l FITTINGS, KN. OINES, UKJILKHfJ. MILLS tiiidKKPAIKS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co.! . AUGUSTA, OA. 1 J ' p4 Permanently CursJ insanujr rrevant t SERVE RFSTHRFR 1 FMiu8 enr tor all Nerxoxi VUmvc,. Hit, BvOmtr. "pom and St. Mium- Tja. , 1 1. v after tM dt;'i ow. Treatise and $8 trial bottl when rccT. Sd4 to Ir. Klin, K!icT Jastitat of ilcillcinc, S31 Arch St.. PU'.&dliuia. p. TCH! , ,nd ?a,r aldrese and e will exprew 50 fine.lonff. filler Nickel cigars. When sold, remit us aud we will mAil you. free, a handsome stem wind and 5?Jjf tS?V,ch retaiIa 'or fi.50. U IXhTOK CO.. ao. jj iuaiu bt, U'lntton, N.C. , , . ; 4 j' A ordering ood or making enquiries f Ad .v rtl-ers it win be lo vouraHvauiajelomen. tion thia paper. teo; 40 f p t- A C h E K K - it WANTED NOW. TJKIOV J sufffered tli e tortore ofthedaroncd SlJ? PTR rudi P!ea brought on by constipa tion witn which I tvas afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell. Ia., and never found any thine to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man." S om C H.Keitz, llii Jones St., Sioux City, Ia. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Good, NeVer Sicken. WeaUnTo? GrlpeTlOe! J. t'S.' CURE CONSTIPATION. ... 8trf Rntif Oapany. tkim. Hatrwtl. h fork. Sll 5 II mi tZS I It I I'i i i r ; 1 1 i n W . I III s A V , Ess r) )l SSI W-I Wft Tetter. Salt-Rheam and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad caseg have been permanently cured by it. U i3 equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, aro just what a horse needs when in bud condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but, medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 21 cents per package . For sale by N. B. Hood, Dunn N. C. i Professional Cards. J. C ULIFFOIil, Attorney at Law. DUNK, N. 0. ! Will practice in all jthe courts of the State where services desired. U IIUION, 31. D. Physician and Surgeon,, DunD, North Carolina, Office on N. E. Wiion t., second building from Broad St. Residence at junction of E., Broad nud.EIm Streets. . . Trompt attentkm to all calls from either town or country, driy or 'ulght inthu various branches of the profession. - F, P. JONEs! W. A. STEWAET. JONES & STEWART, Attorneys - $t Law, DUNN, NORTH rfcOLINA.r Will practice r.nywhev'w State or Federal Courts. Collections a tylalty and prompt attention gives. counsellor anu iYtorucy nr juhw. DUNN,N.C. Practice in all courts. Oollections a specialty. TP. B. MUJtCIIISONy - . JONES BORO, N. C. Practices law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for fun. 3 201y, ISAAC A. MUilCIlISON Fayettevills, N. C. Practices law in (Jouiberland liar nett and any where arvfees are wanted. ni! re i mmm y.ui tine. NORTHEASTERN BAIlifjAD OF SOUTH CAROIA. Condensed-Schedule in 'fEqct AURUst 7, 1898. SOUTHBOUND. No. 33 A 51 ....3 25 ..-.4 40 ...;.(lb No. 23 r m 7 45 8 (55 913 9 13 10 50 P.M Ko. C3 V M Lv. Lv. Ar.. Lv. Ar. Florence. . . . , KingstreS Lanes Luued Charleston. . . 20 CO M NORTHBOUND. Na No 32. No. 52 4 V M A M 7 00 8 32 Lv. ( barlestorj Ar. Lanes Lv. Lanes Lv. Kingstreo.. Ar. Florence... ...5 58 ...7 ...7ik n 517 0 5G 8 15 P M A M No 52 'runs through t Columbia via Cen tral Railroad of South DOllAa. Feye'LV'iU-Short WnV-'ftBfl make close connection for hli rVbfote Nrth. Trains on C. & J). t. It leave Florence daily except Sunday 8 45 a m, arrive. Dar lington 9 18 a m. HujrtavBre. 11 25 a m, Cho ra w 10 30 a m, Wftdeiberfco 2 23 p rn. Leave Florence daily cxcerjUSuDd'ay 8 25 p m, ur rlvO DarUngtoa 8 40 p p. Bcnnettsvillo 9 40 p m, Glbaon ip W p in. Leave Floronco Sunday only 8 50 a m, tfrfitfl Darlington 9 20 a m. Leaves Gibson daily axcent Sunday 6 25 a m, Bonnettsvlllo.6 43 arhk'arrivo Darlington 7 40 a m, leavo Darlingf 0a 7 45 am, arrivo Florencq 8 10 a m. Leatvo Wadetporo daily except Sunday 3 00 p m, Choraw i 45 p m, Hartsvillo 2 15 p m, rJurlLngto'u 6 20 pro, arrivo Florence 7 00 p m. Le.tVg Darlington Sunday only 7 50' am, arivo Florence 8 13 am. J. R. KENLY, JNO. F. DIVINE, Oen'J. llajiaffer. .Ooa'l. Sup't T. m. Emerson, Traffls? mn&ger. II. M. EME1I80N. oA'l. Tass. Agent. - -i- rJfcc-T-AT- T EXPERIENCE. t A, TRADE MARKS, DESICN8, CfiPVRIRUTfi A . Anyone sending a sketch njid description nivi quickly ascrtaln, free, whether an Inventif.n tl K2Hibly..p?teA1,tilbIe- Commanlcatioiis strictly confidential. OHest agency for securintc pateuU Po.TcT'c?- VVe have a Washlnctou offico. BpeclKtlcekfa,thorU,?h Munn - SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, wiSil1! r H " s " t,0'1- lartrest circulutlon r.f B?K?2"tifl0 onrnal, weekly, terms 3.(JU a year; ft72f!5 .in?Jrb" Speeinien copies und iLvNX, Boojc jf Atentu sent free. Aduxcus MUNN & CO.. 361 liro- CSrey - Drssmm 4' thSVC-llJ? e'S :M aTrrt termor mjbJ eet ""O izulc, lli'ctt UniU MOST POPULAR SEWIWQ MACHJK that OI!,r-. Br from rellnWo ir..innfr-i.-.v. n S.., f Unon.-in tho twrl.l that i.n .4iny iBiprovcnwatH m tU MEW HOME WRITE CIRCULARS Tne New iloma Sewing Uscflfos OsKC1!,Mawi. I:o?!?o, ,VA:W. 81 x-t. , Ciliaoo,W, fir, IrtTi, :o. Iviu- ", . rvi r.'.a -.V