, b m ! v4? ir, r r?k iwi sr if ifVi thft.ln.rf est and cheapest line of Dry Goodsfv Aand Groceries ever shown in this town. While political lexciteinent has been and is running mountain high and e2 of.i., -i cnr.of hot nro n nnrr r r nave jzuuu muiu w pjim J I U I 1 1 y r t . u - O 1 o f 1 5-'l ...U ilinrr nn Kfl rfTH 1 n H T1 fl filling OUf SlldVCS and 5,1'IU piling mu-j,.. o , sZFj jpcounters with the prettiest, cheapest and most desirableg pgoods to be found anywhere at from 15 to 25 per cent.gg f?cheaper than anywhere else in town. To prove this weg ftgive you a few prices : felleavy A A Sheeting, 1 yard wide, 4c. JExtra Heavy She'eting, drilling like, ..... ' ''&t ?Good guaranteed Plaids, CM I- si m;iu: i iiiiun . , i i ...... AC. iooais vouon, , Mackintosh Coats, . . l.jj.s I.'..K... IT All Unr,l Quite 'Z.4D.C-2 uxjAU a iJfav y ii.ii nuui uuiio, -rj . - ' . 11 TIT T T ( 1 ' , 1.1 r. Extni Heavy Ail wool Loy ouus,-.- Woolen Dress Goods, .10 llfTablc Linen, .- .27 fflvnitting Cotton,. feGood Suspenders for men,. . . ?. .' 'fjGood Suspenders for boys, . . .j . . -.g Hand so on through our entire line. iZ Wo oknnil nt.f-nntir.il to our linn of shoes esneciallvfei feXour 3. 00, .$3.50 and. .$4.00 Douglass Shoes in Blacks, HTiinunml Patpnt, Leather. We have also the largest? If and cheapest line of Ladies' Capes ever seen. All kindsg got Liadies ana uents unuerwear. & Tremendous line of white and colored Shirts, up-to- Mdate Ties and Collars, evry thing you need. You won'tJ Jknow when the BOTTOM IS ON PRICES unless youM ':2visit our store Remember others do the shouting butjf vjwe do the business and the w.iy we got the business wasp fctby selling goods '..'l.;ap. ' 4s &THE UPSShNGILL DRV G0DDS COM ft OUIMIM, TM. c. U Supplement. J NEW GOODS. I wish to rail the attention of n y friends ;:i;d rustomers to tlie fact that I have just received the best selected stock of goods overwrought to Dunn, which I am selling right down to suit the b)r price of cctton. Dross Goods J Dross Da ads Black Henrietta from 50 to 85 cents per yard. 100 Nice Dress Patterns from 35 to 75 cents per yard. Broadcloth from 75 to .f 1.00 per yard. j Oassimere from 12i to 35 cents per yard. All Wool Flannels 12i to 50 cents per yard. Double Width Worsted 10 cents per yard. Outings 5 to 8, Flannellettes 8f, Satines'S to 25 cents. The verv best Calicoes 5 cents per yard. , SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. My stock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes is complete. Men'.s Shoes from 75 to $3.50. Ladies' Shoes from 75 to $2.50. Children's Shoes from 25f to $2.25. 'CLOTHING. CLOTHING. Men's Suits from $2.50 to $18.00. Youth's Suits from $2.00 to $8.00. Boys Suits from 50 to $5. 00. Men's Pants from 50 to $4.50. NOTIONS. NOTIONS. NOTIONS. Mon's, LvJieY and Childrens Underwear, Woolen and Cot ton. Men's Shirts from 25 cents to $1.00 ; Boys Shirts, Sus penders, Collars, Cuffs, Hose and i Hose, Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Ladies and Misses Woollen Gloves, Hamburgs, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings of all kinds. 5 HATS. HATS. HATS. Men and Boys Hats from 25 cents to $3.00. Men and Boys Caps from 25 to 75 cents. TRUNKS, From 35c. to $5.00. Tinware,- Crockery, Pocket Knives. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting your patronage in the future. Come in and get our prices before buying and ve will save you from 10 to 25 on all you buy. Yours to please, Dunn, N. C. 1 nwounnn fl u il 111 " nn una THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered accoiding to postal regula sions at the postoffice at Dunn, N. C, as tecond class matter. J. P. PirTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood all, Editor. TERiVIS OF SUSSCRIPTIOH Phrc-e Months.. 3iX .uontns t3 One Year Sent by Mail. Dunn, N. C. ..25 Cents. , ..50 Cents. $1.00 Payable in advance. Novkmbek 2, 1S3S.' Our sister county of Moore on thel west of us is in the hands of the fusionists and a white man named Batley is the regis ter of deeds in that county, and is a candidate for re-election on the fusion ticket. He has had a negro deputy who issued mar riage licenses for white peo ple. This fact was proven on him by his Democratic oppo nent the other day by two of the best men of the county. Batley tried to deny it but a marriage license with Batley's name signed in the negro's hand writing was produced and he was made to admit the fact. See the negroes in Moore de mand some of the spoils of of fice from the fusionists. Elect the fusion ticket in Harnett this year and they may demand it of them. Be on the safe side. Vote the Democratic ticket from A to Izzard. One Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cures and children wny take it in large quantities without the least danger. It lias won for itself the best reputation of any nrejvt ration used to-dyy'for .folds, croup, ti'-' iii';'." 5n the throat or obstinate coughs. Hood Grantham. Fowlkii was nominated by a small number of Populists at the tow a of Clinton. He bought Abo Middleton, so it is said, to get the negro convention at Fayetteville to endorse him. He is the fusion candidate for congress half free silver, half gold standard according to his two platforms. Can an honest white man who believes in free silver vote for him?. EverylIy Ssiys So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wondeiful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste,, act gentlj and positively on the kidneys, liver and towels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fe ver, habitual constipation and bilious ness. Please buy and try a box of C, C. C, to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. When a Populist asks you why the Democrats refused to co-operate with the Populists, ask him why the Populists in the last legislature did not co operate with the Democrats to elect a free silver United States Senator? The Democrats made an offer to the Populists to that end but never received any reply- More than twentv million free sam ples of DeWitt's Witch Haztl Salve have been distributed by the manufac turers. What better proof of their con fidence in it's merits do j-ou want? It cures pilesj burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space of time. Hood & Grantham. I am aroing; to sell out my en- mm m - SPECIAL TO MERCHANTS. We are buying in larger quantities than ever before, and are now in position to give you better terms. Prices &c. see us. Hood & Grantham. For Fruit Cakes, we can now fill vour orders for currants, citron, raisins, spices &c. Hood & Grantham. Home Comforts Home Attractions Homicide in Sampson. Last Thursday evening about sunset after ths county candi dates of all the three parties of Samnson had sDoken at Bea- man's Cross Roads, two younp men, Archie K. Sauls and John Herring, became involved in a fight and Sauls cut Herring so that he died from the wounds Saturday morning at 2 o'clock. Our informant who was an eyewitness says that Sauls made the assault without prov ocation and rushed on Herring mangling his body frightfully with a knife. Sauls and Her ring had had a difficulty on Sat urday before but Herring had not spoken to Sauls - on - Thurs day until Sauls made the as sault on him. Herring was a young man about 24 years of acre ftnd had a good reputation. Sauls is about 35 3ears of age and has a bad reputation. He was ar rested and placed in Clinton jail. r Ilil.f'lI'lllHWIMIMIMfimtnMHMIllHiIHlliMffiljMMWMii.iH.'iM.... A Radical lie is being circu lated that the Democrats in 1876 appointed Guilford Christmas, a negro, assistant door-keeper in the House of Representa tives in place of a one-armed confederate soldier. The place that Christmas was givon was that of a laborer and succeeded another negro by the name of John Ochiltree. Ei art burly T Give me vour attention for a moment. If you are thinking of pur chasing a new Buggy this fall, you should not do so until you call at my chops and -examine my home-made Buggies. I use the best material and employ skilled workmen in all my de partments and guarantee my Buggies to be equal to any sold in North Carolina. 11 13 I Profits. I don't expect any big profit at the present low prices of faCt-m products, and if you will get my prices you will not go elsewhere to purchase your 'BUGGY. All kind of repair work done at my shop at moderate prices. Horse-Shoeing. For the best Horse-Shoeing m town, call at my shops. Give me a call and I .will treat you right. W- D THORNTON, Carts, Manufacturer of "WagOIlS, Buggies lO CottonI If the farmers could get 10 cents a pound for their cotton this season every body would have a smiling face and every home would be a place of happi ness. But the present price drives smiles away and happiness is only found when the people find the merchant who is willing to share his comfort and hap piness with the producer. Now there is no use in mourning over what can't be helped, and L P.JERNIGAN is willing to do his pait in restoring smiling faces and hap piness to the oppressed people by selling GROCERIES CHEAP. I sell the U. 3. Celebrated Cakes and Crackers, wholesale and retail. Canned Goods of ever kind, Tinware, Crockery ware, Snuff and Tobacco. Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coiree, Meal, Molasses, and in fact everything found in an up-to-date grocery stoi e. Call and see me and I will treat you right. Yours trul T L P-JERNIGAN, Dunn, N. C. tire stock of goods at to the highest bidder regardless of cost or limit as I am going to retire from business My Stock consists of a large and well selected Stock of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES CUTLERY, FINE WATCHES and JEWELRY. Every body is respectfully inyiced to call and examine my Stock. The Auction Sale will begin SATURDAY NOV 5TU AND CONTINUE MIL SOLD OUT. Dunn, N. C. .Everybody desires comfort in the home, and the way to make it comfortable is to add attrac tions to the home. K1IGE FRKII$RE is one of the necessaries of home comfort. L. IH. KENNEDY, now has in stock an up to-date line of FURNITURE at prices too low to mention. One and all are invited to call and ex amine it and get prices before buyiug elsewhere. GROCERIES. AKD DRY GOOD are coin" to J at cost in order make room for Furniture. Call at my store next door to J. J. Wade's store and I will treat you right. Yours truly, L H. KENNEDY, Dunn, N- C- W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish, durable, perfect fittin?. Endorsed by over 1.000,000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $30, $4X0 and $5X0 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2-50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $20, $2 and $1.75 Boys We use only the best CalC Russia Calf. French Patent Calf; French EnameL, Vicl Kid, etc graded to correspond with prices of the shoes. If dealer cannot supply you, write Catalog: free. W. L.DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SOLO BT The Massengill Dry Goods Co, Dunn, N. C. J&kQe able Preparation for As -similating the Food and Regula ting thi 5 tomariis and Bowels of 1 1 1 wm Mm m Negro Women Left. 1 It IS Promotes THestion.Cheerfu! ness sivlRcsUContcihs neither Q 'wR,Mcrpbine nor Mineral. Not Kahcotic. perhaps putting it mild to say that Young Offin Hn 11 tor 1 inr irttvxr . r k i,.i. - . - 11 v" J I 10 111 i;in the lowest n n in nnimi ki vi..Fuicn mat an Republican candidate, has ever mace in North Carolina, in Goldsboro his speech was sft vulgar ana inaecent as to dis. gut the. negroes who hear him. Recently the young office- hunter went to Lillmtoa to speak. At that place whenth? Democratic candidates speak ( tlie laaies iuru oui 10 grace the occasion witn- tneir presencfi When Dockery went to Lilling. ton, the negro women turned out to hear .him, and his jokes were so vulgar and low that they leftthe hall where he was speaking. They couldn't stand him. At another point in Harnett where he spoke, a glass of wa ter was provided for the speak er. HIS negru iieuiers on uio front bench, thinking like Con- gressman vvmie inai mere ought td be po distinction be tween the races, helped, them- selves to the water that young Dockery had on the stand. He did not make any comment, for if he thought they "hadn'i oughter," Dockery didn't dart to rebuke them. ' ' This is the sort of man who asks the voters to make him so liqitor of the Fourth district. They will not doit. He will get "no Populist votes, except the office-seeking crowd, and few other votes except from ne groes. News & Observer." Etctps ofOIdBrSAIfUELPTPCIIER jflx.&cnna JtocAtlu StJii -4nisc Seed- JYppcrmint - WrnSced -h'vtluyrtvn flavor. ApcrfecH?emedy for Constipa tion, Sour Sionuich, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. The Kind You Have Always Bought, i Bears the Paosimile Signature of . p I t Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ON THS WRAPPER OF EVESY . BOTTLE THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. WIW YORK CITY. HAS FALLEN! BUT Are still open at the same OLD PLACE, with prices as LOW AS THE LOWEST ; With. Goods Fresh and Nice. You can got Drugs, Chemical?, School Books, Stationery, Book Bags, Crayon, Pencils, Combs and Brushes, Toilet Articles, Spices, Extracts, Essence, Colognes, Cheroots, Cigars, l ine Candies, and everything to be found in the Drug Line. We inviie a call from all. Customers will get polite attention always.. Mail orders ar.d Prescriptions carefully filled. ' Fine Candies in 1 and 2 pound boxes. HOOD & GRANTHAM, D. H7 Hood. Dunn, N. C. G. K. Grantham. RESTAUR ANT. -Meals at all Hours. WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY x Call at C. YV. Lee's Store next dcor to S. G, Marks &Co to get your meals. . Fresh Fish, Beefsteak, Ham and Eggs, and Oysters always on hand. Every- Glorious j News Comes from Dil. D. B. Car- gile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "r our bottles of Kloc- tric Bitters lias cured Mrs. Brewer of 'scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for rn 1 i 1 years, ierrioie sores would break out on her head and face and the best doctors could give no help ; but her cure is com plete and her health is excel- 1 lent. This shows what tlious ands have proved, that Klec trie Bitters is the best blood pu rifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and run nine pores". It stimulates liver kidneys and bowels, expels poi sons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skin- I ner Druggists. Guaranteed. .When vou fro to vote do not let any man iutimidato you If you vote a white man's tick- thinj? neat and nicelv arranged. Call and see for voursplf. Rpmpmlr that, et VOU Will Have nOtlllllC to ue vou will be treated right.- . ' ashamed of in the years to come WHEN YOU WANT GOODS AT LOW PRICES Vote for the Prot.ection f ?our Don't forget t o see ni3r stock before you buy. I can save you money. Best quality at the Lowest Price is my mctto'. Call and give me a trial. Youis respectfully, CW-'LEE. Sept. 14-tf. Dunn, N. C. homes, your wives and your daughters and for a covernment in North Carolina administered by white men. c 1 UNO C N'T AGRICULTURAL FAIR, AT FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. NOVEMBER, '9, 10, 11, 1898. Ihis i?air will be unsurpassed for excellence of Exhibits. The attractions will be new and grand and many in number, first dose 1 i ' HOUSE KAUIJNG, BICYCLE RACING, MULE iWciNG; BAG RACING and many other things to amuse. Railroad rates will be reduced to a low Everybody's Fair, come and see it. lr apply to the secretary. ' WALTER WATSON, G. W. LAWRENCE. rresirient. o 11 o. further information Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon ner niul fnr sfivpn vears she With stood its severest tests, but her vital onrans were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New dis covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on takinp tVint. ehp slent all night; and with two 'bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs Lutner butz- Thus writes W. C. Haranick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Tnai bottles free at McKay Bros. Skinner's. Drug Store. -Kegu lar size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Secretary. ted MYAJM. c : j. . .ij nun is io suipiy your wants, and I I-t not claim to sr-11 goods at cost, for no man can run buMm-.ss after this fashion. Tr fiim ic t r coll rrrrA c n 4- n . 1 ....... 1 . .vim 0 gwun ui a, iiusu liiiugin, ami "ive our cus tomers the benefit of SUBSTANTIAL BARGAINS. My Fall Stock is large and readv for inspection pleasure showing our customers goods, jinft if you fr there will be no hard feelings. . My stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries is complete and we will be glad to quote you prices before you make purchases SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Mv linp nf Slinoc frv "Cn t i j - ..v.o iui i,JC! x-,m x r;iue iar stirnasses re fail to take buv The fusionists have adop a device for their State tickets This will show how every ma th at. vntP that, ticket Will T0i This is made so that the fusion leaders can catch up with m fallow who has promised tovoj fnrtliPm and does not intern VV 1 lt A III; MS rdain tikpt and fis willing10 every man to cast his he wishes. vote : 11 T ' . ' - 7 " -' vi Vllo . 1,111 II I lit LI! Ill nil f Piwrtmontc - , . 1 l uiiiu an examine our stock; and see c-vpctcimjjis. jien s, ljauies in all departments, what we sav is true. J. Yours to please, 9 my fondest conn that 13 A I IDES DUNN, N. C. He Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told Benick HJ ilton. of West Jefferson, t.; i i mi Li ter suffering 18 montns ..i i?;ofti1n lio wniikl oi6 u lnoo o rtctlw rt-kfrn tinll WaS i J formed ; but he cured nu t K- IJ.,1'1pI1 S o S'lhrr tlf &nrPSt Pile C l on Earth, and the best ban j the World. 25 cents J sola oy Mcivay iruo. -ner Druggist.

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