-- AVERAGE CIRCULATION 1,000. o- I Place your "ad" with jus and see Hie results. AND, HARNETT, CUMBERL JOHNSTON, SAMPSON Large circulation jn each county. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Vol. 7. DUNN, IM-C, NOV-SO, 1898. No. 23. TOWN DIRECTORY. STATE NEWS. Forty Thousand. ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. There are about 40,000 negro voters in .North Carolina who do not pay a poll tax or any- other tax. They live in the State, enjoy the rights and -a 1 nrivi pcrfis under the laws, ana goods house has been organized are employed by white voters in (jrreensboro. It will start with a capital stock of $100,- 000. i . . 1 r .i little nve year old girl in Iredell county found a jug of whiskey in the house while her most of whom are democrats and invariably vote against the personal interests, the business interests of their employers, and yet they do not contribute one cent, one iarunug i- mc support of the government parents were out and drank so municipal or county or state- much of it that she died from under which they live and toil . 1 rw I - - - the enect. Unri vnto Ts it riant, is it mor- Al 1 -ft V4. , V . V --- ' - - J" 7 r 1 2 - 4- i r : 10 1 v., ai. is it wise, is xu " " T?nn commendable to that 40,000 npcrrnps should vote to tax wie 1 he news is given nuilding of the Railroad, which was recently CHURCHES. letliodist Church Rev. D, B. Parker Pastor, v. rvices first Sunday night, and fourth Sun- morning and night. Prayermeeting . very Wednesday night Sunday gchceJ pVl.ry Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K. ;rantham Superintendent. Kantist Church .-Rev. L. R. Carroll, paster. ...vis every ec nd Sunday morning and night. Prayerraeetiug1 every Thursday night Hunday School eery Sunday morning, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church. Rev. A." M. Hassel j.astor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, Doug Smith Superinten dent. . Disciple Church Rev. N. B. Hood, pas tor Services every third Sunday morning "and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday n ening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jnckaon, pastor. Services every second Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. Q. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. T-nlmvi a Lodtre. No. 117. A. P. & A. M. Hall rvtr Frfe Will Bantist church. K. P. Jones w m w. A. Johnson. 8. W.; E. A. Jones j. W.; J. O. Johnson, T". Z ! Williamston last Tuesdav night lowed. In this State 40,000 i iiv.at xi' v - i at ":"0 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma in trood stand iner are cordially Invited to attend these communications. TO VN OFFICERS. ... J.F. Thillips, Mayor. Commissioners v. v Ynune-. R. G. Taylor. J. W. Jordan and McD. Holiday. M. L. Wade, Policeman. County Officers. Sheriff , J. H. Pope. Cleik. F. M. McKay. Register of Deeds, J. McK. Byrd. Treasurer, G. D. Spence. Coroner, J. J, wilsou. Surveyor, J. A. O'Kelly. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. r-nTniBKiorirs : J. A. Green, Chairman II. N. Bizzell and JJeill McLeod. An Urgent Call. white burden bearers who have themselves? C.Yt-rtct Yxr fVio Stflfp frnm Sol- .o FiAnr, o0 TIott Pom OA' 11U UUIJIXU UU.uuuo 1 11 Cb VJ U 4. lltO JJltlJ UU A KI1111VV - , i. c J ; l IS tnnb a iduux tuv,Mimvu,, I x r.imr-kr onrl nrnifio I wormy iu supui v ..v that allows such a .gross out- nnh snlrlinr of the second re- h-nrro annli an onnressiou r JNo v v w--v- n i iiw&w. i i mpnt. was shot and killed in .man rf sp.nsn and honor can secretary. Regular tj i10me 0f Mr. James Bond at say it is right and should be al ia on the 3rdSatur-l . . m , . v. . J . . An nnn black electors are the law-mak- t 3 Tornnra hlf.hPrtO lin- I . n m r hp III o " . We desire to have a little chat with our de linquent subscribers, and we shall have to be plain but will endeavor to hurt nobody's feelings. It is no pleasant thing to be dunned, and if there was any way to avoid it we would not do so, but we are pressed for money and are compelled to look to those who owe us to get it. The election is over, and a great and glorious victory has been won for democracy throughout the State, and we have tried to do our part in re deeming our county and State, and have left no stone untured in our endeavors, even though it took dollars to turn them1. We have not insisted very much on our subscribers paying up during the campaign. We appreciate the closeness of money matters, and no one better than ourself knows the value of a dollar at this time, and we in sist that our readers who are behind be prompt. No iise for us to multiply words, we need every cent due us, and heed it to-day. We have 'strained' a point in order to send you the paper this year, and now we ask that you be prompt. Please don't suppose that this is intended for the other fellow, and that because your account is small that we can get along without it. We have no favorites and this is for every one who is be hind. If you owe us and live at a distance, please remit by return mail, and if you are a home read er, pay us tne first time vou coine to town and we hope you will come quick. , J. P. PITTMAN, The County Union, Dunn, N. C. Soma Objects of Legislation- GENERAL WEVJS. The Legislature recently se lected in North Carolina should aim to enact lawS so needful ; Ff ff part$ Qf reasonable and cood that all lovers of law and order would The World. delight to obey them, and such as are not inclined to obev them should be taught to do so, or By order of the probate court receive the just penalties of of Chicago the widow of the late disobedience. The lawless Ueo M. Pullman, the palace car class of our people need special king, receives $9,000 per month attention. If they will not as her share in the estate of her obey the laws then let them be deceased husband, punished. There has been too The . Hercules Powder Mills mucn pardoning oi criminals in bl i t Wednesday a this State. When one is con victed it is too common for bfii- cers ot law, including juuge and jury, to sign petitions for his pardon. If he is not guilty do not convict him. If he is guilty fail not to "punish him. Fear of punishment is the only at Lamont, Missouri, ana six men were killed and several wounded in the explosion. The explosion broke window panes in houses twenty-hvo miles away. General Blanco, Governor by some unknown person Private J unus l. ampoeii, . . .. n nftVfir- of Company G., first North Car- . . , b tQ car V T-V " t , L 1 I LH ftV T W olina Kegiment, died at a- , - t in NoPth nah Georgia, last Wednesday oi , , h ..they . I X. k k a. Ia t. m spinal meningitis. iis remains , m d have their being' And yet northern fa n tonm nat;r;m nnrl nolitical ranters X I1C LIU Cl Oil lvvy v iLcft a tvixx i umviyiixa r played the University foot ball declare that this anomaly and tDnm V rfr n a at. imond oiltracre IS ail nui, lact. TlmrsHav and defeated the who seek to rid themselves of Virginia team by a score of 6 to the tyranny and insolent abuse I An tl r muss meeting of nc- O nnl fliorohr xrfrt til A P.ll am- nf office are assassins, murder-1 TOU v,pld to-i '.eht. at tl-lVA UllllVU I . I . 1 l I lira VI UO . v nionshiD of the South. - ers, and savages Maiily's Mouth Still Upen Asbury Park, N.J., Nov. 23. Out upon & . oditnr Manlv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. II. 1 CLE AN, Counsellor and Attorney at Law,- DUNN, N. C . VMMe in all Courts. Collections a Specialty Uie IOOIS HUU aiftuucio. ml,ACO nr nt n,r Will Jackson, colored, was Lot Chicago and Louisville 1 N n shot and moriany wouuueu 0r New iovk or dusiuu na,vo a nfio-ro named Geo Abernathy the. pxnerieuce of Wilmington nt Charlotte last Thursday. nnA fi1fiV will make it a panda- AKm-notiir elmt. at. another man frv the negroes. Ltei fkUCl lltl"J t JUVliiUlLft w - - and hit Jackson. Me was ar- Illinois or New Yorfc or wassa- rested by the police and placed chUSetts have an ignorant, be in ian. office in WH gtOn, JN. l;,. was 'u in the recent race riots, spoKe. tt liot. liis editorial was nc aniu mux a defense of strictures upon the colored race, and described t le outburst it caused against him. I 1 fi ; ft ft. U.kJ-- Washington as a Sentinol- terror to evil doers. Good men General of Cuba, has resigned though will obey the law be- and the Spanish government cause they love order, peace has accepted his resignation.' and justice. General Blanco said that he Abolish all unnecessary offi- could not surrender Cuba to ces. Cut down officials, sala- the Americans and therefore ries and fees so that our taxes resigned his office. may be reduced, ine peopie Ex-O.ueen Liluokalani. of Ha- ttrnii ia in this rotintrv. It is high taxes when their labor is gaid that ghe comea t0 gee the so poorly paid, in order to pay President to make formal appli large salaries to office holders. cation for the restoration of the Avoid all unnecessary appro- Hawaiia-n cr0wn lands, valued priations of the State s money. afc $6000i000, which she claims rrove your capaw xui . t nronertv and not sub- . ft. William Perrine gives a graphic picture of Washington's memorable winter of suffering at valley Forge in the Decem ber Ladies' Home Journal. lation bv enacting such laws - y F only as will commend them selves to all patriots. Elder P. D. Gold in Wilson Times. ject to confiscation The first United States troops to laud at Havana, were four companies of the second regi ment of volunteer engineers which landed therelast Friday. They at once fo.med into line DeWitt's Witch llaztl Salve has the largest sale of any Salve in the worhl. ThU fact and its merit has led dishonest uCnntinalc noninrf in the snOW I .,n,.n!.. ti (ittPinnt. tn (Mtuntcrfeit ' it. An tup nntnoQts took off their Look out for the man who attempts u and marched to the quarters pre on the outposts tooK on meir deceive yoll whim you cull for DeWitt s Lared for them two mi'es from caps auu stuuu m i"cuj v vv itch Hazel Salve tne greac pue cure tlipir feet, from freezing. he hiood & Graiithani. "Here and there could W- E. Murchison, JONESBOKO, N. C. Harnett. Moore and other counties, but not for fun. Feh. 20-ly. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYKTTEVII.LE, N. C. i.i:o t tn rinnibeiland. Harnett i JilVllV.T ... and anywhere services are wanted. Mr F. J. Snines. a farmer living some ten miles from Dur ham. was frightfully and fatal ly ini ured last Tuesday by his J . mules running away wim He was entangled in the reins and the mules dragged mm some two miles after breaking loose from the wagon. sotted population all united and Rq . t wag uritrue that he all paying but 3 1-3 per cent. hfld Wq asked to make a re- Qf the total taxes ot tne siaie, J. o the alleged injurious v - . i-v J. C CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUXN, N. C. Vill nractice in all the State, where services desired H. L. GODWIN, Attorney-at-Law Dunn, - - N. C. Difficult collections v;n ...Ptioft wherever services, may be reqntred promptly made. L,. HUDSON. M. D. cri r-v .iati OU.X tiw"? c. W Physician and Dunn. N. vr i? WiUnn St.. second hnlhl KIMst. Residence at junct.on ofE. Broad and kin. Street.. .tirtu to a. 1 calls iini .... t '.nut r- d.iv or nlSHi rlo.Vbnu.ch;, of the prof-ion. JONES &r- STEWART, Attorneys, Dunn, N. C, . -.s .,li.Mfi i. State or Frtleral Courts. U-iieci ... c :,m1 , r mt :ttM.t.o.i iriv-n. GET THE BEST finest finished and Most Popular for a mere son. See to it ttat you buy from reliable maj11 Lcturers that have aineda reputationbyhonestandsquare deling, jo Li1 "its loted uewrng - . Aura- n is easiest to manage ana i Mr. Duncan L. DeVane, formerly of this county, has been elected Treasurer of Yuma county. Arizona. He was one of three democrats on the ticket . .. i . -i ti:n.'m'aiMiitv was the court of tne i elected.. r -nia injv largest received by any aeuiu- cratic caudidate. Yuma coun ty is republican and Mr . ie Vane's election is due, largely i . to his personal popularity. Sampson Democrat. Our people some time lose U4. f tajp.t that we nave Slilllt wx nv - I - w , j- w I T . a u ... ocatea on i'lc boro one of the noblest t'ions in North Carolina Odd Fellows' Orplian and vet controlling eiecuous and legislation and govern ment, and afflicting and injur ing the white men who pay 96 2-3 per cent, of the taxes and in a week . there wouia oe au uprising that would sweep out pHitorial. as stated by Dancy, but that had he been asked to take such a course he would nave refused to do it. The Democrats came in for a round of abuse for driving ne- groes ana ouier ipux"- would not stop to McKinley would Man au was forever the oppressor, xii - r Wiimington. consider wna d b his negr0 say or what J 2 ' a11d a collection rnnfrress would do or wiiat pui- : . , lis hfinefit There pit demagogues would harange, Lome talk of his "touring or what angry iwwsp" would defnounce. afrikn hard and quick and independence.- Wilming ton Messenger. uv. xtIy " nnrl mvinp: an ac- They would -f - - riences. Res. for rights .miB - ndonted craving Golds- institu in the Home rjo,ro vnn been there recently ( If not, go. Tt is a home in the true sense for the children sheltered within its walls. 1 he Orphan Home is a monument the Odd Fellowship of North . nnA nnr neonl? are uaroinirt, i - Olid Of it. UoldSDOrO "Argus A Narrow Escape Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Grotenj S D ;tWas taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs ; nllv fprmi- cougn set m .--4. ; rnnsnmn ion. roui iiiiifvi i 1- 4 . T Doctors gave me up, saying 1 could live but a short tune.; 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not -stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent o n e s above. My husband was ad- p;et Dr. King's . i the government to investigate the I "barbarous murders and niir!ntTPs imon the colored peo- .i kfi enntb and have the guilty brought to justice, i etc. Bishop Turner on the Negro. Rev. Mr. Butt's New Work. v. i es. be found ev n oflicers in a sort m 9 of dressinggown made of old wrrwrklon httrLprwftrs The StOUt- VvlVJ i- mvv w -w- I ! hearted women of New Jersey ; ThmK oi a pastor appomwu sent their quilted clothes as to a work in this city witnout a Christmas presents, with the church and without a member, natriotic iest that as women and witn a salary so smau mai .f , ffi d ar)DOint Cu were said sometimes to wear it would almost tate a micro- g wh0had served in the in- crv nrtw t. iprfi sp.nnfl to see it. even iu tuc III in LIU LiuUl Dm KJV " - i r" ' pared the city. General Wood in command at Santiago has appointed Senor Bacardi, an old resident and Cu ban, mayor of the city of Santi ago, Cuba. The first act of mayor Bacardi was to discharge,. tliH entire clerical force of the w pr 1 . . r tAV. D PCI, 1U1U the .us son, Light Running There is none to ttl S can equal to irking stmction, durability f 5 parts, fineness of finish IcTappearance, or has a improvements as the Nf.wHomb ... -r..iAn. DoablcFeed, alike It has Aatomaiie no 0tner n on both sides oinrivinK wheel hmge vmT?Fonc!ncuLAito. &xji FaxJiciaoo, CAi- FOR thirty-second district, uu E. J. Justice, Representative-elect from Mc Dowell county, arrived in the city last night and are stopping at the Central noiei. x, often that father and son sit in the same legislature, ana when thev do they are not al ways among the strongest mem u t u hodv. as the Messrs. t..: hp of the next Gen- eral Assembly. Charlotte Ob server of Friday. n..n.,i.nn lin.? an old " . rnnp Fear .Recorder, P.nl,wV.,XVTiQ hlished i" Vol. 10, i: ; i r.i:Jf "NT C. July 3U 1 ;o--Open to all McBryde iZZ.L cinfluenced by none ir1;,. was addressed to l lie nnnnp TT Ttrinttxr I 11 lUU wm. - of U pasted an um . A A ..sm 111 III.UIUH " UU Second, bv the al ms from u. T?,.w.in ,tor,lav c i ir rt nrf.iii' 1J ' fv .v wi Ire and. m8 w . 1 i visea iu uci Discovery for uonsumpuun, and Colds, l gave n eiht - bottles. It has cured me, and thanK uou I am saved and now a wen mm bealthv woman." Trial bot- rles free at McKay Bros. & bkir- ner's Drug Store. Regular size oOc. and i.uu. Guaranteeil or price Macon, Ga., Nov. 23 At the I African Episcopal Confer ence, which has just closed here, Bishop Turner had this to say on the race question; I see no , manhood future for the negro in this country, and the man not ab'.e to discover that fact from existing condi- ;ria mnst hfivoid of common IVHJ - Found Dead iu Bed- trousers, so now mere scope to ,Cu xxx gurcent army in their places. would be an excuse for men prospective, xsui suppose i who might wear the petticoats, is larger than St.. raui nad Tiie uaiowin nowi w,uu...-( Washington, who never exag- promised him, when he took ed at San Francisco last Wed- gerated, said that few men had up his first journey to Rome nesday morning. It was a six more than one shirt, many only and dwelt two whole years story wood building and had half a oneand some none at therein his own hired house over rfuu guests ior uu mBu. all. Nearly three thousand and received all who came unto One man after helping three men were barefooted, and occa- him. women to escau i..u sionally might be seen a sol- So this writer is going to be- ing building fell 1UU feet ana dier who was all but naked ! gin next Sunday morniug at 9 was killed. The building was Sometimes there was nothing o'clock ' in a hired house, on valued at $3,000,000 and is a to to eat in the camp but rotten Fourth and McDowell streets, tal loss. salted herrings. Men were and will receive into a new or- Admiral Dewey is reported known to snatch at the dough ganization all who will come as fav0ring the taking of all the of half-baked cakes in the kitch- unto him. Phillipine Islands by the ens of the farmers' wives. The We expect to do a better work Tjnited States. In a personal contractors and the commissa- in our hired house than we haye ietter to President Brown, of ry agents and the Continental ever done. We need the aid orwich University, under date Congress had brought twelve and sympathy of all who have . October 2, he says: "I thousand men to the verge of known our work here for many trust the entire archipelago will starvation, and the blood of years. So come out next &un- be retained by the United btates. rtpnpral Wavne ran hot with dav at 9 o'clock and help to or- nther arrangement will rae as he looked on his poor ganize the Sunday school. At jea to no en(j 0f trouble." fellows weak with hunger, in- n a. m. there will be preacn- ing; also at 7:30p. m. we will have the house well heated and at night well lighted. , "1 ,T I - ' JOHN r . duct, Pastor of McDowell Methodist church The above is taken Charlott Ujserver. deed, there was but one horn tumbler and also but one wood en dish for every mess. Wash ington himself dined one day rn nntntofis and hickorv nuts. Mv rrood man,' he said to the cpntinel in front of his head- ' i j nnnrfftrs. narni!? ud ana uowu l " 7 1. O . ..VILA l.i LU1 U . lww. w - I" X- ..www l 1 nn iflM 'inn P . . . . ..tJ I . lit I Mifn sense, uur civei, i... ;'--i:n the bitterness oi a coiu mum- yutt is wen Known in uui w social status is degrading, anu . .liave vou iia(i anything to eat?' 'No, sir was the reply. 0f years, he being the 'Give me 3-our musket, men, and go inside and get some breakfast.' and the tall cora- A desperate attempt was made by robbers to rob the Lincoln county Bank at Ells fn on the night of the Street 22nd. They bound and gagged I tne nignt wiwuui " years of age and left him and Ti onfor tfm bank's f r ineii U1CU w v- IteV. lir.l m , . , ., , mt. mnii safe out ianeu. xu "" found next morning nearly Gainey & Jordan. Dunn, N. C. With Cast Educate Your Bowels fA RBTS. pcn,iP f':,thMrtic. cure or fever. 10c 25c. If C. C. C. fiui, Ist refund money. villo Observer of 1 ne ' l"- " f.Mwl-ir PVPIUI1J! Ra-S. xt.. irt f ru e. son 01 nit 1UI . " "" .-. . late Kev. V. u. iuu"Uv, ... nnvi.Unn College yosierua . m i--w iiii. The body arnvuu accompaniea y ai-. and several of her . 1 T f children, and was laKe,. u tie River Academy, tne oiu la.u- ily home for burial . Mrs. McBryde is living at Davidson, where she has sever- iittPlldint! scnuui, morning John, wlio hi. and next 5 Ai I IVwm j as degradation begets degrada tion, the negro must go 11 um bad to worse act lnnnuuiu. NTmtliPr education or weaitn c;in ever elevate us to t2 grade of respectability. 'flsay this because we ;u surrounded by so many influen ces! that militate against our manhood. The best thing tne negro can do is to call a great national convention and ask the United States Congress for ftirinnnn'nOO to meet the ex- )HJU,vv.-, of starting a line 01 this country a . . . . - 1 I Wfl haviug lived here tor a numoer - ,. f he f. . m 111 a-u 1 niiii iiii t ----- 3 iounuer hhpm t nothing 1 1 -11 r i i nf it rn 1 sr. t -w w - w vna Duiioer ui " from -the safe. church and parsonage of this 1 citv. He is a zealous and 11.1- Last wrek a mob tcok a ne- mander gravely walked up ana tirrig worker in tne Ai.isier b ro from juu at nionKiccuu, down asguard over his own vineyard, and his many warm Knj hanged him for the niurder house." frivols here hope for his suc- jf a young white man. xno negro confessed the muracr nuu implicated three other negroes that were in jail as being ac complices. iThe mob weut to the jail and got the three nc-..-a imnHrated and were .."i' morning Grace France, and 1 - . f - youngest of a large num Defender of the Faith etc It to the y in was dated Nov. 10, ! , H(iart .'trouble is said to ,nnf, Maimed by the crown - . gad 1 - . nn..ff I U lilVR UL-CI1 t. wv 1 'i ;n y-o nir r;ciT i . - - four suuiiuB v. acres.-Bed Spriugs Record witlimers between and Africa, thus pioneering duiuain for our settlement. RUhon Turner is the oei known negro churchman in the South. Raleigh Post. He A suuk I'iiino kou Tor. . . . . . . . V lS:lilllltJii ick nave ul-cii - and most sudden death. - ..Il..a III! fUr!-l ITIH'. H--, !- I ,,ili r ill- :ri- :ii--i i I -lii-rsi-H. n--r. a.- .. i...r..i I :t! lull 1 1 . Ui B"""'""" I-v. r .liiniilaut a-! iiil linal tonic all iinn'ui.! guaraimti n Sample and HKklet free. boW by ami : llit-a!' -uMi:ll!i am :lll'l t':uilv new arc V or moii-y tliiuir. Try 5(W all dniggUU. Spain s Greatest N sed. Mr. R. P. Oliva, of Barcelo nia, Spain, spend hi winters at Aiken S. C.J- Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his hoad. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Rem edv. all pain soon leit nun savs this grand medecine i what his country neeas. ah America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood, tones up tlu stomach, trenglheiis the werxo puts vim, vigor and new life in to every muscle, nerve and or gan of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only ft cents. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner Druggist. friviuls here hope ior nis suc cess in his new ticld of labor. He has a daughter, Mrs. u. II. Parker who rcsiats at this place. biu-. b.f .-. kiu U-fa a'l Ul- , :l ... .1 ..i... r.-'i IfllM tH. iein- WIu-li H'Z l Sill Yi-. WUvu v.m Cill f-r IH-Will Uu'f :ie.i H .f, it-or Iran Y" "1 w " ipfMitetl wiih 1 Vll Aiicli lUzcl Salvf. Uioil Si (ir:i:itli:uii about to hang them wuen w zens interfer ed and kept them from it. When' the legislature meets it will have the ablest body of m nibers that probably ever sat to-gether in our legislattive hall. Th'ftv have the ability and will no doubt revise our laws, have tin Codn revised up to date and i.i.dcn manv improvements that svstem of government. Tfci Uzi Yst Han Alwan Eat Pioi in the cb it when perton u t cold itdieste Tfpdey towird " - . n.: 1) 1 p -tied with UhmDerlia rio id bound on to the cbet over idb t f f pio will prnmptly relieve tne p4o nd prevent ih thrr eteoed t fek of pu umoi T'u'w me trcit iueiii 'vili b.c Une Uck iu a few hour Svli Ij MwKajf Biu.. & skinner. Bwntke e la