II I - THE COUNTY UNION WE. NESD VT, November 30 1898. DUNN, N. C. gTAll local advertisements run in this column will.be charged strictly 10 cents per line. Other local advertisements 5 cents per line for each insertion. LOCAL DOTS. Cotton is selling to-day at The Democrats will occupy the new court house for the next two years. The. newly elected county officers will be installed into of fice next Monday at Lillington. --Don't fail to attend the "Old Hoss" sale at the 'depot Saturday. Postmaster Wilson is hav ing some good stables and barn built on his lot near his dwelling- The North Carolina Con ference of the- Methodist church convened yesterday at Eliza beth City. To-day is the last day of November. Thirty-one more days and 1898 will hayed pass ed into history. The weather has been such for the past week as to remind us that Winter is nearly upon US. ; .1 . Court convened at Lilling ton Monday, Judge Henry K. Bryan, of Newbern, presiding. This term is for civil cases only. -Ml S. T. Holland, of Fre mont, has moved here and open ed a beef market an Lucknow Square. His family came yes terday. The town authorities have had a brick curb built around the well on the street in front of McKay Bros. & Skinner's drug store. See the change in the ad vertisement of W. H. Lane & Co. They have a good stock and do a considerable busi ness. . J. W. Gregory advertises his stock of goods at cost in this issue. Mr. A. B, Godwin, Jr. has accepted a position with him and will be pleased to serve his friends. Some very important civil actions are being heard at Lil lington this wTeek. We have been unable to.get any of the proceedings of the court for this issue. The ladies' banner was won by .DiacK uver rownsmp. The presentation will -be made next Monday at Lillington. See notice in another column. Let everybody attend. ;. ' t Master William Thompson, the bright six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tliompson is enjoying a nice-wheel presen, ted by his Uncle, Mr. J. B. Thompson, of Goldsboro. We are requested People and Their Movement. Presentation of Ladies' Banner. Wv' Jc Y' Purdie went up to Wilson Sundry unA ...F ; tj J turned T?OTT - T" T T- t uuc emoaist conference. ;i"dP Br-Van sPent Saturda- uere and went to Lillin:-- ounciay. TIT "TIT rr m A - McKay, of Ben nies vine, . C.. visitl tives nere last week. m'JUU- A, uUates retnrnprl VesfprrlnTr xL jLu a, two Qays VIS- il to ms sons in Fayetteville xcm -ixtii ptjris nere vis- lung ner mother Mrs E C carper. Mr. V . L. Stenhrms rptnm rn i , X - w v nursday from Greenville. His iatner died Tnp.srW . j . j-ur. ivi. v. mSQS returned yesterday from a trip to Raleigh' a.y.u. xuruam. ivir. and Mrs. J. W. Lane went down to Fayetteville last evening and returned this after noon. Mrs. J. L. Thompson after spending two weeks with rela tives in Cioldsboro returned home last Fridav. Af i A lUni TT n -i .lueru xiarreii, wno is taking a course in law at Wake Forest, came home yesterday on a visit to ins parents. Mr. J. W. Portis, of Rocky Mount, an experienced music teacher, is here giving the boys of the band instructions. They nave engaged him for a month. Mr. JN. JhJ. Grantham, of It has been ascertained by a correct calculation of the votes of the several townships at the late election that Black River township has won- the Banner offered by the ladies of the county, it being the township making the largest percentage of gain over the vote of two years ago The Banner will be. presented to the Democracy of Black Riv er on next Monday December 5th at 12 o'clock, m., in the Court House at Lillington. The presentation, address will be delivered by Hon. E. W xuu, oi jonnston county, ana the address of acceptance by Jtion. D. H. McLean, of Har nett. The ladies of the county are ; i i - i , i . -. luvitea to oe present and par ticipate in this festive and pa triotic proceeding. Let everybody come and make Monday the most memor able day in the history of the county. We meet to celebrate the most glorious victory that the people ever won over their enemy. Col. K. Murchison, Chief Marshal. Nov 28th 1898. SAVE YOUR MONEY. Mooey Saved is Mon ey Made. Died. On the 24th day of-November at her home near Rome, John ston county, Mrs. J. S. Lawhon in her 37th year. She had been twice married Her first husband, James F Peacock who lived about 10 Smithfield, came down Sunday years, and to them four chil afternoon and spent the night dren, two girls and two boys, Mr. G. K. with his brother, Grant jiam. Mrs. Henry T. Jackson and daughter, Miss Rachel Jack son, of Hawley's Store, nre vis iting Mr. W. S. Jackson, a son and brother, here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairnes, of Rocky Mount, after spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gainey, returned home Sunday. Dr. J. A. McKay, of Dickin son, is here this week, having been called to attend the wife of his son, Mr. Jno. A. McKays who has been quite ill for sev eral days. We learn she is much better to-day. Rev. B. B. Holder, of, Car thage, visited Mr. 0. P. Shell and family this week.. He fill- eatev..u. -B. racers puipit b uoyant disposition which at tiie Metnodist cnurcn &un- Lntw011niwt.n all who were born. After his death she was again married to Mr. J: S. Lawhon,. who with one child, Little Eva, survive her. For several years slie was a mem- ber of Trinity Baptist church, living a truly consistent life. Her funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Wiley Page, from St. John 15-11, and her remains laid to rest in the fam ily burying ground amidst a large concourse oi sorrowing relatives and friends, bhe was sister to Mr, E. Lee of our town and half ; sister to Mrs. J. H. Ballance. Trulv it mav be said that i n a good woman is gone, jpor months her sufferings were in tense but she bore them patient ly and meekly, as ' only a true christian can. She possessed a cheerful, to an nounce that the young men of the town will give a musicale at the town hall on Friday even ing before Christmas, the pro ceeds for the. benefit of the band.1; In this issue Messrs A. W. & W. H. Gregory advertise val- for sale. at their their liable mill property The sale will be made place of business at ville next Monday. "ad' Vfor particulars. x The price of cotton has ad vanced some, in the last week and there has been a good deal marketed here. It brought 5i cents a pound yesterday. To day the market is 5 but fancy grades are bringing 5i. Along with other things rood is very cheap in our town. Good oak wood, cut in two and four feet lengths, is delivered for. one dollar per cord. Pine wood can be bought for 80 cents per cord. At these prices all can keep warm. There is a demand here for store houses. Some of our citi zens who own some little store houses here could make a splen did investment by pulling the wood building away and .put ting in its place a nice brick house. A brick building will always rent for a good price. We do not hear much talk now about tobacco warehouses for Dunn for next year. The farmers are going to plant a good deal of tobaceo through this section next year, and if the money made on I tobacco is spent here we must have a mar ket to handle the tobacco. Now is the time to begin to work to have the warehhouses built. day night, Miss Eula Newsome, after spending some time here with Miss Marie Setszer, left last Friday for Littleton, her home, accompanied by her brother, Mr. Marvin Newsome. -For sometime some of the knew her. To know her was to love her. Her life was one of beauty, mildness and Christ like. Her place in the church, in the community and in the home is yacant. Hearts that loved her are left broken and bleeding but some day these ciouds of sorrow and gloom will boys here have been making be dispelled and uoa wm re- rlnv I veal the blessed fact that what I t . i Last Sundav auite a number of -t m our young men and Doys went up to Benson on the up train, and reports say that some of them acted badly and disobeyed the laws of the town up there. Boys and young men, you should be ashamed of such con duct. Whiskey will not hurt you if you don't take too much. 'Tis best to let it alone entirely. We trust that those who acted in a disorderly manner will learn a lesson and not do so any more. - What might have been a disastrous fire, had it not been discovered when it was, occur red here Sunday morning . About six o'clock a bale of cot on the cotton yard was discov ered to be on fire. ' The alarm was soon given and in a few minutes the bale was put on a truck and run out of the yard where water was poured upon it and the fire was extinguished. The cotton belonged to Mr J. B. Holland and was put in the yard the evening before and placed with another bale off to one side from the other cotton. The cause of the fire is un known.. The bale was badly injured. TO CUKE A COLO I 0E DAY Fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refuud money if it fails to cure, 25c.; The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. The storm of Sunday was one of the worst in the history of the New England coast. Nu merous vessels were -wrecked and the coast is lined with the wreckage of vessels that have gone to pieces. Numbers of dead bodies are being washed ashore. The steamer Portland with 51 passengers and a crew of 48 was wrecked off Cape Cod and all on board was lost. seemed to be their loss was her eternal gain. May heaven richly sustain and comfort the bereaved hus band and family. Mother, sis ter, brother, husband and chil dren, she has gone to be with you no more in this life. The home is indeed sad. She can not comedo you but you can go to her. God help you to meet her. -'One by one they leave us waiting Passriig through the valley dim. One by one why should we murmur Jesus called her unto him." L. J. E. Dunn, N. C, Nov. 28th. The Band. The instruments for the Dunn Brass Band arrived last Friday evening and they are beauties. The instruments were taken out and the boys received their first lesson that night under the instruction of the band master, Mr. Portis. The instruments proved satisfactory and the boys are learning rapidly. They practice every other evening and hope to be able to play very well in a month. Let us give them all the en couragement we can and in the near future we will have a Brass Band that we will be proud of and a credit to our city. CATTLE WANTED I want to buy 100 young steers three to six years old. Bring them to Lane & Galbraith's Stables, Dunn N. C. Our bright, clean, fresh stock of beautiful Christmas Gifts is ready for you. Just see them. You will rejoice and buy. Hood & Grantham. If you are looking for low prices and cheap" goods call at the store of W. H. Lane & Co. We carry a well selected stock of General Merchandise at prices never before heard of. On Pants Goods. Sheetings, Checks, Chev iots &c. we will save you money. For the best bargains in Shoes call at Lane s. In Hats we have anything you want from a 2o cent Crush to a $3.00 Alpine Lane & Co. ve lead in Groceries. The best 160 test Oil at 12? per gal Ion, Box Lye at G, Soda Af per pound. Id Sacks of that good lUf OoHee just received by W. H. Lane & Co. . J usi received for the Jobbing trade oO boxes Craekers, 25 cases Sardines and Oysters, 1000 pounds fine Candies- Lane & Co. Hernz's Celebrated Pickles of all kinds, Cuban Syrup in quart cans, and Gelatine now on hand at Lane's. For the next 30 days we wish to buy 1500 dozen eggs and 300 bushels of nice sound peas. See us before you sell Lane & Co. We have hundreds of useful articles, which we haven't time nor space to mention, at prices lower than the lowest. See our new lot of and 10 Tinware, Glassware, Crockery &c. Nice large pieces at 5 and 10 cents. Sewing Machine Oil at 4, Car pet tacks at 2 a paper, writing paper at Sf a quire, Spencerian pen points at 8 per dozen. Call early and see for yourself. Yours for business, . W.H.Lane & Co. A $4,000 to go at STOCCl cost WW X$AWW AFFORD TO BE CAREESS. Your Eyes are of more value than GokT or Silver. You should preserve them and. be care ful that you. have proper glasses, ; Knowing the value of the eye we have put in an extra lage line of glass es this season and can ,.uit glasses to anybody's eye. We can, furnish costly or cheap frames, and can give you a bargain in anything you wish to buy. Shoald we fail to have what you want we will order it direct. JEWELRY. Our line of Jewelry this fall is com plete, and prices marked down to suit the times. TUATCHES AND LOCKS. H Don't buy a Watch or Clock until you have seen our styles, and secured our prices. We makeRepairing a Specialty, and guarantee satisfaction. ( 1 Yours to please, GAINEY & vJORDAN. 2 Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries a specialty. NOTICE I On Saturday, December 3rd, 1898, the ;Southern Express Company will sell at public auction, m Dunn, N. U., at the Express Office, 100 unclaimed express packages, more or less, same having been on han.d six months or longer. The reason E Lee sells o many Buggy Robes is because he sells theih so cheap. Look for Lee's new Hard- . .1 TIT' 1 J i. ware sign on tne w nson corner. We want to show you. how high a value we can give you for vour monev.. So come right in before the cream is taken off. Christmas stock complete and beautiful. Hood & Grantham. Whether you are in search of something for the little or the big, the old .or the young, whether you hayeUittle or much to spend, it makes no dmeren:e, we can meet all needs from our desirable and beautiful Holiday Stock. Hood fc (Grantham. If you want nice, cheap new Hardware, call on E Lee at the Wilson corner. E Lee's cheap cash Hard ware house is the place to buy your hardware. No old stock. Who said anything about Christmas ? We have the goods that make our customers hap py. - Hood & Grantham. x or the next thirty days I offer for sale myj entire stock of dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, caps, crockery, glass and tin ware at cost. You will find my stock of shoes to be complete in" every respect. 1 can please you in style and quality and I am sure prices will suit. Mviirfo I have the larg j. a in est an(1 nicestj IT FACTORY COTJ FOR 30 DAYS, Shoes - B Ml - They must be sold to make &Ti! room and we dothis"move them. Remember we are in a position Pants Oonrlss Ihave " J yo I took great nains in selecting O tnem, not buying anv of the seconds, nor any of the cheaper grades goods from ten to fifty cents per yard, and you will find my prices from two and a half to ten cents per yard cheaper than such goods are generally sold. CROCKERY, GLASS and TINWARE. I have a large assortment of these goods which I bought very cheap and now that I am selling at cost ray prices will surprise you. II A riTT f A ri T nAiD ana uaio. nave a nice line of hats and caps and if you need anything in this line you will do well to examine my stock before buying. 1 have a great many otlrer goods all of which I am offer ing at cost. I invite all to come early and secure bargains while the goods are going. You will find everything to be exactly as represented. Most Respectfully, J. W. GREGORY. Hnbsand Rimbs or, anything in the Hardware -Lane , AND WE WILL NOT BE UNDER SOLD. x The O. IL Cook Stove sells itself, NEW CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED. HAY DOCK & ADVANCE BUfo0rir easy terms. Come to see us ai.d buy what you need and save your moneiy. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L.CROMARTIE, Salesman. Snnfn Pin dllld bl( -If FILL ST 1 HEADQUARTERS ! OLD SANTA CLAUS has decided to make $1 ms neaaquarters mis jvmas, arm cor dially invites all the children to come and select their presents, where will be found a complete line of TOYS of Every ' . Description, Fire Works, , Confectioneries &c. . It is a well established fact that the RACKET STORK: is headquarters for Bargains in all lines For instance : ii good suit an wool men s clothes $2.69. A good all wool hat 25c. A good brogan man's shoe 99c. A nice lady's cape 69c. Nice wool dress goods from 20 to 35c. Coats' Spool Cotton 3 spools 11c. 1 lb can baking powders 7c. Box Lye 6c. Candy 9c. -French Candy 9c. 160 Lamp Oil 11c. Granulated Sugar 6c. In fact all goods at redicu- lously low prices. Our man ager, Mr. O. P. Shell, having j had an experience of 10 years m the wholesale business, does our buying, which enables us to buy to a better advantage than the ordinary merchant, be sides we buy strictly for cash which is quite an item saved to the customer. Our goods and prices speak for, themselves. Come and see and you will go home satisfied. . Yours for a merry Xmas. WORTH OF NEW GOODS THAT WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICE. Owing to the low price of cotton we are going to mark those goods down and sell them. You can buy goods to-day just about half what you could wnen cotton was o cents. 1 HAVE IN STOGK AND WILL SELL i 4,000 yards Standard Gray Calicoes at 3 cents. 5.000 yards yard-wide Ilrown Domestic at 3 cents. 1,000 yards Shirtin iirints, 3 cents. 1,000 yards 7 cent Outing, we offer at 5 cents. 1,000 yards Fleece Back Flanneletts, worth 12 cents, at 8 cents. Standard Ginghams at 5 cents. All wool Pants Goods worth 40 cents at 28 cents, An elegant line of Jeans at 18 cents. A nice line of Cotton Pant Goods, we offer at 10 cents. , Shoes, we can suit them all, old and young, little and big. We can sell you shoes from 25 cents up. We don't offer shoddy stock. See our English Tie at 98 cents See our English Tie at $1.38, See our Ladies Dongola Button and Lace at 08 cents. See our warranted shoe, Button and Lace at $1.38. CLOTHING! WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. II NOW ONE WORD ABOUT Granulated Sugar, 6 cents per pound. Brown Sugar, 5 cents per pound. Very best Cjeam Cheese, 10 cents per pound. Mendleson's Lye, 6 cents prr box. and we AM TIIROUGII. Best Shoes and lowest prices at S G Marks & Co. Largo lot of lard stands and other tinware meaD at S G A. narks & Co. Our prices on clothing are way down and we are prepared to sell you your clothing at just one half of what the average i r j. i u 1. a l ' : j man Will cnarge. wur siutK. vus uuugin. uy uu ejspeneuuuu buver who was on the floor to take advantage of all bargains. We can sell you Suits for men from $2.00 to $3.00. 9exts ?vorc 10c to $7.50. nnrcDico AND I WE OFFER YOU GROCERIES AT THE FOLLOWING : Axle Grease. 4 cents per box. Flour, $4.00 to $5.00 per barrel. Mullets, $4.00. . Tobacco, 20 cents per pound. t' Our stock is complete and we ask you to come in and get our prices before you buy. We have too many goods and at the present price of cotton, prices are the only way to move them. x ours iruiy, IVI. T. YOUNG, Dunn, N- C- CLAXTSE The Dollar you spend with us goes further, lasts longer, gives more satisfaction, gets more quantity, gets more qual ity. and1 does .more to make a merry and delightful Christmas than any money you can spend. Hood & Grantham. HeacLq Tiarters ! S G Marks & Co. are still selling best apple vinegar at 20c. You can buy stoneware at your own price from S G Marks & Co. " GotoSG Marks & Co, for crockery and glassware. WANTE D 20,000 dozen eggs, S G Marks & Co. ! Confectioneries and Fruits, Novelties in Children's Cifts, HOLIDAY OPENING DEC. 1ST. The best of everything , CHRISTMAS. Gifts for old and young. for Headquarters for Holiday Goods ! Holiday Goods at Low Prices. Christmas Bargains. Merry Christmas to all. Holiday Sale. Everybody welcome. , D. H. Hood. MOOD Cc GRAni;iAt:i Dunn, N. C. G. K. Gbantiiam

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