c Tlie Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, , and has Srf-f J- sbnal 7ZdCu4C Allnxv All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si Bears the The Kind You flaye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK CCWTHUn COMPANY TT Mil A Spanish Drug Company. A drug company has been in corporated at Tampa, Fla., by several wealthy Spaniards. America's resources have- been extensively advertised by the late war with their country, and presumably, they "have one of the most promising States the Union presents. Spaniards seem to have been rather slower than most other Europeans to per ceive that individual business effort in this country, unham pered, as it is, except by tariff exactions and those adminis tered with reason and equal jus tice is much surer of reward than in any of the old countries The incorporation at Tampa is a sign of an awakening in other lands to the fact that the com mercial advantages of the South are great, are little developed and compare favorably in all re spects with those of the crowded North. Come early and avoid the rush. Jacksonville Metrop olis. That Throbing Headacha Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cts. Money back if not cured.. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner Druggist. . ? Arc foo Weakl ' Weakness manifests itself in the loss oi ambition and aching bones. The blood is tvatery ; the tissues are wasting the door is being opened for disease. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken in time will restore your itrength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do you more good than an expensive special course of medicine. Browns' Iron Bitten is sold by all dealers. THE HE17 17AY. WOMEN used v to think "fe male diseases " could only be treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, purs taken In the privacy of a woman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires no humiliatine examina tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that pomes under the head of "female troubles' V-disordered menses, falling' of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug sto re. For advice la eases requlrinr special directions, address, givlnr symptoms, tha Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta nooga, Teoa. W. L. JU3DI30I, M.D., Cary, MIss mji: "I usa Win of Cardul extensively la my araetiea and Bad It a most zMllant praparaUwi far faiasls troubles. n 3 Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of been made unaer nis per- supervision since its infancy, nn nn to deceive VOU in tills. Signature of ect. ncw vork errv. Married Her Convict Lover. A dispatch from Mobile, Ala., to the Baltimore Sun says : Miss Ionia Lay, of Montgomery, a young woman of excellent family and many accomplish ments, was married at Dolive, a convict camp a few miles north of here, Saturday, to Dr. W. S, Baldwin, a convict. Baldwin is a member of one of the most influential families in the State. He killed a young man named Edson in Bullock county two years ago and was sentenced for ten years. He is a highly educated and polished fellow, and has since his incar ceration been serving the State as a convict physician. Last year Miss Lay had charge of a school at Mittylones, near where Baldwin was sta tioned on the convict farms. and a mutual infatuation en j sued. All efforts on the part of ' the relatives to break up the love affair were futile. On Saturday Miss Lay board ed the train in Montgomery and came to Dolive, where the cere mony was performed. Miss Lay is a young woman of very fine character and accomplish ments and believed that the law had unjustly punished her sweetheart. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner Druggist. Stomach Like an Ostrich- One of the physicians in a Weston (V. Va.) hospital was informed the other day that one of the patients had been' seen swallowing a hairpin. The physician set to work to remove from her stomach anything of an injurious nature, says the Baltimore Sun, and was sur prised to find therein thirty seven common pins, six ; wire hairpins, a tin snuff box lid one inch in diameter, an iron screw an inch and a quarter in length, six pieces of glass, one of which is one and ene-eighth inches loug and three-fourths of an inch wide, and another being a triangular piece, each side of which is three-fourths of an inch in length ; four pieces of slate, one of which is one inch in length ; one small piece of chiuaware and three comb teeth que inch long. Bears the 9 M m '0B Haw Always Tba Kind You Hate Always Bought -Valuable to Women. Especially valuable to women is Erov. ii Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, hoatUid disappears, urength takes the place .. weakness, and the glow of health naJil.v comes to the pallid cheek when this won derful remedy is taken. For siekly children or overworked men it has no eqtinl. No home ! should be without this Jkmous remedy. Kraviu'InMi Bitters is sold by all dealer? Fifty Miles from a Needle- The idea of the loss of a darn ing needle becoming a public ca lamity seems go strange to us of the present generation, for it is difficult for us to realize the privations of the pioneers who first went to Canada, the straits to which they were at times re duced from lack of articles now as common as water and" air, and the preposterous value they often set upon them. 1 According to the story of an aged resident of Fitzroy. Onta rio, he well remembers the time when there was but one darning needle in that country, and the only mill was a day's journey distant. One day a Mrs. Dickson, who chanced to have temporary pos session of the darning needle, and had it carefully stuck in her apron in a holder, set off for the mill with a bag of grain laid on the back of a horse. The good lady had a rough road to travel, and unfortunately lost the darning needle. This was really a public ca lamity in Fitzroy. Nearly twenty housewives depended upon that darning needle for re mending. It passed from one log house to another, by special messenger, and every woman had the use of it one day in three weeks. Another darning needle could not then be pro cured nearer than Perth, a mat ter of fifty miles away. Tidings of the disaster which had befallen Mrs. Dickson soon spread, and on the following morning a dozen women, some of them accompanied by their children, and some bv their husbands, turned out to search three miles of forest path. It seemed a hopeless task, but keen eyesvere bent upon every portion of the highway, and at length one little girl espied it. A great shout was raised, and the good news was carried along the line of searchers. The par ty returned home, and the re joicings in newly-settled Fitz roy that day were great. Phil adelphia Record. La Grippe Successfully Treated. . ' - ' I have just recovered from the ecobd attack of la grippe this year," ajs Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas Iu the latter case I used Chamberlain's 'ough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bid a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The sec ond attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six hoars after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to busi ness about two days before getting UDg 'down'" For sale by McKay Bros. & Skinner. The Missing Link- The party of scientists and antiquarians who were explor- jmg the Kocky Mountains in ; the spring of the year 2000, 1I1UUUICU Ull 111C11 lie V JJ UHJU- el bikes, suddenly heard a loud cry of triumph fronr the lips of Professor Rubbertire, of the Smithsonian Institution, who was some distance ahead. Hastening forward they found the professor standing by the side of the moldering remains of a wagon. In front of the decaying fragments lay the pet rified remains of four extinct animals. .'See!" said the professor, pointing to the animal to the right, nearest the (wagon, "we have found the missing link be tween that noble machine, the bicycle, aud the animal king dom at last." ! 4 4 What is it?" asked the ex cited group. "That, gentlemen," said the professor, "is undoubtedly the fossil remains of a wheel horse." Detroit Free Press. How to Prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware th.it pneu monia alwajs results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. Daring he epidemic of la grippe a few years ;tgo when o many cases resulted in pneumonia, it was observed that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts a,ny tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy in the world for bd colds and la grippe. Every bot- t warranted. For safe by McKay j Bros. & Skincer Applying the Pule the Other Way. A Chinaman, says the Chris Advocate, applied for the posi tion of cook in a family in one of our western cities. The lady of the house and most of the family were members of a fash ionable church audi they were determined -to look well after the character of their servants. So when John Chinaman ap peared at the door, he was asked: "Do you drink whiskey?" "No," said he, "I Clistian man. " 'Do you play cards?" " "No,"l Clistian man." He was employed and gave great satisfaction. He did his work well, was honest, up right, correct and respectful. After some weeks the lady gave a "progressive euchre" party, and had wines at the table. John Chinaman was called to serve the party, and did so with grace and acceptability. But the next morning he waited on the lady and said he wished to quit work. "Why, what is the matter?" she inquired. John answered: "I Clistian man ; I told you so before ; no heathen. No workee for Meli can heathen 1" Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as wom en, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Lis ten to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He savs : "Electric , Bit ters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appe tite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents at McKay Bros. & Skinner's Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. A correspondent of the Char lotte Observer, writing from Asheville on the 20th says: Mrs. Jane Underwood, aged 70, a widow has mourned as dead her son, W. N. Under wood, a member of the Third United States Artillery, who was said to have been killed in the charge on San Juan hill. Last night she received a letter from him, written from Manila, and her tears of sadness were changed to tears of joy. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Jwortgase Deed, executed to me by Oeo M. Lee and wife Francis Lee, and record ed iu Book D. No. 2, Page 445, records of Harnett county, I will sell at public sale for cash at the Court House door in Lillington, N. C, on the 20th day of Fb. 1899 at 12 o'clock M., a certain tract or parcell of land lying and being in Harnett county, N. C, Averas boro township, known as the Burrell Norris place, adjoining the lands of S. C Neighbors on the East; the O. W. W. Neighbors' land on the North; M. O. Lee on the west; the lands which formerly belonged to J. B. Lee on the South; containing sixty-one (61) acres, te the same more or less. This January 18th, 1999. J. A. Taylob, Mortgagee. Jo nes & Stewart, Attorneys. ORTGAGE SaLE. Bv vinue w"! of a certain Mortffafife Deed ' executed to me hy Owen Houston and wife Virginia Houston and registered ju Book L. No. 2, page 324-325 recoi ds of Harnett County, N C; I will -sell at public sale for cash at the Court House door in Lillington, N. C, on the 20th day of February 1899 at 12 o'clock M. a certain tract or parcel ol land iu the town of Dunn, N. C , bounded as fol lows: On the Soul li side of Broad and on the corner of Broad and Fayette ville adjoining: the lands of H. C. Mc Neill and II. I.. Godwin, and known as Lot No. i. in lock "G" of the plan of the town of Dunn, N. C. This Jan. 17th, 18ys- Emma R. Taylor, Jonos & Stewart, Mortgagee. Attorneys. North Carolina, 1 In the Su Uarne't County. J perior ourt. J. W. Pipkin. Administrator of Lewi Fipkin, deceased, j vs. E. II. McNeill, A S. McNeill, J NOT ICE. R. C. McNeill 1 " and others. The defendents above named will take notice that the plautiffin the aoove entitled action has mjyedthat execution issue upon a judgment heretofore ren dered in the Superior Court of Harnett Comity, N. C, at Fall term 1881 of said Court and merged in a Creditors Bill wherein said judgement was again ren dered at November Term 1890; and the said defendants .v-ill further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of this Court at his office in Lilliugton, N. C, on thei28, day of Jan uary 1899 and show cause if any they have, why execution should t.ot issue upon s lid judgment for amount still un paid, or the plantiff will apply to the court for the allowance of said notice. This the 3rd day of December 1898. F. M. McKay. Clerk Snperio- Court. W. E. Murchison, AWy for Plaintiff. A! TOE SAME OLD SUE o -o -AND STILL SELLING- HEAVY A! FANCY GROCERIES at pi ices to correspond with the times. If you want anything good to cook, or anything to cook with, we have it. Do you wish any thing to correspond with weak,4 strong, poor, or good ap petite, W Have It. An3-thing to smoke or chew. We Iiave It. We keep Coffees and Teas also. We want to buy all the produce you have to spare, all the Hides and Beeswax you have to sell. A Car Load el Sail Just receiv ed nnd must be Sold. Confectioneries to give away. fgyRemember we are no "Cheap John," as we do not handle that clas of goods. Only First-Class Goods handled, with f ull weights and measures Call and see for yourself. F F. P- JONES. Dunn, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND ! By virtue of the authoritj contained in a mortgage deed executed on the'4th. day of Decemter, 1807, by J. F. McLeod an l Loudella McLeod to J. F. Gregt ry and recorded in the Registry of Harnett county, in book O, No 2, page 363, the undersigned will sell for cash at the Court House door in the town of Lilling ton at 12 o'clock M.. on February 20th., 1S99, a certain Jtract of land in Black Hiver township, Harnett county, on the water of Hals Branch, bting the remain der of a tract of land retained h' the mortgagors after saving a certain part of the original to Juo. L. Wilborn on the east side and a part to John Mat thews on the west side, containing 25 acres more or less snd lying between the two parcels above mentioned. This January 18, 1S99. 4 WaIjTEK Rand, Assignee of Mortgagee. Simmons, Pou & Ward, Attorneys. WOT ICE. The undersigned having been appointed Commissioner by a Judgment of Harnett Superior Court to sell the following described Lands, be longing to the estate of Neill S. Stewart, deceased by virtue of said Judgement an order of Harnett County Superior Court, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Lil lington, N. C, on Monday January 2nd 1S99 a Town Lot in the Town of Lilling ton, known as No 9 in plot of said Town Alo a tract of Land containing 47 J acres in Johnston Count j adjorning the Land of Gideon Keen, Berry Dean, Reuben Johnson and others on the South side of Black Creek on little swamp. Dec. 1st 1898. J. A. Green, Commissioner The above sale is postponed un til first Monday in February 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S HOTICE. The undersigned having duly qualifit d as Administrator cf Amos Norris, di ceased, all persons indebted to the es tate are requested to settle same at once. All persons who have claims against said estate are requested to present same within 12 months from date or the stat utes will be plead in bar of same. This Dec. 22nd 1898. J. R. Strickland, Admr. Jones & Stewart, Attorneys, lflflLMINGTON AND R. R. WW ELDOh AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Jan. 15th, 1899. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 9:43 p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, 12:55 a. m., 10:36 p. m. Leave Tarboro. 12:21 a. m 0 00 pm. Leave Rocky Mount, 1:00 a. M., 10:36 p. m., 6 45p . m., 5:40 am, 12:52 p. m. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m, 11:11 p m, 6:20 a in, 2:40 p m., 7 10 pm. Leave Helms, 2:55 a m. . Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 p m, 1:08 p m. Arrive Florence, 7:25 & m, 3:15 p m. Arrive Goldsboro 7 50. p m. Leave Goldsboro. 7 -01 a m, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4:?5 p.m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m, 5:50 p m , TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence., 9:50 am, 7:40 p m. Leave rayetteviile, 12:25 a m, 9:43 p m. Leave Selma, 1.50 p m. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 a m. 11:31 p m. Leave Wilmington, 7 KM) p in. 9 45a m , Leave Magnolia, 11:1 ( a m, 8:34 p m . Leave Goldsboro, 5 15 am, 12:30 am, 9:15 p m. Leave Wilson, 2-35 p m, 5 56 am, 11:31 am 11:38 p m, 1:16 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 pm, 12:49 a m, 6 15 am, 12:07 p m, 1:40 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p ni. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12.-07 a m. Arrive Weldon. 3:43 p iu, 12:59 a m. Train on Scotland Neck Brancb road leaves Weldon 3:3 p m, Halifax 4:15 p m arrive Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6:57 p m, Kinston 7:55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 M a m, Greenville p 5 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m, Weld' u 11:33 am, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington fc.-i0 a m, and jpiur, arrive Parniele 9:10 am, and 4 oo p m, returning leave Par mele 9:35 am. and 6:30 p ni. arrive Washington 11:00 a m, and 7:20 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C; daily, except Sunday, at 5:4) p m.. Sunday 4.1 p. m., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. m.. 6 10 p.m.. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 50 a. m., and Sunday 9 00 a. in.; ar rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. m.. 11 00 a. m. Train on Midland NC Braucli leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, j (5 a in; ar rive Smithfield N C..s r lo a ni. Returning leaves Smithfield. N. U. 9 00 a. m. arrive Goldsboro. N. c. 11 15 a.m. Trains on Nashville Branch 1 aves Rocky Mount at $ j0 a. m arrives Nashville 4:91 p. m.. Spring Hope bUO p. m. Keturu'ng leaves spring Hoie 11. -O0 a. iu.. Nashville ll.-zi a. m. arrive at Rc-cky Mount 1145a m.. daily except Sunday." Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton ..ally. except Sunday, at il:4 a. in. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clintotfc7 00 am and 3 00 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wel don for all points North daily, all rail vii Kiehmona. H. to. EMERSON. General Passe n ere r Agent. J. R. KENLY, T.M.EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Manager. Subscribe for this paper. 0& ABa'flt AFFORD TO 11 CASII.ESS. Your Eyes are of more value than Gold or Silver. You should preserve them nd be care ful that you haye proper glasses. Knowing the value of the eye we have put in an extra large line of glass es this season and can suit glasses to I anybody's eye. We can. furnish costly or cheap frames, and can give you a I bargain in anything you wish to buy. Shoald we fail to have what you want we will order it direct. JEWELRY. Our line of Jewelry this fall is com plete, and prices marked down to suit the times. TUATCHES AND LOCKS. Don't buy a Watch or Clock until you have seen our styles, and secured our prices. We make.Rer:iiring a Specialty, and guarantee satisfaction. Yours to please, GAINED & vJORIDAN. fiST BiC3Tcles and Bicycle Sundries' a specialty. A Wonderful Discovery The lost quarter of a century records aany wonderful discoveries in medicine, ut none that have accomplished more for lureuinity than that sterling old household cmedy, Browns' Iron Bitters. It seems to ontain the very elements of good health, ind neither man, woman or child can take t without deriving the greatest benefit. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. A PAPER FOR m lfllWll JOB PRIWTIWG Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Cards, Tagrs, Old Idiuw Ererj il -trciigtheus tl.e Lclief of emi nent piivaicians that impure blood hi the cause of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-fire years ago this theory was used as a basis for the formula of Browns' Iron Bitten. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous okl household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is stld b. all dealers. e News Times ' G 9 lO Cent Cotton! If the farmers could get 10 cents a pound for their cotton this season cverj--body would have a smiling face and every home would be a place of happi ness. But the present price" drives smiles away and happiness is only found when the people find the merchant who is willing to share his comfort and hajw piuess with the producer. Now there is' no use in mourning over what can't be helped, and li P. JERNIGAN is willing to do his part in restoring smiling faces and hap piness to the oppressed people by selling GROCERIES CHEAP. I sell the U. 3. Celebrated Cakes and Crackers, wholesale and retail. Can nod Goods of every kind, Tinware, Croekei y ware, Snuff and Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Molasses, and in fact everything found in an up-to-date grocery stoie. Call and see me and I will treat you right. Yours truly. L P- JERNIG-AN, Dunn, N. C. jk Sclentiflo American jS Agency 0Px CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. etoJ For Information anil fr Handbook writ to MUNN ft CO.. Ml Broadway. Wiw Tobk. Oldest bureau for curing patent In America. Erery patent taken out by un U broonht before the public by a notloe flren free of charge la toe trrest e1mtat1m of any iwlentlfle paper la th world. Bplandldly illustrated. No iBtniltrrst nan should ba without It. Weekly, ftS.OOa year j $1 JO six months. Addreu, MOVM uo Publish, 261 BrMdwtT, Vw Ysrk Clr. THE OOUNTY UNION S1.00 per year.. HOME PEOPLIi. HOME, STATE AND FOREIGN- ARK I1A1M) HUT yi; CAN'T AK FOMD TO I'.K witiioi; V YOUU wmm. We are Headquarter for all Kim! t JOB PRINTING. Bill Heads Statements, Dodgers &c. Diseases of tlte md sad UTeres. No one need suffer with neuralgia. This disease is quickly and permanently curtil by Browns' Iron Bitters. Et ery disease the blood, nerves and stomach, chronic of otherwise, succumbs to Browns' Ir"n Bitters. Known and used for nearly oarter of a centnry, it stands to-day tw .most among oar most rained remedies. vrowns'Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.

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