r " v YOUR JUST 5 i Vci v customer that spends one dollar cash" with us between adTebruary 15th can have one Farmers and Planters 10 imanac free for the asking. o Hies or bugs on your meat if you use Borax. We have It t-powdered. bod Gardens depend a great deal ydu use. Wc have only the best, t. ' upon the Fresh new quality of crop by ; f !.( distribution of Select variety of Tobacco Seed to those ill u-" them. Call to see us. . I :! ft f , I W& Solicit Your Patronage. j Respectfully, HOOD d G-RMmMAM, Druggist i;.-I)Y, FKIiKCAKY 1, IS'Jl). DUNN,' N. C. e I J-j. tl I i ou should not fail to read UMHPV ITTSJTOT'J1 1 B loouc. ii LH i I U lvi contains a condensed account of i the work of the legislature, and those who are going to plant j tobacco will find an article on ! tobacco which contains valua ble suggestions.' Rev. R. W. Hines came down from Smithfield Saturday afternoon to fill his appoint ment at the Presbyterian church Sunday. The snow was so deep that only a few attended the morning service. He returned home on " the afternoon train. Those who heard him were well pleased with the sermon. lo'-;il iKlvrrli.-cmeiit- ma in this j will In-rii;ir;;f:l strictly 10 cents L Othrr local - iivert!eii;ents :v li.u: for each insertion. )CAL POTS. 11" , . 4 4 s . T L A MlUf to-driy t at fo-dav. is the first day of nary. Xhii mud of rsterday was Ji hard this morning. ho muchness ot snow and i . i . i u:rneu our ro;ius iiuu ' , i o muu. have a ood- deal now lea The boys fun si tooting doves 3 1 "are plentiful in the 'Dine netrro boys at play one of the largo Danes of in the front of Mr. M. T. g's store Sunday. V learn that the railroad i;mv will put in side tracks if two furniture factories j- i)l;ic(i. ' f'lic -noV is. about all It wnls seven oi ls (h oj when it stopped g "Saturday. 'pee Notice of the Jno. A. .'lit. .....11. ...... ue about tobacco gone eight iv in this i 1 he carpenters are liguring aits and estimates for the co warehouses. It takes fei or m in her nut liftavv r to build one. .'he northbound mail train, i passes here at LOG p. m., i4 . . - . , i . . . . 1 . Li.. . ) A in I .1 r . assed at six. It is late often, on account of some southern connections: h re arc some poor in "our all towns have them or less the number we are small. This cold ier with snow and ice has had on them, but they Wen liberally cared for. We now have at our stables load of fine Tennessee and mules. They are -1 1 -1 1 i Jiiiateti and will stand wont Jer than anv stock on this ket. See us before you buy . Lane k, Galihiaith. The Newberry Bros, furni t'actorv will bo operated bv -rs. A . 1)., V II. and A. Newberry and Mr. J-. C. ell. Hach of these gentle are interested equally. in our ' 'tobacco stems" inn what prices tobacco is ging now.. Just as .fine. to-, o can be grown in this sec If you don't believe it, it some this voar. -Mr. Mo-os Tripp, who was k. ii with paralysisdast Sat v i.ight week, died, Satur !!' 'iiing at three o'clock. 11 v r -poke after he was 'i. 1 1 o was a good citi a thrifty farmer. - i he advance in the price it'. 11 has caused quite a i'" r of fanners to sell. There a Liood nianv through this holding for a better We honn thev will 4- We believe' there is an old saying "that when there is a large crop of persimmons." vou may look for a hard winter to follow." If we mistake not, this variety of 'possum fruit was very plentiful in these parts last fall. Anyway winter is here in full blast. Few have ever witnessed many colder ones in this section. Our job presses are kept busy turning out work. We are glad that our home people are not sending their iob work awav from home.' It shows some in terest manifested in home in dustries. We do work as cheap as we can and try to give satis faction. By all means see us before you place your order The wise plan is always to keep your money at home. : --The stockholders of the tobaccd warehouse which Mr. E. F. Young and other gentle men will build have perfected an organization and are ready to receive bids for the erection of the building which will be known as the "Star Tobacco Warehouse." They have pur chased a lot near the railroad w;est of the Free Will church. The Planter's Warehouse Com pany will erect its building on the corner near Gerald s stables. Both houses will be of large dimensions and built after the most improved plans. People and Their Movement. Dr. J. F. McKay, of Dickin son, was in town yesterday. Mr. H. T. Spears spent Sun day at home with his family. Mr. P. J. Jeffreys spent Sun day at Fremont with his par ents. Mrs. S. H. Pittman returned Monday afternoon from a vhij to her brother near Selma. Mr. A. D. Newberry left Sun-J day afternoon for Wilmington. Mrs. Newberry accompanied him to Fayetteville. Prof. A. B.Hill, Jr., left Sat urday for Rocky Mount. He suspended his school for this week on account of the weather. Mr. H. L. Godwin, assistant engrossing clerk in the Senate came home Saturday afternoon. Me returned to Raleigh Mon day. Mrs. M. A. Stephens, o Greenville, came last Sunday i ii 1 - and win mate tier noma Iiptp with her son, 'Mr. V. L Stephens. Kegister of Deeds A. C. Hollo- way and D. R. Shaw of Lilling- tou came in Friday evening. Tl, 1 ..i -iiiey ie in a,i ueu nere until oun- day on account of the snow. Rev. W. A. Forbes left yes terday tor Wallace to visit his family. He will return Satur day and will bring his family witn mm. mm FM ! H. f H e mailed nnr frit rrnv of i Mox to Cuba, last week. ' ht to Mr. J. F. Byrd, of who is now, with I :i'-t North Carolina regi 1 a nieinlx r of Company -K, Columbia, Havana, iiiip Mr. J. S. Benson who has the "Cane Fear caught good size shad in tnip this morning. He sent Jii up here and sold them for t' llts each. This; is rorrfnrlv - j h trap on 1 Kyle s Landing, pretty had. We learn that there will be an effort made to have the Gen eral Assembl- enact a law whereby the people of Dunn may vote on the question of establishing a Dispensary here. The Dispensary system seems to be popular and to save time and trouble we do not see why the legislature could not enact a general law to allow any town, township, or county to establish one by holding elections, as is done b' local option. A great expense to the State would be saved by the enactment of a general law regulating the es tablishing and conducting of dispensaries. In all cases the people should decide by a pop ular vote. . ' In another column will .be found the programme of the Musical and Dramatic Enter tainment to be given at the Town Hall on Friday night, February 10th. A glance at the programme is sufficient to convince every one of the rare treat that is in store for all who attend. It is given for the bene fit of the Brass Band and is composed entirely of home tal ent. The entertainment is un der the direction of Prof. J. W. Portis, who has had consider able experience in stage work, having traveled for several years with professionals. It promises to surpass any thing of the kind ever given in Dunn. Don't forget the date, and don't fail to attend. Read the programme. The Wilmington Star cor respondent from Dunn draws a veiy rosy picture of a million dollar development, cotton mills in numbers, and several other fancy things about Smiley's Falls. We regret to say that these are largely in the air as yet. We learn from Mr. John W. Hays, the Petersburg engi neer, who has been examining the falls, that no syndicate whatever is behind him, but that he and one other party hope to organize sufficient capital to develop the falls if the necessa ry property can be secured. There are many difficulties in the way, he states, and it is by no means certain that the pur pose can be accomplished. Tobacco Stems. Burning land for tobacco plants should be done during .1 i o tne montn ot .February or early part of March. Land should be of dark, smooth, moist na ture, should be cleaned! off nice ly and well burned, after which dig up and pulverize nicely ; taking out all roots and trash ; then sow uniformly about nine ty pounds of fertilizer to the hundred square yards ; chop in well, and rake smooth. Sow a very full tablespoon of seed, mixed well in half a bucket of dry sand or ashes. Then pack the land well with a roller or tramp with feet, leaving it smooth ; cut s m a 1 1 trench around edge of bed, and coyer with tobacco cloth about eight inches from ground, should be so as to exclude the cold air. The Durham correspondent of the Raleigh; Morning Post writes to tliat paper on Janua ry 25th : "John T. Nelson, a promi nent farmer of Person county, sold 914 pounds of tobacco at the Farmers Warehouse in this city. to-day, which brought him a check tor $332.)4, or an all round average of 3Gi cents per pound. In cashing his check the banker crave him sixteen 20-dollar gold pieces. J. C Fleming, of Granville county, sold 1,854 pounds of tobacco at the same warehouse for which he got $492 5G. Six hundred and twenty-eight pounds of this lot brought $45 per hundred. Prices are better now than for several years -past and a large quantity of the weed is being sold." Who brought Box Lye from 10 cents per box to 5 cents? W. II. LANE & CO. Who brought the best Oil from 15 to 11 cents? W. H. LANE & DO. Vv'h'o brought Baking Powders from 10 and o to 8 and 4? - W: H. LANE & CO. Who brought Oil Cloth from 20 and 25 per yard to 12c? W. H. LANE & CO. Who brought Arm & Hammer Keg Soda from 10 to 4per lb? , ' W. H. LANE & CO. Who brought Arbuckles Coffee from 15 to 12? . W. H. LANE & CO. Who sells you the best Shoes for the least money? j : W. H. LANE & Co. Wyho sells you the best and latest style Hats for the least money r 1 W. H. LANE & CO. f Who pays you the highest prices for your Eggs, Chickens, Hams and Shoulders, Peas & Potatoes? W. H. LANE & CO Who sells the best 6 cent Coffee in town? W. H. LANE & CO. . ' . 1 1 j i i. ... Our prices aad goods taiK ior temseives ana a visit to our store will convince you that it is to your interest to trade with us. Thanking our friends and customers for their liberal pat ronage in the past and promising to do better in the future, we are thankfully, Your friends, W. H. LANE & CO. Letter From Rev. J. A. Camp-bell. 1899. Poe's, 'N. C, Jan. 27th, Mr. J. P. Pittman, Dunn, N. C. Dear Sir : On Monday night, Jan. 2nd, after returning from Lillington, sat up till 2 o'clock writing GO personal letters to commit teemen, one to everyone in the county, notifying each one how much money was apportioned to his district. I know that I wrote everyone a notice ana hat I mailed them Tuesday That no FOR JANUARY -1899.- The best DRUGS Is the Cheapest. We carry in stock the PUREST and BEST DRUGS that money can buy. jnistake i We keeP abreast of the DON'T FORGET. I will 'be in my office at Dunn until January 28th. On Mon day, January 30th. I will go to Benson and remain for two weeks. All parties wishing dental work done will please take notice. - J C. Goodwin, Dunn, N. C. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Erup tions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sores; Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns-, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chil blains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by; McKay Bros. & Skinner, Druggists. morning. might occur I looked over the whole list after notices were written. I am very sorry that Dr. Snence did not write me nstead of you and wish you had written me before giving publicity to a charge the only effect of .-which will be harm. I see no nood to result from lti to anyone. No doubt a great deal more effort will be made to circulate the first article than this. As one of the county's lium ble citizens I am trying to do all I can to build up and beg only to have a chance to serve her people in whatever way I J mcky BROS. can do most tor them. Jbetore TIMES and Fully INFORMED on all the latest and UP-TO-DATE PHARMAC ALS. We make a Specialty of PRESCRIPTION WORK, Because we know how, aad are thoroughly stocked and prepared for it We xire ' selling Stationery, our goofis. stacks of Call and examine Respectfully, & SKINNER. M. McKay, Ph. G. R. E. L. Skinner. H. H. McKay. I shall so far forget myself as to seek to damage one of lier no- Die sons and hinder the prog-f ress of its onward march, may! GRANTHAM & PEAHSALL, this right hand forget its cun-jDunn, N. C, represent .several ning and this frail body have 'good Fire Insurance Companies been laid in the grave. iod will write accident polieies. Our school is moving on very j See them before closing, nicely. The enrollment for the! year is 218 a few more than For. broken surfaces, sores, last year at this date. 26 counties represented 6 more than we have ever had before during a year. Whenever I can serve you, let me know. Truly, J. A. Campbell. The above letter from Rev. J. A. Campbell is a reply to the communication of Dr. R. T. Spence, of Chalk Level, N. C, which appeared in our last issue. We published the com munication without comment and we do Mr. Campbell's the same, and will assure him that we shall try to give it as much circulation as the other. Ed.J msec. Wo liotro roues, iDUrns, skim diseases aim t-ci-iai- Demtfs Witch Hazel salve, vvnen you call for Do? Witt's don't accept coun terfeits or frauds. You will not be dis appointed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Bood & Grantham DeWitt's. . Witch Hazel Salve has the larjrest sale of any Salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to j jie undersigned and his deceive you when you call for De Witt' 1 . , , . We make a specialty of Pre scription work and use only the purest drugs and latest meth ods of scientific compounding. We know the analysis and effect of every doae of medicine that crosses over our counter. McKay Bros. & Skinner. NOTICE! Witch Ilazel Salve the Hood & Grantham, great pile cureu ' White and Black for sale at Lane's. Seed Oats. FOR SALE. I have about 25 town lots, desirably located in the town of Dunn, and several tracts of woodland that I will sell on easy terms. Call on or address Mrs. Henry Pope, Dunn, N. C. I have just received a- ca:r load of Cotton Seed meal and hulls the cheapest cow feed you can buy, call on me for prices R. M. Pearsall. TO ( I Ki: A COLD I O.K DAY Take Laxative Broaio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuad money if it fails to cure. 25e. The genuine has Ij. B. Q. on each tablet. Bran and Feed Oats Djake the best feed. For sale by Lane. fe Co. Notice is hereby given that application will made to the nresent session of the General Assembly of North Carolina by as- cintps tn errant a charter to a corporation to '- be known as Young's Banking House or such other name as may hereafter be selected, with the usual powers o franchise of such corpora tions. E. F. Young. This Jan. 10th, 1899. i WANTED. 10,000 bushels of corn. 5,000 bushels' of peas. Best price given. Duam Hard ware and Pjurniture Co- NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that annlication will be made to the t present session of the General ASSemDiy OI iXOrill Vyurunua, iv charter a corporation to buy and sell lands and other prop erty and to do general manu facturing business with such powers and franchises as such corporations usually have. E. F. Young. This Jan. 10th, 1899. 0 0 Car Load, of NAILS Prices 0 RiQht rFi-'-:: Dunn Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L. CROM ARTIE, Salesman. MUSICAL 1 BAT C EISlERAIiSlKlERl A.t The Town Hall, DTJjNTjNT, int. c, Friday Night, : : February 10th, 1899. i Under the Management of Prof. J. W. Portis, For the Benefit of - iPiiiE mmum brass baikiid. By the following ladies and gentlemen : . Miss Jula.Jacksou, Miss Laura Pope, Miss Lela DriverNellie Portis; Messrs. J. C, Clifford, J. C. Cox, R. E. L. Skinner, C. R. Young, C. E. Pope, J. P. Pittman, Alfred McLean, R. E. Lee, J. A. Cook, O. P. Shell, J. J. Cook, Lloyd Wade and F. O. Driver. Programme Medley Selection By the Orchestra. "A kOVE ERANQFELR." (An English Comic Drama ) Capt. ArmerstCort, (A Gallant Officer) , J. C. Cox. Swizel, (A Baron's Steward) , J. P. Pittman. Delve, (An Atte-ndagot) , . ". F. O. Driver. Peter Spike, (An Honest Young Farmer), J. C. Clifford. Ernestine, (Capt. Armersforts betrothed), Miss Lula Jackson.. Gertrude, (A Peasant)., ........ ........ . . Miss Laura Pope. Grand Overture Dunn Brass Band.' Selection $y , the Orchestra. "Just one Penny to buy Bread," Nellie. Portis. Selection Novelty Quill Band. German Waltz Orchestra. "Oh, Quit Dat Tickling Me," Dancef Skinner 4 Shejl. Triple Tongue Polka,: (Band Accompaniment) , J. W. Portis, "Razors in the Air," (Quartet), Cox, Young, Skinner & Shell, Kutchy, Kutchy, Little Jiaby, - - $ - Nellie Portis, "YANKEE DUELIST" (A COMIC FARCE.) Capt. Doolittle (Hotel Proprietor) , R. E. Lee. Amanda Doolittle (His Niece), Miss Lela Driver. ElamW. Pancake (Yankee Peddler), J. C.Clifford. Entertainment Concludes with a Grand Dunn Brass Band. Selection by the Doors open at 7 :15, Entertainment Commences at 8 o'clock. General Admission. Children, under 12 years old, Reserved Seats. 25 Cents. 15 35 Reserved Seats for sale at McKay Bros. & Skinner's Drugstore.