IF i I v. AVrcgetablcPrcparationfor As similating the Food andReguta tingthcS tomaihs and Bowels of PromotesTttgesUon,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neillief Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Rcape ofOldBrSAIUELPITCIIER Pumpkin Seetl" yflx.Scnna SorAtte Salil - ylnisc Sctt Jjipernunt -Jfi Carbonate Soda fi&mi Seed -Clirifwd Sugar . hihttfyrum flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.DiarrUoea, Worms Convulsions Tevcrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. .. Tac Simile Signature of NEW VOHK. EXACT COPV OF WiAPPER Lives Without a Stomach- Dr. Maurice II . Richardson, assistant professor of clinical surgery in the Harvard Medi cal School, removed the entire stomach of a woman on May 31st. last in Boston, and the pa tient is now in good health, eating well, thriving and im measurably richer for tho loss. There have been only three suc cessful operations of the kind reported, Dr. Richardson's case being the latest on record. His patient was a woman in com fortable circumstances, past middle age, the mother of six children who suffered from a tumor in the stomach. After a consultation of the best special ists obtainable an exploratory incision showed that the growth involved the whole organ, and IC WllUiCJ Ulilclll, (Mill I Dr. Richardson decided UDOii' the spot to o excise the whole I stomach. The organ was removed. Then the lower part of the oesophagus was joined to the upper end of the intestine. The chief trouble lay in bridging over by a new disposal of the tissues the great gap where the stomach had been. The whole operation took an hour. The patient suffered little and recov ered steadily. She is now eat ing much like other people. Exchange, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of FOR ALL WOMEN JVJlNE-TENTHS of all the pain andslcknessfrom which women suffer is caused by "weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always hen a -woman is not well these organs are affected. But when, they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles?' It is equally effective for the. erjri tn her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." . They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, the Ladies Advisory Department," Tho Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. THOS. J COOPER, Tupelo, Us says: "My sister suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul entirely cured her and also helped ay mother through the Change of Life." In J The' EM You Have Alwa.vs Bought. y o ' Bears the Fac-simile ure -OF- ON THE WRAPPER -' OF EVERY BOTTLE THE KIP YOU H AYE ALWAYS BOUGHT, THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. A Gun With a History- Will Wallace, a young color ed man, was rabbit liuntiiigklast Thursday when his gun was ac cidentally discharged and the entire load passed through the flesh of his left arm. Wallace was lighting a cigarette and tucked the muzzle of the gun under his left arm, when by some means it was discharged with the result stated. The wound is not considered seri ous. The gun with which Wallace was shot has a history. It was .formerly owned by the late Milas Tomlin, colored, and on one occasion it went off too soon and disfigured his countenance. Later it was accidentally dis charged and killed a son of the late Isham Dean, colored. The " 7 gun then fell into th the hands of Will Stewart, color ed, and on one occasion the tube new out and tore up his face. Wallace is its latest victim and probably the last. There is an impres sion that the gun is a 'f hoodoo", and it will probably be broken up. Statesville Landmark. The Kavaees of Grip. That modern scourge, the Grip, poisons the air- with its fatal germs, so that no home is safe from its .ravages, but, mul titudes have found a sure pro tection against this dangerous malady in Dr. King's New Dis covery. When you feel a sore ness in your Ixmes and muscles, have chills and fever, with, sore throat, pain in the back of the head, catarrhal symptoms and a stubborn cough you may know you have the Grip, and that you need Dr. King's New Dis covery. It will promptly cure the worst cough, heal the in flamed membranes, kill the dis ease germs and prevent, the dreaded after effects' of the mal ady. 'Price 50 cents and $1.00. Money back if not cured. A trial bottle free at McKay Bros. & Skinner's drug store. A special to tlie News & Ob server of Sunday from Scotland Neck says : Mr. J. V. How ard died at his home near Cookley, in Edgecombe county this week of small-pox. He was seventy years old. There ate as many as thirteen cases in that community, it is said, but a fairly good quarantine has been set up, and the spread may be checked. Tlie disease has been slumbering in that com munity since the fifteenth of last September. While the scare has become quite general and there have been some oth er suspected cases reported in other communities, there has been no decided action taken looking to a general vaccination. Are Von IVealsl Weakness manifests itself in the loss of ambition and aching bones. The blood is watery ; the tissues are wastins the door is being opened for disease. A bottle ofBrowns' Iron Bitters taken in time will restore-your Strength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do you more g..od than an TnTiKitr cnriil rc,. r .n V? j Urowns'Iron lirtters is sold by all dealers. Mates of Great Men. Once when Gladstone was making an outdoor speech it began to rain. Quietly Mrs. Gladstone, with her sweet, motherly face, and 'who always accompanied her husband, stood up, and, opening a do mestic looking umbrella of the Gamp species, held it over him. Tlie spectacle which the old couple presented there standing together was so touching and appealed so thoroughly to the good feelings of the crowd, be cause of the striking picture of Darby and Joan domesticity, that when a burly costermonger, who had been loudest in his catcalls and hooting of Mr. Gladstone up to that moment, suddenly - shouted, Three cheers for the grand old wo man S" every one responded with a will. Lady Beaconsfiold showed similar devotion to Gladstone's great rival on more than one occasion. She, too, was devoted to her husband, and many old parliamentarians recall the sto ry of how after having had her hand terribly crushed in the carriage door while driving down to the house of parlia ment with Disraeli she refrain ed from uttering a cry or from saying a word about her injury lest his mind should be diverted from the great and important speech which lie was t deliver that night. It was not until he reached home and found the doctor at her bedside that he was made aware that slie had sustained anv hurt. New York Herald. La Grippe Successfully Treated. ."I have just recovered from the second attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. J as. A. Jones, publisher oT the Leader, Mtxia, Texas- "Iu the latter case I used Chamberlain's Oough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten .days for the former attack. The sec ond attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the ujse of this remcdv as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to busi ness about two days before getting ting 'down' " For sale by McKay Bros. & Skinner. A Chair His Coffin- . Reuben John Smith died at his boarding place, in Green's Block, early this morning. It, will be remembered that Mr. Smith had a costly marble tomb or sarcophagus erected at Mount Prospect cemetery last fall, in which he stated he wanted to be placed after death sitting in a chair, and under no consideration was he to be put in a casket or buried in the ground. The chair arrived Inst week and was taken to the tomb. His plans will bo ful filled, Mr. Smith was 71 years of age, and little is known of him, furthef than that be came here in 1807 from Buffalo, N. Y.,1 working as a hack driver. When Mr. Smith made his will he left all char fie of his funeral to Un dertaker II. C. Austin, whom he sent for several weeks ago. As his hair was thin on the top of his head, Mr. Smith decided to wear a' hat a fter death. lie directed Mr. Austin to stand by the door of tlie tomb until all who' wished had. an opportunity to look in at the re mains and.-chair after they were placed in the vault. The en trance will be sealed up with a wall of brick, the steel door will be locked and the key de stroyed. Amesbuiy, Mass., 'Special, to Baltimore Sun. How to Prevent Pneumonia. You are uerhaps aware that pneu monia lwa3s results from a cold or from an attack of la'grippa. During be epidemic of la grippe a few years ago when o maDy cases resulted in pneumonia, it- was observed that tlie attack was never followed by that disease when Chafuberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is tha best remedy in the world for bad colds and la grippe. Every bot tle warranted. For sale by McKay Bros & Skinner Beam the 8 KiniJ YoU a8 H flight HE CAN OnlISS RAPIDLY. How a New York Gentleman Man aged to Vin His" Bet. The man who thinks he is a rapid dresser was in a cafe at Broadway and Twenty-sixth street, with half a dozen friends at six p. m., says the New York Tribune. He was in afternoon dress. Being invited to stroll down the street, he answered that he was afraid he did not have time, as he. had a seven o'clock dinner engagement and must go home "in a few minutes to dress." "I should think," said one of the party, "that if you had far to go you would be late to your engagement as it is." "Oh, no," answered the other. "It's true that I shall have to go to Fifty-ninth street to dinner, but I have ample time." "Well," said another, "if I had a seven o'clock dinner engagement I certainly should not be sitting here at six. I'd be home dressing." "I'll tell you what I'll do," said the rapid" dresser. "I live at Fifth avenue and Twenty-seventh street. I'll bet that I'll leave here now, go home and dress, -come back here, take a drink with you all, walk to the nearest elevated station three blocks ; go to Fifty-eighth street, walk two blocks to the house where I dine and all within ten minutes before seven o'clock." "I'll not take the bet," was the re ply, "but I don't see how it can be clone Why, you will need half an hour at the least to dress. I require nearer ah hour." "I'll make . you another proposi tion, then," said the "lightning change" man. "I'll bet you that I walk home from herej dress, come back here and join you before six- twenty-five o clock, and it'3 now eight minutes past the hour." "Donel" cried the other, and the rapid dresser immediately left the cafe. "I guess I've won that bet," said the taker, glancing confidently at the clock. "I guess you - haven't," said an other one of the group. "Jack can dress in ten minutes on a pincb. . It will take him not more than four, possibly only three, minutes for him to walk to his home and back here. Give him four for walking and eleven for dressing, and he still has a leeway of two minutes. Wait and seel" ' At six-twenty-three o'clock the fast dresser strolled into the cafe. He was in full evening dress, his hair carefully and smoothly plastered, his tie fastened and-set to perfec tion, and his whole appearance that of a man who had a lot of time to kill. "Guess I won the bet," he said, coolly, drawing a chair to the table and removing his gloves. Where Giants Come From. Nearly every race has contributed to giantism, but the English have furnished far the larger portion, partly, perhaps, because the Eng lish have always been fond of seeing giants and paying for the privilege, thereby drawing the merit of physi cal bigness, which has always been modest, out of its undeserved ob scurity. Next to the English, the Irish have supplied the largest num ber, but the Irish giant is rarely grown nowadays, since that stock has been drawn upon so heavily by America. Germany and the United States have supplied, each, eight or nine men .who have won publicity and fame by their exuberant physique. It seems to be the central and west ern states that supply the American giants, and our war records show that in these regions, together with Maine and, Vermont, the average stature isithe highest. There have been French ""and Italian, negro and Arab giants, but the number is, few, and it is evident that the temperate zones-and the large races supply the most cases of giantism. It is a curious' fact that since Biblical days there have been no giants among the Jews. Scrib ner's Magazine. Modern Matrimonial Tale. He was asking the old man for his daughter m marriage. He was talk ing tremblingly, hesitatingly," as you read of in story books, and the scene was full of coloi', so far as an irate father a id a nerveless young man could make it. It came the old man's turn to speak, and his voice shook with excitement. "You want to marry my daughter?" he said. "Ah, now is the time for ray revenge. Twenty years ago your father crip pled me iu a stock deal, and I swore to be revenged. Now my time has come." He paused for breath, and the aspirant for the maiden's hand was about: to beat a hasty retreat in the face of supposed defeat, when the father broke forth again: "Yps, sir; I swore to be re venged, and now I'll strike the father through the son. Want my daughter, eh? Well, take her, and may she prove as expensive to you as she has to me."' The old man dropped into his chair, worn out with the excitement of his plot, and the 3'ourig man fainted. ' An Uncertain Disease. There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than lygpepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two ca.?es agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under whatdimifse1yspepsia attacks you. Browns' Iron Bitters will enre it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, Mood and nerves. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by alt dealers. Bears tie I18 Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Signature Cf AT THE SAM OLD STAND. o -o -AND STILL SELLING HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES at pi ices to correspond with the times. If you want anything good to cook, or anything to cook with, we have it. Do you wish auy thiug to correspond with weak, strong, poor, or good ap petite, We Have It- Anything to smoke or chew. We have It. We keep Coffees and Teas also. We want to buy all the Produce you have to spare, all the Hides and Beeswax you have to sell. A ar Load of Salt just receiv ed and must be Sold. Confectioneries to give awavv ggyRemember we are no "Cheap John," as we do not handle that clas of goods. Only First-Class Goods handled, with full weights and measures Call and see for yourself. P. P. JONES. Dunn, UV C. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND ! By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 4th. day of December, 1897, by; J. F. McLeod and Loudella McLeod to J. F. Gregcry and recorded in the Registry of Harnett county, in book O, No 2, page 363, the undersigned will sell for cash at the Court House door in the town of Lilling ton at 12 o'clock M,. on February 20th., 1899, a certain tract of land in Black River township, Harnett county, on the water, of Hals Branch, being the remain der of a tract of land retained by the mortgagors after saving a certain part of the original to Jno. L. Wilborn on the east side and a part to John Mat thews on the west side, containing 25 acres more or less and lying between the two parcels above mentioned. This January 18, 1899. Waivter Rand, Assignee of Mortgagee. Simmons, Pou & Ward, Attorneys. liOTICE. The undersigned having "been appointed Commissioner by a Judgment of Harnett Superior Court to sell the following described Lands, be longing to the estate of Neill S. Stewart, deceased by virtue of said Judgement an order of Harnett County Superior Court, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Lil lington,' N. C, on Monday January '2nd 1899 -a Town Lot in the Town of Lilling ton, known as No 9 in plot of said Town Also a tract of Land containing 47 J acres in Johnston County, adjorning the Land of Gideon Keen, Berry Dean, Reuben Johnson and others on the South side of Black Creek on little swamp. Dec. 1st 1898. J. A. Green, Commissioner The above sale is postponed un til first Monday in February 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having duly qualified as Administrator cf Amos Norris, de ceased, all persons indebted to the es tate are requested to settle same at once. All persons who have claims against said estate are requested to present same within 12 months from date or the stat utes will be plead in bar of same. This Dec.22nd 1898. y,l I J. R. Strickland, Admr. Jonesjfc Stewart, Attorneys. fff ILMINGTON AND D D WVi ELDO IV ,.. AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Jan. 15th, 1899. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 9:43 p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, 12:55 a. m., 10:36 p. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 a. m., 6 00 pin. Leave Rocky Mount, 1:00 a. M., 10:36 p. m., 6 45p . m., 5:40 am, 12:52 p. m. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m, 11:14 p m. 6:20 a in, 2:40 pm., 710 pm. Leave Selma, 2:55 a m. Leave Fayettevllle, 4:30 p m, 1 :08 p m. " Arrive Florence, 7:25 a m, 3:15 p m. Arrive Goldsboro 7 50. p m. Leave Goldsboro, 7:01 am, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4:25 p.m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m, 5:50 p m, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:50 am, 7:40 p m. Leave Fayetteville, 12:25 a m,S43 p m. , Leve Selina, 1.50 p m. Arrive WiJson, 2:35 a m. 11:31 p m. Leave WilmiDgton, 7:00 p m. 9 45 a m. Leave Magnolia, 11:19 a m, 8:34 p m. . Leave Goldsboro, 5 15 am, 12:30 am, 9:45 pm. Leave Wilson, 2-35 p m, 5 56 am, 11:31 am 11:38 p m, 1:16 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:49 a m, 6 15 am, 12:07 p m, 1:40 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:07 a m. Arrive Weldon, 3:43 p m, 12:59 am. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 p m arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6:57 p m, Kinston 7:55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m, Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m, Weld"n 11:33 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8:20 a m, and 2:30 p m., arrive Parmele 9:10 am, and 4:00 p m, returning leave Par mele 9:35 am. and 6:30 p m. arrive Washington 11:00 a m, and 7:20 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C, daily, except Sunday, at 5:0 p m.. Sunday 4.15 p. m., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. in.. 610 p.m.. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday.7 50 a. m., and Sunday 9 00 a.m.; ar rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. m.. 11 00 a. m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Golds boro, S. C, daily except Sunday, 7 05 a m; ar rive Smithfield N C, 810 a m. Returning leaves Smithfield. N. U. 9 00 a. m. arrive Goldsboro, N. c. 10 25 a.m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at ;930 a. m., arrives Nashville 4:03 p. m.. Spring Hope 8:40 p. m. Ret urning leaves Spring1 Hope 11:00 a. m Nashville II.ts a. m. arriveat Reeky Mount 1145a daily except Sunday. train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton uaily, except Sunday, at il:40a. m. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clinton 7 00 a m and 3 00 p m. Train No. 78 make close Connection atWel- rlon for all xoints North daily, all rail vH tticnmonu. H. M. EMERSON. General Passeng-er Agent. J. R. KENLY, T.M.EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Manager. Subscribe for this paper. AFFORD TO BE CAISIjESS. Your Eyes are of more value than Gold or Silver. You should preserve them and be care ful that you haye proper glasses. Knowing the value of tfTe eye we have put in an extra large line of glass es thisleason and can - suit glasses to anybody's eye. We can furnish costly i or cheap frames, and can give you a I - . V A 1 bargain in anytning you wisn ro puy. Shoaldwe fail to have what you want we will order it direct. JEWELRY. Our line of Jewelry this fall is com plete, and prices marked down to suit the times. - THATCHES AND LOCKS. Don't buy a Watch or Clock until you have seen our styles, and secured our prices. We makeRenairing a Specialty, and guarantee satisfaction. . . Yours to please, GAIME & JORDAN. BSTBicycles and Bicycle Sundries a specialty. - A Wonderful Discovery. The last quarter of a century records many wonderful discoveries In medicine, but none that have accomplished more for lumanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns' Iron Bitters. It seems to contain the very elements of good health, ind neither man, woman or child oan take it without deriving the greatest benefit. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. M PAPER FOR. m 51 JOB PRINTING. Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Cs, An Old IIe. Every day. -areHgtheiis tl belief of emi nent physicians that impure blood is the cause of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-fiTe years axro tins theory Vas used as a basis for the formula of Browns' Iro Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Brown' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. "' Z ir TH ft J bOUNTYUINIOW Times 6i ro- v P I ) lO Cent Cotton I If the farmers could get 10 cents a pound for their cotton this season every body- would have a smiling fare a,1(j every home would be a place cf liapj,i. ness. But the present price drives smiles away and happiness is only foini when thp people find the merchant vh0 is willing to share his comfort and l,a').' piness with the producer. Now there js no use in mourning over what can't be helped, and L' P- JERNIGAN , T" willing to do his part in restoring smiling faces and hap. piness to the oppressed people by sdl'mo- GROCERIES CHEAP. I sell the U. 3. Celebrated Cakes and Crackers, wholesale and retail. Canned Goods of every kind, Tinware, Crockery, ware, Snuff and Tobacco, Flour, Meat Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Molasses, ami in fact everything found in an up-to-date grocery store. Call and see me a nil will treat you right. Yours truly. LP-JERNIGAN, ' Dunn, N. c. jt Scientific American Asency CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, eta For Information and free Handbook writ to MUNN & CO., Ml Broadwat. Nbw York. Oleeat bureau for eecurlnir patent In America. Every patent taken out fcy ui Is brought before the pnblio by a notice given free of charge la tlie gtimtlfk. Jnexftnu ZAi-tegt elrevlattaa of any setenUfln parur In the 'world. Splendidly Illustrated. No lnt'.ltcral maa ehould bo without it. Weekly, 3.0O yeart $1.60 six meatha, Addreee, MtTtN (jo, PuauaiuBS, 36t fireadwar, Kevr Yrk city. HOME PEOPLE i STATE?i AND HOME, FOREIGN ARK l?AUI BUT YOU CAN'T AF FORD TO UE WITHOUT YOU It We are Headquarters for all kiml of JOB PRINTING, Bill Heads Statements, Dodgers &c. Diseases of the Blood and Nerve. No one need suffer with neuralgia. This disease is quickly and permanently cured by Browns' Iron Bitters. Every disease of the blood, nerves and stomach, chronic or otherwise, succumbs to Browns' Iron Bitters. Known and used for nearly, a quarter of a eentury, it stands to-day in most among our most valued remedies, browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers.

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