IMPORTANT NOTICE. Now is the time to take up your meat and use Borax wjiich never fails to prevent insects and keeps your meat nice and clean. POWDERED B ORAX, 15 Cents Per Pound Begin planting your gardens now, we have Fresh, New Seed bv weight, Good seed nice plants une garaens. A-Fnit Ladies and Children. - Cures chronic Constipation, cures Headache, Composed of Oas-Cara-Figs and Senna. Just the thing for. in digestion. Forty Lax-a-fruit candy in a box, 25 cents. Make our Store your Headquarters. We Solicit Your Patronage. MOOD '& CxRANIflAM, Druggists- THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1899. DUNN, N. C. figy-All W-iiX advertisements run in this .column will be charged strictly 10 cents jx-r line. Other local advertlseiuents o cents per fur each insertion. LOCAL DOTS, Cotton is selling to-day at 6f to W. To-davls March first. Fair and pleasant. The windy season is ap proaching. Be careful with your iires. It is announced that the legislature will probably ad journ next Monday. The Dunn Brass Band will give an enterteinraent at Benson Friday night. Read the Important notice of Hood & Grantham at the head of this column. Only two months now until the town election. The would-like-to-have-an-office bee will soon be humming around. Read the advertising col umns' of The Union and trade with tne men who solicit your patronage. The tremendous rain which fell in this section.Sunday night washed out the dam at Avera's mill, four miles west of town. We call attention to the new law card of Oscar J. Spears, of Lillington, N. C, which ap pears in our professional cards. We want 5000 Bushels of Good Tar Kiln Char-coal at once. -The John A. McKay MTg. Co., . Dunn, N. C. - With too new furniture fac tories, two large tobacco ware houses and six or seven dwell ings to be erected here this spring, our carpenters should be able to get steady employ ment. - See the new "ad" of Messrs Gainey & Jordan in this issue. They have recently moved into their new and handsome .quart ers, and will be glad for you to call and see them. Give! them a call and we are sure they will treat you right. We are overstocked with Gar den Seeds, which we bought cheap. We are selling them the same, way. McKay Bros. & Skinner. A petition has been sent up to our members of the legisla ture asking for the "no fence or "stock" law for Averasboro township. We have been in formed that probably a major ity of the land owners in the township favor it, but they will hardly have their wishes grant ed .by this legislature, iis no bill has yet been introduced fori it. The Cumberland county fence will be close by us. A bill passed giving the stock law to a part of Black River town ship in that county. Contracts have been let for several new dwellings to be erected here this spring. We are pleased to know- that our home contractors get the wrork. We need more dwellings for there is not a vacant one in town. The rain storm Sunday night was pretty general all through this section of the coun try. Washouts on the Atlantic & Yadkin near Wilmington, and one on the Seaboard Air Line near Hoffman are report ed. FOR S A L E . One thorough verd Stallion, Dark Bay, six years old, strain f Denmark, Hambletonian. Now in service. Lane"& Gal braith, Dunn N. C. A delightful Candy, a cure for Constipation, a sugar coated confection, an efficacious Med icine. Just the thing for the Delightful to the taste. Quite a number of our peo ple are sufferiug with sore arms, the effect of vaccination. The roads are so bad that few farmers are attempting to haul guano. The indications, we learn from our merchants, are that the sale of fertilizers this season will be much less than last year. The Dunn Brass Band, ac companied by some of the best out-side talent in town, will give a musical and dramatic performance in Benson Friday night, April 3rd. The street parade will take place at 3 o'clock by the Band. You can't afford to miss it. " We are now giving away free, a Tobacco Farmers Guide Book. It is worth a dollar to any one anticipating the culture, of To bacco. Don't forget to call for one. Yours truly, McKay Bros. & Skinner . The county commissioners meet at Lillington next Mon day. Much business of impor tance will come before them then. A cotton-weigher for Dunn will be appointed, and we learn that there are a num ber of applicants for this" place. Only one can get it. The board will also have a settlement with Sheriff Pope. Another year has passed and the hogs are still allowed to roam at will over the " town. Are hogs worth more 1 to the town than the health of its cit izens? We have little fever here but the number of cases will increase each year unless more attention is paid to the sanitarv coudition of the town. A p?ep at the condition of some of the back lots will bear out our statement." The Newberry Bros. & Cowell have received their en gine and boiler for their furni ture factory. It is of the latest pattern and of 80-horse power Work on their factory building is being pushed now and in a few weeks they will have all their machinery in and ready for b USineSS. Last week four negro musi cians, styling themselves the "Big 4," struck our town and cave a concert at the town hall for white people. On Wednes-; iei is auernoon ior layette day evening' they furnished ; Ylle- The price of admission music for a dance given by the young men at Jackson House. The music was splendid and the dance enjoyed by a number of our young people. The time of shooting andj trapping partridges expired yes terday. The birds have from now until October 1st to raise and grow. We are of the opin ion that a' law should be passed making it a misdemeanor to shoot or trap partridges or any birds that do no harm to crops, during the times the . ground is covered in snow. This last snow and cold was very bad on" birds, and large numbers were caught in traps or shot. They need some protection at such times. We are iuformed by Sheriff Salmon that there are a num ber of merchants in the county that have failed to list their pur chases from , July 1st 1898 to December 31st 1898 The law requires that the purchases made in that time should be listed and returned to the regis ter of Deeds by the 15th of Jan uary 1899, imposing a penalty of $200 fine for failure to do so, half of the fine to go to the pros ecutor and half to the State. Those merchants, dealers in mules and horses, v and others subject to this tax: that have not listed should do so at once and prevent any trouble, for we suppose that they have simply overlooked this matter. White and Black Seed for sale at Lane's. Oats I People and Their Movement. J. A. Green. Esq.,. of Lilling ton, was in town to-day on his way to Smithfield. Mrs. J. H. Pope is gone to Baltimore to purchases her spring stock of Millinery. Mr. T. H. "McNeill, a com positor on the Wilmington Star, is at home on a visit to his parents. . Mr. "Willie Johnston, a pros perous merchant of Bradley's Store, was in town today and newed his subscription to The Union. " Mr -Herbert Andrews and wife, of Goldsboro, spent a few days in town this, week with the family of Mr. E. Lee. Miss Cora Parker, of Averas boro, spent Sunday in town with relatives, returning home yesterday. ' - Dr. Judd. of Wake, a recent graduate of dentistry, was here last week with a view to locat ing here for the practice of his profession. Mr. JW. Cole, of Enfield, a tobacconist and warehouseman, was in town Monday night. He is very much pleased with "the prospect of our tobacco market. He will probably locate here. Mr Jno. E. Hood, one of Kin ston's most enterprising drug gists, accompanied by his little son Thornton, spent a day here last week with his brother, Mr. P. II . Hood. Mr. D. McN. "McKay, who has been home for some months left to-day for Edenton to re sume his position with Mr. W. J. Leary, Jr., druggist, of that place. Mc. is a well equipped druggist and very popular wherever known, and his friends here wish him the . success he deserves. Judge Brown, who went to Lillington to hold court last week, is sick in Raleigh from the ? effect of getting wet in crossing Thornton's Creek be tween here and Lillington. He convened Wake Court Monday morning and discharged the jury until to-day when he hoped to be able to .proceed - with the court. He wTas threatened with pneumonia. "The City of Charlotte" car carying North Carolina ex hibits, was stopped here yes terday afternoon and remained until this afternoon. Nearly all of our people went in to see the exhibits. The "car is ele gantly painted inside aud out and has a rare collection of the woods, stones minerals, fruits, Vegetables, plants, grains and seeds, and birds and animals that are found in the State. It Ua one of the best mediums of advertising our State that we know, and from the number of people who visited it last Sum- impr wliilp in the nnrfli if ic nn. predated. The car is in charge of Messrs J..W. Carroll and J. A. Turner, very attentive and clever young gentlemen. They l .fi il ff. -n . . A" ueilLa uu uu 4U iemaiu in the car 30 minutes and learn a great many things about your own State that you did not know before. TO CUKE A COLD I O.TiE WAY Take IjHXMtive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refnud money if it fails to cure. 25e. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Remember Lee is an old Hard ware man and knows just liow to buy Hardware. Old cash talks loud these days. . FOR SALE. I have about 25 town lots, desirably located in the town of Dunn, and several tracts of woodland that I will sell on easy terms. Gall on or address Mrs. Henry Pope, Dunn, N. C. We represent over twenty Million Dollars to protect you against loss by fire. For Policies call on JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO., Dunn, N. C. We make a specialty of Pre scription work and use only the purest drugs and latest meth ods of scientific compounding. We know the analysis and effect lof every dose of medicine that crosses over our counter. McKay Bros. & Skinner. Lee's cash Hrrdware House is the place now to buy Dixie Plows for $1.25 manufacturing cost. I 8 f W iioii 1 J IF YOUR Who brought Box Lye from 10 cents per box to 5 cents? W. II. LANE & CO. Who brought the best Oil from 15 to 11 cents? ' ' ; ' ''r'. ' W. IF. LANE & DO. . : Who brought Baking Powders from 10 and 5 to 8 and 4? f W. H. LAKE & CO. Who brought Ol Cloth from 20 and 25 per yard to 12c? W. H. LANE & CO. Who brought Arm & Hammer Keg Soda from 10 to 4per lb? ; ' W. II . LANE & CO. Who brought Arbuckles Coffee from 15 to 12? W. H. LANE & CO. Who sells you the best Shoes for the least money? " Who sells you the best and money? Who pays you the highest ' Hams' and Shoulders, Peas & Who sells the best 6 cent ' Our prices aad goods talk for store will convince you that it is us. Thanking our friends and ronage in the past and promising are thankfully, W. GREAT EXCITEMENT. A Man Thought to be Wild, . . Proved Himself no Fool. , 7 , ' ., u tU mems in ine -mory oi uuu prevailed here a few, days ago, and for some time our citizens were puzzled to know the cause. Some "suggested fire, some earthquake, some murder, mad-dogs, insanity, etc. A man was seen coming down Broad street, at full speed, and yelling at the top, of his voice. The excitement was not so in tense until he crossed over Wil son street . Business was su- SUUCU "x none could rest until they knew the cause. He was neither runing from fire,., earthquake, murder, or madrdogs, and,, "vvas far from being crazy. Soon after he crossed Wilson street he landed right into The Union Office, the story was told, and a simple one it was. He de manded everything be stopped and turn him out some hote heads, bill heads, letter heads, envelopes, etc. He proved him self no fool, but to the contrary, an econnomical, wide-awake business man. He had heard of our thorough equippment and low prices and acted wise. We are now looking others of the same kind If you can't come, send us your orders, and we assure you they will have our prompt at-j tention . w e appreciate your orders . and guarantee prices with any reliable printing house. ' What gives our printing pleasing grace, That shows true merit on its face ? Our type Is mortem in design. Our workmen, artists in their line Be glad to see jrou any time; -Just ws1k right in; no stairs to climb; We're "on the level" with the ground; Come and see the wheels go 'rouud When you see printing cleverly done; Somewhat better than the common run; Pi ii.ting that says on its face ' "in good" Then we did the work, that's understood O, hurried, worried business, man. We want to help you all v e cm, However much we haye to do We'll stop the press td print for J-ou. Have you printing on 3-our mind? Don't forget the undersigned, . " You know the methods we employ Give us the job; we'll give you joy COUNTY UNION JOB OFFICE. Barefoot Jackson. At the residence of Mr. S. ,M. Jackson near town on last Sun day morning, Mr. K; E. Bare foot, of Sampson, and Miss So phronia Jackson wero united in marriage by Rev.- J. F. Owen in the presence of a number of friends of the contracting par ties. After the marriage the wed ding party at tended church at Long Branch and retiirned to Mr. Ja?kson's where an elegant dinner was served." You know how cheap old cash can buy, Hardware. Well see E. Lee on. the .Wilson corner. I have iust received another lot of cook stoves just as cheapj and eood as 1 the other lot. It will pay you to see me oeiore you buy. yv er T i raaTm .v. J Tfea m Yot Haw Always lzA Frit W. H. LANE & Co. latest style Hats for. the least W.-H. LANE & CO. prices for your JEggs, Chickens, Potatoes? W. H. LANE & CO. Coffee in town? . Wl H. LANE & CO. temselyes and a visit to our to your interest to trade with customers for their liberal pat to do better in the future, we Your friends, H. LANE & CO. A Card. The pastor of the Methodist church desires in some way or other to make known his appre Iciation of the actsof kindness hown b the good people of i Durm sce our-coming into their midst,' and especially for the timely visit made to the parsonage by a great number of them; who made us a simul taneous call last Thursday at 7:30 p. m., each bearing a package of some description. lhey seemed to be following, or directed by, the leadership J of one of the druggists of our knew exactly where to lead them, aud where to stop ; for we must insist they stopped at the right place ; and he, after having gained admission at the front door, demauded access to the dining-room ; not only for himself but also the unknown number that followed : of course we submitted and threw open the doors; the crowd marched in and deposited their packages.' Then the druggist made a short speech ; but seem ingly much to the point, setting forth the" motives by which they were prompted, and, that the donors of those packs and nar- I ffla inrr nrorl tl-iom nrl rrl rr oa 0 , .n,. a help to the pastor and family but as tokens of love, and re spect, and also as a manifesta- ; t.inn nf nnnrpiafinn nf Tii cor. y-ceg We hereby tender our heart felt thanks to all concerned, and to those who said to us, since, that; they ' would have been along had they known ft," and trust that we shall be able to render service in a spir itual sense, more than CQmmenr surate wjth the temporal bene? fits received. Aud may God's blessing's abundantly rest, not only on those : above referred to, but upon the church, the town, and every home therein. Fraternally, W. A. Forbes. Dunn, N. C, Feb. 27, 1899. Lee's Cash Hardware House is now daily receiving new goods. He buys for cash, and sells for cash. Bran and Feed Oats make the best feed. For sale by . Lane & Co. FOR SALE. 100 bushels or more of the celebrated Turf Seed Oats. Five crops without the .loss of one. Call on J. A. Green, Lillington, N. C. WANTED. Pupils for Piano and Guitar. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. G. T; ; Woolfolk, at the residence of Drv W. -B. Harrell. LOST. One pocket-book con taining some receipts from E. F. Young and G. F. Honeycutt and about $37.00 in money. Lost on the road leading from Dunn to Beaman's X Roads. The finder will be liberally, re i warded by returning same to me D unn. C. F. Honeycutt. Subscribe for this paper. Car Load Prices Right Dunn Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L. CROM ARTIE, Salesman. Furnishing Store (M. L. DAVIS' OLD STAND.) 7 c -if ' 2 The nicest and only complete line QEI!TS? FMRWISHIWCS IN TQVJN, BIO LjIISIE Remember we are selling 25 we sell for CASH. ' 7"Call and Gr. K. Massengill, Manager of ickay mk mm. Our Drugs are JJeiv, OUR OUR SOAPS, OUR CTftTIAniCDV w ir 1 iwiubii 1 f our TAi rr-r adt OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTOErJT Brim full and running over with iiew and up-to-date ! PHARMACALS. We are well posted on that class of remedies commonly known as "Family Hobbies, Panaceas, Cure-all1 ' fec, &c. We prepare them in an elegant and palatable manner, just for fun, at a moderate charge. Very truly, McKay A 0 of K 2Y IXiS Agents for the famous WILBUR'S DOUBLE WEAR COLLARS AND W.'L of of new clothing; . cheaper this year, becauso see us.J Gent9' Furnishing Department. Fresh and Reliable. Elegant an1 well Selectl. O'mvI. Cheap ftnl Sweet. Golnff at Maniifacturem Price. : : o net Gee. you jut ought to see tlieiii. Broo. oc Skinner, s 1 X J Uull u

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