IMPORTANT NOTICE. Now is the time to take up your meat and use Borax which never fails to prevent insects and keeps jour meat nice and clean. POWDERED BORAX, 15 Cents Per Pound Begin planting your gardens now, we have Fresh, New Seed by weight. Good seed nice plants fine gardens. A delightful Candy, a cure for Constipation, a sugar coated , confection, an efficacious Med icine. Just the thing for the Delightful to the taste. Lai-A-FiiL Ladies and Children. Cures chronic Constipation, cures Headache, Compose.!. of Oas-Cara-Figs and Senna. Just the thing for in digestion. Forty Lax-a-fruit candy m a box, 25 cents. Make our Store 3-our Headquarters. We Solicit Your Patronage. MOOD '& GR&mMJkM, Druggists WEDNESD AY, MakCK 8, lSOfj. DUNN, N. C. 1omI mlvortNeinents run in this column will U". fliarcd strictly 10 cMtts jn-r line. Oilier local udvertlsciiieiits i ctMits cr li ie for fach insertion. LOCAL DOTS. M;u'ch is here in full blast. is making (T to-day at ,T H E We are now giving away free, n.nAT nr fTMTMVT a Tol)acco Farmers Guide Book. COUN 1 Y UNION Ifis worth a dollar to anv one anticipating the culture of To bacco. Don't forget to call for one. Yours truly, McKay Bros. & Skinner -A bill to incorporate the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank of Dunn passed. We learn that E. F. Young's Banking House will be succeeded by the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank. -Last week just after we got to press our cylinder press got out of hx and we failed to get it in working order until next morn ing, consequently our papers on the Lillington route did not go as usual on Thursday. The bill to amend the char ter of Dunn' has been ratified and is now a law. We are not informed as to the amendments contained therein. Let our farmers plant some cotton and some tobacco. Two crops is better than one. If one fails, probably the other will be a success. If both prove a success why then the farmer is in luck. Try tobacco on a small scale at first and learn how to handle it successfully before launching out to deep. Mr. O. P. Shell, manager of The Dunn Cash Racket Store, has bought the large Culbreth store on Broad street, the present house being- too small for their increasing busi ness, they had to get larger quarters. It always pays to advertise. Look for their 'ad" in our next issue, they will have special bargains for their cus tomers. - The Christian Missionary Alliance is holding a convention in Durham this week and will hold one in Fayettevifle on March 27 and 28th. Dr. Wil son and probably Dr. A. B. Simpson, and other Christian I Alliance workers will be in at tendance. , ' People and Their Movement. Mr. McD. Higgs, of Smith field, is here this week. Mr. J. J, Cook, who is in brokerage business at Golds boro spent Sunday here. Miss Lettie Peacock, of Rome Johnston county, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Eld ridge Lee. Mr. J. C. Clifford, who has been confined to his room with an attack of the grippe, is out again. Mr. J. D. Barnes is able to be attending to business again af ter a few days - in bed with grippe. Mr. O. P. Shell manager of the Dunn Cash Racket Store will leave Saturday for the northern markets where he will purchase a handsome line of millinery goods. See his no tice in this issue. Mr. II . L Godwin who has "MURDER WILL .'LEAK OUT.'' J XJ. s It is a fact and can be proven by those who trade at Dunn that W. H. LANE & CO have absolutely murdered high prices. Have you seen our $2.00 line of Bachelor Shoes for men? Nice, Stylish and easy wearing. . ' W. H. LANE & CO. Our stock of blurts, Collars and Cuffs are new and up-to- date. We have some beauties in Negligees for oOf each. W. II. LANE & CO. . In Pant Goods we have some special bargains. Do not buy your spring pant goods until you examine our stock and know cur prices. W. II. LANE & CO. For rter On Saturday, March 1 1 th, we wil sell for $10.00 a Stove that cost $12.65. Only one this price. at can In Calicoes, Dress Goods, Checks, Sheetings, h be beaten. W. II. LAS our prices VNE & CO. We do this to get a move on business after the snow. We are still selling the best table Oil Cloth for 12 pervard. TT7,. i l l What do you pay elsewhere? W. H. LANE & CO. W G Have SOlCl OVer 400 O. K. We have just opened a nice line of Ladies', Gent's, Misses' StnVPC Qnrl nnTrm and children,s Hose which we are offering from 6 up. OlUVe aUU neVei liaVe SOlCl Olie W. H. LANE & Co. il, j. ji j . liiui uui not give perfect satisfac- Mendleson's Lye still going, about 10 cases per week at hf been in Raleigh since the legis-! Customers realize and appreciate what we have done for them. f-ifT lature convened assisting in the ! W. H. LANE & CO wJAJIJu ui line AJUglU331Ug IV Ul The small boy kites these days. Cotton is sellm to GhJ. -Examine your chimneys and stove flues a ;d see that they are in ''ood condition. Some of our truckers and gardeners have commenced pre paring their truck patches and gardens for early vegetables. Messrs Hood &. Grantham are having the inside of their drug store painted white, which adds much, to the attractiveness of it. , It is stated that there are several cases of small-pox in Gt.'ldsboro. The disease is get ting uncomfortably close by. The ground is still wet and ;ffW farmers have been able to .-plough their lands or haul ma ure in this section. The win ter has been an unusual one. We want 5000 Bushels of Good Tar Kiln Char-coal at once. The John A. McKay M'f'g Co., Dunn, N. C. f Some of our people say tii at all the peach buds are kill ed and that there will be no blooms this spring. We exam ined a twig of a peach tree yes terday and the fruit buds were perfect dead and dry. Read the article on the first page of this issue by Dr. R. II . Lewis, Secretary of the State Board of Health. He advises 'general vaccination to prevent the spread of smallpox. FOR SALE. One thorough verd Stallion, Dark Bay, six years old, strain J Denmark,- i Hambletonian. Now in service. Lane & Gal wraith, Dunn C. C. For tfte past week there have been varied changes in the weather, clear and warm, thun derstorms and heavy rains, hail stones and snow and clear and cold weather have followed in quick succession. Mr. Romulus Jones, who works at the Jno A. McKay tool factory, was quite badly burned on the face and hands recently by the explosion of some babbit metal. ; The Cape Fear got down in its banks for a few davs last week, but began to rise again Saturday. The timber men have had plenty of water for carrying rafts this winter and a good deal of timber has been carried down to Wilmington in rat'i. the Senate, returned h o m e Tuesday, his work there having been finished. Senator F. P. Jones and his family returned from Raleigh last Thursday. The Senator came home sick. He had been very feeble for several days and feared a severe attack of the grippe. He has improved much however since he returned, we are pleased to state. It is annoying to us to have our papers delayed. Last week the northbound mail did not get off until Friday morning. The carelessness of the boy who takes the mail from the post of fice to the train. He took the mail bag from the nost office but did not put it on the train . We caution the agent here not to let this occur again. We paid our customers more than $750.00 in January and February for eggs, chickens, hams and peas. Our offers . buy the produce. Seed Oats, black and white. Bran always on hand. Seed Irish Potatoes. Flour in Barrels' at W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. When you have produce to sell or want to buy any thing in our line it Will pay you to see us. Thankfully yours, IV. H. LANE & CO. We are selling: Furniture cheaper than ever before. Hard ware at a cut price. See us when in need for we lead the Hard ware business. Kicked by a Mule. A Splendid Entertainment. All opr people whose happy fortune it was to witness the Musical and Dramatic enter tainment, and many who could not go before on account of the cold weather will be glad to learn that the programme, with some changes, will be repeated at the I own Hall on-next Thursday night March 9th, for the benefit of the Band. Many of those who saw it be fore are anxious to see it, again, and all those who failed to at tend before will take advantage of this the last opportunity. Remember the date Thursday night the 9th. Reserved seats are on sale Mr. M. T. Young's store, cents. General admission tickets sale at the door, 25 and cents. Don't miss it or vou will re- We are overstocked with Gar- j Sret iij after U is over den Seeds, which we bought . ZTTm , -t 1V ! TO CURE A COM) I.H OMvD VY cheap. We are selling themi ., , T .. . . , 1 1 ake Lax-itive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cute. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Tuesday morning Mr. Thom as Lee who lives near town went to a stable, to harness a young mule which he had pur chased a few days before, and on entering the stable with the bridle the mule turned and kick ed him. The mule struck him with both feet on the mouth knocking out several of his teeth and breaking the frontal bone just below the nose. Dr. Denning was called out to him and dressed his wound. He is hurt bad and seriously. Job Printing. ' Adjourns Today. at 35 on 15 the same wav. McKay Bros. & Skinner. , Mr Joseph A. Stewart, .of Grove township, was appointed cotton weigher for this place byj day. He is an efficient man ! markets Saturday 11th, where I WAIT ! WAIT ! ! I will leave for the Northen In another column our towns man and cotton buyer, Mr. S. .1. llo ks, gives his ideas for a better price for cotton next fall. He advises the farmers to plant as much as they can. We hope his ideas will come true and that better prices will reign. -There were cyclones, wind storms and hailstorms in many .sections of the State Friday and Saturday. At Apex ia Wake county the wind was terrific and unroofed houses and blew down buildings. Below Maxton a severe cyclone is reported. At Wilson a severe thunder storm and a cloud burst fright ened the inhabitants Friday night. Our oldest inhabitants do not recall a worse winter than this has been. and his appointment will doubt less give satisfaction to all par ties concerned. Mr.. Stewart is well known in the county and has always been a staunch worker for the party. We con gratulate him on his appoint ment. Messrs. R. E. Lee, of this place, and W. A. Allen and W. R. Barbour of Benson, have formed a co-partnership and have bought the stock of furni ture of Mr. L. H. Kennedy and will conduct a first class furni ture store here. The style of the firm is Lee, Allen & Compa ny. These young men are en ergetic and enterprising and we wish them much success. Our townsman, Mr. E. F. Young, is named as one of the incorporators of the Atlantic & Western Railroad which has been granted a charter by the legislature. The other incorpo rators named are: Col J. S. Carr, W. J. vEdwards, W. J. Adams, J. W. Perry, and E. K. Borden. The charter gives per mission to build a railroad from Goldsboro through Wayne, Jonhston, Harnett, Moore aud Montgomery comities and then westward to the' Tennessee line. The capital stock is $1,000,000. , We represent over twenty Million Dollars to protect you against loss by fire. for Policies, call on JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO., Dunn, N. C. shall purchase the prettiest line of millinery and dressmakers goods ever brought to Dunn. Wait until' they arrive and give me a call. I have bought the large Culbreth store and will have handsome quarters. Don't buy until my goods arrive. O. P. Shell, Mauager Dunn Cash Racket. FOR SALE. I have about 25 town lots, desirably located in the town of Dunn, and several tracts of woodland tnat I will sell on easy terms. Call on or address Mrs. Henry Pope, Dunn, N. C. We make a specialty "of Pre scription work and use only the purest drugs and latest meth ods of scientific compounding. We know the analysis and effect of every dose of medicine that crosses over our counter. McKay Bros. & Skinner. Lee's cash Hardware House is the place now to buy Dixie Plows for $1.25 manufacturing cost. WANTED. Pupils for Piano and Guitar. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. G. T. Woolfolk, at the residence of Dr. W. B. Harrell. Lee's Cash Hardware House is now daily , receiving new goods. He buys for cash, and sells for cash. The work of the legislature of 1899 ends to-day for a recess until Tuesday after the "second Monday in June 1900 when it will reconvene. The sixty days, which the members are allowed to 'draw pay, expired- Saturday, but a great deal of important legislation was then to be acted upon and the mem bers had to remain over until to-day. The resolution to ad journ was introduced in the House Monday and passed and is as follows : "Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the General Assembly adjourn on Wednesi day, the 8th day of March,. 1999, at 12 o'clock m., to meet aain in the citv of Raleigh, on Tuesday after the second Mon day of June, 1900. "Second. That the Secreta ry of State deliver to the public printer'immediately upon this adjournment the resolutions of the House and Senate, and all resolutions, iirivate and public, laws passed at this session and that the same be published and distributed as upon an adjourn ment sine die." t You know how cheap old cash can buy Hardware. Well see E. . Lee on the Wilson corner. I have just received another lot of cook stoves just as cheap and good as the other lot. It will pay you to see me before you buy. Remember Lee is an old Hard waie man and knows just how to buy Hardware. OLD CASH TALKS LOUD THESE DAYS. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it. Nearly all children like it and ask for more. looks like cream ; it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby, child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other so-called "just as good" preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypophosphites that are combined with the cod-liver oil give additional value to it because they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole body. Soc. and $1.00. all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist, New York. An Uncertain Disease. There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than dyspepsia. Physicians ray that the symptoms, of no twd cases agree. It is therefore most difficult to m:ike a correct diarnosis. No matter how were, or under whatdiafniisedyspepsia attacks yon, Browns' Iron Bitters will care it. Jnvalimhle in all Ureases of the stomach, Mood and r erres. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold Ly all dealers. Subscribe for this paper. - iu Old IJra. Ever? -A.-.; -trngthens tLe belief of emi nent phj ik-ians that impure blood is the caase of iLe majority of our diseases. Twenty-Sv? years airo this theory was used as a basis for ilie formula of Browns' Iron Bitters. T!:e many remark abl 2 cures effected by this f ;mons old houst'lKl.J remedy are J auSkient to prore that the theory is, correct. Browns' Iron BiUcra ia soli br oil dealers. Prices RiQht What gives our printing pleasing grace, 1 tiat snows true merit on its face r Our type is modern in design. Our workmen, artists in their line Be glad to see you any time; Just walk right in: no stairs to climb; We're "on the level" with the ground; Uome and see the wheels go 'round When you see printing clever) v done: Somewhat better than the common run; Piintiug that says on its face ''m good" Then we did the work, that's understood O, hurried, worried business man. We want to- help you all ve can, However much we have to do We'll stop the press to print for you. Have you printing on j'our mind? ' Don't forget the undersigned, You know the methods we employ, Give us the job; we'll give vou joy COUNTY UNION JOB OFKICE. Yours for Business, Dunn Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L. CROMARTIE, Salesman. Hand's Gaff Furnishing Store (M.L. DAVIS' OLD STAND.) ' 'h ' Wik I) HPL '''V II 1 Agents for the famous WILBURS DOUBLE WEAR COLLARS AND ILL The nicest aud only complete line of CENTS' FURNISHINGS lf! TOWN. BIG LINE OF NEW CLOTHING. Remember we are selling 25 cheaper this year, becauso we sell for CASH. gg"Call and see us.Yff G. K. Massexgill, Manage of Gents' Furnishing Department. McKAY BROS. & SKINNER. Our Drugs are Ne w, FresH and Reliable. OUIt jp g J pU Ji J S Elegant anJ well Selected. OL'Ii SOAPS Cheap and Sweet. OU OUR oun Ging at Manufacturer PHcpb. R STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Gee. you Jmt ought to see them. Brim full and running over with new and up-to-date PHARMACALS. We are well posted on that class of remedies commonly known as "Family Hobbies, Panaceas, Cure-all" Ac, &c. We prepare them in an elegant and palatable manner, just for fun, at a moderate charge. Very truly, McKay Bros. & Skinner.