teME'1 Tli o use of NITRATE SODA on your wheat and oat fields and tobacco beds greatly increas.es the yield, It will pay you to use it. We are overstocked on 'nii Lull and well We have a large and Seed. Mail orders receive prompt attention. We Solicit Your Patronage. HOOD & GRARIlllAM, Druggists- THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, March 22, 189'j. DUNN, N. C. tSTW loral advertisements run in tins f-oliimu will l charged strictly 10 cents wv line. Other local artvertlserhents ( cuts per Ii.ie for each insertion. ... . . LOCAL DOTS. -Cotton is selling to-day at W to Gif . v accinate against t n e spread of small pox. -The public school in this (iisiriCL ciosus mis weeK. 1- . ' A 1 - i 1 " 1 The farmers are hauling a i i l e uano these daj s. Our merchants are begin- iiniL' to receive tneir opring ock of goods. The town aldermen are hav- ii ii mg some neeuea worn: none on tin.' streets. The price of cotton took a -t ti j i r-i . i consuierame tumoie Gaturaay and fell thirty points. Some of our young people enjoyed a few hours in a dance at Hotel Divine Monday night. Some of the trees are be ginning to put forth buds show- niii signs. ot spring. The Jno. A. McKay Man ufacturing Company are prepar ing to burn two large kilns of coal near the tool factory. -The dwelling occupied by Mr. 'I). II. .McLean is being re- painted and a nice wire fence is being put up around the house and garden. Few farmers will be ready to plant corn this year on the !2fth of March a time that many always commence plant ing in this section. Some of our citizens are suffering with the mumps. We learn that there are a few cases of roseola in the community also. "Don't touch my arm" is a popular salutation now The in its vaccine virus is work. getting There was so much water in the river last week that the iishermen could not run their nets to much advantage and few sluul were caught. A considerable quantity of telephone poles is being placed on the railroad yard here for shipment. The sap is rising in the junipers and the poles look very nice after the bark is taken off of them. Fayetteville's board of .health has ordered compulsory vaccination of all the inhabi tants of that city and the alder men have appropriated funds for free vaccination to those not able to pay for it. Several of our business nu n and merchants sent carts ami hands out to Black river this morning to work on" the Liilington road there. This ro:u there has been in very bad condition. The farmers through that section are helping and they hope to improve the road considerably to-day. We try to get all the local happenings of each week into print but some of them escape, the, vigilance of. the argus-eyed driver of the quill, and others that. .he does not jot down at once he forgets to mention, uch Was the case last week. We failed to announce the mar riage of Mrs. Lovie Harrison to Ihv. (L B. Cashwell, on the evening of the 8th, at the .resi dence of Mrs. Erasmus Lee, mother of the bride, in this city, Rev. Mr. Golf officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Cashwell took the train here next day for the home of the groom's mother near Clinton, wishes. They have our best a 81 M are selling them cheap. selected assortment of Flower F 0 R S A L E . One thorough-bred Stallion, Dark Bay, six years old, strain f Denmark, Hambletonian. Now in service. Lane & Gal- braith, Dunn N. C. Mr. E. R. Blue of Samp son county and Miss Alice House of Cumberland, were ma'rried Sunday morning by Elder R. C. Jackson at the res idence of the bride's brother. A bridge across Cape Fear river at Averasboro would be a great convenience to the people and of a great benefit to Dunn With a united effort of all our- people we believe capital could be raised to build a bridge tiiere. We are requested to an nounce that Evangelist B. H. Erwin, of Nebraska, will begin a meeting in this town on April zoth. lie will have a large tent under which the services will be held. Messrs. Gainev & Jordan have recently added a new feat ure to their business, that of manufacturing picture frames. They can fit you up any size and style of frame desired. See their business local. The Dunn Brass Band has under consideration a call from Goldsboro to furnish music for the memorial exercises in that city on the 10th of May. If they accept we are sure they will do credit to the Band and also to our town. We learn that Rev. T. H. Leavitt, who is well known here, has accepted the pastorate of the West End Baptist church of Raleigh and moved there to live. He has been re-instated in the Baptist church and or dained to the ministry. A good many cotton seed are shipped away from this place every winter and spring. It is said that the meal from a bushel of cotton seed is worth as much for fertilizer as the seed before the oil is taken out. We notice that some of our far mers are exchanging seed for meal, but do not know in what proportion the trade is made. If it were not for the oil trust, an oil mill here would be a good investment. . ; IS tOl On April 18th there be a large gathering of bankers and investors of the Northern States at Southern Pines in Moore county. The board of trade of Southern Pines ha is sued circular letters to all the boards of county commissioners and Mayors of towns in this section of the State asking them to send a representative from their county or town to : this meeting and meet these North ern capitalists and present the advantages that their commu nity or section presents for man ufacturing interests and the in vestment of capital. Harnett county has many natural ad vantages and we think that our town and county would do well to send a representative to this meeting. The crossing at the depot is getting to be a dangerous place. Recently there have been several narrow escapes fhere, from being run over by trains. Most of the fast trains and tli rough freights pass here at fates of speed greater than is allowed by our town ordinances. We think that if the trajns are to be allowed to go -at such speed through the town. ' the railroad company should be re quired to put up arms and have them thrown across the street while the trains are passing at this crossing especially, as ;the warehouse obstructs the Tiew on one side, and box cars, gen erally, on the other. Unless some measure is taken some one will be caught there some of these days by a train. People and Their Movement. Mr. E. F. Young returned yesterday, from a visit to Wil son. Miss Julia Duncan, of Clin ton, is visiting her brother Mr. w. 11. Duncan, in this city. .... Miss Addie Byrd, of Little River Academy, spent last week in the city, the p-uest of Mrs J H. Pope.. Mr. M. T. Young returned last week from Newbern and Wilson where he had been, for some weeks. v Mr. A. L. Pearsall, of Fay etteville; spent several days nere last week with his sister, Mrs. R. M. Pearsall. Messrs. W. H. Lane, C M. Grantham and G. K. Massen gill spent Sunday in Smithfield. Hon. D, H. McLean went up to Raleigh yesterday to argue a case before the Supreme Court. Miss Nellie Pearsall, of Clin ton7 is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. M. Pearsall. Mrs. Malloy, of Fayetteville, is visiting Mrs. J. C. Cowell on Broad street. Mr. C. E Pope of The Union force, spent Sunday night in Fayetteville. Miss Ross Smith, of Little 9 River Academy, and Miss Sallie Purdie isited Mrs. J. C. Clif ford lastWeek. Mrs. J. A. Culbreth, of Fal con, is quite sick at the home of her father, H. N. Bizzell, Esq., near town. Messrs. D. Ralph Shaw and W. J. Washburn, of Liilington, spent last night in the city. Rev. F. M. Summerell filled his regular appointment at the Disciple church Sunday morn ing and night. Mrs, S. J. Hooks and chil dren left Saturday for Mat thews, N. C, their former home. Mr. fiooks will remain here for some time yet. Work on Mr. V L Stephens' new residence has been com menced. When completed he will have one of the nicest and most convenient dwellings in town. Read the new advertise ment of the Lee Cash Hardware House in this issue. This firm buys for cash and sells likewise, therefore you can naturally ex pect bargains when you call there for hardware, harness etc. to i iti: a coli i om:ihv Take LnxMtive Brjfno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refiiiid money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Local Oots Gathered at ItuiCw reek. Mr. and Mrs. Pool, of Wake county, spent Sunday here with their daughter, Miss Delia Pool. Prof. J. S. Pearson has been suffering with a sore arm for several days, the effect of vac cination. We have had several good lectures for the past few days by TJ T T Qnllmn on I?Q,7 IVy . A. J ft KJ Ullllllllli UilXVi XVV V C. A. G. Thomas. The Philogian Society has put out the following gentlemen to represent them commecement : Orators, 1st: Mr. W. H. Up church, of Wake county. 2nd orator : Mr. W. R. Royall, of Clinton. 3rd orator: Mr. W.E. Halles, of Pikesville. The de claimers are as follows : 1st, J. B. Tugwell, of Farmville, 2nd, M. G. Upchurch, of Morrisville, 3rd, M. W. Simons, of Wake Forest, 4th, F. L. Henry, of Atkinson. There is a great deal of inter est being shown in the prayer meetings now, there is always a very large crowd present. Several of our young men spent Sunday over the river. There seems to be a great at traction over there for them. Miss Daisy Shaw, of Liiling ton, is with us this week. We are expecting the very best commencement we have ever had in the short history of the school. Miss Minnie Parrish spent Sunday at her home. "St. John." Fire ! Fire ! We represent over twenty Million Dollars to protect you against loss by fire. For Policies call on JAS; A. TAYLOR & BRO., Dunn, N. C. "MURDER WILL LLMOUT" It is a fact and can be proven by those who trade at Dunn that W. H. LANE & CO., have absolutely murdered high prices. Have you seen our $2.00 line of Bachelor Shoes for men? Nice, Stylish and easy wearing. - W. II . LANE & CO. Our stock of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs are new and up-to-date. We have some beauties in Negligees for 50 each. In Pant Goods we have some special bargains. Do not buy your spring pant goods until you. examine our stock and know our prices. In Calicoes, Dress Goods, can't be beaten. We are still selling the best What do you pay elsewhere? Ve have just opened a nice and children, s Hose which we . Mendleson's Lye still going, Customers realize and appreciate ITT 1 we paid our customers more than $7oU.OO in January and February for eggs, chickens, hams and peas. Our offers buy the produce. Seed Oais, black and white. Bran always on hand. Seed Irish Potatoes. Flour in Barrels at When you have produce to our line it will pay you to see us. Thankfully yours, IV. H. LANE & CO. Nice line of ladies' and gen tlemen's Trunks with straps around them at Massengill s. We sell cheap, but don't for get your pocket book for we positively do not sell on credit, even to our best friends. Massengill Dry Goods Co. Don't forget that nice line of Percale Shirts 2 collars and cuffs for 50 cts. at Massengill's. Our prices on Clothing this Spring are stunners. Massengill Dry Goods Co. We are( the only people in town that sell the genuine Dia mond Brand Hat. " Massengill Dry Goods Co. FOR SALE, I have about 25 town lots, desirably located in the town of Dunn, and several tracts of woodland that I will sell on easy terms. Call on or address Mrs. Henry Pope, Dunn, N. C. Special bargains given, in shirts every day in the week. Massengill Dry Goods Co. We guarantee Douglass Shoes. Massengill Dry Goods Co. See us before buying pants. You'll never regret it. Massengill Dry Goods Co. We uiake a specialty of Pre scription work and use only the purest drugs and latest, meth ods of scientific companding. We know the analysis and effect of every dose of medicine that crosses over our counter. McKay Bros. & Skinner. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! The Dunn Cash Racket's Milliner will return from the Northern markets this week, where she has secured all the latest styles in millinery. She also has an elegant line of dress furnishings. Cordially invite the ladies of the surrounding towns and the country at large, to call and see this elegant line. Look out for the notice of this grand opening. The manager of the Dunn Cash Racket has also just returned with a complete line of Dry Goods, Ladies' Dress Goods, White -Goods, etc. Shoes of the latest styles for both ladies and gents. Hats for all classes, ages and sexes. In fact every thing kept in a first-class Rack et Store. Look out for our 'ad' in next issue. . Hypnotism at Town Hall For the week by Prof. F. A. Dorsett. Rev. J. C. Kinzee and Judge N. P. Oglesby, of Hillsville, Va.say : "I was a perfect skeptic on.the subject of Hypnotism until I witnessed Prof. Dorsett's wonderful achievements. As a doctor of Psychology, can recommend him to all good people." LAND FOR Henry Pope. RENT. See Come in and examine our silk stitched and faced Balbrig- gan underwear for men at $1.00 1 per suitD Massengill D. G. Co.j W. H. LANE & CO. W. II. LANE & CO. Checks, Sheetings, our prices W. H. LANE & CO. table Oil Cloth for 12f per yard W. H. LANE & CO. Hue of Ladies', Gent's, Misses are offering from 5 up. ' W. H. LANE & Co about 10 cases per week at 5 what we have done for them W. H. LANE & CO. . . A A A . W. H. LANE & CO. W; H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. sell or want to buy any thing in I take this meth od of announcing to my; friends and customers that I have just returned from the Northern Markets where I purcaased a large, varied and select stock of Millinery Goods for the SPRING TRADE, o o My goods are all new and of the latest designs, and I am better prepar ed this season to suit you than ever before in both qual ity and prices. Thanking one and all for past favors, I beg to remain, Yours truly, MRS. J. H. POPE. Sharp Battle at Manila. The largest battle had in some time with the Fillipinos was fought Sunday by General Wheaton's brigade which chased the insurgents 15 miles inflicting considerable loss to them 200 of them being killed. The American loss was slight two killed and several wounded. Aguinaldo, the insurgent leader, is still pushing his sol diers to defend him and has re cently had some of the native leaders shot for advising him to surrender. The battleship Oregonhas arrived at Manila and Admiral Dewey says that she is fit for any duty. If you want a nice Picture Frame see Gainey & Jordan. They' are prepared to make any style, size and quality. Prices to suit all. Call and examine work and prices. We take suit orders for Ed wart Hart, of New York City. The best and cheapest tailor in the U. S. Massengill D. G. Co. Zinc covered Trunks for $1 at Massengill's. Large strapped Valises $1.25 at Massengill's. Come on now and get you an wool Clay "Worsted Suit for $5.00. Massengill D. G. Co. We are overstocked with Gar den Seeds, which we bought cheap. We are sell;ng them the same way. McKay Bros. & Skinner. The largest and most attrac tive line of neckwear you have ever seen will arrive April 1st. Massengill Dry Goods Co. Boys, listen. We have col lars four inches high. Massengill Dry Goods Co. For fo- On Saturday, we wil sell for 110.00 a Stove this We do this to get a move on business after the snow. We have sold over 400 O. K. Stoves and never have sold one that did not give perfect eatiofac We are selling Furniture cheaper than ever before. Hard ware at a cut price. See us when in need for we lead the Hard ware business. Prices Your9 for Business, Dunn Hardware & Furniture Go HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L.CROMARTIE, Salesman. Furnishing Store (M. L. DAVIS' i-: W - The nicest and only complete line Ml GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN TOWN. gJCj LINE Remember we are selling 25 we sell for CASH. jCCall and G. K. Massengill, Manage-of Our Drugs are New, o- OUR PERFUMES, SOAPS, OUR our eTfTinnicpv OUR TOILET ARTICLES, OUR PRESCRIPTION DE P ARTr.l E KIT . Brim full and running over with new and up-to-date PHARMACALS. We are well posted on that class of remedies commonly known as "Family Hobbies, Panaceas, Cure-all" Ac, Ac. We prepare them in an elegant and palatable manner, just for fun, at a moderate charge. Very truly, McKay Bros. Sc Skinner. T March 11th, that cost $12.65. Only one at price. RiQht OLD STAND.) Agents for the famou9 WILBUR'S DOUBLE WEAR COLLARS AND V. L of OF NEW CLOTHING, cheaper this year, becauso see us..,f3 Gents1 Furnishing Department. EL Fresh and Reliable. Klejjnt anJ well Selectei. O wMl.'ClMap and Swoe t. Going at Manufacturer Prices. Gee yon Jut ought to see them. s S tQrtr Ms' DOUGLASS I