V HARNETT, ntitfntitit "t 4 JOHNSTON- ' SAilPSON tJwl -A . M , M . viiiv 4J3 WA V Li W. -Li U LT circulation Place your "ad" with ' ' ' """ . ' . V.' V '" ,J ; ' ' " - in ench county j. -LT-LziiJ 'Prove all things; hold fast that vhich is good." - : PUIMIM; IM. C. APRIL A3, 1899. : - : No. 15 Vol. c5- - - ' -" - ' , mi Bit Two In the Spring young man s fancv lightly turns to tliougnis 4 of love, but a young fancy seriously t u woman s r n s to thoughts of SPB TTVfO. DRESSES, for the yfeung v. oil that the woman knows young man's thoughts of love will turn quick er towards her if .she is diked out in a dainty UP-TO-DATE NEW DRESS. We have the stuffs that are as thin as rainbow vapor and as delicate as the changing color of a soap bubble. ' We also have a beautiful line of Duck Serges, Percales, Welts, Sattens and Cashmeres in. all the Spring Shades. It would be a pity, if you were to miss seeing our Jine -01 and readT- Shirtwaist goods made shirts. vTo coll Wnrnnr's Corsets and a nice line of Gauze Vests, ir: Hf.,ni;r, TTiiviKnvrTa jiusierv. lvxuoiiijo, imuium, Laces, Belts7Umbrellas &c. You oughTto see the latest itf Ladies' Slippers they are out of sight. Now just a word - to the Lady house-keepers whose thoughts are turning to nouse cieauiui;. Wo have not forgotten We have just received a plete line of Mattings, Floor Oil Cloth, Curtain Screen Curtains &c. you. com- Rugs, Poles, Linen Window Shades at 25 cents. Everybody knows that we are headquarters for "Coats' Spool Cotton, . Ball Thread, Knitting Cotton, Turkey "Red, Embroidery Cotton and wash Silk-in all shades. We have added to complete line of .v our stock a GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, all kinds of Snuff, and the cheapest line of Tobacco in the" city. We make a specialty of country Lard, and water-ground Meal. We can sell you two large cakes of soap for 5, and four Boxes of Lye for 19. You. want tneee jzoods. We want you have them PRICES : Well, you know, or this you time ourht to know by that there is never a question oi nnces between us and our customers. We sell so much cheaper than any other house that it gets positively tiresome to talk about it. Come to see us and we'll -you good. Very truly, P. T. MASSENGILL, Manager. Mil IN". C. In the other store we carry the most complete line of Rents' Famishing Goods, Trunks and Valises ever shown in the town, all the goods are bran new and most UP-TO-DATE lines you ever saw. And '- our prices will so surprise you that it will be impossible for you to resist them, even if you wanted to. Wfl would like to call your ennmni t tn tinn to our line of Summer Clothing which is the most complete line ever shown in Dunn of course, and what interests you most the prices are cut down to 1-o irovu pnre " Wfi advise vou to look at our stock before buy ing. we advise you also to in spect our line of SHIRTS for it is so great, as regards variety, I value and qua. I nriceS are SO lOW that It uur will u -. - only take a glance to see what opportunities we are offering. Nice - Percale Shirts for 33i cents. How does that- strike you? ; ' (gollars and guffs. Stores lil S' ' 1 J.'t 5 An entirely new line of Col lars and Cuffs, we place before our friends. The styles include the very latest produced. A more up-to-date line will be hard to find. Prices of course have received their usual 4riz up" so that they are hardly noticeable. THE LJlBOEFi IS WORTHY : of the very best goods obtain able for his money. That is the reason we are selling our linp: of Overalls and' Pants at such reduced prices, ter grades of overalls Our bet - are made it is pos- as well and strong as sible to make them and no can offer any more. Our line of Men's Fine Shoes are absolutely the best in world. No one can contradict this statement and tell the truth. The Shoes of which we to speak is the W. L. Douglass, sold by no other firm in town. Turlington w h Jr T Last but not least is our line of Spring and Summer . Neck wear. Boys, you ought to see it, for we tell you it is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. With best wishes, we are, Yours truly, G. K. MASSENGILL, Manager Gent's Furnishing Deijartment. do TAX SALE On Monday, May 1st," 1899, I will sell - at public outcry at the Court House Door in the town of Lillington, N. C, the following land'to satisfy - State and County Taxes. - J. II. POPE, Sheriff. Q ROVE TOWNSHIP 1898. - Acres. Loc&. Am't Dae. Barefoot J V 23 s c ByrdWmEst 38 Juniper ;3.48 1.00 Canadav A M 21 .33 Canaday L M 34 .96 2.92 Cobb A M 25 5 c 1 Denning Mrs. Julia E " ' Denning M W Dixon AM4 Dorman JT .20 sr 180 cL 16 Juniper 19 .36 4.11 . .20 .41 3.36 Dupree W H N 81 c.l Fowler S A 15 Juniper .41 Fry Mrs. M E Hodges W J Holland D A Love W R Moore J C ' Nordan D A Norris Joe Par tin G W Pa'te W B 4 c) .12 80 Juniper 7.28 2 ol 104 b r 6 b r 2 c 1 - 28 br 29 Juniper 25 t c 2.46 3.32 2.52 2.81 .44 3.22 .60 Green Mrs. M S 277 b r 2.22 3.42 Pollard F C Pool-W H Sawyer J no. Smith J B Stewart Ch as Stewart J A Stewart C D Stewart C R Stewait A E 47 br 38 pb 45 Juniper 4.40 3.56 2.81 1.82 1.88 5.99 3.20 3.70 Stewart Hanah 83 25 sr: 190 b r 38 s r 118 cl 38 McNR 39. s c br : - 1.04 .44 Stewart J F P tt Stewart N II 120 Turlington W D 67 br b r t c 6.76 1.04 Wiggins W F 77 Juniper 2.03 Young Jas. R 50 b r 3.40 YEAR 1997. Green Mrs M S 277 b r Barefoot J V 13 s c Barnes Bud 47 5 r Carroll W H 2 cl Denning Mrs J E 20 s r 2.22 5.78 . 2.43 Holiday Lenord 2 Juniper 2.49 Ivev Young . 81 b r .80 Johnson W A 32 b r & s m r 2.66 Kenedy S P 94 McN R 4.13 Love W R 104 br 5 Matthews Jas. . 67 br 1.60 Moore J C Partin E A Pate W B Pollard F C Pool W H " 6 b r 29 Juniper 1.74 Brantly J D 100 c f r 25 t 47 38 261 b P r b r 4.33 Stewart N H b 11.06 - Stewart Israel 15 b r r 2.55 Stewart J F P 44 s .69! 1.04 Stewart Hanah 86" " ' Mrs Lonie 50 Stewart J D. 17 Stewart J A. 99 Stewart C D 118" Stewart J M 365 b r r b br s r cl 4.03 6.40 15.43 t c YEAR 1896. 25 b Bvrd D F Canaday B C 12 juniper 2.21 Canaday Sarah 34 " Dixon Nancy E 206 c 1 Fowler J U 37 juniper 4.36 2.14 Jones W W 260 McN a&tc6.89 Johnson B H Jobuson W T Johnson W A Matthews D L Pool WH Shaw Jacob " Stewart C D Stewart Cye Stewart J A Stewart N H 110 b r 110 b r 32 b r s 5.15 mr 67 br , 38 p b 55 juniper 118 c c 99 s r ; 55 b r 1.33 3.57 1.22 4.95 1.73 1.27 10.93 260 b r Stewart Troy Stewart Wesley Spears O J 100 b r 54 b r - 54 juniper Turlington, W H Jr 33 t c Turnage J C 20 t c pb williams Jas. w 40 williams Mrs E J 20 j uniper woodall M E 26 b r YEA R 1835. Barnes J L 149 br Canaday BC 12 juniper one Evans Joe ou d r 42 McN r t t c 25 tc". 38 p b j 54 juniper 45 juniper 188 b r James w h Pate w b the Fool W H Spears O J Spence Joe Stewart J A Snipes A C 73 t c 31 1 c tc br sr -br Turnage C J 19 weaver J r weaver Kate Young J R 75 20 50 LILLINGTON TOWNSHIP 1838. Acres. Location Atkins J H 130 cfr Baley H C 36 m c Brown Lewis 9 n 1 Cole Mrs C H 300 s r P.llintt. Wash 2 m C Greason Rachel 98 m c TTivott Z T 100 s r McKay Mrs M M 2150 c f r Miss F R 200 c f r 38.24 4.41 7.80 1.82 : 2.98 6.25 13.62 .73 "1.40 MCKethan A A220 ulr McLean Little Sandy 50 w b w L 90 in c A D - 70 c f r D II 623 cfr McLean Cath " erine heirs - 62 u 1 r McLean Hector44 p w McNeill Bros 2 Lillington 2.21 i Sarah Robt C 33 w p cfr v w a. 31 2.94 .44 12.39 5.15 5.51 2.94 10.74 33.39 .73 100 10 Nancy Mrs M V 40U c f r Dr w m 187 c f r Northam J B 225 s r Pemberton E L100 u 1 r Slocura A H 363-c f r Spears O J 413 c f r. Turner C EestlOO b 1- YEAR 1897. Atkins Bettie 50 i b .37 5.52 Cole Mrs CH 300 s r Elliot wash 2 m c Kivett Z T 100 s r McKay Miss 9 F R 200 cfr McKethan " A A 220 ulr ; McLean Sandy 50 w b . it J H 28 n 1 D II 623 cfr ' Mrs Catli- . 1 1 erin heirs 62 ulr McNeill R C 100 c f r Pemberton E L 100 ulr 2.95 10.74 31.96 .74 SlocumbAH 365 c f r Spears O J 413 c f r Turner C E 100 b 1 YEAR 1896- ' 4 BrantW Jno 181 c f r Cole mVs C H300 s r 5.51 4.60 7,02 Kivett Z T 100 s r . McArtan C mc 2449 u 1 r -.33.52 4.39 4.45 4.33 1.84 McLean w L 90 p w McNeill RC 100 c f r Dr w m 187 cfr Bros InearL .84 McLean Mrs DH 623 c f r ; .36 Pearsall Jas 117 c f r. Pemberton E L 100 u 1 r Pipkin Jno w 80 c f r E J Est 53 Res. Miss Bet tie 207 Res. 72 404 22.38 Spear O J 347 c f r .91 Turner C E lOOulr .51 , 8.17 13.01 - 4.09 6.54 1.06 6.49 6.50 .60 MCKethan .40 A A 220 u 1 r . - Year 1895. Brantley J D 100 cfr: Brantley Jno 1811 u 1 r Elliott wash 2p w Kivett Z T 100 s r MCKethan A A220 ulr McLean w L 90 res. McNeill RC100 s r Pemberton .80 .48 2.69 .58 2.45 4.88 17:49 .61 , 208 . EL 100 u 1 r Shaw B F 219 p w Spears O J 347 c f r .97 Turner Mrs - CE 100 b 1 .79 Grady EvanderlO res. HECTORS CREEK TOWNSHIP 1898 Acres Loca. Adams Joseph 36 Baker Tilden est he 31 h c .73 .21 Cook w S Ass 56 r r Gardner B F 28 n c Hilliard RP 50 n c Norden D E 87 n c Smith TE; 55 h c williams Brbsl75 n c workman SY244 h e wrayTH 33 h o 2.53 4.32 YEAR 1897 Bridges warren50 h e Smith TE 55 h c 1.17 2.94 3.05 BUCKHORN TOWNSHIP. Acres Loca. .97 .44 Baker ' J R $ n c .65 Baker J J 50 p c ttlalnnk & Gunter 14 p b Brown A S 21 r land c c c 5.43 2.21 Burns NG Est 40 p Gardner B F est 58 p .65 .74 Maggie 48 p Harrington 1.24 3.43 agt. J T lbO p c Howard & 1.17 Hunter 60 p c 3.01 Smith E I 105 m b 3.69 YEAR 187. 2.00 2.83 Blalock & Gunter 14 p b 2.64 1.15! Rurt Tna W 46 1 b .41 JiElLL'S CKEEK TOWNSHIP 1698. Acres. Loca. Amt. 2.87 Barber E B & CB 575 c f rt n c$15.55 Ami. BowlinRicd. 10 wc 4.98 2.45 3.06 Bowlin N B 20 w c Branch II,E 100 n c flmwdfir R B G6 he 5.52 Cutts-J A ; 60 V 1 b 2M6 Denning J R 10 mp W V 27 wc 2.21 Sk04 Johnson M J 20 d c I Johnson W R 54 d c Johnson A S 40 n c be cfr he lb n c be d c m p be be c f r cfr be c t r c f r .80 5.25 2.48 4.13 i.66 1.93 .88 9.53 2.45 1.75 3.05 3.19 2.76 2.88 17.38 '2.90 3.36 2.77 2.00 5.40 Long J D 100 Massie Sam-; 18 Massie LM 41 Matthews Mrs. E J 112 Matthews Laz Est ' 85' McLean Sandy 23 Hector 118 Handy' 3 McLean J T 44 McLean D H 23 McLean H 18 McLean Geo 18 McLean Alex 23 McNeUi WM360 Ragland M G 17 ReardonWMIS Spence W R 102 h w b h h Spears O J 125 Stewart W A 46 Stewart A W 37 1.09 15.48 15.33 .32 3.69 1.80 1.93 3.21 .91 Turner O E Est 430, cf r fi3 TEAR 1897. 8.15 Vestal Calvin 408 cfr. Wilder John" 210 be 4.41 Crowder R B 66 he Green TE 169 b c 7.80 Holt G J 85" ; n c .99 Johnson M J 20- dc 4.30 Johnson w R 54 :t d c 13.62 Johnson Julius 90 d c 1.52 : 4.42 .28 .2.00 .72 2.23 15.34 2.88 Long J D 100 b c 73 Reardon wm. 18 h c 2.94 fi Dears O J -125- n c Stewart Geo 25 he Stewart C R 38 he Turner Mrs 0 E 430 c f r YEAR 19. Britt LL 2a Flowers J w 10 7, m p li c 4 Fuller w L 90 Johnson J B 165 Lonff J D 100 d n d c c c Matthews Las Est 85v McNeill w m 190 Matthews Eflfie 85 Reardon wm. 18 Stewart C R 38 Stewart A w 37 Spears .O J 125 Turner C E 430 wilder John 20 n cf n h h h n cf d r c c c c c r c 6.35 2.45 2.45 - 5.32 4.33' YEAR 1895. Brown Mrs m 96 dc Crowder Mrs A B 154 Godwin Noah 50 Johnson J B 165 McKay J Frank 38 McLean JT. 26 McLean Alex 23 h n n h cf n h h c c c c r c c c Stewart O R 38 Stewart JD 25 Stewart C JR, 6i Stewart A w 36f Spears O J -125 Vestal Calvin 408 Johnson H L 120 Johnson Mrs E 20 he he n c cfr n c he BLACK lllVER TOWNSHIP 1898. Acres Loca. Adams J A 60 kc Barnes A L - 1 m p , Betts A M Est - 34 tor Bowden Mosses Est38 d r Bowdeu w H 54 n c tbr Childress Tw 96 c ,v Cutts Elizabeth 20 br Deal i E 47 b r j, V.niiis M V 35 ' 'DC Flowers J E , 80 " t r . Gregory Jerry 7 he, 'inyJ fU be . HockadywF 13 c " Bennett 79 be Honeycntt J P 174 b r Johnston Olive - 30 b r aiatthewa F Delia 3r . lb A lot $4.34 .60 .90 .53 .29 "Or ltw -or. McLeod Neill E0 he J Frank 85 he Me&serMosan 82 . be Fate H w 83 - m p Pate wB 80 mp Stephenson J Q 54 b r Stewart Mary : I5 kc Ktoke wm Kst 33 s b Smith OA 65 br Thurston Dock J 68 kc 1.76 1.09 4.20 3,78 .54 1.03 1.09 YEAIV 1SS7 Barber B B 92.... Bradley Lncy J 16 acres Carroll Htiiw acres..-. Catts Elizabeth 20 acres K lowers J E 80 acres 'iresrory KA W acres . , i Ony J w 30 acres. Amt 2.53 .44 .24 31 .64 Hockady Bennett 79 acres Johnson M .fe 100 acres Love w K 99 acres Matthews A V 58 acres CL.eou J r crco..... Matthews J T A Julias 214 acres- Norden Norman I3a acres. Pate w B Hi acres - Pate D R 41 acres Search wm 81 acres... A. Stephens D P 52 acres - 1.11 .60 Stepnenson wm rz acres. h'tepnenson i i . YEAR 1896. Johnson M J 53 acres - 4.00 1.36 1.58 Matthews wm ust iw acres. wrem W r lw acres. Johnson B for heirs 13 acres. McLeoa wun acres-. McNeill Meill Est 100 acres. j williams Mily 120 acres. YEAR 1895. Holland Lm 75 acres. Bradly Lncy 90 acres- McLoad 1 w jj : 1 J4H acres. McNeill Neill 100 acres Moore 8 C 37 H acres .24 .60 Williams Millie 120 acres. UPPER LrrTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP , Duel , Acres. Aldridge F A 165 Brown J L A 51 JH ..12$ Byrd Miss F J 28 Butler M J Sr 64 Byrd J W 134 BrrdJA ' 100 Campbell E 8 129 Chspin L B 554 Clarke Neill est 120 MP 21 Loca. cfr pdr M 0 & ulr rb jb f o -bb efr o e do fe .41 2.to 3.96 3.71 .2o 3.68 d,ux Collins D 0 200 ab Cook W 8 Asa. 332 Salmon L Cummings Thos 286 00 DmwJR V ;m e. Dis UN' 760 n road Uonglasa Silas J 200 o e ; John " 70 o 0. EonisAUin 60 ! Faaeett& McLean 4 - tor Faucett II 87 homo place Mrs 8 A 65 sb " H T 27 Summer. Gilchrist OA 177 of r W K 113 00 Oresson Rachel 2 SummerT. Grady JR admr. 120 M Harrington Emory 135 r & b Hafrley Wm M 102 j c & ) b Holder M J 61 r b Hunt L B 53 big br Hunt li W 07 do -McLean Fred G 10 00 SJ&OD233 w c&co N A Sr 102 oo&rb MoLeod Jno S 28 ulr y FMP 238 vu 1 r 'v Mrs Eliza 20 lr VlcNair Mrs J A Estate 40 ulr 1 1 lr ' b b b b m r bb ulr bb b b do "CO do wo&so McNeill Flora est 24 McNeill C B 346 JAG " 25 MfcNeiiJ J T 25 J A ' V 7 BW 23 MoRae Phillip 216 Messer D A . 43 Morrison J D 265 Kn'ghtAlex 42 Lett OR 22 MoAully 8 C 592 A J 176 McDonald Mrs ME - 17 jb McDonald W J 150 m l Maria 20 rb McDougald Wm 253 j o - Aneus 25 b b 5 35 2.16 6.35 3.53 1.61 8.52 1.92 2.20 2.56 2.81 1.67 12.90 Mclver J Alton 275 McK land McKay MrM M 820 Sum. McLean J E 73 ulr&bb D H LW MA 68 84 ; 547 36 26 rb bb f b 0 w r p d r wo wo wo f 0 p 8 n r " bb do bb " Fred Morrison B T Miss Kate J 40 Martin 74 Neill Alex 50 Nordan Jas Sr 140 O'Quinn P B 7 Page JT 50 Parker Jno 80 Patterson J W 25 : .22 2.11 Patterson A J A 100 Prince Geo E Parker W J Salmon N J Scoggins C J Spears O J Starr J B 80' 41 284 f o & 00 1 r 2.29 .84 250 136 j o&ml 100 f c . 50 0 0 6.35 3.35 2.83 .55 2.56 2.52 2.71 2.73 1.67 5.72 8.03 .67 Stephens D B Thomas W A Thomas W E Thomas M A Turner T J 50 cfr 73 00 -101 fo 172 tor 300 w 0 Wicker J, A ; Williams Miss C Womack IT AC&IT 390 u l r 95 do 192 s p 125 ofr &oc W H TW 50 63 46 77. '3 b Pd Wood J W " - Mrs Mary Yarboro Eli Amt. $158 TEAR 1897. 2.83 .64 .51 4.5 Bishop Martb 43 b b Black WK 40 jb Brown J L A 5i pdr Cameron J A est 1000 ofr Chanin LB 547 o f r .4 .66 3.77 ,74 fi.47 3.13 .48 Davis M N 76 Douglass John 71 Panett & McLean 4 n r oc tor . S.73 3.71 8.13 . .95 814 S.26 ; 1.06 .52 , 138 S.8& Faucett D A Faucett H T WH Gilcbrist C y 7U a o 3 Summerr. 65 home place 177 cfr 120 Summerr. S.S6 3.14 Grady J R adm Hair Miss Mary 25 Hunt LB 23 HuutF J admr 210 Lett G 11 22 Loftin Mary 10 MeDougald Acpus25 McCoroiick'H D 11 McDoognld Mriab 20 Ui J A 350 bb bb bo- CO 3 r bb 1 r rb ulr .74 3.82 1.64 1.00 .61 50 .S3 1.01 1 3H4 9 1.60 a l9 ja 3.47 1.05 1-i .61 tt .12 3il McKay MiM M 570 Summerr McLean 1)0 380 juuiper McLeaL Fred 30 pdr Or 10 e MeLen L W 84- bb Mr & J&O D 74 w 0 Maleom J Hector 8 McL. land 37 ulr 23 b b 63 lb 24Tbosl 60 1 r 25 b b 126 te cNeill BdW Chts est Flora est J B JAG 1.33 S.00 .71 IM IM McRae Phillip Morrison Amanda J 2Uo w o Rf nrrlaon JD 256 W 0 li)l L 4.71 ija L33 Morrison J L McLean Jim Prince Geo E Ray Geo W Bay Neill est Stephens BP 8 Dears O J 15 no 80 fo 10 b b 107 ulr .50 o e 110 w&jo 31 n lr 125 cfr 56 pdr 1898. Amt 2 68 1.34 11.22 .54 2.46 1.00 9.73 5 37 18 01 Wade ME Womwk W H Wood Mary TEAR 18M Bethea A A Black H A Brown J II Byrd J A Bd J W C56 24 87 100 19 .547 efr Gaily w e f o ol 1.76 17cbapinLB .91 UoocIassKatdanu.il . 00 3 02 2.47 6.85 3 98 .56 1.74 3 74 10 79 6.06 -.94 471 4.40 4 99 2.09 Faucett H T 5 SumnerT. FaucettD A 74 do Hawley J A 67 UN land Lett G R 22 o e McDougald Angus 25 bb Wd 1 old hundred McLean Jim 15 McLean Fred 36 or p d r ' 0 0 bo J R laad Fred Or 10 "t n - 10 DO 387 -NeillA 123 SJ&ODE3 o 0 ( ? D D land nlr bb bb lb McNeill flll. 43 1 05 2 22 McRae Phillip 131 Morrison L E 1C0 443 1.58 2.92 1.46 .24 .94 231 .83 6.92 .33 . .78 .31 Morrison 50 O'Quinn 42 Parker John 80 Porter JL 13 fo bb SommerT. Rat DaTid Jr 5 Salmon Mrs 8 A 40 Spears O J 110 tr&jo 114 do 40 pdr 120 SummerT. Thomas J 11 li Wood Mary Grady J R admr McDonald W J Morrison J D ' 160 265 80 107 10 100 30 44 no w 0 fo b b f 0 f o w 0 Prince Geo E 3.46 2 62 2 60 Ray Ncill citato RuGW V Starr J B 1.04 2.68 TFood Mrs R B O'Quinn 1.66 TEAR 1833. v .86 2 09 3 69 HuntG W 67 1 . do Ray Neill Sr est 107 u 1 r Douglass Nathan 370 00 3 65 DouzlsBS John 70 00 10 91 Faucett HT 3 Summerr. do do 2 52 Faucett D A 87 MoAnler IFm 70 .36 MoDoucald Wm 4 26 1 old hundred 1.26 1 00 McLean Fred 34 pdr McL land jo Jo wo w c w&jo ulr nlr 31 McLean Jim . 15 2 6u McLean M J 9 .48 6 60 20 89 McPhail J A 80 McPhail D A est 43 Morrison JD 265 .77 Morrison BT 26 .94 Spears O J 110 3.84 6 89 Wade A B 8 Wade ME 53 - 3 62 1.61 STEWART'S CREEK TOwN8HIP 1898. .40 3.19 Acres. - Loc. rei. 2.91 Byrd CM 82 2 81 liyrd Aquilli J 1UU res res .31 Covineton Parker 50 3 67 Dixon Bandy 67 res 3 91 Elliott Danl 10 pb 100 . ir ' 8 pb 68 Harris land - .77 Hobbs L II 4.34 .94 McBrjde.Wm McBnds Ben MoBryde & Co .41 5-6 mill prop. 161 residence 128 residence 20 8 te wart's e 40 residence 47 b d 600 Vn l r 2 25 McKay a jn McLean Kent Jim G , Alex Jr Mclver Jno S 3.00 1.75 1.55 $5 00 3 34 Murchison K .83 4 58 3 35 Parker Mrs Mag 192 residence Turner Peggy 10 Stewart's o FFilliams8G 50 bn Wilson 0 L - -: ' 45 McL land Wilson A R 70 Bonnlerel. Fowler mm W H fooa Ux Uyid L T " " YEAR IS97. 221 6.96 1 98 3 33 2 39 3 52 2 79 .91 1.11 Bvrd 0 m 82 res. 4 13 res 1.63 tea 4.10 res- .85 pb .83 n land 1 98 ww .84 b d 8.66 res 413 o 1.79 ) a lr 6.72 p w, 3.71 bp .85 ulr 15.12 Covington Parker 50 Darroch D 184 Dixon 8andy - 67 Elliott Danl 16 McBryde Ben 68 Wm 8 & Co 164 .48 3.50 1 47 5 75 10.16 McKay 8uphen 160 2.55 .83 19.96 4.04 4.07 McLean Richard heirs Hector B J " W 8 Murchison K 50 34( est 01 50 600 1.93 4.12 1.05 .20 1.81 3 91 3 55 .15 WiUon A U Wilson C L 70 Butmlerel 10.64 45 mcL land 1.80 YEAR 1800. CnpoVclisan 80 Nat ElliaU Byrd Cm. 82 retiieccs Byrd J E 72 residesce .34 Byrd AqoilU Jr 100 rcnaence .25 Cofington Parker 50 p w .34 2.21 8.38 n.inirtnn E U 100 U I f Dollar J T - 30 rcsidenoa Elliott Dant. 16 w 1 ueBryde & Co 164 b'?er dara McBryde nagie 68 Usrris Uod ncLean Jim O 20 residence McLean Alex Jr 40 residenee iceNill DB 10 Stewart's t p.rVprllll 45 nlr 2 02 3 26 24 3 48 AG .17 .51 2 59 1 21 .81 4 03 2 68 3 74 Thornton Mrs B 218 Fowler land 6.60 Wilson A U 70 uonoie?ei Uobbs L 11 100 Atkins road -5 80 YEAR lSfff. PVerUU. 45 air Covington Parker 60 res doviDgtonE D 100 ulr ueLean I W 50 tonestsad 2 66 209 2 68 .94 .07 1 70 4.64 1.75 2.48 56 .82 (Continned on Supplement.) I have this day levied on the follow ing Real Etate lor Taxe due thereon tothe Town of Dunn, N C, which I will sell at public anctloti at the Town Hall Door on .Monday ilay the Itr, 1833 at 12 o'clock V. Term ca.sh. II. A. Iloile, 12 acres land, tax t3.l0. Enoch Go"wlnt Town lxU, tax t12.C3. 9.79 2.35 8.23 5.00 2 31 II. I TADE, Tux collector. Dunn. N. C. n. -Tboc due on personal pi op erty will appear later, If not y4i J3.83 1.77 .74 1.93 .94 2 01 .32 2.16 2.53 2 CO .23 2 23 3.00 .83 1 92 .40 3.15 1 43 .42 161 2 75 2 22 286 3.81 1.48 7 82 .61 1.70 1.67 3.48. 1.50 2.84 .12 2 32 1.04 .68 2.82 2 84 2 48 1.05 3.4S 6.09 1.08 1.83 1.56 2.15 .CO .29 1 74 2 43 1 46 3 27 2 86. Amt, 07 21 5 89 1.66 .63 67 1,80 .49 1 93 8 66 5 13 , .46 .85 8 24 3;10 16 19 7.20 .12 2.93 1.80 10 64 9 90 1.75 5.00 3 42 4 40 o o- 1,38 -1.80 3 78 ,57 6.23 1 C5 .37 2 64 .10 At 107 1.80 3.60 5 80.

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