ui 1 People and Their Movement. "MURDER WILL LEAK OUT. " We have only a few of these books but will sell what we have at the extreme low price as follows : firi.nAKI) SE'I-S-CLOTII BOV3!l. Jhieatily's History of England, 5 Volumes ; Geo. Elliot's! Works C Volumes Green's English People 5 Volumes I pit-ken's Work 15 Volumes j'Hnce of the House of D.vvid 1 r Piig rim's Progress 2 Volumes r;is'inlise Lot, I'smulUe Regained, 2 Volumes Large ilome Table-Bible 10xl21xl Large, Type. W-fhster's UuabrMged Dictionary, 1,520 Pages, a :inl i( vied Eilit'on, Strongly bound in Cloth a good Dicsionery at a low price We :arrv a full line of School Books and Supplies resrularlly ri'reive prompt attention. Druggists iew $1.00. 1.25. 1.00. 3.75. .05. .65 1.25. 1.25. Mail orders THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, April Vz, 18. DUNN, N. C. 3TAU lo'-al advertisements run in this column will be charged strictly 10 cents i, i line. Other local advertisements r, cents per li.u; for each insertion. LOCAL DOTS. Cotton is selling to-day at Town politics are growing in interest now. The "Kotilyun Club" gave another dance at the Jackson House last evenings --You see very few buds on the trees in the woods. This can be put down as a late, cold Spring. ' Rev. R. W. Hines, of Smithfield, preached at the Presbyterian church here Sun day morning. Rev. W. A. Forbes, the pastor, occupied the pulpit at the "Methodist church Sunday night. Town convention next Mon day night. Go out and help nominate the man of your choice for the different offices. Some rare bargains are ... i t r .1 .... ? i- oiierea ny noou cv. vjichiuuuh m good b)oks at a low figure. Notifee the list at the head of this column. There has been heavy frosts each morning this week, until this morning. If the fruit is not killed it will not be because the weather has not been cold. A band of Gypsies, is camp ing about a mile south of town. They have quite a number of horses and mules which they are 11 ilUlll. The smallpox scarce has died out and vaccination lias ceased with most of our people. Some of them, however, still have "pet" arms. Dr. Brown, the optician, will leave this week for Smith field. He has fitted glasses for quite a number of our people who are well pleased with his work. The' Fayetteville Presbytery meets here next Tuesday and will remain in session all the weeje. inline a luumrci ui imy- Mr. Zaccheus Marks, the photographer, was called to Ben son yesterday to take a photo graph of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cavenaugh which died yesterday morning. The heavy rain of last Fri day made freshets in the creeks and rivers. The Cape Fear has been so full that it has been un safe to cross with the Hats since. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company are buying a large number of tele phone poles here. . Several car loads of them are shipped from here each ; week. The parties who are getting them cut the junipers from the swamps near here. Tlie prices paid, we learn, are very satisfactory. Little corn has been planted as yet by our farmers and no cotton. We have known far mers to plant cotton seed before this time of the year and get good stands. Few farmers have been able to prepare their lands as yet. A late start does not always mean a poor crop. There is plenty time yet. Carpenters have com menced work on the rebuilding of the South Dunn Furniture Factory. The factory will be replaced with a larger and more commodious building and with the latest and best improved machinery. The work will now be pushed to completion. Mis Lizzie McKay, of Dickinson, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. A. L. Pear sail, of Fayetteville, came up this morning. 3Ir, D. K. Shaw, f Lillington, spent last night in the city. Rev. A. M. JlaFSell, of Godwin, spent Monday and Tuesday here. ,fUC Master Bubee Pope made a trip to Smith field to-day. Mr. D. T. Oates, of Fayetteville, came up Saturday and spent Sunday with bis father and mother at llotel Divine. Mrs. W. H. Duncan and little son left yesterday to visit relatives in ' Smiib Held 3Iiss Ad lie Bjrd, of Little Rivei Aeadetri', U .-visiting in tluj city the guest of Mi h. J, II. Pope. Miss Annie Scarborough, of Wilson county, is here visiting her uncle, Mr-'J. W. Lane. Mr. J. A. Galbrailh, of Mossy Creek. Teun., has been here this week buyii.g cattle. Dr. S. P. J from Baltimore where he graduated in dentisti y. He will remain here with Dr. .J. (J. Goodwin for some time. Mr. S. S. Pittman left to-uay for Bal timore where he ha? accepted a position with a portrait company as canvassing agent. Mr. C.L.Wilson, who has been af Dillon, S. C, for some time came home this morning. De will take an agencj- it Selma in the future. It is a fact and can be Droven bv those who trade at Dunn that W. H. LANE & CO., have absolutely murdered high prices. Have you seen our $2.00 line of Bachelor Shoes for men? Nice, Stylish and easy wearing. . W. H. LANE & CO. -. Our stock of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs are new . and up-to-date. We have seme beauties in Negligees for 50, each. . W. II. LANE & CO. Tn Pant. Goods we have some sDecial bargains. Do not buy your spring pant goods until you examine our stock and know our prices. W. H. LANE & CU. In Calicoes, Dress Goods, Checks, Sheetings our prices T PIE: wmm Mmm mmm. mm i?iae wMmm. -o can't be beaten. W. H. LANE & CO. We are still selling the best table Oil Cloth for 12? per yard. What do you pay elsewhere? W. H. LANE & CO. We have just opened a nice line of Ladies', Gent's, Misses' and children, s Hose which we are offering from 5, up. ' W. H. LANE & Co. Mendleson's Lve still soing, about 10 cases per week at. 6. Lee returned Saturday ' Customers realize and appreciate what we have done for them. Y. li. ljiHN rj a, kjvj. Burned Her Dress. The sale of land for taxes will be found in this issue, and along list it is. It is a dis grace to our county. The Sheriff is doing only his duty. People in Harnett are not poor er than in other counties, but it seems that they are just negli gent and have been putting it off. This is one reason why the county funds are always behind. Taxes must be paid and our people should be taught that they must pay them promptly. ,. True the Sheriff is somewhat to blame for this state of affairs. He has been too lenient. No doubt that many whose names appear in this list will bo offended, though they have no cause. No one is so ignorant that he did not know that his taxes were long nassed due. Blame yourself, don't blame Sheriff Pope. He has waited with some of you j 5 for four years and now you pay 1 Mayor Phillips opened court Monday and Tuesday mornings at nine o'clock'. . Two colored boys were tried Monday for fighting on Sunday. The ag gressor was put on the streets, but he would not work and talk ed very ' 'sassy" to Policeman Wade, who took him to the lock up and put him on bread and water. Yesterday morning he was in a more humble mood and worked very well. At yesterday mornings session he had three colored ladies from the 'bowery' before him. They were Eliza Spearman, Susie and Georgiana Parker. On Saturday Georgiana went to Eliza's house and she and Eliza got into a fight. Georgiana' s bonnet was thrown into the fire and burned. After the row Eliza went up to the Mayor to get a warrant and Vhileshe was gone Georgiana went into Eliza's house and took her-Sunday dress and threw it into the fire and burned it. Susie was acquitted as she was only a spectator in the fight and only took a spider lid away from Eliza. Georgiana admitted burning the dress and for this she was reauired to oive bond We paid our customers more than $750.00 in January and Februarv for ecrcs, chickens, hams and peas. Our offers buy the produce. Seed Oats, black and white. Bran always on hand. . . . Seed Irish Potatoes. Flour in Barrels at W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE &CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. When you have produce to sell or want to buy any thing in our line it will pay you to see us. Thankfully yours, IV. H. LANE & CO. Remember that everything is advancing. Now is your time to BUY O. K. COOK STOVES, nails and everything in tlie HHRDWRRE LINE, We have the Largest Stock in this part of the State, and we bought most of it before prices went up. See, Oltp Furniture. We have it and will sell you CHEAPER than you can buy elsewhere in the State. 3 Meeting of Presbytery. The Fayetteville Presbytery will meet here next Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock p. m., in the Methodist church. The opening sermon will be delivered by Rev. P. R. Law, of Lumber Bridge. After the sermon the Pres bytery will be called to order by Rev. A. M. Hassell, the re tiring moderator, and opened by prayer, after which the Pres bytery will be organized by en rolling delegates and members of the Presbytery. As most of the delegates and members will arrive on the 1.06 p. m., train a song and prayer service With addresses by mem bers will be held at the Pres byterian church at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. During the week there will be important meetings held in the interest of home and foreign The public SEE US II Will PAY YOU. missions. The nubiic is cor- for her appearance at the next dially invited to attend the sit- term of the Superior uourt. sue tings 01 tne rresoytery. and Eliza were both fined for fighting. I 1 him tn 11 mm iiii 111 1 0 111! lsters. delegates IITdDDiriil'l and visitors will be here. Arrangements are being made for all who come to be eared for. All signs have failed this? -ear in regard to warm weather: "it is an old saying that "when the martins come cold weather is gone." The martins have eoine this Spring but we're Mfr-iid to talk about the weath er it is not warm yet. The contract for making a good road at Mingo is to be let to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A considerable sum has b?en Mibscribed for this work, and we trust will soon be expended in making a good road there which will be of great value to our town. The Baptist congregation vii.i r.rf li!i-o sprviees at their church Sunday. Rev. L. Carroll," the pastor, is sick at his home in Warsaw and was unable to fill his monthly ap pointment. His flock, who are greatly endeared to him, pray that he may have a speedy re covery. ,' Rev. A. D. Betts tells the Greenville Reflector of a snow that fell on April 15th, 1849. He s;. costs. Experience teacnes M;troubc witIl food Well f dear school, it is said ana we babics arc pJump. only the i...,r. tlmf in future Hnrnett 5 . . .. .r i 11 USl Ullll J." .1 1.. ....... countv will never have such large list of delinquent tax pay ers . Married. On last Sunday morning at the residence of the bride's fath er, Mr. S. M. Jackson, near Dunn, Mr. Johnnie Goodman, of this place, aud Miss Saman I tha Jackson were happily mar ried, Mr. J. F. Phillips, J . 1-., officiating. After the marriage a nice dinner was served, whicn was highly enjoyed by all the attendants. I take this meth od fbf announcing to my friends and customers that I have just returned from the Northern Markets where I purcaased a large. varied and select stock of Millinery GocTds for.thej SPRING TRADE. o My goods are all new latest I am better prepar ed this season to suit you than. ever before in both qual ity and prices. Thanking one and all for past favors, I beg to remain, "Yours truly, MRS. J. H. POPE. . Yours for Business, Bunn Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L. CROMARTIE, Salesman. MCKAY BIS k mm goods are all fit Tesignt and Our Drugs are New, Fresh and Reliable. o- OUR Elegant and well Selected. OUR Good. Cheap and Sweet. OUR OUR SOAPS, -Hi- " Going at Manufacturer Prices. Gee. yo'ti Jut ought to 'see them. OUR Fire ! Fire ! We represent over twenty Million Dollars to protect yott AflATNST LOSS BY FIRE. FOR Policies call on JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO., ,t- Dunn, N. C. 1 Je sick arc thin. Arc you sure I ,va I the food is all riht? Chil-1 'ay- . . . i i . t TO CU1SK A COLD 1 31 O.M: AV VaVp T.nxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drurgUts refund money if it fails to .... . a r r cure. 2oc. I ne genuine nas l. i. v. o 1 each tablet- Democratic Convention. The Democrats of the town of Dunn are called to meet in nivpntinn at the Town Hall on Monday night, April 17th, at 8 o'clock sharp for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for mavor, four aldermen and a town marshal. Every Demo- nrot i pnrnpstlv renuested tx nttpnd. Bv order of the execu- - j tive committee. J. C. Clifford, April 11, 1899. Chairman. NOTICE. Votes in the com- ino- municipal election are worth $1.00 a piece. For further in formation call at McKay Bros. & Skinner's Drugstore. I dren can't help but grow ; j 5 they must grow u meir rooa $ nourishes them. Perhaps a f mistake was made in the f I past and as a result the di- I I gestion is weaKenea. ir mat i I ic cn Hnn'f dive, the babv I t i k . T noTTO vnnp nrrlprs for fresh li-vr nr mvnir np iiixi nr. uccm. w . - j-.. T,rtnf Bread and Rolls with 5 your every.ua; v......v.. ? pi,;mn I cnc flnri hp n nature a I acihoc. . - I little, and the way to do f Call on Pearsall & Phillips it is to add halt a teaspoon- i tor nesn ranuy kjiwvuv I nil or SCOTT'S Tf you want a nice Picture Frame see Gainev & Jordan. Thev are prepared to make any stvle. size and oualitv. Prices to suit all. Gall and examine work and prices. We are overstocked with Gar den Seeds, which we bought cheap. We are selling them the same wav. . McKay Bros. & Skinner. TOILET ARTICLES, PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Brim full and running over with new and up-to-dato PHARMACALS. We are well posted on that class of remedies commonly known as "Family Hobbies, Panaceas, Cure-all' Ac, fcc. Wo prepare them in an elegant and palatable manner, just for fun, at a moderate charge. Very truly, McKay Bros. &: Skinner. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ' "It was a very early nnncr. 1 he woous were gieeu. Many young branches were long ns the'hand. There fell a con Milerable snow in Wake county on Sunday. That night a heavy freeze came. Next day tne young leaves were black and dead. Some persimmon trees were killed. Many trees of other kinds were injured. " Millions Given Away. Tt is certainlv gratifying to the public to know of one con pern in the land who are not of..nWl to be Penerous to the III i in x - needv and suffering. The pro nrietors of LV. King's New Dis coverv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; aud have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands honeless cases. Asthma, itis Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it Call on MClvay iru&. Skinner, Druggists, and get a free trial bottler Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guar: antccd, or price ref unued. ErvaULSDOIM f to the baby's food three or ! i four times a day. The gain i Having decided to go back to mv home in the country, I now I offer for sale my dwelling, of r I . T - 1 five rooms, jut. lot is a aouoie lot and has good barns and 11 il Z -.,4.1 in - V. stalls on me same, Miuaicu I will begin the very first day th most desirable part of town I . ! 11 - A . , -r vnii tfive IL. II seems nn AVpst Kroart street, ror I correct the digestion ana terms and price appiv to v . r . ? otc th ranv sianeu rutin rearson. uuuu vy. I again. If the baby is nurs-1 i inrt Kit Hn nnt thrive, then the mother should take the It will have .a i I Kood effect both upon the $ 1 mother and cniid. iweniy- j five years proves this facts Don't forget the Harness and Hardware man, E. Lee. He keeps a nice. line of Hand-made Harness on hand all the time, made by Rev. J. F. Owen. One set is worth 2 or 3 sets of ma chine-made harness. E. Lee's New -Hardware House now has a full line of all kinds of Paints, Oils, Painter's Brushes etc. Also the Old Ke liable . Buck Lead in quantities to suit the buyer and at prices to suit the times. If you want to build you a nice poultry yard call on E. Lee for the Poultry Netting, any height you want . The Dunn Cash Racket Store has enlarged its store and moved to the large and commodious Culbreth store building. We have just received a "nice line of DRESS GOODS, - Consisting of Percals, French Organdie, Prints &c. Ac. Their prices are'like they have always been, the lowest on all lines. SHOES R SPECIALTY. . "We beat the band on them." Give us a call, and satisfy yourself. Yours thankfully, The Dunn Cash Racket Store. We have in connection with our WM 3 A T T etIPAP flnn I nnnrol , IIP .1 landSOIlie 1H1C Ul milliuciy "vuo. - r J XV O f 1U i-J VJiliJJll. . ucuuiui " .... double buggy. Has tongue aud partment is under the supervision of an experienced milliner, I 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. 1 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. J II 1 1 MM Don't forget to go to Pearsall c Tl Ml: t n Ifotn-'o iSu irilllllUa Ji ncau o Bread every day. NOTICE TO TOBACCO GROWERS. We are now preparing to man ufacture tobacco flues, and will have a man who thoroughly understands the business. , Best material, workmanship and prices guaranteed. Place your orders with us. The John A. McKay MTg Co,, - Dunn, N. C. Feb. 1st, 1899, shafs.. ApdIv" to Mrs x A. , Williams, Dunn, N. U. Make your place look new and bright by giving your house a nice coat of Paint. Old houses as well as new ones need to be made look well anpl E. Lee, on Wilson corner, will sell you the Paint. . Bring your Chickens, Eggs, Hams &c. to Pearsall & Phillips. . At ' ll. Miss'F. E. Holder, who has just returned irom une .ormuru Markets where she secured the latest styles in Hats, and Mil linery Goods generally, and she cordially invites the ladies to inspect the stock and prices before purchasing ineir oprmg a,m Summer Millinery Goods. The Millinery Department is separate and apart irora me General Line and when visiting Dunn we invite you to make this store headquarters; We do a cash business, consequently we sell low. Yours to please, . The Dunn Cask Racket Store, Dunn, North Carolina.