Pun ill We have only a few of these books but will sell have at the extreme low price as follows : .srlDAISIk SKTS- CLOTII BOIJ.I). MaciiUlay.-5 IlUtory of England, 5 Volumes Goo. Elliot's Works t Volumes , Givon's English People 5 Volumes Dicken's Work 15 Volumes j'riiice of the House of Davitl Pilgrim's Progress f 2 Volumes Paradise Lot, Paradise Regained, 2 Volumes Larpe Home Table Bible 10xl2Jxl Large Tj je. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary-, 1,520 Pages, a new" and revised Edition. Strongly bound in Cloth a good Dictionary at a low price We carry-a full line of School Books and Supplies regularly receive prompt attention. . I?IQQD THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, Apkil 19, 189'j. TJTJNN, N. C. gy.ll 1'"1 advertisements run in this r7infni will be charged strictly 10 eents i( r line. 01 her local advertisements cents per li ie for each insertion. LOCAL DOTS. -A slight frost and some ice was "reported by some of our citizens Monday morning. rriie dogwoods are in bloom "t ;iud the fisherman is after the perch. ' , . The Fayetteville Presby tery is in session here. Quite a mnnher of delegates and visi tors are in attendance. The farmers had a favora ble week for work last week and all of them took advantage of it. Many of them are plant ing this week.. The young tobacco plants are throwing nicely,, We learn, and many have plants nearly large enough to transplant. The roads are getting in fair condition now but are still bad-in some places, the lumber wagons keeping them cut up. About forty carpenters are employed in the town, and the ring of the saw and hammer can be heard in every direction. Several of our citizens who are adept with the rod and line have been to .Rhodes' pond fish in this week: and brought back some nice strings of perch. Several of the dwellings in town need repainting. It would add greatly to the protection of the building as well as to its appearance. The work on the houses of Messrs. Stephens, Privett, Hol liday and Grantham i& being pushed rapidly, and the houses will soon be readv to be occu pied. Mr. J. D. Barnes, adminis trator, sold the personal prop erty of the late Thomas Fowler last Thursday and Friday. The property brought a fair valua tion. : - : -Several more- new i build ings, beside those now in course of erection, will be erected here this summer, we learn. Our town is on a steady growth in building. There is not a vacant dwelling in the town. Bring your chickens and eggs, corn, peas and hams to Dunn, where you can get the best prices for them. Our mer chants are anxious to buy and the market is lively, Remember if you need to bacco plants or have plants to spare you should call at Hood & (irantham's'drug store and reg ister your wants. It will cost you nothing to do this and may cause you to reap a good reward. You can't build up home en terprise if you don't keep all the money home possible. If you need goods buy them from your home merchants, and if the mer: chants need stationery, which they all need, give it to your home paper. Although there have been frost, snow and ice since April came in. we learn that much of the. fruit is not' killed. There will he some plums, a s few peaches and a fair crop ol ap-pleF- . ' .- - The cold did not kill the strawberries as bad as was feared. Shipments of these be rries were made at several points in the eastern part of the State last week, Our towns man Mr. Jno. A. Oates has an acre in vines and expects to have some to ship next week. His vines are very rf nil of berries. Yon Real? what we $1 00. 1.25. i.o:. 3.75. .05. .(53 1.25. 1.25. Mail orders '& - GRAHAM-AM, Druggists- McKay Bro3. & Skinner have an attractive sign painted for their drugstore. They have also had their store repainted on on the inside which adds much to its appearance. i Visitors to our thriving town are surprised to find that hogs and cattle, are allowed to roam the streets. No other town in North Carolina so large as Duna allows the hogs on the streets. The warm season is approaching and the health of the town should be carefully" looked aiter. ' The first ripe strawberry we have seen here this year was plucked from the garden of Mr T. L. Gerald yesterday morn . rni r 1 ing. ine nrss ot last season was on AprilTith, just six days earlier than this. Notwith standing the exceptionally cold spring the berry crop will only be from five to ten days,later than usual. Some of the good people of Dunn, During Dr. Brown's stay in our town, had the Methodist pastor fitted up with a pair of glasses, bi-focals, in nice gold frame, and sent him on his way seeing things in clearer light than heretofore. And he (the pastor) takes this method of expressing his appreciation of the gift, and gratitude to- the thoughtful givers. Lumber is being put in place for .the erection of a tool factory building which Mr. Jno: A. McKay will build this Sum mer. The building will be two stories and situated on a lot near the gin and saw mill of the late Thomas Fowler. When completed it will be equipped with the best improved machin ery for making turpentine tools. Nearly every week sees some new enterprise started for Punn. Let the good work go on, for we have plenty of room for more manufacturing enterprises. Deputy Marshal A. F. Surles and a posse of assistants made a raid Monday night in Johnston for illicit distilleries but the dickey birds went in ad vance of them and the juiceries had 'been hurriedly removed. They found two places where stills had been operated. Depu tv Collector J. B. Holland and Deputy Surles made big seizures of. whiskey at two registered dis tilleries last week. One in Har? nett, johnsonville township, the other in Moore, near Cameron. They got eighteen barrels of whiskey at each making 36 bar rels containing about 1500 gal lons. Our townsman, Mr. W. A. Watson has loaned us a copy of the "Watchman of the South" published on June 30th, 1842, in Richmond, Va. The paper at that time was edited by Wm. S. Plumer in the interest of the Presbyterian church It is of six columns, four pages, and was published weekly at the! price of $3 per year. Among its; news items we notice an attempt on ihe life of Queen Victoria of England by a young man named John Francis ; the details of the loss by a great fire in Hamburg, Germany, in which 21,526 per sons were left homeless ; the in vention of an expanding ball by Wm. Beal, of Boston, which when discharged from a thirty two pounder cannon would ex pand from three to four feet." In the advertisements we no tice that a Richmond merchant advertised bleached and . un bleached cotton shirtings at six cents a vard. Machinery Repaired. Engines, Boilers and all kinds of machinery repaired by a practical machinist, at short notice. Apply to J. P. Byrd, Difnn, N. C. People and Their Movement, fc Mr. A. D. "McLean, of Aberdeen, spent Monday in town. Mr. Hubert Atkinson, of Fayetteville, was iu town Monday. ' IJon. D. II. McLean made a trip to Goldsboro this week. s bmith, of Linden, is in the city attending the Presbytery Mis Lou Young, of Johnston countv, is attending the Presbytery. Miss Foy Barnes, of Buie's Creek, is visiting .Mrs. W. F. Pearson. Mis. B.'W. Kincaid made a trip to Wilson this week, returning Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs J. C, Clifford returned from a visit to 1 datives in Davie coanty Sunday. " . j Mrs. E. F. Young returned from a Visit to relatives and fjiends in Wilson Sunday. I Mr. John .A. McKay made a trip South last week in the interest of his tool foundry. . He leports good sales. Miss Lillian Herring, who has been spending some time with Miss May me Gates, left for her home in-Clinton last Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Sal isbur , who has been tlie guest of Mrs. V. L. 'Stephens, left for her home at Hassell Monday. Mr. L. J. Best and Master William Thompson made a trip to Goldsboro this week. Yesterday morning Rev. W. A. Forbes received a telegram from Danville, Va., stating that his father was dying. He left on the noon train for that place. lie has many warm friends here who deeply sympathize with him. Town Convention. I The Democrats of the town met in convention at the town hall "Monday night. The con vention was enthusiastic and harmonious. Mayor James F. Phillips was nominated for re election for mayor by acclama tion. Messrs. J. C. Cox, C. F. Pope, McD. Holliday and Dr. F. T. Moore were nominated by acclamation for commissioners. For town marshal there were hree names put before the con vention M. L. Wade, J. A. Driver and John Mcllwinnie. Wade was nominated on first ballot receiving 59 votes of the 87 votes cast. The following gentlemen were elected as the executive com mittee for the ensuing year : J C Clifford, V L Stephens and O P Shell. ! An Enjoyable Evening.- It was the writer's pleasure, in company with several young adies and gentlemen, to attend asocial gathering at th0 resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Stephens last Friday evening, given in honor of Miss Eliza beth Salisbury, who was the guest of the family. It was in deed an enjoyable occasion--the companionship, conversation and music was enough to cheer the heart & cause one to imagine or the time being, that he was breathing the pure atmosphere of heaven itself. All present were highly en tertained by Miss Salisbury's excellent performance on the piano. She is highly cultured n music and touches the keys with grace and ease. After sev eral pleasant hours in the parlor the1 guests were invited to the dinning room where a Choice supper was served. We shall ever remember the evening as one of the most pleasant in our career. Turned Boats Loose. A voung man named Willi Smith was before Justices Jack son and Taylor Saturday after noon upon the charge of break ing loose and turning adrift six teen boats in Cape Fear river on the night of March the 18th, at Red Rock landing. The boats belonged to. persons of the neighborhood who use them in fishing for shad and the loss of the boats was a considerable item to them, and of course their wrath was kindled against the perpetrator of the deed. Not until last week did tliey learn who the person was and the in formation was given by a young man Lynch who said he was at the river with Smith when Smith turned the boats loose, and had not told it before be cause Smith told him that if he told on him he would kill him. Smith acknowledged oh trial that he was at the river that night and helped Lynch4 and another man break the boats loose. Smith was adjudged guilty but judgment is withheld until Lynch and the other party is tried, which will probably be heard this week. Some of the boats were found downthe river but several have not been heard from. "MURDER WILL LkfiK OUT.-' It is a fact and can be proven by those who trade at Dunn that W. H. LANE & CO., have . Have you seen our $2.00 Nice, Stylish and easy wearing. (Jur stock of bhrts, Collars date. We have some beauties In Pant Goods we have some special bargains. Do not buy your spring pant goods until you examine our stock and know our prices.- in i,ancoes, uress ixooas, can't be beaten. We are still selling the best What do you pay elsewhere? We have just opened a nice and children, s Hose which we Mendleson's Lye still going, ! Customers realize and appreciate W. H. LANE & CO. '"".''"' -..- - - We paid our customers more than $750.00 in January February for eggs, chickens, hams and peas. Our offers the produce. Seed Oats, black and white. Bran always on hand. Seed Irish Potatoes. Flour in Barrels at When you have produce to our lineit will pay-you to see us. Thankfully yours, W. H. LANE & CO. FAYETTEVILLE PRESBY TERY IN SESSION. Large Crowd in Attendance Chhrches Well Represented. The Fayetteville Presbytery, embrac ing the counties of Hai nett, Johnston, Cumberland, Robeson, Richmond and Mt ore, met here last evening in the Methodist church. The opening sermon was delivered by llev P, R. Law, of Lumber Bridge, from Acts 9th chapter, 31st verse. Alter the sermon Rev. A. M. Hassell called the Presbyterj- to order and of fered prayer. Rev. P. R. Law the re tiring secretary called the roll of mem" bers and delegates, a majority of theJ churches being represented. Perma nent organization was then effected by electing Rev. C. Q. Vardell, principal of the Red Springs Seminary, moderatoi, and Rev. H . T. Graham, of Fayetteville and Elder J. H. Kirby, of Kenly, secre taries. The sessions of the Presbytery will be held in the Presbyterian church aud meets at nine o'clock in the morning and adjourns at 12. The afternoon ses sions will meet at 3 o'clock and adjourn at will. The evening sessions will be held in the Methodist church commenc ing at 8 o'clock. - Dr. J. P. McMillan, of St. Paul's, will preach to-night aud to-morrow night Dr. H. G. Hill, of Maxton, will preach the Presbyterial Sermon The publie are cordially invited to at tend the services and the sittings of the Presbytery. TO CUKE A COII I (i:i)AV 1'ake Laxntive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuud money if it fails to cure, 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. NOTICE. Votes in the com ing municipal election are worth $1.00 a piece. For further in formation call at McKay Bros. & Skinner's Drugstore. Leave your orders for fresh Loaf Bread and r Rolls with Pearsall & Phillips". Call on Pearsall & Phillips for fresh Fancy Groceries. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR , , SALE. Having decided to go back to my home in the country, I now offer for sale my dwelling, of five rooms. My lot is a double lot and has good barns and stalls on the same, situated in the most desirable part of town on West Broad street. For terms and price apply to W. F. Pearson, Dunn N.. C. . NOTICE TO TOBACCO GROWERS. We' are now preparing to man ufacture tobacco flues, and will have a man who thoroughly understands the business. Best material, , workmanship and prices guaranteed. Place your orders with us. The John A, McKay MTg'C'o., Dunn, N. C. Feb. 1st, 1899. absolutely murdered high prices line of Bachelor Shoes for men? W. H. LANE & CO. and Culls are new and up-to- in Negligees for 50 each. - W.H. LANE & CO. r W. H. LANE & CO. unecus, oheetings, our prices W. H. LANE & CO. table Oil Cloth for 12 per yard. W. H. LANE & CO. line of Ladies', Gent's, Misses' are offering from JSf up. W. H.LANE & Co. about 10 cases per week at 5f. what we have done for them. and buy W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE &CO. W. H. LANE & CO. W. H. LANE & CO. sell or want to buy any thing in I take this meth od of announcing to my friends and customers that I have just returned from the Northern Markets where I purcaased a large, varied and select stock of Millinery Goods for?the SPRING "TRADE, o - o My goods are all NEW M I L L I N E E Y Goods. new and of the latest designs, and I am better prepar ed this season to suit you than ever before in both qual ity and prices. Thanking one and all for past favors, I beg to remain, Yours truly, MRS. J. H. POPE. Fire ! Fire ! We represent over twenty Million Dollars to protect you against loss by fire. For Policies call on JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO., Punn, N. C. MILL NOTICE ! It has been reported that the old Avera mill is not running. I desire to say that such is not true. We grind three days in each week Tuesdays, Thurs days "and Saturdays and are always glad to serve our cus tomers. Yours truly, O. P. Shell. Don't forget to go to Pearsall & Phillips for fresh Baker's Bread every day. TO THE LADIES: We have just received 25 beautiful Silk Patterns for shirt waists; also the latest novelties in Cyram Chains and Belt and Collar Clasps. Call and get your choice before they ,are picked over. Don't forge your nice Spring and Summer Hats. We have the latest styles. The Dunn Cash Racket Store. We are overstocked with Gar den Seeds, which we bought cheap. We are selling them the same way. McKay Bros. & Skinner. FOR SALE CHEAP. One double buggy. Has tongue aud shafs. Apply to Mrs. L. L.i Williams, Dunn, N. C. Bring your Chickens, Eggs, Hams &c. to Pearsall & Phil lips. . Its Kind Yea Rail Kwzji Ect Eigutuv c T PRICES i , $ ' o- 0 Remember that everything is advancing. Now is your time to BUY O. K. COOK STOVES, nails and everything in the HRRDWRRE LINE. We have the Largest Stock in this part of the bought most of went up. t See Otjlp Furniture. We have it and will sell you CHEAPER than you can buy elsewhere US Yours for Business, Burr .Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L. CROMARTIE, Salesman. ins. Our Drugs are Hew, OUR OETDCTI inCC r UIVI lUfc-V, . . . . OUR 3P3 . . OUR OT ATlrMllCP V VP I ir I IWIUbli p OUR TAI CT flDT OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Brim full and running over with new and up-to-date .PHARMACALS. We are well posted on that class of remedies commonly known as "Family Hobbies, Panaceas, Cure-all" &cM Ac. We prepare them in an elegant and at a moderate charge. McKay The Dunn Cash has enlarged its to the large and commodious Culbreth store building. We have just received a nice line of DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Percals, French Organdie, Prints &c. &c. Their prices are like they have always SHOES II SPECIALTY. "We beat the band on them." Give us a call, and satisfy yourself. V , Yours thankfully, The Dunn Cash Racket Store. We have in connection with our General Line a handsome line of partment is under tne supervision oi u cijrcncutcu xui.wv., Miss F. E. Holder, who has just returned from the. Northern Markets where she secured the latest styles in Hats, and Mil linprv Goods Penerallv. and she cordially invites the ladies to inspect the stock and prices before purchasing their Spring and Summer Millinery Goods. The Millinery Department is" separate and apart from the General Line and when visiting Dunn we invito you to. make thisstore headquarters. We do a cash business, consequently we sell low. 73 . - wee wm&m. o State, and we it before prices in the State. IT WILL PAY YOU. k simuL Fresh and Reliable. Elegant and well Selected. : Good, Cheap and Sweet. . m m . vfe oing at .Manutacturera rrices. P. PS Gee. yon Just ought to see them. palatable manner, just for fun, Very truly, Bros. Sc Skinner. Racket Store store and moved been, the lowest on all lines. Millinery Goods. This de- Yours to please, The Dunn Cash Racket Store, Dunn, North Carolina.