i, , i M j I. n 1 11 "J1-".. "!"'"' I(T- mi i r ...! i ' 11 1 " -" erirvfi . tsLu-AiSA&MJj-iiz'! m " : : , - -..-..... . j (fffffsn 1 jj- jj - - - VfAWePreoarafionforAs- slmilaurig foCToodandRegula tiig thoStomfiths andBaweis or EromotesT)isUoT,ChecTful-ticssarelBestGontafnsnciUia-Opnim;Morptiine corljitteraL Not Nabc otic. VTTCEEi 2 JbxktlUSJtr Irdtt Semi ilpputnunf Cartana&So ' Warn Seed A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms jConrulsions .Feverish tiess and LOSS OF SLEEP Tac Simile Signature of yTEVf "YORK, TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist Church-Rev. W A. Forbes Pastor Hervices first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning and night. Prayeruieeting every Wednesday night. Suhday gchccl every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K. Grantham Superintendent. Bantist Church. Rev. L. R. Carroll,pastor. Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Preabyterian Church. -Rev. A. M. Hassel pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night. Sunday school every Bunday morning, Doug Smith Superinten dent. Disciple Church-Rev. -V. B. Hood, pas tor Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. Q. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before. In each month at 11 o'clock." LODGE. Palmvra Lodtre. No. 117. A. F. & A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones, r XT . r & Tolniann S W K. A. JoiieS . J. W.; J. Q. Johnson. Secretary. Regular communications are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the 1st Friday at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially Invited to attend these communications. , y TOWN OFFICERS. J.F. Phillips, Mayor. Commissioners E.F.Young. R.U.Taylor, J. W. Jordan and McD. Holiday. M.L. Wade, Policeman. County Officers. Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. Cleik.Dr. J. II. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Hollowny. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, T. V. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners: E. F. Young, Chairman N. A. Smith. T. A. Harrington. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PM1. M C L E AN J Counsello and Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. C. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty -W- E- Mnrcnison, JONESIIOKO, N. C. PnictiecsXaw in Harnett, Mooic and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20 ly. , .i - Isaac A- Murchison, FAYKTTEV1I.1.K, K. C. l'l.ictiees Law in Cumhe'ilaiHl, Ilarneti and anywhere services are wanted. C CLIFFORD, Attorney a.t Law, t DUNN, x. c. Will practiee in all the court.: State, where services desired. of the H. L. GODWIN, Attorney at-Law Dunn," - - N. C. ill practice wherever services mav i be required. DilHeult collection promptly made. W. L. HUDSON. M. D. Physician and Dunn, N. Surgeon, C. Office on N. E. Wilson St., second build in; from Broad at. He.-idence at junction of K. Broad and 1 1m Streets. Prompt atri ntion to a.l ral's from e:tln-r Town or t oiiuiry,d.y or n:ght in lic various bi anthes of the profession. I .EXACT COPTOrBAEPKB. VHtrU) . jl , juM ' nifffteAJT 'Tme centaur company, new york city. ' . II J - - .i -r- i -mn" nii-'1l'iHiin-"' --j "eJ For Infants and CHldren. The Kind You Have Always Bought "T" Jl sears me , v Signature ; of Always Bought. 'Go South, Voung Man!" More money has been made in the Southern States in the last twenty years than will be made in the next fifty years in Cuba, Puerto Rico or the Phil lippines, and the chances for money-making in the South have only commenced. The price of iron for . the world is now made at Birmingham, Ala., and that city will shortly make the world's price of steel. The South's industrial evolution, which began with the develop ment of its iron interests rapid ly spread to all of the collateral iron industries, including ma chine shops and foundries, stove factories, steel plants and! hardware factories. The 300 new industries which have sprung up during the past year include fertilizer and phosphate works, woodworking factories, furniture, vehicle, agriculture and miscellaneous works, tele- ; pllOlie Systems, eleCtriC-llght and power and ice and - cold- storage -plants, canneries and hundreds of miscellaneous plants. Nearly every Southern State has increased its railroad mileage during the past year, and every Southern harbor has largely increased its export trade". If you seek new fields of op portunity go South, young man ! Frank Leslie's Weekly. V. P. .JONES. W. A. STEWAhT JONES Sr STEWART, Attokneys, Dunn, N.C. ill nractice anywhere in htate or Federal Courts. Collections, a specialty and prompt attention given. Oscar J Spears, Attorney and Couufellor at Law, LlLLlNG TON, N. C. Office in thv Court House. General Practice in all State Courts. Look! Look ! The battle is yet to fight and you can get your Supplies at the Parlor Market I will the State such as keep, them and defy on prices. I keep Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, etc., an 1 will he pleased to serve the people. 'Fry my meat. I also keep on hand ' Eggs, Butter, Potatoes Heme Made Lard- In fact almost anything found in an UP-TO-DAl E MA1SKET. . I pay the best in li ke t prices for Beef Ca tie. Pork etc. See ine before yon sell. Yours to please, ?3 T- HOLLAND, Market on Lucknow Square. and Whiskey . tr cujetl at hoie nl out a;n Book r a. t:-ul ;rs sout fj - jr ;cv AM n Kind vJr You Have Uppe Against Trusts- The greatest specific against trusts is their own insolence. The tremendous increase in the number of manufacturing com bines -which has taken place in the last few weeks, thanks to the gracious laws of New Jer sey, is more inimical to the per petuity of the trusts than any of the laws against these com bines appear to be. That they will fall by their own weignt eventually is the opinion of manv men well versed in mat ters of trade. There seems to be a perfect craze just now for consolidation in all lines of manufacturing and scores upon scores of indus tries have united their hrms- into heavily capitalized com bines. As Secretary of the Treasury Gage points out there is great danger in this whole sale movement toward large capitalization. In an address at the centennial celebration ot the Bank of Manhattan, at which he was the chief guest, he took occasion to warn bank ers and financiers asrainst this growth of trusts. The very vehemence of their desire to accumulate will defeat the objects of many of these trusts. Unless conducted with the greatest sagacity these en terprises will fail of their object and rnin will follow. The greatest safety for the public against the oppression of the trusts lies in the covetousness of the men who create them. Boston Traveler. Discoyered by a Woman- Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. '-Dis ease fastened its clutches upon h?r and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, bu her vital organs were under mined and death seemed immi nfint. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally disco v ered a way to recovery, by pur chasing of us a bottle of Dr King's New Discovery for con sumption, and was so much re lieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and witl two bottles, has been absolute ly cured. Her name is Mrs Luther Lutz." Thus writes W 0. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby N. C. Trial bottles free at Mc Kay Bros. & Skinner's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1 Every bottle guaranteed. Banking in Switzerland. A depositor who wishes to do business with banks in Switzer land is given time for delibera tion. The banking office is pro vided with chairs, where cus tomers take seats, and are al lowed to do business at the counters in the order of their arrival. The depositor hands in his money, with a memofan dum of the amount. The clerk counts the money, prepares a receipt ana signs his name Jri. ooy taKes tins receipt ano signs his name. ; A boy take this receipt upstairs and sub mits it to an official. If ap proved, the official passes the receipt on to another man? who prepares a duplicate slip, make several entries and signs his name. Another official exam ines and "O. K.'s" the receipt The boy takes it downstairs The clerk who first made it ou hands it to the depositor. I taices itiiiy nan an this business. Ex. hour to do Glorious News ('omes from Dr. D. gile, of Washita, I. B. Car T. He writes: ;'Four bottler, of trie Bitters has cured Elec IMI'S. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no neip ; out her cure is com plete and her health is excel lent." This shows what thou sands have proved, that Elec tric bitters is the best blood pu rifier known . It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tefter, s$. t rheum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidnej-s and bowels, expels poi sons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skin ner, Druggists. Guaranteed. Liver troubles quickly result i-i Ecri complications, and the man wlio iiglet;s i.. liver has little recard for health. A Itti of Browns' Iron Bitters takin row am! t'm will keep the lier in perfect rr.ler. I f t disease has developed, Brovr.s' !ro:i T .tt r will care it permanently. 8m-mtii ai.u vitality will always fo!o.v its use. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold Ly all dealwa. S60.0U0. Fcr a Flag. George S. Knapp, No. 534 Sheriaan road, Evauston, says the Chicago Inter-Ocean, is the owner of a United States flag for which he has refused an offer of $G0,000. The offer was made by an English collector ot curios, and was rejected by Mr. Knapp with the remark tuat there is not money enough m England and America to buy that piece of silk." The nag was made by tiie women of the United States as the official flag of the World's air. it neaciea iue upeuiuy procession, it was the first flag to be unfurled and the last to be lowered at the exposition. Every thread of silk in the ban ner was taken from the cocoons and woven by American women. The staff also is an interesting composite of historic woods from all the States ana lernto- ries of the Union. The inlaid pieces are placed in a row run ning downward along the lower section of the staff, starting with a design consisting of 13 about five feet from the I stars lower end of the staff. In the centre of the design is a larger star made from a piece of one of the oak supports of the old Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, and around it, ill a circle, are grouped the other 12 stars. Connecticut is represented by a ' - i star made from a piece of the famous charter oak of colonial hist.nrv. " Massachusetts by a piece of the old elm from Bos ton Common, Virginia by a piece "of the old Monitor, and each of the original 13 colonies has contributed wood equally historic. Curiously enough, the flag was made in Arch street, Phila delphia, on the same street, and within a few blocks of the house in which the women of Phila delphia made the Paul Jones flag, 118 years before. Phila delphia Record. He Fooled The Surg sons All doctors told Renick Ham ilton, of West Jefferson, O., af ter suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed ; but he cured him self with five boxes Bucklen's Arnica , Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in' the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner, Druggists. An Uncertain Diser.se. There is no disease more uncertain in ii; nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say tlics the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter how severe, or tinder what disguisedyspepsia attacks you, Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. ATTENTION, FARMERS- I wish to call the attention of the tobacco farmers of Johnston, Harnett and. adjoining counties to the fact that I am sole agent for the Phelps Patented Tobac co Flues, and can furnish not only this flue but any other kind desired. I manufacture flues and can suit you if only give me a chance. T 1 1 you i nave opened a general re pair shop for the repair of BICYCLES, and keep on hand at all" times a complete line of Bicycle Sun dries. If your wheel gets out of repair bring it to me. ' R. F. SMITH, Benson, N. C. Feb-7-3n). GET THE BEST When you are abontto buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a tnere song. See to it that you buy from reli-able manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a Bewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility.. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Doable Feed, alike on both Rides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (fatentea driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the TniniraTim. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THREE! HOME SEWING HICHIKE CO. GauJTGK, Kass. EosToir, Bass. M Vmov Sot-as, X.T Chicaso, Iii. St. Loni, Mo. Daixas, Tzxam. FOR SALE BY Ga"n y fc Jordan, Dunn N. C. ROPSY CTT2ED with vegetable Remedies. Have cun-e: many thoran.:l ca-es called boneless. In ten ays at least two-thirl of all symptoms reraov d. Testimonial and US DATS treatment free. R. S. U. Cmj 'S JOJS, Box K, AUa&U, G Mark Twain's Baby Story. Here is a baby story which the Brooklyn Eagle says was told by Mark Twain. It is about a Scotch-Irish minister, who never missed' an opportu nity to display his gift of orato ry. Uponone occasion he was I called upon to speak at a enns tening, and began as follows : " 4 We have met together, my friends, on a very interesting occasion the christening of this little child but T see -already a look of disappointment on your faces. Is it because this infant is so small 1 we must bear in mind that this globe upon which we live is made up-of small things, infi nitesimal objects, we might say. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean ; the mountains which rear their hoary heads toward heaven and are often lost in the clouds are made up of little grains of sand. Be sides, my friends, we must take into consideration the possibili ties in the life of this little speck of humanity, tie may become a great preacher, mul- titudes may be swayed by hi eloquence and brought -to see and believe in the truths of the He mav be a distin guished physician, and his fame n n. li pal fir of men may reach - the utermost parts of the earthy and his name go down to pos terity as one of the greatest ben efactors of humanity. He may become a great astronomer and read the heavens as an open book. He may discover new stars, whicli may be known by his name, and his name may be coupled with that of Newton and other great discoverers. He may become a distinguished statesman and orator, and by the strength of his intellect and eloquence he may control the destinies of nations, and his name may be. engraved upon monuments erected to perpetu ate his memory by his admir ing and grateful countrymen. He may become an author and a poet, and his name may yet appear among those now en tombed at Westminster. He may become a great warrior and lead armies to battle and victo ry : his prowess and valor may change the way of Europe. Me thiuks I hear the plaudits of the people at the mention of his deeds and name. He may become 'er, er he might 'er ' "Turning to the mother : 4 ' 'What is his name V "The mother 'What" is the baby's name?' "'Yes, what is his name?' "The mother 'It's name is Mary Ann.' " Supplies For Uncle Sam. This is about the time every year when Uncle Sam makes his extensive purchases of all kinds of goods -for the various dppartments ' and institutions tinder his control. The articles required cover a field of diversi ty, from a locomotive to a pa per of pins. On a late con tract one of the items for which proposals were asked was a large . number of ivory paper folders. A number of the fold ers, on being tested, proved to be of celluloid. They were par tially burned, and in this con dition returned to the bidders. The store of stationery .in the big building at Washington known as the Treasury Build ing has to meet some heavy demands on the occasion when the Internal Revenue district of Kentucky sends in its requisi tions, it being no uncommon occurrence to have one of those districts send up an order for lj000,000 envelopes in a batch. In the one item of steel pens the stock on hand is usually not less than 15,000 gross. Among the supplies for the Indian De partment is an item of 12,172 tin pans of assorted sizes. The red men also require 1735 pounds of black pepper and 405,450 pounds of soap. Ex. Death of an Ohio Leper. Junction City, Ohio, April 8. Hannah Garey, aged 22 years, the elder of the two Ga rey sisters, who have been af flicted with leprosy for the last seventeen years, died at their home, three miles from here, last evening, after two weeks of intense suffering. The family live on an isolated farm in Perry county, which is shunne'd by all the natives. o Bears tie Signature a Tba Kind Yon Harc Always Bougtt W.HQ IS-. ve-u L.. HALL? He is the HARDWARE & TOBACCO FLUE at Benson, - - - N. C, i and is always glad to see you come in. He will sell you Boy Dixie Clippers No. 2, and Ward Plows, Plow Castings &c, at rock botton prices. Harness, Collars, Traces, Lines, Shovels. Forks, Rakes, 0Ql and all kinds of Hardware low down. , Nails at prices that surprise you. - . A large line of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Lead &c Prices to Suit the JUST LISTEN "To . Beat the. Band." I have had a tremendous experience under one of the host tinners in the State, and can do you first-class work in making or repairing flues. I have with John D. Bain whom everybody knows ana we guarantee our work and the quality of our flues. Give Mr. Bain your order when he calls or leave it with me at the Hardware Store where you will have the kindest attention. Your Hardware friend, E. L. HULL, Benson, N.-0. TheBestShoes JCb ffMi ' a MU I T?5Cfl S3 SGfl . r Wsiv. 42,1 I VXTrA The Sold by THE MASSENGILL OltTG AGE SAU: OF HOUSE & I.O :'. Bv vi 11 iif of si mortsrajje ;lv. x :ii;.'u r. :i" iv . .1. wnsoii 011 the24:h day t April 1S:)(5 and duty rc CQrded in the of- the rt'i-j.er of deeds of llar.iett fouritv, N. C, in Book L No 2 pages 30.5 and 304. I will sell f:r cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Li.lington at no ni on Wednesday the lOih day of May, IS'uj, the following described lot of laud situ ated i:i ihe town of Dunn. Harnett County. N. C anil bounded a follows: Being-'lots No 5 and G i 1 Block N.-of the plan of the town f Dunn,"" fronting on Broad stnet 40 feet and running bick 150 feet on Wilson street and the property upon which' I he said -f. .J. Wil son is now doing a (ner.-iiaiit.lf bu-iucss containing six Ihouanc Kqnare feet more or les-i. t' i Ap-il 8 Ji )J 2il. W. llarper, Morrgag e. Bgy(The ho'i?e on ilui above described lots is now occupied by tl.e 12 Lee Hard ware House.) . 4-12-4 w T)Mf' I STRaTOII'S NOTICE. Hav ing qualified as Administrator of Thomas Fowler, d ceased, late of Har nett county, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims 'against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of March. 1900. or this notice will be plead 111 bar of their recovery. All 'per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 24th day of MareliJSOO. J. D. BAKNES, Jones & Stewart, Administrator. Attorneys. ADMINSTItATOR'S NOTICE ! The undersigned having qualified as administiator of Hugh McLean, deceas ed, all persons indebted to the estate are hereby urgently requested to settle the same at. once. All persons who have claims against said estate . are re quested to present the same within 12 months from date of this notice or the statutes will be plead in bar of same. This April 12th, 1S90. llECTOIl Mcr,I?AN Administrator. Jones & Stewart, Attorneys. April 12 Cw. CA-KUTKIX'S NOTICE. Having I - qualified .is Executrix of Mrs . jit-Aaiuei, ueeeaseu jaie oi liarnett county. N ' C, this is to notifv all ner- sons Having cfaims aganist the eate of sid deceaed t. exhibit them to the undersigned on or Ix'fore the 20th day of March, 1900, or this notice will be plead io bar .f their recovery. All per son indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Tins 20th day of March 18l9. Mrs. M. L. Denning, Kxecutrix. Jones & Stewart and T. J. Best, Att"ruevs. AD A 1 N 1ST II ATOH'S X OT ICK! Hav- ug qualified sis administrator of Jas. A Wheeler, deceased, late of Harnett r... ...... V i1 ... fons having claims ..gainst the estate of l.silllll , . Ks.. IS lO IIOIIIV Nil 1MT- s ua deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 3 day of April 1900, as this notice will be nle:id In inr of their recovery.' All persons indebted to paid estate will please make immediate payment. This 3 day of April 1809. Geo. E, l'riuce AdruiuUtrator. Hi..-,' - a !T n 1 J I) me in the flue business Mr. DBLflS- FIT FOB A KiK3. Over Uno 9UWom eople wear tbo W. V- T?c.as 53 and C4 Shoes'. Allb-vr 6.oes aro rqunlly atiafuctcrs, ThC7 give tne U3t vao lor tuo moucy. Thev eaua! cusL.m shoes In stvlo ana fit. The prices arc uniform stamped on sole. Ir wcarluK f.ualitlo aro unsurpassed. From 61 1 CI saved ever other mnkea. if: your dealer cannot eupply you wo .-. G4,SS.GS3 Cordovan.Frctrli nnmcllod fnlf nnd Itnnpnro-j. C3.60 Tciico Shea?. 3 zfoi. S2S3.7L Coys' chool' I L3t5ca$3, $2.50. ?2 and C! -: -iSk It your i!oalrr cannot rr you, write for catalogue VV. L. Doug!: 5. ' Afci. wviwi --.J i DRY GOODS. CO., Dunn, N. C. GTON AND R. R AND Ii RANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE IJAI-LKOAD COMPANY OF SCUTH CAROLINA. . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Jan. 15th, 1899. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 9:4.1 1. 111.; arrive Rocky Mount, a. m., iO.atJ i. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 a. 6 00 pin. Leave Rocy Mount, 1:00a. M., ld:.16 p. m., d 4bp . in., 5M0 am, li:5i i. in. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a in, 11:14 pm, :i.O a 10, 2:40 p m., 7 10 pin. -Leave Nelina,2:53 a m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 p m, I. -OS p in. Arrive Florence. 7:25 a in, 3:15 p in. Arrive Goldsboro 7 50. p m. Leave Ooldsboro. 7:01 a in, 3:1 p in. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a in, 4:5 p.m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:10 a in, 5:50 p m, TRAINS QOINO NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:.r)0 a m, 7:10 p in. Leave J-'ayetteville, l:z5 a m, v.i'.i p in. Leave .'eliua, l.o i m. Arrive Wilson. 2:35 a m. 11:31 p m. Leave V ilmliigton, 7:00 p in. 9 45a in, Leave Magnolia, 11:1 1 a in, h:34 p m. Lcava Uoldsboro, 5 15 am, 1:30 am, 9:1'. p ra. Leave VVilMon.2-35 p m, 5 58 am, 11:31 am 11:38 p in, 1:13 p m. e Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: r0 p in, t:'i a i". C 11 am, 12.07 p m, 1:40 p in. Arrive Tarboro 7 01. Leavo Tarboro, 12:21 p ru. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:07 a in. "Arrive Weldon, 3:43 p m, l2:5i a in. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road l nvn Weldon 3:3.1 p m, Halifax 4:15 p ui aniv.e Hcotland Neck at 5 08 i m, Oreenville 6 r.7 v m, Kinston 7:55 p in. Returning loaves Kint"ii 7 fOa ni, Oreeiiville 8 n a in. arriving Halifax at 11:18 am, Weld"n 11:33 a in, dally ezn-i-t Sunday. - Trains on Washington Branch leave Wnli iiitfton t:20 a m, and z:.i0 p ia., arrive 1'arne l C:loam, and 4:00 p in, returning leave l'ar mle 9:35 am. and 6:30ptn. arrive Washing"" 11:00 a m, and 7:!0 p ni, daily except Hunday. Train leaves Tarboro N. C.; dally, -xr i t Snnday. at 5:;0 p m., Sunday 4.1". m., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. in., 6 10 i. Returning leaves Plymouth dally .!'' Sunday, 7 50 a. m., and Sunday 9 00 a. in.; ar rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. in., 11 00 a. in. 'I rain on Midland NC Branch leaves Gol I" boro, N.C, dally except Sunday, 7 05 a in: ar rive Smlthlleld N C, 810 am. Returnin? leaves Smithfield. N. U. 9 00 a. ui. arrive Goldsboro. N. c. 10 25 a.m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Roeky Mount at 0 a. m., arrives Nashville 4.s !' ui.. Spring Hope 8:40 p; m. Returning h'ftvi spring Hope HKXi a. hi., Nashville 11:' "' arrive at R cky Mount 1115a m., daily rx- t Sunday. Traill nil Cllntnn Ttrmi.. loavea Wars.iv f"' I 4.15 p m. Returning leaves Clinton 7 00 a m . I llllinil i.flllU kV-A-kTWinfMr at 1 I IJ n 111 ai" and 3 oo d m Train No. 73 make close connection at Wee- don for all points North daily, all rail vi Ricbuiond. II. hi. EMERSON. General Passenger Agent. J. R. KKNLY, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. Traill c Manager. ....SlLYEWilE. I an sole ngent fr il"' Hoyal Manufacturing Coini:l 113 Detroit, Michigan, nuini facturers of plated, solid and Erazil Silverware. Niec fr wedding presents and u-eful in every home. See before placing your onar. Everything warranted t give satisfaction. S. II. 1MTTMAX. Dunn, N C.