1 PARIS ' We have a large lot of .PAJLiTS GrREEN and other insect clesti which never fails destroy. i uunu ju-, munwu rues ami worms, also wo have Tangle- Foot lly lapel-, Poison r ly Paper, Cobalt, Insect Powders &c ilGCome to see uh.jj HOOD & G ' Druggists THE COUNTY UNION W K I SI) AY. May 189&. DUNN, N. C. yAl! ' :il advertisements run in this c . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ill In charged .strictly 10 cents i.. r line. Other local advertisements rents per li le fur each insertion. LOCAL DOTS. ; Mav came in beautiful and warm . The commissioners were in session at Lillington Monday. The "soda is -now on us. water season The potato bug has made its appearance and is devouring the vines of the potatoes al ready.' Rev. P. L. Herman con duct d services at. the Methodist 'church Sunday night' and preached a short but able ser- tiloll. Man of our farmers are waiting for a rain so that thev c.iu plant out tobacco. The plants are growing rapidly now and arc large enough to plant. We are requested to an nounce that the school at Union Hill Academy will close on Tuesday, May 9th. There will be no commencement exercises. Planter's warehouse are -being i delaveu in not trnftihrr Inmhpv ,V "& The mill men to work with.- . are unable to fill the demands made on them . Mr. Thos. M moved his saw to M'llllll ut- tllO H"wl Hall lias his timber of his log road, where he will cut the lum ber and haul it hefe to his plan ing mills and dry kilns. -Plant corn enough to make corn to eat and feed your stock. There is as much moneyjn corn at fifty cents a bushel as there is in c otton at live cents a j Kiuiid. We notice that there is a good deal of corn shipped here. Newberry Bros, have 'the contract and have commenced the erection of a dwelling for Mrs. J. II. Pearsall on the cor ner east of Mr. J. J. Dupree oh Pearsall street. The first regiment band passed hero Monday "afternoon on a special car going to Fay etteville where it gave a perform ance that night. It ii said to be a line one and is making a tour of 'the State. .We learn that fair to fruit well if from now on suit it ing very healthy growm Mr. Pink wheat bids the seasons It is look and well Riddle has an acre -planted in it in town. It is mow nearly waist high and is beginning to head out. The Criminal Court for Cumberland county convened in Favetteville Monday morn ing ..Judge Dossey Battle pre siding. The trial of Jesse Ray for the murder of a negro wo man in Carver's Creek, begins there to-day. The vaccination has stop ped among our people, but the danger of smallpox getting here is probably greater than it has been. A sore arm for two or "three weeks is much (' more pre ferable than a light case of smallpox. Every person in town and country, rich and poor, should be vaccinated. Last night the old board of town aldermen went out of of lice and the new board was in stalled into ollice. Mr. McD. Holiday is the only member of the- old board re-elected. lie ami Dr. F. T. Moore, J. C. Cox and C. F. Pope, with May or J. F. Phillips, and Police man M. L Wade have charge of the town's government for the next twelve months. GREEWI overs, to completely There are now forty nel sons confined in the pest house at Raleigh with small-pox and a hundred persons in the house of detention. Charlotte has also got three cases. Two of them white. Only one white person has the disease-in Raleigh. , J. J. Wade has just received the second lot of nice Snrinc Dress Goods, also the. best se lected styles of Trimmings ever seen on this market, .such as JIamburgs from the cheapest to the nicest -quality. A very fancy line of Swiss Embroider ies, also Laces of all kinds. Don't fail to see mr Spring Di 'ess Goods before purchasing. We acknowledge the re ceipt of an invitation from Prof. J. R. Raggett, principal, to be present at the commencement exercises of Salem High School, Salemburg, Sampson County, on May 12th. Di. Charles.D. Mclver, President of the State Normal and 'Industrial College at Greensboro, will deliver the literary address. The. finance committee of the j5otrnty tried to have a set tlenVent of the county taxes with Sheriff Potfe Tuesday but as the Sheriff had not com pleted the sale of land for taxes, another meeting will be held next Tuesday when they hope to get a settlement. The sale r.f i .,.1 e,. i "ntilto-day at 12 o clock. Wet or 'dry? You can't afford to be anything else but dry. Let the good women of the town organize their forces. If the men cannot be saved from drink let's save the boys. Our town never had a brighter future and we can't afford to throw an obstacle in the way now. Get to work and keep this monster out. You can't loose by hold ing on to the right. Strawberries are getting .ripe fast nowJ Mr. Jno. A Oates had several quarts for sale Monday and they were in demand at ten cents a quart A look at his vines will con vince anyone that we have tine soil around Dunn for their 'cul tivation. He has some as fine berries as can be found in the State, and for quantity his vines are unusually full of fruit. He has vines that were planted April fifth that have nice ber ries on them. ; Upon petition the county commissioners Monday ordered an election to be held in the tyn of Dunn on the first Mon day in June next upon the question whether liquor shall be, or shall not be sold in the town. The town commissioners at their meeting last night ap pointed election officers for the same. They are : C. T. Guy, registrar, D. II. Hood and W. S. Jackson, poll holders. Quite a number of our peo ple and old Confederate Sol diers will go to Charleston next week to attend the Confederate Veteran Re-Union. The rail road fare is cheap and the peo ple of Charleston have made arrangements to entertain the poor veterans free while the' are there. Visitors can get board at cheap rates. Charles ton has thrown her doors open land all will be welcome. Monday night at the "Fire baptized tent" during the servi ces, some one threw a bottle of acid of some kind under the tent and some of the acid struck a lit tle girl of Mr. Tiberius Parrish injthe eye and she startled the congregation with her screams. Fortunately hewever, it was not strong enough to do any serious harm. The person who did the act probably did not intend to harm any one, but it was a dan gerous thing to do, and if lie is found out should be severely punished. People and Their Movement. Mr. W. A. Stewart "attended Clinton court Monday. Mrs. J. W. Lane is visiting relatives, in Rowland this week. Sliss Vira Rose, of Wayne, is visiting Mrs. W..D. Thorn ton, i Miss Emma- Young, of En field, is visiting Miss Marie Setszer. Mr. C Tuck, of Richmond, Va visited -his sister,. Miss Mamie Tuck; here Sunday and Monday. Miss Alice Grantham and Mrs: F. H: Parrish, of Smith field, are here visiting their brother Mr. G. K. Grantham. They returned home to-day. Master Robert Lee, who Jias leen' living - with his grand mother near Rome, Johnston county, is spending this week at home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee. Rev. C. W. Byrd, of Ashe - ville, N. C, accompanied by his little daughter, is visiting his father and mother near Buie's Creek. He went out from here Monday. He will lecture at Buie's Creek Acade my to-morrow night Mr. B. F. Williams, of Wins low, this county, was in town to-day. He says the first pas sanger train on the Cape Fear and Northern Railway arrived at his place last Monday evening They now have trains from Ral eigh every day. Messrs. J. C. Crawford and Hal M. David, of the Raleigh News & Observer, spent last night and to-day in town. They are getting up the great State Industrial issue of the Nfcws & Observer which will soon be published. Every county in the State will be represented in this great edition which will be: a feature of journalism never before attempted in this State. It is the desire of the promot ers to place a copy of this edi tion in every home in the State, beside a vast number to be sent all over the country. Dunn and Harnett will be well rep resented. Best Choice Fresh Lemons and Raisins at Jno. B. Sanders'. We learn that there will be a full crop of huckleberries this year. This means much to this section. The crop last year, was almost a failure. The cruiser Raleigh is ex pected to arrive at Wilmington to-morrow afternoon. Arrange ments are being made to give her a grand reception. She has on board the captured Spanish gun which she will present to the city of Raleigh. In all the towns in the State that held elections Mon day the Democrats were suc cessful. In our neighboring town ot Bensou, where the Re publicans were expectsng to elect a mayor, the Democrats won with a good majority. A petition was presented to the county commissioners Mon day asking that the ferry at Ayerasboro be made free, the county to pay the expense of the ferry. The petition was laid over until the next meeting of the board. If this ferrv was free itwouldbea great convenience to the people of the lower section of the county. The people of the county. are able to make two or three ferries across the river free and we trust that the commis sioners will grant this petition at the next - meeting and make the ferry free. Origin of Paris Green. But few know the origin of this powerful insect destroyer. It was first obtained from the sides and top of the sewer pipes of Paris, where it accumulated from the uprising gases. It is first brought out in the form of a heavy dark paste and by a refining process it is brought to the state in which we find it in commerce. Dunsfere, a cele brated French chemist, made experiments and found its ger micidal and poisonous proper ties during the seige of Paris. Attempts were made to poison the garrison by putting it in the reservpir from -which they drank, but the trick discovered and Dunsfere was beheaded; but potato bugs have never got on to the trick. We have it. McKay Bros. & Skinner. Dunn, N. Mendleson Lye . pf? per. box. Soda 4? per pound at W. II . Lane & Co. THIS Progressive wr WE ARE MOVING ON. A penny now is perhaps worth years ago when cotton was selling for 10 and 12 cents per pound. Regardless of friendly ties and past obligations it is to your interest to buy where you can save the most money. ' We are the acknowledged leaders in LOW PRICES. Have you seen our new line of Spring Hats. We have anything you want from a 10 cent Straw and 25 cent cloth to a $2.50 Alpine in Black and colors. - IN LADIES' we can please the eye and meet crushed purse." We have some ; Swiss Mull, Percales. Cham brays, Duck, Calicoes &c. Our ' figured Lawns are hummers and quality. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Don't forget that we can fit your foot and save you money on every pair you buy. We have some special bargains in Ladies' Slippers. Our cut prices on Coffee, Flour, Sugar, Lye, Syrup, Molasses, Baking Powders, Soda, Snuff and Tobacco are fiamiliar to all close and careful buyers. """""" We are also the largest buyers of Chickens, Hams, Peas Ac, at Dunn. We want your produce for cash or trade. Thanking our friends and customers for their liberal patronage in the past and promising you better bargains in the future, we are, Your humble servcinis, W. H. LANE & CO. ThePic-Nic at Rhodes' Pond. Last Thursday was indeed a glorious day . with our young people, for it was a day of pic nicing. The sun rose clear and bright and by nine o'clock the happy party was off on the road leading to the pond. Every heart was light, and as the pleasure seekers journeyed along making merry with song and laughter admiring the beauties of spring, the birds chimmed in with their notes "of melody to add to the occasion. Coming down to a plain, sober statement of facts, we sar it was a day ever to be remem bered by those indulging. At 11 o'clock the party reach ed the pond, and after wander ing around on the banks be neath the beautiful shade, in haling the pure fresh air that makes country life so much to be enjoyed, two by two they strolled off, discussing the past, the present and what may be in the future. There were some Ivho began fishing as soon as they reached the pond, there were others who began long be fore the got in sight of the pond, with what success we are unable to say. At one o'clock the band came together and played three pieces, after which dinner was spread, and no more delicious dinner ever greeted the eye or satisfied the appetite of a King. Our good ladies never do things by halves, and it is safe to say that the hungry boys on the hill did their part well. After dinner was over boat riding was indulged by all who could secure a boat. What soft words were spoken by those upon the boats are unknown, except to the gentle waves. The happy party left the pond at five o'clock for Dunn. The day will ever be remember ed as pleasantly spent by all those who attended. Programme at CHicora. The following programme has been arranged by the Ladies' Memorial Association for the 10th of May. 1st ."Old North State" by the Dunn Brass Band 2nd "America" by Band. 3rd- Decoration of graves while Band plays "Dirge" and "Rest Under the Shade." 4th Prayer. 5 "Nearer my God to Thee." 6th Address by. Mr. J. C. Clifford. 7th "Dixie" by Band. 8th "Home, Sweet Home." Exercises close. New cut Herrings for 70 per 100 at W. H. Lane & Co: Leave your orders for fresh Loaf Bread and Rolls with Pearsall & Phillips. Call on Pearsall & Phillips for fresh Fancy Groceries. Buy your seed peas from W. H. Lane Co. Bran, Oats and Ship Stuff at W. H. Lane & Co. IS A more to you than 25 cents was DRESS GOODS the demands of an "Elephant beautiful patterns in Organdies, can't be beaten in style and XO CL'RK A COf,l I.Tf 0.-K DAY Fake L:ix-tive Bromo Quitiine Tablets. All druggists refi.ud inoney if it fails to cui 25c. The genuine "has L. B. Q, on each tablet. ' Bean the yi The Kind You Hava Always Bought Signature of Fire ! Fire ! We represent over twenty Million Dollars to protect you against loss by fire. For Policies call on "JAS. A. TAYLOR & BRO., Dunn, N. C. If von have Hides to sell see W. H. Lane & Co. Don't forget to go to Pearsall & Phillips for fresh Baker's Bread every day. Table Oil Cloth 12 per yard at W. II . Lane & Co. LOST. Between Dunn and Lillington, on April 30th, 1899, one russet hand-bag or valise, unlocked, containing among other articles, brush, comb, shirt, handkerchief &c. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at the drug store of Hood & Grantham or returning to W. J. Washburn, Lillington, N. C. Heinze's Pickles and Sauce at W. H. Lane & Co. Prepared Mustard in quart bottles for 10 at W. H. Lane & Co. Cox Cotton Planters at Lee's New Hardware House for $5.50. NOTICE TO TOBACCO GROWERS. We are now preparing to man ufacture tobacco flues, and will have a man who thoroughly understands the business. Best material, workmanship and prices guaranteed. Place your orders with us. The John A, McKay M'f'g Co.," Dunn, N. C. Feb. 1st, 1899. Bring us your Chickens, Eggs, Hams and Corn we will pay you highest cash price. W. H. Lake & Co. Bring your Chickens, Eggs, Hams &c. to Pearsall & Phil lips. E. Lee carries a nice line of Building Material, Nails, Sash, Doors, Locks, Hinges and Paints in quantity. . Call early, before all are sold and get you a Cox Cotton Plant er, from E. Lee, on Wilson corner. . Machinery Repaired. Engines, Boilers and all kinds of machinery repaired by a practical machinist, at short notice. Apply to J. P. Byrd, Dunn, N. C. C m Wm IK1EEJD 71tIE WE ItiAE Wm&M.. mm GAM GEw tmtlEM. o- Remember that everything is advancing. Now is your time to BUY O. K. COOK STOVES, nails and everything in-the HURDWSRE LINE. We have the Largest Stock in this part of the State, and we bought most of it before prices went up. See OiTi! F'urniture. We have it and will sell you CHEAPER than you can buy elsewhere in the State. 322 SEE us Yours for Business, Dunn Hardware & Furniture Go. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. R. L.CROMARTIE, Salesman. hay ms. Our Drugs are New, our DCDriincc kmm IV I IVIi-Wf OUR 3yP3 0UB STATIONERY, 0UR TOILET ARTICLES, OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Brim full and running over with new and up-to-date PHARMACALS. I 0 We are well posted on that class of remedies commonly known as "Family Hobbies, Panaceas, Cure-all" Ac, &c. We prepare them in an elegant and palatable manner, just for fun, at a moderate charge. Very truly, McKay Bros. Sc Skinner. FRIGES Wll k WBkAL. The Dunn Cash Racket Store has enlarged its store and moved to the large and commodious Culbreth store building. We have just received a nice line of DRESS GOODS, Consisting of PefcalsFrench Organdie, Prints ike. &c. Their nrices are like they have always been, the lowest on all lines. - SHOES R SPECIALTY. "We beat the band on them." Give us a call, and satisfy yourself. Yours thankfully, The Dunn Cash Racket Store We have in connection with our General Line a handsome line of Millinery Goods. This de partment is under the supervision of an experienced milliner, Miss F. E. Holder, who has just returned from the Northern Markets where she secured the latest styles in Hats, and Mil linery Goods generally, and she cordially invites the ladies to inspect the stock and prices before purchasing their Spring and Summer Millinery Goods. The Millinery Department is separate and apart from the General Line and when visiting Dunn we invite you to make this store headquarters. We do a cash business, consequently we sell low. Yours to please, The Dunn Cash Racket Store, Dunn, North Carolina. PRICES I -o it win m you. k mm. Fresh and Reliable. Hi Elegant an 1 well Selected. ; Q'"1. Cheap and Sweet. Got n at Manufacturer Pricew. Gee. you jtiaf ought to wee them. on