AVERAGE CIRCULATION 1,000. o- -o Place your "ad" with us and see tho results. Vol. 9. Diimi, Two In the Snrinsr a young man s fancy lightly turns to thoughts j 1. fancy seriously 1 turns to houg hts of SPUING DRESSES, for tlio young woman knows w.ll that the young man's thoughts of love will turn quick er towards her if she is diked out-in a dainty UP-TO-DATE NEW DRESS. We have the stuffs that are and as nun as ramuuw vapui :is delicate as the color of a soap bubble chancing We also have a beautiful line of Duck Serges, Percales, Welts, Sattens and Cashmeres in all the-Spring Shades. It would be a pity if you w.ere to miss seeing our line of Shirtwaist goods and ready made shirts. F.C.Co. We sell 'Warner's Corsets and a nice line of Gauze Vests, Hosiery, Muslins, Hamburgs, Laces, Belts, Umbrellas &c. You ought to see the latest in Ladies' Slippers they are out of sight. Now just a word to tho Lady house-keepers whose thoughts are turning to house cleaning, j We have not torgotten you. "We have just received a com plete line of Mattings, Rugs, Floor Oil Cloth, Curtain Poles, Screen Curtains &c. Linen Window Shades at 25 cents. . Everybody knows that we are headquarters for "Coats' Spo( )V Cotton, Ball Thread, K n i 1 1 i n g C ot I o n , T u rk ey Red , Embroidery Cotton and wash Silk in all shades. We have added to our stock a complete line of GROCERIES, (rockery, Glassware, all kinds of S nu 11', and the cheapest line v fobacco in the city. We make a specialty of" country La rd, and water-ground Meal. We can sell you two large cakes of soap for oV, and four Boxes of Lye for 19. You want these goods. We want you to have them. iffli Dn PRICES : Well, you know, or you ought to know by this time that there is -never a question of prices between us and our customers. We sell so much cheaper than any other house that it gets positively tiresome to talk about it. Come to see us and we'll do you good. " , ; Very truly, P. T. MASSENGILL, Manager. ON in JN C. S In the other store we carry the most complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises ever shown in the town, all the goods are bran new and most UP-TO-DATE tore lines vou ever saw. And our ana 'oraerea nome. ai od. J . .1 .It- 1 1 r T prices will so surprise you tliat it will be impossible for you to resist them, even if you wanted t0 We would like to special attention to call your our line of Summer Clothing which is the most complete lino pvpr slmwn in Dunn of course, and what interests you most the prices are cut down to the very core. We advise you to look at our stock before buy i inrr. we advise vou also" to in spect our line ot bUlltib lor - -i , it i gictti, vi value , . and quantities prices are so low that it will nnlv t.akfi a fiance to see what J. o re onnortunities we are ottering. Nice Percale cents. How blurts for 66t does that strike you gollars and (guffs. An entirely new line of Col lars and Culls, we place belore our friends. The styles include the verv latest produced. A ninrp nn-to-date line will be hard to find. Prices of course have received their usual riz up" so that they are hardly noticeable. THE LflBOEPi IS WORTHY of the yery best goods obtain able for his money. lhat is tho Tpnsnn we are selling our line of Overalls and Pants such reduced prices. Our bet ter grades of overalls are made as well and strong as it is pos sible to make them and no one can offer any more. Our line of Men's Fine Shoes nrp a hi-olutelv the best in the world. No one can. contradict this statement and tell the truth. The Shoes of which we sneak is the W. L. Douglass, sold by no other firm in town Reekie chr Jsjccluccar T Last but not least is our line of Spring and Summer Neck wpnr Hovs. vou ought to see it, for we tell you it is a' thir of beauty and a joy forever. With best wishes, we are, Yours truly,. G. K. MASSENGILL, 7 Manager Gent's Furnishing 7 I 'Prove all A Soldier Who Warts to Marry a Virginia Red-Headed Girl. The War Department has re ceived the following interesting letter from one of its volunteer officers recently mustered out, I and is endeavoring to afford the young man the relief he so ear nestly prays for : "Missoula, Mont,, April 5, 1890. "Hon. W. W. Brown, Auditor War Department, Washington, D. C. "Dear Sir: I suppose you have troubles of your own, and may be bored by my attempt to unload a portion of my troubles upon Tou, but as most men are willing to assist their brothers when they are in a fix, I will ask you to assist me if in your power. "I was second lieutenant in the Third United States Cavalry "U""S ai1" e ngQS Alce a AlzaTrus uamp l nomas, ua. 1 was mustered out in September last ram, Minn., 1 was given cer- tain blanks by Colonel Oarey, paymaster, u. b. a., to nil out, and he told me I had $474.25 coming to me from the war de partment as travel pay from Camp Thomas, Ga., to Missou la, Mont. Early in October my claim'was filed in your office, and later you sent me a receipt, dated December 20, 1898, show ing that my account with the subsistence department was set tled and balanced, so that there is nothing charged against me in any of the departments. Noyv, if I can get that money I can make a trip to Virginia and bring the sweetest red headed girl back here with me that ever bloomed in old Vn- ginia's flower garden. If I do not get my travel pay 1 will have to wait, maybe a year. In the meantime there is a bloom ing Britisher after my girl, aud he is playing an every-night en gagement, while I am d,(X)0 miles lawav. The sir I herself is all right, but the old tolks are favorable toward "Johnny Bull" and are "touting" him to win. You know how the dripping water wears a stone away. So I want you to help me to get my travel pay, and then watch me skin that En glishman. If I can set this money 1 can win in a walk, so, if vou will assist me in this matter of getting my travel pay 111 14. I.1 I. V 1 V M. V , mj nu rk v. 1 will be a star at a 1 matrimonial cei ceremony back in old Virginia, and about two weeks after I get my travel pay - - j I will call on you m Washing ton and show you the prettiest red-headed queen that old Dixie Land ever grew. I appeal to you to help me in my hgnt against the British Empire, and my future mother-in-law. ask vou to treat this in confi dence, because if the newspa fet hold of it it will oe all off with ime. "Trusting that you will as sist me and that I may have the pleasure of introducing you to the prettiest red-headed gir you ever saw, very shortly, I am. vours in suspense, etc. - 7 - New York Tribune. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the at needy and suffering. The pro ; prietors of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfaction of know ing itj has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness aud all diseases of tne Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on McKay Bros. & Skinner, Drug gists, aud get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, orprice re funded. A(iF.NT'S WANTED FOR "THE Life ami Achievements oi Auunrai Uewey," the world's greatest naval hero. Bv Mnntt miteau, tne nie Ion? friend and admirer of the nation s idol- Bifrseat and best book; over oOU naes oxiu incnes; neany . .w paa halftone illustration. jniy ;i.w Kpoimous demand. Bijr commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime- Write quick, i he Dominion Company, 3rd Floor JLLixtou Bldg. Chicago, lil. things; hold -fast that which OUIMIM, IM. C. MAY 24, 1899. Good For Schley- Naval Personnel Act Gives Great Advantage Over - Sampson. In reply to an official request or an interpretation of certain provisions of the Naval Person nel bill, under which both Schley and Sampson were cre ated rear admirals, the Comp troller of the Treasury has ruled that Rear Admiral .Schley's sal ary, which corresponds to that of a major general in the army, began at that rate with the pas- sage oi the Din on jviarcn za, m .t 1 mi m- i c i but that the pay of admiral Sampson, which will be equal to that of a brigadier general, r!' n?'?i" atT "?S "I" "" "' y now $7,500a year, and he has since March 2d been-entitled to $525 a month. v In addition to" this sum, he draws $72 a month as commutation on six rooms of 19 nor mnnfh s v rnnms hmrifr allowed a maior general. Admiral Samnson's salarv will k0 Knn nftor TiiW fttiH ip ' I will receive $48 per month as PAmmntQtiAn for fmir rnnms. VyUlUiXlUVUIVXVU. wV-.-.wy I the number allowed a brigadier general. -The difterence in salaries I the fact that the , , I the grade of commodore, rals- mgali officers who al rear admirals created by the addition of the former commo dores to the already existing list of rear admirals, two class es were formed, the nine senior officers of that grade being giv en the relative pay and-allowances of major generals in the army, while the nine- junior nffinora rofPlTO t.hf sn.lfl.rv fl.lld "iiv-ivj . j allowances ot a hrigaaier gen eral. Admiral Schley- out- ranked Admiral Sampson as a commodore, and, accordingly, came into the first class of rear admirals, and thus exceeds Mr. Sampson considerably in pay and allowances. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, aud all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervous ness, headache and tired, list less, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Ida ville, Ind. He says: "Elec tric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new, strength and good appetite than anything 1 could take. I can now eat any thing and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Mc Kay Bros. & Skinner's Drug Store. Every bottle guaran teed. This is a little bov's essay on "Editors. " "I don't know! how newspapers came into the world. I don't think God does. For he aint got nothing to say about them and the word, 'edi tor' don't occur in the Bible. I think the editor is one of the missing links you hear about, an i-l staid in the brush till after the flood, and then came out and wrote the thing up, and lm.a been here ever since. Idon'f think he ever dies: I never saw a dead one and I never heard of j one getting licked. Our paper is' a mighty poor one ; tho edi-j tor goes without underclothes all the winter and don't ear socks, and pa hasn't paid his subscription in hve-' years. Ex. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible j Rum. Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica -Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers,, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions'. Best Pile pure on earth. Unlv zo cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold bv McKay Bros. & Skinner, is good." STATE NEWS. Items of news gathered from all parts of the state. A cotton mill that will oper ate 10,000 spindles will soon be erected at Sanford. A young white man was sent to jail Friday for robbing a ne gro's store in Raleigh. J. S. Elliott, a well known and successful business man of fni!nn n r m m i f e A cilirtia loot t7;j i ; w rii 1 ' ji lLiti y u y i u in ijiij itch, The war stamps put on the it i r j i - i c A. i t 1 1 . aeeas ior tne saie oi uie auu- tic & Yadkin railroad to the Southern and the A. C. L. last week amounted to $2,700. The Piedmont Table Compa- ot High Point, has been iu- ,nrror,at,Prl hv thfl Secretarv of II V . Ul Xillill X UlUl, kltbO UCCU 1 1- I C? !. 'I'l, Ann i cfnnlr i o iI - II I-T Ill I s-l. niltll.W I 1 $10,000. Joseph P. Wimberly, of I 1 1 J 1 iJ iagecomoe county, graauaieu last WeeK at jeaersou iYieuiUiU College, Philadelphia, with highest honors and was award- . . l-l 11 - T- ITT? ea the sroia meaai. uv. wim- Deny is just zi years oi age. -r. . . f Two negroes, Elijah joyner h - - "v ?f -i. . uiotuuud jtx, county, Friday to wawign jau -. -..- - I rrviillinrt ' I ' llQTT n I'O I B--; J"" fhin " r,7:' " , J ' William Brown, colored, was sp.Hnnslv cut bv a nero named Gardner in a fight at a negro base-balLgame in Raleigh Sat- urday afternoon. Brown was attemntinrr to senarate two ne- rti.noo t mf ntrovo fiorht.incf whfin 1 O A . ntm nf thfl nartieinants stabbed I . . i X- v mm. There have been two deaths at Morganton from smallpox both white. Dr. Long, State smallpox expert, examined four teen persons there Saturday and pronounced them suffering from confluent smalloox. The board of iildermen have ordered compulsory vaccination. The naval reserves of this State left Wilmington Monday on an eicht davs cruise for practice on the United States Steamship Prairie. . They will go north as far as Gardner's Bay, Long Island, betore they return. Do you take cold with every chance In the weather? Does your throat feel raw? pains dart And do . sharp through your chest? Don't you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption itself ? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide Is, "Have I the vitality to throw off these diseases ?" Don't wait to try SCOTT'S EMULSION "as a last re sort." There Is no remedy equal to it for fortifying the system. Prevention Is easy. Scott's Emulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those with poor blood. SCOTT'S EMULSION U the one standard remedy for inflamed throats and lungs, for colds, bronchitis and con sumption. It Is a food medi cine of remarkable power, A' food, because it nourishes the body ; and a medicine, be cause It corrects diseased conditions. joe and $1.00, 11 druggist. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Nw York The Negro Problem. Good Advice by a Baltimore negro preacher. Rev. George -F. -Bragg, rector of St. James' Colored Potestaut -."Ana, mina you, our euo Episcopal Church, on Colvin mies' are not so much persons street, near Hillen, preached a of the opposite race as are our sermon yesterday morning on the colored race. He spoke, in part as follows: "Weread in the public press flrtm (imQ t t?mO rtf the rava- a f tiiof nnrnriitr en) rit. whip.li I ego vi. vuuv viiitiw..7 " - seems increasingly to prevaae the members of our race in all BOt.tnn nf fliic hrnad rniintrr J Rmtalitv. crime, shiftlessness. idleness and general wickedness his heart sinks within him, and out of the depth of his soul in the men wuo nave wi cim. onH almnst. dfisnair hfi acters, who stand highest in tho L I cries aloud, 'Give us help from f mil t"k I P Iftf Vfl n IS MR II )I I i A U tm Aw W V - w w w man !' Christian men crave we must 20 to the rescue of tiV VV VUU SJKJ vr those our obstinate and wicked brethren, who, unless by God's grace we arrest tneir vioiem and mad career, will drag us down in the meshes of sin and moral ruin. If there be no stronger desire on our part to restrain these symptoms oi sin then we may be sure that we mirapi imvfl nflRaed the dan-L - , ArittAuZ."" : PiVJ -."vf - - J Urmoral ruin. E!S ,o be condemned. iM" "- nrpsArvo the very e8sence and godliness e Pv,.;ion ,i, ,.,. fo. cn high purposes will unquestion- abiy manifest their existence nractical and definite means to L,o f t,na fl nri n.m. ICUUCCkWX .- IIVWU wi ivuv. wv." . i. jj j a a. o.id. fi,n(0n. UC9L1 UVUUU muvuvvu I v intr nnr verv beinr? as Christian j 1 a. Lucia auu n viuu. uvii A.t.ui ,u .o.v.nafinn of the increasing wickedness and unjrodlv tendencies of the race should beget in us a readi- ness to co-ooerate with all means of whatever value in the nnA ovnn s nn of crime bv whoever committed. We are in great trouble, and these troubles are constantly increasing, as witnessed in the stady change of public senti- ment with respect to us. In the individual world positions by which members of our race are wont to earn a living ior themselves are growing fewer and fewer every day. Even in the most ordinary avenues of common-labor the necro finds it increasingly difficult to com- nete with other races, it is with this class of labor that we - - ... . . are chiefly concerned, for the bulk of any people, white or UlUCKi 1UU3V unci i"lvr"'vi.v in such avenues. "Why such a x . e uno cflt in with rpenPAt. tn thfl fim- i . t aA rwcriQ io noi io oe nccuumtJu iui Bimpy on the ground of mal prejudice. I make bold to say that it is the negro the monopolp OQnf tn were once almost exclusively lit- posessed by him. "The one thing whic.i distin- guished tne oetterciass oi coi- ored persons, although slaves before the war, was character. They were uniformly polite, modest, obliging; respectful, tidy, clean, sympathetic and : 1 : TUnrr maAa tlin nnnrnnative. l hev maue tne most of every opportunity pre - y sented. Thev imbibed the good qualities and virtues of the master class, ana escnewea thp pnarse. low vulvar traits of the poor whitesthe overseer class. And, as a matter of fact " O their owners thought more ot them than they did the poor whites. Ridicule the thought as much as you like, yet there was a real bond of mutual sym pathy between the master class and the betterehiss of colored Society has a right to pro- :ifL in in. would destroy its very life. Our duty, as e.dight- ened men and women before the . . . n i ,1 u. living UOQ, IS IV sur uy auu uc- get a mighty enthusiasm iori HARNETT, CUMBERLAND, JOHNSTON, SAMPSON Large circulation in each county. No. 24, the right, as opposed to wrong, and place ourselves squarly up on record as irrevocably oppos ed to outlaws and outcasts of whatever race they may be. "Through God we shall do val iantly : for it is that shall tread i i down our enemies. passions, appetites, uuruiy wins ftna anecuons. ne uu own worst enemies, oumw ui . . us "te to coast oi our very great progress, ana cuuveiuyvu- uuslv look down upon coiorea - . are uvea uunug "m , But what IS the fact? lake this congregation, or almost any other colored congregation, m this city, and you will find that .. 1 1 community, wuo iiavu more money and more of everything that is good, are not the younger men "ttVO cuJuJrcv.v" l , u - ...1.1 nines oi ireeuuui, uumo class, who have either been v & something radically wkuwu. 4This fact indicates that there is something radically wrong in the methods now em- ployed in rearing coiorea cnu- dren. You tell me that the col- nMLlron nnw arn sucerior UOUUJV VWVT ..v.. " dress travafiantly, dance, attend the- atre3 and pose. And this to many a silly soul is elevated jind amelioration 1 "W have started at tho wrong end. We have begun at the ton. instead of at tho not- torn. We are in great trouble. We need help from the Lord that we may do valiantly for the cause of truth and Godincss i - , . that un from oeneatu tne our- I den of vice, ignorance. i . Y- 1, 1 I 1 J.n.M M ITT rl 1 11 pupuwr tiirw., lifimner and hold down the race we mav mate our gionous ir , . . . umphant ascession, redeemed. penectea, gioriuiwiuiu u.iBuv. The sermon was strong logical, and created a deep aud im- pression on its hearers. Balti- I IIlUTU XlUIillU . Ancient Corn. Six Grains Said to Be Thous ands of Years Old. Mr William McCabe, a resi dent of Riverdale, Md., has six kernels of corn which were found among others in a moun tain cave of Arkansas, and said by those versed in fossil signs to be 5000 or 60UU years old, says a College Park, Md.f special in the Baltimore bun. Mr. John - , E. Burton, the sender of the Drecious crains. has in hisofheo iuiiouavv, ' I every resui. mwo umu vwi.i, I . j-v ivl-rA nt linn tfn - - - larger, ana in coior au r- w" .'Tt OI lOlUinUUS, iiuu mi. ongmal seed d.scovered m a cave hermeticallv sealed iu some ancient and 'curious pot- terv. Mr T3arnum planted the corn jasfc june and the growth sem- ed tQ jlim to be marvelous. In -t f the jrv an.j unfavora- seas0n. this antediluvian raajze grew to tho height of ten feet an(1 in instances to. 15 feet : ... ? the stalks raeasunngan circum ference seven inches, with leaves five feet long, when other grain shriveled and per ished under the heat oi the sun. Mr. Burton, seeing some notice of tie giganlic cereal, and tiimtinfr it a fake, wrote to Mr. rtarnum about it. Mr. Barnum repiied by sending him some of the fifiefi Mr. Burton has sent it to t -13 home, near Lake - Geneva, where some of the far- raers wm gec wiat can be done with it jfc ias en demon-. strated in the most satisfactory manner that the corn was act- ually found in an old cavern la Arkansas. Mr. McCabe has planted wnat no iias, u iously await. greatdeal of .nterest in tins matrer has been awakened m rrT t i i l Department. May 24-2Gvv-2p. Druggists. I

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