AVKKAGK ; CIRCULATION HAUNKTT, 1,000. CUMBERLAND, JOHNSTON, SAMPSON Large circulation in each county. I O- ' Place your "ad" with us and see the results. 'Prove all things; holdfast that which is good." Vol. 9. DUrJIM, IM. C. IVIAY 31, 18. No. 25. QONTY lap On Dunn, Two in the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts f love, but a young woman's fancy seriously turns to thoughts of SPRING DRESSES, for the young woman knows well that . the young man s thoughts of love will turn quick er towards her if she is diked out in a dainty UP-TO-DATE NEW DRESS. We have the stuffs that are as thin as rainbow vapor and as; delicate as the changing nftor of a soap bubble. ' j . We also have a beautiful line of Duck Serges, Percales, Welts, Sattens and Cashmeres in all the Spring Shades. It would be a pity w ere to miss seeing our if you line of Shirtwaist made shirts goods and ready- F.C.Co. We sell Warner's Corsets and a nice line of Gauze Vests, Hosiery, Muslins, Hamburgs, Laces, Belts, Umbrellas &c. You ought to see the latest in Ladies' Slippers -they are out of sight. f, Now just a word to the Lady house-keepers whose thoughts are turning to house cleaning. e nave not torgotten you. We have just received a com plete line of Mattings, Rugs, Floor Oil Cloth, Curtain Poles, Screen Curtains Ac. Linen Window Shades at 25 cents. I Everybody knows that we are. headquarters for "Coats' Spool Cotton, Ball Thread, Knitting Cotton, Turkey Red, Embroidery Cotton and wash Sirk in all shades. We have added to our stock a complete line of GROCERIES, Ciockeiy, Glassware, all kinds of Snuff, and the cheapest line of Tobacco in the city. We 'make a specialty of country hard, and water-ground Meal. We can sell you two large cakes of soap for 5f, and four Boxes of Lye for 19. You want these goods. We want you to have them. PRICES: Well, Tou know, or you ought to ..know by this time that there is never a question of prices between us and our customers. We sell so much cheaper than any other house that it gets positively tiresome to talk about it. Come to see us and we'll do you good. Very truly, P. T. MASSENGILL, Manager. Bio Cools 3NT.C. In the other store we the most complete line of carry Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises ever shown in the town, all the goods are bran new and most lines you ever saw. And our prices will so surprise you that it will be impossible for you to resist them, even if you wanted to. We would like to special attention to call your our line of Summer Clothing 1 jmi which is the most complete line ever shown in Dunn of course, and what ' interests you most the prices are cut down to the very core. We advise you tnlonlr nf mir stnplr hpfm-P hnv- iner. we advise vou also to in- spect our line of oHlKTo for t. a eft nwnt nevPffiirHsv.ar pfv n nnH nnnntitip ()nr O ' " J mrices-are so low tnat it will 1 . 1 . 1 i only take a dance to see what opportunities we are offering, Nice Percale Shirts for 33 cents. How does that strike you? . (gollars and" , An entirely new line of Col- lars and Cuffs, we place before our friends. The styles include the very ' latest produced. A more up-to-date line will be hard to find. Prices of course have received their usual "riz up" so that they are hardly noticeable. . THE LABORER IS WORTHY of the very best goods obtain able for his money. ' That is the reason we are selling our line of Overalls and Pants at such reduced prices. Our bet ter grades of overalls are made as well and strong as it is pos sible to make them and 110 one can offer auy more. Our line of Men's Fine Shoes are absolutely the best in the world. No one can contradict this statement and tell the truth. The Shoes of which we speak is the W. L. Douglass, sold by no other firm in town. Last but not of Spring and least is our line Summer Neck- ought to see it, for we tell you it is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. With best wishes, we are, Yours truly, G. K. MASSENGILL, Manager Gent's Furnishing Department. Stores ELOQUENT APPEAL New York's Great Fight. APPLIES TO ALL THE LAND. The New York Weekly Wit ness recently reported the pro ceedings of a meeting of the "Prohibition Union of Chris- tian Men," held in that city, of which Kev. A. O. Dixon, pastor of Hanson Place Baptist church, Brooklyn, is president. Among the speakers was Mr. M. C. Howard, of Rochester, organ izer of the Union. His speech in part closed as follows : Men of New York, hear me ! If the Devil keeps on inventing machines of damnation and we continue to go in partnership with him for a division of the plunder, in another generation our great cities will reap a har vest of licentiousness and de- baucherv that will outrival Pompeii and Sodom. The Devil has fused the sa loon and the brothel into one colossal machine to attack the great centres of modern civili zation, and unless we can fuse the patriotic, law abiding, God- serving citizens of the country, and meet organized iniquity with organized righteousness. the situation is without hope. One cannot look into the con ditions that prevail here at the present time without being re minded of the two colored boys who had begun the study of the catechism together. . One asked the other, "How far are you, Jack?" "Oh, I m just in original sin ; How far are you, Sam?" "I am far beyond that ; I am past Redemption." Well, it was probably not true of Sam, and it is not true of New York. But the situa tion jn..thiscity its depth of depravity, its open disregard for law and the wide-spread in difference of its citizens is posi tively alarming. It does not concern isew York: only. it concerns the whole nation. Our Civil Service is becoming the favored roost for incapables, thieves and plunderers. It has become almost impossible to 1 1.1 carry on any public work that does UOt lTSUlt 111 a raid OU tlie 1 . i .1 aid Ireasury. opce couuueu to our ciues, lU-ua,V Hie UUITUUUOU IclVS IIS I 1 J LJ 1 t . 1 n . i leprous nana on tne otace ana nation. Canal scandal in New York ; capital scandal in Pennsylvania ; Allen law scandal in Illinois ; City Hall scandal ; gas plant scandal : street paving scandal ; public franchise scandal ; Grand Jury scandal ; Senatorial scan dal ; war scandal. This whole sale debauchery is perforating the entire fabric of our civic life. How long is our commercial life to be spared? When the political field is filled up, what next? According to the commercial reports an army of men went astray as embezzlers -in recent i 1 1 1 . 1 i years, and roooed tneir employ ers of over twenty-six millions of dollars. Gentlemen, there is danger ahead if we do not stop this wholesale public debauchery. It is high time for the decent citizens of America to wake up and organize with no less, an aim than to clean up house to retire to private life some of the scarred rulers of our great municipalities ; to demand for public officials a brand of men who would rather fill a . hole in the Potter's Field than to fill a public office by licking the dirty boots of the rum power, and to close up the dens of infamy that are rooting the civic fabric of our cities and debauching our young men and young women by the tens of thousands every year. v We have fought one holy war to throw off the yoke and Span ish misrule in Cuba. I go in for another holy war to throw off the yoke of barroom misrule in America. 8 Oh, ye reformers of New York, stop your child's play, corld your squirt guns, and help the Prohibition Union of Chris tian Men to turn on the hose. I go in for cleaning out the whole iniquitous system, Do you say that it is imprac ticable and impossible? Noth ing is impossible that is right. Nothing that is right is imprac ticable. You say that I do nob know New York ; that a fight like that would result in wholesale butchery : that assassination would lurk in every dark hall- meanest coward Yhat walks the way and allev. Weil, the earth can die a natural i death. It takes a man to face death for a noble cause. I believe that New York would be better off if some of vnii trntlpmpn wprp in TTpnrpn to-night. It might be pretty hard on heaven, but if you died in the ngnt it wouia wake up the rest of the country to the fact that the question now fac ing it is whether we shall sup- . . m press tins iniquity or be op pressed by it. llie potato crop may survive the dry rot. This republic can not live on indefinitely and en dure the wet rot. in a speecn betore a ciuo in London, Lord Roseberry called attention to the liquor traffic on the institutions of England and said it is a political ring which threatens to throttle and control the commonwealth itself. Tf tlinfc ia tvno (if TTxrlnnfl it is doubly true of the, United States, where every man, with out regard to what he has, what he is, or to what he knows, has an equal voice in deciding how and by whom we shall, be gov erned. And if America s 'experiment ot popular government ever fails in the words of Wendell Phillips "it will not be incap able Civil Service, nor an am bitious soldier, nor venal legis- islation, nor the greed of wealth tw win nnt unirsnl snffmcrp into eclipse : it will be rum, en t ' to trenched in our great cities, making popular suffrage a fail ure and a curse." . . ' " . If the wages of sin is death for the individual, the wages of wide-spread national sin will be death to democrac7" ; for you cannot have a live democracy out of dead individuals. Whatsoever a man soweth, and whatsoever a nation sow eth, that shall it also reap. In lod. the Virginius, an American ship manned by American sailors, sailed for the coast of Cuba with Joseph, as captain. She was captured by the Spanish warship Tornado, towed into the harbor of Santi ago, and Captain Fry, of Tam pa, and fifty-three of his men were led outside of the walls and shot down like dogs. Then the Spanish soldiers thrust their bayonets in the mouths of the dying Americans ; then came a division of cavalry and rode their horses over the dead bodies, mangling them beyond recognition. .Thus died brave Captain Fry and his men, at Santiago in 1873. Twenty-five years have! gone, and a few months ago; there sailed from the home of Cap tain Fry a fleet of warships and transports carrying the Ameri can army, which in less than one hundred days swept the Spanish navy from the sea. and captured the Spanish army, and the flag that the Spanish tore d6wn from the mast-head of the Virginius was raised over the governor's palace at Santiago. Whatsoever a nation soweth, that shall it also reap. Nor is that all. Hamilton Fish 'was" Secretary of State. To his shame, Spain was never called to account for that out rage, and the first American boy to be killed by a Spanish bullet in the fall of Santiago was Hamilton Fish, Jr., the grandson of the Secretary of State. Whatsoever a nation soweth that shall it also reap. To-day, I appeal to you by all for which the martyrs bore their agony and shame ; by all the warning words of truth which all the prophets haye spoken; by the future that awaits us ; by all the hopes that cast their faint and trembling beams across the blackness of the past : and by the blessed thought of Him who for earth's freedom died strike quick ; strike hard ; strike now on God Almighty's side." Subscribe for this paper This Dos: Knew- Policeman Glenn had an en- counter with a bi? dog near lronville yesterday. The ani o mal was getting to be some what ill-tempered and parents were afraid it might bite their children as they passed - the house on their way to school Complaints were lodged at the police station and Umcer Glenu was detailed with a double-bar relied shotgun to shoot the ani mal. The officer reached the house which sheltered the dog and en j1 the, ?ai;d keeping a sharp lookout for the ferocious beast The dog spied the officer before the patrolman got a peep at him. The dog seemed to di vine wnat tne policeman was there for and that he had de signs on his life. The dog ap peared to fully understand the danger of the gun the officer carried, and instead of rushing out in front of the policeman, as had been the dog's usual practice, the animal took a cir cle round the house, taking good care to keep out of the officer's sight. In turning the corners- the dog around them both would peer ways to see that the coast was clear. The and d,g kept, getti"g closer closer to the policeman's heels. and at a spot where a favorable opportunity presented itself the big animal pounced on the offi cer's back with "such force as to throw him headlong to the ground. The dog grabbed the officer over the breast and shook him so hard that he dropped his gun. Then .the dog grabbed him by the legs and gave him another shaking, but in all the shakings the patrolman got no L1J ,1-. rpi uiuuu wiis uiavu. i ueu me Then dog picked up the gun and trotted away with it in his mouth in the direction of the river, and it is believed the an imal dropped it into the Mau mee. The dog has been taking a vacation since the row. Cin cinnati Enquirer. Glorious News Comas from Dr. D. B. Car- gile, of Washita, I. T. He writes "rour bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help ; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for ec zema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps di gestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner Druggist, Guaranteed. Let Her Go at That. An aged rural citizens engaged the local town poet to write an obituary on his brother. After numerous failures, the poet sub mitted the following : He left this world of sorrow And entered heaven's gate, With a spotless robe of glory on. At twenty minutes to eight. "Well,"-said the old man as the effort was read to him, "hit wus r'aly fifteei minutes past nine wnen ne got mar, cor ding! ter mv time-piece, but, anyhow, he wus such a a liar hit don't make no difference. Let her go at twenty to 8." Ex. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Erup tions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chil blains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Achjes. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by McKay Bros. & Skinner, Druggists. p isc3 s4ejY uh co; pin? v Bad Advice. Positively tfie very worst ad vice that the negroes of the United States could get is that which one of their Bishops is giving them. This blindest of blind leaders is daily preaching a policy of armed resistance, of open war with the whites. Ihere could be out one end to such a conflict, and any negro, layman or, prelate, who does not appreciate what that end would be, and how speedily it would come, is deserving of the siucerest pity. A war between a the races would be a lamenta oiy easy settlement or the race problem, and," if by auy such influence as Bishop Walters and the few followers he may have can exert, the existing situation should be changed into a trial of strength, the peace that en sued would indeed be perfect and permanent. The Bishop should ponder a while on the word "extermination." If he does not understand it, men like Booker T. Washington and T. Thomas Fortune are compe tent to define it for him. The negroes of this country have everything to expect from the ssympathv, the aid, and the ul timate justice of their white fellow-citizens ; from a resort to arms they could obtain nothing e xc e p t destruction. Boston Herald. o Beanth Signature ef Tha Kind You Haw Always Bought The South 's Vanished Money, According to the estimate, pick-pockets carried off at least $50,000 from the Confederate veterans and the visitors who were at the convention last week. It is believed that a band from. Chicago did most of the stealing, for the men arrest ed had nearly all return tickets to the Windy City. Many of the people here for the week had never been mixed in a big crowd before, and they were easy prey for the thieves. Major J. C. Alderman a vet- ITT Y- eran irom west Virginia, and a former partner of Governor Atkinson, of that State, was boarding a street car when he felt that he was being robbed There were three men near him and he grabbed the two nearest. The third fellow, the one who really got the money, disap peared. Major Alderson's pris oners were taken to police head quarters, and next morning transferred to a magistrate. Bail for each was fixed at $300. When the magistrate named he amount, one of the men re marked. "Oh, that's easy," and with a sharp knife ripped open a secret pocket and brought out a wad of money. He paid $G00 to the magistrate and went away. "I can't afford to loose any time here, he said, as lie went away, "for these are Southern people, and they are dead soft." Charleston Dis patch. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery lias been made, and that to, by a ady in this country. "Disease astened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed hcessantlv, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us 1 bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night ; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther L u t z . ' Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at McKay Bros. & Skinner's Drug Store. Regu lar size 50c ana $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. DTC iTLa (iml Ym Kan Atar Bc4 STATE NEWS. Items of news oathkked from all parts of the state. A new directory of the city of Raleigh gives that city, includ ing its immediate suburbs, a population of 27,972. The sale of tags for fertilizers by the agricultural department shows a decrease this year of ten per cent, over last year. The Governor has offered a reward of $200 for the arrest of Ed Lowery, a Croatan, who killed Tucker Dial, also a Croa tan, in Robeson county on May 5th. Jule C. Smith, a well known planter and farmer near Colum bus, Ga., was shot and killed as he entered his residence by a negro named Bill Harris. George Weathersby, a white boy 16 years of age, was taken to the penitentiary for two years last week from Mitchel county, where ho was convicted of the murder of another white boy about the same ago over a game of "crackaloo." The toll bridge company yes terday evening gave tho con tract for the steel bridge across the Yadkin river to the Virgin ia Bridgo and Iron Company of Koanoke, a. 1 ho bridgo will be 700 feet long. It is to bo built during tho s u m m 0 r months, and work will begin on the structure at tho earliest pos sible moment. Salisbury Sun. A. big celebration was held on the battlefield at Cowpens, S. C, Saturday, it being tho anni versary of the victory gained over the British there by Gen eral Morgan in the Revolution ary W ar. Amos J. Cummings of New York, was present by invitation and mado tho lead ing address. following number of hides have been bought by Mr. J. D. Payne at this place. Rab bits skins, G9,50G; mink, 520; muskrats, 456 ; opossum, '562 ; coon, 6K) : house cat, o ; iox, a ; otters, 7. The amount paid to farmers for raUbits, meat and hides, by Mr. Payne alone sinco Christmas was $4,170.36. This is a revelation to us as regards the rabbit. We have always regarded rabbits as useless, only fit to be destroyed and as only furnishing a little sport occasionally for negroes and others who had nothing else to hunt for but the above figures put the rabbit in a new light. Burlington News. 9999 9999 99999 9999 99992 lis Easy! jXo Tatoi j Thin, pale, ansmic girls g need a fatty food to enrich $ their blood, give color to $ their cheeks and restore their g I health and strength. It is $ m safe to say that they nearly all reject fat with their food. is exactly what thev require: o 4b $ it not only gives them the inv g portent element (cod-liver oil) $ 2 in a palatable and easilv di- a gested form, but also the hypo- jg phosphites which are so valua- $ S ble in nervous disorders that 2 usually accompany anatmia. SCOTTS EMULSION is a S fatty food that is more easily $ digested than any other form S of fat A certain amount of $ flesh is necessary for health. You can get it in this way. g We have known per-1 2 sons to gain a pound a $ day while taking it g 50c nd 1 1 xxx, H druggist. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUu, New York. 3 CC 6 CCCCC COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPMTES orUMEiSODA X 5 i -