! " ; 1 i ' r Let Him go to Australia. Pointed Paragraphs- News Items. Iffrnliiili'iliiiiiiiMlllllltllUIIHIIilllHWIlllllMMHIMIiniiiMinii-i l,,H,i,i.lHMIWIH AVetfe taHe Prep aration for As -simiiating HToodandBeguIa lingtheSMichsaDdDowelsQf PromotesTHgfestkm,CheerfuI ress and Best.Gon tains neither Opium,Merphine flor Mineral. mot Narcotic. Warm Seed - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feveri sh ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tic Simile Signature of NIW YOHK. CXACT COPT OF WRAPFEH. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodlut Church Rev. W A.Forbes Pastor Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning' and night. Prayermeeting every Wednesday night. Sunday gchcel every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, G. K. Grantham Superintendent. Baptist Church.-Rev. L. R. Carroll, pastor. Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church -Rev. R. W. Hines, pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night. Sunday school every Sunday morning, Doug Smith Superinten dent. Disciple Church-Rev. F. M. Summerell pas- tor Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society fevery Tuesday night. 8unday School every Sunday evening at A o'clock, McD- Holliday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and night. Primit ive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. G. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. LODGE. i .i,v,-n liiilm No. 147. A.. F. St A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, 8. W.; E. A. Jones J. W.; J. G.Johnson, Secretary. Regular communications are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A.M., and on the 1st Friday at 7:W o'clock p. in. in each month. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. TOWN OFFICERS. J. F. Phillips, Mayor. Commissioners McD. Holliday, J. C. Cox, C. F. Pope, Br. F. T. Moore. M.L. Wade, Policeman. County Officers . Sheriff, Silas A.Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Holloway. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner, Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners: E. F. Young, Chairman N. A. Sintfh. T. A. Harrington. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. fl. MCLEAN, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. C. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Mnrchison, JONESBORO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Mooie ami other counties', but not for fun. Feb. 20-ly. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEV1LLE, N. C. Piactiees Law in Curuberiand, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. J. C CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUNN, n. c. Will practice in all the court; of the State, where services desired. H. L GODWIN, Attornky-at-Law Dunjs, - - N. C. Will practice wherever services may be required. Difficult collections promptly made. W L. HUDSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Dunn, N. C. Office on N. E. Wilson St , second build ing from Broad St. Residence at junction of E. Broad and him Streets. Prompt attention to ail eallg from either Town if- Country, day or night in the various branches of the profession. ll nil, I,,. , ,IMI.HM.tMM litimil'iJllinll CAST0RI8 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA K. P. JONES. W. A. STEWART JONES & STEWART, Attorneys, Dunn, N.C. Will practice anywhere in State or Federal Court. Collections a specialty and prompt attention given. Oscar J- Spears, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LlLLIXGTON, N. C. Office in the Court House. General Practice in all State Courts. GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine 6o not be deceived by alluring advertisement) and be led to think you can get the beet made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Ligjit Running There Is none in the world that can equal in mechanical cos struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as man improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it : New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS, THE HEW HONE SEWING MACHIHE CG. OfLUtGB, Mass. Bobtoh, H ass. 28 TJkion Sou ark, N. T Chicago, Iix. St. Lons, Mo. Dallas, Twtab. tUM VRAjrCESCO, C'AL. ATLANTA, OA. FOR BALE BY Gainey & Jordan, Darin N. C. An Uncertain Disease. There is no disease more nncertain in it? nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diau'iiosis. No matter how severe, or under what disguisedyspepsia attacks von. Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by ull dealers has demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR " S WEAKNESSES. irregularities and derangements. . It has become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing, strengthen ing and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures "whites' ' and falling of the womb. It stops flooding ana relieves sup- and n&ittfnl mpnctmoHn. Pnr PIlUM A T i fa it ia K k 1 mcuiuuo uwis. xfc is oenenciai during pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reach? Wine of Cardui only costs 91.00 per bottle at your drag store. Tor advice, in earn requiring special direc tion, address, airing symptoms, the -Ladies' Advisory department," The Chattanooga Med feitM Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden, S. C, sera: "Mv wife need Wine of Cardui at heme for falling of the womb and It entirely cured her." 1 aft j , a - . XXiT Here's a man who wants to come to North Carolina to start a rabbit farm. He writes to Secretary of State Thompson, as follows : "What inducement would the State of North Carolina hold out to a man who contemplates starting a rabbit breeding es tablishment on an extensive scale, for fur. I would like a high location which I would propose to wire, and in this connection, I would state that one of the things to be consid ered is protection from dogs. Has the State any grounds at its disposal, that would meet any requirements, not too re mote from railway facilities. The writer of the letter is William S. Ammon, a boiler maker at Reading, Pa. Dr. Thompson replied that the State was just at present wrestling with an overproduction of old molly hares and hence no in ducements were being held out for people to come here and cul tivate that particular article. As to i good rabbit ground, Dr. Thompson said Chatham coun ty he believed, the most pro ductive rabbit ground in the State. As to the number of dogs per capita in Chatham, Dr. Thomp son had no figures. For infor mation touching this point Dr. Thompson referred Mr. Ammon to Jno. R. Smith, Commission er of Agriculture. Bismak's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splen did health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qual ities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at McKay Bros. & Skinner's drug store. Mr. M. T. Bynum, of Cataw ba county, who was in States ville this week, told the Land mark that he is one of a family of seven children, four sons and three daughters, all of whom are living, and the youngest member of the familv is in his 60th year. The family was raised in Catawba county, and are the children of the late John Gray Bynum, who was a native of Gaston, and all of them except one, who lives in (reorgia are still residents of C ttawba. L F. Farley conducts a large mer- han tile business at Liberty Hill Ga., rle says: ' "One application of Chani lerlain's Pain Balm relieved me of a severe pain in my back. I think it O K " For lame back, rheumatism neuralgia, swelliDgs. sprains, bruises burns and scalds no other liniment cm approach Chamberlain's Pain Balm It is tntended especially for these diseases and is famous for its cures. For sale by McKay Bros. & Si inner. Thought it Was Scorpions. Last week Will Person, a ne gro, died here from abscess on the liver and appendicitis. He was confined to his bed for sev eral days before he died, and Dr. G. McLeod was called to see him. But the patient would not take any of the pre scription except the dose the doctor would give while there, because the negro diagnosed the trouble to be poison. When he died Drs. McLeod and Shields cut the body open and found the abscess and appendicitis. But the wife of the deceased negro insisted that poison was the trouble, and in proof of her contention said that a half dozen scorpions had come from the man before he died. They were so superstitious and had thought and talked scorpions so much that they and two thirds of the other negroes act ually believe that the poor tel low had scorpions in him pro duced by poison. This satire old superstition has existed with this race, time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. It has come down with this race of people that a dried scorpion head pounded to pow- i ii i aer ana aosed to some unsus pecting person will cause the victim to have scorpions in him. Curious process is this of repro duction. Carthage Blade. and Whiskey se cured at home sit! out pain Book of pa ticulirs sent rRct SB t. U WoOLUt CO- unice, It Korth Pryor SL 1PIUM 3 41 itm. Love and the toothache are sworn enemies. Good things go as easily as bad things come. Gossip is a cartridge fired from the gun of idle curiosity. Kinds words never die ex cept when killed by ingrati tude. People who are intoxicated with music must be air-tight. A waining paragraph often saves' a chapter of explanation. Love is blind ; especially the kind that attacks the egotist. Unpaid bills are sometimes the source of a poet's best ef forts. The punch bowl is more dan gerous than the pugilistic punch. The wise man knows enough to conceal what he doesn't know. The good die young and the other kind when they can't help it. The sea air is delightful, but the seashore heiress is more so. Some things go without say ing, and some people say with out going. Superstition never keeps peo ple from accepting thirteen for a dozen. A woman has to be a light ning thinker if she thinks be fore she speaks. A man with an elastic imagi nation is apt to mistake it for his conscience. Mr John Peterson, of Patoutville, La., was very agreeably surprised not long ago. For eighteen monts he had been troubled with dysentery and had tried tnree-or toe best doctors in iNew Orleans, besides halt a dozen or more patent medicines, but received very little relief. Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, having been recommended to him, he gave it a trial and to his great sur prise, three doses of that remedy ef fected a permanent cure. Mr. Wm McNamara, a well known merchant of the same place, is well acquainted with Mr. Peterson and attests to the truth of this statement. This remedy is for sale by McKay Bros. & Skin ner. Must Pa? Taxes. New York, May 27. By the decision of the Board of Tax Commissioners, made public to-day, three of New York's cit izens who have taken up their residence abroad will have to pay their taxes just the same as persons living in this coun try. William Waldorf Astor must pay his personal taxes on an as sessment of $2,000,000 worth of personal property. The Bradley-Martins must pay taxes on $2,000,000 worth of personal property. Mrs. Isaac H. Sherman, mother of Mrs. Bradley-Martin, must pay taxes on $2,500,000 worth of personal property. Mr. Astor's taxes will amount to about $50,000 ; the Bradley Martins to about the same, and Mrs. Sherman will be taxed for $62,000. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of NOTICE OF SEIZURE. By J. B. Holland, Deputy Collector. Notice is hereby given of the seizure from Williams & Love on April 24th, 1890, for violation of the Internal Rev enue Laws, Section 3305, R. S., of the following 'property: One Copper Still, one Cap and Worm, Eight Packages of Corn Whiskey, about 330 gallons. Al-o Seven Packages of Corn Whis kev seized from W. M. Hawley on the second of Hay, I859. Any person having any interest in the above propeity is hereby notified to cine forward within thirty days from the date hereof and make claim bond as pi escribed bv law, or the property will be forfeited to the United States. This May 1st 1899. K. C. Duncan, Collectoi , By J. B. Holland, Raleigh, Deputy Collector, N. C. Dunn, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of Archie B. Godwin, deceased, late of Harnett coun ty, N.C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 10th day of May 1900, or this notice will be plead In bar of their reeoverj . All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This May 3rd. I809. Hannibal X. Bizell, Executor. The transport Solace arrived at San Francisco Saturday with soldiers from Manila whose term of enlistment has expired. It is stated that the American Tobacco Company will build some tobacco factories in Japan at once. The West Norfolk Barrel Factory with 100,000 barrels and three residences were burn ed at Norfolk Saturday. The First Monday in July- Superintendent of Public In struction C. H. Mebane issues the following to county boards of school directors and county superintendents : Dear Sir : I wish to call your attention to section 42 of school law, which requires county superintendents to make their annual report on the first Mon day in July ; also to call your attention to section 54, which requires the county treasurer to make his report on the first Monday in July. Then again I refer you to section 63, which says you shall meet on the sec ond Monday in July and on this day examine the reports of the county superintendent and coun ty superintendent and county treasurer, and, if found correct, shall order these reports sent to me. This word second in section 63 must have been a clerical error. The reports, of course, should be examined and passed upon by the county board of di rectors on the first Monday in July. Therefore, I advise you to have a special meeting on the first Monday in July to exam ine carefully and in detail the reports of the county treasurer and the county superintendent of schools. You will have sufficient offi cial duties to attend to on the second Monday in July, and will really not have the time then that should be given to these annual reports. There is to be no foolishness in the future as to these re ports being made promptly, as section 56 makes it a misde meanor for the county treasu rer to fail to make this report. The county superintendent who fails to make his report is sub ject to removal from his office under section 42. You see how useless it will bo to have reports here and have the examination after ward, therefore, I hope you will attend to this important duty on first Monday in July. "I would not be without Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for its weight in gold," writes D. J. Jones, of Holland Va. "My wife was troubled with a cough for nearly two years I tried various patent remedies, be sides numerous prescriptions from physicians, all of which did no good. I was at last persuaded to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which promptly relieved the cough The second bottle effected a eomplete cure." The 25 and 20 cent bottles are for sale by McKay Bros. & Skin ner NOTICE OF ELECTION. North Carolina, 1 Harnett County, j The Board of Commissioners oi Harnett County having ordered under the Local Option Laws of North Caro Una, an eleetic n to be held in the town of Dunn on the first Monday in June next, the Board of Commissioners of said town hereby give notice that at their meeting held on the 2nd day of May 1899, C. T. Guy was duly elected Registrar for said election by whom the Registration books will be held open for registration of voters at his residence on Broad street until Saturday preceeumg election. This May 3rd 1899. M. L. Wade, Clerk of Board. Job Printing. What gives our printing pleasing grace, 1 hat shows true merit on rts face ? Our type is modern in design. Our workmen, artists in their line Be glad to see you anv time: Just wnlk right in; no stairs to climb: We're "on the level" with the ground: Come and see the wheels go 'round When you see printing cleverlv done: Somewhat better than the common run; Piinting that says on its fnee ''m good" Then we did the work, that e understood O, hui lied, worried business man. We want to help you all v e cm. However much we have to do We'll stop the press to print for you. Have you printing on your mind:' Don't forget the undersigned. You know the methods we emnlov. Give us the job; we'll give vou joy COUNTY UNION JOB OFFICE. The Kind Yoa Haw Always Bought Bears the .00 A PAPER FOR TIB TO I JOB PRINTING. Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Cards, Dodgers, LEGAL BLANKS Yon can get your Legal Blanks by calling or writing to us. We make prices right, and will The Best Shoes tor the Least Money Sold by THE MASS EN GILL NOTICE. North Carolina, HaRNKTT t 'OTINTV. Saiali Jaiisfs Wat I s vs. Rowland Watts. The defendant above named will take notice that an action emitted as above has been commenced again t him in the Superior Court of Harnett county by the Plaintiff, his wife, to secure si di vorce 'from the bonds of matrimony; and the said defendant will further take no tice l hit he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Couit of said county to be held on the first Monday in September 189f, at the Com t House in Liilington, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the iaintitf" will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aid complaint. Witness my hand. This 19th dav of April I899. J. H. Withers, Clerk Superioi Court. D. H. McLean and W. E. Murchison, Attorneys for plaintiff. ADMtSI STRaTOR'S NOTICE. Hav ing qualified as Administrator of Thomas Fowler, df ceased, late of Har nett county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th dav of March. 1900. or this notice will be plead 111 bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate w ill please make immediate payment. This 24th day of Mareh 1899. J. D. Barnes, Jones & Stewart, Administrator. Attornej-s. ADMIXSTRATOR'S NOTICE ! The undersigned having qualified as administrator of Hugh McLean, deceas ed, all persons indebted to the estate are hereby urgently requested to settle the same at once. All persons who have claims against said estate ure re quested to present the same within 12 months from date of this notice or the statutes will be plead in bar of same. This April 12th, 1899. Hector Mcr ran, Administrator. Jones & Stewart, Attorneys. April 12-6w. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executrix nf Mrs ir J. McDaniel, deceased late of Harnett county, N. C, this is to notifv all rer uns having claims against th tti f sid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned 01. or befor tho oth of March, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All ner- ons indebted to said estate will nl.a make immediate Davmcnt. Thia omh uay 01 Marcn 1SU9. Mrs. M. L. Dennimu, V VOf I If 1-1 V Jones & Stewart and L. J. Best Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE! Hav .ug qualified as administrsinr f i- A Wheeler, deceased, late nf Hssmm county, N. C. this is to nnrifi, n sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un- ??,ieL?u or be,0,' t,,e 3 Jy of April IO0, as this notice will h rlM.i ;., k.. of their recovery. All persons indebted tn aasi 00t.. 1 1 css WsWWsB will please make immediate payment I his 3 day of April 1899. lieo. E. Prince Administrator. rk tor the Le"3"J W sWXf-TJ- BE.MSK7M. II HS KJHI5 15 THE BF I jm sjssa nil hi I. . r c xrsTft n- 9 THE COUNTYUNON year. HOME PEOPLli. HOME, STATE AND FOREIGN. We are Headquarters for all JOB PRINTING, kind of Statements, Tags, &c. ? f ( HAYE THEM. be pleased to serve you. W. L. DOUGLAS tQ CUAC FIT FOR M0 iinvL A KING Over One KuWoi People wear the W. U Doty.'as $3 and $4 Shoes. . . All our bM0-s are eqonlly Mtiefaaorr. They give the beat vaae lor the money. Xney equal custom shoe in style end nt. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform stamped on sole. I u m-t saveu over outer makes. I your dealer cannot supply you we em-. 36,84, S3.60 Cordovan , French I.nnmeiied ( nil and aanfaroo. S3. 00 Police Shoes. 3 soles. S2.50 and S2 Workinrwr. $2 & SI. 75 Boys' School i Ladies 93, $z.oU. szand If your dealer cannot sup, J you. wriw) iur cuiaioguu. W. L. Douglas Brockten, Maw DRY GOODS CO., Dunn, N. C. lAf I LMlMiToN AND R. R WW ELlJOhi AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINK RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. May. 5th, 1899. TRAINH GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:60 a.m., 9:48 p. ui.; arrive Rocky Mount, U:55 a. m., 10:3 p. hi. Leave Tarboro. lS.-ai a. fl 00 pui. Leave Rocky Mount, 1:00a. M., IfcMp. ui., 6 4bp . m., 5:40 am, 1:52 p. m. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m. 11:11 pm, 6 :i0 a w, i:40 p m., 7 10 pm. Leave Helma, 2:5.1 a m. Leave Payetteville, 4:30 p m, 1:10 p m. arrive Florence. 7.S5 a m, 3:15 p m. Arrive Goldaboro 7 50. p m. Leave Goldaboro. 7.-01 am, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8.-0 a m, 4:25 p in. Arrive Wilmington, 9:45 a m, 5:50 p m, TRAINH GOING NORTH. Leave Plorer.ce, 9:40 am, 7:10 p m. Leave fayetteville, 12:0 a m, :43 p ui Leave geltua, 1.50 p m. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 p m. 11:31 p m. Leave Wilmington, 7.-60 p m.9 05a in. Leave Magnolia, 10:53 a m, 8:34 p ui. Leave QolUMboro, 5 15 am, 12:30 am, 9:11 p B. Leave Wilson, 2 p m, 5 13 am, 11:31 am 10:38 p m, 1:16 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, liror a ui, 6 15 am, ll:35p m, 1:53 p m. Arrive Tarboro 7 04. a. m. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. UM a m. Arrive Weldon. 4:38 p m, 1:00 a m. Train on Scotland Heck Branch road l. v Weldon 3:35 p m, Halifax 4:15 p ui arrive Scotland Neck at 508 p m, Greenville :,; . m. Kinaton 7:55 p m. Returning leaves Kinsti-n 7 50 a in, Greenville 8 5 a m, arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m, Weldon 11:33 a m, daily e.x.-.-j.i Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wnsh iijgton fc:o a hi, and 2:30 pm., arrive Parniel 9:10 am, and 4.-00 p m, returning leave 1'ar uiele9:35 am. and 6:30pm. arrive VYashiiitft' 11:00 a m, and 7:J0 p m, daily except Hunday. Train leaves Tarboro N. C, daily, except Hunday. at 5:30 p m.. Hunday 1.15 p. m., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. m.. 8 10 p. ui.. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Hunday. 7 50 a. m., and Sunday 9 00 a. ui.; r pve t Tarboro 10 05 a m.. 11 00 a. in. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Oolds bpro, N. C. dally except Hunday, 7 05 a m : ar rive Smlthfleld N C, 810 a m. Bctnnilflf leaves Smlthfleld. N. C. 9 00 a. u. arrives Ooldaboro.N. c. 10 2B a. m. Train on Nashville Branch leaven Rocky Mount at 9:36 a. m., 430pm arrtveM Naslivill 10 10 a m, 4:ft1 p m, Hprlug Hope 1 10 s m. 425 p.m. Returning leave Spring Ho- 11"" a. in., 4 55 p m, Nashville 11.-3 i a. m. S 29 pm, arrive at Kicky Mount 1145 am., lOp, daily except Hunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War-.i I J Clinton aily, except Hunday, at :lo a. in. 4:15 p m. Returning J.-avea Clinton 7 09 a " and 1 00 a m. Train No. 78 make close connection at w don for ail points North daily, all rail Richmond. H. M. EMERSON General Passenger Akh"' J R K KN I V T.M.EMERSON, tj sral Maaajr. Traffic Manager. I am sole agent for Royal Manufacturing oiup" ny, Detroit, Michigan, naii fact u re rs of plated, sol" I Brazil Silverware. Nice ' wedding presents and usef"' in every home. See before lilaelnc vour orUi'r- E vervthintr warrant-'! to give satisfaction. 8. H. PITTMAN Dunn, N. C D