., , fcg-g.M A J',;'," j 111.1.V - in.. - : - . : ; " " I iiniintiMimimiiminmiimimmigHmiimn JrablePrenaratoriforAs- siritilatirig tbeTrxJdandRegula ting th5toniflch5 andBcrarels of EromotesT)igcstif)n,ChectfuI tiess andEesLGontains natho Opiumlerptiine vorWaszaL Hot Nabc otic Pimtpictn SmJm ALx.Senna JiodulU&Jti- fVarmSeid - a nerfert Rerrtdv f or Constipa tion, SourStomach.Diairtoea, Worms orrvulsions.reverjsn tiess andlOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of WEW YORK. EXACT COPTOF WHAEEEB. MS l! IliiiU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of NEW TOWN ORDINANCES. IMF hi' The Kind You Have Always Bought. o) Jll CENTAUR COMPANT, HEW TOOK CITY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. II.. M-C LEAN, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. C. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Mnrchison, JONESBORO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for.fun. Feb. 20-ly. Isaac A- Mnrchison, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Practices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. p' P. JONES. W.A.STEWART JONES & STEWART, Attorneys, Dunn, N.C. Will practice anywhere in State or Federal Courts. Collections a specialty and prompt attention given. Osca J. Spears, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, L1LLINGTON, N. C. ORDINANCE 2. The Board of Commissioners of the Town ofDunn do Ordain : Sec. 9. That any person or persons who r shall throw any dirt or mud from any ditch or other depression onto any street, alley or sidewalk within the town without the, written consent of the Mayor shall forfeit and pay a fine of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. Ratified this the loth day of August 1899. ; ORDINANCE "Z. m . The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn do Ordain : Sec. 10. Any person, firm or corporation owning any iana .within the town, or having the same under control who shall make or Dermit any ditch or depression upon said premises where wpr mav collect, stand, ana stagnate snan De xuLivy ui c demeanor and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay to the town the sum of twenty dollars for each ana every onense, euuu uvv such ditch or depression shall be permitted to exist, constituting mi k i i!Tiu ionn a separate onense. ims Augusi wui lo. ORDINANCE 10. tuo lWrri of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn do Ordain J. k-X V ' - Sec. 9. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to aeposit the carcass of any dead animal, which has died, within the town of or. xr rmnt within the comorate limits ot tne town or ai duy point nearer than one-half mile without the corporate limits of the town except at sucli point as tne cuam oi , uumuiiaaiuucio rlosicrnatft. Tt shall be the autv ot the Mayor or marsuai to point out definitely to all persons enquiring therefor, such place or places as may hereafter be designated by the Board for u T?.TTPT-xr nPTsnn violating this ordinance shall be B LIU 11 p Lll JKJJK . 1 J o fined five dollars. ORDINANCE 2. The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn do Ordain Sec 9. No person or per&ons shall erect any building upon any lot in the town , or remove any building from one lot to another, without first submitting the general plans of such building, designated the cite upon which the said building is to ho inp.fl.t.pri and the nurnoses for which the same is to be used, to the Board of Town Commissioners in session and obtaining from said Board a permit in writing, allowing such erection or removal. Every person violating this ordinance shall be fined fifty dollars for each and every offense. ORDINANCE 6. The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn do Ordain : Sec. 4. All hogs, sheep and goats running at large within the corporate limits of the town are hereby declared to be a nuisance, ana any person wuu suan vvmuiij auu jvuuwiugij permit any such animal or animals belonging to him or her, to run at large within the town shall pay a fine of five dollars Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of v the town marshal to im pound any such animal above mentioned as shall be found run ning at large within the town and hold the same subject to the redemption of the owner thereof as herein provided and if any The North University of Carolina. Widest patronage and fullest pnninmRnt in its historviJ raC- ultv. 38: Students, 4yo; o mi T - - . Academic Courses: 3 Elective Courses : 3 Professional Schools, ia Law. Medicine and Pharma- Nfiw Buildings. Water j . Works, Splendid LuDranes, Laboratories, Etc. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition, jou. a yeai , Board $8. a month. ! Ample . .-Ml 1 opportunity for self neip. SrViolar?5rnn anrl loans IOT the needv. Free tuition for i! teach- r-l ; C 1 ' frv ers. summer ocuuui Tfiachers. Summer School for Teachers, 24 Instructors, 147 students. Total enrollment 644. For catalogue Address," President Alderman, Chapel Hill, N. C. Ill Tnrfnfn IB HE II lillllllD, ID, N. t Fall Term Opens Monday, August 28th Courses In ancient and modern Languages, Mathematics, Business, and Music, Full Corps of experienced and skillful Instructors. School rooms comfortable and well equipped, good Library, uyuinaMum, .aiJ oocieties, Scholarships. Expenses moderate. 5 Months $48.50 to $7100 Board, Washing &c., and Tuition. write for uataxogne.: IRA T. TURLINGTON, Superintendent. ! Smithfleld, N. C. FRANKLIN FEMALE SEMINARY, Fall Term Begins Wednesday, September 6th, '9g. litera CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind .You Have Always: Bought a fii nf tPflfiliers. Thorough classical and i. 1U11 v " w , courses. Unusual advantages in Music. lECTSend for catalogue: : Miss Eunice McDowell, Principal, ry Bears the Signature of Tobacco Flues ' Si Franklin, Va. : i ! '! ! i ' i i ; i i ' . 1 ! ! j SELL YOUR Office in the Court House. General Practice in all State Courts. J. C- CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUNN, n. c. Will practice in all the court; of the State, where services desired. H. L GODWIN, Attorn ey-at-L aw Dunn, - - N. C. Will practice wherever services may ' be required. Dillicult collections promptly made. L. HUDSON, M. D. W. Physician and Dunn, N. Surgeon, C. LITTLETON, N. C. r - Board, laundry, full literary tuition and library fee, $132.00 for the entire scholastic year. To those applying in time the above charge may be reduced to $112.00 by one hour's work per day in Industrial - Depart ment. The 17th Annual Session be gins Sept. 20th, 1899.. For Catalogue address, Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A. M., President. R. R. Office on N. E.jWilson St., second build ing from Broad St. Residence at junction of E. Broad and ILlm Streets. Prompt attention to ad calls from either Town or Country, day or night in tiie various blanches of the profession. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist Church Rev. W A.Forbes Pastor (Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning and night. Prayermeeting every Wednesday night. ,Sunday schcel every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K. Uranthaiu Superintendent. Baptist Church .-Rev. L. R. Carroll, paster. Services every secondJSunday morning and night. Prayerineeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday inorniug, J. A. Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church. Rev. R. W. Hines, pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Suudav school every Sunday morning, Doug Smith Superinten dent. Disciple Church Rev. P. M. Summerell pas tor.' Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday Sehool every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every first Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. Q. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sahbath morning, and Satur day be fore, in each month at XI o'clock. LODGE. Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A.. F. k A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M-; W. A. Johnson, 8. W.; E. A. Jones J. W.; J. O. Johnson, Secretaryr Regular communications are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A.M., and on the 1st Friday at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend theso communications. TOWN OFFICERS. J. F. Phillips, Mayor. Commissioner McD. Holliday, J. C. Cox, C F. Fop, Dr. F. T. Moore. W, H. Duncan, Policeman. " . Cocntt Officers Sheriff, Silas A. Salmon. Clerk. Dr. J. H. Withers. Register of Deeds, A. C. Hollo way. Treasurer, L. D. Matthews. Surveyor, D. P. McDonald. Coroner. Dr. J. F. McKay. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners: E. F. Youug, Chairman A. Smith. T. A. Liaxriugtou. , WILMINGTON AND ELDOfc AND BRANCHES AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ; June. 4th, 1899. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 9:4a p. m.; arrive Rocky Mount, 12:55 a. m., 10:36 p. m. Leave Tarboro. 12:21 a. m 6 00 pm. Leave Rocy Mount, 1:00a. M., 10:36 p. m., (5 4fp .m., 5:40 am, 12:52 p. m. Leave Wilson, 1.58 a m, 11:14 v m, 6:20 a in, 2:40 p m., 7 10 pm. Leave Selma, 2:55 a m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:30 p m, 1:10 p m. Arrive Florence. 7:25 a m, 3:15 p in. Arrive Goldsboro 7 50. p m, Leave Goldsboro, 7:01 a m, 3:21 p m. Leave Magnolia, 8:09 a m, 4:5 p,m. Arrive Wilmington, 9:40 a m, 5:50 p m, TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Florence, 9:40 a m, 7:45 p m. Leave Fayetteville, 12:.0 a m, y:45 p m. Leave Selma, 1.50 p in. Arrive Wilson, 2:35 p m. 11:31 p m. Leave Wilmington, 7:00 p in. it 43a m, Leave Magnolia, 11:19 a m, fe:34 p m. Leave Goldsboro, 5 15 am, 12:S0 am, 9:45 p m. Leave Wilson, 2-35 p m, 5 43 am, 11:31 am 10:: p m, 1:16 p m. Arrive Rocky Mount, 3: 30 p m, 12:07 a m, 6 15 am, 11:35 p m, l:i p m. Arrive Tarboro "7 04. a. ui. Leave Tarboro, 12:21 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 3:30 p m. 12:09 am. Arrive Weldon. 4:32 p in, 1:00 a m. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3:3.". p m. Halifax 4:15 p in arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6:57pm, Kinston 7:55 i m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 50 a m. Greenville 8 & a m. arriving Halifax at 11:18 a m,Weldn 11:33 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash iugton fc:10 a m, and 2:30 p in., arrive Parmele 9:10 am, and m, returning leave Par njele 9:35 am. and 6:30 p m. arrive Washington 11:00 a m, and 7:30 p ni, dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. daily, except Sunday, at 5:M) p m., Sunday 4.15 p in., arrives Plymoutn 7 0 p. m., 6 10 p. m.. Returning leaves pymouin daily except Sunday. 7 50 a. m., ana Sunday y uo a. ni.; ar rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. m.. 11 00 a. m. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Golds boro, a, C, daily except .Sunday, 7 05 a m; ar rive simtnneia c, 810 am. Returning leaves Smithtisld. N. U. 9 00 a. m. arrives Goldsboro. N. c. 10 25 a, m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9:30 a. m., 340 pin arrives Nashville 10 lo a m, 4:03 p in. Spring Hope 10 40 am, 4 25 p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11:00 a. in., 4 55 p in, Nashville :ti a. m. 5 25 p m, arrive at Rt-cky M unt 1145 am., 6 00pm, daily rxcei't suuaay. Train on Clinton. Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton -aily, except Sunday, at !?:lir a. m. and 4:15 pm. Returning leaves Clinton 7 00 a m and 10 :25a m. Train No. 78 make close connection at Wei don for all points North daily, all rail vi Rjf hinond. H. to. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMEaSiJsJ, General Manager. Tralllc Manay, We are now turning out To bacco Flues of the finest qahty and workmanship. Plaee your orderr with us now and let us fix you up a nice set of Flues. We make freight allowance and win equalize prices with any one in the State. o o We can repair your old Flues an! furnish vou with extra elbows. Tees fcc. Remember we guarantee satisfaction or no sale The John A, McKay MTg Co., Dunn, N. C. tlio -r-irvn t- i nnrorlootnorl Mav 24th. 1899. . 3m. mi on ammai linuuunucu suan j. tiuinu xu. ux uu. uuivuvviuvu j by the owner thereof it shall be the duty of the Marshal, alter advertising the same for four days at the town hall to sell such animal at public auction for cash to the highest bidder and out of the proceeds arising from such sale reserve the cost of im pounding and caring for said animal and pay the surplus if any to the owner thereof. Any person whose stock shall have been impounded under this section may redeem the same by paying to the Marshal forty cents for the cost of impounding each such animal and twenty-five cents additional for each day any such animal shall be suffered to remain in the pound and not other wise. Provided that only one-fourth the above prescribed cost of poundage shall be charged for the redemption of stock belong ing to non-residents of the town who reside within one mile of the corporate limits of said town, when said stock shall have strayed from without into the corporate limits, of the town. Provided further that the stock of non-residents of the town who reside more than one mile without the corporate limits of the town mav redeem any stock so impounded without cost to the owner for the first three times the same animal or animals may be impounded under this ordinance. Rp.n fi This ordinance shall be in effect on and after the first day of October 1899. That Ordinance 11, Section 1st oe amended, oy inserting between the words "clear" and "and" in -line second thereof, the words "of grass, weeds and other obstruction." Said ordinance as amended reads as follows : Sec. 1. Everv occupant of a lot on any street shall keep the footway clear of grass, weeds and other obstructions, and the mittm. nnpti nnd frpfi from obstruction as far as such lot extends. If anv rubbish, dirt, ashes or any other thing oe placed or leit js&oj a umwco without lawful authority upon such footway or in gutter, the occupant of such lot shall remove the same, and if twelve hours shall elarise after notice, either irom the Mavor, town Marshal or street Commissioner, to the occupant of such lot, said occu pant shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined five dollars, and every additional twelve hours shall constitute a separate offense and subject to a like fine. The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Dunn do Ordain That every person, nrm or corporation who shall carry on a livery business in the town or who shall keep any horse or mule, or any number of them lor'hire, shall pay an annual tax - -w-v "1 T . 1 111 1 of fifteen dollars, rrovided this snan not apply to persons keeping stock or hiring the same for dray age, hauling or farm work. Every person who shall engage in said business without first paying the tax above specified shall be guilty of a misde meanor and shall be fined five dollars for each and every effense, each act of hiring stock for livery purposes constituting a sepa rate offense. Adopted August 14th 1899 to take effect August 15th 1899 o) a a New Quarters. GROCERY STORE AND BEEF MARKET. I have recently added a choice line of Family Groceries, and and can now serve the public with all classes of eatables. You can find in my market department at all times Fresh. Beef, Pork, Sausage, etc., the people. STAR WAR 13 Ull Dunn, ST Jj NT. C. and will be pleased to serve Try my meat. I also keep on hand Home Made Lard- In fact almost anything found in UP-TO-DATE MARKET. an I pay the best market prices for Beef Cattle, Pork etc. See me before you sell. Yours to please. HOLLAND $ PRESCOTT. Grocerv and Market on Broad Street, next door to Gainey & Jordan. The State Normal and dustrial College of North Carolina. In- andWkifkey ' ab'Ts cured at home -with , m nut piu .doujl ui in : V m ticulars sent f D i t J BR 8. H WOOL LEY CO. At.aoi, . ViliC. 194 XorU Prjor Si r mi 1 Mi Offers to young women thor ough literary, classical, scien tific, and industrial education and special pedagogical train ing. Annual expenses $90 to $130 ; for non-residents $150. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. Has matriculated about 1,700 stu dents, representing every coun ty in the State except one. Practice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1st. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent train ed teachers. For catalogue and other inT formation, address President McIver. Greensboro, N. C. Bean Signature Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds froiti rusty nans, insect stings ana ivv poi soning, Jquickly healed bv DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware .of counter feits. "DVWitt V is safe and sure. Hood & Grantham. fin 1 L.C,teu fkj Kind Vou Haw Always fcjggfij POMS Secured. May deposit money for tuition in bank tillposition is secured, or will accept notes. cneap board, car iare paia. no va cation Enter any time sexes. Catalogue free. DRAUGHON'S Open for both vvrur lo-aay. PRAOTICAL BUSINESS Nashrllle, Teua. Savannah, Ga. $ Galraston. Tex. Texarkaaa, Tex. Indorsed by merchants and bankers. By' far best patronized business colleges in South. Three months' bookkeeping with us equals six by the old plan. All commercial branches taught. For circu lars explaining ''Home Study Course address 'Department A, For college catalogue, address "Department AGENT'S WANTED FOR "THE Life and Achievements of Admiral liewey," the world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the life long friend and admirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and best book; over 500 pages 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages half rone illustration!:. Only $1.50. Enormous tjernanf. Bjg cqm missions. Outfit free. Chajjt-e Qf H lifethne. Write quick. 1 he Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Caxton Bldg. Chicago, 111. May 24-26wT2p. It will pay you to examine the W. 3 I I Douglas shoes, and see for S I yourself that they are just as jjj K good in every way as those for 0 H which you have been paying a 1 l to $7. For style, com- M mort, and service, they a cannot be surpassed Mf by custom-made y For sale by The Massengill Dry Goods Co. Eunn, Ct Y For best prices and best accommodation always carry your Tobacco to the STAR where your every interest will be looked after. Guaranteeing full market price for every pile placed on my floor and prices to be as high as any market in $his State or adjoining states with plenty of good buyers with good orders, and myself with an order from one of the LARGEST EXPORT DEALERS for all grades of leaf and scrap I can always assure you the very Tip Top Price for every thing placed on my floor. I will stand by and push every pile to the last cent. I run my own sales and take pleasure in working for the farmers, What profits him profits me. Thanking you one and all for your liberal patronage since ray opening sale, and hope to serve you to better advantage in future. All I askis a trial to prove to you the advantage of selling with me at the tar Warehouse, I remain the farmers' friend to serve. J. F. MOTLEY, Proprietor GEAR V7AREL:I00S!L , iy -sG tonic Regulator is not only the best Liver and Kidney medicine but supplies all the elements of Liver Food lack Ingm your daily diet. Convenient to use, pleasant to take, thorough in action and the best tonic. Pr ice $ i .00. EKOWN HTO. CO Proprs, GrecBerffle, Teas. For sale by McKay Bros. & Skinner, Dunn, N.C. f -i Y

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