GOOD AND GAT HOOD & rvo 1. They buy the best drugs - want, or get it on short notice. , t fllAvr o rill n a ma . 30. x.ijr yuu can . ..mi nail fni-- .'' UIIUI J . .. ..... : ' . : , Xo 3-They are rery careful in selecting good stock, and are always in the store anu 6 wujm. tuey cau ior ana politely waited on. o A-They carry Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, pharmaceutical Preparations. tropiretary. Remedies, Fluid Extracts &c. puis, QHs Tablets Ointments, Cerater, and will fill your Prescriptions at the lowest'llvlngprices. ' o 5-They sell Stationery, Writing Tablets, Blank Books, School Books. ncu and second-hsraded, Ink,' Pens,- Pencils, Perfumeries, Toilet Goods,' Cosmetics Fine Soaps, Candies fancy and plaid, Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys?' Piatt's Food,' DorsC and Cattle Powders, Cigars and Cheroots? They have -bought the largest ad finest liae of Christmas Goods, ' which will come in on time. that ever came on thfe market. All they want is a visit to. theit store, and they.will prove 45very word they have said and make you a life long customer. - ' :: , - r , z j ; y -Wholesale and Retail Druggists, THE nOUNTY UNION DUNN, N. C. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1899 LOCAL Great reduction in , .Wool Dress Goods at R. G. Taylor's. Cotton is on the advance, it is selling to-day at 6 to 6f cents. '. . . ' , Indian Summer is here arid the straw hat is yet an agreea ble companion. j r : . ' .; The mosquito is a' friend that sticks through thick and thin skin. ' - . .rV.'Y,'-.Y -, . It doesn't take much of a "hot time" to melt a ; consider able amount of "cold cash," so the boys say. : ; I ' 1 'Go west young man." Some of our sporting boys in Dunn generally go west six nights in the week. - The foundation for the prize house near the Star ware house has been laid and work will be rushed very rapidly. Work ispropressing rapid ly on the new building for the John A. McKay & Co. tool and iron foundry .v A few more weeks and it will be,completed, The Dunn High' School is still growing. Miss Rossa Hon eycutt of Sampson and Mr. John Monk of Newton Grove, antered school Monday. " The enrollment is now 113.- : l On the fourth page of . this paper vou will find a notice from Sheriff -Salmon .to. -the tax payers of the county. Bead it and get up your. taxes. No, use in putting it off Jfor your taies must come, . Mr. Dave Jones, who lives two miles from town happened to the misfortune to lose a barn of tobacco last Thursday" morn ing by fire We learn that Mrs. S. N. Wood had a quanti ty of tobacco, in the larn . . .v a Dunn has long since won the reputation of being the lead ing cotton market in this sec tion. The receipts , this this season will probably exceed 10,000 bales. The place to market your cotton and buy your goods. . . Miss Eva Holder has ac cepted a position with the Ben son High School as music teach er. Her sister, Miss Meda, has accepted a like position -with Glenwood High "School Both schools may consider themselves lucky in securing such excellent ladies in their music depart ment. . Yw l iVi-: ..' v. -i Dunn still moves . forward. There are four or five more new dwellings to be erected at once. The town has kept forty or fifty mechanics busily : employed since the first : of ; January,- and there is now enough work ahead and in sight to last i tnem : unui Christmas. , Let - the good work continue. . I The many friends of Rev. L. R. Carroll will be pleased to learn that his health has so im proved that he will be able to fill his next appointment here, the second Sunday in October from which time the meeting will be protractedi b Rev;'MPA; Adams, who conducted a meet ing at Spring .Branch a few weeks ago will assist in the nieeting,5 The guests at theentertain ment at the residence of MrTE. Lee last Fridaytyeninggreatl5r enjoyed "the" 'music rendered by the Orchestral :uRegftai"andit was through "the kindness "of our popular drug firm, McKay; Bros. & Skinner that this jpleas: ant feature was , .added-lw i You can hear it-too if ytu will call MONSWHT TOtT GRM THAU. on the marVot an i.l i;.i. 1. . .... .z," , wajfS nave wnat you ... " . - Dtiy anywhere and give you exactlv ... . Dunn, N- C- The enterprising hardware man? Mr. E. Lee, on Wilson corner now has ' a beautiful glass front in his store.- A great addition. . : : ; ' - ' ; ' ' , . c' .';: i y:,'jyyy? .-It will soon be time to be gin to use wood, ! and : we give give notice that it will be ac cepted on subscription at this office. Bring it nehtalonov . ; - - i o . - J-l -. The Free Will Baptist Sun day Schools will have a Sunday ocnooi uonvention at Roberts Grove in Sampson county next oaturaay . nere will be a large attendance. ": '?- . a. jyi. r nttman : was called to Warrenton last Thurs day by a telegram announcing tne sad news of the - sudden death of her mother, Mrs. : R. H. Ford, ..which, occured Wed nesday nights V , : '.,'.; The r Railroad ; Company is putting in a crossing where Edgerton : Street crosses the road. A thing very much needed. .They , have also been cleaning out the railroad ditches in town. ; i : : ; Railroad street is to be cleaned up, the cross-ties mov ed out and the street put in good condition. The right step. It is becoming one of the most prominent streets and should present a better . appearance than it has heretofore . , Don't delay the paying of y 6 ur taxes . Sheriff : Salmon has the . day and place adver tised in this paper when he will Visit your township. He will have no political1 favorites or pets but will treat every man alike . Get up your .tax money and save trouble and cost.; . ; . At the Association at Bethel last "Suhday there was found on the , wagon of Mr. Cornelius Hodges, a lady's cape and a Primitive Baptist Hymn book. The cape was a black, flowered worsted ;one , The owner can get same by applying to Mr. Hodges, at Benson, -LThe little grunts and-big grunts will all be taken off the streets Saturday. The hogs have been a great nuisance in Dunn for a long time and we are glad to see this law go into effect. : If they are , caught on the street after Saturday . Police man Duncan will take them in charge, ;" ' ' ' ;: ' ' A protracted meeting has been in progress' at the Metho dist church since last Sunday, Rev. B. B. Holder and Rev. W. R. Royal are assisting , the pas tor, Rev, W, A. Forbes in the meeting Services are held in the morning' at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 :30. On j last evening the pastor preached, one of themost powerful and effective, sermons it has ever been our pleasure to hear. "He had for his text : Tf ye have not the spirit of Christ, ye are none of His." Mr. Forbes is one of the . most sincere and conse crated men weiiave ever known, r ah able'speaket anda profound thinker; Those assisting in the meeting are able- ministers also and we trust that a great and lasting work may be done in the name of the Master. Everybody is cordially invited to attend the meeting. First Visit to Dunn. OiMr&T-i K Cummings,- of Chafin, this county, a. ; distance of 30 miles away, paid Dunn the first visit to-day. He, in company with .Messrs Tom McCaulley Jim . . Allen, .and HiigK Womack"; : allbf that section, were in town o to-day withjbacco. Theyt expressed thefrhselves as beings satisfied with the sales and pleased with the. thrift ofJour towni v In the taneruage of one we quote : ctThe at.rAfitk of Dunn remind . me ?of Raieigh everybody is hustUngn Give us a few more years Broth- errnd"yoffIfno$"f '-recognize Business is Business. r.-. Spare us just two minutes of your time, and after you have read -T this remember that we mean simply business and noth ing more. ; On January 1st, 1900, we are going to adopt a new system in business, that of the cash in advance system, it will be strictly cash in advance to all, not even pur uncles and aunts can get it on a credit. We are losing money every year and this is , our ' only" hope, , If you want this paper after Janu ary Msi. you must pay in, ad vance, and we . are certain it will suit most of our readers well. We will keep this notice before you until that time and hope all back subscrip tion will be arranged and that you will take it for 1900. J. P. Eittman. Proprietor and Publisher The County Union. " V' ""- :" ' -z: you can't cure "dysDepsia by dietinar. Eat sood. wholesome food, and Dlentr of it, Kodol "Dyspepsia, "Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and is made to cure. Hood & Grantham. Died. . Last Wednesday about 2 o'clock Mr. O. R. Starling passedlfrom this life into the life eternal. He was brought here seriously ill ; from Wil mington a few weeks ago, and continued to grow worse. r He was afflicted with cellulitis which is said to have come from having some teeth ex tracted five weeks before his death. Dr. O. L. Denning at tended him and, did all he could, assisted by kind friends and relatives of the young man. Mr. Starling was about 23 years of age, and a member of the Missionary Baptist church at Antioch. He was an excep tionally good young man. His remains were taken from here to Falcon Thursday and interred in the cemetery at that place, the funeral services being con ducted by Rev. "W. M. Page. , , The IJnion extends sympa thy to the bereaved ones and bids them look to Him who doeth all things well. Examine R. G. Taylor's Silk and fine Dress Goods. . ; - 36 inch all wool; striped cheviots, just the style you want fora nice dress." To sell at 20. call quick or you will miss them. R. G. Tavlor. Refused Treatment Green Sexton; of near Buie's Creek Academy, died last Fri day jof some: forin of fever which is not exactlv known as he re fused to have a physician visit him. He belonged to the 'Fire Baptized Holiness Asso ciation?' and thought his faith sufficient ;to overcome; .thelrava- ges of the disease. His body was not buried until , Mondayt and had ; become so offensive that people could hardly., stay near the room. The delay ,of the interment, we are informed, was to have ceremonies of some kind over' the ' body. 1 4 The friends of the deceased were in formed - that the whole - crowd would be prosecuted unless the body was buHed, We will not permit ourselfrtgpijorament upon such f ooli8m. - - What has f become: ofi all the chickens and eggs? K We can scarcely buy. enougn to nil or ders. ; Bring us aU- you can spare and if you don't care to take trade we will J)ay; all casn. 1 Ji; Lane & Co. We picked- up a bargain in 400 pounds of good sound chew ing tooacco wnicn we ouer our friends-; i atpzo cents per pounds Tbis is a bargain and you should supply yourself be fore it is all gone, -V . W, H. iiAKB & UOi A diseased stomach surely undermines health. - It dulls the brain, kins energy. destroys the nervous : system, and "pre dispose to v insanity ana iaww aiseasps. All dyspeDtic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure4 It,has cured thousands of cases and' is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it cant . help curing Hood Gran tham. ' " - - -: - v ' . , i : Flannels and Outings to beat the band at W. H. Lane dfc Uo's. Flour' in barrels cheap for cash at W. H Lane & Co's. We have just" received 60 Bolts of the prettiest Calico you ever saw. W H. Xane & Co, Pant3 and Pant4 Goods lower than the lowest. W. H. Lane MOWEx YOUR ROCKETS! , If you will buy your winter Goods from you will have more money in January, 1900 than you had January 1st, 1899. t ; G 9 I Give us a trial on Ladies' Dress Goods j such - as Cashmers, Henriettas, Flannls, Suitings, Satine for the bid ladies at their own price. , , ; Bed Ticking lower than the lowest. : r i 2 ; i 'Checks and Sheeting bought' before the rise and will be sold at startling prices. : ' SHOES I jSHQES;!:;;r;:;f for young and old. -: Come to see us and we. will show you some thing that you need, sell you something that you want f and save you money on every thing you buy. ; i I r :, ; I : ; Those who visit Dunn regularly know we have held the price of Chickens, Hams, Eggs and all other produce up and kept every thing we sell down at rock bottom prices; '" : We are leaders in low prices. - . . . Your friends and servents, , ; To the Farmer's of Harnett Co. There will be a meeting of the farmers of the county at Lillington on next Monday the 2nd of October to appoint dele gotes to the Farmers' Associa tion that meets at Raleigh ; on Wednesday of the State Fair. This is an important movement for the betterment of the agri cultural interests of the' State and our people should take a deep interest in it. . . The children must have shoes . Now don't forget that we can pave you money on v every pair you buy. W. H. Lane &;Co. , ' Don't forget that we' carry the largest and best selected stock of Canned Goods in town. . - W. H.Lane & Co. Our: City Soda Crackers are the finest cracker ever shipped here. ; W.'H. Lane fc Co. r Meat, Flour, Sugar, -Coffee and Meal at jobbers prices. ; W. H. Lane & Co. Oil Cloth, the prettiest ; pat terns we ever saw for ,12 per yard at W. H. Lane & Co's; 50 boxes best Pull Cream Cheese must be sold at once. - r - W.H. Lane & Co; Spokes, Hubs and Rims for buggies, -wagans- and carts at less money than the -factory price .-: Dunn "Hardware & Fur niture Co.:. ;:i-.-r i' Don't forget to ask fori your ticket when you trade with us. Remember the $40.00 Buggy. Duhn Hardware fc Furniture Co $250.00: worth V of. Buggy Robes just received. VDon'.t buy until you see our line. . ;. : . Dunn Hardware a Furniture Co . Buy the . Blue Grass Axe if you want tne oest. uuuu Hardware & Furniture uo, ; HARNESS at Old Trices. Buggy "L and -Wagon , Harness, Collars, Bridles and raas at prices to suit your . purse. ' Vie know that this Is true for we are selling Harness. ; See us7 , Dunn Hdwe. a it urn . uo. Trunks and Valises must go . W. H. Lane & Co., " rTflvsr arrivals of chemicals and pharmaceutical specialtie3r at lftVa "RrtQ ' Ar RUnnor'a ' Thoroughlv prepared! to do analvstic work ; and ? irepare your prescriptions acurately . . at Alcivay liros, sc b tinners. If vou are unhappv or un healthy cail on McKay Bros. & Skinner. . , s , . KEEPING ABREAST OF THE TIMES. This is what we are doing in bur prescription departme n t. A thorough knowledge and close; study of every4)ranch of the profession eniblea lis to. keeplup k withjthe rapidprqgresHof pharmacy; McKay Bnos c; Skinner. Shoes, Hats, Pants ' and ' Pant your pocket the first day of Outings, Prints & " -' :- ; 1 : The Union will adopt the cash in, advance system on sub scription after next January 1st. ; Do you need a new hat? Ex amine bur stock and hear our prices before you buy.1 ' Wi H. Lane & ! 40 Dozen - Men's Shirts just received, r You 'can- get any kind of shirt you. -want from W. H. Lane fe Co. - ; : - y. :. For the best Shingles . call on W. D. Thornton. ; -Sv.v, ANNOUNCEMENT. ' - ',. I: wish -t to:: announce to: the citizens of Dunn and vicinity that I will be; i in Dunn each Saturday before the 3rd: Sun day and remainuntil Monday, and any tay lor- work that any may desire done, such as cut ting andymaking - tor order, 're modeling, cleaning &c, will be taken at satisfactory figures. Have had 20 years experience i n the tailoring :' business : and can : give satisfaction. Solicit ing your7 patronage V X: remain : Yours to serve,1 - V Willi Ak H.: Brown, : r Smithfield, N. C. : UNDER NEW: MANAGE MENT. The public will please take notice : that u the Central Hotel -has changed hands, : It is now under - the management of Jones & Jones. ' Good board at reasonable rates. Your pat ronage solicited . -; v ' ; For Bicycle Material see l :. ; rnr ; Gainey & Jordan. We have a few Weight Clocks at a bargain.: , See them. Z, -' . Remember Gainey & Johian make picture frames any size you want. ( See Gainey & Jordan for any thing in the Jewelry line. V ; ; ' r Fcr Infaati Kid Children. . . Tt3 i f&l Yea Kin Alrsji C"3tt Bears the nature of WANTED at once, good live men to sell ; theSinger Sewing Machine, good contract to hus tler. Must furnish small bond and horse. Address The Singer M'f'g. Co., Wilmington, N Q.; Ei Lee will. s ell; you U a set of buggy. harness for $40. . Call at McKay Bros. & Skin ner's and see ' the wonderful Orchestral Ragina, the musical wonder. of the age. 1 ' ; 1 BeWltt's Little Early. Risers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate . the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. - They drive away disease dissipate melan choly, ana give health and vijor for the dally routine. Do not gripe or Blue AXES The Best. y v J ' ' - 7;-VJEB K WAS;; A -MU M E R p a 'y :n,y --R H0LLIDAY & They old jt'J It must he their prices that ' - is no goodlbokaneHfirm They have just ireceiyed a Big Shipment of Hio Celebrated . BCUE GRASS. AXES, the best the world has ever known and, the best of all they - .were bought so they can be sold at manufacturer's price. - j nRememDertneyare neaaquarters.f4r anytbjrigyo.ijctd. IT: ! " 99 cent -DUNN HARDWARE 1 FUBXITURE CO. . -;;uunn,-n. c. R. L. CROMARTIE. Salesman! : . , , ARE moving Dunn Hardware & , : if i.! i ! I i : '. i I I i BUSINESS IS ;0- yi j-. W can be found at Brown Store, where ,we will be pleased you may need in the w.ay of Meatf meal, flour, sugar, coffee corn, snufF, l'l e f. ;. r-'U Our.stock of Canned goods sell no shoddy or' old stuff, nothing but thebest we can buyi v , We have just received a fresh lot of Cakes, - Crackers, and Candy. ;.' . ' Don't forget that we handle the Bakery as often as possible. regularly every day. in the; hear We appreciate' the liberal patrpnage you Jhave given, us ,in the past and hope to see all our in me iuvure ai our new staau, .1.. -i-.i' line. , ... - .::.y .; ' .. ,;. . - V Tj. '", ' "-, i Yours for good THE GREAT UDSICAl WOHDER OF TBI AGE.- : can see it callihfr at our store, vou will And large and com i plete line of . vtlKc by Stoecat 'i, OLD PRICES. t:y'i. PMVE7T. .1 : yy-i o r-i'l yr.r. the ffbods.' 1 draws uch Bdsiness ior 'tlioro "Two-third prices On Crockery to beat the F urniture Company buz u !. li .5. ; .. : ;..! .!;. r.' ,cio3iiloi;;I -A oruI .0 BUSINESS.' . -o cFOTT' C . .:'. ,x y. fi ;c J 8 old stand !inoxt to the- Racket to show and price you any thing - tVvVv!ii ! . . j ::: (i tobacco, etc. r ' i V V bus: r are all :' fresh and 0.:: K.; ' Wd - ' ' " ' Bread, Cakes &c. fresh from and.hbp0?.t"oCbe;5ible Tfb getTit future. J friends : and; customers regularly waeaia neea ox ouymiug iu our 1 ' i aLi 1 : .. ;- 1 goods and low prices; 1 ,r. 1 .. '; ' " ? yJ t w ill J. F. PHILLIP8 & CO., .11 v . Duinr, live Chemical j Stationery, Perfumery, 'Brushca'and every- -thing in an urto-datoand. vrcli - .1 ..1 .1 Yours truly, - ; y..y. BrodJ ci 'SWnnon';;' ' - ' I III. ' F - ' II - ' " '' " ' ' ' M tnejr StQr..i:"i; ! -: nr-iT-- Dunn. ; : j ' . ..1