ometh mo S 35 V J. I SJ Baker's Chocolate, Shreded Coconut, Gelatine, Cranberries, Currants, Citron, Rasins, Spices FLAVORING EXTRACTS, '. Nuts, Cake-Dressing. FlQin and Fancy Candy Cheap and a Fresh Lot of Nnnnally's Bon Bons Chocolates, &c, in -1-2 aiid 3 pound' boxes at 60 cents per pound at ' HOOD & CRANTHAPvl, Dunn, K- C- Dr uggists, If you have not bought a Suit this Fall come to see us before you buy. We carry no second-hand or "old shoddy stuff. Every Suit in our store is Just From The Factory, and bought for cash, suit the pocket book. SHOES ! SHOES ! We can please the eye and TH E CONUTY UNION DUNN, N. C. WEDNESDAY, November 8. 1899.' LOCAL DOTS, Cotton 7 cents to-day. Do you want a Buggy Free? Then read-what our "ad" says. "Jack Frost" has made his advent. Work on the prize house is progreesing rapidly as well as several other new buildings in town. Don't fail to subscribe and get a chance at the fine buggy offered by this paper. lou may bo' the lucky man. Wedding bells are still ringing in and around our city. Listen and you will hear them again soon. Rev. W. A. Forbes left last Monday for Smithfield where he will assist in a meet ing this week. Mr. Geo. E. Prince, a clever and prosperous merchant of Cinvik Level, spent Monday 100 Pairr. of Men's Fine Dress Shoes for 99 cents per pair. This is no joke. 143 pairs of those Men's Brogans at 99 cents, worth $1.25 any where else in North Carolina. Special Bargains in Ladies' Goods. Calico for 4 cents per yard that others sell for 5 ' and 6 cents. 5,000 yards of Checks and Sheetings that must be sold to make room for something else. Grroceries! You can attract customers to your store by a neat, , attrac tive advertisement. They are not going where they are' not invited and you can't blame them. Send in your "ad." Quite a large crowd visited our town last week to take in Jno. H. Sparks' show. The crowd in general was not disap pointed, tne snow is well worth the admission 25 cents if it be worth anything. The tobacco market at Clin ton closed Tuesday October 31st. There are no sales made there now. The Dunn market is still open every day except Sunday ana good prices prevail. Good prices and satisfaction is the motto of our buyers. Hon. D. H. McLean and the party that went to Lumber- ber last week interested in the trial mentioned in another col umn, returned last Friday. Mr. McLean made the best in Robeson county, and sue- We Guarntee to meet Richmond & Wilmington Prices ceeded in convicting the negro, who will be hanged December 7th. 1 It Ti TirltlrMiifii WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF c J7 n 3 on un WiAW WE ARE FFEIRIIS1G- AW W IfRIES. We have just received : 300 Bags of Salt. 15 Barrels Brown and Granulated Sugar. 15 Sacks of the Best 10 cent Coffee ever offered here. 25 Gases Table Peaches. 25 Cases Pie Peaches. 20 Cases Sardines. 15 Cases Heavy-weight Oysters. 2,000 pounds Best Stick Candy. 50 Buckets French Mixture. 6,720 Boxes Mepdlson's Lye, to go to our custom ers and friends at 5 cents per box, not-with-stand- ing the factory prices has advanced recently. We have the iroods and they must go at some price. Remember We sold lots of goods last summer that we placed on our books. Ask yourself the question: Do I owe Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co? if so, call and pay them at once. Your account may be small but it was not too small to charge: we need the money and we will expect one and all to settle these accounts. Let us hear from you at once. DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. night in town. The season for fire is upon us, and we would warn the people to be careful. By a lit- tie carlessness great loss may be the result. The school is progressing ranidlv. Miss Jessie Lane of Faison Duplin 'county entered school this week. The. enroll ment to 4te is one hundred and thirty. Tne farmers say they have the best potato crop in several years. The dry weather during the latter part of the summer was good on potatoes and it is fortunate that the crop as good. Mr. O. P. Shell received a telegram a few days ago from his brother in Warrenton, Mr. Ollie Shell, a traveling man well known in Dunn, announc ing the death of his child. Court convenes at Lilling ton Monday, -November 27th. Judge Fred Moore will preside. Hols an excellent judge and his rulings give general satis faction. Mr. T. W. McBryde, who has been serving The Union office as job printer for the past month, left Monday for Green ville to accept a position with the Greenville Reflector. He is an excellent young man and has our best wishes. The reception given at the residence of Mrs. Erasmus Lee's last Thursday evening in honor of the voung bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, was a brilliant success and highly enjoyed by a number of their friends. Capt. Black preached a very fine sermon to men only last Sunday afternoon in the Baptist church. Rev. R. W. Hines preached to the ladies at the same hour in the Presby terian church. Mr. Thos. J. Walker, of Winston-Salem, has accepted a position with The Union, and has taken charge of the local department of the paper. He is a young man of ability and will doubtless make the local department brighter than here tofore. He graduated from a Virginio College in music sev eral years ago, and is author of the music ' Awake thou that Sleepeth" in the hymn book "Onward and Upward." Mr. Walker is a member of the Dunn Brass Band. We are glad to welcome him as a citizen and any Courtises shown him will be greatly appreciated. The farmers are still pour ing in with their tobacco, each day calls for a good sale. Last Thursday upward of twenty- five thousand pounds were sold on our market. The farmers The Union will adont the ! on stuff that we offer to the merchants. Come to see cash in advance system on sub- fortYiflro' -f TM VI rl a I - j Pi , T -I i i us, we aic tuc laiuicio senpuon aner nexuanuary ist. W. KL'kAHE'&-., Dunn, N. C- Court Commissioners are getting a good price tor County Commissioners their tobacco here and that ac counts fnr til ft ln.rrro snipe nilxr ti,;. WOo0- 4-u ' The County farmers and good business for t in Lilhngton Monday. The our merchants.- regular routine of business was taken up. The court ordered The President of the that a court calendar be pre United States has "set apart pared and published in The Thursday, November 30th as Union, wliich will doubtless Thanksgiving Day. We have appear in our next issue, many things for which we '-Ex-Sheriff Pope proposed to ought to be thankful. God has the Board that he would pay blessed us every day of our over one thousand dollars to lives and we slionld not wait be credited on the special tax for the annual thanksgiving fund if they would prolong set but praise his- holy name tlement for 30 days, which the throughout the entire year. commissioners granted. . No other business ot special The meeting that has been imnortance was transacted 1 T I i I - in progress in uie rresDyierian sk l- - 1 a J 1 - t-i 4- TV T" y-v - n -t m-w s - r , - . . J . Wp. want to buv with in tile! mg. luucn interest was manir n' , -, nrrnro c j j ' 4.1 i-i next 30 days 1,000 dozen eggs felted during the meeting, while ; . ' x , 5 i for cash or in trade. Don t yet the meeting did a great deal fell until you get our bidsou nf crnnrl Urn's ssrmnns uuw " , "J i'" - fc . . . I ;m- tsT -1ii-Votic ntiH pctcts. will live in the hearts of these co w T " people and be as seed sown in good ground. He left Monday afternoon. 't ivnnkln't be without DeWitt's I Witch Hazel Salve for any conidera- rri,;0 ;coino nrlnIo 1ip tion, "writes' Thos. B. Rhodes, Center aowv, Vv,. I r rnfallihlft for niles. cuts, burns Continued article of each week ;imj ' "5,1 diseases. Beware of counter- nn thfi Evils of Mormonism. feits. Hood & Grant nam. We hope that our readers are K --- -- A oi-rl trrill TMrfif. Ktt flip o Ko, ,.;n flc I 1 nose who are iu uccu ui purpose and we hope too that good shingles will do well to no citizen will allow these S" F1"'00 X"V tracks which the Mormons are flooding our country with to be left in his home. Their doc trine is dangerous and should be kept away from all, especial ly the rising generation. J. C. Goodwin, D. D. S- S. P. Lee, D. D. S Drs. Goodwin & Lee, DE.VriS TS, Dunn, W. C. Office Rooms on second floor Wade Furniture Building, Broad Street Public patronage solicited BEST YET. First Quality" Axe Only 49. We only bought 50 dozen be fore the advance. Now is your chance before they are all sold. Always come to Headquarters when you need Hardware and We slaughter BrugXI prices and lead the business in this part of the county. O. K TliP rOiilrlrpn mnof. 1i otto clinoo Stoves bv the car. Dunn Hard- Now don't forget that we can ware & Furniture Co. save you money on every pair you buy. W. H. Lane & Co. Buggy Robes, Buggy Robes, to Beat the Band. The prettiest Spokes, Hubs and Rims for in town, They must be sold at buggies, wagons and carts at some price, - small profits and less money than the factory quick sales is Lee s motto price. Dunn Hardware & Fur nifuro f!n 4U JJozen Men s snirts lust TV i 1 m I 1011 t lorget to ask: lor your received. You can set any . 1 . l - o ticket wlien you trade witli us. kind 0f shirt you want from W. W. H. Lane & Co. Remember the $40.00 Buggy. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co $250.00 worth of Buggy Robes just received. Don't buy until you see our line. Dunn Hardware Furniture Co. H. Lane & Co. For the best Shingles call on W. D. Thornton. Buy the Blue Grass you want the best. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co, 10 Barrels Fresh Axe if Mullets just received. W. H. Lane & Canned Co. J. G. Layton. NOTICE OF SALE. On Thursday, November 24, 1899, I will sell at my residence I t -ii: .l rp ..rl, ; oil iyitt issued early 111 ""B1"11 "w " v and calves, 1' lioors. jroats. corn, ueas, lorage. Kiiin 1 ?- 7 m IT,,- Z . , J norenna nrmwrt.r. rniisistinf OI this week on account oi Uie , - - r ? staff hm to the Fayetteville one norse, . co s Fair. The Dunn Brass ctn. xiiu. r farming implements, is'engaged to furnish music for rarmi" Ia 'a and wagon, kitchen 7 0 j .u e cart, liouse-lioia t to rnr ncidii i. reti in liik i . . i . i V , 1 : Ti 1 a furniture, one piece ot wnicn staff belong to the band. Quite yl " Aw . UaAnnm IUl Ullure 10 i uov uua uu-iuuuj a large crowd will go down on the special train . Thursday morning. The Fair promises to be a great success, and the attendance will be the largest for several years. suite. Terms 12 m. " of sale cash. Hour J. W. Wasiiburne. It will not be a surprise to mw who are at all familiar with Thousands of people are th- go0(j quaiities of Charaber- lookinir forward with much ea gerness to the night of the 13th or 14th iust. when it is said the stars will fall. This only oc curs' once or twice in a lifetime and if we miss seeing them this time we may never live to see the next interval pass which is said to be about 33 years. By this great sight we are remind ed of these words: "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork." Iain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their expe rience in the use of that splen did medicine and in telling of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Come to E. Lee's new Hard ware store on Wilson corner for a nice new Heater price $2.50. Now boys, if you want to buy sPare and if y.u donit care t0 a good cheap gun, single or What has become of all the chickens and eggs? We can scarcely buy enough to fill or ders. Bring us all you can double Barrel. save money. See Lee and I take trade we will pay all cash. W. H. Lane & Co. Trunks and Valises must go . W. H. Lane & Co. Pants and Pant Goods lower than the lowest. W, H. Lane & Co. HARNESS at Old Prices. Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Bridles and Pads at prices to suit your purse. We know that this is true for we are selling Harness. See us: Dunn Hdwe. & Furn. Co, McKay Bros. & Skinner, Dunn, 3NT.. C. We thank our friends for the liberal patronage they have given us, and solicit a share of their , future patronage. We are prompt in filling all mail orders and give our customers the benefit of market fluctuations. Yours in business, in sickness and in health. McKay Bros. Sc Skinner. 1 S45. FREE T I 845. A FORTY-FIVE DOLLAR BUGGY To be GIVEN AWAY FREE by Your Picture. E. Lee will sell you a set of vervDouy wants a pnoto- . -nxr Wnocc for 4 r,o selves and their baJ graph of them family. I am prepared to make them, I have the best equip ped gallery in Dunn, the latest improved instruments. STRAYED From my resi- I want dence last evening ' one - black your work and will guarantee mare mule, 15 years old. In satisfaction. Gallery over Hoi- good condition. Any informa- land & Prescott's store on Broad tion will be liberally rewarded. street. Prices low. Yours truly, E. T. Spexce. Plaids, White Sheeting and Cheviotts below old p rices. R. G. Taylor is still marking clothing down. He is selling lots below New York cost. Try our new Cow Feed, Ground Oats and Peas mixed. W. H. Lake & Co. Geo. Noland, Rocklani, Om says, 'My wife had piles forty yeaes. DeWitt's Witch Uazel Salve cured her. It is the best salve in America." It heals every thing and cures all skiu diseases. Jlood & Grantham. A. E. Alderman, Dunn, N. C. A good farm and buggy horse for sale, apply to E. Lee. at his Hardware store on Wilson cor ner. Prettiest and cheapest line of Buggy Robes iu town at R. G. Taylor's. Shoes 1 Shoes 1. R. G. Tay lor can please and fit you at extremely low prices. Signature Jhe Kind Yoo Hare Always Bocjjl number. I 4 Read the conditions : We have numbered 350 receipts, running from 1 to 350, and one of these receipts will draw the Forty-Five Dollar Buggy. These receipts will be issued for 1900 subscription only. If you are behind with your subscription you must pay up before ryou can secure a recipt for 1900. Anybody can secure one of the receipts, old subscribers as well as new ones, any where in or out of the State. If your subscription is already extended to som time iu 1900, then send us $1.00 and we will credit you and sendN you a numbered receipt. If you don't know how much you owe guess at it and send about $1.00 more than you think it is. You can see this Buggy by calling at A. R. Wilson's Buggy Store, next door to E. Lee's Hardware House. It is a dandy. EtTThe receipts have already began to go. If you wait you may be too late. The number drawing the buggy is sealed and deposit ed at Hood & Grantham's Drugstore. No living man knowns the We cannot tell you the number for we don't know. Send in vour subscription at once and you may get the buggy.